Jco does not commit

Hi experts.
I have a problem with jco. I made a jsp page including jco that calls a CBO function module(RFC). When I run the page with debug mode, commit work is executed. But it's not work non-debug mode even though I execute 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' on the page. I don't know why it's not work. Below code is mine.
public String fileDocTest(String doc, String doctype)       {
  JCO.Client client = null;
  JCO.Repository rep = null;
  JCO.Function function = null;
  JCO.Function function_comm = null;
  String rstring = "";
  String docnum ="";
  String temp = "1";
  String temp1 = "SAP-SYSTEM";
    client = SAPConnectionPool.getInstance().getConnection();
    rep = new JCO.Repository(repositoryName, client);
    CreateFunction crtFnc = new CreateFunction(rep);
    CreateFunction crtFnc2 = new CreateFunction(rep);
    function_comm = crtFnc.createFunction("BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT");
    function = crtFnc2.createFunction("Z_1EH_UPLOAD_DOC_2");
    JCO.Structure imp_f_table_00 = function.getImportParameterList().getStructure("DOCUMENTDATA");
    JCO.Table imp_f_table_01 = function.getTableParameterList().getTable("DOCUMENTDESCRIPTIONS");
    JCO.Table imp_f_table_02 = function.getTableParameterList().getTable("DOCUMENTFILES");
     imp_f_table_02.setValue( "1","ORIGINALTYPE");
     imp_f_table_02.setValue( "SAP-SYSTEM","STORAGECATEGORY");                            imp_f_table_02.setValue(doc,"DOCPATH");     
                            JCO.ParameterList exp_f_table = function.getExportParameterList();
  catch (Exception ex)
      System.out.println("Caught an exception: \n" + ex);
      return docnum;
If you have any inforamtion about JCO commit error, please let me know.

Hi Nils.
Frankly I say, I try to commit in the source code of 'Z_1EH_UPLOAD_DOC_2" fucntion like below.
       EXPORTING: pf_transaction       = 'CV01'
                  documentdata         = documentdata
                  hostname             = hostname
                  change_number        = docbomchangenumber
                  valid_from           = docbomvalidfrom
                  revision_level       = docbomrevisionlevel
                  pf_ftp_dest          = pf_ftp_dest
                  pf_http_dest         = pf_http_dest
                  CAD_MODE             = CAD_MODE
       IMPORTING: documenttype         = documenttype
                  documentnumber       = documentnumber
                  documentpart         = documentpart
                  documentversion      = documentversion
                  return               = return
      TABLES:     characteristicvalues = characteristicvalues
                  classallocations     = classallocations
                  documentdescriptions = documentdescriptions
                  objectlinks          = objectlinks
                  documentstructure    = documentstructure
                  documentfiles        = documentfiles
                  longtext             = longtexts
                  components           = components.
   if return-type is initial or return-type =  'S'.
    commit work.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
      if return-type is initial.
        return-type = 'S'.
        return-message = documentnumber.
      call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'
          wait = 'X'.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        return-type = 'S'.
        return-message = documentnumber.
    return-type = 'E'.
But, it's not work too. So, I tried to commit at JCO code. Is there any kind of problem?

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  • Call to concurrent program in a pl/sql block does not COMMIT data to table

