JAX-RPC Client Handler

Hi All,
I am trying to get a simple example client handler to work using JAX-RPC DII.
The web serivice is a simple one that just returns Hello + name..
Here is the client code:
public class Main {
     * @param args the command line arguments
    private static String BODY_NAMESPACE_VALUE = "http://helloservice/";
    private static String NS_XSD = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
    private static String ENCODING_STYLE_PROPERTY = "javax.xml.rpc.encodingstyle.namespace.uri";
    private static String URI_ENCODING ="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/";
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
                 String url ="http://localhost:8080/HelloService/MyHelloService";
                 QName serviceName   = new QName(BODY_NAMESPACE_VALUE,"MyHelloServiceService");
                 QName portTypeName = new QName(BODY_NAMESPACE_VALUE, "MyHelloServicePort");
                 ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
                 Service service = factory.createService(serviceName);
                 Call call = service.createCall();
                 call.setOperationName(new QName(BODY_NAMESPACE_VALUE, "sayHello"));
                 call.setProperty(Call.OPERATION_STYLE_PROPERTY, "rpc");
                 QName QNAME_TYPE_STRING = new QName(NS_XSD, "string");
                 call.addParameter("name", QNAME_TYPE_STRING, ParameterMode.IN);
                 String[] params = { "Murph!" };
                 HandlerRegistry hr = service.getHandlerRegistry();
                 List<HandlerInfo> list = new ArrayList<HandlerInfo>();
                 HandlerInfo hi = new HandlerInfo(ClientSOAPHandler1.class, null,null);
                 HandlerInfo hi2 = new HandlerInfo(ClientLogicalHandler1.class, null,null);
                 hr.setHandlerChain(portTypeName, list);
                 String result = (String)call.invoke(params);
        } catch (ServiceException e)
        catch (RemoteException e)
}And the code for the Handlers:
public class ClientSOAPHandler1 extends ClientSOAPHandlerBase
    private final String HANDLERNAME="ClientSOAPHandler1";
    public ClientSOAPHandler1(){
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.ws.handler.MessageContext;
import javax.xml.ws.handler.soap.SOAPHandler;
import javax.xml.ws.handler.soap.SOAPMessageContext;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
public class ClientSOAPHandlerBase implements SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext>
    private String handlerName=null;
    public void setHandlerName(String h) {
    public String getHandlerName() {
        return this.handlerName;
    public void myInit() {
        System.out.println("in "+handlerName+":myInit");
        System.out.println("exiting "+handlerName+":myInit");
    public void myDestroy() {
        System.out.println("in "+handlerName+":myDestroy");
        System.out.println("exiting "+handlerName+":myDestroy");
    public Set<QName> getHeaders() {
        return new TreeSet<QName>();
    public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext context) {
        System.out.println("in "+handlerName+":handleMessage");
        boolean direction= ((Boolean)context.get(SOAPMessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY)).booleanValue();
        if (direction) {
            System.out.println("direction = outbound");
        } else {
            System.out.println("direction = inbound");
        System.out.println("exiting "+handlerName+":handleMessage");
        return true;
    public void close(MessageContext context) {
        System.out.println("in "+handlerName+":close");
        System.out.println("exiting "+handlerName+":close");
    public boolean handleFault(SOAPMessageContext context) {
        System.out.println("in "+handlerName+":handleFault");
        System.out.println("exiting "+handlerName+":handleFault");
        return true;
    public void dumpMsg(MessageContext context) {
       try {
          SOAPMessage soapmsg = ((SOAPMessageContext)context).getMessage();
       } catch (Exception e) {
    public String getMsgAsString(SOAPMessage message) {
        String msg  = null;
        try {
            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            msg = baos.toString();
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return msg;
}The output is as follows:
Hello Murph!
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 second)
This should print out the various println statements in the Handler, but it doesnt :(- How come? What am I missing?
I have searched everywhere trying to find the proper way to get a client side handler to work and have had luck. Additionally, I really really need this to work....if anyone could provide help, it would be VERY appreciated...pretty please

Any Ideas Anyone?????

