Java object printing

I am printing a java object for e.g:
Object o="{27-01-1989}";
In this snippet,it prints "date={27-01-1989}"
For this how to ignore these curly braces.

jkvel wrote:
I am returning a class. It returns like that only.No, you're returning an object. You can't return classes, they're an abstract concept.
What is the actual class of your object? Is it Date? If yes, then use SimpleDateFormat to format it to your liking.
If it's something else, look into the substring() methods of String.

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    How are you printing the pdf's?

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    Thanx in advance.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.print.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class SubbuBook extends Thread implements Printable {
    Connection con;
         Statement stmt;
         static ResultSet rsValue;
         public void run() {
              PrinterJob job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
              Book bk = new Book();
              if (job.printDialog()) {
         try {
              bk.append(new SubbuBook(),job.defaultPage(), 4);
              }catch (Exception e) {
              System.out.println("Exception "+e);
    public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int pageIndex) throws PrinterException {
         Font fntHeading = new Font("Helvetica",Font.BOLD,24);
    Font fntRow = new Font("Helvetica",Font.PLAIN,14);
         if( {
              g.drawString("Main Report",200,100);
              g.drawString("Program Id",120,200);
              g.drawString("Program Name",120,250);
              g.drawString("Artist Name",120,300);
         }catch(Exception ae) {
         System.out.println("Exception inside Paint"+ae);
         return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;
    private void dataConnection() {
         rsValue=stmt.executeQuery("select * from artist order by Prog_name");
         System.out.println("Connection is Proper");
         }catch(Exception e){
              System.out.println("Exception at Connection"+e);

    I am not sure this..
    Instead of if pls give while and check:
    while( {
    g.drawString("Main Report",200,100);

  • Parse of a xml file to an java object model

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    public static void readFile(String root){
              DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory
              try {
                   DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
                   Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(root)).useDelimiter("\\Z");
                   String contents =;
                   Document document = builder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(contents.getBytes()));
                   Node node = null;
                   NodeList nodes = null;
                   Element element = document.getDocumentElement();
                   NodeList subNodes;
                   NamedNodeMap attributes;
                   //if (element.hasAttributes())
              } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
              } catch (SAXException e) {
              } catch (IOException e) {
         private static void visitNodes (Node node){
              for(Node childNode = node.getFirstChild(); childNode!=null;){
                   if (childNode.getNodeType() == childNode.DOCUMENT_NODE){
                        System.out.println("Document node Name " + childNode.getNodeName());
                   }else if (childNode.getNodeType() == childNode.ELEMENT_NODE){
                        System.out.println("Node Name " + childNode.getNodeName());
                        if (childNode.hasAttributes()){
                        if (childNode.hasChildNodes()){
                   }else if (childNode.getNodeType() == childNode.TEXT_NODE && !childNode.getNodeValue().contains("\n\t")){
                        System.out.println("Node value " + childNode.getNodeValue());
                   Node nextChild = childNode.getNextSibling();
                   childNode = nextChild;
         private static void visitAttributes(NamedNodeMap attributes){
              Node node;
              for(int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++){
                   node = attributes.item(i);
                   System.out.print(node.getNodeName() + " ");
                   System.out.print(node.getNodeValue() + " ");
                  }I don't know the use of childNodeType. For example, I expected that the XML tags with childs in his structure, enter by the option NODE_DOCUMENT and the tags without childs by the ELEMENT_NODE.
    But the most important problem I've found are the nodes [#text] because after one ELEMENT_NODE I always found this node and when I ask if the node hasChilds, always returns true by this node.
    Has any option to obtain this text value, that finally I want to display without doing other recursively call when I enter into the ELEMENT_NODE option?
    When one Node is of type DOCUMENT_NODE or DOCUMENT_COMMENT? My program always enter by the ELEMENT_NODE type
    Have you any other suggestions? All the help or idea will be well received.
    Thanks for all.

