Java not creating .class file ?

I copied and pasted text into textpad then saved textpad creats the java file but no class file ! What gives ? I tried rebooting , the class name is the same (not mispelled) even did a HD search for class file and its no where to be found

You have to compile a Java source file into a class file.

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  • Unable to compile ( not creating class file ) java file

    I am unable to compile java file in eclipse. I am using Tomcat 5.0 and eclipse 3.0. I am able to compile the file from command prompt. I installed eclipse and did all settings including Build path ( WEB-INF\classes). But I donot see any class file getting created.

    Are you seeing errors when eclipse compiles you classes? Have you tried to build your project using; Project -> Build All? If you have and it looks like no errors are generated you may need to change your perspective. Try changing to the resource perspective to see the built class files; Window -> Open Perspective -> Other -> Resource. By default built class files end up in the bin directory of the project. i usually change my built classes directory to classes, just makes more sense to me.

  • Included #sql context DB1Ctx; did not create .class file

    Request explanations on why this does not create a
    SQLJTst3.class file? I type in sqlj SQLJTst3.sqlj
    This creates the and the .ser profile files but
    no .class file.
    My set-up is:
    Oracle SQLJ Release Production
    Build version: - Built on May 31, 2000
    IDE interface version:
    JDBC version: Oracle JDBC driver version 8.1 (
    SQLJ runtime: Oracle 8.1.7 for JDBC 8.1.7 or later/JDK 12EE -
    Built on Aug 18, 2000
    Java version: 1.3 (1.3.0)
    import sqlj.runtime.*;
    import sqlj.runtime.ref.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext;
    #sql context DB1Ctx; // Define connection context
    #sql context DB2Ctx;
    public class SQLJTst3 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Connection c = null;
    String URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@gnj:1521:oralin";
    String userid = "scott";
    String passwd = "tiger";
    try {                
    Oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver() );
    // Connect to multiple databases
    DB1Ctx dB1 = new DB1Ctx(DriverManager.getConnection(URL,
    userid, passwd));
    DB2Ctx dB2 = new DB1Ctx(DriverManager.getConnection(URL,
    userid, passwd));
    // Select a row from database DB1
    String dBuser1;
    #sql [dB1] { select user into :dBuser1 from dual };
    System.out.println("Database username is " + dBuser1);
    // Select a row from database DB2
    String dBuser2;
    #sql [dB2] { select user into :dBuser2 from dual };
    System.out.println("Database username is " + dBuser2);
    // Close the database connection
    #sql { rollback work };
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    YET this one creates all the files and I can then java SQLJTst2.
    import sqlj.runtime.*;
    import sqlj.runtime.ref.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    // Iterators must be delared on top - sqlj will create classes
    for them
    #sql iterator TabIter (String, String);
    public class SQLJTst2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Connection c = null;
    String URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@gnj:1521:oralin";
    String userid = "scott";
    String passwd = "tiger";
    try {
    c = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, userid, passwd);
    System.out.println("Successfully conencted to Oracle...");
    // You need to set a Context for SQLJ, otherwise -
    // SQLException: found null connection context
    DefaultContext.setDefaultContext( new DefaultContext(c));
    // Fetch multiple values
    TabIter tabIter;
    #sql tabIter = { select tname, tabtype from tab };
    while (true) {
    String dBTabName = null;
    String dBTabType = null;
    #sql { fetch :tabIter into :dBTabName, :dBTabType };
    if ( tabIter.endFetch() ) break;
    System.out.println("Name: " + dBTabType + "." +
    // Close the database connection
    #sql { commit work };
    #sql { rollback work };
    } catch (SQLException e) {

    Disgregard previous posting...I found the typo. It does create
    the .class files now.
    However the problem im getting this time is
    Database username is SCOTT
    Database username is SCOTT
    java.sql.SQLException: found null connection context
    at sqlj.runtime.error.Errors.raiseError(
    at sqlj.runtime.error.Errors.raiseError(
    at SQLJTst3.main(
    It does not like two sessions from same user?

