JAXP API provides no way to enable XML Schema validation mode

I am evaluating XDK for Java and have encountered another
problem with XML Schema support when using the JAXP API.
Using the classes in oracle.xml.jaxp.*, it appears to be impossible to
enable XML Schema validation mode. I can set the schema object, but
the parser does not use it for validation.
If I use DOMParser directly, I can call the setValidationMode(int)
method to turn on schema validation mode. There is no equivalient
means to enable XML Schema validation when using the JAXP API.
Test case for JAXP API:
=== begin OracleJAXPSchemaTest.java ======
package dfranklin;
import java.io.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.*;
import oracle.xml.parser.schema.XMLSchema;
import oracle.xml.parser.schema.XSDBuilder;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
public class OracleJAXPSchemaTest
private final static String xsd = ""
+"<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" targetNamespace=\"urn:dfranklin:test\">"
+" <xsd:element name=\"amount\" type=\"xsd:integer\"/>"
private final static String xml =
"<amount xmlns=\"urn:dfranklin:test\">1</amount>";
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception
new OracleJAXPSchemaTest().run();
public void run()
throws Exception
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
XMLSchema xmlSchema = buildXMLSchema(new StringReader(xsd));
DocumentBuilder docbldr = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = docbldr.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)));
private XMLSchema buildXMLSchema(Reader xsdin)
throws Exception
XSDBuilder xsdBuilder = new XSDBuilder();
XMLSchema xmlSchema = (XMLSchema)xsdBuilder.build(xsdin, null);
return xmlSchema;
private void print(Document doc)
Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
xformer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(System.out));
=== end OracleJAXPSchemaTest.java ======
Running that program:
java dfranklin.OracleJAXPSchemaTest
produces this output
Exception in thread "main" oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParseException: Element 'amount' used but not declared.
at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLError.flushErrors(XMLError.java:148)
at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseDocument(NonValidatingParser.java:269)
at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser.parse(XMLParser.java:149)
at oracle.xml.jaxp.JXDocumentBuilder.parse(JXDocumentBuilder.java:96)
at dfranklin.OracleJAXPSchemaTest.run(OracleJAXPSchemaTest.java:40)
at dfranklin.OracleJAXPSchemaTest.main(OracleJAXPSchemaTest.java:27)
This shows that the parser is not using the XML Schema to validate the
document. I think it's expecting to find a DTD.
Here is the equivalent program using DOMParser directly, and setting
validation mode to SCHEMA_VALIDATION.
=== begin OracleParserTest.java ====
package dfranklin;
import java.io.*;
import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.*;
import oracle.xml.parser.schema.XMLSchema;
import oracle.xml.parser.schema.XSDBuilder;
import oracle.xml.parser.v2.DOMParser;
import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
public class OracleParserTest
private final static String xsd = ""
+"<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" targetNamespace=\"urn:dfranklin:test\">"
+" <xsd:element name=\"amount\" type=\"xsd:integer\"/>"
private final static String xml =
"<amount xmlns=\"urn:dfranklin:test\">1</amount>";
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception
new OracleParserTest().run();
public void run()
throws Exception
DOMParser dp = new DOMParser();
XMLSchema xmlSchema = buildXMLSchema(new StringReader(xsd));
dp.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)));
Document doc = dp.getDocument();
private XMLSchema buildXMLSchema(Reader xsdin)
throws Exception
XSDBuilder xsdBuilder = new XSDBuilder();
XMLSchema xmlSchema = (XMLSchema)xsdBuilder.build(xsdin, null);
return xmlSchema;
private void print(Document doc)
Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
xformer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(System.out));
=== end OracleParserTest.java ====
Running that program
java dfranklin.OracleParserTest
produces this output
<?xml version = '1.0'?>
<amount xmlns="urn:dfranklin:test">1</amount>
In this case, the parser has validated the document.
I also tried this with version beta, and got the same
Darin Franklin