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    There is a little problem I had with webservices and googling for a solution has not help so far.
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    This are the step I took (I am using netbeans 6.0).
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    2. Download the stubs using the wsdl url. I am using the netbeans wizard for this process.
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    Can anyone please help me.

    To make things a little more clearer, this is a post of the error gotten at runtime...
            java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.util.Collections.emptyList()Ljava/util/List;
            at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl.<clinit>(MessageImpl.java:755)
            at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.SOAPMessageFactory1_1Impl.createMessage(SOAPMessageFactory1_1Impl.java:47)
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            at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSenderState.<init>(StreamingSenderState.java:30)
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            at mck.practise.oracle.plsql.PlsqlService_Stub.sayHello(PlsqlService_Stub.java:54)
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            at mck.practise.oracle.plsql.HelloWorld.main(HelloWorld.java:22)The suprising thing is that if I change the application's java platform from JDK 1.4 to Java 5 using the netbeans projects property window, everything works fine.
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    @Override public boolean handleRequest(MessageContext p1) {
         SOAPMessage msg = ((SOAPMessageContext) p1).getMessage(); 
         try {
              SOAPPart part = msg.getSOAPPart();
              SOAPEnvelope envelope = part.getEnvelope(); 
         } catch(SOAPException ex) {
              // TODO
              return false;
         return true;
    However I get the following exception:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: SOAPFaultException - FaultCode [{http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server] FaultString [UNIMPLEMENTED ] FaultActor [null] Detail [<detail><bea_fault:stacktrace xmlns:bea_fault="http://www.bea.com/servers/wls70/webservice/fault/1.0.0">java.lang.AssertionError: UNIMPLEMENTED
    at weblogic.xml.domimpl.NodeImpl.setPrefix(NodeImpl.java:173)
    at test.MyHandler.handleRequest(MyHandler.java:33)
    at weblogic.wsee.handler.JaxrpcHandlerChain.handleRequest(JaxrpcHandlerChain.java:58)
    at weblogic.wsee.ws.dispatch.server.JaxrpcChainHandler.handleRequest(JaxrpcChainHandler.java:102)
    at weblogic.wsee.handler.HandlerIterator.handleRequest(HandlerIterator.java:141)
    at weblogic.wsee.handler.HandlerIterator.handleRequest(HandlerIterator.java:107)
    at weblogic.wsee.ws.dispatch.client.ClientDispatcher.dispatch(ClientDispatcher.java:132)
    at weblogic.wsee.ws.WsStub.invoke(WsStub.java:87)
    at weblogic.wsee.jaxrpc.StubImpl._invoke(StubImpl.java:341)
    at test.Approvedsuppliers_Wrap_Stub.echo(Approvedsuppliers_Wrap_Stub.java:31)
    at test.Approvedsuppliers_WrapPortClient.echo(Approvedsuppliers_WrapPortClient.java:130)
    at test.Approvedsuppliers_WrapPortClient.main(Approvedsuppliers_WrapPortClient.java:43)
    Is there any workaround? I appreciate any feedback.
    Thanks, Bill

    What I ended up doing is converting the SOAP message to a string, replacing the namespace prefix and converting it back to a SOAP message.
       public boolean handleRequest(MessageContext messageContext) {
          SOAPMessageContext soapMessageContext = (SOAPMessageContext) messageContext;
          SOAPMessage soapMessage = soapMessageContext.getMessage();
          String soapString = convertSOAPToString(soapMessage);
          soapString = soapString.replaceAll("env:", "soapenv:");
          soapString = soapString.replaceAll("xmlns:env", "xmlns:soapenv");
          SOAPMessage newSoapMessage = convertStringToSOAP(soapString);
          MimeHeaders mimeHeader = newSoapMessage.getMimeHeaders();
          mimeHeader.setHeader("SOAPAction", "");
          return true;
       private String convertSOAPToString(SOAPMessage soapMessage) {
          StringWriter stringWriter = null;
          try {
             stringWriter = new StringWriter();
             StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(stringWriter);
             TransformerFactory transformFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
             Transformer transformer = transformFactory.newTransformer();
             transformer.transform(new DOMSource(soapMessage.getSOAPPart()), streamResult);
          } catch (TransformerException e) {
             throw new RuntimeException(e);
          } finally {
          return stringWriter.toString();   
       private SOAPMessage convertStringToSOAP(String soapString) {
          SOAPMessage soapMessage = null;
          ByteArrayInputStream byteInputStream = null;
          try {
             MessageFactory msgFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
             soapMessage = msgFactory.createMessage();
             SOAPPart soapPart = soapMessage.getSOAPPart();
             // Load the SOAP text into a stream source
             byte[] buffer = soapString.getBytes();
             byteInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer);
             StreamSource source = new StreamSource(byteInputStream);
             // Set contents of message
          } catch (SOAPException e) {
             throw new RuntimeException(e);
          } finally {
          return soapMessage;
       private void close(Closeable closeable) {
          if(closeable != null) {
             try {
             } catch (IOException e) {
                // TODO

