Jcop javacard mifare sample applet

env : winXP
IDE : JCOP Tools 2.2
card : JCOP BIO 31 engineering sample card
how can i develope applet which communicate with mifare protocol??
is there any sample?

Is it JCOP or a vendor card ? I know of vendors that have bio cards with the MoC for the DoD. I don't know of any vendors that have JavaCard Forums Biometry with the JCOP mask on them. In all honesty, ALL vendors probably have it, you just have to call them and a$k for it !$$!

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    See http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jsp?forum=7&thread=203737

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    cm> upload "C:\wallet.cap"
    => 80 E6 02 00 16 09 77 61 6C 6C 65 74 70 6B 67 08 ......walletpkg.
    A0 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ............
    (114664 usec)
    <= 00 90 00 ...
    Status: No Error
    => 80 E8 00 00 FF C4 82 02 A8 01 00 13 DE CA FF ED ................
    01 02 04 00 01 09 77 61 6C 6C 65 74 70 6B 67 02 ......walletpkg.
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    00 0D 01 09 77 61 6C 6C 65 74 61 70 70 00 01 06 ....walletapp...
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    (551929 usec)
    <= 90 00 ..
    Status: No Error
    => 80 E8 00 01 FF 11 6D 00 8D 00 0D 7A 03 24 AD 00 ......m....z.$..
    8B 00 13 61 08 11 63 01 8D 00 0D 19 8B 00 02 2D ...a..c........-
    1A 07 25 32 19 8B 00 07 5B 29 04 1F 04 6B 07 16 ..%2....[)...k..
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    01 16 05 41 11 27 10 6F 08 11 6A 84 8D 00 0D 18 ...A.'.o..j.....
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    08 11 63 01 8D 00 0D 19 8B 00 02 2D 1A 07 25 32 ..c........-..%2
    19 8B 00 07 5B 29 04 1F 04 6B 07 16 04 04 6A 08 ....[)...k....j.
    11 67 00 8D 00 0D 1A 08 25 29 05 16 05 10 64 6E .g......%)....dn
    06 16 05 63 08 11 6A 83 8D 00 0D AF 01 16 05 43 ...c..j........C
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    7A 03 22 19 8B 00 02 2D 19 8B 00 11 32 19 05 8B z."....-....2...
    00 0C 1A 03 AF 01 8D 00 18 3B 19 03 05 8B 00 05 .........;......
    7A 04 22 19 8B 00 02 2D 19 8B 00 07 5B 32 AD 00 z."....-....[2..
    1A 08 1F 8B 00 14 61 08 11 63 00 8D 00 0D 7A 08 ......a..c....z.
    00 0A 00 00 00 .....
    (405152 usec)
    <= 90 00 ..
    Status: No Error
    => 80 E8 80 02 AE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 66 ...............f
    00 19 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 01 03 80 0A 01 03 80 ................
    09 08 06 00 00 F0 03 80 0A 04 03 80 09 05 03 80 ................
    0A 06 03 80 09 02 06 00 00 0D 01 00 00 00 06 00 ................
    01 69 03 80 0A 09 06 80 07 01 06 00 01 49 03 80 .i...........I..
    03 03 01 80 09 00 03 80 0A 07 03 80 03 01 03 80 ................
    09 04 03 80 09 01 06 80 09 00 06 80 03 00 06 00 ................
    00 94 06 80 10 06 09 00 3A 00 0E 1F 02 0F 0D 5A ........:......Z
    41 11 05 05 41 0E 05 16 1A 00 28 04 06 07 04 07 A...A.....(.....
    0A 04 08 0D 07 05 10 1D 06 06 06 07 08 08 04 09 ................
    12 15 10 10 08 04 09 12 15 0D 0F 05 06 07 07 07 ................
    05 0A 08 00 ....
    (658167 usec)
    <= 00 90 00 ...
    Status: No Error
    Load report:
    684 bytes loaded in 1.8 seconds
    effective code size on card:
    + package AID 9
    + applet AIDs 16
    + classes 21
    + methods 394
    + statics 0
    + exports 0
    overall 440 bytes
    cm> install -i 77616c6c6574617070 -q C9#() 77616c6c6574706b67 77616c6c6574617070
    => 80 E6 0C 00 24 09 77 61 6C 6C 65 74 70 6B 67 09 ....$.walletpkg.
    77 61 6C 6C 65 74 61 70 70 09 77 61 6C 6C 65 74 walletapp.wallet
    61 70 70 01 00 02 C9 00 00 00 app.......
    (269663 usec)
    <= 6A 80 j.
    Status: Wrong data
    jcshell: Error code: 6a80 (Wrong data)
    jcshell: Wrong response APDU: 6A80
    Unexpected error; aborting execution
    Another question
    2) According to the code I have to specify PIN number when I
    install it. Is PIN different from PIN in the card?
    Is it application dependent?
    private WalletApp (byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength){
              pin = new OwnerPIN(PIN_TRY_LIMIT, MAX_PIN_SIZE);
              // bArray contains the PIN initialization value
              pin.update(bArray, bOffset, bLength);
              // register the applet instance with the JCRE
         } // end of the constructor
    Anyone can help?
    I really appreciate your help

