IWorks or Microsoft Office

Hi everyone.
I'm just wondering which is better iWork or Microsoft Office??
I'm a Science student, so I mainly type essays & do presentations. I submit work to my lecturers & tutors (they use microsoft office) & share with friends.
I also teach in a school, so my notes & presentations need to be opened on the school computer (runs microsoft office).
Is all the changing formats in iWork to risky for me?? I need to be 100% sure my documents open in the class I teach & that they open for my lecturers & tutors as the work I submit is part of my exam marks.

Even Microsoft Office for Mac may not be 100% since it's most likely the ones you would share documents with use PCs. Differences still tend to arise in fonts & spacing. Fonts with the same name may not be the same font.

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    Sandy.zuoxy wrote:
    what's the different between I download iwork on app stores and buy iwork software?
    They're the same.
    Sandy.zuoxy wrote:
    and one more question about Pages in iwork is that  can Microsoft office word open the document create by Pages ?
    Yes, especially if you save the document in Word format.
    You can also save it in PDF and a simple text file (but the layout could be modified if you open it in Office).

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    iWork will read Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents.

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    iWork - for yourself with little compatibility with others unless they are all using Mac's. If you have to switch to a Windows machine later, you can be in trouble with these file formats. Payware.
    OfficeMac - what the business world uses as standard as most the world uses Windows Office, most shared file format, you will have to learn it eventually. Payware.
    LibreOffice - Cross-platform (Linux, OS X and Windows versions) Office like version can read and write to Office formats. Donationware, free to use. Free to include with files for others to use.
    If your just in school and  started learning, I would go with LibreOffice first to get you feet wet with those different softwares and how they do things. Since it's free and good enough, even for only at home use.
    Also since a lot of schools are hurting for software, the free LibreOffice is great for a multi-use site as it costs nothing.
    In high school I would start uisng OfficeMac or a Windows machine and Office to prepare yourself for the job market.
    If your rich, never need to work with others on Windows, or a graphic artist that works with others using Mac's, then perhaps iWork.
    If your doing a LOT of trading files with Windows users, it's best to use Windows either in Bootcamp or OfficeMac with the Microsoft fonts, because there are problems with formatting when transporting files between platforms.
    Of course PDF's are just a image, so they retain the look, but editable files require the fonts to be on the other system too.

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    My question, since I was unable to trial
    apple works or iwork, is whether I should go with
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    are word processing/home use. Hope someone can help
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    AppleWorks and iWork are both less expensive than MS Office.
    You should have trial versions of both iWork and MS Office on your iMac, according to this software list from the specifications page:
    iLife ’06 (includes iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie HD, iDVD, iWeb, GarageBand),
    Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac Test Drive,
    iWork (30-day trial),
    Quicken 2006 for Macintosh,
    Big Bang Board Games,
    Comic Life,
    Omni Outliner, and
    Apple Hardware Test
    Although my personal preference is AppleWorks, I'd hesitate to recommend it in your case. Appleworks is not, and likely never will be native to the intel OS X environment, and runs through Rosetta on the new machines. Although it runs well, and is a viable choice for anyone currently using it, AppleWorks is at the end of its development cycle. Unless you need its spreadsheet and database capabilities, you're probably better off looking at Pages in iWork.
    Pages is a competent wp and page layout application, and for some long term users of AppleWorks, has become their favourite for this purpose. Pages includes some basic spreadsheet functions in inserted tables.
    Office is an 'entrepreneur' level suite of applications, and as such contains a larger feature set in each application than either iWork or AppleWorks. But given your stated needs, it's probably a bigger hammer than you need, and one with a longer and steeper learning curve than you'd want. If you NEED to share files with Windows/MS Office users, there are a couple of free alternatives—OpenOffice.org, which requires you to install X11, Apple's Xwindow implementation, and NeoOffice, which runs in Java, which you will already have installed.
    Others may have different recommendations.

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    Get just Pages to start and see how you like it. Only $20 to find out and even if it's not perfect, you will enjoy having it in addition to whatever else you find necessary.

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    Even if you maintained exactly the same version of all the fonts which is as close as you are going to get, the difference in rendering engines will mean things will move and some features will not transfer at all.
    Correct, of course.
    Interestingly, for the poor folks who have produced Microsoft OpenType fonts for OpenType line layout, the problem is that Microsoft Word customers expect to use Microsoft Word as appearance format. This means not only that the font must be enabled for editable embedding, but that as well the simple CMAP Character Map shaping as the supplementary GSUB Glyph Substitution shaping must be communicated so that the measure of the line does not change when one user enables ligation and passes that Word file to another user.
    The future for fonts is that full embedding is enforced in appearance-oriented page description models such as PDFXML and XPS, just as tagging of source character strings in the universal character set using unique markers for writing systems is enforced in these models. This direction in development will only work if the direction of demand is changed by education of everyday endusers with regard to replacing the broken Bics on the market with Montblancs -:).

