Java syntax

I am just trying to under the syntax of java but having problem with the lines of code show below. This code is to do with JTree.
The syntax below works.
Enumeration allChild = route.children();
while (allChild.hasMoreElements())
The syntax below doesn't work.
while (route.chlidren()).hasMoreElements())
What have I done wrong?
Peter Loo

The syntax below works.
Enumeration allChild = route.children();
while (allChild.hasMoreElements())
The syntax below doesn't work.
while (route.chlidren()).hasMoreElements())
What have I done wrong?Well, you spelled it "chlidren", and you're missing an opening parenthesis before "route" (or you have an extra closing one after "chlidren").

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    Edited by language police

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    For a radio button group called 'frequency' where the value binding is
    1 - weekly
    2 - bi-weekly
    3 - monthly
    4 - annual
    you could add the following client-side JavaScript to the 'frequency' change event.
    var frequency = form1.subform1.frequency.rawValue;
    switch (frequency) {
    case "1":
    form1.subform1.annual.rawValue = * 52;
    case "2":
    form1.subform1.annual.rawValue = * 26;
    case "3":
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    I have a syntax highlighting package (open source, GPL):
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    Oh, sorry, you asked for StreamTokenizer, not String Tokenizer. With Streamtokenizer, you can call
              tokenizer.whitespaceChars('.', '.');
    With that method, you can declare a range of characters as whitespace characters.
    Der Hinterwaeldler

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    string out1 = contractNo + tmpqtystr1 +  price +  delperiod.substring(0,4)+"01" +  condate +  shipwts +  mtype +  cif +  comtype +  rejreason
    +  type +   usrname +impdate +  imptime ;
    int strlen = out1.length();
    for (int s = strlen; s<178; s++)
    out1 = out1.concat("");
    string out2 = out1;
    out1 = out1.concat(delperiod.substring(0,4)+"01");
    result.addValue( out1 );
    out2 = out2.concat(delperiod.substring(0,4)+"03");
    result.addValue( out2 );

    Thanks a lot dude....
    this did solved the issue........
    lemme keep this post open.......
    seems to be some logic issue.........
    even the logic issue got solved...... thanks again....
    Edited by: san485 on Aug 25, 2010 6:13 PM

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    Would you please tell me what is the difference of "syntax" and "semantics" in the context of Java.

    Same as any other language.
    String moniker = "youbin1";
    The syntax is roughly <type definition> <variable name> <assignment> <value>
    The semantics is "Define a variable of the type supplied and name supplied, and give it the supplied initial value".

  • An unseen java syntax: " className .this"

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        public FileChooserDemo() {
            final JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
                // In response to a button click:
                // int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(aComponent);
                int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(FileChooserDemo.this);
    }What's "FileChooserDemo.this" really mean?
    Remark: "FileChooserDemo.this" could not be substitued with "this", it caused a compilation error.

    Hi s_plyw,
    the syntax you have seen meens that showOpenDialog() get a referenz of the current instance of FileChooserDemo. You need this syntax for inner classes, to get a referenz of the class where the inner class is nested. If you only use 'this' you will get an instance of the inner class.
    public class A {
    public int val = 5;
    public A() {
    new B();
    private class B {
    public int val = 10;
    public B() {
    System.out.println("->" + A.this.val);
    System.out.println("->" + this.val);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    new A();
    Look at the langspec (can be downloaded from the sun sites) for the syntax. I think in 'thinking in java' are more examples.

  • Java syntax error : RFC Lookup

    My UDF Source code has an syntax error: missing return statement }
    but i can´t find the error.
    any ideas ?
    //write your code here
    String content = "";
    MappingTrace importanttrace;
    importanttrace = container.getTrace();
    // filling the string with our RFC-XML (with values)
    String m ="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ns0:Z_GET_PRODH xmlns:ns0="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions"><IN_MATNR>2100018693</IN_MATNR></ns0:Z_GET_PRODH>";
    RfcAccessor accessor = null;
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = null;
         // 1. Determine a channel (Business system, Communication channel)
         Channel channel = LookupService.getChannel("xxxxxxxxxx","yyyyyyyy");
         // 2. Get a RFC accessor for a channel.
         accessor = LookupService.getRfcAccessor(channel);
         // 3. Create a xml input stream representing the function module request message
         InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(m.getBytes());
         // 4. Create xml payload
         XmlPayload payload = LookupService.getXmlPayload(inputStream);
         // 5. Execute lookup.
         Payload result =;
         InputStream in = result.getContent();
         out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
         byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
         for (int read =; read > 0; read =
              out.write(buffer, 0, read);
         content = out.toString();
    catch(LookupException e)
         importanttrace.addWarning("Error while lookup " + e.getMessage() );
    catch(IOException e)
         importanttrace.addWarning("Error " + e.getMessage() );
         if (out!=null)
               catch (IOException e)
                   importanttrace.addWarning("Error while closing stream " + e.getMessage() );
         // 7. close the accessor in order to free resources.
         if (accessor!=null)
               catch (LookupException e)
                   importanttrace.addWarning("Error while closing accessor " + e.getMessage() );
    Message was edited by:
            Gordon Breuer

