JDev VSS Extension

I’m trying to connect (synchronise) a project with Microsoft Visual Source Safe (VSS) using the JDev VSS Extension. The message log prints when JDeveloper ( is opened:
JDev VSS Extension environment loaded...
Source control connection established.
Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to check-in or check-out contents. I’ve also noticed that the versioning menu takes some time to open (show).
Any hints?

If you are talking about this extension:
Then this one is an open source one which you can take and add functionality to.
The above URL has links to a how-to and contact for the creator.

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  • VSS extension for JDev

    I am a BPEL developer and have tried install/configure VSS ext for JDev. (Help --> Check for updates --> Source Safe ext).
    But it seems to be supporting a limited operations only. Like there is no recursive check in/out etc. It adds only the .jpr file each time and we have to manually create folders and then add files.
    Have anyone played around this before? Any docs/ref ? Your inputs are greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    If you are talking about this extension:
    Then this one is an open source one which you can take and add functionality to.
    The above URL has links to a how-to and contact for the creator.

  • Error while invoking VSS Extension on JDeveloper 10.1.3

    After updating the JDeveloper with the VSS patch
    I tried to select the versioning system as VSSExtension
    please find the error belowm, it gives a message
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         at org.jdev10.vss.VSSExtension.activate(VSSExtension.java:264)
         at oracle.jdevimpl.vcs.VCSManagerImpl.activateExtension(VCSManagerImpl.java:588)
         at oracle.jdevimpl.vcs.VCSManagerImpl._selectExtension(VCSManagerImpl.java:552)
         at oracle.jdevimpl.vcs.VCSManagerImpl.selectExtension(VCSManagerImpl.java:513)
         at oracle.jdevimpl.vcs.VCSManagerImpl.mav$selectExtension(VCSManagerImpl.java)
         at oracle.jdevimpl.vcs.VCSManagerImpl$2$1.run(VCSManagerImpl.java:816)
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    This is an open source extension, the homepage for the project is here -> http://jdev-vss-ext.sourceforge.net/
    I believe you need to configure access to sourcesafe through preferences before activating the extension,


    I installed a 11.5.10 vision demo and tried to setup the JDEV OA extension to create new pages.
    I followed the "Setting Up your development environment" guide packed with patch p4045639_11i_GENERIC.zip
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    ICX DIAGNOSTIC: application_id = -1
    ICX DIAGNOSTIC: responsibility_id = -1
    ICX DIAGNOSTIC: security_group_id = -1
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    Did anyone face same issu

    Thank you for your quick response :
    I am able to log-in with the user/password I set up in the JDEV run-time section directly to the E-Business Home page and the menus show that the Oracle Framework resp have not expired.
    her is my dbc file:
    #DB Settings
    #Mon Feb 07 12:13:55 CET 2005
    Please help me

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    I am getting the same error.
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    Thx Olivier,
    The problem is that I need a functionmodule that can apply the OLAP aggregation for a hierarchy to the data outpu from RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ_RFC.
    ... or the best alternative would be if there were a fm/class that could provide me with the hierarchy aggregation of the data.

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            FieldLayoutBuilder b = new FieldLayoutBuilder(this);
            b.setStretchComponentsWithNoButton(false);My JTextField does not have a button and I would like it to be 45 pixels in width. Does setStretchComponentsWithNoButton doe anything? Am I using it correctly or should I do this another way?
    pls help,

    Hi Shay,
    thanks for helping with this.
    I was thinking of using another layout control but wasn't sure if this would cause issues with the sizing of the JDev preferences panel or if the FieldLayoutBuilder is the preferred layout for the preferences dialog. There is only one example in the extension sdk (ConfigPanel extension) so I wasn't sure if FieldLayoutBuilder was used as the recommended approach or just for convenience of the example.
    It's really the b.setStretchComponentsWithNoButton(false); that I am wondering what it is (not) doing.
        private void layoutControls() {
            FieldLayoutBuilder b = new FieldLayoutBuilder(this);
            servers.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
                public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
                char c = e.getKeyChar();
                if (!((Character.isDigit(c) ||
                    (c == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) ||
                    (c == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE)))) {
            browse.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            b.add(b.field().label().withText("&Command File:").component(cmdfile).button(browse).withText("..."));
            b.add(b.field().label().withText("&Start Servers:").component(servers));

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    some help would be greatly appreciated!

