Javakey jar signing question

When I sign jars using the javakey installed with JInitiator I get a message
Security properties not found - using defaults
Where does it get these defaults? What are the defaults and how may they be changed?
I'm having touble when running another applet from the original forms applet. I haven't been able to get the second applet to be trusted. Is this possible? Does the second applet rely on entries that should be made using the standard Sun javakey.exe?
Any ideas?

1) you don't need to specify the validity.
2) the user will just have a warning/confirm dialog that shows up and tells that the certificate expired.
If interested in an appli that helps in signing process, you may download XLRSecTool for free at:
. Windows:
. Unix and Linux:
. Other Java-enabled OS
Requires Java VM 1.3.1
-- Robert
[email protected]
XL-Reader Project - Secured online documentation solutions

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    1) If you can mount those disks on your database server then YES you can store the RMAN backups of those. You must NFS Mount the disks on your DB server so that RMAN can see them put the bakcups on them. Or you can directly write to the tapes.
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    Hello EJP,
    Thanks for replying.
    Yes the certificate was valid when the jar was signed. Please note that, there was no timestamp put in the signature.
    So now after the certificate has been revoked, if Java runtime tries to load that jar, isn't it the responsibility of Java runtime to make use of the CRL/OCSP information
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    hi all,
    for developing reasons i signed an applet with "MS_JAVA-SDK" and a batch file which looks like that:
    @echo off
    set prefix=MS_JAVA-SDK
    cd classes
    "..\%prefix%\cabarc" -p -r -s 16384 n ..\ *.*
    cd ..
    "%prefix%\makecert" -sk ADVESCO -n "CN=ADVESCO" ADVESCO.cer
    "%prefix%\cert2spc" ADVESCO.cer ADVESCO.spc
    "%prefix%\signcode" -j javasign.dll -jp low -spc ADVESCO.spc -k ADVESCO
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    what�s the problem?
    what do i have to do when i want to run my applet with ie and netscape?
    thanx a lot !!!!

    MS jdk is only Java 1 and from the error message you posted it looks as if Netscape isn't supporting Java 1 anymore only Java 2, thats why it isn't working. I don't know much about signing applets, but I believe there is a tool that ships with the JSDK... its called jarsigner.exe I believe. Just download the newest JSDK and use that jar signer and not the MS one. You might want to search the forums for more info about signing applets, I know I have seen it come up a bunch of times and there is probably a good walkthrough somewhere.

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    Can we customize sign_webutil.bat to do this?Yes, you can. Only be careful to webutil password

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    Thanks for the response. I looked over getting JAR signing to work, but this applet is being hosted on the local machine and that process required an online URL. Knowing that my command line argument was wrong helped a lot though, I eventually loaded up the policytool program and got the syntax I needed for the policy file.
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    Thanks in advance.

    You can add a manifest to a jar file like this:
    jar ufm MyJar.jar manifest.txt
    You'll then need to resign the JAR.  You'll need a code-signing certificate for this.  You can obtain a real one from a provider, or generate your own CA and use it to sign a code-signing certificate yourself.
    You can add a CA to the trusted list like this:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\security>keytool -importcert -alias MyCA -file c:\cacert.cer -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt
    where c:\cacert.cer is the certificate for the CA. 
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    second post

  • Understanding JAR signing

    The following link says that the public key that corresponds to the private key used to sign the JAR is placed in the JAR, along with its certificate.
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    Are the only 2 ways the public certificate trusted is if the public certificate is imported into the "cacerts" file or into another keystore specified in the jarsigner -verify command? (In the cacerts case you could just omit options relating to the keystore?)
    Why are the SHA1-Digest values different in MANIFEST.MF and the SF file for a given file within the JAR?
    What's the difference between the SHA1-Digest-Manifest and SHA1-Digest-Manifest-Main-Attributes values in the SF files?

    I know some answers:
    1. Yes, public key is inside the certificate, in DSA file
    2. AFAIK, if the certificate is signed by someone in the cacerts file, it's OK
    3. In MANIFEST.MF, hash value is for file content. In SF file, hash value is for the section in MANIFEST.MF
    4. SHA1-Digest-Manifest-Main-Attributes is the hash value for the header part of MANIFEST.MF
    You can find out all the details by reading the source codes in OpenJDK.
    BTW, Are you going to write a jarsigner yourself?