    I have the following PL/SQL block.
                             apps.create_po(x_org_id,x_document_num,x_agent_name,x_vendor_id,x_vendor_site_id,x_ship_to_location,x_bill_to_location,x_creation_date,new_isbn,new_print_key,new_unit_setup_cost,new_unit_run_cost,x_item,x_category_id,x_item_description,x_unit_of_measure,x_quantity,x_unit_price,x_ship_to_org_id,x_promise_date,x_qty_rcv_tolerance, x_deliver_to_location,x_destination_org_id, x_destination_subinventory,x_segment2,x_segment4);
    v_po_req_id := apps.fnd_request.submit_request('PO','POXPOPDOI',NULL,NULL,NULL,
                                  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Request ID is:' || v_po_req_id);
                                  IF v_po_req_id <> 0 THEN
                                       dbms_output.Put_line('Sleep executed');
                                       select PHASE_CODE,STATUS_CODE INTO v_phase_code,v_status_code
                                       FROM FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS
                                       WHERE REQUEST_ID = v_po_req_id;
                                       dbms_output.put_line('After commit Phase and status codes are = '||v_phase_code || v_status_code);
                                  END IF;
                                  dbms_output.put_line('New Po is' || x_document_num);
                                  dbms_output.put_line('Quantity Is'|| x_quantity);
                                  v_rcv_req_id := apps.fnd_request.submit_request('PO','RVCTP',NULL,NULL,NULL,
                                  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Request ID is:' || v_rcv_req_id);
                                  IF v_rcv_req_id <> 0 THEN
                                       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('COMMITED RECEIVING');
                                  END IF;
    Presently when this block runs, i can see the new PO number created. Commit is also successfully executed. The last output for the program is
    New Po is 20651
    Quantity Is 450
    But due to some reason, the receiving program(receive_po) cannot retrieve the same PO from the base table.
    But once this pl/sql block is complete, and i call the receving procedure from a different session, the Po is retrieved and receiving against the PO is executed successfully.
    Can someone please suggest a work around ? Is the code missing something ? Since POXPOPDOI is a concurrent program which is executed as an asyncronous process, the commit statement after the call to concurent program does not work but the commit is executed only after it exits the pl/sql block.