Thanks for posting that. I tried that code and still got my problem. The big difference is that I'm reading a group of XML files each of which uses a large number of schema files. There are over 50 schema files organized so they can be included as needed. Each of the XML files has a noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute specifying one of the ten top schma files, that includes many others.
However, I did solve the problem. I added one line --
       saxb.setFeature( "http://apache.org/xml/features/validation/schema",
        // next line is new
        saxb.setProperty( JAXPConstants.JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE,
                JAXPConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA );after the setFeature to turn on schema validation.
(It needs an import org.apache.xerces.jaxp.JAXPConstants; statement.)
Note:With the feature set to true and the setProperty commented out, the EntityResolver is called at construction tiem, and for each schema file, but each element is flagged as needing to be declared.
With the feature commented out, and the setProperty in place, the EntityResolver is not called, and there is no validation performed. (I added invalid content to one of the files and there were no errors listed.)
With both the setFeature and the setProperty in place, however, I get the calls from the EntityResolver indicating that it is processing the schema files, and for the good files, I get no errror, but for the bad file, I get an error indicating a bad validation.
Now I can make the EntityResolver quiet and get what I wanted. Maybe there are other ways to do this, but I've got one that works. :-)
Thanks to all who have helped.
Dave Patterson

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    SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
    Schema schemaXSD = schemaFactory.newSchema(new File("C:\\TestSchema.xsd"));
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    Exception Message=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
    at javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory.newInstance(Unknown Source)
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    Hi All
    How to tackle this xml schema validation problem
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    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
    <xsd:include schemaLocation="Person.xsd"/>
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    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
    <xsd:complexType name="ProductType">
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    Hi Jinyu
    This is the java code loaded in the database using loadjava called by a wrapper oracle stored procedure
    import oracle.xml.parser.schema.*;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import oracle.sql.CHAR;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    public class SchemaUtil
    public static String validation(CHAR xml, CHAR xsd)
    throws Exception
    //Build Schema Object
    XSDBuilder builder = new XSDBuilder();
    byte [] docbytes = xsd.getBytes();
    ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(docbytes);
    XMLSchema schemadoc = (XMLSchema)builder.build(in,null);
    //Parse the input XML document with Schema Validation
    docbytes = xml.getBytes();
    in = new ByteArrayInputStream(docbytes);
    DOMParser dp = new DOMParser();
    // Set Schema Object for Validation
    dp.setPreserveWhitespace (true);
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    dp.setErrorStream (new PrintWriter(sw));
    dp.parse (in);
    sw.write("The input XML parsed without errors.\n");
    catch (XMLParseException pe)
    sw.write("Parser Exception: " + pe.getMessage());
    catch (Exception e)
    sw.write("NonParserException: " + e.getMessage());
    return sw.toString();
    This is the code i used initially for validating a xml file against single xml schema (.xsd) file
    In the above code could u tell how to specify the second schema validation code for the incoming xml.
    say i create another Schemadoc for the 2nd xml schema.
    something like this with another parameter(CHAR xsd1) passing to the method
    byte [] docbytes1 = xsd1.getBytes();
    ByteArrayInputStream in1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(docbytes1);
    XMLSchema schemadoc1 = (XMLSchema)builder.build(in1,null);
    DOMParser dp = new DOMParser();
    How to set for the 2nd xml schema validation in the above code or can i combine 2 xml schemas.
    How to go about it

  • XML Schema validation Error

    Have a scenerio in which consecutive mapping needs to be done.The first mapping is a Java Mapping in which XML schema validation needs to be done.
    If XML Schema validation is sucessful(Mapping 1),then graphical message mapping(MM_Entry) needs to be performed.
    I have uploded a jar file in imported Archives which contains
    1)Schema file(inputSchema.xsd): This is an XSD file which is generated in XI....XSD fomat of Source message type
    2) The java Class file
    Following are few lines of code for better idea:
    public class SAXParser implements StreamTransformation {
    public void execute(InputStream input, OutputStream output) throws StreamTransformationException {
    SAXParserFactory saxParserFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
    InputStream mySchema = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("inputSchema.xsd");
    SAXParser saxParser = saxParserFactory.newSAXParser();
    saxParser.setProperty("http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxp/properties/schemaLanguage", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
    saxParser.parse(input, new HandlerBase());
    After above step(parsing),input is copied to output and streams are closed as follows:
    byte[] buf = new byte[4096];
    for(int len=-1;(len=input.read(buf))!=-1;)
    After sending correct source message from input ,i am getting following error:
    Runtime exception occurred during execution of application mapping program com/sap/xi/tf/_MM_Entry_: com.sap.aii.utilxi.misc.api.BaseRuntimeException; Parsing an empty source. Root element expected!

