Java download to laptop - how do I launch/run etc

I recently downloaded Java software from the Oracle site to my laptop. I can see the files loaded under Program Files, but cannot see any desktop icons etc. Can anyone advise how I launch the software in order to write some code in the development environment, debug and run the code etc. Many thanks. Gerard B.

907158 wrote:
Thank you for the response. Can you advise which file to double click. Its not clear to me which one launches JDK. A large number of files were downloaded including many folders - bin, lib, etc. I cannot see any obvious file or icon that launches the software. I would appreciate any further advice. Thank you Gerard.Then you don't have an installer,that is just an unpacked JDK distribution. There is nothing left to click, you're done. And there is no "launching the JDK" - its a source development kit, not a program. Your first step is the java tutorial to get some of those assumptions out of your system.
Of course eventually you will want an IDE to manage projects with. You have a choice to make there; Eclipse and Netbeans are popular choices but there is also for example Oracle JDeveloper. But before you do all that: read and learn the truth.
one more thing; did you download the JDK or did you install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) through for example I find it questionable that you never had to run an installer.

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