  • Java not running .class files

    I rebooted my computer, and now whenever I type
    java <filename> it responds with:
    C:\Development\Java\Projects\Scratch>java T1
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: T1
    However, it compiles fine:
    class foo {
    class T1 {
        public static void main (String [] args) {
            foo [] fooArray = new foo[5];
            if (fooArray[1] instanceof Object)
              System.out.println("fooArray[1] is an object");
            if (fooArray[1] instanceof foo)
              System.out.println("fooArray[1] is a foo");
    }What am I missing to get it to run with java T1?
    (every other class file that used to work behaves the same way)

    Yes, it is the classpath. Strangely . is in my classpath in the environment settings in the control panel. I guess I can survive adding -cp . but it is kind of a pain in the a__ for no reason I can discern

  • Creating class files

    javac.exe is not creating class file.My os is win2000 and system 1s PIV

    Actually my pbroblem is javac is not at all creating class file
    iconfirmed it by searchig.
    even i am not getting the options of javac after typing 'javac'
    at the command prompt without giving any file name after the command

  • SQLJ Translation does not create profile file

    SQLJ Translation does not create profile file.
    After translating a small file HelloWorld.sqlj
    the following files are created:
    Although there is a HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys.class, profile file HelloWorld_SJProfile0.ser has NOT been created.
    The starting file .sqlj file HelloWorld.sqlj is taken from O'Reilly book 'Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ' by Jason Price. The file contains a valid SQL statement to display the date.
    My environment variables were set up with instructions from:
    When I run java HelloWorld to run the .java file, I get the error:
    SQLException java.sql.SQLException: profile HelloWorld_SJProfile0 not found: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloWorld_SJProfile0
    I searched the internet high and low for a similar error to mine but I could not find a match.
    I read the following text from
    but it does not help me.
    "ClassNotFoundException: xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 for class xxx.yyy_SJProfileKeys
    If you see an exception such as:
    java.sql.SQLException: profile xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 not found:
    xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 for class xxx.yy_SJProfileKeys
    then you must ensure that the SQLJ profile(s), such as xxx/yyy_SJProfile0.ser, is available in the SQLJ runtime environment. This includes JARing this file as part of an applet deployment, or publishing it to the server via loadjava.
    Any ideas? Thanks in advance,
    Helloworld.sqlj before translation:
    The program HelloWorld.sqlj illustrates how to connect to a
    database, and display the words "Hello World" along with
    the current date.
    // import required packages
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;
    public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
    java.sql.Date current_date;
    try {
    // connect to the database
    // get the current date from the database
    #sql { SELECT sysdate INTO :current_date FROM dual };
    // display message
    System.out.println("Hello World! The current date is " +
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } finally {
    try {
    // disconnect from the database
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } // end of main() after translation:
    The program HelloWorld.sqlj illustrates how to connect to a
    database, and display the words "Hello World" along with
    the current date.
    // import required packages
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;
    public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
    java.sql.Date current_date;
    try {
    // connect to the database
    // get the current date from the database
    // #sql { SELECT sysdate  FROM dual  };
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTResultSet __sJT_rtRs;
    sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext __sJT_connCtx = sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext.getDefaultContext();
    if (__sJT_connCtx == null) sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NULL_CONN_CTX();
    sqlj.runtime.ExecutionContext __sJT_execCtx = __sJT_connCtx.getExecutionContext();
    if (__sJT_execCtx == null) sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NULL_EXEC_CTX();
    synchronized (__sJT_execCtx) {
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTStatement __sJT_stmt = __sJT_execCtx.registerStatement(__sJT_connCtx, HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys.getKey(0), 0);
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTResultSet __sJT_result = __sJT_execCtx.executeQuery();
    __sJT_rtRs = __sJT_result;
    sqlj.runtime.ref.ResultSetIterImpl.checkColumns(__sJT_rtRs, 1);
    if (!
    current_date = __sJT_rtRs.getDate(1);
    if (
    // display message
    System.out.println("Hello World! The current date is " +
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } finally {
    try {
    // disconnect from the database
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } // end of main()
    }/*@lineinfo:generated-code*/class HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys
    private static HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys inst = null;
    public static java.lang.Object getKey(int keyNum)
    throws java.sql.SQLException
    if (inst == null)
    inst = new HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys();
    return inst.keys[keyNum];
    private final sqlj.runtime.profile.Loader loader = sqlj.runtime.RuntimeContext.getRuntime().getLoaderForClass(getClass());
    private java.lang.Object[] keys;
    private HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys()
    throws java.sql.SQLException
    keys = new java.lang.Object[1];
    keys[0] = sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext.getProfileKey(loader, "HelloWorld_SJProfile0");

