JDev 1.1 running on Windows 95

Will JDev 1.1 run on Windows 95 or just on Windows NT 4.x?

Most of the time -- yes. There are some stability problems I have
noticed, but beyond that it seems to work. Same is true on
Windows 98, although I have seen a few minor things with the new
common controls that are not entirely correct, it is still
usable. I have been using it on my laptop for quite some time in
this configuration.
Does Oracle certify and support these platforms? No, they do not.

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    oracle.ide.boot.Launcher is in the ide/lib/ide-boot.jar. This is definitely included in the download.
    A couple of other things might be happening, so please provide the following;
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    There could be many reasons: differences in the environment, missing permissions, virus scanners, you name it.
    Is it running under the same user as on the console?
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    You could try to run an Orace Net trace - maybe you get an idea if you see where in the connection process the problem occurs.
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    Your original copy is obsolete and Adobe is offering a free replacement you are entitled to. Download and use that and that should clear it up for you.
    https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/creative-suite-2-activation-end-life.ht ml
    Download this copy of CS2 and use the serial number provided next to the download link.

  • Forms 10g installed and running on Windows Vista

    <font color=0000FF>Update 12-Dec-2008: </font>Oracle has published NOTE 559067.1 -- How to Install Developer Suite - hence - on Windows Vista, 24-OCT-2008 with some installation help.
    <font color=0000FF>Update 07-July-2008: </font> Added text at the bottom showing how to find patchsets for Forms 10g.
    <font color=0000FF>Update 29-May-2008: </font> This thread was started in November, 2007.  In January, 2008, Oracle released Patch 3 for Forms 10g, which makes Forms 10g compatible with Windows Vista.  As time permits I'll try to keep the information in this post up to date.   Updated information will be inserted <font color=0000FF>as blue text.
    <font color=0000FF>Original message begins here:</font>
    This is a second thread I am posting to outline the steps I have used to install Forms on a Windows Vista Home Basic laptop.   The other thread describes installing Forms 6i:
          Forms 6i installed and running on Windows Vista
    Please read through the initial part of that post for the background.  I realize Oracle has not certified Forms 10g to run on Vista, but the time has come for my associates and I to upgrade our old computers to new desktop/laptop platforms, and I would hate to acquire XP machines and be stuck with them for the next 5 years.  <font color=0000FF>(Note: Since first posting this message, Oracle has certified Forms 10g Patch 3 (version to run on Vista)</font>  So after another person informed me that he had Forms installed and running on Vista, I went ahead and bought one.  I found that as long as I set the compatibility mode to run Forms programs as Windows XP (and a few other changes), Forms 6i and 10g run quite satisfactorily.
    <font color=0000FF>Update 29-Jan-2008: </font> Unfortunately, it turns out that the Forms 10g Builder running on Vista <font color=0000FF>had</font> a major flaw:   If you try to develop a form, the Builder will crash if you try to compile a procedure that calls another procedure in the form that has errors.  The problem is reported and described in this thread:  Error compiling a form under Vista
    <font color=0000FF>Update 12-Mar-2008: </font> Installing Patch 3 on Vista does not help with this problem -- the Builder still crashes in the same situation.
    <font color=0000FF>Update 25-July-2008: </font> Applying Patch 7047034 has corrected the problem.   See this link within this thread:   Forms 10g: Installing Patch 7047034 on Windows Vista
    Webutil note:  I am stuck in a Forms 6i client/server world, so all my forms must run in that environment.   Therefore I have not used any Webutil software, and I do not know whether that part will run under Vista.
    Internet Explorer note:  On Windows Vista, IE CANNOT be used to run the Web Forms runtime.  It crashes immediately when you try to run a form.  Instead, I can use either Firefox (Firefox 2, Firefox 3.0 Crashes with Forms 10g) or Netscape, as long as they are set to disable java.  <font color=0000FF>[ Correction:   IE7 on Vista now runs the Forms 10g forms.   You just need to add "?config=jpi" to the browser URL when starting the Web Forms session.   More IE/Vista info: [url=http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=642973]Vista JInitiator Problem ]</font>