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    You said: i bought iwork and found that i really REALLY didn't like it, most likely because i was used to microsoft office on my windows machine. iWork is a different animal from Office but it is also a flagship example of the direction Apple wants OS X applications to follow - ie Inspectors and palettes and the like. If I hadn't instantly liked Keynote and worked through its different user interface, a year later when Pages was released I'd have reacted pretty strong against it at first too, I think. But I love Pages and only use Word today when I really have to. Getting away from the bloat and Word's tendency to assume that it knows what I want it to do (when it really doesn't) has made me a much more productive person.
    You continued: a month later i decided i needed to upgrade to 2 gb of RAM, since office was bogged down with only 1 gig. Interesting. My MacBook originally had 1GB and I was perfectly happy with its performance. At time I was working on a grant proposal and was regularly running Word, Filemaker Pro, Entourage, Safari, and NetNewsWire. It wasn't until I added Parallels Desktop to the mix that I felt the need to upgrade to 2GB.
    MacBook (black) / G5 Dual Desktop / Intel Mac mini   Mac OS X (10.4.10)   Win • Linux • Treo • iPod

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    Yes, along with the Mavericks update, all three of the iWork applications, Keynote, Pages, and Numbers, updated as well. The older versions became "Numbers copy", etc, etc in my Application folder. Unfortunately however, the new fancy versions, with the new icons, keep quitting almost immediately upon opening them. Very frustrating!! I noticed that through the App Store it indicates they are 'installed", and won't let me uninstall and retry. Of course, If I delete them, I found out they cost $19.99 each to install. Very annoying. How does one get around this???

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    KBowman0526 wrote:
    Can I uninstall Iwork on my computer and re install it at a later date from the disc

  • IWork vs Microsoft Office For Mac

    I am a university student and just bought the MBP 2.53 and i was curious of which i should get. iWork 08 or Office for Mac. Any opinoins?

    I have several Macs in my household and because I have a 13 yr old daughter with a MacBook, I purchased iWork. I also own Mac Office which I upgraded to 2008 the week it came out.
    I thought that I could stop using MS Office for my work-related stuff, but after using iWork for a while, I went back to MS Office 2008. The formatting conversion in iWork is not reliable. More importantly, If you work in the real world and have to share files with colleagues, Office rules, unfortunately. It's just not worth the incompatibility hassles to use iWork instead of Office.
    Even my daughter has given up on iWork because of compatibility issues with her school which has only PC's available to students. This is going to change next year when she starts high school at a private Catholic school. This school uses Macs, but they still require MS Office.
    For a single user looking to get a nice work package affordably, I think that iWork is a great value and much nicer to use than Office. But that's about it until iWork develops further into a real business package.
    BTW, if you are a student or have a student in your household, I suggest that you check out the steep software discounts for students at www.academicsuperstore.com. You can purchase the student version of MS Mac Office 2008 for $159, and it includes licenses for 3 computers! The student version is the same as the full retail version except that MS does not allow upgrades on the student version to the next generation of Office, whenever that becomes available. Other than that, it's the same product that you can spend $350 for a single-user license.
    Message was edited by: budjames

  • Is Apple dropping iWork for Microsoft Office 2011?

    nuf said

    JimN wrote:
    Huh?  Wait, do you mean Apple doesn't make Windows either?
    I was implying that iWork was going to get shelved like Appleworks was so that Microsoft could further Office 2011 since its still mainstay but also I've not heard anything about a new iWork - hence the question.
    When did Apple ever pre-announce anything?

  • What is the difference between iwork and microsoft office for mac?

    I was wondering which one is worth the money.

    +I was wondering which one is worth the money.+
    It depends on why you want iWork or Office. If you work in a group where Office is the main collaboration app, you need it and it's worth it. If you work independently and don't plan to do much collaboration with Office users, but you still need a nice productivity suite, iWork might be a bargain for you.
    There are many situations where buying both Office and iWork is the right choice. If you're not sure what you will do with either one, save your money and use TextEdit. If your needs are very specific, there are many third-party apps that may suit you better than either iWork or Office. If you describe your needs, there are many users here who will be eager to offer specific suggestions.

  • Iwork or Microsoft office for mac?

    Well i don't know which one to buy. All i really need is something to write essays with and be able to send it to a PC if i need to. If anyone can help me make a decision i would thank you.

    Very good advice with one caveat - first become at least somewhat proficient with each program before making the last comparison. OO, NeoO, and MS Office are all work alikes but they don't have the same interface so performing 'task X' on each one can be different which isn't necessarily the same as better or worse.
    And then with iWork the tasks aren't just performed differently, some can't be done at all - but there are the things iWork does that the others can't. After my first couple hours with Pages I was pretty sure it was a light weight program that I couldn't use for serious work. A few hours more and I saw I was wrong, and within a couple weeks I realized I hadn't started Office for a long time.

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