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    Can anyone point me to some documentation about JAX-RPC client developing in JDeveloper 12?
    Thank you,

    To make things a little more clearer, this is a post of the error gotten at runtime...
            java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.util.Collections.emptyList()Ljava/util/List;
            at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl.<clinit>(MessageImpl.java:755)
            at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.SOAPMessageFactory1_1Impl.createMessage(SOAPMessageFactory1_1Impl.java:47)
            at com.sun.xml.rpc.soap.message.SOAPMessageContext.createMessage(SOAPMessageContext.java:137)
            at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSenderState.<init>(StreamingSenderState.java:30)
            at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StubBase._start(StubBase.java:92)
            at mck.practise.oracle.plsql.PlsqlService_Stub.sayHello(PlsqlService_Stub.java:54)
            at mck.practise.oracle.plsql.HelloWorld.sayRPCHello(HelloWorld.java:34)
            at mck.practise.oracle.plsql.HelloWorld.main(HelloWorld.java:22)The suprising thing is that if I change the application's java platform from JDK 1.4 to Java 5 using the netbeans projects property window, everything works fine.
    Can anyone still suggest on this.

  • Deploying JAX-RPC Client for client-side application

    I have a java Swing client side application that I am attempting to integrate web services capabilities into. The web services were already written (new to web services myself), I am just calling them. Using Oracle's JDeveloper I managed to create proxies for the web services and to call them just fine, once I added the JAX-RPC Client library to my project.
    My only issue is how to deploy. Again within the development environment all works perfectly. I tried references to all the jar files identified by the Oracle JAX-RPC Client library to know luck. I've referenced other jar files I use for deployment with no issues.
    Anyone created standalone applciations before that call web services? How did you deploy the web service related libraries.
    I'm using JDeveloper with Java 1.5.0_06.
    I appreciate any guidance provided.

    I found a solution, but it shouldn't have been that difficult. JDeveloper provides a view of what JARs are part of a library. I used that as a starting point of what JARs might be required for my instance. I switched to linking to the individual JARs within their JDeveloper installed locations directly instead of the single library. I then systematically starting removing them one-by-one from my list to determine which were actually being used in my implementation. I did this because there were way too many to deploy. Once that was done I created a separate directory for holding the required JARs files local to my application.
    Lastly, I had to take care of any internal references within the JARs that may link to other JAR files. So I opened each JAR and looked at its manifest and copied those files over. Then I repeated the steps of deternmining if they were really necessary and copying over other internal references until I had the complete list.
    In the end I ended up with a considerable smaller list of JARs then if I had just assumed all JARs within the library and their references. However, it was much more difficult then it needed to be.

  • JAX-RPC Client for VB-SoapToolkit3.0 WebService

    I need to develop a JAX-RPC client for a VB6.0 WebService (the WebService being generated through MS SoapToolkit3.0).
    I'm using JWSDP 1.0_01. The WSDL that the JWSDP is using to generate the stubs is the one generated by the MS SoapToolkit. My WebService
    has only one method (Public Test(xpto As String)As String) that receives and returns a string.
    So what's the problem:
    - JAX-RPC client sends a SOAP packet different than what the WebService expects, especially in the namespaces. JAX-RPC generates some strange namespaces, like xmlns:ns0="xpto" (xpto is the name of the argument of the WebService) or xmlns:ns1="Result xpto"
    - Looking at the JAX-RPC generated WebService interface, I see that instead of String, the method test receives a StringHolder (???). What's a string holder, and why isn't a String?
    The resumed message returned by the WebService:
    <mserror:description>WSDLReader:None of the matching operations for soapAction http://tempuri.org/Test/action/WS.Test could successfully load the incoming request. Potential typemapper problem HRESULT=0x80070057: The parameter is incorrect.
    - Server:One of the parameters supplied is invalid. HRESULT=0x80070057: The parameter is incorrect.
    Any help would be apreciated.