    As I've said, I've used it successfully in PI 7.0 SP10.
    You're right about documentation, it says that by default, Java 1.4.2 mark() and reset() methods of InputStream class are not fully implemented (mark() would do nothing and reset() would always throw an IOException). And that would be the expected behavior...
    ...unless the SAP developers have extended the InputStream class to include actual implementatios to the mark() and reset() methods.
    I'm not saying that they have, but it would be possible, wouldn't it?
    It does work, after all...

  • Adapter Engine XML Schema Validation Error Surpression

    We recently developed a number of web services that are called by 3rd parties outside our network. The web service request once made is picked up by a Web Dispatcher which then forwards the request to the de-central adapter. Both of these components reside within within a DMZ.
    We have, as an additional security measure made use of the new Adapter Engine XML Schema validation available with PI 7.1, to ensure that the payload of incomming messages is checked to ensure that it is a known structure.
    Now here is my problem, we recently had these services penetration tested by a 3rd party to ensure that they were secure and whilst the report was very good showing no major weaknesses they did pickup on a couple of items including that the fact that if the XSD to be used during payload message validation cannot be found an 'ADAPTER.JAVA_EXCEPTION' is returned to the web service consumer that highlights the path details of where the XSD should be (but could not be found).
    This was viewed as useful to an attacker for a number of reasons:
    1. Feedback in SQL injection attempts via verbatim DB error messages greatly improves attacker efficiency
    2. Path information is useful to the attacker for OS fingerprinting, directory traversal attempts
    3. Other miscellaneous stack trace information is useful to an attacker to understand how the application works
    Is there anyway this can be surpressed so that the adapter does not show this information in the returned error message - see example message below ?
    com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessagingException: com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessageFormatException: Schema MaintenanceOrderByIDQuery_sync.xsd not found in E:\usr\sap\DPI\DVEBMGS40\j2ee\cluster\server0\validation\schema\f7cd3b50a87411e08830ed9d0af006a5\urnstw.contractor.wfm.workorderretrieval\MaintenanceOrderByIDQueryRequest_Out\httpsap.comxiSAPGlobal20~Global\MaintenanceOrderByIDQuery_sync.xsd  (validation\schema)
         at com.sap.aii.adapter.soap.ejb.XISOAPAdapterBean.process(XISOAPAdapterBean.java:1041)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor497.invoke(Unknown Source)
    com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessagingException: com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessageFormatException: Schema Schema1.xsd not found in E:\usr\sap\DPI\DVEBMGS40\j2ee\cluster\server0\validation\schema\f7cd3b50a87411e08830ed9d0af006a5\urnstw.contractor.wfm.workorderretrieval\MaintenanceOrderByIDQueryRequest_Out\httpsap.comxiEA-APPLSEGlobal\Schema1.xsd  (validation\schema)
         at com.sap.aii.adapter.soap.ejb.XISOAPAdapterBean.process(XISOAPAdapterBean.java:1041)

