Java install ?

How can I install multiple versions for jawa?

You can install Java by downloading from here:-
Java for OS X 2014-001

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    To open “Adobe Illustrator CS6,” you need a Java SE 6 runtime. Would you like to install one now?
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    According to official site of Oracle, This is a known issue with Microsoft KB2918614The root causes of these errors are under investigation. If this error still persists after uninstalled this update.
    You could try following zooeyhall’s suggestion to download and install a previous version of Java or try creating a new administrative user account and install Java with the new account.
    Regarding to JAVA installation error, I’d suggest that we post at JAVA forum for further support. There you can get more effective suggestion by other experts who familiar with it. Your understanding is highly appreciated.
    D. Wu
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Sneak Preview sp11 Slim Java install hangs on J2EE Startup

    I looked around at the other instances of this type of error, but they seemed to be slightly different issues (or at least, at differenst steps).  Tried what helped them anyway, though it didn't really help.
    My install hangs at the Start J2EE Engine (step 21 of 24 normally).  It seems to retry every 20 seconds, but never gets anywhere and eventually pops up an error.  I've retried from there, stopped and restarted, wiped out the whole install and tried again.  I've repeated this for several versions of Java, the latest being the 1.4.2_08 version.  They all get to the same part and die.
    This is the error right before it gets into full swing on the waiting/retrying.
    WARNING    2005-11-29 11:40:08
    Execution of the command "C:\usr\sap\J2E\JC00\exe\startsap.exe name=J2E nr=00 SAPDIAHOST=ITLAP" finished with return code -1. Output:
    STARTSAP failed
    Details are written to C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\j2ee_wp\installdefault\startJ2E.log
    That files says:
    running C:\usr\sap\J2E\JC00\exe\sapstart.exe name=J2E nr=00 SAPDIAHOST=ITLAP -wait
    SAPSTART finished successfully on ITLAP_J2E_00, but at least one process doesn't run correctly:
    C:\usr\sap\J2E\JC00\exe\sapstart.exe=>sapparam(1c): No Profile used.
    My os is XP, and seems to meet the min system requirements for the slim version.
    Any ideas on getting over this hump?
    Edit:  After talking with someone at the ICC, turns out pretty much that I shouldn't be trying to install the slim version.  So, time to go find a machine that can handle the normal Java install.
    Message was edited by: Cortney Denver

    Looking around at other experiences as well as my own several attempts (just tried an installation on XP several times this evening), none of this stuff works and SAP could not possibly care less.  A clearly deeply flawed installation has been sitting around for 5 months now...  one is left to wonder what highly specific conditions are required for success.
    Good luck to you... I give up.

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    I heard there was a security breach in Java installed in Macs and that there is a patch to fix it, but that's all I know.  Does anyone know how to fix it?

    There isn't a patch for a computer running Leopard .
    Leopard and earlier users see recommendations at:

  • Does the Flashback malware have an effect on OS X systems without java installed?

    Does the Flashback malware have an effect on OS X systems without java installed? Just asking since i do not have java installed...

    It's not likely, but better safe than sorry. See
    Helpful Links Regarding Flashback Trojan
    Visit Thomas Reed's site for insight and help: Mac Malware Guide
    A Google search can reveal a variety of alternatives on how the remove the trojan should your computer get infected. This can get you started. However, be careful about what you do as new variants of the malware circumvent the efforts of earlier tools.
    Also see Apple's article About Flashback malware.
    Apple has released Java updates for Snow Leopard and Lion users:
    Java for OS X Lion 2012-003; available only for users of Lion with Java installed.
    Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 8; available only for users of Snow Leopard.
    Flashback malware removal tool; available only for users of Lion without Java installed.
    Install whichever shows up in Software Update. It removes the malware (if present), updates Java (if present) and tightens up Java settings for the future.  You may download from Apple's web site instead of using Software Update, but it's important to know which one to get, because the other two won't work for you.
    For the truly paranoid see 10 Simple Tips for Boosting The Security Of Your Mac.

  • Is java installed in  mac os lion?

    Is java installed automatically with os lion?

