"jaggies" and "stair-stepping"

what are the possibilities that this problem could stem from?

well, i'm near the end of this project. its still jagged in quicktime (though when i click "highest quality" its somewhat better) and its jagged on dvd. when i view the dvd on my tv since its an ntsc monitor.
i played around w/ "reverse telecine" in cinema tools and seems to really clean it up. would i have to make 2 versions then(one at 24fps and one at 30fps)?
most festival projectors wouldn't be considered "ntsc monitors", right? so my project would likely look real jagged on the big screen?

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    We're still reading--
    Ooooh these printers, I could scream!
    I can be very frustrating at times. Especially when you have intermittent problems.
    First, I switched the usb cables around, and that
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    Again, the frustration of a sometimes problem. I don't have any good advice here. We have seen this type of problem before and there doesn't seem to be any one thing that helps in all cases. I have three printers. My Epson SC 800 which is connected via a parallel to USB adapter has this problem. I have not found a solution for it. My other 2 printers never skip a beat.
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    Processes: 59 total, 4 running, 1 stuck, 54
    sleeping... 177 threads 11:00:35
    Load Avg: 0.68, 1.18, 1.47 CPU usage: 72.8% user,
    27.2% sys, 0.0% idle
    SharedLibs: num = 125, resident = 36.9M code, 3.73M
    data, 9.82M LinkEdit
    MemRegions: num = 6837, resident = 354M + 15.4M
    private, 271M shared
    PhysMem: 105M wired, 527M active, 335M inactive, 968M
    used, 183M free
    VM: 5.81G + 102M 70193(0) pageins, 6674(0) pageouts
    I took a look at that thread. I think the responder is correct in all respects as to the stuck process. I doubt it has anything to do with your printing problems.
    Mac Mini G4; B&W G3/300    

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    It could be some scaling artifact. Make your stream progressive using frame controls (stay away from the best setting) and that should help.

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    Hello Landauer,
    Could you please elaborate as to how you are using the PCI-6229 to achieve this and why it is a problem to have the "side to side galvanometer" scan straight across the chip.
    Thank you,
    Raajit Lall
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    Raajit L
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    You are pushing up against the design limits of MDT, and the more complex and/or arbitrary the disk configuration the harder it is for MDT to perform installations.
    If you want to maintain the *existing* disk configuration, and just update the OS present, then the recommended course of action is to run MDT from *within* the OS (cscript.exe
    \\server\deploymentshare$\scripts\litetouch.vbs), not from WinPE. When you do this, it's called a "refresh" scenario. MDT can capture the user files via USMT, and it knows which
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    Disabling the default Format and Partition step has other unintended consequences.
    Keith Garner - Principal Consultant [owner] -

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    Just called today and spent two hours being on hold and having repeated new people read through the file.  Finally ending with Helen who says "I'm sorry, sir but you have an outstanding bill.  I said what do you mean, it should all be in the notes, I have been told countless times it was all going to be credited.  She says "No I don't see that here".  I ask for a supervisor and she says she is sorry they have left for the evening (My call started at 3pm and this is now 4:45pm).  She says I need to put you on hold for a few minutes...10 minutes she gets back on the line and says "sir I am filling out a form, you should get a call from a supervisor in 24 to 48 hours"  I said "I am trying so hard to be nice, but I am extremely frustrated with this whole thing and considering switching our family plan to any other company that values a loyal customer".  She says, well I am sorry sir, but I just can't help you. 
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        Hi bobwina!
    It saddened me to read your post, and see that your issue is not yet resolved. I'm here to make sure we work together on a resolution. Please send me a DM including your name, your mobile number, and a good contact number for you. I'll be able to review everything and work this out once and for all!
    Christina B
    VZW Support
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Outlook to iPhone sync failure – Sync suddenly stopped working for calendar events but continued for contacts and notes.   Finally Fixed!!!  SUPPORT TEAM – PLEASE SEE THIS – Complete explanation of cause and correction steps.