    Hello again,
    My native language is Spanish and sorry by my English I attemp write as better I can, using my own knowledge and the google traductor.
    I have solved my initial problem with the xml parser.
    Firstly, I read the complete XML file, validated previously.
    The code I've used is this:
    public static String readCompleteFile (String root){
              String content = "";
              try {
                   Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(root)).useDelimiter("\\Z");
                   content =;
              } catch (IOException e) {
              return content;
         }Now, I've the file in memory and I hope I can explain me better.
    I can receive different types of XML that could be or not partly equals.
    For this purpose I've created an external jar library with all the possible objects contained in my xml files.
    Each one of this objects depend on other, until found leaf nodes.
    For example, If I receive one xml with a scheme like the next:
        <Father Age="30r">Peter</Father>
        <Mother age="29">Theresa</Mother>
    </person>The first class, which initializes the parse, should selecting all the person tags into the file and treat them one by one. This means that for each person tag found, I must to call each subobject wich appears in the tag. using as parameter his own part of the tag and so on until you reach a node that has no more than values and or attributes. When the last node is completed I'm going to go back for completing the parent objects until I return to the original object. Then I'll have all the XML in java objects.
    The method that I must implement as constructor in every object is similar to this:
    public class Person{
      final String[] SUBOBJETOS = {"Father", "Mother", "Brothers", "Education"};
      private String name;
         private Father father;
         private Mother mother;
         private ArrayList brothers;
         private Education education;
         public Person(String xml){
           XmlUtil utilXml = new XmlUtil();          
              String xmlFather = utilXml.textBetweenXmlTags(xml, SUBOBJETOS[0]);
              String xmlMother = utilXml.textBetweenXmlTags(xml, SUBOBJETOS[1]);
              String xmlBrothers = utilXml.textBetweenMultipleXmlTags(xml, SUBOBJETOS[2]);
              String xmlEducation = utilXml.textBetweenXmlTags(xml, SUBOBJETOS[3]);
              if (!xmlFather.equals("")){
                   this.setFather(new Father(xmlFather));
              if (!xmlMother.equals("")){
                   this.setMother(new Father(xmlMother));
              if (!xmlBrothers.equals("")){
                ArrayList aux = new ArrayList();
                String xmlBrother;
                while xmlBrothers != null && !xmlBrothers.equals("")){
                  xmlBrother = utilXml.textBetweenXmlTags(xmlBrothers, SUBOBJETOS[2]);
                  aux.add(new Brother(xmlBrother);
                  xmlBrothers = utilXml.removeTagTreated(xmlBrothers, SUBOBJETOS[2]);
              if (!xmlEducation.equals("")){
                   this.setEducation(new Father(xmlEducation));     
    }If the object is a leaf object, the constructor will be like this:
    public class Mother {
         private String name;
         private String age;
         public Mother(String xml){          
              XmlUtil utilXml = new XmlUtil();
              HashMap objects = utilXml.parsearString(xml);
              ArraysList objectsList = new ArrayList();
              String[] Object = new String[2];
              if (objects.get("attributes")!= null){
                   objectsList = objects.get("attributes");
                   for (int i = 0; i < objectsList.size();i++){
                     Object = objectsList.get(i);
                     if (object[0].equals("age"))
         }Each class will have its getter and setter but I do not have implemented in the examples.
    Finally, the parser is as follows:
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
    import org.w3c.dom.Node;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    public class XmlUtil {
         public HashMap parsearString(String contenido){
              HashMap objet = new HashMap();
              DocumentBuilderFactory factory;
              DocumentBuilder builder;
              Document document;
                   if (content != null && !content.equals("")){
                        factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                        builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
                        document = builder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes()));
                        object = visitNodes(document);                    
                        object = null;
              } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
                   return null;
              } catch (SAXException e) {
                   return null;
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   return null;
              return object;
         private HashMap visitNodes (Node node){
              String nodeName = "";
              String nodeValue = "";
              ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
              HashMap object = new HashMap();
              Node childNode = node.getFirstChild();
              if (childNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE){
                   nodeName = childNode.getNodeName();                    
                   if (childNode.hasAttributes()){
                        attributes = visitAttributes(childNode.getAttributes());
                        attributes = null;
                   nodeValue = getNodeValue(childNode);
                   object.put(nodeName, nodeValue);
                   object.put("attributes", attributes);
              return object;
         private static String getNodeValue (Node node){          
              if (node.hasChildNodes() && node.getFirstChild().getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE && !node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().contains("\n\t"))
                   return node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                   return "";
         private ArrayList visitAttributes(NamedNodeMap attributes){
              Node node;
              ArrayList ListAttributes = new ArrayList();
              String [] attribute = new String[2];
              for(int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++){
                   atribute = new String[2];
                   node = attributes.item(i);
                   if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE){
                        attribute[0] = node.getNodeName();
                        attribute[1] = node.getNodeValue();
              return ListAttributes;
    }This code functioning properly. However, as exist around 400 objects to the xml, I wanted to create a method for more easily invoking objects that are below other and that's what I can't get to do at the moment.
    The code I use is:
    import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    public class UtilClasses {
         public Object UtilClasses(String package, String object, String xml){
              try {
                Class class = Class.forName(package + "." + object);
                //parameter types for methods
                Class[] partypes = new Class[]{Object.class};
                //Create method object . methodname and parameter types
                Method meth = class.getMethod(object, partypes);
                //parameter types for constructor
                Class[] constrpartypes = new Class[]{String.class};
                //Create constructor object . parameter types
                Constructor constr = claseObjeto.getConstructor(constrpartypes);
                //create instance
                Object obj = constr.newInstance(new String[]{xml});
                //Arguments to be passed into method
                Object[] arglist = new Object[]{xml};
                //invoke method!!
                String output = (String) meth.invoke(dummyto, arglist);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            } catch (SecurityException e) {
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            } catch (InstantiationException e) {
              return null;
         }This is an example obtained from the Internet that I've wanted modified to my needs. The problem is that when the class calls this method to invoke the constructor and does not fail, this does not do what I expect, because it creates an empty constructor. If not, the parent class gives a casting error.
    I hope that now have been more clear my intentions and that no one has fallen asleep reading this lengthy explanation.