    No. Use Software Update which should produce the Java update. Or you can find it at

  • Several versions of java installed

    hello all,
    i have several versions of Java installed on my PC and its fast becoming a mess.
    how can i completely remove all of them and only then install the latest jsdk?
    thank you

    Version conflicts are a rarity in Java. The latest JRE is usually utilised unless otherwise specified.
    Only one JRE can be used at any one time by one program on Windows anyway. It does get crowded sometimes however - just uninstall as you would any other program with the Control Panel::Add/Remove Programs.
    Personally I keep all of my JREs on my machine for several reasons and I recommend keeping it this way.

  • Script issue,Java install from script, push out to servers.

    this is a non standard install for Java that has to be installed from a script.  basically this script will run against a given amount of servers, stop the required services ( pertains to the application that requires Java on the server), uninstall
    java, install java, configure java with correct parameters and security permissions then lastly output a log file to the server that is running the script (folder) of each server .  each server will have thier own text file.   so two issues first
    java uninstalls but does not install due to a permissions error, and the other  issue that is occuring is there should be a log file for each server the
    log file will have the server name as the file namey, the script will look at the server list and run the code on that server so basically the script
    will run at the same time on all the servers, and create log file for each server and put in the folder i designate.  - this is not occuring based on the Powershell script below. what parameter is missing below. thanks
    $user = Read-Host 'Username:'
    $pass = Read-Host 'Password:'
    $result = "D:\Temp\" + $env:COMPUTERNAME +"_JavaUpdate.log"
    $copyfinal = "\\wsive005pap\d$\BatchFiles\Java_Update\"
    #Stop NCSB and Tomcat Services
    Stop-Service Tomcat7
    Stop-Service "NuanceCSB"
    #Uninstall Java
    Get-WmiObject -Class win32_product | ? {$_.Vendor -like "*Oracle*"} | % {msiexec /x "$($_.IdentifyingNumber)" /qn | Out-Null}
    Start-Sleep -s 120
    "Java 7 Uninstalled" | Out-File $result -append
    #Install Java
    $JRE = "D:\Installations\NVP 4.0 Install\jre-7u76-windows-i586.exe"
    & $JRE /s INSTALLDIR=D:\Apps\Progra~1\Java\jre7\ /l D:\Temp\javainstall.log | Out-Null
    Start-Sleep -s 240
    "Java 7 Installed" | Out-File $result -append
    #Configure Java
    $pattern = ""
    $javasec = "D:\APPS\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\security\"
    $viecore = "security.provider.11=cryptix.provider.Cryptix"
    (Get-Content $javasec) |
            if($_ -match $pattern)
            } else {
         } | Set-Content $javasec
    "Java Configured" | Out-File $result -append
    #Start NCSB and Tomcat Services
    Start-Service Tomcat7
    Start-Service "NuanceCSB"
    #Updating log files and push to the central server
    $javaver = gci "D:\APPS\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe"
    $tomcatver = "D:\APPS\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0_Tomcat7\lib\catalina.jar"
    "*****Check Java and Tomcat Version*****" | Out-File $result -append
    & $javaver -cp $tomcatver org.apache.catalina.util.ServerInfo | Out-File $result -append
    "*****Check Services Started*****" | Out-File $result -append
    Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "NuanceCSB"} | Out-File $result -append
    Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "Tomcat7"} | Out-File $result -append
    "*****Check Java Security File*****" | Out-File $result -append
    Select-String -Path $javasec -Pattern "cryptix" | Out-File $result -append
    "*****Print log file for CTI connections*****" | Out-File $result -append
    Get-Content "D:\APPS\NuanceCSB\logs\stdout.log" | Out-File $result -append
    "*****Print log file for connector*****" | Out-File $result -append
    Get-Content "D:\APPS\NuanceCSB\logs\CSB.log" | Out-File $result -append
    NET USE \\wsive005pap\d$ $pass /user:CORP\$user
    Copy-Item $result $copyfinal
    NET USE \\wsive005pap\d$ /delete