    Can you send the WSDL that you used to generate the JAXRPC client?

  • Jax-RPC Client side: How to use multiple X509 client certs ?

    hi, (excuse me for my english)
    i'm looking for an answer to this question:
    I'm using the JAX-RPC libraries (JWSDP 2.0) for a web services client application in my app server (tomcat 4 under 1.4 Sun JVM) with HTTPS connection. All works fine when i'm using system.Setproperties for keystore and trustore.
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    Is it possible ?
    i've tried using custom SSLSocketFactory and custom KeyManager but it won't works: when the SSL connection is well established once, i can connect to the app with an invalide client cert ! (it seems SSL connection is in cache and i dont't know how to disable this cache).
    I have read some threads on this problem without answers ! (http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?forumID=331&threadID=333010 and http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?forumID=331&threadID=600372)
    Edited by: Buck007 on May 26, 2008 9:14 AM

    I have the same problem. If you find the solution please post it here :)

  • JAX-RPC Client - java.rmi.RemoteException:/getPort best practices

    We are working on java webservices(JAX-RPC style) and while consuming Java WebService sometime getting ‘Remote Exception’ .I have generated client side code with weblogic ant task “clientgen”.
    1: Exception
    java.rmi.RemoteException: SOAPFaultException - FaultCode [{http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server] FaultString [Failed to invoke end component {service implementation class name} (POJO), operation= {webmethode name}
    -> Failed to invoke method
    ] FaultActor [null] Detail [<detail><java:string xmlns:java="java.io">java.lang.NullPointerException
    </java:string></detail>]; nested exception is:
    weblogic.wsee.jaxrpc.soapfault.WLSOAPFaultException: Failed to invoke end component {service implementation class name} (POJO), operation={webmethode name}
    -> Failed to invoke method
    {Package name}.ManagementPortType_Stub.createXXX(xxxPortType_Stub.java:37) // This line is clientgen generated code
    {From this line its clear that clientgen generated code failed to get webservice port}
    2: Following is our implementation to invoke webservice:
    ManagementService service =
    new ManagementService_Impl(“WSDL URL”)
    ManagementPortType port = service.getManagerHTTPPort();
    Our code is executing first two lines for every webservice request, and as per our observation these two lines (mark in bold) is taking long time to execute and due to this sometime gives ‘remote exception’ (when there is more request for web service consumption).
    3: My questions:
    1> Why does it take so long on initialization of service and port object?
    2> Is there any problem if I share “port” object for multiple request?
    3> what are the best practices in this type of implementation?
    Help would be greatly appreciated !

    Thanks for your reply.
    My service is deployed and working fine.
    NPE is due to {Package name}.ManagementPortType_Stub is null and code is executing createXXX() methode on it.
    Anyway i cant do anaything here because this is a clientgen generated code.

