J2ME client server

Hi i have a client J2ME application written verifyed and running. I am a little new to the whole programming thing but I was wondering if anybody knew if it was possible to use JSP or a servlet to distribute an application like a quiz on my server, package this into a midlet and then send it to a client and then return the results in either sms or an e-mail format using a pop3 connection
I think it is possible to do this in WML format. I know this would be more practical as the results would just be looked up in the browser of the deivce and these would link to the database. However I am having trouble setting up the server. I am not quite sure how to go about it.
I have downloaded tomcat 4.1 and i have just run it on the default localhost port number. But I am not sure where to go from here. I tried to write a servlet to deal witht the application request but I am not sure how to setup a database or the files I want downloaded for OTA provisioning. I have the WTK2.0 beta with OTA. I tried uploading the final jar and jad files to my public web space but I guess since there are not supportive mime settings this will not work.
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated for a dummy programmer.

I have managed to configure tomcat properly so far and am interested in a server that can discover the IP addresss of a device using a midlet.

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  • Bluetooth communication  between J2SE server and J2ME client

    Hi everyone!
    I'm new here in this forum...
    I try to make a small project to my studies,
    My project will include J2SE server and J2ME client.
    I'm stuck in the step of finding the server with the wireless toolkit emulator.
    I found this issue in old subject: here
    I try the solution in reply 6 but I don't understand exactly who to define kvem.home, and I got this error:
    " You must define the system property "kvem.home" "
    maybe someone can help me and explain how to do that?

    I want to find out how this can be done, too. I tried with
    System.setProperty("kvem.home", "C:\\WTK2.5.2");but I get an error:
    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.sun.kvem.jsr082.impl.bluetooth.BluetoothController.setSystemProperty(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I included these files in the build path:
    and I import com.sun.kvem.bluetooth.*;
    I'd appreciate any help.

  • Bluetooth simulation between J2SE server and J2ME client

    hi there,
    I have a working bluetooth client/server application (using BlueCove), with the server on a PC (the PC has bluetooth hardware) and the client on a mobile telephone.
    I wish to move the application to a bluetooth simulated environment, however.
    To simulate bluetooth between 2 mobiles, I could open 2 instances of the WTK simulator and the mobiles will find each other -- but this doesn't meet my needs. I wish to simulate the bluetooth environment between a J2SE server and a J2ME client.
    Can I do this using the wireless toolkit? Does anyone have other ideas?

