Java Speech with Netbeans

Having difficulty trying to use netbeans together with FreeTT. Eventhough i have installed FreeTTS i always get error message when i import javax.speech

Having difficulty trying to use netbeans together with FreeTT. Eventhough i have installed FreeTTS i always get error message when i import javax.speech>To compile successfully will require that all (the mentioned) Java classes are on the compilation class path.
To run code successfully requires not only the Java classes, but also any natives, to be on the application's run time class path.
How you add the resources to 'netbeans' I neither know nor care (I do not use, nor provide support for, netbeans). OTOH, Netbeans can understand and work with Ant build files, so if you are willing to abandon Netbeans automagic ways of doing things that seem not to work, for compiling and running using an Ant build file, you might find more help around these forums (and specifically from me).

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    You really should be asking this NetBeans question at the NB site - these forums are for Java language topics, not NB support.
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    To address the location of the var decl codegen section (or any codegen location issues), there is a workaround, admittedly, it is a bit tedious.
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    NB tutorials cover many subjects, including desktop deployment:
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    Hello, I have downloaded the "J2SE v 1.4.2 with
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    -MikeHi Mike,
    Even I got a similar error message inspite of trying to re-install atleast 10 times! So I gave up and did this:
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    2) I then downloded JPad Pro IDE (latest version).
    Now both are working really fine for me. :-) Could'nt be bothered to try again and again.
    Its up to you if you want to get the NetBeans installation done but all I wanted was a good IDE and the latest version of the JDK. I have been using it for the last 3 days and it is working perfectly fine!
    Regards :-)

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    First please learn how to ask a reasonable question that is both answerable and framed in a way that someone here would want to answer it: [How To Ask Questions The Smart Way|]

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    This is not a NetBeans forum, it is a JDeveloper forum. You might want to try I also saw your other question - try looking in the New to Java forum: New To Java