    I have a solution without DOM parser. The XML code is seen as a sting and the code looks for a specific tag. In my case it is OUTPUT, you can adjust the code to your tag.
    String content = "";
    MappingTrace importanttrace;
    importanttrace = container.getTrace();
    // filling the string with our RFC-XML (with values)
    String m = "<rfc:ZZSG_TEST_XSLT_LOOKUP xmlns:rfc="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions">"
                                + "<INPUT>" + request + "</INPUT></rfc:ZZSG_TEST_XSLT_LOOKUP>";
    RfcAccessor accessor = null;
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = null;
    // 1. Determine a channel (Business system, Communication channel)
    Channel channel = LookupService.getChannel("Airline_Group_Two","RFC");
    // 2. Get a RFC accessor for a channel.
    accessor = LookupService.getRfcAccessor(channel);
    // 3. Create a xml input stream representing the function module request message.
    InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(m.getBytes());
    // 4. Create xml payload
    XmlPayload payload = LookupService.getXmlPayload(inputStream);
    // 5. Execute lookup.
    Payload result =;
    InputStream in = result.getContent();
    out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
    for (int read =; read > 0; read = {
    out.write(buffer, 0, read);
    content = out.toString();
    catch(LookupException e)
    importanttrace.addWarning("Error while lookup " + e.getMessage() );
    catch(IOException e)
    importanttrace.addWarning("Error " + e.getMessage() );
    if (out!=null) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    importanttrace.addWarning("Error while closing stream " + e.getMessage() );
    // 7. close the accessor in order to free resources.
    if (accessor!=null) {
    try {
    } catch (LookupException e) {
    importanttrace.addWarning("Error while closing accessor " + e.getMessage() );
    //returning the result – RFC-XML.response
      int start = content.indexOf("<OUTPUT>") + 8;
      int end = content.indexOf("</OUTPUT>");
      if (end > start && start > 8)
        content = content.substring(start,end);
    return content;

  • Java syntax question.

    other than in this example and similar
    import java.util.*;can there be a . before a *?
    I need to eliminate the bug in JRainbow that colors that * as an operator.

    other than in this example and similar
    import java.util.*;can there be a . before a *?There could be code like this:
    double d = 5.*.5;

  • New to OOP Java syntax

    Hello there, I'm new here and I'd be thankful if you help me a bit with my self introduction to Java. I'll write down a source of main and hope you will tell me my beginner's problems:
    import java.util.*;
    //public int createdInstances = 0;
    public class Students{
         private String name;
         private String course;
         public Enum Specialty{
              administrator, developer, designer, none
         public Specialty specialty;
         public Enum University{
              TU, SU, NBU, none
         public University university;
         private String email;
         private long phone;
         public static int instances;
         public Students(){
     = "nullStudent";
              this.course = "nullCourse";
              specialty = Specialty.none;
              university = University.none;
     = "none";
     = 0;
         public Students(String name, String course)     {
     = name;
              this.course = course;
              specialty = Specialty.none;
              university = University.none;
     = "none";
     = 0;
         public Students(String name, String course, String email, long phone){
     = name;
              this.course = course;
     = email;
     = phone;
         public void Viewer(){
              System.out.println("Name: " + name + " course: " + course + " @email: " + email + " #phone: " + phone);
    public class Tasks{
         public static void main(String args[]){
              Students guys = new Students();
    }Thanks in advance.

    You can make a method that converts a string to a Server like this:
        enum Server {
            CPU, RAM, HDD
        public Server stringToServer( String s ) {
            if ( s == "CPU" ) {
                return Server.CPU;
            } else if ( s == "RAM" ) {
                return Server.RAM;
            } else if ( s == "HDD" ) {
                return Server.HDD;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(); // or any other error handler :)

Maybe you are looking for