J programming language

has anybody used the J programming language on Arch? I need it for college next semester. I'm left my Arch box at home so I can't pacman for it. And has anyone run Arch on a Jetway motherboard (with VIA C7 processor).

I think this is what you're looking for: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?d … ns=&SeB=nd
It's in the AUR, but not the binary repos, so you'd have to build it yourself or use aurbuild/yaourt or similar.

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    I'm curious what your experiences are.

    Given that you're asking these questions in a forum for LabVIEW users the opinions given are going to be somewhat slanted towards the general like of LabVIEW. I've been working with LabVIEW for a long time, ever since 2.something on a Mac. I've written numerous large-scale applications as well as "mundane" instrument drivers. As you've noted you're experienced with LabVIEW, so you know some of its strengths and weaknesses.
    To address your specific questions:
    (1) Yes, that has always been a limitation in LabVIEW, but I don't believe it is an overriding one to choose C over LabVIEW. Putnam provided one workaround for the search and replace of VIs. Once you've programmed in LabVIEW long enough you get used to doing it this way. Is it clumsy? Yes. As for the re-use of code structures, that's not entirely true. You can create a "template" VI (a regular VI, not a .vit) that contains the code you want to re-use and place in your palette with the "Merge VI" option set. That way you can select it from your functions palette, plop it down on your diagram, and you get the "template" VI's diagram placed right into your new VI.
    (2) This is not something that is specific to LabVIEW, as this exists with any programming language. It's not the language that limits you here, it's how you've designed your code. In a language like C++ you would go with classes. You can do the same thing in LabVIEW. IVI is another option (though not preferred by me).
    (3) As Putnam mentioned, you should be using the event structure.
    Other thoughts:
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    It certainly makes sense to use the best tools available to you to get the job done. In my recent projects I had to write software to run automated tests on some products my company made. The test modules were written in LabVIEW. The tests executive was a proprietary engine driven by a SQL Server database. I had to write a "wrapper" DLL that interfaced between the LabVIEW code and the executive since the executive hadn't been designed to call LabVIEW DLLs directly. This allowed us to use LabVIEW as the preferred language for developing the test modules and let the guys who were fiddling with the test executive do their bit. Of course, TestStand's premise is basically that.

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    ABAP is missing! Oh noooo!!
    Personally, as an ABAP novice, I see it somewhere between Mathematica and LISP:
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    Where do you see ABAP?
    Would you like to contribute a picture?

    Ferenc Acs wrote:
    Pardon, Ritesh.
    Please define 'it'.
    Please define 'list'.
    Thank you!
    it = Redirect Notice
    list = If programming languages were weapons

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    Does anyone has a simple list (in english) of all the languages supported by Mavericks ? (not the programation languages, the real spoken and written languages all over the world )
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    Many thanks.
    Cordially, Joan.

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    Chinese (Simplified Han)
    Chinese (Traditional Han)

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    [Zebar programing-part2|http://www.servopack.de/support/zebra/ZPLmanual_two.pdf]
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