JDeveloper, call graphs

Im looking for a function or extension for JDev to generate call graphs.
JDev can show dependencies and usages, so this should be possible but I cannot find it.
The reason for this is, we want to get some overview of which java code uses which webservice.
The 'architecture is pretty fixed.
The code itself is struts with a prepare<page> process<page> for each page
All webservices are called from a dao.
So I was hoping a call graph can give me the information I want. Because I refuse to write this kind of information in plain text, it will be outdated in less than a week that way,
Any help?

Too bad,
But I guess Jdeveloper like eclipse and other IDE’s builds an AST(Abstract syntax tree) of the source code.
Is there any way for a plugin to access this AST functionality?
Because I have been looking on the web but I cannot find a decent AST parser implementation for java.
It seems eclipse has a very nice one build-in but that doesn’t help me.
With the hints while typing java code in the editor now in JDeveloper I guess your also using an AST.
Most parsers like the ones used by Jdepend lack the functionality to even give a foundation to build a AST, and I need an AST for callgraphs.
If anyone can recommend a free AST tool for java that would also be great.

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    pl_id ParamList;
    pl_id := Get_Parameter_List('tmpdata');
    if not Id_Null(pl_id) then
    Destroy_Parameter_List( pl_id );
    end if;
    pl_id := Create_Parameter_List('tmpdata');
    Run_Product(GRAPHICS,'D:\graph.ogr', SYNCHRONOUS, RUNTIME, FILESYSTEM, pl_id, NULL);
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    Did you get a ORA error too?
    If yes, check tnsnames
    and look at
    Graphic Builder In Form6i

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    Brendan Frey

    You have to add "-sb" to your compiler flags.
    See CC -flags

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    It is actually very simple. :)
    I suggest to create a Java bean containing the Java code with the PL/SQL call.
    This method can be invoked from JSP.
    A good pratice is to pass database connection to this methode and commit or rollack in the JSP.
    public void saveData(Connection conn,
    String param1,
    String param2) throws SQLException
    With this approach you can call several SQL statements in the same session.
    This will enable transaction handling.
    I suppose the db connect will be pooled in your application.

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    Justin Beno:
    Yes, you can call a graph from inside a report. All you need to do is select the button with the graph on it (not the icon with the wand, which indicates chart wizard). Then draw graph in the area of the report where you want the graph to display. After completing this, right click on graph, select Property Palette, Chart - Chart Filename (this is where you will type in the directory and filename of your graph that you created in Oracle Graphics).

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    <dvt:lineGraph id="lineGraph1"
    <dvt:markerText >
    *<dvt:numberFormat numberType="NUMTYPE_PERCENT"/>*
    <dvt:legendArea automaticPlacement="AP_NEVER"/>
    <dvt:legendTitle text="Legend Title"/>
    <dvt:graphFootnote text="Footnote"/>
    <dvt:graphSubtitle text="Subtitle"/>
    <dvt:graphTitle text="Title"/>
    <dvt:o1Title text="O1-Axis Title"/>
    <dvt:y1Title text="Y1-Axis Title"/>
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    subType="BAR_VERT_STACK" animationOnDisplay="AUTO"
    title="Market Share by Division" threeDEffect="true"
    seriesRolloverBehavior="RB_HIGHLIGHT" style="Autumn"
    o1AxisTitle="Month-Year" y1AxisTitle="Amount in $">
    *<dvt:o1TickLabel textRotation="TR_HORIZ_ROTATE_270">*
    *<dvt:graphFont name="SansSerif" size="10" color="#000000"*
    bold="false" italic="false" underline="false"/>
    <dvt:legendArea automaticPlacement="AP_NEVER"/>
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    Thank you,

    Nope, not working. The text is perpendicular on the x axis.
    Here is my code:
    <dvt:lineGraph id="lineGraph1"
    subType="LINE_VERT_ABS" animationOnDisplay="AUTO">
    <dvt:o1TickLabel textRotation="TR_HORIZ_ROTATE_270"
    <dvt:y1Axis lineWidth="1" scaledLogarithmic="false"
    logarithmicBase="10.0" axisMinAutoScaled="true"
    axisMinValue="0.0" axisMaxValue="100.0"
    majorTickStepAutomatic="true" majorTickStep="10.0">
    <af:convertNumber type="percent" locale="en-US"
    <dvt:legendArea automaticPlacement="AP_NEVER"/>
    <dvt:graphTitle text="Market Share by Division"/>
    <dvt:o1Title text="Month-Year"/>
    <dvt:y1Title text="Market Share %"/>
    The select statement for the view:
    SELECT to_char(p.start_date,'Mon-YYYY') mon,
    round(SUM(s.dtt_amount) / SUM(s.att_amount), 2) ms_percent
    FROM ....