    Hi Gow,
    I would like to know how did you deploy the .ps1 script on remote computers like using task scheduler or something else, please make sure the user account you used to run this script on every server has enough permission.
    According to your script, it will produce a log file under "D:\Temp\" and this file will be copied to the destination
    \\wsive005pap\d$\BatchFiles\Java_Update\, please check the username and the password, and also make sure the folder exist before copy, then test the script below separately:
    $user = Read-Host 'Username:'
    $pass = Read-Host 'Password:'
    $result = "D:\Temp\" + $env:COMPUTERNAME +"_JavaUpdate.log"
    $copyfinal = "\\wsive005pap\d$\BatchFiles\Java_Update\"
    Get-Content "D:\APPS\NuanceCSB\logs\stdout.log" | Out-File $result -append
    Get-Content "D:\APPS\NuanceCSB\logs\CSB.log" | Out-File $result -append
    NET USE \\wsive005pap\d$ $pass /user:CORP\$user
    get-item \\wsive005pap\d$\BatchFiles\Java_Update\
    Copy-Item $result $copyfinal
    NET USE \\wsive005pap\d$ /delete
    If there is anything else regarding this issue, please feel free to post back.
    Best Regards,
    Anna Wang
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Help got tiger but it stalls at java install

    hi just got tiger install disk and it stall at java install and sya the were errors installing the soft ware please try agian . can anyone or has anyone had this problem

    Have you alloted enough space for Boot Camp? Win7 needs at least 60 Gb for an adequate installation. If you burned an iso perhaps you need to do it again at 2x speed.

  • Java install won't accept Ok ?? Desperate for help??

    Java install won't accept <Ok>?? Desperate for help??
    I've decided that I'm going to develop my Rails applications in Linux and keep hitting a BRICK WALL every time I try to install NetBeans or Java. I download all of the packages and come to a text screen that says "Package Configuration" and then "Configuring sun-java5-bin" and then it asks you to read the agreement and there's an <Ok> at the bottom. I can't get through this and everytime it fails my 'package manager' goes bonkers and I have to reload the Ubuntu Gutys Gibbon operating system AGAIN!!!
    I push ENTER and type in "yes" and "Ok" and there is no response.
    I've loaded this operating system FIVE TIMES NOW and the bottleneck is very frustrating as I can't program in a graphics environment without Java.
    I joined this forum just to ask this question and would be grateful for a reply at [email protected]
    Thank you,

    KathysKode wrote:
    Java install won't accept <Ok>?? Desperate for help??Such a poorly worded question.
    I've decided that I'm going to develop my Rails applications in Linux and keep hitting a BRICK WALL every time I try to install NetBeans or Java. I download all of the packages and come to a text screen that says "Package Configuration" and then "Configuring sun-java5-bin" and then it asks you to read the agreement and there's an <Ok> at the bottom. I can't get through this and everytime it fails my 'package manager' goes bonkers and I have to reload the Ubuntu Gutys Gibbon operating system AGAIN!!!
    I push ENTER and type in "yes" and "Ok" and there is no response.Sorry, I haven't downloaded the JDK to Ubuntu. Maybe I'll try it with my VMWare instance and see how it works out.
    I've loaded this operating system FIVE TIMES NOW and the bottleneck is very frustrating as I can't program in a graphics environment without Java.
    I joined this forum just to ask this question and would be grateful for a reply at [email protected]
    Thank you,
    KathleenAnyone so foolish as to post their e-mail in a public forum like this is open to having their competence questioned. Hope you like spam.

  • Dreamweaver CC will not launch - Java Installed

    I have installed Java per instructions here
    Dreamweaver CC will still not properly launch. I am running  Mac OS 10.9.1. I have to force quit Dreamweaver CC to get it to stop.

    Turned out I did not have Java installed.  Downloaded it here:
    Found this topic, which led me to my solution:
    Hope this helps others.

  • HT5246 I just run the Flashback malware removal tool, and then nothing happens. Will it be a problem? and if I have java installed and I disabled it during the installation, will my status as my machine has not java installed? thanks.

    I just run the Flashback malware removal tool, and then nothing happens. Will it be a problem? and if I have java installed and I disabled it during the installation, will my status as my machine has not java installed? thanks.

    Will it be a problem?
    ...if I have java installed and I disabled it during the installation, will my status as my machine has not java installed?
    Java is still installed.

