Java ME 8 Released!

Exciting news: Java ME 8 Released!
-- Terrence

Hi Travis,
Right, there is no UI API in ME8 except for Line UI. We've working on defining the proper API but currently cannot say what that would be. Sure it will not be MIDP 3 UI, it was dropped as not relevant for embedded. LWUIT? almost likely not. As you can see we put a serious effort in converging Java SE embedded and Java ME embedded, so there is high chance that UI APIs are converged as well

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    Jon Barker

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    There is a solution, but it's not pretty. You can use a hex editor to find all the cab headers in the file ("MSCF"), and extract the individual cabs from the downloaded executable. Each cab will contain a portion of the JDK. The most important one is the cab that contains, because it contains the compiler and most of the libraries. You don't need to worry about the length of the cabs so you can just copy from the header to the end of the file. The extra data after the end of the cab will be ignored.
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    import java.util.*;
    public class ClientHttpRequest
        protected void connect()
            throws IOException
            if(os == null)
                os = connection.getOutputStream();
        protected void write(char c)
            throws IOException
        protected void write(String s)
            throws IOException
        protected void newline()
            throws IOException
        protected void writeln(String s)
            throws IOException
        protected static String randomString()
            return Long.toString(random.nextLong(), 36);
        private final void boundary()
            throws IOException
        private final void postCookies()
            StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer();
            for(Iterator iterator = cookies.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
                java.util.Map.Entry entry = (java.util.Map.Entry);
                stringbuffer.append(entry.getKey().toString() + '=' + entry.getValue());
                    stringbuffer.append("; ");
            if(stringbuffer.length() > 0)
                connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", stringbuffer.toString());
        public void setCookie(String s, String s1)
            throws IOException
            cookies.put(s, s1);
        public void setCookies(Map map)
            throws IOException
            if(map == null)
            } else
        public void setCookies(String as[])
            throws IOException
            if(as == null)
            for(int i = 0; i < as.length - 1; i += 2)
                setCookie(as, as[i + 1]);
    private final void writeName(String s)
    throws IOException
    write("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"");
    public void setParameter(String s, String s1)
    throws IOException
    private static final void pipe(InputStream inputstream, OutputStream outputstream)
    throws IOException
    byte abyte0[] = new byte[0x7a120];
    int j = 0;
    int i;
    while((i =, 0, abyte0.length)) >= 0)
    outputstream.write(abyte0, 0, i);
    j += i;
    abyte0 = null;
    public void setParameter(String s, String s1, InputStream inputstream)
    throws IOException
    write("; filename=\"");
    write("Content-Type: ");
    URLConnection _tmp = connection;
    String s2 = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(s1);
    if(s2 == null)
    s2 = "application/octet-stream";
    pipe(inputstream, os);
    public void setParameter(String s, File file)
    throws IOException
    setParameter(s, file.getPath(), ((InputStream) (new FileInputStream(file))));
    public void setParameter(String s, Object obj)
    throws IOException
    if(obj instanceof File)
    setParameter(s, (File)obj);
    setParameter(s, obj.toString());
    public void setParameters(Map map)
    throws IOException
    if(map == null)
    java.util.Map.Entry entry;
    for(Iterator iterator = map.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); setParameter(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue()))
    entry = (java.util.Map.Entry);
    public void setParameters(Object aobj[])
    throws IOException
    if(aobj == null)
    for(int i = 0; i < aobj.length - 1; i += 2)
    setParameter(aobj[i].toString(), aobj[i + 1]);
    public InputStream post()
    throws IOException
    return connection.getInputStream();
    public InputStream post(Map map)
    throws IOException
    return post();
    public InputStream post(Object aobj[])
    throws IOException
    return post();
    public InputStream post(Map map, Map map1)
    throws IOException
    return post();
    public InputStream post(String as[], Object aobj[])
    throws IOException
    return post();
    public InputStream post(String s, Object obj)
    throws IOException
    setParameter(s, obj);
    return post();
    public InputStream post(String s, Object obj, String s1, Object obj1)
    throws IOException
    setParameter(s, obj);
    return post(s1, obj1);
    public InputStream post(String s, Object obj, String s1, Object obj1, String s2, Object obj2)
    throws IOException
    setParameter(s, obj);
    return post(s1, obj1, s2, obj2);
    public InputStream post(String s, Object obj, String s1, Object obj1, String s2, Object obj2, String s3,
    Object obj3)
    throws IOException
    setParameter(s, obj);
    return post(s1, obj1, s2, obj2, s3, obj3);
    private final void _mththis()
    os = null;
    cookies = new HashMap();
    boundary = "---------------------------" + randomString() + randomString() + randomString();
    public ClientHttpRequest(URLConnection urlconnection, String s)
    throws IOException
    connection = urlconnection;
    urlconnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", s);
    urlconnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary);
    public ClientHttpRequest(URL url, String s)
    throws IOException
    this(url.openConnection(), s);
    public ClientHttpRequest(String s, String s1)
    throws IOException
    this(new URL(s), s1);
    private static Random random = new Random();
    URLConnection connection;
    OutputStream os;
    Map cookies;
    String boundary;

    And you're closing the inputstream to the file?Thanks, I knew it was something simple like that but I'd been staring at it so long I couldn't see it. I guess a fresh pair of eyes helps.

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    DarrylBurke wrote:
    jwenting wrote:
    macrules2 wrote:
    Explicitly checking a boolean value for equality with true or false is redundant, and generally a sign of an inexperienced developer.So is thinking that something newer is always better...Careful, your age is showing ;-)Yeah well with age comes wisdom. And the arrogance to ignore said wisdom :)

  • Java 1.6 release client

    Does anybody know when the next Java 1.6 version will be released for Tiger? The last version that I see for download on the ADC is dated Sep 13, 2006 (Java 6 Release 1).