    OK - I have the solution.
    My PC (server) code used BlueCove to talk to the bluetooth stack. The trick is to use Sun's own KVM packages. This creates a virtual bluetooth device on your machine, shared by the WTK emulator.
    Here's the server code:
    package com.encube;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import javax.microedition.io.Connector;
    import javax.microedition.io.StreamConnection;
    import javax.microedition.io.StreamConnectionNotifier;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JList;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import com.sun.kvem.bluetooth.BluetoothStateException;
    import com.sun.kvem.bluetooth.DiscoveryAgent;
    import com.sun.kvem.bluetooth.LocalDevice;
    public class Server {
         public static final String UUID_STRING = "A781FDBA229B486A8C21CEBD00000000";
         public static final String SERVICE_NAME = "BTCHATSVR";
         private StreamConnectionNotifier server;
         JFrame jframe;
         JTextArea textArea;
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              Server svr = new Server();
         public void doWork() {
              this.jframe = new JFrame("BT Server");
              this.jframe.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              this.textArea = new JTextArea(6, 20);
              JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(this.textArea);
              this.jframe.add(jsp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         public void logMessage(String message) {
              this.textArea.setText(this.textArea.getText() + message + "\n");
         public void startServer() {
              LocalDevice local;
              try {
                   local = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice();
                   this.logMessage("max of "
                             + LocalDevice
                             + " connection(s) supported");
                   String url = "btspp://localhost:" + UUID_STRING + ";name="
                             + SERVICE_NAME;
                   server = (StreamConnectionNotifier) Connector.open(url);
                   this.logMessage("waiting for connection...");
                   StreamConnection conn = server.acceptAndOpen();
                   this.logMessage("connection opened");
                   InputStream is = conn.openInputStream();
                   byte buffer[] = new byte[1000];
                   while (true) {
                        int numChars = is.read(buffer);
                        String s = new String(buffer);
                        logMessage("received from mobile phone: " + s.substring(0, numChars));
              } catch (Exception e) {
    }You need to include the location of WTK as the kvem.home define. If its installed in c:\wtk22 (the default), start the server with the parameter -Dkvem.home="c:\wtk22". You also need to include these 3 libraries:
    That's it for the server. My code of the sample client (the mobile phone, running in the WTK emulator) is messy (sorry about that -- still cleaning it up)!
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.OutputStream;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.Timer;
    import java.util.TimerTask;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.bluetooth.BluetoothStateException;
    import javax.bluetooth.DeviceClass;
    import javax.bluetooth.DiscoveryAgent;
    import javax.bluetooth.DiscoveryListener;
    import javax.bluetooth.LocalDevice;
    import javax.bluetooth.RemoteDevice;
    import javax.bluetooth.ServiceRecord;
    import javax.bluetooth.UUID;
    import javax.microedition.io.Connector;
    import javax.microedition.io.StreamConnection;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.Display;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.Form;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.StringItem;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDletStateChangeException;
    public class MainMIDlet extends MIDlet {
         protected void destroyApp(boolean arg0) throws MIDletStateChangeException {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         protected void pauseApp() {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException {
              MainForm mainForm = new MainForm();
    class MainForm extends Form {
         public static final String UUID_STRING = "A781FDBA229B486A8C21CEBD00000000";
         private StringItem log;
         private DiscoveryAgent agent;
         Object lock = new Object();
         static EndPoint currentEndPoint;
         static Vector serviceRecords = new Vector();
         public MainForm() {
              super("BT Client");
         public void initializeDisplay() {
              this.log = new StringItem("", "");
              try {
                   LocalDevice local = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice();
                   agent = local.getDiscoveryAgent();
                   agent.startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, new Listener(this, agent));
              } catch (BluetoothStateException e) {
         public void logMessage(String message) {
              this.log.setText(this.log.getText() + message + "\n");
         public void processServiceRecord(ServiceRecord sr) {
              try {
                   String url = sr.getConnectionURL(
                             ServiceRecord.NOAUTHENTICATE_NOENCRYPT, false);
                   logMessage("opening URL " + url);
                   StreamConnection conn = (StreamConnection) Connector.open(url);
                   OutputStream os = conn.openOutputStream();
                   String smessage = "test message from phone emulator";
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   logMessage("error while processing service record: "
                             + e.getMessage());
         class Listener implements DiscoveryListener {
              private MainForm mainForm;
              private Vector pendingEndPoints;
              private DiscoveryAgent agent;
              public Listener(MainForm mainForm, DiscoveryAgent agent) {
                   this.mainForm = mainForm;
                   this.agent = agent;
                   this.pendingEndPoints = new Vector();
              public void deviceDiscovered(RemoteDevice dev, DeviceClass deviceClass) {
                   this.mainForm.logMessage("found device");
                   this.pendingEndPoints.addElement(new EndPoint(dev));