    2) According to the code I have to specify PIN number when I
    install it. Is PIN different from PIN in the the card?
    Is it application dependent?Yes, it is an card idependent but application dependent PIN.

  • Exactly how to run sample Applets

    First, let me say exactly what I have done: I unzipped the Solaris version of the Java Card Development Kit on my machine. I then downloaded and unzipped the walletdemo. I opened two terminals and in one typed: jcwde -p 9025 jcwde.app and got the appropriate message. In the other, I typed: apdutool walletApp.scr and got: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/comm/PortInUseException. What does this mean? I don't have the regular JDK installed, does that matter? How do I run one of the sample applets that came with JCDK?

    Hello ! Did you compiled the Wallet.java File ya you need java 1.3 for running the .java file .
    [email protected]

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    MarcioCampos wrote:
    Does anybody has a document that explains DAP and the security mechanism for JCOP 2.4.1.The GP card spec defines the DAP process. Version 2.1.1 has this in section 7.5 with further information throughout the document. The card spec is freely available from the GP website.

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    I am looking for an applet code for color picker (chooser). I'd like to have a color spectrum bar and a brightness/saturation square. Thanks.

    imagic wrote:
    I am looking for an applet code for color picker (chooser). I'd like to have a color spectrum bar and a brightness/saturation square. Thanks.Have you looked at the javax.swing.JColorChooser class? That may somewhat be on your track.
    But for what you specified, here's an idea.
    Make a loop that will run through the pixels of a JPanel which has an area of 100x100 px, which sets the color appropriately to the instance of a Color class, with a specified RBG code.
    Then, set the mouse event listener to figure out where you clicked, and set the current color to what is there.
    Also, on the right, you could include three bars to adjust the red, blue, and green to their own levels using a javax.swing.JSlider.
    To make it obvious which color you specified, make the pixels around it highlighted in black.
    Oh yes, it may be easier if you originally made the loop that will draw the image, then used Shift>PrintScrn to copy the image into a file, then later set the image through setIcon() to contain that.
    You may also want a "sample" color bar.

  • Mistake with the Eclipse 3.2 and jcop (javacard)

    Good, I am scheduling a smart card reader SRC3310 with pligins jcop with eclipce 3.2 and running the debug get the following error and closes the eclipse
    JVM terminated Exit code=1
    -jar C:\Program Files\Eclipce3.2\nueva\eclipse\startup.jar
    -os win 32
    -ws win32
    -arch x86
    -jar C:\Program Files\Eclipce3.2\nueva\eclipse\eclipse.exe
    -name Eclipse
    -shosplash 600
    -vm C:\Windws\system\javaw.exe
    -jar C:\Program Files\Eclipce3.2\nueva\eclipse\startup.jar
    recommend if there are tutorials on programming for these readers. Thanks

    3 ways to fix your problem;-
    1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\CurrentVersion
    Change from 1.6 to 1.4
    2. Ghost the working setup machine to seconds hard drive, and Ghost back whenever have problem.
    3. Make working setup machine VMware image clone. any problem an other clone.
    We always use 2nd way , since we have to use Javacard IDE from Gemalto, G&D, Oberthur, Samsung, Sharp... they are not working well co-exist together.

  • JCOP - changing MIFARE emulation config type to A (no mifare emulation)

    Hi all,
    this documentation
    indicates, that there are three kinds of MIFARE emulation options on the described JCOP-card versions. "Configuration A" is, no MIFARE emulation. How can one set this so called minor configuration option using Java Card Kit or gpshell ?
    Thanks for any hints,

    The configuration type (A, B1, B4) is set during the pre-personalization of card.
    If you want to know the pre-personalization commands for that chip you should to get the full datasheet (under NDA) from NXP. And you should to get the transport key from vendor of your card.
    If your card was pre-personalized you can't change the configuration type.
    Edited by: Lyolik on 30.12.2012 7:45

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    I am new to java and so i need someone's help

    "../" means "the directory above". So "../../scripts/" means "the directory named scripts located in the directory two levels above the current directory."

  • Generate MF_password for a JCOP applet to access mifare ?