    We are having the same problem, so you are not alone.
    I had an extensive call with Azure premium support and we where able to determine that:
    - Nothing is missing or in the wrong place in my exported .xml file.
    - Any changes to the VNET's using the web gui interface of https://manage.windowsazure.com is not possible when you have dns servers and use an gateway
    - You can download the .xml configuration file of the network and make manual changes to it, then import it again , to add/remove dns servers and or subnet's. 
    I am currently waiting for an solution,  i have let them lower the urgency from A to B (because i can make changes trough xml) and responded to the next support contact (saying he will continue with the issue) that the problems seems to be with azure and
    he should speak with the previous person helping me.  I have not heard from Azure support since.
    SR Number:115021812414226
    Open on:02/18/2015 09:28
    > There are networks with and without gateways created and the issue is happening on all the networks.
    > We are unable to add or remove the DNS servers. (by web gui)
    > Also not able to add or remove any subnets. (by web gui)
    > Every time the error message is same but the DNS server name is different. (from another subnet then the one we are changing)
    > Created CRI- 3405931, but they said it will need WATS team.
    > Confirmed with WATS engineer as well and moving case to WATS.
    > Cx agreed to lower the severity of the case as they are able to make changes through the network configuration file.
    > But they still want to get this resolved soon.
    > Agreed and dropped off, reducing severity to B 24/7.
    I hope microsoft is going to resolve this soon, as i do not want to edit my xml for little things like adding a subnet all the time. I have requested an status update in the issue.
    Should anyone have more information on this, please share it here.

  • XML Schema validation error in network configuration. Missing DnsRef

    When ever we try to make changes to a Virtual network we receive
    XML Schema validation
    error in network configuration. Missing DnsRef
    We can't make any changes to the Virtual network.
    The DNS ref exists as well.
    Considering exporting network config and re-importing however we have a lot of networks configured and want to be sure this is the correct way to proceed.
    Any feedback much appreciated.

    We are having the same problem, so you are not alone.
    I had an extensive call with Azure premium support and we where able to determine that:
    - Nothing is missing or in the wrong place in my exported .xml file.
    - Any changes to the VNET's using the web gui interface of https://manage.windowsazure.com is not possible when you have dns servers and use an gateway
    - You can download the .xml configuration file of the network and make manual changes to it, then import it again , to add/remove dns servers and or subnet's. 
    I am currently waiting for an solution,  i have let them lower the urgency from A to B (because i can make changes trough xml) and responded to the next support contact (saying he will continue with the issue) that the problems seems to be with azure and
    he should speak with the previous person helping me.  I have not heard from Azure support since.
    SR Number:115021812414226
    Open on:02/18/2015 09:28
    > There are networks with and without gateways created and the issue is happening on all the networks.
    > We are unable to add or remove the DNS servers. (by web gui)
    > Also not able to add or remove any subnets. (by web gui)
    > Every time the error message is same but the DNS server name is different. (from another subnet then the one we are changing)
    > Created CRI- 3405931, but they said it will need WATS team.
    > Confirmed with WATS engineer as well and moving case to WATS.
    > Cx agreed to lower the severity of the case as they are able to make changes through the network configuration file.
    > But they still want to get this resolved soon.
    > Agreed and dropped off, reducing severity to B 24/7.
    I hope microsoft is going to resolve this soon, as i do not want to edit my xml for little things like adding a subnet all the time. I have requested an status update in the issue.
    Should anyone have more information on this, please share it here.

  • Java Stored Procedure SAXParser XML Schema Validation

    Using Oracle XML Developers Kit - Production.
    Attempting to validate using XML Schema in a Java stored procedure with the code:
                   if ( schemaDoc == null )
                        // Obtain default connection
                        Connection conn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection();
                        OraclePreparedStatement stmt = (OraclePreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement("SELECT XmlDocObj FROM XmlDoc WHERE XmlDocNbr = 2");
                        OracleResultSet rset = (OracleResultSet)stmt.executeQuery();
                        if ( rset.next() )
                             // get the XMLType
                             XMLType schemaXml = (XMLType)rset.getObject(1);
                             XSDBuilder builder = new XSDBuilder();
                             XMLSchema schemaDoc = (XMLSchema)builder.build(new InputSource(schemaXml.getInputStream()));
                   if ( inst == null )
                        inst = new ValidateCoreRequest();
                   ErrorHandlerImpl handler = inst.getNewErrorHandler();
    SAXParser saxParser = new SAXParser();
    saxParser.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(docStr)));
    if( handler.validationError )
                        errorMsg[0] = handler.saxParseException.getMessage().substring(0, Math.min(199, handler.saxParseException.getMessage().length()));
    Never reports validation errors in the XML. Although the XDK Programmers Guide states "...you can use
    the oracle.xml.parser.schema.XSDBuilder class to build an XML schema and
    then configure the parser to use it by invoking the XMLParser.setXMLSchema()
    method. In this case, the XML parser automatically sets the validation mode to
    SCHEMA_STRICT_VALIDATION and ignores the schemaLocation and
    noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes." No validation seems to occur. I have tried to set an xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute on the root XML node, but this results in URL errors if the URL is not valid or schema build errors if the URL is valid, but does not point to a real location.
    It appears that without a schema location attribute, no schema validation occurs. Using setXMLSchema() with a database source does not seem to cause the schema location attributes to be ignored. At least for Java stored procedures.
    Does XML Schema validation work in the database for externally referenced schemas?
    Thank You,