  • Trying to publish a java object to PL/SQL

    Im really new to java and I've been trying to figure this out all day. Can someone PLEASE help me? Im trying to publish a java class I found off the internet to PL/SQL. I Can't seem to get the wrapper right... what am I doing wrong? The class is posted below and all the words bolded is what i've tried so far.. everything seems right for me, as I've done this the same way with a few other java objects..
    import java.util.*;
    class unzip
    public static void Unzip_File(String args[])
    if(args.length < 1)
    System.out.println("Syntax : unzip zip-file destination-dir[optional]");
    ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(args[0]);
    Enumeration zipEnum = zf.entries();
    String dir = new String(".");
    if( args.length == 2 )
    dir = args[1].replace('\\', '/');
    if(dir.charAt(dir.length()-1) != '/')
    dir += "/";
    while( zipEnum.hasMoreElements() )
    ZipEntry item = (ZipEntry) zipEnum.nextElement();
    if( item.isDirectory() ) //Directory
    File newdir = new File( dir + item.getName() );
    System.out.print("Creating directory "+newdir+"..");
    else //File
    String newfile = dir + item.getName();
    System.out.print("Writing "+newfile+"..");
    InputStream is = zf.getInputStream(item);
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newfile);
    int ch;
    while( (ch = != -1 )
    catch(Exception e)
    4 NAME 'unzip.Unzip_File()';
    5 /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> exec unzip_file('D:\Empower\Dev\ACH\ACH_DNLD\', 'D:\Empower\Dev\ACH\ACH_DNLD\ACH_PR
    BEGIN unzip_file('D:\Empower\Dev\ACH\ACH_DNLD\', 'D:\Empower\Dev\ACH\ACH_DNLD\ACH_PROCES
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29531: no method Unzip_File in class unzip
    ORA-06512: at "LOANADMIN.UNZIP_FILE", line 0
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
    4* NAME 'unzip.Unzip_File(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)';
    SQL> /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> exec unzip_file('D:\Empower\Dev\ACH\ACH_DNLD\', 'D:\Empower\Dev\ACH\ACH_DNLD\ACH_PR
    BEGIN unzip_file('D:\Empower\Dev\ACH\ACH_DNLD\', 'D:\Empower\Dev\ACH\ACH_DNLD\ACH_PROCES
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29531: no method Unzip_File in class unzip
    ORA-06512: at "LOANADMIN.UNZIP_FILE", line 0
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    any help would be great. Thanks in advance :)

