JavaScript error on old code

Hi All,
I recently upgraded to v 2.2.1. My application has been running fine for a couple of years. When I went to make a change to a page that used javascript it threw an error when I tried to save. Cancelled the change, and went back in and tried to save just the old javascript and it throws the same error, You may not declaratively set cursor focus if you specify an ONLOAD in this attribute. You can programatically set cursor focus by using the following syntax:
onload="mystuff(); first_field();" In the OnLoad section I have OnLoad="Populate_fld()" and in the HTML header section I have <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function Populate_fld()
var formVehicle = document.getElementById('P9_HIDE_VEHICLE').value;
document.getElementById("P9_VEHICLE").value = formVehicle;
if (formState = " ")
document.getElementById("P9_STATE").value = "FL";
I tried various and sundry approaches to this problem with no success. Anyone know the solution to this?
Keep Smiling,
Bob R

You just have to uncheck the "Focus First Item" checkbox, previously we didn't enforce that and it created bad code now we run a check for it.

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    Code used:
    Javascript Error : Line : 3958 code: 2 Error: 'Undefined' is null or not an object
    Above Error appears when the below option in IE is selected.And also, Error appears only when the user enters the date.Also, I cannot ask users to uncheck the settings in IE as most of the users doesn't have administrator access to their amchines
    Error doesn't seem to appear when user selects the date from DataPicker component irrespective whether the below option in IE is selected or not.
    IE Setting option :
    Display a Notification about Every Script Error
    I'm not able to find what could be the problem in EP 7.0 as it works perfectly in EP5.0.
    Any ideas would be appreciated !!

    Sent an OSS message to SAP.SAP found the problem and fixed the issue and will be available in NW2004s SPS9.

  • Troubleshooting javascript error in OCI catalog

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    I have created an OCI catalog for a customer.
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    When the customer is launching the OCI catalog the shopping site appears and everything is great,
    but when the customer is pressing a certain button in the catalog nothing happens.
    I suspect that this might be due to a javascript error in the code.
    However the browser in this system has no developer toolbar and every menu option
    is overriden. The F12 key is escape etc.
    So basically what I want to know...
    Is there a way to debug a javascript error in this environment?
    By the way
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    I have tested IE7 - IE11
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    with regards

    Thank you for your response,
    I have seen this page. How can I upload the source files for people to take a look as requested in this link?
    Brett Messick
    Senior Digital Media Developer
    Enterprise Learning | People and Organization Effectiveness
    T. Rowe Price
    4515 Painters Mill Road
    Owings Mills, MD 21117
    •Office: (410) 345-6917
    •E-mail: [email protected]

  • Report Viewer Javascript error

    I have a good report that works great if I export to pdf.
    objdoc.ExportToDisk (ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, "c: \ \ testreport.pdf");
    When I load the CrystalReportViewer
    CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = objdoc;
    returns a javascript error:
    TreeWidget_getHTML JScript
    this instruction:
    to for (var D in E) {B [C + +] = E [D]. getHTML (F.initialIndent, D == 0)
    because b[c++] is undefined for some values ...
    The only problem I have when I load the report in the ReportViewer.
    The old crystalreportviewer 10.0.53 works on VS2008 now i like import this aspx on VS2010 but i have this problem.

    Is there any resolution for the above issue?
    I have the similar problem.
    To reproduce the error just add a reference to a js script file in the page head:
    <script src="/Scripts/ClassExtentions.js" type="text/jscript"></script>
    where the Array prototype has an extension like: "Array.prototype.testing = true;"
    on loading the page an error occurs in treeview.js TreeWidget_getHTML() function:
    ..sub[i].getHTML < is undefined (Object doesn't support this property or method) = no getHTML function.
    Verifying function (prototype property) availability is missing from other code parts as the next error is in palette.js PaletteWidget_init function:
    ..item.init() < is undefined = no init function for the runtime object, item..
    tryed this fix (works fine):
    treeview.js line 711
         for (var i in sub)
           if (sub[i].getHTML) a[j++]=sub[i].getHTML(o.initialIndent,i==0)
    best regards, Zsolt

  • Javascript error in event handler event type = timeline

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    javascript error in event handler event type = timeline   edge.1.5.0.min.js:143
    Springender Punkt: Rettungswagen - Der springende Punkt
    I dont found any solution... :-((