    The Oracle Developer Suite download page:
    Oracle Developer Suite Installation Guide:
    The steps below are those I followed to install Forms 10g (version
    I.  Preliminary system changes in Windows
    When I started installing, I got the following error message:    Install has encountered an error while
        attempting to verify your virtual memory settings.
        Please verify that the sum of the initial sizes of
        the paging files is at least 256 MB.To fix this:  Go to Control Panel, System and Maintenance, View amount of RAM and processor speed (under "System"),
    Advanced system settings (in left "Tasks" column), Advanced tab, Settings (under "performance"), Advanced tab:
    Virtual Memory shows a "Total paging file size for all drives: 2337MB.
    Click "change", Uncheck "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives"
    Click "custom size:", set Initial size to: 2048, Max to 4096
    Click set button, then OK, get message:The changes you have made require you to restart your computer before
       they can take effect.Restart the computer.
    II.  Installing Forms 10g
    1.  Download two files from Oracle:
        ds_windows_x86_101202_disk1.zip (626,122,752 bytes)
        ds_windows_x86_101202_disk2.zip (236,880,881 bytes)
    2a.  Before extracting, it is a good idea to shut down any virus protection software.  It can sometimes prevent some files from being created.
    2b.  Extract both into the C:\oracle directory, as disk1 and disk2.
    3.  Using Windows Explorer, change the properties of setup.exe in the C:\oracle\disk1 folder.  (In windows explorer, right click, properties, Compatibility tab.)   Change the compatibility to run as Windows XP (Service Pack 2).
    4.  Right click setup.exe and click "Run as administrator"
    5.  Select "Installation type" = Complete (1.11 GB)
    6.  Received this message:Windows Firewall has blocked this program from
    accepting incoming network connections.  If you
    unblock this program, it will be unblocked on all
    public networks that you connect to.
      2007-10-29_11-59-08am\jre\1.4.2\bin\javaw.exeI clicked "Unblock"
    7.  Received this message:  "Provide outgoing mail server information"  I entered the smtp mail server that I use.
    8.  A summary screen displayed showing 274 products under New Installations.
    I clicked the Install button.
    9.   Received this message:  You can find a log of this install session at:
    C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs\installActions2007.....log
    10.  The installation completed.  Installed products shows Forms
    III.  After the install completed
    1.  Create a shortcut to the Forms 10 Builder on the Desktop.
    On the shortcut line, after the .exe, add *userid=userxxx/pwxxx@orcl* so Builder automatically logs into 10g database.  If you do step 4 below (creating an easily-accessible folder to use for your forms) change the "Start in" path on the shortcut so it points to that folder.  Otherwise, Forms Builder will not find referenced objects and PLL libraries when it opens a form.  Also do the same on the Start, All Programs shortcut for the Forms Builder.
    Edit:  After applying Patch 3, the following steps are not necessary.
    Set its compatibility to Windows XP.
    Set checkbox: "Run this program as as an administrator."  (Without this, FormBuilder will NOT open a PLL library.)
    Click the "Show settings for all users" and change values there.
    2.  Copy "Start OC4J Instance" icon to desktop.
    Set its compatibility to Windows XP.
    The first time it runs, I got a Windows popup to unblock program named Java.  I clicked "Unblock".
    3.  tnsnames.ora:
    Rename C:\oracle\DevSuiteHome_1\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
    to:  tnsnames_orig.ora
    If you created a tnsnames.ora file for Forms 6i, just copy it to the path above.  If not, do this:
    Create a new tnsnames.ora file, copying entries old file on my old laptop, which contains all the connections I use.
    Delete the old laptop entry, replace with new entry for the new local ORCL connection on new laptop from tnsnames file renamed from the c:\oracle\... ...\10.2.0\db_1\ path.
    4.  Optional:  Create an easily accessible folder to store fmb files:
    You don't really want to keep drilling into C:\oracle\DevSuiteHome_1\forms, and then find your .fmb file among the several dozen oracle-supplied files.
    To create a folder named .1, you have to open a CMD.exe (Windows DOS) window, and type the Make Directory command:
