JavaScript - OnClick-Event - WAD

Hi Folks,
here is my problem.
I have created a BSP, which embeds an iframe with a BW-WebTemplate. Its a rather simple one, only a Data-Table is shown. When the user left-clicks on one characteristic of the Table, a new WebTemplate should open up in the iframe with detail-information.
With a redefined render-class I have bound a JavaScript-function to the onclick-event of the characteristic.
In the start-method of the class I have submitted the JavaScript-function.
This function creates a URL and calls SAPBWOpenURL(URL). With alert-functions I have secured, that the function is called with the proper values. But, under no circumstances, the URL opens up.
Then I have thought about a wrong URL and created a button, which can be clicked and calls the same function. With this button the URL opens without any hassle. 
So, it seems, that everything is fine, the function is properly set up, the values are transferred, but on clicking a characteristic in the table, the URL is not working.
What I am missing?
Best regards

Can you explain me where you put the necessary javascript? We want to do the same but do not know where to put the code? Is it in the Webtemplate itself or on one of the java directories on the portal?
Kind regards,

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    var x=window.confirm('Are you sure ?')
    if (x)
    return false

    I think that your Javascript code is calling the do-event code for the form, where all that you need to do is stop if there is a problem, as the event has already started and the form validation will run if your onclick code returns true.
    if (window.confirm("Are you sure?")) return true;
    else return false;
    Regards Michael

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    As I know, you can use jQuery to do this, here is an example.
    Example of your Controller Method.
    [HttpPost] // can be HttpGet
    public ActionResult Test(string id)
    bool isValid = yourcheckmethod(); //.. check
    var obj = new {
    valid = isValid
    return Json(obj);
    and this would be your javascript function.
    function checkValidId(checkId)
    url: 'controllerName/Test',
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json;',
    data: JSON.stringify({ id: checkId }),
    success: function (valid)
    if(valid) { //show that id is valid }
    else { //show that id is not valid }
    If you have further issues, I would suggest you move to MVC forum, it is appropriate and more experts will assist you.
    Best Regards,
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    value="#{person_iupopulations_Observation.customer}" var="customer"
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="Select" />
    <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="" onclick="getRow(this)">
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="Name" />
    <h:outputText value="#{customer.Name}"></h:outputText>
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    You can set up systems to catch click-throughs, but they
    require the correct line of code to be put into the Flash movie
    (which you've said you can't do)
    I take it you've tried adding an onClick="..." attribute to
    the object tag?
    e.g. just test it with:
    <object onClick="alert('This works!');" etc
    Then try clicking on the movie and see if an alert box pops
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    might not detect them

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    function checkWindow(win1, str){
              var formObj = document.getElementById(str);
         var checkBoxObj = document.getElementById(win1);
         if(checkBoxObj1.checked == true){
          = "_blank";     
                   formObj.action = "graphDisplayFrame.jsp";     
         else if(checkBoxObj1.checked == false){
          = "_self";
                   formObj.action = "graphDisplay.jsp";
    }Any suggestions?

    You're storing the value in "checkBoxObj" and in the next line you use different variable name as "checkBoxObj1".
         var checkBoxObj = document.getElementById(win1);
         if(checkBoxObj1.checked == true){
    instead of "true', try      if(checkBoxObj.checked == 1){

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    How to capture the onclick event on a web page when the click
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    You can't. At least not in IE. For some arcane reason either
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    However there's a workaround. Add the wmode="transparent"
    parameter. This make the onclick event okay in Firefox, but still
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    I tried each of the following in the the Element HTML Form Element Attributes for the File Browse item:
    onChange=javascript:alert(this.value);And what happened?
    [A few points on good practice:
    1. In the XHTML normally used in APEX 4.0 mark-up, all XHTML, including attribute/event handler names, should be in lower case: <tt>onclick</tt>, <tt>onfocus</tt>, <tt>onchange</tt>...
    2. Attribute values should always be quoted.
    3. The <a href="">"javascript:" pseudo-protocol is evil</a>. There are a few places in APEX where we may have to resort to using it as URL is all we're offered to work with, but it's always better to use an event handler of some kind, either inline or (better) registered dynamically at runtime following the principles of <a href="">unobtrusive JavaScript</a>. +It absolutely should not be used in inline event handlers.+

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    Hello All,
    I am using NWDS04s Adobe Designer 7.1.
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    if (CheckBox1.rawValue == "1") {
                TextField1.presence = "hidden";
    }else {
                 TextField1.presence = "visible";
    When i deploy my WD you could guess, it's not working ;-((
    Is there something i am doing wrong??
    When i place this code in the Initialize event of the CheckBox and change the If statement to CheckBox1.rawValue == "0" it works as expected.
    Hope somebody can help me or try it on there machines. Maybe it's a bug.
    Thx in advance.
    Kind Regards,

    Hello Maarten,
    Please have a look at method <a href="">setDynamic</a> (interface IWDPDFDocumentInteractiveFormContext).