    SQLJ Translation does not create profile file.
    After translating a small file HelloWorld.sqlj
    the following files are created:
    Although there is a HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys.class, profile file HelloWorld_SJProfile0.ser has NOT been created.
    The starting file .sqlj file HelloWorld.sqlj is taken from O'Reilly book 'Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ' by Jason Price. The file contains a valid SQL statement to display the date.
    My environment variables were set up with instructions from:
    When I run java HelloWorld to run the .java file, I get the error:
    SQLException java.sql.SQLException: profile HelloWorld_SJProfile0 not found: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloWorld_SJProfile0
    I searched the internet high and low for a similar error to mine but I could not find a match.
    I read the following text from
    but it does not help me.
    "ClassNotFoundException: xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 for class xxx.yyy_SJProfileKeys
    If you see an exception such as:
    java.sql.SQLException: profile xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 not found:
    xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 for class xxx.yy_SJProfileKeys
    then you must ensure that the SQLJ profile(s), such as xxx/yyy_SJProfile0.ser, is available in the SQLJ runtime environment. This includes JARing this file as part of an applet deployment, or publishing it to the server via loadjava.
    Any ideas? Thanks in advance,
    Helloworld.sqlj before translation:
    The program HelloWorld.sqlj illustrates how to connect to a
    database, and display the words "Hello World" along with
    the current date.
    // import required packages
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;
    public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
    java.sql.Date current_date;
    try {
    // connect to the database
    // get the current date from the database
    #sql { SELECT sysdate INTO :current_date FROM dual };
    // display message
    System.out.println("Hello World! The current date is " +
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } finally {
    try {
    // disconnect from the database
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } // end of main() after translation:
    The program HelloWorld.sqlj illustrates how to connect to a
    database, and display the words "Hello World" along with
    the current date.
    // import required packages
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;
    public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
    java.sql.Date current_date;
    try {
    // connect to the database
    // get the current date from the database
    // #sql { SELECT sysdate  FROM dual  };
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTResultSet __sJT_rtRs;
    sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext __sJT_connCtx = sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext.getDefaultContext();
    if (__sJT_connCtx == null) sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NULL_CONN_CTX();
    sqlj.runtime.ExecutionContext __sJT_execCtx = __sJT_connCtx.getExecutionContext();
    if (__sJT_execCtx == null) sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NULL_EXEC_CTX();
    synchronized (__sJT_execCtx) {
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTStatement __sJT_stmt = __sJT_execCtx.registerStatement(__sJT_connCtx, HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys.getKey(0), 0);
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTResultSet __sJT_result = __sJT_execCtx.executeQuery();
    __sJT_rtRs = __sJT_result;
    sqlj.runtime.ref.ResultSetIterImpl.checkColumns(__sJT_rtRs, 1);
    if (!
    current_date = __sJT_rtRs.getDate(1);
    if (
    // display message
    System.out.println("Hello World! The current date is " +
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } finally {
    try {
    // disconnect from the database
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } // end of main()
    }/*@lineinfo:generated-code*/class HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys
    private static HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys inst = null;
    public static java.lang.Object getKey(int keyNum)
    throws java.sql.SQLException
    if (inst == null)
    inst = new HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys();
    return inst.keys[keyNum];
    private final sqlj.runtime.profile.Loader loader = sqlj.runtime.RuntimeContext.getRuntime().getLoaderForClass(getClass());
    private java.lang.Object[] keys;
    private HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys()
    throws java.sql.SQLException
    keys = new java.lang.Object[1];
    keys[0] = sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext.getProfileKey(loader, "HelloWorld_SJProfile0");

  • Tomcat6 does not load class files from WEB-INF/lib/myjarfile.jar  WHY???

    I have placed my jar file in c:\tomcat6\webapps\my-application\WEB-INF\lib\myjarfile.jar
    But, after restarting tomcat6, when i try to import the class file contained in the myjarfile.jar in a servlet, it says package test.test1 does not exist
    import test.test1.*;
    ^It clearly tomcat's class loading problem.
    As i unzipped my jar and placed the packagefolder structure to
    c:\tomcat6\webapps\my-application\WEB-INF\classes\testand it works perfectly.
    Anyone knows its workaround? please suggest if any configuration changes is required in tomcat or so.