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    security: property package.access value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,
    security: property package.access new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws
    security: property package.access value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws
    security: property package.access new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy
    security: property package.access value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy
    security: property package.access new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp
    security: property package.definition value null
    security: property package.definition new value com.sun.javaws
    security: property package.definition value com.sun.javaws
    security: property package.definition new value com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy
    security: property package.definition value com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy
    security: property package.definition new value com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp
    security: property package.access value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp
    security: property package.access new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp,org.mozilla.jss
    security: property package.definition value com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp
    security: property package.definition new value com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp,org.mozilla.jss
    basic: Listener de progreso agregado: sun.plugin.util.ProgressMonitorAdapter@bbe282
    basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for .../appletFirma/lib/
    basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for.../appletFirma/lib/
    basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for .../appletFirma/lib/AbsoluteLayout.jar
    basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for .../appletFirma/lib/plugin.jar
    basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for .../appletFirma/AppletAplication.jar
    security: Se ha activado la comprobación de revocación de la lista negra
    security: Está activada la comprobación de lista de bibliotecas de confianza
    network: Se ha encontrado la entrada de caché [URL: .../appletFirma/lib/, versión: null] prevalidated=false/0
    cache: Resource .../appletFirma/lib/ has expired.
    network: Conectando.../appletFirma/lib/ con proxy=DIRECT
    network: Conectando.../ con proxy=DIRECT
    network: Conectando .../appletFirma/lib/ con cookie "__utma=153011745.179473224.1324411077.1324563223.1326992570.4; DomAuthSessId=07A8675D20F4CBAA6E2D638B5330E7A0"
    network: ResponseCode de.../appletFirma/lib/ 304
    network: Codificación de .../appletFirma/lib/ null
    network: Desconectar conexión con .../appletFirma/lib/
    cache: Reading Signers from 2157 .../appletFirma/lib/ | C:\Documents and Settings\Francisco Alvarez\Configuración local\Datos de programa\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\1\282adb01-384a1e15.idx
    cache: Done readSigners(.../appletFirma/lib/
    cache: Read manifest for .../appletFirma/lib/ read=201 full=5808
    security: Cargando certificados de despliegue desde C:\Documents and Settings\Francisco Alvarez\Datos de programa\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs
    security: Se han cargado certificados de despliegue desde C:\Documents and Settings\Francisco Alvarez\Datos de programa\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs
    security: Cargando certificados del almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    security: Certificados cargados del almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    security: Cargando certificados del almacén de certificados TrustedPublisher de Internet Explorer
    security: Certificados cargados desde el almacén de certificados TrustedPublisher de Internet Explorer
    security: Validar la cadena de certificados utilizando la API CertPath
    security: Cargando certificados del almacén de certificados ROOT de Internet Explorer
    security: Certificados cargados desde el almacén de certificados ROOT de Internet Explorer
    security: Cargando certificados de CA raíz desde C:\Documents and Settings\Francisco Alvarez\Datos de programa\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.cacerts
    security: Certificados de CA raíz cargados desde C:\Documents and Settings\Francisco Alvarez\Datos de programa\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.cacerts
    security: Cargando certificados de CA raíz desde C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre7\lib\security\cacerts
    security: Certificados de CA raíz cargados desde C:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre7\lib\security\cacerts
    security: Obtener recopilación de certificados del almacén de certificados de CA raíz
    security: Obtener recopilación de certificados del almacén de certificados de CA raíz
    security: Obtener recopilación de certificados del almacén de certificados de CA raíz
    security: Obtener recopilación de certificados del almacén de certificados de CA raíz
    security: El certificado no ha caducado. No es preciso comprobar la información sobre el registro de hora
    security: Se ha encontrado el archivo de lista de jurisdicciones
    security: No se necesita comprobar la extensión de confianza de este certificado
    security: El soporte de CRL está desactivado
    security: El soporte de OCSP está desactivado
    security: Esta validación de entidad final de OCSP está desactivada
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados denegados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén permanente de certificados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados TrustedPublisher de Internet Explorer
    basic: Dialog type is not candidate for embedding
    security: El usuario ha otorgado privilegios de código sólo para esta sesión
    security: Agregando certificado en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    security: Certificados agregados en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    security: Guardando certificados en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    security: Certificados guardados en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    network: Se ha encontrado la entrada de caché [URL:.../appletFirma/lib/, versión: null] prevalidated=false/0
    cache: Resource has expired.
    network: Conectando .../appletFirma/lib/ con proxy=DIRECT
    network: Conectando .../appletFirma/lib/ con cookie "__utma=153011745.179473224.1324411077.1324563223.1326992570.4; DomAuthSessId=07A8675D20F4CBAA6E2D638B5330E7A0"
    network: ResponseCode de .../appletFirma/lib/ 304
    network: Codificación de .../appletFirma/lib/ null
    network: Desconectar conexión con .../appletFirma/lib/
    cache: Reading Signers from 2157 .../appletFirma/lib/ | C:\Documents and Settings\Francisco Alvarez\Configuración local\Datos de programa\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\37\590df8a5-7d87e233.idx
    cache: Done readSigners(.../appletFirma/lib/
    cache: Read manifest for .../appletFirma/lib/ read=202 full=47488
    security: Validar la cadena de certificados utilizando la API CertPath
    security: El certificado no ha caducado. No es preciso comprobar la información sobre el registro de hora
    security: Se ha encontrado el archivo de lista de jurisdicciones
    security: No se necesita comprobar la extensión de confianza de este certificado
    security: El soporte de CRL está desactivado
    security: El soporte de OCSP está desactivado
    security: Esta validación de entidad final de OCSP está desactivada
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados denegados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén permanente de certificados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    network: Se ha encontrado la entrada de caché [URL: .../appletFirma/lib/AbsoluteLayout.jar, versión: null] prevalidated=false/0
    cache: Resource .../appletFirma/lib/AbsoluteLayout.jar has expired.
    network: Conectando.../appletFirma/lib/AbsoluteLayout.jar con proxy=DIRECT
    network: Conectando .../appletFirma/lib/AbsoluteLayout.jar con cookie "__utma=153011745.179473224.1324411077.1324563223.1326992570.4; DomAuthSessId=07A8675D20F4CBAA6E2D638B5330E7A0"
    network: ResponseCode de.../appletFirma/lib/AbsoluteLayout.jar: 304
    network: Codificación de.../appletFirma/lib/AbsoluteLayout.jar: null
    network: Desconectar conexión con .../appletFirma/lib/AbsoluteLayout.jar
    cache: Reading Signers from 1055 .../appletFirma/lib/AbsoluteLayout.jar | C:\Documents and Settings\Francisco Alvarez\Configuración local\Datos de programa\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\17\56fa4991-262eae08.idx