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    SUPPORT TEAM – PLEASE SEE THIS – Complete explanation of cause and correction steps.
    The cause:  It is now clear what caused this problem.  For years I had several “all-day” events in my Outlook calendar (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.).  In May 2012 I decided to make some of them one hour  events so I could add alerts to remind me of the event.  I did this by dragging them in Outlook to the time I wanted and expanding them to the time slot desired and then adding the alarm.
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    The fix:  After 18 months of frustration, MANY  hundreds of $ expense and MANY hours of wasted time I saw a blog that had a calendar sync  problem and it indicated all day events were related.  I changed the display of the Outlook calendar to the list view, added columns so I could see “all day” event check marks as well as times of events,  sorted on the “all day” event column to move them to the top, and for all events that were “all day” events AND had a start and end time, I removed recurrence and then added the annual recurrence back…
    After I fixed all events that had BOTH “all day” set and had a start/end time, I tried another sync.  It synced for the first time in 18 months! 
    Problem occurred May 2012 – fixed Nov 2013

    Hi, to remove dummy '_ModGrp' entries, rather than crashing the 'Suppr' key on your keyboard, you can use this basic VBA macro (launched for instance from Excel).
    It will recursively remove all '_ModGrp...' folders
    Sub RemoveFolders_Click()
        Dim oOutlook As Outlook.Application
        Set oOutlook = New Outlook.Application
        Set objNameSpace = oOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
        Call CleanFolders(objNameSpace.Folders)
    End Sub
    Sub CleanFolders(objFolders As Outlook.Folders)
        For i = objFolders.Count To 1 Step -1
            If Left(objFolders(i).Name, 7) = "_ModGrp" Then
                objFolders.Remove( i )
                If Not objFolders(i).Folders Is Nothing Then
                    Call CleanFolders(objFolders(i).Folders)
                End If
            End If
        Next i
    End Sub

  • Fix for Jaggies and Ripples in Ken Burns Photos?

    I thought using the Ken Burns effect to render your photos was supposed to be a cure for the jaggies, but I still notice a lot of jaggies and ripples during photo panning and zooming in the finished DVD. Is there a fix for this? Am I overlooking something?
    BTW- As recommended, I don't let iMovieHD do the rendering of everything else. I drag the project to iDVD and let it do the job.
    One other observation- iMovie08 seems to do a MUCH better job with the Ken Burns effect. Unfortunately, the rest of the movie doesn't seem to be as crisp, and the transitions, effects, etc, in iMovie 08 are more limited. (plus I hate the user interface).

    oregonpete wrote:
    BTW- As recommended, I don't let iMovieHD do the rendering of everything else. I drag the project to iDVD and let it do the job.
    I keep seeing this suggested in thread after thread. However, I'm still a little confused by it. I'm assuming that this suggestion refers to not exporting out or sending to iDVD when FINISHED with iMovie Project.
    Because doesn't iMovie do some "rendering" while you're working in it? It "renders" transitions, effects, etc.
    I'm assuming that it's just a difference in the context and time of the "rendering" that makes it different, but using the same term confuses me.
    If someone could clarify this or explain it in more depth, I would be grateful.

  • Unable to Hide *Review and Save* step using personlization

    using personlization we want to hide  * Review and Save*  step in bank information iview under Personal Information.
    Step 1)  click on Content Administration
    Step 2) Expand Portal Content
    Step 3) Expand Content Provided by SAP
    Step 4) Expand End User Content
    Step 5) Expand Employee Self Service
    Step 6) Expand Roles
    Step 7) double click Employee Self service
    Step 8) Expand Personal Information
    Step 9) Select the Personal Information page and click on preview buttonStep
    Step 10) In the popup window click on Bank Information
    Step 11) select Review and Save and control right click to open the
    Personalization window
    step 12) In the Personalization window, select Review and save and
    select the radio button visible No and click on the Apply Button.
    Step 13) As a result the following error screen is displayed
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Name portal_content/com.sap.pct/srvconfig/com.sap.pct.erp.srvconfig.ess.employee_self_service/com.sap.pct.erp.srvconfig.in/com.sap.pct.erp.srvconfig.bank/com.sap.pct.erp.srvconfig.fpmapplications/com.sap.pct.erp.srvconfig.per_bank_in/com.sap.xss.config.roadmapsteps/r3 is incorrect. It must only contain a..zA..Z0..9._-$ symbols.
        at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.repository.model.DelegatorRepositoryModelClass.checkCreate(DelegatorRepositoryModelClass.java:400)
        at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.repository.model.DelegatorRepositoryModelClass.createRelatedModelObject(DelegatorRepositoryModelClass.java:318)
        at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.personalization.ViewPersonalization$Implementation.createInElements(ViewPersonalization.java:128)
        at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.view.ViewElement._getPersonalization(ViewElement.java:318)
        at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.view.PersonalizationHelper.setOverriddenProperty(PersonalizationHelper.java:942)