  • Jdeveloper - calling jasper reports - sample

    Hi guys.
    Someone knows where I can find a sample of an application jdeveloper executing a jasper report?
    I have imported jasperreports.jar and i tried the code bellow, but it gives an error message - java.io.FileNotFoundException: FirstJasper.jrxml
    The file is in the same directory as my class. but it doesn´t work.....
    please I need help..
    import java.awt.Image;
    import java.awt.MediaTracker;
    import java.awt.Panel;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRExporterParameter;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperExportManager;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrintManager;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperRunManager;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JExcelApiExporter;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRCsvExporter;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRRtfExporter;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRXlsExporter;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRXlsExporterParameter;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.oasis.JROdtExporter;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader;
    import oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver;
    public class Reports
         private static final String TASK_FILL = "fill";
         private static final String TASK_PRINT = "print";
         private static final String TASK_PDF = "pdf";
         private static final String TASK_XML = "xml";
         private static final String TASK_XML_EMBED = "xmlEmbed";
         private static final String TASK_HTML = "html";
         private static final String TASK_RTF = "rtf";
         private static final String TASK_XLS = "xls";
         private static final String TASK_JXL = "jxl";
         private static final String TASK_CSV = "csv";
         private static final String TASK_ODT = "odt";
         private static final String TASK_RUN = "run";
         public String printSecam()
              String taskName = "pdf";
              String fileName = "FirstJasper.jrxml";
                   long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                   if (TASK_FILL.equals(taskName))
                        //Preparing parameters
                        Image image =
                        MediaTracker traker = new MediaTracker(new Panel());
                        traker.addImage(image, 0);
                        catch (Exception e)
                        Map parameters = new HashMap();
                        parameters.put("ReportTitle", "The First Jasper Report Ever");
                        parameters.put("MaxOrderID", new Integer(10500));
                        parameters.put("SummaryImage", image);
                        JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile(fileName, parameters, getConnection());
                        System.err.println("Filling time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
                   else if (TASK_PRINT.equals(taskName))
                        JasperPrintManager.printReport(fileName, true);
                        System.err.println("Printing time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
                   else if (TASK_PDF.equals(taskName))
                        System.err.println("PDF creation time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
                   else if (TASK_XML.equals(taskName))
                        JasperExportManager.exportReportToXmlFile(fileName, false);
                        System.err.println("XML creation time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
                   else if (TASK_XML_EMBED.equals(taskName))
                        JasperExportManager.exportReportToXmlFile(fileName, true);
                        System.err.println("XML creation time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
                   else if (TASK_HTML.equals(taskName))
                        System.err.println("HTML creation time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
                   else if (TASK_RTF.equals(taskName))
                        File sourceFile = new File(fileName);
                        JasperPrint jasperPrint = (JasperPrint)JRLoader.loadObject(sourceFile);
                        File destFile = new File(sourceFile.getParent(), jasperPrint.getName() + ".rtf");
                        JRRtfExporter exporter = new JRRtfExporter();
                        exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
                        exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, destFile.toString());
                        System.err.println("RTF creation time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
                   else if (TASK_XLS.equals(taskName))
                        File sourceFile = new File(fileName);
                        Map dateFormats = new HashMap();
                        dateFormats.put("EEE, MMM d, yyyy", "ddd, mmm d, yyyy");
                        JasperPrint jasperPrint = (JasperPrint)JRLoader.loadObject(sourceFile);
                        File destFile = new File(sourceFile.getParent(), jasperPrint.getName() + ".xls");
                        JRXlsExporter exporter = new JRXlsExporter();
                        exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
                        exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, destFile.toString());
                        exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, Boolean.TRUE);
                        exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_DETECT_CELL_TYPE, Boolean.TRUE);
                        exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.FORMAT_PATTERNS_MAP, dateFormats);
                        System.err.println("XLS creation time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
                   else if (TASK_JXL.equals(taskName))
                        File sourceFile = new File(fileName);
                        JasperPrint jasperPrint = (JasperPrint)JRLoader.loadObject(sourceFile);
                        File destFile = new File(sourceFile.getParent(), jasperPrint.getName() + ".jxl.xls");
                        JExcelApiExporter exporter = new JExcelApiExporter();
                        exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
                        exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, destFile.toString());
                        exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, Boolean.TRUE);
                        System.err.println("XLS creation time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
                   else if (TASK_CSV.equals(taskName))
                        File sourceFile = new File(fileName);
                        JasperPrint jasperPrint = (JasperPrint)JRLoader.loadObject(sourceFile);
                        File destFile = new File(sourceFile.getParent(), jasperPrint.getName() + ".csv");
                        JRCsvExporter exporter = new JRCsvExporter();
                        exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
                        exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, destFile.toString());
                        System.err.println("CSV creation time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
                   else if (TASK_ODT.equals(taskName))
                        File sourceFile = new File(fileName);
                        JasperPrint jasperPrint = (JasperPrint)JRLoader.loadObject(sourceFile);
                        File destFile = new File(sourceFile.getParent(), jasperPrint.getName() + ".odt");
                        JROdtExporter exporter = new JROdtExporter();
                        exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
                        exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, destFile.toString());
                        System.err.println("ODT creation time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
                   else if (TASK_RUN.equals(taskName))
                        //Preparing parameters
                        Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage("dukesign.jpg");
                        MediaTracker traker = new MediaTracker(new Panel());
                        traker.addImage(image, 0);
                        catch (Exception e)
                        Map parameters = new HashMap();
                        parameters.put("ReportTitle", "The First Jasper Report Ever");
                        parameters.put("MaxOrderID", new Integer(10500));
                        parameters.put("SummaryImage", image);
                        JasperRunManager.runReportToPdfFile(fileName, parameters, getConnection());
                        System.err.println("PDF running time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
              catch (JRException e)
              catch (Exception e)
    return null;
         private static void usage()
              System.out.println( "JasperApp usage:" );
              System.out.println( "\tjava JasperApp task file" );
              System.out.println( "\tTasks : fill | print | pdf | xml | xmlEmbed | html | rtf | xls | jxl | csv | odt | run" );
         private static Connection getConnection() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException
              String thinConn = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@";
              DriverManager.registerDriver(new OracleDriver());
              Connection conn =
              DriverManager.getConnection(thinConn, "abc","abc");
              return conn;
              }catch(SQLException e){
              return null;