    Thanks for responding.
    receive_po() program just inserts the data into RCV_HEADERS_INTERFACE and RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE tables based on the PO that is created in the previous step. So basically the new PO created has to be received and the receive_po() just inserts data into the interface tables so that RVCTP can be called after that for receiving.
    Here is the code for the procedure.
    --Procedure for receiving interface to load data to RCV_HEADERS_INTERFACE and RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE receive_po (x_ponum IN VARCHAR2,x_quantity IN NUMBER) AS
    v_vendor_site_id NUMBER;
    v_vendor_id NUMBER;
    v_agent_id NUMBER;
    v_ship_to_organization_id NUMBER;
    v_item_id NUMBER;
    v_uom_code varchar2(25);
    v_subinventory varchar2(25);
    v_ship_to_location_id NUMBER;
    --header information in variables
    dbms_output.put_line('Entering Receiving Insert Procedure');
    dbms_output.put_line('Po number ='||x_ponum||'$');
    dbms_output.put_line('Quantity is ='||x_quantity||'$');
    select pvsa.vendor_site_id into v_vendor_site_id
    FROM po_headers_all pha,po_vendors pv, po_vendor_sites_all pvsa
    where pha.vendor_id = pv.vendor_id
    and pv.vendor_id = pvsa.vendor_id
    and pha.segment1 = x_ponum;
    dbms_output.put_line('Vendor Site ID is' ||v_vendor_site_id);
    select pv.vendor_id into v_vendor_id
    FROM po_headers_all pha,po_vendors pv, po_vendor_sites_all pvsa
    where pha.vendor_id = pv.vendor_id
    and pv.vendor_id = pvsa.vendor_id
    and pha.segment1 = x_ponum;
    dbms_output.put_line('Vendor ID is' ||v_vendor_id);
    select plla.SHIP_TO_ORGANIZATION_ID into v_ship_to_organization_id
    where pha.PO_HEADER_ID = plla.PO_HEADER_ID
    and pha.segment1 = x_ponum;
    dbms_output.put_line('Ship to org is' ||v_ship_to_organization_id);
    select agent_id into v_agent_id
    FROM po_headers_all
    WHERE segment1 = x_ponum;
    dbms_output.put_line('Agent ID is' ||v_agent_id);
    --printing header table information
    dbms_output.put_line('vendor id is:'||v_vendor_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('vendor site id is:'||v_vendor_site_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('agent id is:'||v_agent_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('ship to organization id is:'||v_ship_to_organization_id);
    --line information in variables
    --derive item id
    select pla.item_id into v_item_id
    from po_headers_all pha, po_lines_all pla
    where pha.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
    and pha.org_id = pla.org_id
    and pha.segment1 = x_ponum;
    --derive uom
    select pla.unit_meas_lookup_code into v_uom_code
    from po_headers_all pha, po_lines_all pla
    where pla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
    and pla.org_id = pha.org_id
    and pha.segment1 = x_ponum;
    --derive subinventory
    select pda.destination_subinventory into v_subinventory
    from po_headers_all pha, po_lines_all pla,po_distributions_all pda
    where pha.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
    and pla.po_header_id = pda.po_header_id
    and pla.po_line_id = pda.po_line_id
    and pha.org_id = pla.org_id
    and pla.org_id = pda.org_id
    and pha.segment1 = x_ponum;
    --derive ship to location id
    select ship_to_location_id into v_ship_to_location_id
    from po_headers_all
    where segment1 = x_ponum;
    --printing transaction table details
    dbms_output.put_line('item id is:'||v_item_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('UOM is:'||v_uom_code);
    dbms_output.put_line('subinventory is:'||v_subinventory);
    dbms_output.put_line('ship to location id is:'||v_ship_to_location_id);
    --insert data into the receiving interface header table
    HEADER_INTERFACE_ID          ,
    GROUP_ID               ,
    RECEIPT_SOURCE_CODE          ,
    TRANSACTION_TYPE          ,
    LAST_UPDATE_DATE          ,
    LAST_UPDATED_BY          ,
    CREATION_DATE               ,
    CREATED_BY               ,
    VENDOR_ID               ,
    VENDOR_SITE_ID               ,
    EMPLOYEE_ID               ,
    'NEW', -- 'CANCEL',
    --insert data into the interface transaction table
    for i in 1..1 loop
    GROUP_ID               ,
    LAST_UPDATE_DATE          ,
    LAST_UPDATED_BY          ,
    CREATION_DATE               ,
    CREATED_BY               ,
    TRANSACTION_TYPE          ,
    TRANSACTION_DATE          ,
    QUANTITY               ,
    UNIT_OF_MEASURE          ,
    ITEM_ID ,
    AUTO_TRANSACT_CODE          ,
    RECEIPT_SOURCE_CODE          ,
    SUBINVENTORY               ,
    DOCUMENT_NUM               ,
    SHIP_TO_LOCATION_ID           ,
    'RECEIVE', --'RECEIVE', -- 'SHIP', --'06-JAN-1998',--question here
    end loop;
    END receive_po;
    I am really stuck and looking out for work arond. Please help.

  • Command button does not commit unless hit twice

    I'm using ADF/BC, jdev. I have the following code in my backing bean:
        public String cardLost() {
            BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
            OperationBinding operationBinding =
            Object result = operationBinding.execute();
            if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
                return null;
            return null;
    The command button is defined as follows:
                                    text="Save" disabled="false"
                                    immediate="false"/>When I hit the Save button the first time, the input text field (inputText12) changes to 1, but the data does not get commited to the database. (I have verified this in the database) If I hit the Save button again, the data gets committed.
    Is there a way to update the field and commit the data with one button?

    commit doesn't execute before a field is submitted. So what you do is you submit a page then update the field (which then is not yet reflected in the submit) an call commit, which basically executes on no new data. In the second call you now submit the data shown in the field that then also gets commited. To get it commited on the first button press, set the field value to the binding layer (attribute binding or iterator binding )

  • Stateless Session_Bean Container_Managed does not commit SQLJ updates in 8i 8.1.7

    I deployed an EJB Stateless and Container_Managed into 8i 8.1.7.
    The bean contains a method with a simple SQLJ insert statement and works fine, except for no commit is triggered by the Bean Container when method call is finished.
    I can see that the insert was done, because the counter for my table is increased!
    So the fault has to be that there is no commit!
    Why does the Bean Container not commit, as it states in the EJB Online Documentation??