    Hi Vijay,
    To edit the text you can follow the method or follow Note 1234273.
    And For making any changes to the roadmap you might want to look at modifying it from Self Service Administrator.
    Check the below links on more info on SSA.
    Hope this helps.

  • Which media server protocols enable frame accurate seeking and frame stepping in players?

    ... and thank you in advance for taking the time to respond. I am evaluating different protocls for different client platforms, and I'd like to know the following...
    Which media server protocols enable frame accurate seeking and frame stepping in players? (It appears that RTMP does. However, what about HDS? What about HLS?)
    Why is it that some do and some don't? (Intuitively, this would seem to be more an issue of the player than the protocol, but then maybe it has something to do with the buffers and the specific information passed to the client.)
    For those protocols that do support frame accurate seeking and frame stepping in players, does the addition of Access DRM protection have any effect? (Intuitively, I would say no, but then maybe there are configuration changes needed in AMS to make it work.)

    I searched for a DVD player with a jog shuttle -- and you're right. They're all but impossible to find! I havent' found one made in the past 5 years!
    I don't know of any way you could accomplish the same thing with software either.
    Most DVD players have slow-motion and frame-by-frame features. (Even my cheap $40 Toshiba.) That may be the closest to it.

  • BPF configuration: parallel and dependent steps

    Hi all,
    I have a BPF of let say 5 steps regarding 5 input form.
    step 1 is the main step and inputted by budget team.It is the rates input form.
    step 2 is the sales volume step and depend on step 1 (like other steps) inputted by sales team.
    step 3 is the sales discount step and depend on step 1 -2 inputted by budget team.
    step 4 is the cost step depend on step 1-2 and can be performed regardless of step 3 and inputted by finance team.
    step 5 is the distribution of costs to sales cube to see the profitableness and depend on step 1-2-4 .
    As you see there are both parallel and related steps.Of course there are many other steps but they are similar so I summarized them as 5 steps.
    Note that sales cube consists of sales  group and cost cube consists of cost center( candidates for drive dimension)
    Let me depict the scheme  for that:
    I could not achieve this by creating steps of openning criteria as "matched " or creating more than 1 template and instance. I want to know whether it is possible or there is a workaround.

    I am joking Güneş Of course I have an idea. First of all, i have some question about your modelling.
    If you will make these activities in same model, it is possible.
    1- all or matched it does not matter
    2- matched
    4- matched
    5 - all
    3 - matched
    i hope, it will work.
    Good luck bro

  • Product costing and COPA Step by step guiide

    i need a COPC and COPA step by step guide with screen shots. someone please send help me on this. you can mail it to [email protected]

    Hi Gulam
    Couls u plz send me copa configuration document at following e-mail id:-
    [email protected]

  • HT204406 my itunes match keeps starting by itself.. gets to the third and final step (artwork) then starts all over again. it does this all by itself. itunes even opens by itself to do this. help!

    my itunes match keeps starting by itself.. gets to the third and final step (artwork) then starts all over again. it does this all by itself. itunes even opens by itself to do this. help!

    how long have you had your ipod? mine did the same but after a while you need to get a new one because of the battery...

  • I ned in depth information of BPM's , detailed idea of each and every step

    I ned in depth information of BPM's , detailed idea of each and every step.
    For example receive , send , control , transformation, switch.
    And also different bridges like Sync/Async.

    Please look into this link for the STEP types,
    Also would recommend reading this series by Sravya, especially the 3rd blog,
    PS : Please search on SDN with "BPM" + Blogs and you will find multiple blogs for different scenarios.

Maybe you are looking for