    cache: Done readSigners(.../appletFirma/lib/AbsoluteLayout.jar)
    cache: Read manifest for.../appletFirma/lib/AbsoluteLayout.jar: read=283 full=283
    security: Validar la cadena de certificados utilizando la API CertPath
    security: El certificado no ha caducado. No es preciso comprobar la información sobre el registro de hora
    security: Se ha encontrado el archivo de lista de jurisdicciones
    security: No se necesita comprobar la extensión de confianza de este certificado
    security: El soporte de CRL está desactivado
    security: El soporte de OCSP está desactivado
    security: Esta validación de entidad final de OCSP está desactivada
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados denegados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén permanente de certificados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados TrustedPublisher de Internet Explorer
    basic: Dialog type is not candidate for embedding
    security: El usuario ha otorgado privilegios de código sólo para esta sesión
    security: Agregando certificado en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    security: Certificados agregados en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    security: Guardando certificados en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    security: Certificados guardados en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    network: Se ha encontrado la entrada de caché [URL:.../appletFirma/lib/plugin.jar, versión: null] prevalidated=false/0
    cache: Resource .../appletFirma/lib/plugin.jar has expired.
    network: Conectando .../appletFirma/lib/plugin.jar con proxy=DIRECT
    network: Conectando.../appletFirma/lib/plugin.jar con cookie "__utma=153011745.179473224.1324411077.1324563223.1326992570.4; DomAuthSessId=07A8675D20F4CBAA6E2D638B5330E7A0"
    network: ResponseCode de.../appletFirma/lib/plugin.jar: 304
    network: Codificación de .../appletFirma/lib/plugin.jar: null
    network: Desconectar conexión con .../appletFirma/lib/plugin.jar
    cache: Reading Signers from 5 .../appletFirma/lib/plugin.jar | C:\Documents and Settings\Francisco Alvarez\Configuración local\Datos de programa\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\15\c16d34f-2740f800.idx
    network: No hay información de certificado para el archivo JAR sin firma: .../appletFirma/lib/plugin.jar
    cache: Done readSigners(.../appletFirma/lib/plugin.jar)
    cache: Read manifest for .../appletFirma/lib/plugin.jar: read=89 full=89
    network: Se ha encontrado la entrada de caché [URL: .../appletFirma/AppletAplication.jar, versión: null] prevalidated=false/0
    cache: Resource .../appletFirma/AppletAplication.jar has expired.
    network: Conectando .../appletFirma/AppletAplication.jar con proxy=DIRECT
    network: Conectando .../appletFirma/AppletAplication.jar con cookie "__utma=153011745.179473224.1324411077.1324563223.1326992570.4; DomAuthSessId=07A8675D20F4CBAA6E2D638B5330E7A0"
    network: ResponseCode de .../appletFirma/AppletAplication.jar: 304
    network: Codificación de .../appletFirma/AppletAplication.jar: null
    network: Desconectar conexión con .../appletFirma/AppletAplication.jar
    cache: Reading Signers from 1055 .../appletFirma/AppletAplication.jar | C:\Documents and Settings\Francisco Alvarez\Configuración local\Datos de programa\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\51\609786b3-797751c9.idx
    cache: Done readSigners(.../appletFirma/AppletAplication.jar)
    cache: Read manifest for .../appletFirma/AppletAplication.jar: read=242 full=1552
    security: Validar la cadena de certificados utilizando la API CertPath
    security: El certificado no ha caducado. No es preciso comprobar la información sobre el registro de hora
    security: Se ha encontrado el archivo de lista de jurisdicciones
    security: No se necesita comprobar la extensión de confianza de este certificado
    security: El soporte de CRL está desactivado
    security: El soporte de OCSP está desactivado
    security: Esta validación de entidad final de OCSP está desactivada
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados denegados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén permanente de certificados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    security: Validar la cadena de certificados utilizando la API CertPath
    security: El certificado no ha caducado. No es preciso comprobar la información sobre el registro de hora
    security: Se ha encontrado el archivo de lista de jurisdicciones
    security: No se necesita comprobar la extensión de confianza de este certificado
    security: El soporte de CRL está desactivado
    security: El soporte de OCSP está desactivado
    security: Esta validación de entidad final de OCSP está desactivada
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados denegados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén permanente de certificados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.getPermissions CeilingPolicy allPerms
    security: Validar la cadena de certificados utilizando la API CertPath
    security: El certificado no ha caducado. No es preciso comprobar la información sobre el registro de hora
    security: Se ha encontrado el archivo de lista de jurisdicciones
    security: No se necesita comprobar la extensión de confianza de este certificado
    security: El soporte de CRL está desactivado
    security: El soporte de OCSP está desactivado
    security: Esta validación de entidad final de OCSP está desactivada
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados denegados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén permanente de certificados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.getPermissions CeilingPolicy allPerms
    security: Validar la cadena de certificados utilizando la API CertPath
    security: El certificado no ha caducado. No es preciso comprobar la información sobre el registro de hora
    security: Se ha encontrado el archivo de lista de jurisdicciones
    security: No se necesita comprobar la extensión de confianza de este certificado
    security: El soporte de CRL está desactivado
    security: El soporte de OCSP está desactivado
    security: Esta validación de entidad final de OCSP está desactivada
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados denegados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén permanente de certificados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.getPermissions CeilingPolicy allPerms
    security: Validar la cadena de certificados utilizando la API CertPath
    security: El certificado no ha caducado. No es preciso comprobar la información sobre el registro de hora
    security: Se ha encontrado el archivo de lista de jurisdicciones
    security: No se necesita comprobar la extensión de confianza de este certificado
    security: El soporte de CRL está desactivado
    security: El soporte de OCSP está desactivado
    security: Esta validación de entidad final de OCSP está desactivada
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados denegados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén permanente de certificados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    basic: Applet cargado.
    basic: Applet resized and added to parent container
    basic: PERF: AppletExecutionRunnable - applet.init() BEGIN ; jvmLaunch dt 305312 us, pluginInit dt 6347309 us, TotalTime: 6652621 us
    security: Validar la cadena de certificados utilizando la API CertPath
    security: El certificado no ha caducado. No es preciso comprobar la información sobre el registro de hora
    security: Se ha encontrado el archivo de lista de jurisdicciones
    security: No se necesita comprobar la extensión de confianza de este certificado
    security: El soporte de CRL está desactivado
    security: El soporte de OCSP está desactivado
    security: Esta validación de entidad final de OCSP está desactivada
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados denegados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén permanente de certificados de despliegue
    security: Comprobando si el certificado está en el almacén de certificados de la sesión de despliegue
    basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.getPermissions CeilingPolicy allPerms
    basic: Applet initialized
    basic: Starting applet
    basic: completed perf rollup
    basic: Applet made visible
    basic: Applet started
    basic: Told clients applet is started
    basic: Starting applet teardown
    basic: Finished applet teardown
    basic: Listener de progreso eliminado: sun.plugin.util.ProgressMonitorAdapter@bbe282

