Java Applet Caching for 1.7u51 using pack200

Hi all,
          Currently, I have implemented an applet and use pack200 to pack my jar to reduce the download time for users to run the applet in their side.
          But even if I add "cache_option" = "plugin" and "cache_archive" attributes, I dont see that my applet being cache when running the applet in java 1.7u51's Cache Viewer under java's control panel.
          Could anyone tell/show me how to cache applet to the cache viewer when running a pack200 applet package? FYI, even if I'm not using pack200 jar, I can't seem to see my applet being cache in
          Cache Viewer.
          I'm running my applet using the deployJava.js
          I'm setting the following in the atttributes clause and
           var attributes = { id:'test_applet',
                   codebase: '<%=url2TestApplet%>',
                   cache_option: 'plugin',
                   mayscript: true,
                   width:300, height:300} ;
             var parameters = {};
             deployJava.runApplet(attributes, parameters, '1.6');
Best Regards,

Try [URLConnection.setUseCaches(false)|].

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    I'm sorry if that what I'm looking for is described elsewhere. I couldn't find it. I seem to have a bug with the latest Apple's java implementation (1.5) downloaded with the latest Software Update.
    I have to switch off applet caching for a certain applet and tried to do this via the Java preference app. It seems that it doesn't work using the offered checkbox. Because everytime when I check it and leave the dialog and turn back it's still checked. I tried it with the deployment properties file but had no luck not knowing (finding) the correct parameter to set false.
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    Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Unfortunately, this did not resolve the issue. I have been doing a bit more looking and it appears I'm getting a null resource error on reload/refresh:
    public abstract class SimpleWindow extends JInternalFram
       public SimpleWindow()
    public class FancyWindow extends SimpleWindow
       public FancyWindow()
    }During startup, it tries to create a new FancyWindow, which calls initComponents(). Inside initComponents is a call to create a JEditorPane.
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    jedit.setText("Text Here");I get my null error (tracing through the calls, it looks like it's unable to initialize the editorkit.
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    Edit: It looks like this may be a regression in 1.6.0_22 and later: 1.6.0_22 HTMLEditorKit throws NullPointerException when reloaded
    Edited by: Jamie.McPeek on Jan 15, 2011 12:28 AM

  • My Upgrading Java Applets Cache won't finish

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    I had the exact same problem. took me days to find the solution, hope it works for you.
    Click on the START button bottom left on the screen, Then look for the CONTROL PANEL button and click, (this should bring up lots of icons for programmes) on some computers its under themes and sttings I think. Click on the JAVA icon this brings up a CONTROL PANEL. Click on SETTINGS at the bottom, then click DELETE FILES. (this took a while to complete on my computer) Just to make sure after you've done this bring up the JAVA CONTROL PANEL again but this time click on ADVANCED. Then at the bottom theres is Miscellaneous, click on this and there should be JAVA QUICK STARTER with a box ticked next to it, Click on the tick and get rid of it then click on OK..
    Try a website that uses Java. the cache box might appear again but just hit cancel. When I tried this i was able to use Java again.
    Hope it works

