JCOM:No object for Moniker

I have a JCOM server running in a Solaris system.
When I ran a simple client from a Windows machine in the same network I am able
to access the Java objects in the WLServer.
But When I try to run the simple client(VB) from another network,I get the following
error message
Runtime error
AutoMation error.
No object for moniker
The Port in the JCOM server and CLient are OPEN.
Any suggestions?

The Good News:
You don't have to register the Java class if you use the following method to invoke an Java class from ASP:
set obj = getObject("java:your_java_class")
Your Java class must first be copied to "root_drive:\WINDOWS\java\trustlib". If you recopy the file, you will have to stop/restart IIS before the changes are accepted.
The Bad News:
I was having the problem that any Java classes I created and then copied to C:\WINDOWS\java\trustlib were generating the error: "Error Type:(0x800401E5) No object for moniker ". I found that Java classes compiled with the 1.4.x compiler will not work on IIS within an ASP page using the construct: "Set obj = GetObject(java:my_java_class)". When I compiled the exact same code using the javac from 1.3.1 it works! I know of no method of getting Java code that uses methods specific to 1.4.x to work. My assumption is that Microsoft is looking at the version of compiler that created the Java class and then throws an error if the compiler is greater than 1.3.x.

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    I am trying to access java object from my ASP pages that are running on IIS4.0 i currently have only sun's VM .
    when i try to access the java object from the ASP , i get a
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    the other issue is will there be conflicts if i have both Sun' JVM and Microsoft JVM on the same machine.
    I will appreciate all solution
    thanks in advance

    Jeez - Found the solution to this. I was having the problem that any Java classes I created and then copied to C:\WINDOWS\java\trustlib were generating the error: "Error Type:(0x800401E5) No object for moniker ". I found that Java classes compiled with the 1.4.x compiler will not work on IIS within an ASP page using the construct: "Set obj = GetObject(java:my_java_class)". When I compiled the exact same code using the javac from 1.3.1 it works! I know of no method of getting Java code that uses methods specific to 1.4.x to work. Luckily the code I was posting to the server doesn't require any of these features. My assumption is that Microsoft is looking at the version of compiler that created the Java class and then throws an error if the compiler is greater than 1.3.x.

  • How to get the connected Adapter Object for a particular BDoc Type?

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    I have a scenario in which CRM system is connected to ERP system.
    In SMW01 transaction, I can see one BDoc with BUS_TRANS_MSG as the BDoc Type in CRM.
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    Hi Madhuri,
               Happy new year.
    In Transaction : R3AC1.
    You can observe the Linked BDOC for the adaptor objects. For example Sales docuemnt and Sales contrcat will have the same linked BDOC as "BUS_TRANS_MSG".
    If you see an error in SMW01, you want to find whether it is salesdocument or contract.
    1. Please take the Queue name from SMW01.
    from the queue name you can find whether it is sales contract or sales document.
    Queue name is customized in tables: SMOFQFIND.
    I hope this helps you.

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    Please  do the needful to me.

    don't you think that posting your question to a microsoft developer site would be more efficient?

  • Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...