  • JButton array with NetBeans 6.1

    I am relatively new to Java and NetBeans.
    I have the following problem; wish someone could help me.
    I need to create an array of 30 buttons programatically, on a Panel, namely pnlButtonPack. I have created this panel using NetBeans 6.1 GUI builder, along with several other components which are on other panels, frames and so on.
    All the 30 buttons are with same behaviour and I need only the index of the button that a user presses to trigger different actions. Thus, one ActionListner
    for the entire array.
    I know how to create the button array if I were to create it purely on the code editor, the relevent portion of the code being;
    JButton[] btnNumbers = new JButton[30];
        JTextField txtDisplay = new JTextField();
         for (int i = 0; i < btnNumbers.length; i++){
                 String text = String.valueOf(i);
                 JButton btn = new JButton( text );
                 btn.addActionListener( this );
                 btn.setMnemonic( text.charAt(0) );
                 btnNumbers[i] = btn;
                 pnlButtonPack.add( btn );
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                JButton source = (JButton)e.getSource();
                txtDisplay.replaceSelection( source.getActionCommand());
           }How can I do this on NetBeans ?
    The guarded code does not allow me to insert my code at the appropriate places. (The "code" pane in the component Properties window is ****, it inserts my code at wrong places).
    One option is to drag and drop 30 buttons on my panel, but that idea and the resulting code would be rediculous.
    Another option would be to design the whole GUI from scratch on the code editor but that defeats the purpose of using NetBeans in the first place.
    Your kind advice on this is highly appreciated please.

