Java 6 upgrade -- ant replicating class files on compilation

On upgradation to java 6 , ant seems to replicated class files
which have already been compiled into jars (which i have mentioned in classpath).
This is the ant script
<javac srcdir="src" destdir="/WEB-INF/classes" classpath="${library.jar}" deprecation="on" debug="true">
<classpath refid="library.classpath"/>
     <include name="com/test1/webapp/common/**/*.java"/>
library.classpath contains path to library.jar
The above script works perfectly for java 5 but not for java 6.
The problem is that classes in the folder com/test1 are getting recompiled to WEB-INF/classes, when the classes were already in compiled to library.jar (which is in classpath).
Is there a solution to this problem?

This is the code that I have written:
public class Board extends JApplet
     JPanel p[][];
     public void init()
     SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable()
          public void run()
     }catch(InterruptedException e){e.printStackTrace();}
     catch(InvocationTargetException e){e.printStackTrace();}
/* Board*/
private void makeGUI(int rows, int cols)
    p = new JPanel[rows][cols];
    Container contentPane = getContentPane();
    contentPane.setLayout(new GridLayout(rows, cols));
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
        p[i][j] = new JPanel();
        if (i % 2 == j % 2)
In this which one is inner class?

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    Yes, it will involve a jar. Use your java IDE (eclipse,
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    your ide's documentation for how to create jar files. After you
    have created the jar, place the jar in the CF class path so CF will
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    You can choose to separate the source files or not. It sounds like your problem has to do with Classpath and packages.
    If the file c:\base\compute\engine\ starts with the statement "package engine;" then the fully qualified name of the class is is engine.mysourcefile. If the file c:\base\compute\client\ starts with the statement "package client;" then its fully qualified name is client.mysourcefile.
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    Microsoft problem? I like nothing better than bashing M$, but this sounds like a CLASSPATH problem to me.
    I'll assume that your does NOT have a package statement in it and has a main method that you'd like to run. If so, you compile like this:
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    Set your classpath.

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    verbose = "true">
    <classpath refid="classpath"/>
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    [convert] Java Card Ant Tasks, Version 1.0
    [convert] Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
    [convert] Note: Usage of Java Card Ant Tasks is optional. Java Card Ant Tasks are not supported by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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    [convert] Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
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    Here is a complete example build.xml (I think I have posted this before).
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <project default="convert" name="javacard-starter">
      <!-- Build specific properties -->
      <property name="target.classes" location="${basedir}/target/classes" />
      <property name="target.javacard" location="${basedir}/target/javacard" />
      <property name="" location="${basedir}/src/main/java" />
      <!-- Must point to the folder containing the JAR files from the JCDK -->
      <property name="javacard.libs" location="${basedir}/lib" />
      <!-- Must point to the folder containing the JAR file from the JCDK ant task -->
      <property name="javacard.ant-task" location="${basedir}/lib" />
      <!-- Must point to the folder containing the API export files from the JCDK -->
      <property name="javacard.export" location="${basedir}/src/main/export" />
      <property name="verbose" value="true" />
      <property name="noverify" value="false" />
      <!-- Path for JC tasks -->
      <path id="classpath">
        <fileset dir="${javacard.ant-task}">
          <include name="*.jar" />
        <fileset dir="${javacard.libs}">
          <include name="*.jar" />
      <!-- set the export path to the Java Card export files -->
      <path id="export" description="set the export file path">
        <fileset dir="${javacard.export}">
          <include name="**/*.exp" />
        <pathelement path="${javacard.export}" />
        <pathelement path="${target.classes}" />
        <pathelement path="${target.javacard}" />
      <!-- Definitions for tasks for Java Card tools -->
      <taskdef name="capgen" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.tasks.CapgenTask" classpathref="classpath" />
      <taskdef name="deploycap" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.tasks.DeployCapTask" classpathref="classpath" />
      <taskdef name="convert" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.tasks.ConverterTask" classpathref="classpath" />
      <taskdef name="verifyexport" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.tasks.VerifyExpTask" classpathref="classpath" />
      <taskdef name="verifycap" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.tasks.VerifyCapTask" classpathref="classpath" />
      <taskdef name="verifyrevision" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.tasks.VerifyRevTask" classpathref="classpath" />
      <typedef name="appletnameaid" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.types.AppletNameAID" classpathref="classpath" />
      <typedef name="jcainputfile" classname="com.sun.javacard.ant.types.JCAInputFile" classpathref="classpath" />
      <target name="init">
        <mkdir dir="${target.classes}" />
        <mkdir dir="${target.javacard}" />
      <target name="clean">
        <delete dir="${target.classes}" />
        <delete dir="${target.javacard}" />
        <delete dir="${javacard.eeprom}" />
      <target name="compile" depends="init" description="Compile source code to class files">
        <!-- Compile the java code from ${src} to ${classes} -->
        <javac debug="yes" optimize="no" srcdir="${}" destdir="${target.classes}" source="1.5" target="1.5">
          <classpath refid="classpath" />
      <target name="convert" depends="compile" description="Convert class files to cap files">
              <convert packagename="chaining" packageaid="0xF0:0x00:0x00:0x01:0x00:0x01" majorminorversion="1.0" classdir="${target.classes}" outputdirectory="${target.classes}" jca="true" exp="true" cap="true" debug="true" verbose="${verbose}" noverify="${noverify}">
                   <appletnameaid aid="0xF0:0x00:0x00:0x01:0x00:0x01:0x00:0x01" appletname="chaining.ChainingApplet" />
                   <exportpath refid="export" />
                   <classpath refid="classpath" />
      <target name="copy-debug">
        <mkdir dir="${target.debug}" />
        <echo>Copying cap files</echo>
        <copy flatten="true" todir="${target.debug}" verbose="true">
          <fileset dir="${target.classes}" includes="**/*.cap" />
          <fileset dir="${target.classes}" includes="**/*.exp" />
          <fileset dir="${target.classes}" includes="**/*.jca" />
      <target name="all" depends="clean, convert" />

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    hello all,
    i m developing the java application which generated the java code from the java 'class file' .
    Can anybody please help me, Is any java support for reading the class file? or how to know the class file format?
    I know the application javad, jad, javap which is doing the same thing.
    thanks for reply,
    - Jayd

    do you mean decompiling? there are tons of java decompilers available out there, what exactly are you trying to do here?