    Thank you guys I got to create a pdf report with jasper following this tips

  • How do I get an event-based response to a graph cursor change?

    I want to respond to the user moving a cursor on a data (X-Y) graph. (LV 7.0)
    What I really want is an event called "Graph.Cursor.Value Change", which would supply me with the new coordinates, but I see no such event.
    If I use the MOUSE MOVE event to trigger obtaining the cursor values, it does not give me an event, until the cursor has stopped moving, the button is up, and the mouse moves off the cursor line.
    Sure, I could use a TIMEOUT event, and read it every 100 mSec, but I don't like the time lag.
    What I did was to set a flag TRUE on Graph.MouseDown and FALSE on Graph.MouseUp. I then choose an event timeout of 10 mSec or -1, depending on that flag.
    That works, but is there a more direct way that I'm missing?
    Steve Bird
    Culverson Software - Elegant software that is a pleasure to use.
    Blog for (mostly LabVIEW) programmers: Tips And Tricks

    No, unfortunately there is not.
    To code around this limitation, I typically use the timeout event in a more complex way as follows:
    The timeout is wired to a shift register that is initialized with "-1" (no timeout). The value from the shift register then crosses the event structure and feeds to the shift register on the right in almost all event cases.
    I add two special event cases:
    (1) "graph-mouse down" puts a small number (e.g. 10ms) in the right timeout shift register
    (2) "graph-mouse up" puts again a -1 in the right timeout shift register
    (x) All other event cases (incl. timeout) wire the current timeout straight across to the right shift register.
    The timeout event contains the logic to read the graph cursors and associated actions.
    This way there is normally infinite timeout. Once the mouse goes down on the graph, the timeout executes at relatively rapid succession until the mouse is raised again. At which point everything quiets down.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • How to insert the value axis in a EXCEL graph

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    the function Excel Set Graph Font.vi has an input parameter called Title that corresponds to the name of the axis selected through Axis Type parameter.
    And the funtion Excel Insert Graph.vi has an input parameter called Graph Title.
    You can see an example called Column Graph (Excel).vi in Find Examples>Toolkits and Modules>Report Generation.

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    After the static initializer gets called I want to see a method trace of all methods called. Having this printed to a file like Class:Method(params) would be nice.
    Even better would be some sort of tool that I could open a trace file with and see method calls in the order they were called.
    I tried several Java profiling tools but none of them show me the order (first to last) of the methods called. All I need is to see a method trace from beginning to end.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    JProbe provided almost everything I needed to see a method call trace. The method graph feature was great.
    I have a single static class with a static initializer that runs in a loop but did not know what the class name was (I inherited some code and was told about the static initializer).
    So when I fired it up in JProbe it showed me the class running off the root thread. In fact I found another static initializer that was unknown to me and another oddity as well.
    The only problem is that the method call graph is collapsed and you need to click [+] to expand every method call.
    I am told by JProbe support that there was an "expand all" option in JProbe 7.0 but it is not there in 7.1.
    Not sure why they took the time, money and energy to take a needed feature out.
    It would be great to have something that did the same thing from the command line or to be able to print a method call trace out to a file but not sure how to do this.