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jan Vissers ([email protected]):
    I have two schemas A and B. A contains a java stored procedure which calls a java stored procedure stored in B. Upon resolving the "A" Java Stored Procedures I get the following error:
    ORA-29545: badly formed class: at offset 3093 of Adapter.TFADPBeschikbaarheid.sendAanvraag expecting a class-oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument but encountered a class-oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument.
    ... Question:
    it is expecting something which it has in fact encountered... SO!!!! What is the error.
    Try this:
    Edit your XSU installation script located on lib directory of Oracle XSU's distribution:
    Find the line:
    loadjava -r -v -u $USER_PASSWORD xmlparserv2.jar
    Replace by:
    loadjava -r -v -g public -u $USER_PASSWORD xmlparserv2.jar
    And installs your Oracle XSU again.
    Best regards, Marcelo.

  • XDK  XML Schema Validation within Oracle 8i database

    I am little confused on this forum regarding my problem to find out the possibility of XML Schema Validation using SAX Parser within Oracle 8.1.7 database java stored procedures.
    Right know I am trying to find out if it is possible to make XML Schema Validation using SAX parser within Oracle 8.1.7 java stored procedures using (loading) new Oracle 9i Rel 2 XDK jar files into database.

    I am little confused on this forum regarding my problem to find out the possibility of XML Schema Validation using SAX Parser within Oracle 8.1.7 database java stored procedures.
    Right know I am trying to find out if it is possible to make XML Schema Validation using SAX parser within Oracle 8.1.7 java stored procedures using (loading) new Oracle 9i Rel 2 XDK jar files into database.

  • XML SCHEMA validation question

    i'm using jdk 1.4.2 and am trying to validate an xml document against an xml schema. i don't have any packages like xerces or apache and am trying to avoid having to use them. i've had a look at the jdk 1.5 api documentation, and it seems to have some new classes dedicated to xml validation using schemas that 1.4.2 does not have (e.g. the Schema class). my question is, is it possible to do xml validation against a schema only using jdk 1.4.2 and without the likes of the xerces and apache parser packages?
    any help much appreciated, thanks

    The tutorial on Schema Validation parses/validates with the SAXParserFactory. J2sdk 1.4.2 JAXP has an error in the implementation of the SAXParserFactory. Parse/validate with the DocumentBuilderFactory instead of the SAXParserFactory.

  • XML Schema validator fails to load XML Schema from URL

    I'm trying to validate an XML document against a set of XML Schemas and the parser seems to freak out: even though all the schemas are referred to in the XML and are properly recognized by Schemas field in XML document properties, I get warnings (multiple
    Request for the permission of type 'System.Net.WebPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed
    Cannot resolve the 'schemaLocation' attribute
    The schema referenced from this location in your document contains errors
    The warning locations are also seemingly random - errors in schema locations are reported on closing tags inside XML or on whitespaces, and so on.
    The first warning (System.Net.WebPermission) suggests it has something to do with access to remote schemas, but all the necessary remote schemas are visible in XML Schema Set editor for the document. I also enabled downloading of XML schemas in XML text
    editor options.