    Thank you gimbal2 . There was error in creating the jar file myjarfile.jar.
    But, now I have created it again and placed it in place
    c:\tomcat6\webapps\my-application\WEB-INF\lib\myjarfile.jarand tried to use one on the Class file included within the jar to compile my servlet. But, still I am getting error at servlet compilation time. I want to place executable jar files in
    c:\tomcat6\webapps\my-application\WEB-INF\lib\myjarfile.jar and compile my servlet and execute the servlet.
    I DO NOT WANT TO unzip the jar, placing all unzipped files to
    c:\tomcat6\webapps\my-application\WEB-INF\classes\ folder and comiple my servlet and execute the servlet. But, I am failing to user WEB-INF\lib\ folder facility....please help me why i am not getting class files from WEB-INF\lib\ folder.
    If you please see the small code bit and tell me any possible error that would be very helpful.
    Step 1: my library java file
    package test.test1;
    public class MyClass {
         String myName = "Default return string value";
         public void setMyName(String varName) {
              this.myName = varName;
         public String getMyName() {
              return this.myName;
    }Step2 : Creating jar file of my library class files
    C:\jdk1.6\bin>jar cvf myjarfile.jar test
    added manifest
    adding: test/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
    adding: test/test1/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
    adding: test/test1/MyClass.class(in = 452) (out= 296)(deflated 34%)
    adding: test/test1/ = 230) (out= 140)(deflated 39%)
    C:\jdk1.6\bin>Step3 : Double checking the created jar file content by listing its content
    C:\jdk1.6\bin>jar tf myjarfile.jar
    C:\jdk1.6\bin>Step4 : Placed myjarfile.jar to
    c:\tomcat6\webapps\my-application\WEB-INF\lib\Step5 : Restarted standalone Tomcat6 in my Windows XP SP2.
    Step6 : Created a simple servlet within my-application\WEB-INF\classes\ folder with code
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import test.test1.*;
    public class LibFolderTest extends HttpServlet {
         public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
              PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
              MyClass mc = new MyClass();
    }Step7 : Tried to compile my servlet and got the following error package test.test1 does not exist
    import test.test1.*;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : class MyClass
    location: class LibFolderTest
                    MyClass mc = new MyClass();
                    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : class MyClass
    location: class LibFolderTest
                    MyClass mc = new MyClass();
    3 errorsThe above servlet compilation error on Step7 is telling me that myjarfile.jar is not loaded by Tomcat6 or not available for use when compiling servlet. I want to use myjarfile.jar from within WEB-INF\lib\ folder but I can not. please help.

  • Crystal Server 2013: How to troubleshoot "Can not create temp file---- Error code:-2147215357"

    We have a Java7 web app, which generate PDF report by calling Crystal Server 2013 SP4.
    The app is being deployed on many different servers. We sometimes got the error below when generating report: Can not create temp file---- Error code:-2147215357 [CRSDK00000615] Error code name:internal
    Problem is, this seems to be  a pretty generic exception. It could be caused by many different reasons.
    e.g. network connection problem, wrong DB login, wrong folder path, lack of folder access right, etc.
    Each time we could only guess what's wrong.
    We are running into it again, and this time everything seems correctly configured so far.
    We wonder if there are more info we can get to troubleshoot? For example, any log file of Crystal Server we should look into? Or does Crystal Server has debug mode which prints more details to tell us what goes wrong?

    Prithviraj Shekhawat wrote:
    Hi Henry,
    I believe you are using RAS SDKs to export the reports to PDF.
    Apply trace on RAS server and check what you find in RAS logs.
    Check whether you can see timeout error is RAS logs. Usually if connection is lost and the RAS server no more have the session to write to the temp directory, we do see these errors.
    Also, does the account that runs RAS have permissions to create a file in RAS's default temp directory? Are you getting any out of memory or out of disk space exceptions on App server or RAS, tracing RAS server is the way to move forward.
    >>I believe you are using RAS SDKs to export the reports to PDF.
    >>Apply trace on RAS server and check what you find in RAS logs.
    >>Check whether you can see timeout error is RAS logs.
    How to configure tracing, and where are RAS logs? Is it configured in CMC --> Servers --> Crystal Report Services?
    >>Also, does the account that runs RAS have permissions to create
    >>a file in RAS's default temp directory?
    Pretty sure yes.
    >> Are you getting any out of memory or out of disk space exceptions
    >>on App server or RAS, tracing RAS server is the way to move forward.
    Not on App server.
    For RAS, that's the problem, I am not sure where to look.......