    Hi Scott,
    I have gone through your shared composition created in older verion of Edge.
    If you open the older composition html page in browser, there already have some of the error messages in the console as you mentioned above like
          Javascript error in event handler! Event Type = timeline.
    And as you said with the latest Edge, when you upgrade the old composition, some new error messages gets added to the existing ones.
    As in the latest Edge, the whole of runtime has been shake-up, some of the attributes has been removed and are added in different way.
    Example: To access timelines of a symbol:
         Old way:           sym.timelines['Default Timeline']
         New way:[].timeline
    You need to make some modifications in index_edgeActions.js file like:
         1. Search & Replace "timelines['Default Timeline']" with "data[].timeline"
         2. And in the code taken from EdgeCommons.js, replace "getVariable("symbolSelector")" with "_variables["symbolSelector"]".
    Hope, these changes will remove the new JS issues you mentioned.

  • Javascript errors with IE6 - Goods receipt

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    error message:
    Line 2647
    Char 9
    Error: unterminated string constant
    Code 0
    URL from eprocurement, including session ID and bc/gui/sap/its/bbpcf03/~session ID
    transaction template is bbpcf03
    Any ideas?

    Dear Poster
    Your thread has had no response since it's creation over
    2 weeks ago, therefore, I recommend that you either:
    - Rephrase the question.
    - Provide additional Information to prompt a response.
    - Close the thread if the answer is already known.
    Thank you for your compliance in this regard.
    Jason Boggans
    SAP SRM SDN Moderator

  • Javascript errors after ecc upgrade

    At customer site an ECC 4.7 -> 6.0 upgrade has been performed. The BSPs from the old portal server are moved to the ECC6 backend system (ABAP stack installed only).
    Now the BSPs are returning javascript errors when pressing buttons, tabstripitems etc. The error is 'object expected'. These BSPs are using htlmb tags. I made a simple test BSP with a click button and that one is also returning the javascript error.
    When checking the generated code, I see a lot of javascript methods being called, but I dont see them declared.
    Can anyone help me out?
    With regards,

    js definitions would be as a separate file in the mime repository.
    couple of things to check
    1. check in SICF whether sap/public/bc and sap/public/bsp nodes are active
    2. invalidate the server cache from transaction SMICM->goto
    and search for possible oss notes

  • Javascript error calling a bi 7.0 webapplication from a bsp application

    Hi everyone,
    This is the scenario we're facing a javascript error :
    Enterprise Portal is calling a custom bsp application ( via an iview in the enterprise portal ) in the bi system with a parameter "template_id" and a value, which is the technical name of a bi web application.
    The bsp application is evaluating the parameter by some custom code and creating a html page with a redirect or a maintenance message to the bi web application passed with the parameter "template_id".
    The html link to the bi web application is created according to this documentation :
    Purpose of the bsp application :
    in the bi system there is a database table to maintain a flag for each webtemplate and infocube, which should not be called via the enterprise portal for a certain time ( some kind of maintenance switch ). The bsp application then decides to show a maintenance page for the called webtemplate or to send the redirect page to the client.
    The process described above is :
    working with the bi 7.01 sp7 in the bi ( enterprise portal sp22 ) in the productive system.
    working in the Q&A system bi 7.01 sp8 with bi 3.5 web applications.
    not working in the Q&A system bi 7.01 sp8 with bi 7.0 web applications.
    The javascript error calling bi 7.0 web applications is :
    Webpage error details
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; SLCC2; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
    Timestamp: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 09:11:04 UTC
    Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
    Line: 96
    Char: 11
    Code: 0
    We've opened a message. Support center is saying that this method isn't supported by sap. We should ommit the bsp application and the used functionality.
    Is there any way to find out, what is causing this object is missing ?
    Is there another way than a bsp application to use this custom maintenance function in the described system setup ?
    system components :
    production system
    SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal SP22
    SAP BI 7.01 SP 7
    q&a system
    SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Portal SP22
    SAP BI 7.01 SP 8
    Kind regards.

