
this is more a mathematical/physical problem than a java problem (although it is going to be used in a java program...)
if i wanted to calculate I in the following equation by means of a gradient on a graph, how would i rearragne the equation or whatever....
a = g/(1+(I/mr^2))
i.e. want to make a graph that has a and m on the axes....
Sarah :)

Argh. I believe I know the answer the OP is seeking. As soon as I went to sleep I figured it out.
It turns out I was thinking too hard earlier when I said we want a<<g. I was thinking a was on both sides of the equation and therefore I had a parametrized equation that wouldn't give a line. What a doofus. That's not right. You will get a line if you plot the applied torque versus the angular acceleration. It is parametrized, but that doesn't stop the plot of y vs. x from being a line if the equation says it is.
Suppose we are doing the experiment where we have a disk with a string wrapped around it, there's no friction and on the string we hang various masses.
Let T = tension in the string
Let m = the hanging mass
Let I = moment of inertia of the disk
Let R = radius of the disk. The string is wound around the disk at this radius
Let a = the acceleration of the mass = tangential acceleration of the disk
Let alpha = the angular acceleration = a/R
Then by Newton's second law (linear and rotational)
Net torque = T*R (assuming no friction) = I*alpha
Net force on the hanging mass = ma = mg - T
So T = m(g-a)
and substituting this in the first equation m(g-a)R = I*a/R.
If you rearrange, you find the OP's equation:
maR+Ia/R = mgR
a(1 + I/(mR^2)) = mgR
a = mgR/(1+I/(mR^2))
This I had mentioned as correct earlier, for the case when there is no friction and we have a mass hanging on a disk. But where I was mistaken I was when I was thinking that plotting a vs. m would be better than applied torque vs. alpha, since the torque and alpha both have a in them, and we usually say "plot the dependent vs. the independent variable" like a mantra. Mathematically this is not strictly necessary.
If you compute applied torque = m(g-a)R and alpha = a/R, then you can plot applied torque on the y axis, angular acceleration on the x axis. By the equation
applied torque = I*alpha, this will be linear and the slope will be I, and the y intercept will be zero.
That's the simplest possible way to do this. (Providing my surmise about your experiment is correct)
:P jen

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    Please help me.Have a look at the JAMA package:
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    Edited by: Rotshield on Aug 23, 2008 2:29 AM
    Edited by: Rotshield on Aug 23, 2008 2:29 AM

    Ah, well.
    You can lead a horse to the water but you can't make it drink.
    Just to provide some background, I'm not a developer, just a hobby programmer and first took up Java less than 14 months ago. I didn't know the answer to your problem, but on reading the API it was fairly clear which method I'd have to make use of. In less than half an hour of coding, I had a JFrame with a JTree and a JButton to add a node, which was immediately in editing condition.
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    The idea behind drag'n'drop visual editors and code-generators is nice. But they are not intented to be used by developers who don't understand what they do.
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                System.err.println("\nNo Matching Data Could Be Found In This Text File.\n");
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                String individualMatch =;
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    if (!matcher.find()) {  // This line matches the first one, and throws it away
    System.err.println("\nNo Matching Data Could Be Found In This Text File.\n");
         while (matcher.find()) {  // .. since you call find here again.         
    String individualMatch =;
    return allMatches;Kaj

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    Pleae help in this regard.
    I am using a DSN-less connection to conect to
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    Let me clear about this.
    Thanks in Advance.

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    SAP EPM version 10.0 SP15 Patch 2
    Build 8586
    Thanks for your help in advance

    You can write if Statement in transformation not conversion.
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