    MD .1
    That will create the folder within the current directory -- mine defaults to C:\users\steve
    Note:  If you also need to use Forms 6i like me, DO NOT EVER open a .fmb file in the Forms 10 Builder from the Forms 6i folder.  If you compile it, or even worse, save the .fmb, Forms 6i *cannot ever* access the file.  Instead, always use the File Manager (Windows Explorer) to copy the fmb from the fmb6 folder into the fmb10 location.
    5.  Change the Forms 10g Default.env file using a text editor.
    This file replaces all the settings originally written to the Windows Registry (GREAT idea, Oracle!  I hate the registry.)  No more Regedit.  The default.env file is located at: (DevSuiteHome_1 path)\forms\server\default.env
    Locate line with:  FORMS_PATH= and add:
    Add a new line:
    The above allows compiling an fmx while the form is running.
    Add a new line:
    (This fixes Oracle bug number 3949854, which prevents automatic skipping if the same value is typed over another value. TAR 4806199.993 Automatic Skip failure...)  See bug 4068896
    Add a new Line:
    This allows use of Query-Where window in enter query, after entering a colon in any input field.  Without this, Forms returns FRM-40367: Invalid criteria in field nnn in example record.  Oracle shut it down to prevent "sql injection" attacks.
    6.  Jiniator setup:
    Run file jinit.exe in C:\oracle\DevSuiteHime_1\jinit\jinit.exe
    It installs Jinitiator
    I installed it in C:\oracle\JInitiator\
    For Firefox, make sure a copy of file \bin\NPJinit13122.dll resides in   C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins.
    For Netscape, the path is:  C:\Program Files\Netscape\Navigator 9\plugins
    7.   Browser settings
    See the note above about using Firefox 2 and not Firefox 3!
    In Firefox 2 go to:  Tools-> Options-> Content
    Uncheck the "Enable Java" checkbox
    --Firefox terminates if this is not done!
    Note:  After my system automatically installed updates to either java or Firefox, re-check the "Enable Java" setting.  I am suspicious that one of these installs re-enables java in the browser.
    Also note:  some web sites cannot display properly if java is disabled.  Example:  U.S. time website: http://www.time.gov   Use Internet Explorer to view these.
    In Netscape make the same changes as Firefox.  Without disabling java, it also terminates when you try to run a form.
    Creating a url to use in the browser:
    Try this:
    If it does not work, change the 8889 port number as follows:
    Open file:  C:\oracle\DevSuiteHome_1\install\portlist.ini
    Note the number in line:
    Oracle Developer Suite HTTP port = 8889
    Use the number as the port number.
    You can also change the to the computer name:
    Control Panel, System and Maintenance, See the name of this computer (under "System").  Mine is "steve-PC"
    So the alternate URL is:     http://steve-PC:8889/forms/frmservlet
    To try out the URL, start the OC4J instance set up above.  Then start either Netscape or Firefox, and enter the URL.  You should get a welcome screen.
    If the above URL works, start up the Forms Builder, and open Edit, Preferences.  On the General tab, uncheck the "Build before running" check box (optional).  On the Runtime tab, set the "Application Server URL to the url above.
    To run a real form, add this to the URL after frmservlet, (with no spaces):
    but replace the parts in curly braces with the appropriate values.  Example:
    Setting up Forms Builder to directly run a form in the browser:
    Run the Forms Builder.  Go to Edit, Preferences, Runtime tab.
    Set the Application Server URL to:
    (or use whatever URL string you developed above)
    Set the Web Browser Location to:
        "C:\Program Files\Netscape\Navigator 9\navigator.exe"
    (or an equivalent to run the Firefox browser).
    8.  FORMSWEB.CFG file changes
    The file is located at:
    I changed the following two lines in the file, but these are my personal preferences:
    9.  FMRWEB.RES file changes
    For Oracle help:  Enabling Key Mappings
    The file fmrweb.res defines actions (triggers that run) when a function key is pressed while running Forms.  The one released has unix-style key mapping, but I prefer keys originally mapped for Windows PC Forms users. There is a fmrpcweb.res in the same folder that can be renamed to fmrweb.res.
    In the C:\oracle\DevSuiteHome_1\forms path, I renamed fmrweb.res to fmrweb_orig.res.