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    Hello everybody! I have recently got started with JPA 2.0 (I use eclipseLink) and EJB 3.1 and have a problem to figure out how to best implement a cache for my JPA Entities using an EJB.
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    I have the following JPA Entities:
    @Entity Genre{
    private String name;
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "genre", cascade={CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST})
    private Collection<Novel> novels;
    class Novel{
    @ManyToOne(cascade={CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST})
    private Genre genre;
    private String titleUnique;
    @OneToMany(mappedBy="novel", cascade={CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST})
    private Collection<NovelEdition> editions;
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    private String publisherNameUnique;
    private String year;
    @ManyToOne(optional=false, cascade={CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE})
    private Novel novel;
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    private Catalog appearsInCatalog;
    class Catalog{
    private String name;
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "appearsInCatalog", cascade = {CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST})
    private Collection<NovelEdition> novelsInCatalog;
    The idea is to have several Novels, belonging each to a specific Genre, for which can exist more than an edition (different publisher, year, etc). For semplicity a NovelEdition can belong to just one Catalog, being such a Catalog represented by such a text file:
    FILE 1:
    Catalog: Name Of Catalog 1
    "Title of Novel 1", "Genre1 name","Publisher1 Name", 2009
    "Title of Novel 2", "Genre1 name","Pulisher2 Name", 2010
    FILE 2:
    Catalog: Name Of Catalog 2
    "Title of Novel 1", "Genre1 name","Publisher2 Name", 2011
    "Title of Novel 2", "Genre1 name","Pulisher1 Name", 2011
    Each entity has associated a Stateless EJB that acts as a DAO, using a Transaction Scoped EntityManager. For example:
    public class NovelDAO extends AbstractDAO<Novel> {
    @PersistenceContext(unitName = "XXX")
    private EntityManager em;
    protected EntityManager getEntityManager() {
    return em;
    public NovelDAO() {
    //NovelDAO Specific methods
    I am interested at when the catalog files are parsed and the corresponding entities are built (I usually read a whole batch of Catalogs at a time).
    Being the parsing a String-driven procedure, I don't want to repeat actions like novelDAO.getByName("Title of Novel 1") so I would like to use a centralized cache for mappings of type String-Identifier->Entity object.
    Currently I use +3 Objects+:
    1) The file parser, which does something like:
    final CatalogBuilder catalogBuilder = //JNDI Lookup
    //for each file:
    String catalogName = parseCatalogName(file);
    //For each novel edition
    String title= parseNovelTitle();
    String genre= parseGenre();
    catalogBuilder.addNovelEdition(title, genre, publisher, year);
    //End foreach;
    2) The CatalogBuilder is a Stateful EJB which uses the Cache and gets re-initialized every time a new Catalog file is parsed and gets "removed" after a catalog is persisted.
    public class CatalogBuilder {
    @PersistenceContext(unitName = "XXX", type = PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED)
    private EntityManager em;
    private Cache cache;
    private Catalog catalog;
    public void initialize() {
    catalog = new Catalog();
    catalog.setNovelsInCatalog(new ArrayList<NovelEdition>());
    public void addNovelEdition(String title, String genreStr, String publisher, String year){
    Genre genre = cache.findGenreCreateIfAbsent(genreStr);//##
    Novel novel = cache.findNovelCreateIfAbsent(title, genre);//##
    NovelEdition novEd = new NovelEdition();
    //novEd.set publisher year catalog
    public void setCatalogName(String name) {
    public void build(){
    3) Finally, the problematic bean: Cache. For CatalogBuilder I used an EXTENDED persistence context (which I need as the Parser executes several succesive transactions) together with a Stateful EJB; but in this case I am not really sure what I need. In fact, the cache:
    Should stay in memory until the parser is finished with its job, but not longer (should not be a singleton) as the parsing is just a very particular activity which happens rarely.
    Should keep all of the entities in context, and should return managed entities form mehtods marked with ##, otherwise the attempt to persist the catalog should fail (duplicated INSERTs)..
    Should use the same persistence context as the CatalogBuilder.
    What I have now is :
    public class Cache {
    @PersistenceContext(unitName = "XXX", type = PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED)
    private EntityManager em;
    private sessionbean.GenreDAO genreDAO;
    //DAOs for other cached entities
    Map<String, Genre> genreName2Object=new TreeMap<String, Genre>();
    public void initialize(){
    for (Genre g: genreDAO.findAll()) {
    genreName2Object.put(g.getName(), em.merge(g));
    public Genre findGenreCreateIfAbsent(String genreName){
    if (genreName2Object.containsKey(genreName){
    return genreName2Object.get(genreName);
    Genre g = new Genre();
    g.setNovels(new ArrayList<Novel>());
    genreName2Object.put(t.getIdentifier(), em.merge(t));
    return t;
    But honestly I couldn't find a solution which satisfies these 3 points at the same time. For example, using another stateful bean with an extended persistence context (PC) would work for the 1st parsed file, but I have no idea what should happen from the 2nd file on.. Indeed, for the 1st file the PC will be created and propagated from CatalogBuilder to Cache, which will then use the same PC. But after build() returns, the PC of CatalogBuilder should (I guess) be removed and re-created during the succesive parsing, although the PC of Cache should stay "alive": shouldn't in this case an exception being thrown? Another problem is what to do when the Cache bean is passivated. Currently I get the exception:
    "passivateEJB(), Exception caught ->
    at com.sun.ejb.containers.util.cache.LruSessionCache.saveStateToStore("
    Hence, I have no Idea how to implement my cache.. Can you please tell me how would you solve the problem?
    Many thanks!