    Hi Tomasz,
    Thank you for posting in MSDN forum.
    Since this issue is related to the XML Schemas, so we will move this case to the XML forum:https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/home?forum=xmlandnetfx
    , you will get better support.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • XML Schema Validation Partial Document

    Is it possible to validate part of a document using Java / XML Schema? I am currently using Xerces 2 / JDOM, but am open to other APIs.
    For the example below, I would like to use schema_a to validate that <OtherStuff> has children <Name> and <Address> if <Product> is A.
    But, I would like to use schema_b if <Product> is B to validate that <OtherStuff> has children <Name> and <AcctNumber>.
             <Address>123 My St.</Address>

    A better approach would be to redesign your element names so that they have fixed meanings, not context-dependent meanings.

  • How does XML DB handle XML Schema Validation ?

    In order to validate an XML document against an XML Schema using Oracle XML DB the XML Schema must first be registered with XML DB using the method registerSchema provided by the package DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.
    XDB provides two types of schema validation, 'Lax' Validation and 'Strict' Validation.
    'Lax' validation takes place whenever a schema based document is converted from it's textual representation into the XML DB internal object model. Errors caught by this validation will be prefixed with 'ORA'.
    'Stict' validation takes place when the XMLType methods schemaValidate() or isSchemaValid() are invoked.
    The schemaValidate() method throws an exception with an error message indicating what is wrong it encounteres an invalid document. The error message associated with the exception will be prefixed with LSX.
    The isSchemaValid() method returns true or false, depending on whether or not the document is valid. It cannot return any information about why the document is invalid.
    The reason for having both the Lax and Strict validation models is that Strict validation is much more expensive in terms of CPU and memory usage than Lax validation.

