JavaFX Language reference Chapter 9

When will this chapter be written? As you can see it does not contain anything right now:
h1. Chapter 9. Error Handling and Exceptions
h2. *[To do: write chapter]*

I fear the language reference haven't been updated since JavaFX 1.0... Despite the glaring holes (animation...) and now outdated information.
Looks like writing code is the current priority, which isn't a bad thing, but having to learn partial information from tutorial and various articles isn't the best thing.
Note that this chapter probably haven't much to say more than "use try/catch/finally as in Java", except the fact that there are no checked exceptions in JavaFX, ie. all catches are optional.

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    Oracle® Database
    PL/SQL Language Reference
    11g Release 1 (11.1)
    September 2007
    page 252
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION compute_bonus (emp_id NUMBER, bonus NUMBER)
    emp_sal NUMBER;
    SELECT salary INTO emp_sal
    FROM employees
    WHERE employee_id = emp_id;
    RETURN emp_sal + bonus;
    END compute_bonus;
    The following equivalent SELECT statements invoke the PL/SQL subprogram in
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    yes, you are correct. the "what's new" section of the 11g pl/sql manual states
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    (link grabbed from
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    2) Expand the zip, open the resulting folder and open the index.html document in your web browser.
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    Yes, I want to be able to type something simple like "CANVAS" and have the ******* (edit: didn't know a "frig" was foul language, haha) documentation for that class come up. Is that too much to ask Adobe? I don't want 500 pages of crap tutorial help pages that happen to have the word canvas in them, just show me the class interface details!
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    The names can be confusing, especially since IE identifies Flash Player as Shockwave Flash Object in 'Manage Add-ons'.  They are, in fact, two different programs, as noted in your Programs and Features screenshot. Flash Player plays web content created using Flash Professional, Flex, or Flash Builder (ActionScript programming language).  Adobe Shockwave Player plays web content that has been created using Adobe Director.  They are not interchageable.  Web content created using ActionScript requires Flash Player and web content created with Adobe Director requires Shockwave Player.
    More info:
    Adobe Director
    Adobe Shockwave Player
    Flash Player | Adobe Flash Player | Overview

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    then I click Download (ZIP, 32MB)
    then it show following information:
    Added by Jim Murphy, last edited by Jim Murphy on Apr 16, 2010 (view change)
    Documentation download
    Back to downloads
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    Here is a link where you can download the documentation for the latest release of 4.1.  Hopefully it will be updated for 4.5 soon.
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    And there is a link on here for a download for version 4.5

  • Language Reference

    First - sorry of My English, I donot use this language.
    Why find a Language Reference for JAVA?
    ( I coding in Flex 2/3, MXML and ActionScript 3 i have )
    I find this for JAVA, write all methods and properties.
    Pozdrawiam :)

    Are you looking for the javadoc?
    dzieki wielkie, tego szukalem :)
    ( english Thank You Very Much, I looking this )
    google ->
    if not result this adress
    Edited by: Cr3dO on Apr 17, 2008 4:27 AM

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    Yes, I want to be able to type something simple like "CANVAS" and have the ******* (edit: didn't know a "frig" was foul language, haha) documentation for that class come up. Is that too much to ask Adobe? I don't want 500 pages of crap tutorial help pages that happen to have the word canvas in them, just show me the class interface details!
    PDF just isn't the same. I'd like to have a decent chm like the ones floating around for Java. Setting search scope doesn't help, I still seem to get crap results from a search. This should be fast and easy, type the name of the class you want details about and there it is.  Right now freaking google is probably the closest thing out there but you're still dependent on the internet which has even more off topic clutter, and you have to type "flex " beforehand--lame.  Has anyone figured out an easier way to do this moronicly simple task with minimal effort?  We shouldn't have to hit more buttons than the number of letters in the class name + ENTER.  I know, I'm picky.

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    4. I'm not online a large amount of time, like airplanes,

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    Hi Colin,
    The Tour de Flex web version uses a Flex with iFrame implementation. I created it based on an original implementation by Christophe Coenraets using Flex with iFrames awhile back so I imagine it is probably a similar implementation to the Google code API you referenced since that also appears to be based on Christophe's work. However, I have been asked by many to share that piece of code and the implementation I specifically used for Tour de Flex, so I will do that in case it helps. I know that I had to jump through a lot of hoops and bug fixing to make it work right. Perhaps it could help shed some light on where to add more handling code for your specific use.
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    Kind regards,

  • Find in Language Reference - feature removed???

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    There is only Flash Builder help but It wont search the Actionscript 3 Language Reference? At least I haven't found a way yet.

    A few options:
    ASDoc view (Standalone: Window > ASDoc, Plug-in: Window > Show View > Other... ASDoc)
    This will show ASDoc content within Flash Builder
    Navigate > Open Language Reference
    For built-in Flash or Flex SDK APIs, this will open Adobe Help. To open help in a browser instead, read this post
    Jason San Jose
    Software Engineer, Flash Builder

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    Verify Account may help
    - html
    -Credit card
    -email address
    Cloud language change

  • Online language reference doesn't load

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    The old one could be found here;
    Adobe ActionScript® 3 (AS3) API Reference

    Alas no, I have disabled flash, uninstalled it, exactly the same results as before only the 1st 2 classes load.
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    And no, Adobe is not being blocked by the firewall.

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    Good idea.
    You can edit this TechNet wiki article to add your suggestions or bugs.

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