    Hi Chris,
    thanks for your reply!
    I've tried to add the following into persistence.xml (although I've read that eclipseLink uses L2 cache by default..):
    Then I replaced the Cache bean with a stateless bean which has methods like
    Genre findGenreCreateIfAbsent(String genreName){
    Genre genre = genreDAO.findByName(genreName);
    if (genre!=null){
    return genre;
    genre = //Build new genre object
    return genre;
    As far as I undestood, the shared cache should automatically store the genre and avoid querying the DB multiple times for the same genre, but unfortunately this is not the case: if I use a FINE logging level, I see really a lot of SELECT queries, which I didn't see with my "home made" Cache...
    I am really confused.. :(
    Thanks again for helping + bye

  • Java Applet: Caching data in User HDD?

    I'm trying to write a java applet which requires approximately 700K of mathematical data everytime it runs. One way to do this is to download those data off from server everytime the applet starts up, but it seems terribly inefficient for me cuz those data do not change at all.
    Is there anyway to work around such issue, for example, by storing the data into user's hdd? Or is it possible to pack the mathematical data together with .class files into a jar file and then somehow access them in user's side? (dunno how to do so and not sure if it's possible)
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    I'm trying to write a java applet which requires
    approximately 700K of mathematical data everytime it
    runs. One way to do this is to download those data off
    from server everytime the applet starts up, but it
    seems terribly inefficient for me cuz those data do
    not change at all.
    Is there anyway to work around such issue, for
    example, by storing the data into user's hdd? Or is it
    possible to pack the mathematical data together with
    .class files into a jar file and then somehow access
    them in user's side? (dunno how to do so and not sure
    if it's possible)
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    AaronYou have one answer above.
    Create a jar file, put your applet classes in it, and then put the data files in the jar with the application. Theres no restriction as to the types of file you can put in a jar, and Jars are essentially zip files, so no point in zipping the data first.
    As to storing stuff locally on the client, that's unadvisable, and disallowed due to the java security model anyhow. It is possible to override the security manager but, I'm not sure if this is possible with an applet though. It would undoubtedly not be hassle free.
    Another thing that could help is jar caching.. this would improve the start up time by caching the jar file on the client, between invocations.

  • Java applet loading for a long time.

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    If you go here (warning - long load to start with) -
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    while untill the applet loads.
    Any idea on whats causing this to load so much?
    Thanks.A long-running init() or start() method of the applet. I guess you better do something about your own code then.

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    Thanks in advance

    Hi Leonie! I was running into the same problem on my Macbook Air with ML but I just found a soultion that worked for me.
    I downloaded and installed Java 7 from oracle's website.  And then in the java prefences referenced before, changed the Java 7 build to be my default. 
    All my applets work great now for me.
    Hope this helps!

  • Invoking Java Applet from SAP Netweaver Eportal using java webdynpro

    Hi ,
    We are using SAP Netweaver portal version 7.0.WE want to invoke java applet into webdynpro java application on button click.
    The Applet should open in a new window when the particular parameter is selected and the button is clicked
    The code is given below:
    String html = "<HTML> <HEAD></HEAD> <BODY><APPLET code=\"org.faceless.pdf2.viewer2.PDFViewerApplet\" type=\"application/x-java-applet;version=1.4.2_05\" archive=\"bfopdf.jar\" width=800 height=600></APPLET></BODY></HTML>";
    IWDCachedWebResource resource = WDWebResource.getWebResource(html.getBytes("UTF-8"), WDWebResourceType.HTML);
    IWDWindow window = wdComponentAPI.getWindowManager().createNonModalExternalWindow(resource.getAbsoluteURL(),"Image");
    But after clicking on button new html window is opening and the applet is not showing properly. The java console showing the error:
    java.lang.ClassFormatError: Truncated class file
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadClass0(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$ Source)
         at Source)
    Exception: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Truncated class file
    Please suggest how to solve this error.