    Here are some examples of what is caught by Lax validation (ORA errors) and what is only caught by Strict validation (LSX errors).
    SQL> begin
      2     dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema('test',xmltype(
      3  '<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xdb="http://xmlns.oracle.co
      4     <xs:complexType name="RootType">
      5             <xs:sequence>
      6                     <xs:element name="Mandatory"/>
      7                     <xs:element name="Enumeration">
      8                             <xs:simpleType>
      9                                     <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    10                                             <xs:enumeration value="A"/>
    11                                             <xs:enumeration value="B"/>
    12                                             <xs:enumeration value="C"/>
    13                                     </xs:restriction>
    14                             </xs:simpleType>
    15                     </xs:element>
    16                     <xs:element name="MinLength">
    17                             <xs:simpleType>
    18                                     <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    19                                             <xs:minLength value="4"/>
    20                                             <xs:maxLength value="20"/>
    21                                     </xs:restriction>
    22                             </xs:simpleType>
    23                     </xs:element>
    24                     <xs:element name="MaxLength">
    25                             <xs:simpleType>
    26                                     <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    27                                             <xs:minLength value="1"/>
    28                                             <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
    29                                     </xs:restriction>
    30                             </xs:simpleType>
    31                     </xs:element>
    32                     <xs:element name="MaxOccurs" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="2"/>
    33                     <xs:element name="MinOccurs" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="2"/>
    34                     <xs:element name="Optional" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
    35             </xs:sequence>
    36     </xs:complexType>
    37     <xs:element name="Root" type="RootType" xdb:defaultTable="ROOT_TABLE"/>
    38  </xs:schema>'));
    39  end;
    40  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Valid Document
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    11     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    12  </Root>'
    13  ))
    14  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Undefined element 'Illegal'
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Illegal>Hello World</Illegal>
      5     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      6     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      7     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      8     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    11     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    12     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    13  </Root>'
    14  ))
    15  /
    insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-30937: No schema definition for 'Illegal' (namespace '##local') in parent
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Multiple occurences of 'Optional'
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    11     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    12     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    13  </Root>'
    14  ))
    15  /
    insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-30936: Maximum number (1) of 'Optional' XML node elements exceeded
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Missing element 'Manadatory'
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      4     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      5     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      6     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      7     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    10     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    11  </Root>'
    12  ))
    13  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Invalid Enumeration Value
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>Z</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    11     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    12  </Root>'
    13  ))
    14  /
    insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-31038: Invalid enumeration value: "Z"
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- MinLength Violation
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABC</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    11     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    12  </Root>'
    13  ))
    14  --
    15  -- MaxLength Violation
    16  --
    17  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>VWXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    11     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    12  </Root>'
    13  ))
    14  /
    insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-30951: Element or attribute at Xpath /Root/MaxLength exceeds maximum length
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Missing element Optional - Valid Document
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    11  </Root>'
    12  ))
    13  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Too many instances of 'MaxOccurs'
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MaxOccurs>3</MaxOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    11     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    12     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    13  </Root>'
    14  ))
    15  /
    insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-30936: Maximum number (2) of 'MaxOccurs' XML node elements exceeded
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Too few instances of 'MinOccurs'
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    10     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    11  </Root>'
    12  ))
    13  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> create trigger validateSchema
      2  before insert on ROOT_TABLE
      3  for each row
      4  begin
      5     :new.object_value.schemaValidate();
      6  end;
      7  /
    Trigger created.
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Valid Document
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    11     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    12  </Root>'
    13  ))
    14  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Undefined element 'Illegal'
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Illegal>Hello World</Illegal>
      5     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      6     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      7     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      8     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    11     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    12     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    13  </Root>'
    14  ))
    15  /
    insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-30937: No schema definition for 'Illegal' (namespace '##local') in parent
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Multiple occurences of 'Optional'
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    11     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    12     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    13  </Root>'
    14  ))
    15  /
    insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-30936: Maximum number (1) of 'Optional' XML node elements exceeded
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Missing element 'Manadatory'
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      4     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      5     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      6     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      7     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    10     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    11  </Root>'
    12  ))
    13  /
    insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-31154: invalid XML document
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LSX-00213: only 0 occurrences of particle "Mandatory", minimum is 1
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 345
    ORA-06512: at "XDBTEST.VALIDATESCHEMA", line 2
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'XDBTEST.VALIDATESCHEMA'
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Invalid Enumeration Value
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>Z</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    11     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    12  </Root>'
    13  ))
    14  /
    insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-31038: Invalid enumeration value: "Z"
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- MinLength Violation
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABC</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    11     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    12  </Root>'
    13  ))
    14  --
    15  -- MaxLength Violation
    16  --
    17  /
    insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-31154: invalid XML document
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LSX-00221: "ABC" is too short (minimum length is 4)
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 345
    ORA-06512: at "XDBTEST.VALIDATESCHEMA", line 2
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'XDBTEST.VALIDATESCHEMA'
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>VWXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    11     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    12  </Root>'
    13  ))
    14  /
    insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-30951: Element or attribute at Xpath /Root/MaxLength exceeds maximum length
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Missing element Optional - Valid Document
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    11  </Root>'
    12  ))
    13  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Too many instances of 'MaxOccurs'
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MaxOccurs>3</MaxOccurs>
    10     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    11     <MinOccurs>2</MinOccurs>
    12     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    13  </Root>'
    14  ))
    15  /
    insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-30936: Maximum number (2) of 'MaxOccurs' XML node elements exceeded
    SQL> --
    SQL> -- Too few instances of 'MinOccurs'
    SQL> --
    SQL> insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
      2  '<Root>
      3     <Mandatory>Hello World</Mandatory>
      4     <Enumeration>A</Enumeration>
      5     <MinLength>ABCD</MinLength>
      6     <MaxLength>WXYZ</MaxLength>
      7     <MaxOccurs>1</MaxOccurs>
      8     <MaxOccurs>2</MaxOccurs>
      9     <MinOccurs>1</MinOccurs>
    10     <Optional>Goodbye</Optional>
    11  </Root>'
    12  ))
    13  /
    insert into ROOT_TABLE values (xmltype(
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-31154: invalid XML document
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LSX-00213: only 1 occurrences of particle "MinOccurs", minimum is 2
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 345
    ORA-06512: at "XDBTEST.VALIDATESCHEMA", line 2
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'XDBTEST.VALIDATESCHEMA'

  • XML Schema validering

    I'm having a problem with validating a XML with a Schema.
    The problem is that I need to specify some URL's to use for the validation, but they don't work.
    The URL's are:
    Any idea or is there some other URL's to use?