    <b>[This thread was migrated from the On Demand Developer Forum in the old Siebel Community] </b>
    New Contributor
    Ho do we use Activity object of a Service Request object. I am trying to
    create an Activity object for a existing Service Request object.
    I am looking for some sample code.
    I greatly appreciate your help.
    Product: CRM OnDemand
    11-26-2006 12:40 PM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    Valued Contributor
    drangineni, What programming language are you using?
    12-04-2006 10:56 AM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    New Contributor
    Hi, I am using C# .
    12-04-2006 07:40 PM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    Valued Contributor
    drangineni, assuming you know the service requestid or externalId of the
    Sr you are dealin gwith you would first set that value.
    ServiceRequest1[] objSRList =new ServiceRequest1[1];
    objSRList[0] = new ServiceRequest1();
    objSRList[0].ServiceRequestId = <YourSRId>;
    Then you create an array of activities and initialize the first one:
    objSRList[0].ListOfActivity = new Activity[1];
    objSRList[0].ListOfActivity[0] = new Activity();
    Now set the data fields
    objSRList[0].ListOfActivity[0].Subject ="My Subject";
    objSRList[0].ListOfActivity[0].Description ="My Description";
    objSRList[0].ListOfActivity[0].Display = "Task"; //valid values are either
    "Task" or "Appointment"
    Then call the ServiceREquestInsertOrUpdate method on the ServiceRequest
    WebService and pass in the above variable.
    12-06-2006 12:36 PM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    New Contributor
    Thank you BigSlick.
    The following error is thrown when I use the
    "No user key can be used for the Integration Component instance 'Service <br/>
    When I use the prxySrvcRequest.ServiceRequestInsert(objInput), no error is
    thrown and the Activity gets added, but a new Service Request object is
    created, but the Activity gets added to an existing Service Request
    object. I greatly appreciate your help.
    The following is the code:
    int ActivityLength = 0;
    WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest1[] ServiceRequest = new
    ServiceRequest[0] = new WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest1();
    ServiceRequest[0].ServiceRequestId = this.Request.QueryString["id"];
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity = new
    WebSelfService.WSOD_ServiceRequest.Activity[ActivityLength + 1];
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[0] = new WSOD_ServiceRequest.Activity();
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Description =
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Display = "Task";
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Subject = "My Subject";
    WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest prxySrvcRequest = new
    objInput = new
    objOutput = new
    objInput.ListOfServiceRequest = ServiceRequest;
    Session objSession;
    objSession = (Session) Application["Session"];
    prxySrvcRequest.Url = objSession.GetURL();
    objOutput = prxySrvcRequest.ServiceRequestInsertOrUpdate(objInput);
    catch(Exception e)
    12-09-2006 09:53 AM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    New Contributor
    Thank you BigSlick.
    The following error is thrown when I use the
    "No user key can be used for the Integration Component instance 'Service <br/>
    When I use the prxySrvcRequest.ServiceRequestInsert(objInput), no error is
    thrown and the Activity gets added, but a new Service Request object is
    created, but the Activity gets added to an existing Service Request
    object. I greatly appreciate your help.
    The following is the code:
    int ActivityLength = 0;
    WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest1[] ServiceRequest = new
    ServiceRequest[0] = new WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest1();
    ServiceRequest[0].ServiceRequestId = this.Request.QueryString["id"];
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity = new
    WebSelfService.WSOD_ServiceRequest.Activity[ActivityLength + 1];
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[0] = new WSOD_ServiceRequest.Activity();
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Description =
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Display = "Task";
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Subject = "My Subject";
    WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest prxySrvcRequest = new
    objInput = new
    objOutput = new
    objInput.ListOfServiceRequest = ServiceRequest;
    Session objSession;
    objSession = (Session) Application["Session"];
    prxySrvcRequest.Url = objSession.GetURL();
    objOutput = prxySrvcRequest.ServiceRequestInsertOrUpdate(objInput);
    catch(Exception e)
    12-10-2006 08:49 AM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    Valued Contributor
    Ah yes, I forgot you also need to specify a unquie Id for the activity.
    It's kinda strange.
    Try adding this:
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].ActivityId = "DummyId";
    //OD will overwrite this with a real Id
    Or if you have a unquie ID for your Activities you can use:
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].ExternalSystemId = <Your
    Unique Value>;
    Hope that helps,
    12-11-2006 10:52 AM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    New Contributor
    Hi all,
    I have a similar problem, but mine is returning a message that field
    "Display" is required. Looking at this post and the documentation it is
    obvious that Display is a required field, but my WSDL did not include a
    field called "Display", so my proxy did not generate one.
    I tried adding a field called Display to the WSDL and the proxy class, but
    I get a different error... I figure I maybe cannot add it manually like
    that - but I think the bigger problem is it is not part of the WSDL that
    Siebel OD generates for me in my admin account.
    On top of that Display is not shown in the list of fields for Activity
    through the admin interface.. is it possible my account is bugged? Am I
    missing something simple here? BigSlick, I see you mention a .Display in
    your code sample so I thought you might understand what is wrong. Here is
    my code (I am trying to add a activity to a lead).
    Thanks for any insight into this!
    private void InsertLeadActivity(Session session, NameValueCollection data,
    string leadID)
    if (blnDebug)
    Response.Write("Setting up Activity<br>";
    // instantiate the proxy service
    Activity_Service.Activity activityProxy = new Activity_Service.Activity();
    // set up the target URL
    activityProxy.Url = session.GetURL();
    activityProxy.CookieContainer = session.GetCookieContainer();
    // set up input argument
    ActivityNWS_Activity_Insert_Input input = new
    input.ListOfActivity = new Activity1[1];
    input.ListOfActivity[0] = new Activity1();
    if (blnDebug)
    Response.Write("Getting Data<br>";
    // dg note: name value
    // input.ListOfActivity[0].MrMrs = data["MrMrs"];
    input.ListOfActivity[0].LeadId = leadID.ToString();
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Description = DataToString(data);
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Subject = "Website Submission Activity";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Priority = "3-Low";
    //input.ListOfActivity[0].DueDate =
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Owner = this.defaultLeadOwner;
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Type = "Call";
    //input.ListOfActivity[0].Display = "Task";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].ActivityId = "DummyId";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].ExternalSystemId = "web";
    catch (Exception exInsertActivity1)
    if (blnDebug)
    Response.Write("<br>Error inserting activity.<br><br>" +
    exInsertActivity1.ToString() + "<br>";
    01-06-2007 05:05 PM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    New Contributor
    Figured it out.. the field "Display" is also known as "Activity"........
    Here are some notes for other people.. good luck and feel free to write me
    at raskawa-at-gmail-com if you want a code sample.
    Some unpublished nice to knows for Siebel On Demand Activities....
    In summary:
    - .Activity is also known as Display in documentation and on the error
    messages coming back from the WS. Also, it appears based on these boards
    some people actually have a .Display field. Maybe different accounts
    generate different WSDL's.... buggy.
    - If a error message is thrown saying "Description is required" it really
    means "Subject is required" (make sure .Subject has a value)
    - If a error message is thrown complaining that ActionType is not right..
    that is really .Type.. make sure it's lookup value is valid for the
    dropdown values in your CRM OD system.
    My code/values that worked..
    input.ListOfActivity[0].LeadId = leadID.ToString();
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Description = DataToString(data);
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Subject = "Website Submission Activity";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Priority = "3-Low";
    //input.ListOfActivity[0].DueDate =
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Owner = this.defaultLeadOwner;
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Type = "Call";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].ActivityId = "DummyId";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].ExternalSystemId = "web";
    //input.ListOfActivity[0].Display = "Task"; //doesn't work
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Activity = "Task"; //does work.
    01-06-2007 05:17 PM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    First Time Contributor
    This is surgientweb (under my own login now..)
    Anyway, I wanted to add that I figured out that there are two ways to add
    a Activity to a Lead. Via the Lead object (by getting a ListOfActivities)
    OR by creating a Activity directly and just adding your "LeadID" to it (or
    you can also add a "ContactID" to relate the activity to a Contact.)
    Feel free to email me for a code example (raskawa....at....gmail)
    01-09-2007 02:58 PM