    There are a substantial number of Java demos, and sample code, under $ORACLE_HOME.

  • How to create new java objects in native methods?

    Is it possible to create java objects and return the same to the java code from a native method?
    Also is it possible to pass java objects other than String objects (for example, Vector objects) as parameters to native methods and is it possible to return such objects back to the java code?
    If so how can I access those objects (say for example, accessing Vector elements) inside the native code?
    What should I do in order to achieve them?

    bschauwe is correct in that constructing Java objects and calling methods on Java objects from native code is tough and takes some study. While you're at it, you might want to check out Jace, It's a free open-source toolkit that really takes the nastiness out of doing this sort of stuff. For example,/**
    * A C++ function that takes a java.util.Vector and plays around with it.
    public void useVector( java::util::Vector& vector ) {
      // Print out all the contents of the vector
      for ( Iterator it = vector.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        cout <<;
      // Add some new elements to the vector
      vector.addElement( "Hello" );
      vector.addElement( "world" );
    } All this code just results in calls to standard JNI functions like FindClass, NewObject, GetMethodID, NewStringUTF, CallObjectMethod, etc...
    God bless,
    -Toby Reyelts

  • Mapping XML object to java object gives ClassCastException

    Hi All,
    I am trying to map a specific XML object to a specific java object using web
    services and received the following exception:
    java.lang.ClassCastException: weblogic.soap.xml.XMLObject
    at $Proxy0.getMonster(Unknown Source)
    at serviceClient.TestServiceClient.main(
    Exception in thread "main"
    I tried to map a simple type:
    <schema targetNamespace='java:biomaterials'
    <element name="Monster">
    <element name="name"
    <element name="age"
    To the following java bean:
    package biomaterials;
    public class
    private String name;
    private Integer age;
    public Monster(String name, int age) {;
    this.age=new Integer(age);
    public String getName() {
    return name;
    public void setName(String s) {;
    public Integer getAge() {
    return age;
    public void setAge(int n) {
    this.age=new Integer(n);
    Here is my client code:
    package serviceClient;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import weblogic.soap.codec.CodecFactory;
    import weblogic.soap.codec.SoapEncodingCodec;
    import weblog
    import weblogic.soap.WebServiceProxy;
    import weblogic.soap.SoapMethod;
    import weblogic.soap.SoapType;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import javax.ejb.*;
    import biomaterials.ServiceSession;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    import biomaterials.Monster;
    public class TestServiceClient
    public static void main( String[] arg ) throws Exception
    Properties h = new Properties();
    ServiceSession.class.getName() );
    Context context = new InitialContext(h);
    ServiceSession serv =
    //int result = serv.getTheNum();
    //String result=serv.getBIXBiologicals();
    //int result=serv.setBIXInfo("TARNUMBER");
    Monster result=serv.getMonster();
    System.out.print("The value is "+result);
    } /* end of main */
    } /* end of class */
    Here is the method in my stateless session bean:
    public Monster getMonster()
    return new Monster("Sully",3);
    And here is my whole wsdl file:
    <% response.setHeader( "Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8" ); %>
    <schema targetNamespace='java:biomaterials'
    <element name="Monster">
    <element name="name" type="string"/>
    <element name="age" type="int"/>
    <message name="getBIXBiologicalsRequest"></message>
    <message name="getBIXBiologicalsResponse">
    <part name="return" type="xsd:string" />
    <message name="setBIXInfoRequest">
    <part name="arg0" type="xsd:string" />
    <part name="arg1" type="xsd:string" />
    <part name="arg2" type="xsd:integer" />
    <message name="setBIXInfoResponse"></message>
    <message name="getMonsterRequest"></message>
    <message name="getMonsterResponse">
    <part name="body" element="tns:Monster"/>
    <portType name="ServiceSessionPortType">
    <operation name="getBIXBiologicals">
    <input message="tns:getBIXBiologicalsRequest"/>
    <output message="tns:getBIXBiologicalsResponse"/>
    I am using weblogic 6.1 SP1 on WIN NT.
    Please help me out in this issue.
    Thanks in advance.