    Hello everyone,
    we did some further analysis on this problem und we think we found the problem.
    The error occurs while trying to execute the standard url for web templates inside a Enterprise Portal Frame, for example
    While executing the URL a HTML-Page with some embeded Javascript-code is sent back to the browser.
    In this Javascrip-Code, the method-call "dsmObj.registerAll" leads to a script error in Internet Explorer.
    dsmObj.registerAll("pcd:portal_content/", "GUSID:6FC9SuhGDPIMMLwOdeHEIg--_7WQud13yeLJDz2kYoQFSg--", "1307605928212");
    In SP7, the method "dsmObj.registerFullKey" is called instead of "dsmObj.registerAll". This has changed in SP8.
    dsmObj.registerFullKey("GUSID:iBPvyska9*xE_JBalkQG2g--YyKv2C3NToP0I79Mw7EO8w--", "1307606479963");
    The object "dsmObj" seems to reference the parent frame of the Enterprise Portal.
    Has anyone seen this before? Any ideas how we can fix this?
    Kind regards,
    Edited by: Matthias Keller on Jun 9, 2011 2:07 PM

  • Dreamweaver 6.1 - JavaScript error when switching between open tabs

    When switching between open tabs a sequence of javascript
    errors occurs. I had not used Dreamweaver for about 2 weeks, and
    last time I used it with no problems.
    I have tried uninstalling it, OKing removal of all files when
    asked, re-installing it and updating with dwmx61_updater.exe, but I
    still get the same errors.
    This has rendered the software virtually unuseable, so any
    help would be greatly appreciated, as I'm working to a
    rapidly-approaching deadline.
    "While executing Browse_Back enabled in toolbars.xml, a
    JavaScript error occurred"
    followed by
    "While executing Browse_Forward enabled in toolbars.xml, a
    JavaScript error occurred"
    followed by
    "While executing Browse_Stop enabled in toolbars.xml, a
    JavaScript error occurred"
    The relevant code seems to be :
    <!-- Browser nav toolbar -->
    <toolbar id="Browser_Toolbar" platform="win"
    label="Browser Navigation" container="document"
    <button id="Browse_Back"
    <button id="Browse_Forward"
    <button id="Browse_Stop"
    <button id="Browse_Refresh"
    presumably the next error is caused by the previous ones
    failing :
    "While executing getCurrentValue in AddressURL.htm, a
    JavaScript error occurred"
    the relevan tcode :
    function getCurrentValue()
    var dom = dw.getDocumentDOM();
    var value = dom.browser.getURL();
    if (value && value.length)
    //check if is it not a temp file
    //extract the tail of the url
    var filename = value;
    var slashIndex = filename.lastIndexOf("/");
    filename = filename.substring(slashIndex+1);
    var tempIndex = filename.indexOf("TMP");
    if (tempIndex != 0)
    return value;

    You can try this simple fix -
    Quit DW.
    Find this folder -
    C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application
    (these folders are normally hidden - you may have to use
    Explorer > Tools >
    Folder Options to unhide them)
    and delete it.
    Restart DW. Works better?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "earthdoctor" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > When switching between open tabs a sequence of
    javascript errors occurs. I
    > had
    > not used Dreamweaver for about 2 weeks, and last time I
    used it with no
    > problems.
    > I have tried uninstalling it, OKing removal of all files
    when asked,
    > re-installing it and updating with dwmx61_updater.exe,
    but I still get the
    > same
    > errors.
    > This has rendered the software virtually unuseable, so
    any help would be
    > greatly appreciated, as I'm working to a
    rapidly-approaching deadline.
    > "While executing Browse_Back enabled in toolbars.xml, a
    JavaScript error
    > occurred"
    > followed by
    > "While executing Browse_Forward enabled in toolbars.xml,
    a JavaScript
    > error
    > occurred"
    > followed by
    > "While executing Browse_Stop enabled in toolbars.xml, a
    JavaScript error
    > occurred"
    > The relevant code seems to be :
    > <!-- Browser nav toolbar -->
    > <toolbar id="Browser_Toolbar" platform="win"
    > Navigation"
    > container="document" initiallyVisible="false">
    > <button id="Browse_Back"
    > image="Toolbars/images/MM/back.gif"
    > disabledImage="Toolbars/images/MM/back_dis.gif"
    > tooltip="Back"
    > label="Back"
    > command="dw.getDocumentDOM().browser.backPage()"
    > update="onEveryIdle"/>
    > <button id="Browse_Forward"
    > image="Toolbars/images/MM/forward.gif"
    > disabledImage="Toolbars/images/MM/forward_dis.gif"
    > tooltip="Forward"
    > label="Forward"
    > command="dw.getDocumentDOM().browser.forwardPage()"
    > update="onEveryIdle"/>
    > <button id="Browse_Stop"
    > image="Toolbars/images/MM/stop.gif"
    > disabledImage="Toolbars/images/MM/stop_dis.gif"
    > tooltip="Stop"
    > label="Stop"
    > enabled="dw.getDocumentDOM().browser.getPageBusy()"
    > command="dw.getDocumentDOM().browser.stopPage()"
    > update="onBrowserPageBusyChange"/>
    > <button id="Browse_Refresh"
    > image="Toolbars/images/MM/browserRefresh.gif"
    > tooltip="Refresh"
    > label="Refresh"
    > enabled="true"
    > command="dw.getDocumentDOM().browser.refreshPage()"/>
    > presumably the next error is caused by the previous ones
    failing :
    > "While executing getCurrentValue in AddressURL.htm, a
    JavaScript error
    > occurred"
    > the relevan tcode :
    > function getCurrentValue()
    > {
    > var dom = dw.getDocumentDOM();
    > var value = dom.browser.getURL();
    > if (value && value.length)
    > {
    > //check if is it not a temp file
    > //extract the tail of the url
    > var filename = value;
    > var slashIndex = filename.lastIndexOf("/");
    > filename = filename.substring(slashIndex+1);
    > var tempIndex = filename.indexOf("TMP");
    > if (tempIndex != 0)
    > {
    > addRecentAddress(value);
    > }
    > }
    > return value;
    > }