    Whether extending LogWindow or DockableWindow the code implements it has some sort of GUI component that you return as part of implementing getGUI().
    For example, my DockableWindow may look something like this:
    public class MyDockableWindow extends DockableWindow
    static final String VIEW_ID = "MY_VIEW_ID";
    private JPanel _panel;
    private Toolbar _toolbar;
    public MyDockableWindow()
    super(MyDockableFactory.VIEW_TYPE + "." + VIEW_ID);
    public String getTabName()
    return "MyShortName";
    public String getTitleName()
    return "My long name comes here";
    public Component getGUI()
    if (_panel == null)
    return _panel;
    private void intializeUI()
    _panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    _toolbar = new Toolbar();
    // add relevant components to toolbar
    panel.add(toolbar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    public Toolbar getToolbar()
    return _toolbar;

  • MS Visual Source Safe (VSS) 0.4

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    When I search for 'VSS' on this forum I see lots of people asking for it, so I expect plenty people have tried this - anyone got it to work?

    This is the link to the authors homepage. There is a forum here which might help.
    The extension should be in a working version as of the 0.4 version. I know some of you have had trouble initializing it though.
    It is not enough to just configure the connection parameters. You also have to activate it. This is done by selecting the Versioning submenu | Select Version system | VSSExtension.
    If it is still not working as it should (i.e the VSS Project panel is not visible through the Project properties dialog), a JDeveloper restart has been known to fix this problem.
    Hope this will help.

  • New SS 12 plug-in: Switch Source/Header files in editor

    Quick switch between C/C++ Header and Source files using Ctrl+Shift+A shortcut, editor context menu, editor toolbar button or Navigate menu.
    Plug-in can be downloaded from

    I seem to have gotten around this problem bysetting
    the comment editor to notepad.exe in the MS
    SourceSafe client command line options.Hi,
    I'm having the same problem except that I don't get
    the last error about the comment editor. I've
    configured VSS the same way you did but in the
    Messages window I get this:
    JDev VSS Extension environment loaded...
    Source control connection established.
    chedRowSet.jws is not an existing filename or
    This repeats the for all projects under my
    "<JDeveloperHOME>/jdev/mywork/" dir
    The projects existed before I installed the VSS
    Plug-in, and when I restarted JDev so that the VSS
    settings in the Prefs Dialog take effect, it asked me
    for the VSS Folder; I entered the dir in the form
    "$/myproject/mysubproject" and then it gave me the
    above errors in the Messages window.
    Any help anyone? What I'm I missing here?
    George PapadopoulosSorry, I forgot to mention that when I try to add anyone of my projects to VSS using the "Versioning|Add to VSS" I get this error:
    Cannot find or create vss project '$/JDeveloper/jdev/mywork/somedir/myprojdir. SS Add is aborting.
    $/JDeveloper/jdev/mywork/somedir/ is not an existing filename or project
    File or project "$/JDeveloper/jdev/mywork/somedir" does not exist
    Cannot find or create vss project '$/JDeveloper/jdev/mywork/somedir. SS Add is aborting.
    I know the project does not exist in VSS yet, because I'm trying to add it!
    George Papadopoulos

  • Jdeveloper 11g integration with VSS

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    no jdev extension for 11g as the latest version is for jdev10

  • JDeveloper10g VCS Extension API Question

    I wrote a VCS system for JDeveloper9.0.3 against Microsoft Visual Source Safe, which worked fine. We've now upgraded to 10g, and this system does no longer work, because the JDev's extension API has changed.
    I'm therefore rewriting the system to support the 10g API. But I'm a bit overwhelmed by the changes made to the API. Where do I start?
    1. I wish to implement a new panel in JDev's preferences screen under VersionControl systems which can configure my plugin.
    2. I wish to present files in the Navigator window with overlay icons on files checked in, checked out, not present and such.
    4. I wish to add my plugin to the context menu for the Navigator, so that users can be presented with the choice to perform file operations against VSS.
    3. I wish to present one dialog for single file operations and one for multiple file operations.
    Which classes do I need to extend? Which interfaces do I need to implement?
    Can someone give me directions? The help file for the extension API does not give sufficient answers.