              public void inquiryCompleted(int arg0) {
                   this.mainForm.logMessage("done searching for devices");
                   for (Enumeration enm = this.pendingEndPoints.elements(); enm
                             .hasMoreElements();) {
                        EndPoint ep = (EndPoint) enm.nextElement();
                        this.mainForm.logMessage("device name: " + ep.getRemoteName());
                   new Timer().schedule(new DoServiceDiscovery(), 100);
              public void servicesDiscovered(int transID, ServiceRecord[] arg1) {
                   mainForm.logMessage("found " + arg1.length
                             + " service(s) on device "
                             + currentEndPoint.getRemoteName());
                   for (int i = 0; i < arg1.length; i++) {
              public void serviceSearchCompleted(int arg0, int arg1) {
                   synchronized (lock) {
                        * unlock to proceed to service search on next device see
                        * DoServiceDiscovery.run()
                   mainForm.logMessage("done searching for services on "
                             + currentEndPoint.getRemoteName());
              * Inner class. Called a short time after the last device is found.
              class DoServiceDiscovery extends TimerTask {
                   public void run() {
                        try {
                             UUID uuids[] = new UUID[2];
                             * ok, we are interesting in btspp services only and only
                             * known ones -- check for our UUID
                             uuids[0] = new UUID(0x1101);
                             uuids[1] = new UUID(MainForm.UUID_STRING, false);
                             for (Enumeration enm = pendingEndPoints.elements(); enm
                                       .hasMoreElements();) {
                                  EndPoint ep = (EndPoint) enm.nextElement();
                                  mainForm.logMessage("searching for services on "
                                            + ep.getRemoteName());
                                  currentEndPoint = ep;
                                  ep.transId = agent.searchServices(null, uuids,
                                            ep.remoteDev, new Listener(mainForm, agent));
                                  synchronized (lock) {
                                       try {
                                       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                                            // do nothing
                                            mainForm.logMessage("exception while waiting: "
                                                      + e.getMessage());
                             mainForm.logMessage("discovered all services; found "
                                       + serviceRecords.size() + " record(s)");
                             * assume we have just 1 service record
                             if (serviceRecords.size() > 0) {
                                  processServiceRecord((ServiceRecord) serviceRecords
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                             mainForm.logMessage("error during service discovery: "
                                       + e.getMessage());
    class MiscUtils {
         * Get the friendly name for a remote device. On the Nokia 6600, we're able
         * to get the friendlyname while doing device discovery, but on the Nokia
         * 6230i, an exception is thrown. On the 6230i, we get the friendly name
         * only after all devices have been discovered -- when the callback
         * inquiryCompleted is called.
         * @param dev
         * the device to examine
         * @return a friendly name for the device, otherwise the IP address as a
         * hex-string
         public static String getDeviceName(RemoteDevice dev) {
              String devName;
              try {
                   devName = dev.getFriendlyName(false);
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   devName = dev.getBluetoothAddress();
              return devName;
         public static EndPoint findEndPointByTransId(Vector endpoints, int id) {
              for (int i = 0; i < endpoints.size(); i++) {
                   EndPoint endpt = (EndPoint) endpoints.elementAt(i);
                   if (endpt.getTransId() == id) {
                        return endpt;
              return null; // not found, return null
    class EndPoint {
         // remote device object
         RemoteDevice remoteDev;
         // remote device class
         DeviceClass remoteClass;
         // remote service URL
         String remoteUrl;
         // service hosted on this device -- populated after searching for devices
         ServiceRecord serviceRecord;
         // bluetooth discovery transId, obtainsed from searchServices
         int transId = -1; // -1 must be used for default. cannot use 0
         // local user nick name
         String localName;
         // remote user nick name
         String remoteName;
         // vector of ChatPacket pending to be sent to remote service.
         // when message is sent, it is removed from the vector.
         Vector msgs = new Vector();
         public EndPoint(RemoteDevice rdev) {
              remoteDev = rdev;
         * This functionality isn't called in the constructor because we cannot
         * retrieve the friendly name while searching for devices on all phones. On
         * some phones we have to wait until after devices have been discovered.
         public void calculateRemoteName() {
              this.remoteName = MiscUtils.getDeviceName(this.remoteDev);
         public RemoteDevice getRemoteDev() {
              return remoteDev;
         public String getRemoteName() {
              return remoteName;
         public ServiceRecord getServiceRecord() {
              return serviceRecord;
         public void setServiceRecord(ServiceRecord serviceRecord) {
              this.serviceRecord = serviceRecord;
         public int getTransId() {
              return transId;
    ...and that's it. Start the server, then the client (all on the same machine) and you've simulated bluetooth between the 2.
    To get the server working with a real mobile, you'll need to use the BlueCove library instead of the 3 WTK jars (and can remove the kvem.home directive as well). The rest of the code should remain the same (haven't quite tested that yet!).