  • Can not create temp file---- Error code:-2147215357 [CRSDK00000615] Error code name:internal

    While exporting Export reporting from BI4 getting exception
    Can not create temp file---- Error code:-2147215357 [CRSDK00000615] Error code name:internal
    In Trace Log I am getting
    com.crystaldecisions.xml.serialization.XMLWriter||Failed to create an object instance for CrystalReports.TextObjectFormat
    java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key CrystalReports.TextObjectFormat
      at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(
      at java.util.ResourceBundle.getString(
    I tried following solution according to the all forums but still issue exist.
    Done changes mention in KB article In <Installation-dir-of-BO>\Common\4.0\java\CRConfig.XML we have to increase the JAVA heap MIN and Max size
              <JVMMaxHeap>64000000</JVMMaxHeap>          <JVMMinHeap>32000000</JVMMinHeap>
    Increase the value in the ReportApplicationServer Services in the CMC for "Number of database records to read when previewing or refreshing a report". The value -1 is for unlimited records but not recommended for performance.
    Check for temporary read write permission on server
    Using SDK library from C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP Business Objects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\java\lib
    Can you please let me know is there anything missing.

    We face the same problem with some BI4 reports.
    The same report works well with the "Crystal Reports Viewers API", as used in Infoview, but not with the "Report Application Server (RAS) API".
    This error appears after some time working on a report. If we reproduce the same report, but from zero, no problem.
    Hope it can help.

  • Javah error: could not find class file for 'com.ntv.ndkjni'

    My project directory  : C:\ndkJNI
    My java file directory : C:\ndkJNI\src\com\ntv\ndkjni
    My package name    : com.ntv.ndkjni
    1 ) I entry command prompt at C:\ndkJNI\src\com\ntv\ndkjni
    2 ) Javac and create test.class succesfully. test.class is in  C:\ndkJNI\src\com\ntv\ndkjni folder.
    3 ) Later I used Javah, try below javah variously
         a)  javah -classpath C:\ndkJNI\src\com\ntv\ndkjni test
         b)  javah -classpath C:\ndkJNI\src\com\ntv\ndkjni.test
         x) javah -classpath C:\ndkJNI\src\com\ntv\ndkjni com.ntv.ndkjni.test
         y) javah -classpath C:\ndkJNI\src\com\ntv\ndkjni com.ntv.ndkjni test
         c)  javah -classpath C:\ndkJNI\src\com\ntv\ndkjni com.ntv.ndkjni.test
         d)  javah  com.ntv.ndkjni.test
         e) javah  com.ntv.ndkjni test
         f) javah  com.ntv.ndkjni test.class-> (error: exception in a thread illegal argument exception)
    I am searching  for 5 day. I couldnt find solution. I try different computer. I tried ubuntu and win8, the error still with me.
    Thats interesting when I delete the package com.ntv.ndkjni; from java file,  then create class file again with javac then javah can create header file succesfully.
    Please help me.
    package com.ntv.ndkjni;
    public class test {
        public static native int toplama(int sayi1,int sayi2);

    javah takes a fully qualified class name so in your case that would be
    As with all things related to java the class path is used to resolve the class based on the fully qualified name.  The name resolves STARTING at the path and then attempts to find the class BELOW the classpath by resolving the name.
    Because of that your class path should be the following

  • Win xp not opening class file.

    win xp not opening class file.
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /C start c:/database/Myclass.class");
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /C c:/database/Myclass.class");
    is this code wrong for xp ?

    let me give some more information...
    i have c:\database
    in this folder i have 2 class...Myclass.class and Dbconnection.class
    Myclass simply uses the database connection from Dbconnection.class , nothing else.
    you see both of the classes are in the same folder(i.e c:\database) and there is no package
    statement inside the code .
    in command prompt if i do....
    c:\database\java Myclass // this works fine
    but i want this class to run at runtime, so i did like above and it is not running!!
    what i am getting is a irritating windows file chooser is poping up and saying "class not
    found...browse or search in web...etc etc"
    Now my question is >
    Q1 . how can i run that class at runtime ?
    here is some brief idea abt classes
    // only for database connection
    Connection con =db.getConnection();
    //use this con and show results for ur database related queries.
    }Q2. Can u plz tell those correct syntax how to run class file in this situation ?
    i will try all possible solutions tomorrow.