    HI !
    i dont think that the servicepack is an issue in this case.
    anyway i ahve tried it on 6.1SP4 and still getting similar results.
    any pointers will be highly appreciated.
    "manoj cheenath" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I just skimmed through your email. You said you
    are using WLS 6.1 SP1. Can you try this using
    the latest SP. There are many bug fixes done
    after SP1.
    Web service support in 6.1 is very limited. But, It
    looks like 6.1 can handle the case you are trying out.
    "Sapan Agarwal" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hi All,
    I am trying to map a specific XML object to a specific java object usingweb
    services and received the following exception:
    java.lang.ClassCastException: weblogic.soap.xml.XMLObject
    at $Proxy0.getMonster(Unknown Source)
    Exception in thread "main"
    I tried to map a simple type:
    <schema targetNamespace='java:biomaterials'
    <element name="Monster">
    <element name="name"
    <element name="age"
    To the following java bean:
    package biomaterials;
    public class
    private String name;
    private Integer age;
    public Monster(String name, int age) {;
    this.age=new Integer(age);
    public String getName() {
    return name;
    public void setName(String s) {;
    public Integer getAge() {
    return age;
    public void setAge(int n) {
    this.age=new Integer(n);
    Here is my client code:
    package serviceClient;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import weblogic.soap.codec.CodecFactory;
    import weblogic.soap.codec.SoapEncodingCodec;
    import weblog
    import weblogic.soap.WebServiceProxy;
    import weblogic.soap.SoapMethod;
    import weblogic.soap.SoapType;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import javax.ejb.*;
    import biomaterials.ServiceSession;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    import biomaterials.Monster;
    public class TestServiceClient
    public static void main( String[] arg ) throws Exception
    Properties h = new Properties();
    ServiceSession.class.getName() );
    Context context = new InitialContext(h);
    ServiceSession serv =
    file://int result = serv.getTheNum();
    file://String result=serv.getBIXBiologicals();
    file://int result=serv.setBIXInfo("TARNUMBER");
    Monster result=serv.getMonster();
    System.out.print("The value is "+result);
    } /* end of main */
    } /* end of class */
    Here is the method in my stateless session bean:
    public Monster getMonster()
    return new Monster("Sully",3);
    And here is my whole wsdl file:
    <% response.setHeader( "Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8" ); %>
    <schema targetNamespace='java:biomaterials'
    <element name="Monster">
    <element name="name" type="string"/>
    <element name="age" type="int"/>
    <message name="getBIXBiologicalsRequest"></message>
    <message name="getBIXBiologicalsResponse">
    <part name="return" type="xsd:string" />
    <message name="setBIXInfoRequest">
    <part name="arg0" type="xsd:string" />
    <part name="arg1" type="xsd:string" />
    <part name="arg2" type="xsd:integer" />
    <message name="setBIXInfoResponse"></message>
    <message name="getMonsterRequest"></message>
    <message name="getMonsterResponse">
    <part name="body" element="tns:Monster"/>
    <portType name="ServiceSessionPortType">
    <operation name="getBIXBiologicals">
    <input message="tns:getBIXBiologicalsRequest"/>
    I am using weblogic 6.1 SP1 on WIN NT.
    Please help me out in this issue.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Problem with too small page size using Java 2D Printing API.