    I have a file that I prefer to use, so I put it into the folder as fmrweb.res. The contents are listed below. It is organized so the most important keys are listed alphabetically at the top (URFD column is the sort column), followed by a group of less-important keys.  These are keys that are available to users, but they either would not use, or are disabled within most forms.  The URFD column in the second set starts with a hex A0 character, which is a high-order space, so collates after normal alphabetic characters.  (Note: If you want to copy the text below and use it, the hex A0 character has been changed by the forum software to a space. So you would need to use a text editor with hexadecimal character capabilities to replace the space with the original character. )
    My file has special keys defined for F2 (I use it for a debugging Key-F2 trigger in my forms), and a "Cursor to Home" F12 function. All the rest are pretty much the same as in the released fmrpcweb.res file, only mine are organized alphabetically on the URFD column.
    The Web Forms fmrweb.res file is editable using any programming editor (NOT MS Word!!!). The old Client/Server key mapping file, fmrusw.res, could only be changed using the Oracle Terminal program (and it is a pain to use).
    Here is the main part of my fmrweb.res file:#
    #Jfn :Jmn:  URKS            :Ffn :  URFD
    #    :   : (User-readable   :    : (User-readable
    #    :   :  Key-sequence )  :    :  function description)
    118  : 1 : "Shift F7"       : 74 : "Clear Form"
    121  : 0 : "F10"            : 36 : "Commit"
    117  : 0 : "F6"             : 65 : "Create Record"
    10   : 1 : "Shift Enter"    : 82 : "Cursor to Home" # sdsu uses this
    123  : 0 : "F12"            : 82 : "Cursor to Home" # sdsu uses this
                                        #: --Alt+Home works, but leaves the Action (first
                                        #: --pull-down menu item) highlighted.  Press Esc or
    36   : 8 : "Alt Home, then Alt" : 82 : "Cursor to Home" #-- Alt again to clear highlight.
    117  : 1 : "Shift F6"       : 63 : "Delete Record"
    119  : 0 : "F8"             : 77 : "Execute Query"
    120  : 0 : "F9"             : 29 : "List of Values"
    9    : 0 : "Tab"            : 1  : "Next Field"
    40   : 0 : "Down-Arrow"     : 7  : "Next Record"
    9    : 1 : "Shift Tab"      : 2  : "Previous Field"
    38   : 0 : "Up-Arrow"       : 6  : "Previous Record"
    112  : 0 : "F1"             : 35 : "Show Keys"
    116  : 1 : "Shift F5"       : 69 : " Clear Block"
    116  : 2 : "Ctrl F5"        : 3  : " Clear Field"
    113  : 1 : "Shift F2"       : 80 : " Count Query Hits"
    112  : 1 : "Shift F1"       : 78 : " Display Error"
    114  : 0 : "F3"             : 73 : " Duplicate Item"
    115  : 0 : "F4"             : 64 : " Duplicate Record"
    69   : 2 : "Ctrl E"         : 22 : " Edit Field"
    122  : 0 : "F11"            : 75 : " Enter " # Causes validation, w/o cursor move
    118  : 0 : "F7"             : 76 : " Enter Query"
    81   : 2 : "Ctrl Q"         : 32 : " Exit"
    112  : 2 : "Ctrl F1"        : 30 : " Help"
    34   : 0 : "Page Down"      : 66 : " Next Set of Records"
    119  : 1 : "Shift F8"       : 79 : " Print"
    10   : 0 : "Enter/Return key": 27: " Enter/Next Field"
    33   : 0 : "Page Up"        : 12 : " Scroll Up"
    116  : 0 : "F5"             : 87 : " F5 Key for special uses"
    #121 : 3 : "Shift Ctrl F10" : 82 : " Function 0" #--disabled.  Cursor to home defined above
    112  : 3 : "Shift Ctrl F1"  : 83 : " Function 1"
    113  : 0 : "F2"             : 84 : " Function 2"
    113  : 11: "Ctrl Alt Shift F2":95: " List Tab Pages" #<-REQUIRED, or F2 cant be assigned
    114  : 3 : "Shift Ctrl F3"  : 85 : " Function 3"
    115  : 3 : "Shift Ctrl F4"  : 86 : " Function 4"
    117  : 3 : "Shift Ctrl F6"  : 88 : " Function 6"
    118  : 3 : "Shift Ctrl F7"  : 89 : " Function 7"
    119  : 3 : "Shift Ctrl F8"  : 90 : " Function 8"
    120  : 3 : "Shift Ctrl F9"  : 91 : " Function 9"<B>Finding Forms 10g Patchsets</B>
    Here is how to do the search: Log into metalink ( https://metalink.oracle.com ), then click on the Patches & Updates tab, then Simple Search.
    In "Search by", select Product or Family. Enter "Developer Forms" in the box.
    Then click the Release choices, and select "iAS"
    Patch Type should be "Patchset/Minipack"
    Platform or Language should be "Microsoft Windows (32-bit)"
    Click Go, and the Forms 10g patch should show up. As of July, 2008 the only one available is: [url=
    Edited 2008-12-12 to add a link to Oracle Note 559067.1  and added the fmrweb.res file listing.
    Edited 2008-10-28 to change text format to work better within new forum format
    Edited 2008-7-7 to add patchset search information.
    Edited 2008-4-21 to modify information.
    Edited 2008-3-6 to add information.
    Edited 2008-5-29 to update information.