  • Help! Why am i getting these JavaScript errors in Dreaweaver and how can I fix it???

    This only happens whenever I try to access code view, and it won't allow me to add any more code. This is the error message I get:
    "While executing DWMenu_View_Text command in menus.xml, the following JavaScript error(s) occurred:
    Exception thrown in native function"
    A third party tried to access my site, but the page froze, with an error message:
    "Script error on line........."
    I'm not sure if this has something to do with FileZilla, but now when I try to open it, I get number of error messages about, "failed to write xml file" and "Application Data\FileZilla\filezilla.xml (error 5: access is denied.)"
    I've tried deleting the WinFileCache from Dreamweaver and disabled all extensions, but none of these helped.
    Please help. does anyone know what's going on?

    I've never heard of a Filezilla DW extension, but this is the KB article for you:

  • "JavaScript Error encountered while loading HTML"

    I have been trying to embed a google map on a InDesign CC page, NO LUCK YET.
    I spoke several Adobe InDesign help line people, unfortunately they couldn't solve it.
    Here is the problem: I tried with different versions
    1- version) I copy of a map code and paste the code on a page, shows grey square round image and nothing (no map)
    2- version) From Object menu:
        "Select insert HTML.."
        "This is an HTML snippet."
    I paste the codes into HTML box, a second later, small box message,
         "JavaScript Error encountered while loading HTML"
    I have 64bit 12gb ram computer with windows 8.1
    InDesign CC version 9.2.1 x64
    Java 7 update 51
    I have tried with Internet explorer, google chrome and fire fox, and different maps, still no luck.
    Can anyone solve this problem?
    Thank you in advance,

    Yes, Google changed something and not for the better.
    Try a bing map instead. They work fine.

  • Sharepoint throw a javascript error while adding items to sharepoint list

    sharepoint throw javascript error when adding item to list
    error called:  this._registeredValidators[validatorIdx].Validate is not a function
    any help please

    If you want to validatelist column, there is out of the box way to accomplish this with SharePoint
    There's a great blog that covers how to validate Strict Text Formats:
    In addition, we can use JavaScript to validate column. Please make sure you use the code correctly.
    More information:
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Javascript error when selecting Spry Menu Bar in Design View

    Hi there,
    I get the following error message when trying to format the Spry Menu Bar in Design View:
    "while executing inspectSelection in spry_menu.htm, a Javascript error occurred."
    I have tried the following troubleshooting steps:
    deleting site cache
    closing/re-opening Dreamweaver
    deleting Spry Menu Bar and recreating - same error occurs.
    Other information:
    I am using a MacBook Pro
    it happens when clicking on the Menu Bar itself. I just want to change the properties
    the Spry Menu Bar does not appear in Live View.
    Here is a link to my site on Browserlab. It has not yet been published:;state=use;view=0;url=dreamweaver%3A %2F%2Fsite%3AHope%2520Against%2520Hope%2FHAH_home.html;browsers=WXPIE6000%2CWXPIE9000%2COS XFF7000%2COSXSF5000%2CWXPCH14000
    Is it a case of changing one of the values in the spry_menubar.js file?
    Can anyone help?

    Hi there,
    The problem appears to have returned. I am getting the same error message as before and also an error saying there is a syntax error in my source code. Dreamweaver tells me which line the error is in:
    var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("hope_menu", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});
    In response to your earlier questions/points:
    I am using version 0.13 of SpryMenuBar.js (is this what you mean?)
    The menu now shows in Live View as I would expect it to
    Here is a link to my published site:
    Do you have any further advice?