  • Using onclick events in the javascript dialog box

    Iam creating dialog box to get some inputs and use it for batch processes. so, i need onclick events on that dialog box.
    for example:
    in my dialog box, i fix a browse button(check box) and connect the choose folder box. but, after i click okay button only i get the choose folder box. i need to see the choose folder dialog box after click the check box.. is it possible???
    Subha oviya

    hi bob,
    The following code shows a dialog box.
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
    var myDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:" Dialog Onclick Test", canCancel:true});
    var browse_check = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Browse",checkedState:false});
    if( == true)
    if(browse_check.checkedState == true)
    var filefolder = Folder.selectDialog("Choose Files Folder");
    This is my code. After run this script a dialog box appear on the screen. we check the browse check box and then click he ok button. after then a "choose folder dialog box" will appear.
    i need to see the "choose folder dialog box" before press the ok button and after check the check box. IS IT POSSIBLE?

  • Trouble Passing Values Using onClick Event

    I have a page with a div, <div id= PF_Text_Panel></>,  containing text describing an image, the image is in a separate div.  Using CSS the text panel is on top of the image and covers about 1/3 of the image’s left side.  A slide effect, handled by the function Slide, targets the PF_Text_Panel div. The function Slide is triggered by an onClick event allowing the user to slide the description to the left and reveal the entire image.
    The function Slide contains an if statement. The if statement is used to determine if PF_Text_Panel is open or closed using the variable SldPnlState  as a flag like this; if the variable SldPnlState ==1, then run Slide.  The other part of this function, which actually slides the div is an instance of the Slide Effect, inserted using Dreamweaver CS4.
    The variable SldPnlState  is set using the function setSldPnlState
    The function setSldPnlState, initiated by an onClick, passes a value to the variable SldPnlState, in this case it can be set to either 0 or 1 by separate onClick events
    To test if the variable SldPnlState is being passed from the onClick event to the variable I included the function printVar which writes the value of the variable SldPnlState to the screen.
    I believe that the Spry effect Slide portion of the function works because if I go into the code and manually set the variable SldPnlState to 1 the function Slide works and if I set it to 0 the function Slide does not work.
    This the bug:
    printVar indicates that the value is being passed the variable SldPnlState, it displays either a 1 or 0 as expected. 
    The function Slide does not work however, when the variable SldPnlState should be set by the onClick event passing the value using the function setSldPnlState.  It does not seem like the value is being passed from the onClick event triggering the function or that somehow the script stops running.
    You can demo the page at:
      Attached is the code, if anyone has some suggestions I would really appreciate hearing from you
    <!--begin setup Spry Effects-->
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryEffects.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <!--Begin pass variable from flagToggle parameter to SldPnlState variable includes printVar function to sent results to screen-->
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    <!--begin set flag using onclick event-->
    var SldPnlState = (1);
    function setSldPnlState(flagToggle)
    SldPnlState = flagToggle;
    <!--end set flag using onclick event-->
    <!--begin slider onclick event-->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function MM_effectSlide(targetElement, duration, from, to, toggle, transition, fps, horizontal)
    Spry.Effect.DoSlide(targetElement, {duration: 500, from: 0, to: 200, toggle: true, transition: 2, fps: 750, horizontal: true});
    <!--end slider onclick event-->
    <!--begin write variable onclick event-->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function printVar()
    document.getElementById('test_display').innerHTML = SldPnlState
    <!--end write variable onclick event-->
    <body id="wrapper">
            <div style="padding-top:50px;">
            <a href="#" onclick="setSldPnlState(1);">Set var SldPnlState to Flag Status Set Open (1)</a><br><br><br>
            <a href="#" onclick="setSldPnlState(0);">Set var SldPnlState to Flag Status Set Closed (0)</a><br><br><br>
            <a href="#" onclick="printVar();">Print Flag Status to Screen</a><br><br><br>
            <div id="test_display" style="border:#9CC thick groove; width:50px; height:50px; margin:15px; text-align:center; font-size:36px;"></div>
            <a href="#" onclick="MM_effectSlide('PF_Text_Panel');">Slide Panel</a><br><br>
    <div id="PF_Text_Panel" style="border:#9C9 thick solid; height:250px; margin-top:25px;">
      <div id="PF_Text" class="PF_Text">
      <script type="text/javascript">
        var panelWidget_1=new Spry.Widget.HTMLPanel('PF_Text');