    I followed your instructions and installed Developer Suite 10G on Windows Vista Home Premium edition. I have Oracle 11G DB running on the same machine.
    Two points, Steve:
    1. When I tried to set the maximum virtual memory to 6110 an error message displayed from Windows and told me that I can't set the maximum virtual memory to more than 4096. I set it to 4090 and it worked and I got nothing wrong during the installation process.
    2. After installing JInitiator and disabling Java on Firefox I called the page and everything seemed to be OK because the Oracle Forms Services logo appeared and then a successful installation message appeared , but as I clicked (ok) to continue a gray screen appeared inside the browser (like the one displayed when you try to run a Java applet inside a browser) and then I wait to death till something appears but sadly nothing. I just get a blank gray screen inside my Firefox browser.
    Do you have any idea what to do to solve the problem?

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    I am having difficulty: we are running a windows server 2003 - mail and outlook support 2007 and upwards, how do I get the brand new apple machines to work with the 2003 version of server

    I may be way out, but do you know about this product, would it help integrate the Macs for you.

  • Everytime I turn on my computer running on Windows XP, a message appears from AppleSynchNotifier.exe-Unable to locate component - "this application has failed to start because CoreFoundation .dll was not found," Reinstalling did not fix problem.

    Everytime I turn on my computer running on Windows XP, a message appears from AppleSynchNotifier.exe - Unable to Locate Component -
    "This application has failed to start because CoreFoundation.dll was not found.  Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
    I uninstalled and re-installed itunes and the message still appears.
    How do I fix this??
    Thank you

    With that one, first try uninstalling and reinstalling your MobileMe Control Panel for Windows, robin. Does that make the error go away?

  • Unable to connect to Oracle database running on Windows machine from linux.

    I'm not able to connect to oracle database running on Windows machine from Linux machine. I'm geting the below mentioned error. I have given below the code I used to connect to database and database propertes.Do I need to use any specific driver?
    Please help me.
    Code :
    import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.io.*;
    class try2{
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    try {
    // Load the properties file to get the connection information
    Properties prop = new Properties();
    prop.load(new FileInputStream("/home/sreejith/EDIReader/Connection.properties"));
    // Create a OracleDataSource instance
    OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();
    System.out.println("prop is "+prop);
    configureDataSource(ods, prop);
    Connection conn=null;
    // Create a connection object
    conn = ods.getConnection();
         System.out.println("Connection is"+conn);
    // Sets the auto-commit property for the connection to be false.
    } catch (SQLException sqlEx){ // Handle SQL Errors
    System.out.println("In exception "+sqlEx);
    } catch(Exception excep) { // Handle other errors
    System.out.println(" Exception "+ excep.toString());
    private static void configureDataSource(OracleDataSource ods, Properties prop) {
    // Database Host Name
    // Set the database SID
    // Set database port
    ods.setPortNumber( new Integer( prop.getProperty("Port") ).intValue());
    // Set the driver type
    ods.setDriverType ("thin");
    // Sets the user name
    // Sets the password
    Connection properties :
    # Your Database Connection details
    HostName =
    Port = 1521
    UserName = dbuser
    Password = dbuser
    Error I'm getting is
    error while trying to connect with odbc datasource
    [root@iflexpau2217 EDIReader]# java try2
    prop is {HostName=, Password=dbuser, UserName=dbuser, SID=EDIREAD, Port=1521}
    In exception java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    Also I tried to connect with weblogic JDBC driver
    Code is here:
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
    import java.io.FileReader;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.sql.Blob;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    //import com.entrust.toolkit.util.ByteArray;
    public class trial{
         public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException{
              Connection p_conn = null;
              PreparedStatement xml_insert = null;
              try {
         // Load the JDBC driver
         // String driverName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
    String driverName = "weblogic.jdbc.oracle.OracleDriver";
         // Create a connection to the database
         String serverName = "";
         String portNumber = "1521";
         String sid = "EDIREAD";
         //String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + serverName + ":" + portNumber + ":" + sid;
    String url = "jdbc:bea:oracle://";
         String username = "dbuser";
         String password = "dbuser";
    System.out.println("connection is:"+p_conn+"user name is"+username+"password is"+password);
         p_conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
         System.out.println("connection is:"+p_conn+"user name is"+username+"password is"+password);
              xml_insert=p_conn.prepareStatement("insert into PRTB_SUBUNIT (SUBUNT_ID,SUBUNT_SUB_UNIT,SUBUNT_PHYUNT_ID) values (?,?,?)");
              //InputStream in=null;
              File l_file=new File("/home/sreejith/EDIReader/propertyfiles/inputfile/BUG_10802_ES_CSB19_68.txt");
              BufferedReader input =null;
              input=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(l_file));
              String line = null;
              StringBuffer trial=new StringBuffer();
              while (( line = input.readLine()) != null){
              //InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(l_file));
              //Blob b ;
              //byte[] bytes=trial.toString().getBytes();
              xml_insert.setString(1,new String("SpecailChar"));
              //xml_insert.setBinaryStream(2,new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes),15920);
              } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
              // Could not find the database driver
              } catch (SQLException e) {
              // Could not connect to the database
              }catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                   System.out.println("filenot found:"+e.getMessage());
              // Could not connect to the database
    Error I'm getting is
    error while trying with jdbc:
    SQEXCEPTIN:[BEA][Oracle JDBC Driver]Error establishing socket to host and port: Reason: Connection refused