  • JAX-RPC client problems and proxy

    I have deployed a JAX-RPC service in JBoss, but on the client side, I am getting NullPointerException when I attempt to access the service. I believe I'm not creating the proxy in the client properly. Where I need help is:
    1. What should the proper ENDPOINT URI be for the service (my variable "destination" shown below).
    2. What should the code in createProxy() look like?
    WEB Services Shows:
    VehicleInfoService ACTIVE
    Address: http://myhost:8080/VehicleInfoService/vehicle
    WSDL: http://myhost:8080/VehicleInfoService/vehicle?WSDL
    Port QName: {http://myhost:8080/wsdl/VehicleInfoService}VehicleInfoServiceIFPort
    Remote interface: testsoap.VehicleInfoServiceIF
    Implementation class: testsoap.VehicleInfoServiceImpl
    Model: http://myhost:8080/VehicleInfoService/vehicle?model
    import javax.xml.rpc.*;
    import javax.xml.rpc.Stub;
    import testsoap.*;
    public class TestSOAP
    VehicleInfoServiceIF vehicleInfoServiceInf;
    private String statusMessage = null;
    private static String destination = "http://myhost:8080/VehicleInfoService/v
    public TestSOAP()
    Stub stub = createProxy();
    // Address of the service
    vehicleInfoServiceInf = (VehicleInfoServiceIF)stub;
    catch (Exception ex)
    statusMessage = "Error creating Proxy stub: " + ex.getMessage();
    private static Stub createProxy()
    return(Stub)(new VehicleInfoService_Impl());

    To reply to own posting, I finally discovered that I had a problem with my config.xml file. Once I corrected that, I was able to modify the createProxy entry to:
    private static Stub createProxy()
    return(Stub)(new testacp.VehicleInfoService_Impl().getVehicleInfoServiceIFPo
    Corrected config.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wsdl location="http://mybox:8080/VehicleInfoService/vehicle?WSDL"
    These changes fixed my problem. With the correct entries in config.xml, I no longer got compile errors with "getVehicleInfoServiceIFPort Not Found".

  • JAX-RPC client generation with existing packages

    I am creating web services and need to create a client for them for distribution to other projects. Normally I would say to pull it into NB and create a WS client from the wsdl but I have a problem with the data model it creates also.
    1. Not all developers are using NB.
    2. They presently use AXIS on some projects and these projects provide a client to use for development and I will get push back if I don't also.
    3. I want them to be able to use the enterprise data models directly instead of having to develop a mapper to convert from the client packages to the enterprise packages.
    Point 3 is important but not as important as getting the client jar developed.
    So what I need is a way to build a client from a wsdl using the data models for the enterprise, avoiding object mapping if I can. If I can't have that I need to be able to generate client code and be able to go in and extend it to provide a object mapper to the enterprise objects from the generated objects.

    To make things a little more clearer, this is a post of the error gotten at runtime...
            java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.util.Collections.emptyList()Ljava/util/List;
            at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl.<clinit>(MessageImpl.java:755)
            at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.SOAPMessageFactory1_1Impl.createMessage(SOAPMessageFactory1_1Impl.java:47)
            at com.sun.xml.rpc.soap.message.SOAPMessageContext.createMessage(SOAPMessageContext.java:137)
            at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSenderState.<init>(StreamingSenderState.java:30)
            at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StubBase._start(StubBase.java:92)
            at mck.practise.oracle.plsql.PlsqlService_Stub.sayHello(PlsqlService_Stub.java:54)
            at mck.practise.oracle.plsql.HelloWorld.sayRPCHello(HelloWorld.java:34)
            at mck.practise.oracle.plsql.HelloWorld.main(HelloWorld.java:22)The suprising thing is that if I change the application's java platform from JDK 1.4 to Java 5 using the netbeans projects property window, everything works fine.
    Can anyone still suggest on this.

  • About JAX-RPC Client

    Hi, I am read the JWSDP tutorial but I don�t understand about the kinds of client: (static stub, dynamic proxy, DDI). I would like know:
    1)What I need to develop each client? (including files)
    2)How works each one?
    3)What the structure generated before I develop and compile the client? (file structure)
    ps: If someone know any site, that discuss about this for a newbie, I will be very thanks too.

    ...ahhhh, and what of this clients listed above use the WSDL of the Web Service?!?!
    Please help. Thanks;

  • Error while executing JAX-RPC client

    I am trying to run examples of Java Webservices Nutshell. but while running the clinet part using "ant generate-clinet" it is giving me following msg
    and not generating any artifacts.
    [exec] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
    so if anyone is aware of this then please do post the solution over here
    Thank You...

    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: mypackage$MyWebService1SEI
    In addition to the class also generate a interface for the class, mypackage.MyWebService1SEI.java

  • Java.lang.Error: JAX-RPC 1.1 method is not supported in WLS 8.1 clients.