  • Dynamic JNLP causes exception on 1st run after java install

    I have a dynamic JNLP file (php) which runs my software. It works just fine, except for the 1st time it is run after a user has installed Java.
    I get the exception; "The following field was missing from the jnlp file: <jnlp>". When I look at the jnlp code in JWS in the "Launch File" tab of the error message, I see that the JNLP is not there - but the page the user would see if he was not logged into the system (as if JWS has cached the file or something).
    If I close it down, press F5 to refresh, and run it again everything works fine.
    I'm running the dyanmic.jnlp?dummy=randomnumber943934 to prevent caching. In addition, these headers are sent: (php code)
    header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
    // HTTP/1.1
    header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
    header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
    // HTTP/1.0
    header("Pragma: no-cache");.. so nothing should be cached. But I'm not sure that's where the problem is - cause it only happens the first time after a java install.
    Any clues?

    I think you're dynamicallt created jnlp is invalid in someway; I can use the following without any problems:
    header("Content-type: application/x-java-jnlp-file");
    echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n";
    $codebase = trim(stripslashes(urldecode($_REQUEST["codebase"])));
    $href = trim(stripslashes(urldecode($_REQUEST["href"])));
    echo "<jnlp spec=\"1.0+\" codebase=\"$codebase\" href=\"$href\">\n";
    you should try and test the output of your generated code, something like this should work:
    <textarea rows=20 cols=70>
    include 'mydynamicscript.php';
    The first time a jnlp is called it is downloaded into the browser cache and javaws.exe is executed on it from that location, this in turn downloads the jnlp again from the passed codebase & href attributes into the jws cache. Subsequent calls the jnlp are extracted from the copy in the webstart cache, and often downloaded from the codebase & href attributes when it detects possible changes. In your case these jnlp files seem to differ.
    - Richard

  • Where is java installed?

    where on the mac is Java installed? I have java 1.6, but I want 1.5 (since will be running Tomcat 5.5..) also, it says here,
    that Java that comes with the mac comes from Apple and not from Sun, and that it tends to be buggy, so I might as well install it on my own.. my main question is: where do I install it? I don't know b/c can't find the install that is there now (found version by typing java -version in unix shell, but when search for "java" I can't find where sdk/jre is installed.. )
    acutally, ran a search, found Java install in system/.../frameworks/javaVM.framework.. so do I install 1.5 in system/.../frameworks/?? (need to make very sure two installs, 1.6 and 1.5, are kept separately, too bad javaVM.framework dir doesn't have version in its name (if I un-install 1.6, would that adversely affect anything in the machine I don't know about that needs java 1.6 to function?)
    thank you..

    kali90 wrote:
    thank u very much for yr responses.. have run searches and found where Java is installed.. have decided to install tomcat 6 to not twist myself into pretzel trying to fit a square into a circle.. so: only instructions have found to install specif. tomcat 6 are here,
    I am getting to the point where I distrust anything I see on the internet about Apple products that doesn't end in "". Technically, those instructions are correct, but way too confusing. They are trying to cover all situations for 100% of all users. It would be far better to just focus on the most common 95% and let the outliers fend for themselves. If they are outliers, they can probably figure it out anyway.
    the unix part seems complicated ("The OS X developer tools must be installed to compile the MOD_JK connector, Native Library, or the JSVC daemon..." oh man...)
    but well, first thing tried to do was set JAVA_HOME env var.. following instructions on this page did
    set JAVA_HOME /Library/Java/Home
    export JAVA_HOME=/Home/Java/Home
    and put that line at the end of the file ".bash_profile" in your home directory.
    but not sure if it took, not sure what command is in unix to list all env vars.. I thought it was 'env' but running command 'env' the list of env vars does not include JAVA_HOME, even after I set it.. at first did
    set JAVA_HOME /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home
    That is just a more confusing way of referring to the same path as above.

  • HT5254 Flashback Removal Tools available for those WITHOUT Java installed?

    Apple's own KB says that this tool is available for "OS X v10.7 or later without Java installed". Is this a typo? Am I missing something? (I do that from time-to-time.)
    You must have Java installed in order to become infected by Flashback.
    I have Java installed, and when I ran Software Update, there was nothing new available. Can anyone with Java installed confirm that they were able to download and run this tool via Software Update?

    Okay, as long as the recent Java update performed the same job and removed the malware, I guess Java users are in good shape.
    I never had Flashback in any case, but this KB was confusingly worded—at least to me.

Maybe you are looking for

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