    Hi Stephane,
    You can definitely read the categories using Tables in CRM. The logic is a bit complicated though.
    Use the following steps to retrieve Categories using Std. CRM Tables:
    1. Pass transaction GUID in field GUID of table CRMV_REPORT_SUBJ and get KATALOGART, CODEGRUPPE and CODE field values in lv_catalog, lv_codegrp and lv_code.
    2. Now you need to concatenate these 3 fields values carefully like this:
    CONCATENATE lv_catelog lv_codegrp '    ' lv_code into lv_category1.
    Remember there are 4 spaces between lv_codegrp and lv_code.
    3. Now pass this lv_category1 in field OBJEXT in table CRMC_ERMS_CAT_OK and get OBJGUID in field lv_objguid.
    4. Pass this lv_objguid in field OBJ_GUID and LNK_TYPE = 'IS_CODE' in table CRMC_ERMS_CAT_LN and get value of CAT_GUID in lv_cat_guid.
    5. Pass this lv_cat_guid in field CAT_GUID in table CRMC_ERMS_CAT_CA and get value of CAT_ID in field lv_cat_text.
    Remember this lv_cat_text is the text value of your last level of category of transaction.
    6. To get its upper cateogry level value, simply use table CRMC_ERMS_CAT_HI and get parent guid value and pass this as CAT_GUID again in table CRMC_ERMS_CAT_CA to get its text.
    Alternatively, you can also use class method cl_crm_ml_category_util=>get_parse_all to get all levels of categories.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to activate all inactive objects for current user