    Is it NT or solaris 8.1.7 ?
    On solaris it should have worked. On NT it wouldn't work, unless you explicitly lookup
    the datasource and do a ds.getConnection(), the container doesn't know what to commit. In general, hereafter, the bean code needs to explicitly lookup datasources and call getConnection() on the datasource so that the datasource is enlisted. Using the default kprb connection isn't going to work unless you explicitly set default-enlist tag to true in the XML deployment descriptor.

  • EF6 does not commit changes to Database

    Hey Guys. 
    Actually it looks quite simple, but I won't get it right. 
    I try to save changes made to an object from an project-included DB using EntityFramework 6. the changes are correctly updated in the local objects instance and the EnitityEntry - State is set to "modified", but after calling Entities.SaveChanges()
    (which does return 1 for one affected row, which is right) does not persist it to the DB, because after Project relaunch the Updated Data is gone. Please can you help me. 
    Thanks in advance. 
    if (!HasEmptyFields())
    Constants.ATLAS_ENTITIES.Entry(Selected).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
    Constants.ATLAS_ENTITIES.Entry(Selected).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added;
    int result = Constants.ATLAS_ENTITIES.SaveChanges();
    //result = 1 after execution which should be right

    Hi Stocki44,
    According to your description, the issue can be caused by that the setting of the Copy to Output Directory is not configured properly.  I recommend you choose the appropriate option according to the following link. Also you can review this
    FAQ to troubleshoot this issue.
    How to: Manage Local Data Files in Your Project:
    Lydia Zhang

  • Transaction does not commit

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    JMS message arrives on transactional queue
    Message processed by MDB
    MDB calls several Sybase ASE stored procedures
    JDBC transaction is rolled back, JMS message is not.
    I believe this to be specific to WLS 8.1. I set up two test environments where everything was the same except for the WLS version.
    Same OS (windows), same JDBC driver, same database, same application code. WLS 8.1 SP4 and SP5 do not work. WLS 9.1 works.
    I tried using JTS debugging, and the log says it commits the transaction. A query just prior to the MDB exiting confirms that the data is in the database and correct, but as soon as the MDB exits the data rolls back, despite the JTS commit message.
    The biggest roadblock here is that I am unable to upgrade our production environment to WLS 9.1, so I need to get this working on WLS 8.1.
    Can anyone offer some insight into this? I'd really appreciate it.

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    Enabling <i>any one</i> of the connection testing options (test reserved, test created, or test released) causes the JDBC transaction to get silently rolled back.
    We're using Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise/12.5.3/EBF 12868 ESD#4/P/Sun_svr4/OS 5.8/ase1253/1923/32-bit/FBO/Thu Sep 8 14:14:28 2005.
    Is there a known "Test Table Name" that works?
    I've tried several different options including:
    <li>SQL SELECT 1 from sysobjects</li>
    <li>SQL SELECT @@version</li>
    <li>SQL SELECT count(*) from tablename</li>
    <li>SQL SELECT count(*) from db..tablename</li>
    <li>SQL SELECT count(*) from db.user.tablename</li>
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Method CMD_EI_API MAINTAIN does not commit

    Hi gurus,
    I tried to use the method MAINTAIN in the class CMD_EI_API to create a new customer, I tried both from transaction se24 and from a report to call it. No error message and a new customer number generated but when a look for it in transaction  XD03 I get the error message: Customer 10002 has not been created.
    Any help will be appreciate