    ViKARLL wrote:
    Thanks for your prompt response morgalr.
    Yes, I agree. But the moment I make any change elsewhere on the GUI through NetBeans, all my manual coding vanishes (as they warn in their Help)
    Of course I can cut and paste the entire code to another plain Java Class in NetBeans itself. But then my point is that, the whole purpose of using an IDE with a GUI builder is defeated ?
    Isn't there some way for me to introduce components programatically to a UI through NetBeans on the same GUI builder's editable coding areas ??The problem you are encountering is exactly why I quit using GUI Builders about 8+ years ago. I, after much frustrations and searching, finally decided that if I wanted to use a GUI Builder, then at the point it ceased to do what I needed--like where you are--then I'd just take the code from the .java file and include it in my project and be done with the AutoGen of that piece from that point (The code is actually gened in a file down on your drive that you can include and not have to copy/paste the entire file into your project.)
    What I do now, is I usually just manually code it, I don't find it any slower than using the GUI builder, and me being a control freak, I enjoy it a lot more.
    BTW: VB has a lot of the same type of problems, including ophaning code fragments. I've done a lot of VB/C/C++/C# with MS tools and that is where I started not enjoying the AutoCoding.

  • Problem with Netbeans 7.1 and ME SDK 3.0.5 plugin

    I have problem plugin ME SDK 3.0.5 to Netbeans 7.1. When I try to install plugin into Netbeans I get this kind informations:
    Warning - could not install some modules: Profiler (Java ME Projects Support) - The module named org.netbeans.modules.profiler/1 was needed and not found. Java ME SDK CPU Profiler Snapshot Viewer - The module named org.netbeans.modules.profiler/1 was needed and not found. 5 further modules could not be installed due to the above problems.
    Does anyone know what is wrong?
    I am truly grateful for the answer!

    Hi Anvi,
    I think you posted in the right place as the J2ME SDK Team read this forum (though they sometimes don't respond promptly as we would have liked). I also got the same issue as you, but check out the responses by the J2ME SDK Team to:
    It seems there are issues with Netbeans 7.1, and they are fixing things for the next release for Netbeans 7.1.1 so I am sure they are aware of problems that we are encountering. Its fine for Netbeans 6.9/7 if you cannot wait though.

  • Integrate j2ee sdk 1.4 with netbeans

    I'm working on a Win2k server with j2ee sdk 1.4. I've read taht you can integrate it with netbeans 3.6.
    I don't want to work with the netbeans 3.6 integrated Tomcat 5 server, but with the one from Sun because of some requirements at work (We've been working with the j2ee sdk 1.4 for a while and don't want to export configuration files or the like).
    Beign direct, I want to create server apps apps with netbeans 3.6 and I want to deploy them all from within the same IDE...
    I don't know what options, command-line switches and variables need to work with to achieve this matter.
    How can I do that?
    Any comments will be very appreciated!

    To connect to the J2EE 1.4 SDK or Sun Java System Application Server from NetBeans you need the plugin that enables the connection, which hasn't been released yet. It should be available at the end of the month.

  • How to use junit for a java class in netbeans

    hi friends,
    im new to java(fresher) and i need step by step creation of junit class for a java class in net anybody plz explain me in detail.......

    Hi venkatakrishna.chaithanya,
    With NetBeans :
    - hit F1 to get the Help screen;
    - select the Search tab;
    - enter the word junit;
    - in the left pane, select *7 Creating a JUnit Test*;
    - read the intructions displayed in the right pane.