  • Chat between j2me clients and using a Servlet server

    Java gurus, please help me..
    I'm wondering if I could set up a sort of chat functionality between two j2me clients. I wish to use Java servlets as my server and Tomcat to deploy it. Is this possible? Can i do these by using http connection only or do i have to use sockets? If i use sockets, how will i configure Tomcat, or do i still need Tomcat?
    Hope someone could help! Thanks in advance! =)

    Basically it means you should have a Thread that loops and make an http request every x seconds. Before sending the request it should check if the user has typed anything, and send that with the request. The server should keep track of all the chat messages sent, and forward to all the other clients when they request an update. To keep track of what clients have received what messages, you could have a time stamp for each message, and a "last update" field for each client.
    The client should run something like this in a thread:
    while (iAmRunning) {
      url = "......." // address of your server
      if (the user typed anything since the last time we sent a request) {
        url = url + "?msg=" + whatTheUserTyped; // maybe another parameter for private messages?
        reset what the user typed (so it won't be sent next time);
      send the request;
      get the response containing what the rest of the users have
        typed since my last update;
      update the display with the latest messages;
    }And the server would handle a request like:
    if (the request contains a message) {
      save the message with the current time;
    check when was the previous update for this user;
    get all messages where the timestamp is later than the last update;
    set the last update field for the user with to the current time;
    respond with all the messages;

  • Information transfer from J2ME client to WLS 8.1 sp3 thru' SSL

    We are planning to have a J2ME client (CLDC 1.0 and MIDP 2.0) to transfer information to Weblogic server 8.1 sp3 through SSL. We are planning to use Verisign certificate at the Weblogic server to implement the SSL communication. Could you please let me know if there is any issue?
    I came across from BEA web-site
    (http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/docs81/notes/issues.html#1278025)recently that J2ME clients have certain issues to talk to WLS. That page says:
    Web Services Known Issues
    Change Request Number CR107595
    SSL does not work for J2ME clients on WebLogic Server 8.1.
    Certicom SSL libraries require additional features that are not supported by J2ME. Therefore, SSL is not supported for J2ME clients on WebLogic Server 8.1.
    That is why I am little apprehensive. Please advise.

    1) sorry, there is no official solution of "1999 schema" problem that I know of.
    2) if the service is not changed, there is no need to re-create call or stub object for every invocation.

  • Help with MIDlets - TCP client server program

    Hi I am new to using MIDlets, and I wanted to create a simple TCP client server program.. I found a tutorial in J2me forums and I am able to send a single message from server(PC) to client(Phonemulator) and from client to server. But I want to send a stream of messages to the server. Here is my program and I am stuck in the last step wher i want to send lot of messages to server. Here is my program, Could any one of u tell me how to do it? Or where am i going wrong in thsi pgm?
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.OutputStream;
    import javax.microedition.io.Connector;
    import javax.microedition.io.SocketConnection;
    import javax.microedition.io.StreamConnection;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.Alert;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.AlertType;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.Command;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.CommandListener;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.Display;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.Form;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.StringItem;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.TextField;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDletStateChangeExcepti on;
    public class SocketMIDlet extends MIDlet
    implements CommandListener, Runnable {
    private Display display;
    private Form addressForm;
    private Form connectForm;
    private Form displayForm;
    private TextField serverName;
    private TextField serverPort;
    private StringItem messageLabel;
    private StringItem errorLabel;
    private Command okCommand;
    private Command exitCommand;
    private Command backCommand;
    protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException {
    if (display == null) {
    protected void pauseApp() {
    protected void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
    throws MIDletStateChangeException {
    public void commandAction(Command cmd, Displayable d) {
    if (cmd == okCommand) {
    Thread t = new Thread(this);
    } else if (cmd == backCommand) {
    } else if (cmd == exitCommand) {
    try {
    } catch (MIDletStateChangeException ex) {
    public void run() {
    InputStream is = null;
    OutputStream os = null;
    StreamConnection socket = null;
    try {
    String server = serverName.getString();
    String port = serverPort.getString();
    String name = "socket://" + server + ":" + port;
    socket = (StreamConnection)Connector.open(name, Connector.READ_WRITE);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    Alert alert = new Alert("Invalid Address",
    "The supplied address is invalid\n" +
    "Please correct it and try again.", null,
    display.setCurrent(alert, addressForm);
    try {
    // Send a message to the server
    String request = "Hello\n\n";
    //StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
    os = socket.openOutputStream();
    //for (int i=0;i<10;i++)
    // Read the server's reply, up to a maximum
    // of 128 bytes.
    is = socket.openInputStream();
    final int MAX_LENGTH = 128;
    byte[] buf = new byte[MAX_LENGTH];
    int total = 0;
    while (total<=5)
    int count = is.read(buf, total, MAX_LENGTH - total);
    if (count < 0)
    total += count;
    String reply = new String(buf, 0, total);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
    Alert alert = new Alert("I/O Error",
    "An error occurred while communicating with the server.",
    null, AlertType.ERROR);
    display.setCurrent(alert, addressForm);
    } finally {
    // Close open streams and the socket
    try {
    if (is != null) {
    is = null;
    } catch (IOException ex1) {
    try {
    if (os != null) {
    os = null;
    } catch (IOException ex1) {
    try {
    if (socket != null) {
    socket = null;
    } catch (IOException ex1) {
    private void initialize() {
    display = Display.getDisplay(this);
    // Commands
    exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 0);
    okCommand = new Command("OK", Command.OK, 0);
    backCommand = new Command("Back", Command.BACK, 0);
    // The address form
    addressForm = new Form("Socket Client");
    serverName = new TextField("Server name:", "", 256, TextField.ANY);
    serverPort = new TextField("Server port:", "", 8, TextField.NUMERIC);
    // The connect form
    connectForm = new Form("Connecting");
    messageLabel = new StringItem(null, "Connecting...\nPlease wait.");
    // The display form
    displayForm = new Form("Server Reply");
    messageLabel = new StringItem(null, null);