  • Javascript error while creating trees

    I had to create a tree of the structure
    now i have created a view from three tables and the structure of the view is as follows
    equipmentid, equipmentname, customerid, customername, siteid,sitename
    i did try giving two queries equip_id AS id,
    customer_name AS pid,
    customer_name AS name,
    null AS link,null AS a1,null as a2
    from TREE_VIEW
    select equip_id as id,
    null AS pid ,
    site_name AS name,
    null AS link,
    null AS a1,
    null AS a2
    from TREE_VIEW
    select 0 AS id,null AS pid,'CUstomers' AS name, null as link,null as a1,null as a2 from dual case when connect_by_isleaf = 1 then 0
    when level = 1 then 1
    else -1
    end as status,
    "#OWNER#"."TABLE_VIEW2"."CUSTOMER_NAME" as title,
    null as icon,
    "#OWNER#"."TABLE_VIEW2"."CUSTOMERID" as value,
    "#OWNER#"."TABLE_VIEW2"."CUSTOMERID" as tooltip,
    null as link
    from "#OWNER#"."TABLE_VIEW2" ,"CUSTOMER"
    start with "#OWNER#"."TABLE_VIEW2"."CUSTOMER_NAME" is null
    order siblings by "#OWNER#"."TABLE_VIEW2"."CUSTOMER_NAME"
    while giving both the queries iam getting the page to display without the tree and i views the source code
    and i found out that there was a javascript error
    <script type="text/javascript">
    *var l11216839203914159236Data = [*
    ORA-01403: no data found
    <div class="clear"></div></div></div></div>
    <div class="rc-bottom"><div class="rc-bottom-r"></div></div>
    </div> </td>
    <td class="tbl-sidebar"></td>
    </div><div id="footer"><div class="content">
    how to overcome this error and what might me the error for this error?

    Actually the data is not coming through query.Check the parent, value parameters properly.
    Thanks and Regards

  • What are the reasons for following Javascript error in Report Viewer

    Post Author: dhuka
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    Hello Everybody!
    I am using Crystal Reports 10 in my web application. But unfortunately I am surrounded with strange problem related to it because of which I have been unable to deploy is on client-side. In my application the error given below is displayed as javascript error in Report Viewer and report is not displayed. But more frustrating part is that I am getting the same error due to different problem with reporting and I am stuck with it as I am unable to figure out what's causing the error now. Earlier this error appeared due to problem with parameter passing to stored procedure which I resolved it and error vanished but once again it has shown up. Moreover this error now appears less frequently and randomly therefore it is even difficult to trace the cause.
    Problem with this Web page might prevent it from being displayed properly or functioning properly. In the future, you can display this message by double-clicking the warning icon displayed in the status bar.
    Line: 40Char: 12Error: Expected ')'Code: 0URL: http://myServer/myApp/myForms/myReports/ReportViewer.aspx
    So can anybody tell me what factors might be causing this errors as the error text is very vague in nature and gives no idea about the actual error.
    Guys, I hope for your kind co-operation.