  • ERROR [MainDeployer] Could not create deployment: file:/root/jboss-4.2.0.GA

    15:50:52,307 ERROR [MainDeployer] Could not create deployment: file:/root/jboss-4.2.0.GA/server/default/conf/jboss-service.xml
    org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: - nested throwable: (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)
    at org.jboss.system.ServiceConfigurator.install(
    at org.jboss.system.ServiceController.install(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at $Proxy4.install(Unknown Source)
    at org.jboss.deployment.SARDeployer.create(
    at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.create(
    at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.deploy(
    at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.deploy(
    at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.deploy(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at $Proxy5.deploy(Unknown Source)
    at org.jboss.system.server.ServerImpl.doStart(
    at org.jboss.system.server.ServerImpl.start(
    at org.jboss.Main.boot(
    at org.jboss.Main$
    15:50:52,326 INFO [Server] Runtime shutdown hook called, forceHalt: true
    15:50:52,326 INFO [Server] JBoss SHUTDOWN: Undeploying all packages
    15:50:52,335 INFO [Server] Shutdown complete
    Shutdown complete
    Halting VM
    Please help me with this issue.
    Thanks in advance

    There's a bug or a configuration fault in your JBoss AS. That's all what I can tell based on the given information. Try posting it at their own website/forum. This isn't the JBoss support forum or so.

  • Could not create task file

    We are installing SAP R3 4.7 sr1 on Linux SuSE SLES9, 32/bit.
    Problem: During the installation of DI, phase Database Load (Pst Processing), installation stopped , and in the log file said
    Could not create task file tmp/sapinst_instdir/.../SAPREPOS.TSK
    Anyone with the similar problem? Solution?
    Best regards,
    Igor Kokai

    I do not know exactly what of the following elements contributed to fix the problem, but
    following is the list of changes we did in a 3rd try to install R/3 on Sun Solaris.
    1.  Get latest SAPINST.
    2.  Use a different installation directory, which is permitted by the use os a new SAPINST.  We used something outside /tmp, which is used by default by the SAPINST that comes with the CDs.
    3.  Delete the whole installation and start again, because by just using SAPINST in the middle of the installation, the problem was not fixed.
    4.  Change the SID from DEN to DE1.
    5.  There was an answer in sdn about the problem telling a linux user to use another environment variable that was for HP-UX, but since it was suggested for them, we took it, just in case. That was also done in the middle of the installation when the problem was happening, but did not fix the problem.
    6. We did not install the oracle patch because the patch is the one that looks for a bunch of sun patches, that although we already had them, since the error we were getting was oracle related, it was decided not to do that for now.
    7.  Smile and go ahead without desperation.

  • Can not open JPEG files and can not create JPEG files from other software

    Can not open JPEG files and can not create JPEG files from other software (For example from Solidworks).
    When I try to right click on a JPEG, a notice window appears written: "Windows Explorer has stopped working - Windows is
    checking for a solution to the problem" and then the notice box disapears, the desktop appears and I can continue working.
    From the other side - If I try to save as JPEG a screen of Solidworks (like a view of a part) the Solidworks falls but the JPEG
    is created (I can see its name in the directory I created it).
    I can open the JPEGS with the Paint software if I want but not with the Windows Photo Viewer.
    I have the feeling that the Windows Photo Viewer disapeared from my computer - just a feeling.
    I will appreciate your assistance.
    Avi T. 2014

    Did Windows Photo Viewer option appear when you right click the JPEG file and select open with?
    I would like suggest you use Clean Boot to troubleshoot if there is third-party software conflict:
    How to perform a clean boot in Windows
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Why do I get error 'Could not create temporary file. No space left on device" when I use the Engine Installati​on Wizard in TestStand?

    The process gets to the NIVISA\SETUP.INI step, then I get this error.
    I've tried with installing the MDAC and not, and it happens both times.
    The drive I'm trying to create the file to has 7.4GB open on it, so I'm not sure why this is happening.
    Thank you,
    Dave Neumann

    This is documented in the KnowledBase 2D6A63VW titled: "Error: Could Not Create Temporary File, No Space Left on Device".
    As RByrd suggested, you might need to free up some memory space in your System Temp directory, OR you may change the location of your System Temp directory to one with more space (such as the directory where you want the TestStand Engine files to be saved). The Knowledbase shows how to do this step by step. This is its URL:​62567740067f3cc/46f99e55650d8d5b86256ac00059018e?O​penDocument
    Carlos Leon

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