    I'm not sure, but I believe the 'code' argument should end with '.class'. However, your implementation of displaying a Java applet seems ok, the error is within the applet's Jar file
    Anyway, have a look at,5.0/docs/guide/plugin/developer_guide/using_tags.html#applet and on how to use the <applet> tag
    As a test, you could try and create a local HTML document on your local desktop, including the applet. I would suspect you will receive the same error in your Java console
    I believe the only option is to recompile your Java applet (if possible at all) against a newer JDK (1.4 and up)

  • Applet Parameters For Animated Gif Using AWT

    I need to have my applet except parameters to change from one type of animated gif (dog) to another animated gif (cat). There are two for each animal. If the animal parameter is "dog" the dog1.gif and the dog2.gif will be used for the animation. I'm not too sure on how to go about this.
    private String sDog;
    private String sCat;
    sDog = getParameter("");
    if (sDog.equalsIgnoreCase("dog"))
    How do I add both gifs in the control statement?
    Thanks so much,

    private String sDog;
    private String sCat;
    sDog = getParameter("dog");
    for(int i=1;i<3;i++){
    if (sDog.equalsIgnoreCase("dog" i".gif"))
    //code to display the gif
    remember your parameter should be <b>dog</b>

  • How to use C-Structure in java applets

    hi alls,
    I want to use a struct model (struct in C++) in java applets. i know class is used in java applications. but, how can i convert in java applets?
    class renk
    int r;
    int gr;
    int b;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Event;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    public class benek extends Applet
    final int n=10;
    int x[] = new int[n];
    int y[] = new int[n];
    int count = 0;
    renk clr[] = new renk[n];
    public void init()
    public boolean mouseDown(Event yordam, int xyer, int yyer)
    if (count<n)
    else System.out.println("Kapasite Doldu...");
    return true;
    void ekle(int xyer, int yyer)
    int r1 = (int)Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
    int gr1 = (int)Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
    int b1 = (int)Math.floor(Math.random()*256);
    clr[count].r = r1;
    clr[count].gr = gr1;
    clr[count].b = b1;
    public void paint(Graphics g)
    it gives error message... how can � use struct model in java applets???
    if you help me i will be greatfull....

    � use import but it doesn't work.
    i add: import renk; or import class renk;
    how will � add import I assumed based on your initial post that the renk and benek classes were in the same file. Apparently you're saying they are not. So for another thing, make your renk class "public class renk", and add the "public" keyword to the 3 members of that class. Then if your code still doesn't see the "renk" class, it would just be that you don't have the directory that contains the compiled "renk.class" in your classpath.

  • Why does my Firefox say my java applet is corruped and will,not download for my game

    I play a lot of games on POGO and they tell me that I have to have JAVA and Mozilla Fire Fox for my browser. I have 1 game that I get kicked off of each time I try to play it. I get a notice telling me that my browser says my applet from Java is corrupted and will not download. I have done everything they suggest and nothing works. Mozilla seems to be a terriable choice for me as a browser I have a lot of ppproblems with them getting me to my web pages.. help!!

    Have you tried deleting the Java applet cache from the '''Java Control Panel''' > '''Temporary Internet Files''' > '''Settings''' > '''Delete Files...'''?

  • Shared applet cache location

    In order to reduce both load times and network burden we are looking at the possibility using a common location for the java applet cache. Our internal tests, albeit limited, have proved successful. By specifying a common local network location for storing temporary files in the java control panel we were able to pull the jars for our applet by one initial user and use that cache (on a different pc) by another user. Specifically, we are looking at implementing this in a citrix environment using a local cache on the citrix server (rather than the network location in our tests).
    Does anyone have experience doing this? If so, what potential problems could arise? Is there a better solution?
    Thanks for any advise.

    Can I get help from you?
    If my question was not clear, please point out and I will supply more information.
    Looking forward to getting answer from you - Java Expert :)