    Hello all,
    I was wondering if someone found a solution to this..I would really appreciate it if u could post one...Thanks a lot..Cheerz

  • Client/Server to Web-Based application Conversion

    Hi! Everyone,
    I have couple of questions for you guys.
    Our Client had recently upgraded Forms 4.5 to 6i to move from Client/Server based application to Web based application.
    They are using Forms Server 6i Patch Set 1, OAS, Windows NT Service Pack 5 and Oracle 7.3. They are facing the following error every now and then, when they run the forms,
    "FRM-92100: Your connection to the server was interrupted. This may be the result of a network error or a failure on the server.You will need to re-establish your session."
    Please let me know what might be causing the above error. The only problem i can think about might be Oracle 7.3. If i am right only Oracle 8 and above supports Forms 6i.
    Can anyone let me know some tips and/or techniques to upgrade Forms 4.5 to 6i. If there are any important settings/steps which we might have over looked during the upgrade, please list them.
    Any kind of help is greatly appreciated.
    Jeevan Kallem
    [email protected]

    Most of the code is use with no changes at all.
    See otn.oracle.com/formsupgrade
    Grant Ronald

  • Client/server program validation - is it possible?

    I've been mulling over this problem for a few days, and am starting to wonder if it's theoretically possible to find a solution. I'm not looking for specific code, this probably won't even be implemented in Java, I'm just wondering if there is a theoretical program model that would work in this situation.
    The short version:
    Validate the data generated by a client program, without knowing the original data.
    The long version:
    This is a "profiling" system for a MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game). The MMOG is an internet based client/server graphical program where each client connects to the server and they interact with each other and the virtual world. They pay a monthly fee for access to the game. My program is not affiliated with the MMOG or its makers. I have no connections inside the company and cannot expect any cooperation from them.
    The "profiling" system is also a client/server model. The client program runs in the background while the MMOG client is active. It accesses the memory of the MMOG client to retrieve information about the player's character. Then, possibly on request or maybe immediately, it sends the character data to our server.
    What I want to validate is that the character data being sent is unmodified and actually comes from the MMOG program.
    I can reasonably expect that with mild encryption and some sort of checksum or digest, the vast majority of problems can be avoided. However, I am not sure it's possible to completely secure the system.
    I assume that the user has access to and knowledge of the profiler client and the MMOG client, their assembly code, and the ability to modify them or create new programs, leveraging that knowledge. I also assume that the user does not have access to or knowledge of either of the server applications - the MMOG server or mine.
    In a worst-case scenario, there are several ways they could circumvent any security I have yet been able to think of. For instance, they could set up a fake MMOG client that had the data they wanted in memory, and let the profiler access that instead of the real thing. Or, they could rewrite the profiler to use the data they wanted and still encrypt it using whatever format I had specified.
    I have been considering using some kind of buffer overflow vulnerability or remote execution technique that would allow me to run specific parts of the client program on command, or get information by request, something that could not be anticipated prior to execution and thus could not be faked. But this seems not only insecure for the client but also not quite solid enough, depending on how it was implemented.
    Perhaps a series of apparently random validation codes, where the client does not know which one actually is doing the validation, so it must honor them all. Again, this is very conceptual and I'm sure that I'm not explaining them very well. I'm open to ideas.
    If I don't come up with anything better, I would consider relying on human error and the fact that the user will not know, at first, the relevance of some of the data being passed between client and server. In this case, I would include some kind of "security handshake" that looks like garbage to the client but actually is validated on the server end. A modified program or data file would result in an invalid handshake, alerting the server (and me) that this client was a potential problem. The client would have no idea anything had gone wrong, because they would not know what data the server was expecting to receive.
    I hope I have not confused anyone too much. I know I've confused myself....