    On Windows if you want to use the binaries and lib directories under your JAVA_HOME directory (where the JDK is installed) you have to put the JAVA_HOME/bin directory in the path in front of the system directories (i.e. c:\WINNT\system32). Then you can just put external libraries in JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext and JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed, the same as you do on other platforms.
    Unfortunately Windows puts binaries in 3 places and libraries in 2 places. I prefer to avoid this by setting my PATH to use JAVA_HOME/bin. Then I have everything under the JAVA_HOME directory. This makes things easier to find, but unfortunately it isn't easy to find an explanation for it.

  • XML Schema validation issue

    Sorry for this post, because it really isn't a weblogic specific thing, but I can't
    find my answer
    anywhere else.
    I am attempting to validate my xml file using an XML Schema file. The XML
    Schema code looks like this:
    <xsd:element name="operatingSystem">
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:pattern value=".*(w|W)(I|i)(n|N).*"/>
    The XML snippet looks like this:
    <operatingSystem>Windows 2000</operatingSystem>
    The error that I'm getting when using the SaxParser is the following:
    org.xml.sax.SAXException: cvc-pattern-valid: Value '2000' is not facet-v
    alid with respect to pattern '.*(w|W)(I|i)(n|N).*' for type 'null'.
    at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
    at SAXLocalNameCount.main(SAXLocalNameCount.java:272)
    Somehow, the validation breaks my one string in the operatingSystem tag into
    two separate strings to be validated. Can anybody give me some advice on
    what to do?
    Thanks in advance,

    for some reason it does not like a space between "Windows" and "2000" any
    character other than space is fine...
    "Joel" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3fa9468b$[email protected]..
    Sorry for this post, because it really isn't a weblogic specific thing,but I can't
    find my answer
    anywhere else.
    I am attempting to validate my xml file using an XML Schema file. The XML
    Schema code looks like this:
    <xsd:element name="operatingSystem">
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:pattern value=".*(w|W)(I|i)(n|N).*"/>
    The XML snippet looks like this:
    <operatingSystem>Windows 2000</operatingSystem>
    The error that I'm getting when using the SaxParser is the following:
    org.xml.sax.SAXException: cvc-pattern-valid: Value '2000' is not facet-v
    alid with respect to pattern '.*(w|W)(I|i)(n|N).*' for type 'null'.
    at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(UnknownSource)
    at SAXLocalNameCount.main(SAXLocalNameCount.java:272)
    Somehow, the validation breaks my one string in the operatingSystem taginto
    two separate strings to be validated. Can anybody give me some advice on
    what to do?
    Thanks in advance,

  • XML Schema validation in JDeveloper - is it namespace-aware?

    Hi everybody
    Look at the following simple xml schema:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
    <xsd:element name="num" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:element name="amount" type="xsd:integer"/>
    <xsd:element name="invoice">
    <xsd:element ref="num"/>
    <xsd:element ref="amount"/>
    <xsd:element name="invoices">
    <xsd:element ref="xsd:invoice" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    When I open it in JDeveloper and choose "Validate XML", validation executes without errors.
    In spite of bad namespace declaration in <xsd:element ref="xsd:invoice" ...
    For example, in XML Spy validation of this schema ends with error: "'xsd:invoice' must refer to an existing element".
    If there any option on JDeveloper to turn on namespace-aware validation to prevent the above situation?

    Indeed, the "Validate XML" menu option only shows "Validate XML: 0 errors, 0 warnings.".
    But, if you look at the "Design" tab for your schema, the "invoices" element node contains an "xsd:invoice" sequence shown in red. If you change "xsd:invoice" to "invoice" this becomes white and the node can be expanded.
    One other thing, registering an XML Schema in JDeveloper like the one you posted, isn't possible without an "oracle.xml.parser.schema.XSDException" (without further details).
    Jan Vervecken

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