    Hi ABAPers,
    this is my example code for updating two KNVV-fields of a single customer.
    As you might notice, one of the fields is a ZZ-field, which requires to do some additional
    work to get it updated (Refer to my post at [CMD_EI_API usage together with KNVV append;).
    Daniel Klein
        DATA  is_master_data  TYPE cmds_ei_main.
        DATA: es_master_data  TYPE cmds_ei_main.
        DATA: es_error        TYPE cvis_message.
        DATA: wa_customers    TYPE cmds_ei_extern.
        DATA: lt_sales        TYPE cmds_ei_sales_t.
        DATA: wa_sales        LIKE LINE OF lt_sales.
    * Check obligatory fields for KNVV
        CHECK gp_vkorg IS NOT INITIAL AND gp_vtweg IS NOT INITIAL
          AND gp_spart IS NOT INITIAL.
    * Control parameters
          wa_customers-header-object_instance-kunnr = '0006206900'.    "customer number
          wa_customers-header-object_task = 'U'.                       "update customer
          APPEND wa_customers TO is_master_data-customers.
    * Read customer
          cmd_ei_api_extract=>get_data( EXPORTING is_master_data = is_master_data
                                        IMPORTING es_master_data = es_master_data ).
    * Change the read-data
          CLEAR is_master_data.
          is_master_data = es_master_data.
          READ TABLE is_master_data-customers INDEX 1 INTO wa_customers.
          DELETE is_master_data-customers INDEX 1.
          lt_sales = wa_customers-sales_data-sales.
          READ TABLE lt_sales WITH KEY  data_key-vkorg = gp_vkorg
                                        data_key-vtweg = gp_vtweg
                                        data_key-spart = gp_spart
                                        INTO wa_sales .
          wa_sales-data-kvgr1 = 'BB'.                       "new field value
          wa_sales-datax-kvgr1 = abap_true.                 "flag: change this field
          wa_sales-data-zzbemerkung = 'MAINTAIN-Bemerkung'. "new field value
          wa_sales-datax-zzbemerkung = abap_true.           "flag: change this field
          wa_sales-task = 'U'.                              "Maintaining-mode: update
          CLEAR wa_customers-sales_data-sales.
          APPEND wa_sales TO wa_customers-sales_data-sales.
          APPEND wa_customers TO is_master_data-customers.
    * Testing update on customer
          cmd_ei_api=>maintain( EXPORTING is_master_data = is_master_data
                                IMPORTING es_error = es_error ).
          IF es_error-is_error IS INITIAL.
    *  No errors? Commit work
                wait = abap_true.
    Edited by: D. Klein [GER] on Nov 18, 2011 3:16 PM + Rollback

  • SOA does not commit to database using type 4 JDBC adapter.

    We are using Oracle SOA suite and have successfully configured a type 4 JDBC adapter "ViaServ" to enable polling. These kinds of adapter are configured in the SOA suite as non X Data Source adapters and transaction has been set to "Supports Global" with the Logging Last Resource option.
    We also created the connection pool to for this Data sources. The Polling SQL for logical delete (SELECT) is working great and the After read SQL Update is happening successfully. Some how the updates are not being committed to the database. The process is not throwing any exceptions/errors etc.
    I shall really appreciate help.

    1.) The JDBC type 4 adapter was installed in the WLS HOME/lib directory and SOA server/modules/ext directory.
    2.) Change the setComEnv.sh, modify the WLS_CLASSPATH variable to point to the WLS_HOME/lib/jadbcjarfile.jar
    3.) Restart admin servers and managed server.

  • IPAM registration using powershell does not commit to DNS

    I am working on having IPAM become a valuable tool in the organization I work, and as part of that I am setting up a registration Gateway for Our Developers and their VMs, and the gatway invokes the PowerShell script With the proper command to register in
    IPAM including all nescessary dns information. The problem is that the registration Works like a charm, With an exception for DNS registration.
    In the GUI you have the option to Select "register automatically in dns", but this option is not documented in the PowerShell command and in in IPAM it just says "not attempted"
    My syntax for the powershel registration is like this:
    Add-IpamAddress -IpAddress -AssignmentType Static -DeviceName testreg -ForwardLookupZone blastlan.com -ForwardLookupPrimaryServer anakin.blastlan.com
    How can i force the registration to the DNS? I have currently solved this using the dns server functions together With the ipam registration, but this seems a but idiotic as I want a single command for this registration, as well as using the IPAM Access
    to define what ranges the Gateway should allow the users to register within.