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    Can anybody solve this problem?

    600 x 840 is a Point value; Point is defined as 1/72nd of an inch. Printers do have much higher DPI than this, but I believe that this DPI has to do with richness of the printed image, not an actual ability to color with that level of resolution. You might want to try calling zoom on your Graphics2D object. Otherwise, I don't know what else you can try.

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    int name;
    String ID;
    ArrayList obj2;//coniatns multiple obj2 objects
    int name;
    String ID;
    ArrayList obj3; //coniatns multiple obj3 objects
    int name;
    String ID;
    How and what netui tags can I use to display this kind of structure for obj1?
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    Also if I have a structure like this
    ArrayList obj4; //contains arrays's of multiple items.
    String[] eventTime;
    String[] eventDate;
    How can I display this in a grid fashion using netui? The netui:gid tag only
    wirks with RowSet and I have an ArrayList?
    If I want to use simple jsp and not use netui tags what is the context for accessing
    my form that I have in my page flow from the jsp? e.g. if I have a form in my
    page flow called listForm which has gets and sets for
    String[] eventTime;
    String[] eventDate;
    what is the context I use in my jsp to print values of eventTime and eventDate
    in a grid like fashion without using nteui? I tried 'request' context but it
    does not work. In netui we can use actionForm or pageFlow etc but what about
    simple jsp context?
    Please reply soon. Thanks

    Try the <netui-data:getData> tag in the workshop documentation, It gives an example
    "Kush" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I have a java object with the following structure.
    int name;
    String ID;
    ArrayList obj2;//coniatns multiple obj2 objects
    int name;
    String ID;
    ArrayList obj3; //coniatns multiple obj3 objects
    int name;
    String ID;
    How and what netui tags can I use to display this kind of structure for
    I tried repeaters and it is not working for me.
    Also if I have a structure like this
    ArrayList obj4; //contains arrays's of multiple items.
    String[] eventTime;
    String[] eventDate;
    How can I display this in a grid fashion using netui? The netui:gid
    tag only
    wirks with RowSet and I have an ArrayList?
    If I want to use simple jsp and not use netui tags what is the context
    for accessing
    my form that I have in my page flow from the jsp? e.g. if I have a form
    in my
    page flow called listForm which has gets and sets for
    String[] eventTime;
    String[] eventDate;
    what is the context I use in my jsp to print values of eventTime and
    in a grid like fashion without using nteui? I tried 'request' context
    but it
    does not work. In netui we can use actionForm or pageFlow etc but what
    simple jsp context?
    Please reply soon. Thanks

  • Java objects to Flex

    Hopefully this is the right forum, if not pleas accept my
    We need to return dollars and percent type numbers from java
    back to Flex using the BlazeDS interface.
    When I create a Java test object to return that looks like:
    public class Test2 implements Serializable{
    private String abc = "abc";
    private Date sqlDate;
    private Time sqlTime;
    private Timestamp timestamp;
    private BigDecimal bd;
    private float lFloat;
    private Float bFloat;
    private double lDouble;
    private Double bDouble;
    The constructor fills in values and the java server (JBoss)
    returns the object back to Flex. The matching flex object looks
    public class Test2
    public var abc:String;
    public var sqlDate:Date;
    public var sqlTime:Date;
    public var timestamp:Date;
    public var bd:Number;
    public var lFloat:Number;
    public var bFloat:Number;
    public var lDouble:Number;
    public var bDouble:Number;
    } /* Test2*/
    when I print out the returned object using the trace command,
    I get:
    ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property BFloat on
    ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property LFloat on
    ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property LDouble
    on jdbcTables.businessdelegate.Test2.
    If I read cs_Parts&file=00001103.html
    correctly these fields should be converted properly.
    Am I missing something or is the web page wrong? Is there
    another kind of Java object can I use to return a floating point
    number, I really don't like BigDecimal, it's sooo expensive.
    Bill Tims

    Ok, I figured out THIS problem. The real issue is the
    capitalization of the name. If I use an upper case character as the
    2nd character, blaze and flex don't see that they are variable,
    i.e. aBcd as a variable name doesn't work, whereas abcd does work.
    Since this problem doesn't appear on the PHP side, I'm guessing the
    problem is on the Blaze side.