    We have some web services that run under OC4J We have various JEE 'client' apps (JSF, servlets etc.) that use these web services. These JEE apps also run under OC4J.
    We started a migration project from oc4j to weblogic 10.3.2. In phase 1 we want to move these JEE 'client' apps to weblogic. In phase 2 we want to move the web services themselves to weblogic with adjustments to the JEE 'client' apps as needed.
    However we ran into an issue during this phase 1. Deploying these JEE 'client' apps to weblogic results in an error like this:
    java.lang.Error: JAX-RPC 1.1 method is not supported in WLS 8.1 clients. If you are attempting to run an OC4J 10.1.3 JAX-RPC client in WLS, please see the Web Service Migration Guide for instructions.
    We are including Oracle web services client libraries (http://download.oracle.com/otn/java/oc4j/1013/wsclient_extended.zip) in these JEE 'client' apps's war files because weblogic does not have them.
    What part of Web Service Migration Guide is the above error message talking about? Do we have to re-generate the client side proxies for all these web services using weblogic's clientgen task in 'JAXRPC' mode? Many of these web services are doc/literal jax-rpc web services. Or does the migration guide recommend we migrate the web services first to weblogic? Any other specific information on working around this error message would be greatly appreciated.

    I had the same issue but I just managed to fix it. You must upgrade and/or regenerate you proxy. This creates new classes (possibily in a new package) that you must use in your code. I had this error because the classes directory was not clean after the rebuild and the old classes (in the old package) were still present, so the compilation was successful with the old classes. So clean your classes directories, regenerate your proxy and use the new classes in your code.

  • Jdeveloper 11g - JAX-RPC 1.1 method is not supported in WLS 8.1 clients.

    I am using Jdeveloper 11g and migrating a web Service Proxy created using jdeveloper 10g.
    I imported all the proxy classes and when I try to run web service client In Jdeveloper 11g I get the following error
    "JAX-RPC 1.1 method is not supported in WLS 8.1 clients. If you are attempting to run an OC4J 10.1.3 JAX-RPC client in WLS, please see the Web Service Migration Guide for instructions."
    Please advise on how to solve this?
    which is the offending jar/library file in Jdeveloper 11g which is causing the above error?.
    Is the above problem there in the WebLogic Server Runtime also?
    Please let me know.
    2) I cannot generate web server proxies also with jdev11g because the wsdl has overloaded methods omitting the name property within the input and output message, ie, they have a null name. therefore Jdeveloper 11g is using the library which
    when called with an overloaded operation that contains null input/output message names, a duplicate error occurs because it sees other operations with the same name. so it is effectively not allowing to create the web service proxies.
    Appreciate your quick response to the above

    Have you checked the 'Web Service Migration Guide' mentioned in the error message?

  • BIweb service proxy JAX-RPC 1.1 method is not supported in WLS 8.1 clients

    I have an application in oracle Application server and I'm migrating to weblogic 11g .
    I have used web service proxy for BIPublisher , careated by jdeveloper web service proxy wizard , when I want using it in weblogic , In corresponding form that uses BI Publisher web service proxy , I encounter following error :
    "JAX-RPC 1.1 method is not supported in WLS 8.1 clients , if you attempting to run oc4j 10.1.3 JAX-RPC client in WLS,please see Web service Migration Guide for Instructions"
    What should I do?

    Spoke to dev and there was a bug logged, it seems to be down to Weblogic's implementation.
    +This is pure WLS issue. The root cause of this problem is that Weblogic's
    SAAJ implementation. No codechange on BIP server side
    WLS 10 ships with two SAAJ implementations. By default the buggy 9.x
    implementation is used (which lives in the package
    weblogic.webservice.core.soap), but there is a new implementation, which
    supports SAAJ 1.3 (which lives in the package weblogic.xml.saaj). I also
    checked in a debugging jsp page, which could help looking at the DEBUG
    logging to see which SAAJ implementation is used.
    JSP testpage xmlponline/wwwroot/wsclient/soapclient-wls-8270711.jsp
    To use this new version, you have to make sure setting the
    in startWebLogic script. +
    Please give the solution a try and let me know if it works.

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