    Hi Hawkie,
    Did the option "register automatically in dns" is the option in the screenshot below:
    If so, I haven't found this option in IPAM cmdlets, as a workaround, you can register DNS record for IP address on client as the script below, you can run this script on client and connect remote IPAM server:
    <pre class="brush:powershell">##Check the following items: IPAM Server Name, Start and End IP Addresses of IPAM Range,
    ##Name of network adapter, Subnet Prefix Length, Default Gateway, DNS Server Addresses
    ##Requires Powershell 4.0 or higher
    ##Create a Common Information Model connection to IPAM Server
    $cim = new-cimsession -ComputerName IPAM
    ##Find a free IP Address from the IPAM Server. Be sure to use the addresses in your range from the IPAM Server
    $FreeIP = Get-IpamRange -StartIPAddress -EndIPAddress -CimSession $cim | Find-IpamFreeAddress | select-object -expandproperty IPAddress
    ##add the IP Address to the IPAM Server
    $servername = hostname
    Add-IpamAddress -CimSession $cim -IpAddress $FreeIP -devicename $servername
    ##Remove the CIM Session (logout)
    Remove-CimSession -CimSession $cim
    ##Get the Network Adapter named "Ethernet"
    $adapter = Get-NetAdapter -name Ethernet
    ##Disable DHCP
    $adapter | Set-NetIPinterface -dhcp disabled
    ##Set New IP AddressString
    $adapter | New-NetIPAddress -addressfamily IPv4 -IPAddress $FreeIP -PrefixLength 24 -type Unicast -DefaultGateway
    ##Set DNS Server
    set-dnsclientserveraddress -InterfaceAlias ethernet -ServerAddresses,
    ##Register DNS
    Ipconfig /registerdns
    Refer to:
    Dynamically Assigned Static IP Addresses…Huh?
    If there is anything else regarding this issue, please feel free to post back.
    Best Regards,
    Anna Wang

  • Last cell change does not commit in Matrix

    Hello everyone,
    I use VB.Net+SAP2004, bound matrix with a UDT, there is a problem when save the data at et_ITEM_PRESSED event, it always can not save the last cell's changed value, just the value before edit. who can help me solve this problem.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thank you very much for your replying,
    Actually, I want to show a message if edit value changed when user click "Cancel" buttong, I write data changed check and save code in et_FORM_UNLOAD event, because user can also click close button to close form, seems at this event the change lost, so I need also add code in "Cancel" button click or press event.
    Thanks again.

  • New view object row does not get committed to DB

    Hi guys,
    on a taskflow with a new transaction I have a form to enter a new record on an entity-based view object.
    Before the page is called I call the CreateInsert Operation to create the new record on that view object.
    There are quite a few attributes that have default values which I determine in the ViewRowImpl's create method (using populateAttributeAsChanged to set the values).
    Now if none of the inputValues in the form is filled manually and I want to save the data (default values are sufficient to save the record) the taskflow return action commit does not commit the data to the db. As soon as I manually enter one value into any field the same return action commits the record correctly to the db. There is no error message and the new record is visible in the application because it is inserted into the view's iterator...
    Is there any way to mark the new row as changed/insert if only the default values are filled? Or am I doing something wrong?
    Using JDev

    Add the following method in your RowImpl class:
    public void setNewRowState(byte b) {
         if (b != Row.STATUS_INITIALIZED ||
             getNewRowState() != Row.STATUS_NEW) {

  • Comm Channel - "requested resource does not exist"

    Good day,
    Can someone help me with this error I get. We have a file to file scenario and everything works fine but the file never gets created on the receiver side, all messages says successful but in the comm channel monitor for the receiver adapter I get "Message processing completed successfully" but if I click on the message ID it say's " The requested resource does not exist." [Screen Print|http://www.photostand.co.za/images/t6432okl1tu6wzubwymj.gif]

    Hi Jan,
    Are you able to process messages from other interfaces? If not then there is an issue with the post installation. Please Check the SAP Note: 817920
    If you are not able to process messages only for this interface then there might be a configuration issue..
    Follow the link provided by the other SDNer. Please check and let us know the results.