  • Profiling a java application with HPjmeter

    I have a java application and i want to identify the performance problems .
    I'm doing a static analyze and a dinamic analyze.
    For the dinamic analyze everything work ok.In the command line i have the options:
    java -agentlib:hjmeter name
    When i want to have a static analyze i have the option:
    java -agentlib:hprof name
    java -Xrunhprof name
    But i get the following error message:
    hprof error:can't create temp heap file: java.hprof.txt.TMP[../../../src/share/demo/jvmti/hprof/hprof_init.c :775]
    My application is running on a HP-UX server:
    java version ""
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build
    Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build jinteg:02.13.06-15:51 PA2.0 (aCC_AP), mixed mode)
    Can anybody help me with some sugestions?
    Thank you!

    inside Java Studio Enterprise/Netbeans stack of tools this functionality is implemented as NetBeans Profiler
    The Profiler hasn't been a part of default Netbeans distribution. The JSE8 is based on NB4.1. Profiler compatible with NB4.1 is an early-access Milestone release, and thus i'd recommend to consider more recent version of the Profiler, the one for NB5.x (though you'd need to install NB5 also).

  • Tryin to Profile weblogic with NetBeans Profiler, getting jrocke exception

    Hi there,
    I am using Weblogic 10, and want to profile a web application on it with Netbeans Profiler. But am getting the following exception upon starting weblogic (Please tell a solution......)
    JAVA Memory arguments: -Xms256m -Xmx512m
    WLS Start Mode=Development
    +32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Program Files\CVSNT\;C:\bea\WLSERV~1.0\server\native\win\32\oci92+
    +*  To start WebLogic Server, use a username and   *+
    +*  password assigned to an admin-level user.  For *+
    +*  server administration, use the WebLogic Server *+
    +*  console at http:\\hostname:port\console        *+
    starting weblogic with Java version:
    Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8453
    java version "1.5.0_11"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_11-b03)
    BEA JRockit(R) (build R27.3.1-1_CR344434-89345-1.5.0_11-20070925-1628-windows-ia32, compiled mode)
    Starting WLS with line:
    C:\bea\JROCKI~1\bin\java -jrockit -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8453,server=y,suspend=n
    +.compiler=NONE -Xms256m -Xmx512m -agentpath:"C:\Program Files\NetBeans 6.1\profiler3\lib\deployed\jdk15\windows\+
    +rinterface.dll=\"C:\Program Files\NetBeans 6.1\profiler3\lib\"",5140 -Xverify:none -ea -da:com.bea... -da:javel+
    da:weblogic... -ea:com.bea.wli... -ea:com.bea.sbconsole... -Dplatform.home=C:\bea\WLSERV~1.
    +.home=C:\bea\WLSERV~1.0\server -Dweblogic.home=C:\bea\WLSERV~1.0\server -Dwli.home=C:\bea\WLSERV~1.0\integration+  -Dwlw.iterativeDev= -Dwlw.testConsole= -Dwlw.logErrorsToConsole= -Dweblogic.ext.di
    ea\patch_wls1001\profiles\default\sysext_manifest_classpath -Dweblogic.Name=AdminServer
    SERV~1.0\server\lib\weblogic.policy   weblogic.Server
    Profiler Agent: Initializing...
    Profiler Agent: Options: >"C:\Program Files\NetBeans 6.1\profiler3\lib",5140<
    Profiler Agent: Initialized succesfully
    Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8453
    Profiler Agent: Waiting for connection on port 5140 (Protocol version: 8)
    Profiler Agent: Established local connection with the tool
    Profiler Agent: Unable to get address of JVM_DumpHeap function
    +===== BEGIN DUMP =============================================================+
    JRockit dump produced after 0 days, 00:00:20 on Thu Aug 28 18:46:28 2008
    Additional information is available in:
    If you see this dump, please open a support case with BEA and
    supply as much information as you can on your system setup and
    the program you were running. You can also search for solutions
    to your problem at in
    the forum jrockit.developer.interest.general.
    Error Message: Unhandled native exception [85]
    Exception Rec: EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW (c00000fd) at 0x004FE3DF
    Minidump     : Wrote mdmp. Size is 297MB
    SafeDllMode  : -1

    It looks like NetBeans does not support JRockit:

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