  • Java Applet in a HTML page: failing with PLS-00306: wrong number of args

    We are trying to use a Java Applet in a HTML page. as our system needs to be able to retrieve a predefined set of data from a third party system that uses Dynamic Data Exchange Protocol (DDE) and are encountering errors from APEX and in IE itself.
    We are using JavaDde from that enables our Java applet to interact with Windows applications (Third Party System) using DDE.
    This functionality is currently used in our Web Form 6i application and we are trying to use the same in the new ApEx application.
    We are using ApEx version : 2.1 and actually aer encountering 2 problems:
    Problem 1: ApEx failing with PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'ACCEPT'
    Problem 2: IE crashes if Applet used in a complex page with several regions (1 Context, 4 Report Regions, 2 level Tabs, Links)
    This problem does not occur in the page where there is only applet and one region. In the case of complex page the IE crashes if the page is reloaded
    Test scenario:
    1- Create a simple page with the HTML region.
    2- Define the Source of the above region as follows
    <OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"
    <PARAM NAME="code" VALUE="simpleApplet.class" >
    <PARAM NAME="archive" VALUE="simpleApplet.jar" />
    <PARAM NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4">
    3- Create a simple Java applet "simpleApplet" - for the test its enough if the applet will have just the init method printing out the mesage to the console
    4- Create a Submit Button (not redirect) in Region Header and create unconditional (do not set When Button Pressed property) Page Branch to navigate to another page (the page without the applet)
    6- Run the page and Submit -
    The error below is returned by the engine:
    In our case our applet is called ddeApplet - I do not know why is ApEx passing the Applet's ID down to the wwv_flow.accept method as a parameter
    Tue, 24 Jul 2007 08:15:39 GMT
    ORA-06550: line 7, column 2:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'ACCEPT'
    ORA-06550: line 7, column 2:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    DAD name: rbdev2_ax
    PROCEDURE : wwv_flow.accept
    URL : http://castor:7778/pls/rbdev2_ax/wwv_flow.accept
    SERVER_SOFTWARE=Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) mod_fastcgi/2.2.10 mod_perl/1.25 mod_oprocmgr/1.0
    HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
    HTTP_ACCEPT=image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/, application/, application/msword, application/x-shockwave-flash, */*
    HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING=gzip, deflate

    It looks like whatever HTML you're including on your page is creating HTML input form elements inside the HTML form "wwv_flow". This form is posted to wwv_flow.accept, and of course, the PL/SQL procedure wwv_flow.accept doesn't know anything these additional arguments/form elements you're attempting to POST.

  • Java applets won't run on Safari???

    I have reinstalled Java twice, and it still won't run any Java applets. It just sits there with the cup logo and the arrow on either side. It works fine on Firefox but not Safari. Help?

    I'm piggy backing on this thread because I too have had problems with Java and Safari
    Java runs fine for me in Firefox, however.
    I went to a federal website
    that uses java and received this message
    " Java applet unable to load
    To use this service, you must either install a recent version of the Sun JVM or enable "Scripting of Java applets" if it has been disabled."
    so i looked for an update and have downloaded and installed release 6, (at least, it said that it was installed, but have never been able to figure out where)
    when I check Java preferences, the choices are J2SE 1.4.2 or J2SE 5, and when I've switched to 1.4.2 I still have no luck.
    When i run firefox, i get the java console opening, but it doesn't open with safari, and I can't find the option for this to turn on in safari
    i have restarted both safari and my computer and no luck. I have repaired permissions and no changes have taken place.
    Any more suggestions?
    (thank you, by the way)

  • Replacing all java applets

    What technology shoud we use to replace all  the Java Applets in our MII applications ¡? .  The reason is that java applets slows them down  ,  sometimes the application screen ( GUI ) seems like not  responding & when the end user is proactive changes his computer  java version to the latest  which does create other kind of problems to the MII applications .
    Furthermore,  we want our MII applications running on plataforms which do not  support java applets ( ipads for example ) .  I guess that our next move is to use AJAX, JQUERY & XSLT technologies instead of java applets,  but still we would like to make sure that there is no another way .
    Thanks in advance ,
    Note : We are running a MII 12.2.3 build 167 sp 5  with a 7.11 CW NW version

    Hi Fernando
    The best UI technology providing rich UI is HTML5 currently which is supported on all devices and browsers (IE9 is minimum) but with varying degrees of support with Chrome the best but others are not too far behind.
    The easiest way to replace the Applets and use HTML5 rendering is to upgrade to MII 14.0 SP4 and use the SAP UI5 based i5Charts, i5Grid.
    If you cannot upgrade to MII 14.0 or higher (15.0 has some cool features as well) you may do this on your own where you may use one of several HTML5 based charting libraries like D3, High Charts etc but the work will be more for you as MII 12.2 does not have JSON support (available with MII 14.0 again) and you will have to work with XML or write custom code to convert XML to JSON.
    So my suggestion would be upgrade and use i5 Charts as these look much better, are faster and provide almost the same support as the applets. Also these charts would be developed in the future in MII but the applets would remain mostly in maintenance mode. This means new features would, most probably, be only added to the HTML5 charts in MII.
    Best Regards

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