    Yes, that is the general model for all MMOGs these days - no data that can actually affect the game is safe if loaded from the client's computer. All character and world data is sent from server to client and stored in memory. Any information that is saved to the client's computer is for reference only and not used by the game engine to determine the results of actions/events etc.
    My program accesses the MMOG client's memory while the game is running, and takes the character information from there. It does not have direct access to the MMOG server, and does not attempt to modify the data or the memory. Instead, it just encrypts it and sends it to our server, where the information is loaded into a database.
    The security issue comes into play because our database is used for ranking purposes, and if someone were to hack my program, they could send invalid data to our servers and affect the rankings unfairly.
    I'm just trying to think of a way to prevent that from happening.


    :email.subject, and

    Oracle9i Forms does not support client server - so you are running in a different environment (even though you may still only be onl two tiers).
    Grant Ronald
    Forms Product Management

  • VPN Site-to-Site or VPN Client Server with Cisco IP Phone 8941 and 8945

    Hi everyone,
    I decide to deploy a CUCM (BE6K platform), SX20, and IP Phone 8941/8945 on Head Office and Cisco SX10 and IP Phone 8941/8945 for branch offices (actually 9 branch offices).
    The connection will use internet connection for HO and each branch offices.
    And the IT guy want to use kind a VPN client server or VPN site-to-site for the connection through internet,
    what kind of VPN client server or VPN site-to-site that recommended for this deployment?
    and what type of Cisco router that support that kind of VPN (the cheapest one will be great)?
    So the SX10 and IP Phone 8941/8945 in branch offices can work properly through internet connection?
    please advise

    Hi Leo,
    technically, the ipsec users will not use up any premium license seats, so if you have 10 ipsec users connecting first, the premium seats are still free and so you can then still have 10 phones/anyconnect users connect.
    However, the 250 you mention is the global platform limit, so it refers to the sum of premium and non-premium connections. Or in other words, you can have 240 ipsec users and 10 phones,  but not 250 ipsec users and 10 phones.
    If 250 ipsec users and 10 phones would try to connect, it would be first-in, first-served, e.g. you could have 248 ipsec users and 2 phones connected.
    Note: since you have Essentials disabled I'm assuming you are referring to the legacy "Cisco vpnclient" (IKEv1 client) which does not require any license on the ASA. But for the benefit of others reading this thread: if  you do have Anyconnect clients (using SSL or IPsec/IKEv2) for which you currently have an Essentials license, then note that the Essentials and Premium license cannot co-exist. So for e.g. 240 Anyconnect users and no phones, you can use Essentials. For 240 Anyconnect users and 10 phones, you need a 250-seat Premium license (and a vpn phone license).

  • How to delete the workbench client server name in FDM

    Hi Gurus
    How to delete/change the workbench client server name in FDQM?

    OK, I understand now. You are referring to the Load Balance Server Group. Yes, this can be done:
    a) Browse to Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\Products\FinancialDataQuality\SharedComponents\Config
    b) Locate the LoadBalanceServerGroups.xml file
    You can delete this file. The next time the workbench is launched it will ask you to set the load balance server group again and will create this file again.

  • Which keys are used in Client/Server Authentication?

    I am trying to understand how SunX509 algorithm works in a TLS context. When Server or Client authentication is done, which keys of the keystore are used?
    I mean, when you set up your KeyStore instance, it is loaded a whole KeyStore from the filesystem, which has a lot of keys to be used. Are they all tried in order to find the key that authenticates the Client/Server, and when a key that works is found means that Client/Server is authenticated? Or a concrete key with a specific alias is used?
    Do you know a doc or something similar where i can see this explanation? I haven't found this matter in JSSE API User's Guide nor in JSSE Javadocs.