    How to activate all inactive objects for current user ...
    ... I have found a (long winded) way to do this:
    - Environment / Inactive Objects
    - Add to Worklist
    - Display Worklist
    - Select All
    - Activate
    this will open a dialog titled "Inactive Objects for <username>"
    which has the exact functionality I need ... but I can't figure out how to get to this dialog directly - without so many intermediate steps
    the SAP docs repeatedly mention the ability to activate the inactive worklist - but do not mention how
    does anybody know the TCode for this dialog?
    ps does the term "mass activation" apply to importing change requests rather than development activation?
    Edited by: FireBean500 on Jun 4, 2010 11:07 PM

    No other way. But usually it's far more simple as all objects are already in our own worklist.
    I wonder why your objects are not already in your worklist, as everytime you create or maintain an object, it is added to your worklist.

  • How to convert an array collection instance to a complex object for interaction with webservice

    Hi there,
    I have a stubborn problem that I am trying to work out the best way to solve the problem.  I am interacting with a WebService via HTTPService calling a method called find(String name) and this returns me a List of ComplexObjects that contain general string and int params and also lists of other Complex Objects.  Now using the code:
    ArrayCollection newOriginalResultsArray = new ArrayCollection(event.result as Array)
    flex converts my complex objects results to an arraycollection so that I can use it in datagrids etc.  Now up until this part is all good.  My problem is when getting a single instance from the results list, updating it by moving data around in a new datagrid for example - I want to interact with the webservice again to do an create/update.  This is where I am having problems - because these webservice methods require the complex object as a parameter - I am struggling to understand how I can convert the array collection instance back to my complex object without iterating over it and casting it back (maybe this is the only way - but I am hoping not).
    I am hoping that there is a simple solution that I am missing and that there is some smart cookie out there that could provide me with an answer - or at least somewhere to start looking. I guess if I have no other alternative - maybe I need to get the people who built the service to change it to accept an array - and let them do the conversion.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Bert,
    According to my knowledge you can use describeType(Object) method which will return an XML... That XML will contain Properties and values just iterate through the XML and create a new Object..   Probably u can use this method...
    public function getObject(reqObj:Object,obj:Object,instanceName:String,name:String=null,index:int=-1):Obj ect
                    reqObj = new Object();
                var classInfo:XML = describeType(obj);
                var className:String = instanceName;
                for each (var v:XML in classInfo..accessor)
                    var attributeName:String=v.@name;
                    var value:* = obj[attributeName]
                    var type:String = v.@type;
                        reqObj[className+"."+attributeName] = value; 
                    else if(type == "mx.collections::ArrayCollection")
                        for(var i:int=0;i<value.length;i++)
                            var temp:Object=value.getItemAt(i);
                    else if(type == "String" || type == "Number" || type == "int" || type == "Boolean")
                        reqObj[ className+"."+attributeName] = value; 
                    else if (type == "Object")
                        for (var p:String in value)
                            reqObj[ className+"."+attributeName+"."+p] = value[p];
                return reqObj;

  • Create a business object for a Maintenance object

    I want to create a business object for a maintenance object to change all XML attributes to XML elements.
    Should I have to change the whole XML Schema from attributes to elements one by one?
    For example, I create the business object CM_Person_BO for the maintenance object Person, and use the business object to add user in a more standard way.
    But it is a quite large job to rewrite the whole schema for the maintenance object Person, which has following elements, which are PersonIdentifiers, PersonNames, PersonPhones, PersonCharacteristics, Person and SeasAddress.
    Is there any easy way to do it?