  • Why user defined objects printing address

    If we try to print Builtin java objects it will give The class name and properties. If we try to print a user defined class even though it extends from a bultin class it is not happening so why?

    Hi Joyce,
    The dll option allows you to add custom data validation and functions for the UDO. It doesn't have any affect on whether the default form opens or not.
    What version of SBO are you working with? The default forms were enhanced in version 9 but, as far as I'm aware, if you selected the option in the UDO registration to use a default form then it should always open (ie if the menu option appears then the screen should be available). One thing to note is that you sometimes have to log out and log back in to SBO before the client recognises the new UDO (you should only need to do this the first time you add the UDO and not when making changes to an existing one).
    Kind Regards,

  • Storing Java objects into a Derby db

    Hi, Im new to Apache Derby, Id like to know how store a Java Object into a db field.
    Im working with the JPCap library and the Packet class has many attributes and values, it will be easier if I could save the complete object in a just one field.
    Thanks in advantage.

    DB script:
    "Create Table APP.PACKETS (ID INTEGER not null primary key, PACKET LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA)"
    import jpcap.packet.TCPPacket;
    private static int increment;
    public static void addPacket() {
    TCPPacket packet = new TCPPacket(12, 8080, 56, 78, false, false, false, false, true, true, true, true, 10, 10);
    try {
    ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ObjectOutputStream objOutStream = new ObjectOutputStream(byteOutStream);
    PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("Insert Into APP.PACKETS Values(?, ?)");
    pstmt.setInt(1, ++increment) ;
    pstmt.setBytes(2, byteOutStream.toByteArray());
    conn.commit() ;
    } catch(IOException e) {
    } catch(SQLException e) {
    public static void showPackets() {
    String query = "Select * From APP.PACKETS ";
    Statement st = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    int id = -1;
    byte[] data = null;
    try {
    st = conn.createStatement();
    rs = st.executeQuery(query);
    while ( {
    id = rs.getInt("id") ;
              data = rs.getBytes("packet") ;
    ByteArrayInputStream byteInStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
    ObjectInputStream objInStream = new ObjectInputStream(byteInStream);
    Object obj = objInStream.readObject();
    if (obj instanceof TCPPacket) {
    TCPPacket p = (TCPPacket)obj;
    System.out.println(p.dst_port); // Print anything
    } else {
    System.out.println("No Found!");
    } catch(IOException e) {
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    } catch(SQLException e) {
    Thats one of several ways to insert Java Objects...

  • JAVA Object to XML to JAVA to XML

    I have to achieve below in java:-
    -Create input XMLs from Java class (that resides in a jar).
    -Take input from user then store that data to Java object and submit for processing.
    -After processing print response java object again in XML.
    What is the best API to achieve this. Will be helpful if any example is available.

    Thanks for the Reply =)
    I have a Java Object that have some fileds like arraylist<Class> I want to take care of these fields as well.
    If that arrayList<Class> have another fields that can be normal fileds or arraylist of another class, need to take care of all fields during XML generation
    Root Class have below fields
    private int ArCt;
    private ArrayList<ClassChild1> Ar;
    private int PlnCd;
    private int cArCt;
    private ArrayList cAr<ClassChild2> cAr;
    private String PlNm
    XML Needed - Example from above object
    Edited by: nitingautam on May 15, 2011 11:01 PM