    Is the Windows firewall active? Have you enabled the port on the firewall, if it is?

  • I have updated my iTunes to the newest version, 10-25 on a windows XP system. Now my java virtual machine is not working and I need it to run applet window. My Java is also newest version. What can I do to fix/repair my issue?

    I need help with java on windowsXP after updating iTunes to the latest version. My java will not work and I get error message need java virtual machine to run applet window. Did not have this problem prior to the iTunes update.
    Please help, Thanks

    If your library was working on your computer and then popped up empty all of a sudden then this might be what you need...
    Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash
    Hopefully it's not been too long since you last upgraded iTunes, in fact if you get an empty/incomplete library immediately after upgrading then with the following steps you shouldn't lose a thing or need to do any further housekeeping. In the Previous iTunes Libraries folder should be a number of dated iTunes Library files. Take the most recent of these and copy it into the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library.itl as iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl and then rename the restored file as iTunes Library.itl. Start iTunes. Should all be good, bar any recent additions to or deletions from your library.
    See iTunes Folder Watch for a tool to catch up with any changes since the backup file was created.
    When you get it all working make a backup!

  • How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed

    Hello, we are trying to accomplish the same thing that is mentioned in this post from Metalink. I've searched for a solution and hope someone here can help. Instead of restating the issue I think David Wilson does a good job of explaining what is needed. Can anyone please suggest a possible solution?
    From: David Wilton 07-Oct-05 01:08
    Subject: How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    We run an oracle 10g forms application through 9iAS over an intranet. All users are running windows 2000 professional.
    We run separate frame = true but I would like to switch to separate frame = false
    With separate frame = true if the user clicks the outer windows "X" close button (forms mdi window) the user is prompted to save changes before the application ends.
    when using separate frame = false
    If the user clicks the upper window "X" button (no longer form mdi window but regular browser window) the window and application is abruptly closed.
    I'm interested in using a onbeforeunload function to confirm if the user wants to close the window. This would be placed in the basejini.htm file. This could always ask if the user wants to exit or not. If they click OK then the window closes but if they click "Cancel" you are returned to the forms application exactly where you left. something like event.returnvalue="do you really want to exit?";
    However if the user exited using the normal exit form method then the applet is already closed before the onbeforeunoad event fires and there is nothing to go back to and I want the window to close automatically. This is accomplished using close.html file in post forms trigger.
    So what I want and what I think many may also want is the check if the embedded applet is still running and if so prompt the user to return to the application or continue to close. Of course If the applet is no longer running then just close because there is no reason confirm closing anymore.
    Does anyone have a html/JavaScript solution that can be placed in the jinitiator.htm file? or similar?
    Thank you
    [email protected]
    From: Andrew Lenton 07-Oct-05 08:58
    Subject: Re : How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    I don't know if this is exactly what you are after but you can add the following to the top of your basejini.htm file and it should prompt the user before exiting the IE window.
    <BODY %HTMLbodyAttrs%>
    window.onbeforeunload = unloadApplet;
    function unloadApplet(){
    message = "Warning! Please exit the Java Applet prior to
    exiting the browser"
    return message;
    From: Oracle, mohammed pasha 07-Oct-05 09:55
    Subject: Re : How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    Well I could not understand your complete requirement.
    Refer to Note.201481.1 How to Close the Browser Window When Closing Forms And How to Simulate SeparateFrame By Javascript
    Note.115905.1 How to Close Browser Window When Closing Webforms Applet
    Kind Regards,
    From: David Wilton 07-Oct-05 14:37
    Subject: Re : How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    Thank you for your reply and yes you did not understand my question fully.
    Sorry if this is a long reply
    I am able to close the browser window using information in notes 115905.1 and 201481.1, this is not the issue. We implemented this several years ago. It is workable for both separate frame = true or false.