    Should I have to change the whole XML Schema from attributes to elements one by one?
    Is there any easy way to do it?Unfortunately not, you will have to define the schema containing each field/element, once. The primary objective is that you should create a scaled down version of the BO having only the required fields or subset of available fields, you may not need all the fields of a MO. This increases performance as the IO is performed only for specified fields in the BO.
    You can define separate Data Areas for each Person object's context, i.e. Identifiers, Names, Phones, etc. and include them (includeDA) within the Person BO (CM_Person_BO) for clarity.

  • Business object for  A/R Down payment Request using DI is this exposed .

    Hi All,
    Requirement: Need to Create A/R Down payment Request using DI.
    Table : ODPI
    1. Can anyone tell me what is the DI objects for  A/R Down Payment Request .
    2. When Im directly puting the object as '203'
    Error: "The Logged on user does not have permission to use this object"
    while I logged on as manager with full permissions
    please help me with creating request document.

    Dear Nani Kumar,
    Which B1 version do you use?
    The Down payment object exposed from B1 2007 version but not B1 2005.
    So you can not use it in B1 2005 and before.
    Best Regards
    Jane Jing
    SAP Business One Forums team

  • Unable to get the admin object for the CsContainerAdmin service

    On AIX, we deployed XIR2 SP2 --> XIR2 SP3 --> SP3 Productivity Pack.
    The Conection server does show up on the server list in the CMC, but on trying to access this server, it throws an error" Unable to get the admin object for the CsContainerAdmin service"
    Tried to manually create another Connection server, same result.
    Is this an issue that is addressed by a later FP?
    Thanks in advance
    Rajesh Jayakumar

    Hi Rajesh,
    Were you able to resolve this issue? I am facing the same issue with almost every BOE 11.5 SP3 server on Windows.
    For example, the Input file server says this -
    "Unable to get the admin object for the FileServerAdmin service for server Input.BOCMSMSGT1.fileserver".
    Getting the same error on WebI Report Server as well -
    There was an error while retrieving data from the server: Unable to get the admin object for the WebiServerAdmin service for server BOPROCENG1.Web_IntelligenceReportServer.webiserver
    Edited by: Sarang Deshpande on Sep 26, 2008 3:08 PM

  • Com.sap.tc.cm.base.exception.BaseModelRuntimeException: No object for....

    Hi Experts,
    Iam using adaptive webservice model, for this when i run the application it shows the below exception,
    Connection IO Exception. Check nested exception for details. (Connection Exception; nested exception is:
    com.sap.tc.cm.base.exception.BaseModelRuntimeException: No object for mandatory target role 'RequisitionItems' of model class 'com.sap.demo.sampleapplication.wd.models.samplemodel.RequisitionGetitems' with cardinality 'ONE' maintained).
    com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.bindings.exceptions.TransportBindingException: Connection IO Exception. Check nested exception for details. (Connection Exception; nested exception is:
    com.sap.tc.cm.base.exception.BaseModelRuntimeException: No object for mandatory target role 'RequisitionItems' of model class 'com.sap.demo.sampleapplication.wd.models.samplemodel.RequisitionGetitems' with cardinality 'ONE' maintained).
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.bindings.impl.SOAPTransportBinding.serializeRequest(SOAPTransportBinding.java:1705)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.bindings.impl.SOAPTransportBinding.writeSOAPRequestMessage(SOAPTransportBinding.java:257)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.bindings.impl.SOAPTransportBinding.call_SOAP(SOAPTransportBinding.java:1280)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.bindings.impl.SOAPTransportBinding.callWOLogging(SOAPTransportBinding.java:960)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.bindings.impl.SOAPTransportBinding.call(SOAPTransportBinding.java:915)
    at com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.dynamic.impl.DInterfaceInvokerImpl.invokeOperation(DInterfaceInvokerImpl.java:76)
    at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.model.webservice.model.WSGenericModelClassExecutable.execute(WSGenericModelClassExecutable.java:73)
    Thanks in advance
    Pradeep Kumar G