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    I want to convert back a .class file (a compiled servlet) into .java (source code) file. How do I do it???
    Note using javap has not been of any help.
    Thanks in Advance

    Why don't you look at this thread:
    If thats not enough, try searching all the forums for:
    "convert .java .class" That'll give yu a bunch of other threads...

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    After compilation of a java program, it creates a class file.
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    Thanks in advance.

    get a decompiler and run your class file through it--I'll assume you want the source code back and that you are not trying to recover a missing class file by attempting to use the class file that is missing--if it's missing, then I've not a clue on how to get it back by using what is already missing.
    BTW: many of your compilers have source control--if it does, just restore your missing file.

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    why do we convert .class to .cap file why not simply load the .clss file to the card

    If Java Card has to accept .class file, it's certain
    that JCVM developers are going to spend more and more
    nights in their office.
    Just kidding. I'm one of them.LOL :)
    Put the CAP file converter on-card.

  • Java not running .class files

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    java <filename> it responds with:
    C:\Development\Java\Projects\Scratch>java T1
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: T1
    However, it compiles fine:
    class foo {
    class T1 {
        public static void main (String [] args) {
            foo [] fooArray = new foo[5];
            if (fooArray[1] instanceof Object)
              System.out.println("fooArray[1] is an object");
            if (fooArray[1] instanceof foo)
              System.out.println("fooArray[1] is a foo");
    }What am I missing to get it to run with java T1?
    (every other class file that used to work behaves the same way)

    Yes, it is the classpath. Strangely . is in my classpath in the environment settings in the control panel. I guess I can survive adding -cp . but it is kind of a pain in the a__ for no reason I can discern

  • HELP!!! java.lang.ClassFormatError: (Truncated class file)

    Hello all,
    I'm writing a ClassLoader and the funniest things are happening. If I load a compiled class for the first time after compilation everything is ok. Once I change the class and recompile it, it starts putting out java.lang.ClassFormatError: (Truncated class file). If I alter the changes back to normal and recompile. It works again. Is there some sort of buffer which keeps the once loaded class in memory, even after rebooting?
    Please help, I'm at a loss

    hi dmbdmb,
    I got following error when try to run a java code in JBoss.
    15:39:56,696 ERROR [LogInterceptor] Unexpected Error:
    java.lang.ClassFormatError: Thilina (Truncated class file)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    at cc.aot.qVoice.domain.ejb.qVoiceManager.qVoiceManagerEJB.getVxmlString
    I use JBoss 3.0.6 and sdk 1.4. In my program, classes are create and load on the fly. Then using Reflection API I called some
    methods in the dynamically created class(this class not
    write into a file and it is taken as a String variable).
    I refferd this url as a guid to write class loader and compiler.(actually same thing i copied
    from there and change it's name Pmat1 to StringCompiler)
    When I run this as a normal application, it is work well. Then I try to run it in a jboss and it will give the above error.
    In here I Wote some EJBs and struts also and i called the methodds in the StringCompiler(Pamat1) class in a EJB. Thilina is
    the name of the dynamically created calss and StringCompiler is the class that includes the class loader and compiler methods
    as in the above url. qVoiceManagerEJB has a getvxmlString method. Whithin this method
    i called required the methods in the String compiler.
    Can u some body help me. Thanx in advanced for any help.

  • How to reload class file for java objects in CF MX7

    I'm trying to create a simple java object for use in a CFML
    page. According to the topic "About ColdFusion and Java objects" in
    the CF developer's guide, I can compile my java module and put the
    .class file in the CFusionMX7/wwwroot/WEB-INF/classes directory and
    it'll be dynamically reloaded any time CF sees a new .class file
    there. But the dynamic reload isn't happening; I have to restart
    the CF server to get it to pick up a new version.
    I don't believe this directory is in the "general JVM
    classpath"; I don't find "classes" in the Java Class Path in the CF
    Administrator's System Information page. And I have all the caching
    options turned off on the "Server Settings > Caching" page, if
    that has any bearing on it.
    Are there any known issues around this dynamic reload
    capability, or maybe a more definitive way to make sure the
    WEB-INF/classes directory isn't in the classpath?

    Yes, I understand. But if I'm reading it correctly, what
    you're saying seems to contradict the documentation
    ColdFusion dynamically loads classes that are either .class
    files in the web_root/WEB-INF/classes directory or in JAR files in
    the web_root/WEB-INF/lib directory. ColdFusion checks the time
    stamp on the file when it creates an object that is defined in
    either directory, even when the class is already in memory. If the
    file that contains the class is newer than the class in memory,
    ColdFusion loads the class from that directory.
    Dynamic class reloading for Java servlets classes and
    forcfobject (sic) Java classes is disabled by default in
    ColdFusion MX. To enable dynamic class reloading, do the following:
    Also, I seem to recall that setting worked in a prior
    version. Though I would have to test it again on another machine to
    be certain.

Maybe you are looking for

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