    Post Author: dhuka
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    Thanks for you reply Krishna.
    But this syntax error is the one that is creating problem for me as I cannot trace it. The form ReportViewer.aspx contains only a report viewer object which remains un-binded to any ReportDocument even at runtime.
    At code behind ReportViewer.aspx I have code below that associates SQL Stored Procedure Parameter and Report Filter along with report name. Once all above is associated with ReportDocument, I export ReportDocument to PDF file format and display the report. Here I dont' even bind ReportDocument with my ReportViewer. Moreover, as I mentioned previously this error is encountered randomly (with no reasonable explanation so far) on client PC (while browsing through application).
    I hope below code give you good idea of the way I am implementing my reporting.
    Looking forward to you solution. Please note that I am only passing the ReportFileName and Parameter and Filter Criteria to this form while dataTable by itself using the connection information.
    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CODE BEHIND of REPORTVIEWER.ASPX>>>>>>>>>>>
    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    Dim strKeys() As String
    Dim strReportFilter As String
    Dim strReportName As String
    Dim strError As structError
    ReDim strKeys(0)
    If strReportName = "" Then
    strReportName = Context.Session("ReportName").ToString()
    If Not Session("ReportParameters") = Nothing Then
    Dim char_Delimiter() As Char = ";".ToCharArray()
    strKeys = Session("ReportParameters").ToString().Split(char_Delimiter)
    End If
    If Not Session("ReportFilter") = Nothing Then
    strReportFilter = Session("ReportFilter").ToString()
    End If
    Session("DataTable") = Nothing
    End If
    If Not ViewParameterReport(strReportName, strKeys, strReportFilter, strError) Then
    ASPNET_DisplayErrorMessageBox(strError.strMsg, Me)
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Catch ex As Exception
    strError.strMsg = Err.Description
    ASPNET_DisplayErrorMessageBox(strError.strMsg, Me)
    End Try
    End Sub
    Private Function ViewParameterReport(ByVal str_ReportName As String, ByVal str_ReportParameters() As String, ByVal strReportFilter As String, ByRef strError As structError) As Boolean
    Dim str_ReportPath As String = CStr(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("ReportPath"))
    Dim crLogInfo As TableLogOnInfo
    Dim crConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo
    str_ReportPath = CStr(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("ReportPath"))
    o_Rpt = New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument
    o_Rpt.Load(str_ReportPath & "\rpts\" & str_ReportName)
    If Context.Session("DataTable") = "" Then
    crLogInfo = New TableLogOnInfo()
    crConnectionInfo = New ConnectionInfo()
    crLogInfo = o_Rpt.Database.Tables(0).LogOnInfo
    crConnectionInfo = o_Rpt.Database.Tables(0).LogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo
    crConnectionInfo.ServerName = clsDbCnn.Server
    crConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = clsDbCnn.Database
    crConnectionInfo.UserID = clsDbCnn.UserID
    crConnectionInfo.Password = clsDbCnn.Password
    crLogInfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo
    ds_MISReports = New DataSet()
    ds_MISReports = CType(Session("DataTable"), DataSet)
    End If
    If Not IsPostBack Then
    Dim param_Fields As CrystalDecisions.Shared.ParameterFields = New ParameterFields()
    Dim iCount As Integer
    If str_ReportParameters.GetUpperBound(0) <> 0 Then
    For iCount = 0 To str_ReportParameters.Length - 1 Step 2
    o_Rpt.SetParameterValue(CStr(str_ReportParameters(iCount).ToString()), CStr(str_ReportParameters(iCount + 1).ToString()))
    o_Rpt.RecordSelectionFormula = strReportFilter
    End If
    End If
    'crViewer.DisplayGroupTree = False
    'crViewer.ReportSource = o_Rpt
    SetDBLogonForReport(crConnectionInfo, o_Rpt)
    Dim TargetFileName As String
    Dim fs As System.IO.FileStream
    Dim FileSize As Long
    Dim GenDS As DataSet
    'Dim oRD As New ReportDocument()
    Dim crReportObject As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportObject()
    Dim oExO As ExportOptions
    Dim oExDo As New DiskFileDestinationOptions()
    'Build Target Filename
    TargetFileName = str_ReportPath & "\Pdfs\" & Session.SessionID & ".pdf"
    'Export to PDF
    oExDo.DiskFileName = TargetFileName
    oExO = o_Rpt.ExportOptions
    oExO.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile
    oExO.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat
    oExO.DestinationOptions = oExDo
    'Send the file to the user that made the request
    Response.Buffer = True
    Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf")
    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=MyReport.pdf;")
    fs = New System.IO.FileStream(TargetFileName, IO.FileMode.Open)
    FileSize = fs.Length
    Dim bBuffer(CInt(FileSize)) As Byte
    fs.Read(bBuffer, 0, CInt(FileSize))
    o_Rpt = Nothing
    Return True
    Catch ex As Exception
    strError.strMsg = Err.Description
    Return False
    crConnectionInfo = Nothing
    crLogInfo = Nothing
    End Try
    End Function
    Private Sub SetDBLogonForReport(ByVal myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo, _
    ByVal myReportDocument As ReportDocument)
    Dim myTables As Tables = myReportDocument.Database.Tables
    Dim count As Integer
    For count = 0 To myTables.Count - 1
    Dim myTableLogonInfo As TableLogOnInfo = myTables(count).LogOnInfo
    myTableLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = myConnectionInfo
    myTables(count).Location = myConnectionInfo.DatabaseName & ".dbo." & myTables(count).Location.Substring(myTables(count).Location.LastIndexOf(".") + 1)
    myTables(count).LogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = myConnectionInfo.ServerName()
    End Sub

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