    To answer your other questions:
    The VCSPropertyCustomizer object I've written contains properties I need to use during any VSS operations. Does the IDE store these properties in an easily retrievable place, or do I need to handle this myself.
    You can get a VCSPropertyMap from the Ide like this:
      ((VCSPropertyMap)Ide.getSettings().getData( YOUR_DATA_KEY );
    And another thing, the example above does not describe dialogs on operations like checkin, checkout and so on.
    Would this be implemented in the doitImpl() method in my implementation of VCSAbstractCommand?
    Yes... Below is a snippet from the code for the ClearCase client.
    FWIW, sorry it's so much work to do this. I'm working on an (optional, i.e won't break existing code) way of just writing a simple xml file to integrate version control clients into JDeveloper that should hopefully make everyone's life easier in the future :P
      protected int doitImpl() throws Exception
        final Collection nodes = getNodesToCheckIn();
        if ( nodes.size() <= 0 )
          return NOOP;
        if (! saveDirtyDocuments( nodes ))
          return Command.CANCEL;
        final Map timestampMap = VCSBufferUtils.storeTimestamps( nodes );
        final VCSDirectoryInvokableState invokableState =
            new VCSDirectoryInvokableState( VCSModelUtils.convertNodesToURLs(
                nodes ) );
        final VCSCommandState state = new VCSCommandState( invokableState,
            timestampMap );
        if ( context.getView() instanceof ClearCaseChangeListWindow &&
          !((ClearCaseChangeListWindow)context.getView()).isUsingCheckInDialog() )
          return checkInSilently( nodes, state,
            ClearCaseClient.getInstance().getChangeListCustomizer() );
          return checkIn( nodes, state );
      protected void noOpImpl() throws ClearCaseValidationException
        throw new ClearCaseValidationException(
            ResourcePicker.get().getString( "ERROR_CHECKIN_FILTERED_TITLE" ), //NOTRANS
            ResourcePicker.get().getString( "ERROR_CHECKIN_FILTERED" ) ); //NOTRANS
      private int checkInSilently(
        final Collection nodes,
        final VCSCommandState state,
        final VCSOptionsCustomizer customizer )
        Runnable r = new Runnable()
          public void run()
              doCommitOperationImpl( Ide.getMainWindow(), customizer.getOptions(),
                state );
            catch ( Exception e )
              getExceptionHandler().handleException( e, Ide.getMainWindow() );
              EventQueue.invokeLater( new Runnable()
                public void run()
                  postCheckIn( state );
        Thread t = new Thread( r, "ClearCase Check In Committer" ); // NOTRANS
        return OK;
      private int checkIn( final Collection nodes,
          final VCSCommandState state )
        throws Exception
        boolean multiCheckin = ( nodes.size() > 1 );
        final VCSOptionsCustomizer customizer =
            new VCSCommentsCustomizer( new ClearCaseCheckinCustomizer(),
            multiCheckin );
        if ( getContext().getView() instanceof ClearCaseChangeListWindow )
        final JEWTDialog dialog = VCSComponents.createOperationDialog(
          ResourcePicker.get().getString( "CHECKIN_CAPTION" ), //NOTRANS
          ResourcePicker.get().getString( "CHECKIN_LONG_PROMPT" ), //NOTRANS
          VCSComponents.createFileListerComponent( nodes ),
          "f1_clearcasechkin_html", //NOTRANS
        Map options = null;
        if ( ! multiCheckin )
          String checkoutComments = retrieveCheckoutComments( ((Locatable)nodes.
              iterator().next()).getURL() );
          // bug 3067323 - check in dialog does not prepopulate with check out comments
          if ( checkoutComments != null )
            customizer.setOptions( Collections.singletonMap( KEY_SETTING_COMMENTS,
                checkoutComments ) );
          customizer.setOptions( Collections.singletonMap(
              KEY_SETTING_REUSE_COMMENTS, _optionReuseComments ) );
        dialog.addVetoableChangeListener( new VCSDialogCommitter()
          protected final boolean doCommitOperation() throws Exception
            return doCommitOperationImpl(
                dialog, customizer.getOptions(), state);
        boolean dialogSuccessful = ClearCaseDialogRunner.runDialog( dialog );
        postCheckIn( state );
        _optionReuseComments = (Boolean)customizer.getOptions().get(
        return (! dialogSuccessful ? Command.CANCEL : Command.OK);
      private void postCheckIn( VCSCommandState state )
        Collection processedUrls = state.getInvokableState().getProcessedURLs();
        if ( processedUrls.size() > 0 )
          VCSBufferUtils.reloadBuffers( state.getTimestampMap() );