    Hai abhinav,
    Thanks for reply,
    Detailed description of my scenario:
    Iam using Adaptive webservice model for accessing some data based on some input values.
    In web service navigator it is working fine. when i give any input values based on that input the output records are available.
    But when i used it in webdynpro java, it gives an exception and asks for manadatory input values but actually in that webservice there are no mandatory input values, ok i provided that input values based on that exception, then it gives the below exception
    Connection IO Exception. Check nested exception for details. (Connection Exception; nested exception is:
    com.sap.tc.cm.base.exception.BaseModelRuntimeException: No object for mandatory target role 'RequisitionItems' of model class 'com.sap.demo.sampleapplication.wd.models.samplemodel.RequisitionGetitems' with cardinality 'ONE' maintained).
    com.sap.engine.services.webservices.espbase.client.bindings.exceptions.TransportBindingException: Connection IO Exception. Check nested exception for details. (Connection Exception; nested exception is:
    com.sap.tc.cm.base.exception.BaseModelRuntimeException: No object for mandatory target role 'RequisitionItems' of model class 'com.sap.demo.sampleapplication.wd.models.samplemodel.RequisitionGetitems' with cardinality 'ONE' maintained).
    I used the code in the link you have mentioned, but it cannot solved my problem. Same exception is occurring.
    Share whether you have any idea on this..
    Pradeep Kumar

  • Do you know how to change the Text Object for Billing Document?

    If you execute Transaction VOTX or VOTXn it will take you to Text Determination. The Billing Doc & Sales Document both has the VBBK as Text Object for me and is it like that for all.
    I need to change the Text Object to VBRK for Billing Doc, which is the ideal because I am using the Function Module READ_TEXT to retrieve text. This work perfectly for Sales Document which has VBBK as Text Object, but does not work for Billing Doc where it through as error message saying “Text 0020000021 ID 0002 language EN not found”.
    Thank You

    Hi kishan,
    For updating these text you can use FM 'SAVE_TEXT'.
    As for your problem, to get the parameter you need, go to the billing document, go to the text, and display it in plain page mode.
    Then you do 'GO TO' -> 'HEADER', and a pop-up window open with the parameters you need Obect type, ID, Name, ...

  • How to find out the Number range object for Incident number

    How to find out the Number range object for Incident number ?

    HI, an example.
    data: vl_num type i,
          vl_char(6) type c,
          vl_qty type INRI-QUANTITY,
          vl_rc type INRI-RETURNCODE.
        NR_RANGE_NR                   = '01'
        OBJECT                        = 'ZRG0000001'
       QUANTITY                       = '1'
      SUBOBJECT                     = ' '
      TOYEAR                        = '0000'
      IGNORE_BUFFER                 = ' '
       NUMBER                        = vl_num
       QUANTITY                      = vl_qty
       RETURNCODE                    = vl_rc
       INTERVAL_NOT_FOUND            = 1
       NUMBER_RANGE_NOT_INTERN       = 2
       OBJECT_NOT_FOUND              = 3
       QUANTITY_IS_0                 = 4
       QUANTITY_IS_NOT_1             = 5
       INTERVAL_OVERFLOW             = 6
       BUFFER_OVERFLOW               = 7
       OTHERS                        = 8
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    vl_char = vl_num.
    write vl_char.

  • Maintain number range object for excise grp

    Hi Gurus,
    During stock transfer, while doing Goods receipt I am getting the below error
    "Maintain number range object for object J_1IRG23D, year 2010, excise group"
    Could anyone please tell me the trans code for maintaining no range for excise group...

    Go to J1I9 T Code for a particular object object J_1IRG23D, execute and then give the excise group and maintain the number series.
    Edited by: Nagesh MS on Dec 20, 2010 3:59 PM
    Edited by: Nagesh MS on Dec 20, 2010 3:59 PM

  • Creation of Generic business Object for a standard transaction

    We have a requirement where we are depreciating the assets (standard transaction ABAA) using a custom BDC program. We need to maintain a history (called audit trail) for the particular asset that has been depreciated using this program. For this audit train we have been asked to use "Generic Business Object" in transaction code ABAA.
    Unfortunately, Generic object services are not available in this transaction code. Can you please suggest me how to create "Generic Business Object" for a particular standard transaction code. Also, we have show the details of custom workflow that follows the approval process in order to depreciate the asset. how to show this workflow details using Generic Business Object. This is a very critical issue, any help will be very help ful.
    Please let me know should you require more information on this topic.

    this is already answered in the forum, and also explained in the sap library

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