    The alias that is chosen is arbitrary and depends upon the order in which the aliases are returned via a hashtable enumeration. If you want to make sure you're using a particular aliasn you must write your own key manager, take a look at the X509KeyManager interface with methods such chooseClientAlias(), chooseServerAlias(), ...

  • Looking for a client/server that supports multiple protocol and delivery

    Hi all, I don't know if this the right place to ask my question,here it goes.
    I am looking to develop a client-server that supports multiple protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS etc. I am looking for a framework( i don't know if that is correct or I need some kind of web-service (soap etc)) that would manage connection, security etc. I would like to like to devote most of my time in developing business objects with multiple delivery mechanism such as sending serilized java objects, xml message or soap message, or in some case JMS message as well. So I need a client server that can come in via TCP/IP or HTTP or anyother industry standard protocol and I should be able to service him with pub/sub model and also request/response model as well.
    I don't know if I had explained what I need, I would like to know what technologies I should be evaluating and which direction I should be heading... Also the server I'm developing should be free of Java constraints if needed...
    Also this service is not webbased service as now but if need arises I should have a flexibilty to make them web enabled in future. Also I would like to work with open source webservers or appservers if I need

    Inxsible wrote:I installed i3 - along with the i3status - which I still have to figure out. I am liking what I see as of now. It reminds me of wmii -- when I used it way back when. However I do not like the title bar. I would much rather prefer a 1 px border around the focused window.
    "i3 was created because wmii, our favorite window manager at the time, didn't provide some features we wanted (multi-monitor done right, for example), had some bugs, didn't progress since quite some time and wasn't easy to hack at all (source code comments/documentation completely lacking). Still, we think the wmii developers and contributors did a great job. Thank you for inspiring us to create i3. "
    To change the border of the current client, you can use bn to use the normal border (including window title), bp to use a 1-pixel border (no window title) and bb to make the client borderless. There is also bt  which will toggle the different border styles.
    bindsym Mod1+t bn
    bindsym Mod1+y bp
    bindsym Mod1+u bb
    or put in your config file
    new_window bb
    from: http://i3.zekjur.net/docs/userguide.html (you probably already found that by now )

  • Client-Server - SOA.... Is it really a transition or a big development  ?

    In all sources related to SOA/ESA by SAP, it is said that, transitioning from Client-Server Arch(CSA) to SOA is the same as transitioning from Mainframe systems to Client-Server Arch.
    If we think about Mainframe and CSA, it is obvious that there had been big differences in that transition. Such as, the INTELLIGENT CLIENT concept had appeared to replace the DUMMY CLIENTS, so this had changed the way of IT Business. There would be a main application providing several functionalities(server) and other applications which want to use those functionalities (clients) would connect to the server using some functionalities on its own (that means a client appliction should also have some functionalities in order to at least connect to the server, so that made them different from the DUMMY clients of the mainframe era)
    Now, when I look at the differences between SOA and CSA, I cannot see that incompareble differences.Why ? Let me explain :
    - One of the most important differences between SOA and CSA is, SOA is vendor and platform independent, so that any application can call any applications functionality as long as they are using Web Services. That is true. But the question arises here : It is still the case that someone is calling some others' functionalities (services), so there is still a client/server mentality, isn't there and We will still be using several client/server programming languages in order to realize the main functionality of the web services but this will be transparent to the user and the integration. The main difference is, SOA is vendor and platform independent. But I don't think this can be commented as a missing feature of CSA. Because the aim of CSA was to make the clients more intelligent and not to make them vendor/platform independent. And also architectures like CORBA and DCOM have also tried to achieve that independency (even though they have restrictions compared to Web Services, one of the main reasons for this is using Web as a transport/communication protocol) but they are still treated as some extensions on top of CSA because they are using CSA beneath. But if we compare Mainframes and CSA, even though I haven't seen manframe ages, I think it is clear that CSA does not use any architectural functionality of Mainframes. They are completely different.. But is SOA and CSA completely different ?
    I agree with all reasons why today business needs sth more agile, more flexible and it is becoming clearer day by day that SOA and Web Services provides this environment, BUT, I still cannot make it clear, WHY it is accepted as a transition from CSA and why it is not treated as a big development over CSA while using the main features of it.
    Any comments will be appreciated.
    Ahmet Engin Tekin