        URLFilter filter = VCSURLFilters.createSpecificURLFilter(
          (URL[])processedUrls.toArray( new URL[0] ) );
        ClearCaseClient.getInstance().getStatusCache().clear( filter );
      private boolean doCommitOperationImpl(
          Component dialog, Map options, VCSCommandState state )
          throws Exception
        DeterminateProgressMonitor monitor = new DeterminateProgressMonitor(
          ResourcePicker.get().getString( "CHECKIN_PROGRESS_TITLE" ), //NOTRANS
          ResourcePicker.get().getString( "CHECKIN_WATCHER_DESCRIPTION" ), //NOTRANS
        final ClearCaseShellRunner runner = new ClearCaseShellRunner();
        List cmd = new ArrayList();
        cmd.add( "ci" ); //NOTRANS
        Boolean b = (Boolean)options.get( KEY_SETTING_IDENTICAL_CHECKIN );
        if (b != null && b.booleanValue())
          cmd.add( "-ide" ); //NOTRANS
        b = (Boolean)options.get( KEY_SETTING_REUSE_COMMENTS );
        String s = null;
        if (b == null || ! b.booleanValue())
          s = (String)options.get( KEY_SETTING_COMMENTS );
        URL commentFile = writeCommentsFile( s, cmd );
        runner.setCmdList( cmd );
        VCSDirectoryInvokable invokable = new ClearCaseDirectoryInvokable(
            state.getInvokableState(), ClearCaseUtil.FILE_COMMAND_BATCH_SIZE )
          protected final boolean doInvocation2( URL parent, URL[] invokeUrls )
              throws Exception
            String[] filenames = VCSFileSystemUtils.getURLFileNames( invokeUrls );
            runner.setDirURL( parent );
            runner.setOptions( Arrays.asList( filenames ) );
            doInvocationImpl( runner );
            return true;
        invokable.setProgressMonitor( monitor );
          if (! invokable.runInvokable())
            return false;
          if ( commentFile != null )
            URLFileSystem.delete( commentFile );
        return true;
      private void doInvocationImpl( ClearCaseShellRunner runner ) throws Exception
        String error = runner.getErrorText();
        if ( error != null &&
             error.indexOf( "The most recent version on branch" ) >= 0 && //NOTRANS
             error.indexOf( "is not the predecessor of this version" ) >= 0 ) //NOTRANS
          throw new ClearCaseOperationException(
            ResourcePicker.get().getString( "ERROR_CHECKIN_FAILED_TITLE" ), //NOTRANS
            ResourcePicker.getPicker( ClearCaseOperationCheckin.class ).getString(
        if (runner.getExitCode() == null ||
            runner.getExitCode().intValue() != 0)
          throw new ClearCaseProcessException(
            ResourcePicker.get().getString( "ERROR_CHECKIN_FAILED_TITLE" ), //NOTRANS
            ResourcePicker.getPicker( ClearCaseOperationCheckin.class ).getString(
                "ERROR_CHECKIN_FAILED" ), runner.getErrorText() ); //NOTRANS
      private String retrieveCheckoutComments( URL url )
        // bug 3067323 - check in dialog does not prepopulate with check out comments
        String[] cmd = new String[] { "lsco", "-me", "-fmt", "%c", "-cvi", //NOTRANS
            URLFileSystem.getPlatformPathName( url ) };
          ClearCaseShellRunner runner = new ClearCaseShellRunner();
          URL parent = URLFileSystem.getParent( url );
          if ( url == null )
            return null;
          runner.setCmdArray( cmd );
          runner.setDirURL( parent );
          runner.setQuiet( true );
          String output = runner.getOutputText();
          if ( output != null && output.equals( "" ) )
            return null;
          return output;
        catch ( Exception e )
          oracle.ide.util.Assert.printStackTrace( e );
          return null;

  • JDeveloper 11 and VSS Support?

    The VSS Extension (available at sourceforge.net) does not work with JDev 11 (Just JDev 10). Are there plans for VSS Support in JDev 11, or am I better off convincing my management that JDeveloper projects should use either Subversion or CVS?
    Edited by: klee on Oct 22, 2008 10:26 AM

    This extension is open source - so you can take on the task of upgrading it to support JDeveloper 11g :-)
    As for us at Oracle we don't have plans to do development around supporting VSS - we do have support for MS Team Studio though.
    I would recommend that you push your managers towards using Subversion - the fact that it is a free tool and a very popular tool in the Java community should be enough of an argument - and the fact that the support in JDeveloper is built-in can be the cherry on the cake.

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    Did you notice any errors during the installation ? i.e, when you install the Portal Addin Jar File..

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