    Where can I download any tools to generate MF_Password?
    I find nothing in the Philips website.
    Or I should implement a generation function within the applet?
    Great thanks! ^_^

    Hi Divyesh,
    Thanks for your response!
    But I still can not understand what you mean.
    I reference: http://www.nxp.com/acrobat/other/identification/067512.pdf
    I only have JCOP41 eclipse help. According to the API
    readWriteMifare(short mode, byte[] data, short offset, short mifareBlocks)
    If I put the MF_password into the byte[] data, can I read/write mifare?
    After I run the JCOP applet and trigger the mifare access with sending APDU on JCOP shell command, 9000 is replied.
    But my access does not success.
    Am I wrong? Or where can I reference sample applet to access mifare?

  • JAVACARD development environment???

    Hello everyone
    I am a beginner of javacrad development, I built a environment like this:
    Eclipse V3.3.2
    JRE 7
    Plugin JCDE0.1
    JCDK 2.2.2
    JCOP Tools 3.1.1.b already activate
    but I found there are some errors for this environment.
    1. I can not generate CAP file both use JCOP or JCWDE even using a sample applet.
    For JCOP
    cm> upload -d "C:\Users\tang\workspace\Tang\bin\Tang_Test\javacard\Tang_Test.cap"
    jcshell: Cannot read <C:\Users\tang\workspace\Tang\bin\Tang_Test\javacard\Tang_Test.cap>: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users\tang\workspace\Tang\bin\Tang_Test\javacard\Tang_Test.cap
    cm> install -i 48656c6c6f776f726c64 -q C9#() 5448576f726c64 48656c6c6f776f726c64
    => 80 E6 0C 00 24 07 54 48 57 6F 72 6C 64 0A 48 65 ....$.THWorld.He
    6C 6C 6F 77 6F 72 6C 64 0A 48 65 6C 6C 6F 77 6F lloworld.Hellowo
    72 6C 64 01 00 02 C9 00 00 00 rld.......
    (1880 usec)
    <= 6A 88 j.
    Status: Reference data not found
    jcshell: Error code: 6a88 (Reference data not found)
    jcshell: Wrong response APDU: 6A88
    For JCWDE
    Java Card 2.2.2 Class File Converter, Version 1.3
    Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
    conversion completed with 1 errors and 0 warnings.
    error: Lan.LanHW: unsupported class file format of version 50.0.
    Does anyone know how to resolve this problem?
    Thanks a lot.

    For that version of JCOP tools you will be developing against JC 2.2.1 and need to set your Java compiler settings in Eclipse to 1.3 for that project. For JCWDE you will be targeting JC 2.2.2 so you can use 1.5 as the compiler version. The JDK version has nothing to do with this so you do not need a different JDK. Eclipse has its own built in compiler.

  • How to compile and test SIM card applet

    Dear all
    I have a sample applet:
    package sim.access.sample;
    import sim.access.*;
    public final class helloFile extends Applet implements ToolkitInterface
           private static SIMView  theGsmApplet;
           private static USIMView aUsimApplet;
           private static AID theGSMAppletAID;
           private static AID theUSIMAppletAID;
           private static final byte[]  baGSMAID = {(byte)0xA0,(byte)0x00,(byte)0x00,(byte)0x00,(byte)0x09,(byte)0x00,(byte)0x01};
           protected helloFile(){
           public MyApplet () {
                theGSMAppletAID = new AID();
                // get a reference to the GSM interface
                theGsmApplet = SIMSystem.getTheSIMView(theGSMAppletAID);
           public void doSomethingWithAFile(){
                   // returns the SIMView of the currently selected Applet
                   // allows to implement services that are depend on specific
                   // file in GSM or USIM application as well as to implement
                   // technolgie independent applets.
                   SIMView theView = SIMSystem.getTheSIMView();
                   if(theView instanceof SIMView){
                        // do something with a GSM file
                   else if(theView instanceof USIMView) {
                        //do something with a USIM specific file
                   // Or request a View to a specific application
                   USIMView theView = SIMSystem.getTheSIMView(aUSIMAppletAID);
    }I want to compile and test it, how can i do it ???