    Good point..Actually those are the things clearly known but it becomes a bit confusing to build clear sentences when it comes to declare the differences. Anyway, here are my additions :
    - Mainframes were centralized systems which had their own hardware architecture as well. All processes/applications were running on 1 central DB/system and everyone in the company had to use the same functionality and interface.
    - In time, as a result of business demand, people needed different functionalities/applications regarding different business needs. This could either be done by extending the higly-costed big mainframe systems/softwares OR a new approach had to be developed in order to solve those problems. At this point, (thanks to IBM,Macintosh and Xerox) PC and ethernet concepts had emerged. That was a completely different hardware architecture which allowed less costly systems and also distributing the process load and/or applications to different systems in one landscape (app servers, intelligent clients - 2 tier, 3- tier arch.). Thus, while those were happening on harware side, new communication and programming models/languages emerged on software side. As a result, people started using different applications on different systems according to their needs and thus an efficient solution had been provided to the business need (described above).
    To criticise, this was really a big transition. Not only software concepts but also hardware concepts are also changed drastically. Actually, it is not wrong if we say, developments on the hardware side, allowed changes on the software side
    - What happened next ? Companies started using so many different applications by different vendors with different business logic and programming models (thanks to CSA). But in times, this has emerged the biggest problem of the CSA era : Integration.
    We all know the rest. "Web Services" concept emerged with SOA as well. So that, the boundaries between the systems began to disappear.
    So, is this a transition ? Well, yes it is.. The point that made it confusing (at least for me) is that this time there is no hardware transition (yet) but only a transition in software side. But I still insist that the IT transition during Mainframe->CSA was like a revolution (forget what you've left behind) but from CSA to SOA; it is more likely to be an evolution (the next best thing)
    Anyone have more comments ?

  • Error deploying a composite to a clients server

    I'm having trouble deploying a composite to a clients server.
    I've defined the Configuration Plan to change all the references from our server to the clients server.
    The composite has some references to webservices deployed on the same server. I can test those webservices on the Enterprise Manager and they work.
    The error when I try to deploy is the following:
    Deploying on partition "default" of "/Farm_bpm_domain/bpm_domain/soa_server1" ...
    Deploying on "/Farm_bpm_domain/bpm_domain/soa_server1" failed!
    Error during deployment: Deployment Failed: Error occurred during deployment of component: ServiceTest2Process to service engine: implementation.bpmn for composite: ServiceTest2Composite: ORABPEL-05250
    Error deploying BPMN suitcase.
    error while attempting to deploy the BPMN component file "/oracle/product/fmw/11.1.1/bpm/user_projects/domains/bpm_domain/deployed-composites/ServiceTest2Composite_rev1.0/sca_ServiceTest2Composite_rev1.0/soa_68135a9a-c6b0-4982-99de-2eb366875b5d"; the exception reported is: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Conversation is not properly defined. There are not operation/process or external services defined
    This error contained an exception thrown by the underlying deployment module.
    Verify the exception trace in the log (with logging level set to debug mode).
    .The logs on the server (set to TRACE:32 (FINEST)) don't add anything to the error message.
    Anyone has had the same problem or has any ideia what might be the problem?
    Thanks in advance,
    Diogo Henriques

    Can't offer much help but I just got exactly the same problem also. I just made a minor modification to a simple BPMN Test process. The change involved adding a Script Task and changing the assignment to the Output Argument of a Sub-Process. This change should not have caused any change to the service interface of the process. This was on a local Dev box.
    The process does call a Web Service. It was deploying/executing without error at last WLS boot a day ago, the Web Service is running fine and the process is building without error. There have been no other changes.
    This seems to be some kind of deployment versioning or stale caching related bug. I just undeployed the current version via EM (which actually reported a failure during undeployment but undeployed anyway!) and rebooted WLS and the deployment was then successful.
    See also Error deploying 2 processes in the same project BPM 11gR3 Project
    I suspect both of these are symptoms of the the same underlying problem which show up when there are repeated deployments of the same process after changes - regardless of whether you overwrite the existing version or start a new one.
    Jim Nicolson

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