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    If true, that would be just great since I may have resources (JSP files and similar stuff) that would be just great if I could verify its integrity.
    Pedro Salazar.

    Indeed, but I was referring to remove the signature block and also the digests in the manifest file, - a clean (unsigned) jar file :-)
    Now, I have question for you:
    Is it possible to compel that a jar must be signed by a specific entity (certificate) to be validated? For instance, anyone could repack the jar in a clean jar file, and the system wouldn't care about that. So, I would like to say that the jar file to be validade must be signed by a specific entity. Is there any policy to say for a specific jar file? The problem here could be how to refer that to the jar file since it would be deployed in a application server...
    Maybe I should open a new thread about this, but you may also clarify me this shortly...
    Pedro salazar.

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    I hope to receive help from you with the following issues:
    1) I'm trying to sign an applet application which has dependency jars. So my first question is: Do I have to sign also the dependency jars? If yes, can I sign them with the same certificate?
    2) As I want to suppress warning messages from the applet which might scare ordinary users, I'm putting Permissions and Caller-Allowable-Codebase attribute in the manifest. If I have to sign also the dependency jars, do I have to also put these attributes into their manifest files? If yes, how?

    I'm not a guru, but the answer to question 1) is yes. I know this because I've seen plenty of historical problems in this forum relating to exactly this, especially in combination with Bouncy Castle which seems to already be signed with its own certificate. You should sign them with the same certificate as your application I believe, but that would require experimentation to confirm.
    I don't know anything about 2). The only thing I know is that it is likely impossible to completely remove the popup, a user will have to accept it at least once even when you have a valid signed certificate. I mean I have seen Microsoft software ask if I trust Microsoft
    Final note: be sure you are actually allowed to legally modify and distribute the jars in such a way! Probably yes, but it would be very unfortunate if you get slapped with a lawsuit because you broke the usage terms of a particular commercially oriented third party jar that you failed to notice.

  • JAD / JAR attributes questions.

    From what I can tell there are 18 attributes (16 MIDlet- and 2 MicroEdition-) that are mentioned in JSR 118. Excluding for now the Runtime-Execution-Environment.
    The JAD has five mandatory attributes (Name, Version, Vendor, Jar-URL and Jar-Size). The JAR has five (MIDlet-Name, Version and Vendor and MicroEdition-Profile and Configuration). I know that Name, Version, Vendor must always match (signed or unsigned).
    My questions are about the other optional attributes and how they should be validated and the rules around if an attribute(s) is included in the JAD does it need to be in the JAR as well and must it always be identical.
    Example1 (assuming mandatory atts are present and valid)
    Jad = MIDlet-Icon: icon.png
    JAR = MIDlet-Icon is not present
    App is signed. Should this cause an error or is it allowed? What if the app is unsigned?
    Jad = MIDlet-Icon: icon.png
    JAR = MIDlet-Icon: stars.png
    App is signed. I think this would result in a 905. What if unsigned?
    I've seen some docs that refer to four attributes that the JAD should ignore: MIDlet-Jar-Size, MIDlet-Jar-URL, MIDlet-Install-Notify and MIDlet-Delete-Notify. Are there others?

    Can you find the specifications for your device. Nokia, Motos, SEs all list the specs for their devices. Try visiting the web site for your device. There are also some sites that index the specs for phones

  • WebUtil Jar signing error

    Can anyone help me with this error:
    keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Key pair not generated, alias <####> already exists

    Check whether there is a file named ".keystore". If yes, delete this file and again try to sign the jar file.
    Hope it helps u...

  • Classpath and jar file question

    my application need to use few jar files i downloaded from the internet
    so i need to set the classpath so that i can import the packages in the jar file rite?
    let say set classpath=.;c:\somedir\bin;
    the ".;" after the "=" means that i search the current directory first then search the directory i have specified after that rite?
    if so, can i put all the needed jar files in the current directory so that my application can use them??
    Another question is if all the jar files in located in the same directory how can i set the class path to refer to them without sepecifying each of the jar file name??can i just put the directory path and will it locate them automatically when my application start??
    can anyone tell me about it??thanks

    No, you need to include each and every jar file in your classpath.
    Or put them all in your <jdk_installation_dir>\jre\lib\ext directory, so that they will get included in your classpath automatically.

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