    Thanks so much for taking a look at this.  The whole reason I am doing this is that I couldn't find a state indicator flag in the Spry.Effect.DoSlide effect.
    I see that the htmlPanel does not have a bearing on the problem as you mentioned but not having the javascript doesn't matter either.  I am using the Spry.Effect.DoSlide effect, it is in the head,  in the function with the if statement, and it is making the div"PF_Text_Panel slide which works fine including the if statement.  If I set the var SldPnlState = (1) it works set it to 0 and the slide effect is disabled.  I need to be able to change the variable using an onclick event.
    The problem as you mention is with the function SldPnlState = flagToggle;  This is what I need to do.  I need to pass a value to  the variable SldPnlState from an onclick event.  As the function Slide is set up, with an if statement, the div will slide if SldPnlState=1 and the slide function will turn off if SldPnlState=0.  However when I do the onclick="setSldPnlState(1);"event there is no effect on the Slide function.  The value seems to pass to the variable tSldPnlState since I can get the value of this same variable to display using the function printVar() which will display 1 or 0 depending on which onclick event I run.  It seems like the I can pass the variable from the onclick event it's just that if statement in the function MM_effectSlide never sees it.  I don't know enough to trouble shoot this.  But I will take a closer look at the SldPnlState = flagToggle; part as you suggest.

  • How to invoke a Servlet on onClick event of CheckBox ?

    Can anybody provide me with the code - how to invoke a Servlet & then pass all form variables to the Servlet on onClick Event of CheckBox in a JSP Page.
    I guess it is possible with Javascript but i need the code...
    Pls Help !

    <script language="JavaScript">
    function submitMyForm(){      
    <form name="myform" method="POST" action="http://mywebserver/servlet/myServlet" target=_top>
    <input type="checkbox" name="mycheckbox" OnClick = "javascript:submitMyForm()">
    Hope this helps...

  • OnClick event for a button

    hi! i did up a form using the wizard and added an extra button besides the usual update,reset etc.
    i need the onClick event of the extra button to call up a pl/sql procedure, pass in a parameter and ideally open up the report/chart in a new window and without the toolbars etc.
    i tried the following:
    where QUESTION_RESULT.MASTER_BLOCK.QID.01.value is a text box value from the form.
    It gives me some scripting error when i run the form.
    but if i use the following:
    it works and opens in a new window?!
    pls advise.

    For the onClick javascript event of the new button, call your own javascript function as:-
    Then, you need to generate this javascript function using pl/sql in the Additional pl/sql Section - ... before displaying the page or ... after displaying the page.
    The code to get the value of a field and to open a new window would look something like :-
    function myFunc(ele)
    var l_form = ele.form;
    var win;
    var val;
    var l_url = "<url>?";
    for (var i = 0; i < l_form.length ; i++){
    val = l_form.elements[i].value;
    l_url = l_url+val;;

  • Joining 2 onclick event

    I have an image link and it works just fine
    but...... I also need to have the other onclick executed at
    the same time.
    how best should I do this.
    <img src="images/fp_pic.jpg" alt="Elbow" width="132"
    <a href="javascript:void(0);"
    i do no longer need the word play in the above link, i need
    to combine both
    to work with one onclick event.

    Twocans wrote:
    > i do no longer need the word play in the above link, i
    need to combine both
    > to work with one onclick event.
    Separate the function calls with a semicolon:
    <img src="images/fp_pic.jpg" alt="Elbow" width="132"
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS4",
    "PHP Solutions" & "PHP Object-Oriented Solutions"

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    Edited by: satheeshkumars on Oct 25, 2010 7:52 PM

    Do you specifically need to use the onclick event, or do you jts want to run Javascript from the navbar entry? If the latter then you can use the URL method and set the URL to:
    If it must be an onclick event then I think you would need to attach it dynamically in Javascript (using jQuery if available) to locate the link somehow (it's not easy to give it a unique ID unfortunately).
    Edited by: Tony Andrews on Oct 26, 2010 10:35 AM

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