    Contact your Apple Developer contact. This is a user to user forum here that does not have privy to information found only to select member developers. Please read the Terms of Use on the right where it says:
    "2. Submissions
    Search or browse for existing answers before you ask a question. Someone else may have asked your question — it may save you some time.
    Stay on topic. Apple's discussion forums are here to help people use Apple products and technologies more effectively. Unless otherwise noted, don't add Submissions about nontechnical topics, including:
    That Apple rumor you saw on another website.
    Discussions of Apple policies or procedures.
    Speculations/rumors about unannounced products.
    The status of your 1973 MG Midget restoration."
    I think this falls under an unannounced product as only has Java 5.

  • Announce: Generic Algorithms for Java, 0.3 release

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    The library is released under the LGPL, and includes the source for the library, the test framework, and a non-genericized version of the test framework that verifies that the library may be used without having the generic environment available.

    A (similar, it seems) parameterized collections library for JSR-14 Java.I had looked at JUtil some time ago, and I'm not sure of the similarity: JUtil looks to provide a number of interesting (if somewhat specialized) collections. JGA provides functors & predicates, and STL-ish algorithms that operate on collections and iterators. Looks to me to be more complimentary than similar.
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    DrLaszloJamf wrote:
    abillconsl wrote:
    DrLaszloJamf wrote:
    abillconsl wrote:
    georgemc wrote:
    Reverse psychology? Pah! That'll never work!No I knowit won't - you are too too smart for me. And I don't want any more either.Just ignore me. I'm only sending this from a war zone. Sound of mortars in the background. Wait a minute. No, that's just BDLH. Chili for lunch. Did I mention I could use some Sun Java for Men about now?WoW! I feel for you dude.
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    I use many beans in my app. Is there a way to release them from memory, or destroy the object. I feel that its possibly eating my memory up over time. Most of my beans are in page scope. Some are in session scope. So the page scope ones should kill them at the end of execution of the page and the session ones should delete the object from memory when at the last page of the app where session is no longer needed.
    Someone mentioed System.exit(1); but I have not found any clear documentation that this will free up the memory that it has used.
    Thanks for your time. It is appreciated.

    There is no way to explicitly force the memory to be released. The JVM garbage collection will take care of it when more memory is required. The programmer's responsibility is to ensure that there are no remaining references to the object. System.exit() ends the JVM so you do not want to use that. You can call System.gc() to request that garbage collection runs, but the JVM does not guarantee that it will.

  • Bug in Oracle XSchema Processor for Java v1 (recently released)

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    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
    at oracle.xml.parser.schema.XSDBuilder.initParser(
    at XSDSetSchema.main(

    ah, yes. the 1k limit again. fantastic...
    code (note: this is hardcoded and terribly unpolished...but it works...):
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class CITestAuthenticationConfiguration extends Configuration { 
    private static ArrayList appConfigurationList = new ArrayList();
    public CITestAuthenticationConfiguration(){}
    public AppConfigurationEntry[] getAppConfigurationEntry(String applicationName){
    Map map = new HashMap();
    AppConfigurationEntry ace = new AppConfigurationEntry(
    AppConfigurationEntry[] aceArray = new AppConfigurationEntry[1];
    aceArray[0] = ace;
    return aceArray;
    public void refresh()
    // Right now this is a load once scheme and we will not implement the
    // refresh method
    public static boolean addAppConfigurationEntry ( String flag, String module, String options )
    // REMOVED FOR BREV[i]Long postings are being truncated to ~1 kB at this time.

  • Java application not release memory

    I have java 1.3 or 1.4, my application start correctly.
    I have set heap a 4Mb but process java begin consume ram, initialy start with 7MB after 12-15 hour the process have above 60% system mem (128Mb).
    After 16-18 hour kernel kill process.
    I have Ubuntu distribution

    it is difficult to address this question without having a knowledge of the application. Here are some suggestions:
    (1) run the application from within Java Studio in debug mode. This will give you an idea of what is absorbing the memory. The idea here is to be able to watch your data structures grow. Any tool that allows you to do this will help. See
    for Java Studio Enterprise.
    (2) the chances are very good that your application is creating some sort of Collection (Set, Hashtable, Vector, ...) and slowly adding to it. This is very common and a common cause of "memory leak".
    (3) The garbage collector in Java frees memory as objects go out of scope. If the objects never go out of scope, they are never garbage collected.
    (4) If you have these such objects or collections that must always be accessable, consider adding some caching mechanism (putting the data to disk) whereby keeping your datastructures smaller.
    (5)Also, when you say "set the heap" I am assuming you used the -Xmx and -Xms command line options. If not, look into these.

  • Jave 1.4 Release

    Does anyone know how the 1.4 project is coming along, and when the JDK 1.4 and JRE will be released?
    I remember the date being an approximate "mid September" ... just looking for an update!

    I remember the date being an approximate "mid
    September" ... just looking for an update!You must have been mistaken - that's when beta 2 was supposed to arrive (which it did, of course). The alpha version should be released sometime in the last quarter; likely before the christmas, that is :)

  • Is Java 6 SE Release 1 Dp6 10.5.x Compatible ?

    Hi !
    Just downloaded JavaSE6 Release1 Developer Preview 6 but I get the message that it is only Tiger Compatible !!!
    While in Apple Dev Preview 9 is only 64 bit compatible !!
    What are my option for testing my Java 1.6 Apps in Mac ?

    That's easy. Like me, you're completely snookered.
    Your only options are to revert to 1.5, or have a look at Soy Latte:
    Personally, I'm sticking to 1.5

Maybe you are looking for

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