  • COMMIT WORK AND WAIT does not work

    I know this question has been asked many times in various forums. But the fact remains that there is no definitive solution found for this problem which does not involve WAIT UP TO n SECONDS or SELECT until the DB commit has been completed.
    We have an IDoc based inbound interface for creating Project Defintion and WBS Elements. Here is how the code looks like in the processing function module:
    * Create Project Defintion
        project_definition_stru = lwa_proj_bapi
        e_message_table         = lt_messages.
    * If no errors
        wait = 'X'.
    * Other code
    * Create WBS Element (BAPI could not be used because not all fields are allowed to be updated)
    Now while creating the WBS Element, transaction CJ11 returns an error that 'Project does not exist'. This is not correct because the same Project was successfully created in the previous step.
    It is clear that the problem is because of the delay in database commits.
    This happens only with few IDoc's and not all of them. And of course, the problem does not occur if I induce WAIT UP TO n SECONDS after BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT. But this is not the best practice.
    The question is why BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT does not wait even though we are forcing it to?
    Thanks in advance
    Sagar Acharya

    Suhas wrote:
    But i am baffled that although the COMMIT has happened earlier why is the data not updated in the DB ?
    Well, it's just a [COMMIT WORK|http://help.sap.com/abapdocu_70/en/ABAPCOMMIT.htm] and not a [COMMIT WORK AND WAIT|http://help.sap.com/abapdocu_70/en/ABAPCOMMIT.htm#@@AND%20WAIT@@COMMIT%20WORK@@]. Let me quote the ABAP help:
    If you do not specify the addition AND WAIT, the program does not wait until the update work process has executed it (asynchronous updating), but instead is resumed immediately after COMMIT WORK. However, if the addition AND WAIT is specified, program processing after COMMIT WORK will not continue until the update work process has executed the high-priority update function modules (synchronous updating).
    @Sagar Acharya: Well, I thought you were looking for an explanation why sometimes the project isn't created (and you only had posted coding that showed details for step 1) - I'm trying hard, but my mind reading skills are rather limited yet...
    So let's think about step 2 and 3: I assume that you made sure that your coding always references the correct WBS element. Again the commit (without wait) is done already via CJ11 (e.g. check form BUCHEN in SAPLCJWB). I'd expect though that the synchronous update mode should make this work. Since it doesn't, I'd try local update mode, which is what I'd choose in your case anyhow.
    Apart from that my mind is pretty blank, except for the usual silly things to check. E.g. are you sure you're coding is correct, you are handling all return messages and log them for inspection later (e.g. application log), you are certain that the WBS was actually created by the same IDoc that throws the fit (and IDoc was not reprocessed), etc.
    So maybe somebody else has better ideas...

  • Why is there the error "The requested protocol does not exist comm:0" ?

    Hi all,
    I want to read data from a USB serial port of the mobile phone ( Alcatel OT-806D ). The cable connects the phone and the computer. The system running in the PC is Windows XP. I launch a java j2se program which writes a number to the usb serial port. And in my midlet I run a j2me which will read on the usb port. The problem is that the output displayed in the item on my midlet is "The requested protocol does not exist comm:0". So why there is this error , and how to correct it ?
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    hi Sander,
    Possibly you are hitting a designer bug. When u use a list of values on the first enterable item in the multirecord block, this behaviour occurs. Also the behaviour that u will not be able to delete the last child record, because of the error 'field must be entered'. We are experiencing this problem as well and we managed to change most the multirecord blocks so they don't have a LOV as first item, bust it does not in all cases work or just wasn't possible.
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