    I am trying to compile it on eclipse using JCOP:
    package mytest;
    import sim.toolkit.ToolkitException;
    import sim.toolkit.ToolkitInterface;
    import javacard.framework.APDU;
    import javacard.framework.Applet;
    import javacard.framework.ISO7816;
    import javacard.framework.ISOException;
    public class Test extends Applet implements ToolkitInterface{
         public static void install(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength) {
              // GP-compliant JavaCard applet registration
              new Test().register(bArray, (short) (bOffset + 1), bArray[bOffset]);
         public void process(APDU apdu) {
              // Good practice: Return 9000 on SELECT
              if (selectingApplet()) {
              byte[] buf = apdu.getBuffer();
              switch (buf[ISO7816.OFFSET_INS]) {
              case (byte) 0x00:
                   // good practice: If you don't know the INStruction, say so:
         public void processToolkit(byte arg0) throws ToolkitException {
              // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    }It is giving following error on package name:
    resolving constant-pool of clazz Lmytest/Test; failed: missing export file for package sim/toolkit

  • Eclipse-jcop project building { create .cap file } problem??????????????

    hello all,
    I am using jcop tool plugin with eclipse and my atr is:-
    --Opening terminal
    /card -a a000000003000000 -c com.ibm.jc.CardManager--Waiting for card...
    ATR=3B E9 00 00 81 31 FE 45 4A 43 4F 50 34 31 56 32    ;....1.EJCOP41V2
        32 A7                                              2.everything is fine with sample applet { it contain a empty process () or gives 90 00 for select applet apdu }
    I am using eclipse ide and jcop plugin, basically my problem is to building project when any changes occoured, initially when i start a new project with steps like:-
    1- java card project
    2-java applet
    3-package id
    4-applet id
    5-basic template of applet
    N- finish
    then when screen open, at the left side i saw cap file propery window ,and automatically there are cap file in bin folder.
    It means jcop tool used converter to make .cap file, but when i add some lines according to my requirment,
    I am unable to build it again or unable to get a new cap file. May be i need to set some build path , but first time it automatically build so it also indicate that there are no need to set the build path. I am confused in this area.
    Is i need to reference the path of converter.jar { jcdk 2.2.1 }? or jcop plugin also have the required jar for converting .class to .cap , inside it. how i rebuild it and make a new fresh .cap file.
    some jar file which i paste in plugin folder of eclipse are:-
    com.ibm.bluez.jcop.eclipse_3.1.1.a.jarbefore i was using JCDE plugin for simulation process but here i did not use JCDE, I have only eclipse + jcop plugin
    I tried to tell you, what is my problem, If you still have any doubt , Let me know.
    Waiting for your reply and thanks for your time ............

    Thanks Umer for your suggestion , but i dont need to do this, It was my silly mistake to handle the things properly.
    Initially i was unable to getting the eclipse and JCOP concept, but now i do. now I am able to build the project or eclipse is building it automatically !!!! I faced this problem b'se i am a newbie in java card. but now things going good to me.
    I want to share my getting here:--
    My dout was - Is jcop intially have all the Jar's , converter which is required to create a cap file????
    you just get eclipse ide and get jcop plugin, and paste jcop plugin jar's inside the plugin folder of ecipse and START ECLIPS AGAIN.
    NO REQUIREMENT OF JCDE-java card development envoirnment
    no requirement of jcdk- java card development kit ,
    no requirement of set any build path in eclipse. just make your applet , and run with jcop tool.ECIPSE AUTOMATICALLY BUILD OPTION WILL CREATE A FRESH .CAP FILE WHENEVER U MADE A NEW CHANGES

  • Is it possible to load applets if ki imsi iccid are known?

    is it possible to load applets if ki imsi iccid are known for a sim? if the sim is given by a mobile operator. how to connect to such a card using jcop/javacard.

    is it legal to post answer here ?
    anyways i am posting here for knowledge only,hope nobody will do any mis use.
    u have generate KI from ICCID & IMSI(ICCID & IMSI u can read from SIM file system)
    for KI generation , u can find any s/w from internet search,which will generate KI from ICCID & IMSI using broute-force attack,
    then replace KI of ur SIM with generated KI,
    thats it,ur job is done :-)
    now u can connect to CM as u have ADM 0 privileges for SIM.

  • DES and RSA test applet

    Hello all,
    I have to test DES and RSA with some Java Card, but I have NO idea with it.
    Is there any sample applets or any good site to learn it?
    If I can have applet files, that will be great.
    Thanks a lot,

    This could be an issue, for example, if there is a card that doesn't implement javacardx.crypto. Creating Cipher myCipher as a member variable would throw an exception if it's not implemented on the card. This ultimatly will prevent it from being loaded.
    Take your CAP file and try to load it with the reference implementation and you'll see what I mean. Also, try to compile, and generate a CAP file outside the JCOP IDE environment. You'll see what ticks me off about the Sun kit. It would still generate the CAP file. BUT crypto isn't implemented in the Sun Kit. It should kick out an export not found message.
    Discarding objects aren't needed because, if you notice, the JC uses a facade design pattern for the crypto implementations to assure only one instance is created. That's the getInstance() methods.

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