  • Generation of XML file from Java objects using castor

    I have the following java file(
    public class Customer
         private String ID;
         private FirstName firstName;
         private MiddleName middleName;
         private LastName lastName;
         private ArrayList address;
         public ArrayList getAddress() {
              return address;
         public void setAddress(ArrayList address) {
              this.address = address;
         public FirstName getFirstName() {
              return firstName;
         public void setFirstName(FirstName firstName) {
              this.firstName = firstName;
         public String getID() {
              return ID;
         public void setID(String id) {
              ID = id;
         public LastName getLastName() {
              return lastName;
         public void setLastName(LastName lastName) {
              this.lastName = lastName;
         public MiddleName getMiddleName() {
              return middleName;
         public void setMiddleName(MiddleName middleName) {
              this.middleName = middleName;
    Using castor i have created an xml file(customer.xml) which has the following format.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <customer ID="fbs0001">
    - <ADDRESS>
    <FIRSTLINE>No 18, Sheshadri road</FIRSTLINE>
    <SECONDLINE>Gandhinagar Bangalore</SECONDLINE>
    - <ADDRESS>
    <SECONDLINE>Whitefield Bangalore</SECONDLINE>
    I have used a mapping file to get this output.Is there a way where i can get the output xml in the following format without changing the Java object structure.If yes then please suggest how this can be done.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <customer ID="fbs0001">
    <FIRSTLINE>No 18, Sheshadri road</FIRSTLINE>
    <SECONDLINE>Gandhinagar Bangalore</SECONDLINE>
    - <ADDRESS>
    <SECONDLINE>Whitefield Bangalore</SECONDLINE>
    I mean the output xml file should have the address as a separate tag not withing the root tag customer.

    Castor's own discussion groups might be able to point you to the solution you're looking for (if this use case is possible using Castor).
    Oracle has its own object-to-XML mapping tool that is part of the TopLink product. It allows you to map existing objects to an existing XML Schema. This can be done visually using the TopLink Workbench, or programmatically using the TopLink APIs. TopLink OXM also supports the JAXB specification.
    Using TopLink OXM to get the desired XML result I would recommend the following. Map the Customer and Address classes to XML, but don't map the relationship between Customer and Address. Then make the calls to the marshaller something like the following:
    marshaller.marshal(aCustomer, System.out);
    for(int x=0; x<aCustomer.getAddress().size(); x++) {
         marshal(aCustomer.getAddress().get(x), System.out);
    Example - Using TopLink OXM to map an existing object model to an existing XML Schema:
    For more information on TopLink object-to-XML mapping:

  • Configure client printer in java.awt.print

    I have number of records in database.
    If User clicks on PRINT button (ON A JSP PAGE)each record should be printed(ON CLIENT PRINTER) on a separate sheet.
    I can only able to access printer connected to server not to client.
    I am using javax.print and java.awt.print packages

    I am not sure this..
    Instead of if pls give while and check:
    while( {
    g.drawString("Main Report",200,100);

Maybe you are looking for

  • Authenticating Proxy problem? Can't download TV show, view account

    I'm using iTunes 8.0.1 (12) on OS X 10.5.5 on a 1GHz mini. This evening I am unable to download a TV show for which I have a season pass, nor can I view my account information. Requests like "CONNECT HTTP/1.1" clearly get

  • Urgent: How to set content type on upload depending on target folder?

    Hi, i have to set the content type of a file uploaded via SMB depending on the folder the file is placed in. All files placed below a certain root directory have to be of my custom content type. All others should be stored as documents of type "Docum

  • Getting the number of pages in a PDF [JavaScript in CS3]

    Hello All, I am an InDesign JavaScript newbie that will be posting questions in the near future. Before asking a lot of questions, I would like to contribute something to the group. Here is a function that will query a PDF and return the number of pa

  • Time Machine backup not working after Mountain Lion Install

    Oh my.  It seems that Mountain Lion and Lion Server are different species and cannot be interbred!  Is this really true? I am running OSX Lion Server on a late 2009 iMac with the main purpose of allowing the MacBook Pros in the house (both running Li

  • ACER eSettings Management Software?

    Does anyone know where to download ACER eSettings Management Software? I cannot remember my BIOS Password and need to delete/reset it. discusses how to do this but I cannot find the sof