    It is most important to not allow the user to end their forms application by closing the windows browser, they must close using normal form exit commands.
    What I want is to have separate frame = false, the big drawback to this option is the user can exit the application and bypass all forms code by pressing the windows "X" close button. This is why we need the code as just provided by Andrew Lenton above in this thread.
    BUT Andrew's code will always prompt the user before closing the window and I do not want that. I want the user to be prompted only under scenario 2 listed below.
    Here's the 2 case scenario for exiting the application.
    1. If the user closes properly and uses exit form which fires all normal form triggers including post_form with it's call to close.html file.
    All uncommitted changes are saved or rollback and the users session is ended normally both on the database and in the application server.
    All browser windows will close, great all is good. And without Andrew's code the window will close but with Andrew's code the user will be prompted to close or not, if they select Cancel the window will remain but the applet has already ended so why prompt? ...This is what I want to avoid.
    2. In the forms app. if the user clicks the windows "X" close button with uncommitted changes. The browser just closes the changes are rollback without prompting the user to save. The users sessions are now lost and still running in the database and application server until they are timed out.
    If I use Andrew's code then the user will be prompted to continue to close or go back, if they click Cancel to go back then focus returns to the forms application and the user can continue to work. If the user clicks OK then the window closes and unfortunately their sessions are still lost until timed out.
    So what I desire is to add to Andrew's code to check if the embedded applet is still running and prompt the user to close or not accordingly.
    Something like:
    Basejini.htm like
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    function maximizeWindow()
    function confirm(){
    Win.opener = self;
    Else if
    event.returnValue = "Closing Forms Application. OK to continue?";
    <BODY %HTMLbodyAttrs%, onload="maximizeWindow()", onbeforeunload="confirm()">
    I hope this explains my requirements.
    From: Oracle, Evelene Raechel 10-Oct-05 06:45
    Subject: Re : How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    Note.199928.1 How to Alert User on Closing Client's Browser Window in Webforms
    From: David Wilton 11-Oct-05 17:40
    Subject: Re : How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    I'm sorry this is not helpful at all.
    Note 199928.1 is only an alert which does not stop the closing of the window and still displays as an alert if the user does close properly using exit form ... so why would you want to display the alert then?
    This is exaclty what I do not want and why I want to determine if the applet is still running before displaying any kind of message.
    From: Oracle, Evelene Raechel 17-Oct-05 12:23
    Subject: Re : How to tell embedded jinitator applet is still running when window closed
    Closing thread.

    I had the same issue last year - wanting to provide a warning on closing the browser, but only if the Forms session is still running. The approach I took is described below, see also the thread where I originally posted this at Closing brower window
    Hi there,I've had a similar requirement - or rather, the two conflicting requirements: to warn when the browser is being closed, but for the app to be able to close the browser without a warning being fired.
    To always provide a warning when someone (the user or the Forms app) tries to go to a different page (e.g. your close.htm), use Javascript like:
    function confirmExit(){
    if(appletRunning==true) {
    msg="Closing this window or navigating to another page will end your SomeGreatApp session.";
    And make a call to confirmExit() in the onBeforeUnload event of your main page.
    You'll notice I first check an 'appletRunning' variable before displaying the warning. This Javascript variable is set to true by my app when it starts up, using an embedded Javabean that calls out to Javascript. Once that variable is set to true, then the warning will be displayed if the user tries to shut the browser by clicking on the 'x' button, or to go to a different URL.
    When my app is shutting down, it uses the same Javabean to set appletRunning back to false. It then navigates to a close.htm - which will be done without a warning being displayed.
    See Re: How can a Javabean call Javascript function of the basejpi.html?? for example code on how to call Javascript from a bean embedded in your Forms app.
    Hope these ideas help you out, it's worked for me (so far, anyway!!)

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