  • Graphs (not X and Y)

    I hear there are things called "Graphs" which are sorta like Tree's, except nodes can connect to any other nodes, not just parents to children. Does java have these? All the search'es I've done so far gave me either drawing graphs (ie. x-axis and y-axis type things) or GraphICS, which isn't what I need. I wanna try a AStar algorithm out on a simple maze problem, and I think I need a graph to do that.

    You're going to hear a lot about graphs pretty soon if you're a comp sci student.
    For a very simple graph, with no sauces or toppings or little bamboo umbrellas, you can whip up a simple implementation pretty quickly. You need Node objects and Vertex objects, IIRC. The data structures textbook will explain all...
    But better to reuse existing code if it's not a homework assignment.

  • Process called "zip"!!!

    From yesterday i have a process called "zip" that allocate 7GB of RAM! What it is? I can not use my computer! the fans run very very fast! help me
    2008 mbp 2.4 8gb of ram Lion 10.7.1
    ps: sorry for my english

    this is sampling process:
    Analysis of sampling zip (pid 122) every 1 millisecond
    Process:         zip [122]
    Path:            /usr/bin/zip
    Load Address:    0x1061db000
    Identifier:      zip
    Version:         ??? (???)
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  sh [119]
    Date/Time:       2011-09-06 10:07:05.314 +0200
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.7.1 (11B26)
    Report Version:  7
    Call graph:
        2748 Thread_731   DispatchQueue_1: com.apple.main-thread  (serial)
          2748 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0xf1c  [0x1061dbf1c]
            2748 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x5312  [0x1061e0312]
              2748 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
                2748 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
                  2716 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
                  + 2679 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
                  + ! 2606 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
                  + ! : 2362 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
                  + ! : | 1965 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
                  + ! : | + 1329 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
                  + ! : | + ! 644 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16171  [0x1061f1171]
                  + ! : | + ! : 644 _readdir_unlocked$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff913fee57]
                  + ! : | + ! :   644 __getdirentries64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc6ca]
                  + ! : | + ! 483 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
                  + ! : | + ! : 276 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 124 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 64 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 24 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15efc  [0x1061f0efc]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 24 stat$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dde9e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 19 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 10 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | 4 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | + 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15ecb  [0x1061f0ecb]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1426d  [0x1061ef26d]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | + !   1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1689b  [0x1061f189b]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | + !   : 1 malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 44  [0x7fff914311a4]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | + !   :   1 malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff914303c8]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | + !   :     1 szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1115  [0x7fff913fb00e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | + !   :       1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1421  [0x7fff913fa888]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | + !   1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x168b3  [0x1061f18b3]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | + !     1 strcpy  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 104  [0x7fff91424708]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | + 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15efc  [0x1061f0efc]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | +   2 stat$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dde9e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | 3 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16171  [0x1061f1171]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | + 3 _readdir_unlocked$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff913fee57]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | +   3 __getdirentries64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc6ca]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15ecb  [0x1061f0ecb]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | + 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1465e  [0x1061ef65e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | +   1 strcpy  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 104  [0x7fff91424708]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16049  [0x1061f1049]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | + 1 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 51  [0x7fff913eb033]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | +   1 __open_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dcafa]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1618b  [0x1061f118b]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : |   1 closedir  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 63  [0x7fff913eb4c3]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : |     1 free  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 71  [0x7fff9143070e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : |       1 szone_size  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 561  [0x7fff913f1f89]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 7 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15efc  [0x1061f0efc]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | 7 stat$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dde9e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16049  [0x1061f1049]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 51  [0x7fff913eb033]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : |   1 __open_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dcafa]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16171  [0x1061f1171]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! :   1 _readdir_unlocked$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff913fee57]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! :     1 __getdirentries64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc6ca]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 14 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15ecb  [0x1061f0ecb]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 5 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1426d  [0x1061ef26d]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | 4 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x168b3  [0x1061f18b3]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | + 4 strcpy  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 104  [0x7fff91424708]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1684e  [0x1061f184e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 3 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1433c  [0x1061ef33c]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16264  [0x1061f1264]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | + 2 strcpy  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 127,104  [0x7fff9142471f,0x7fff91424708]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16248  [0x1061f1248]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : |   1 strlen  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 55  [0x7fff91432517]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x14370  [0x1061ef370]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | 2 strcpy  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 104  [0x7fff91424708]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1465e  [0x1061ef65e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | 2 strcpy  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 108,104  [0x7fff9142470c,0x7fff91424708]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x145ef  [0x1061ef5ef]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 44  [0x7fff914311a4]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : |   1 malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff914303c8]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : |     1 szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 188  [0x7fff913fac6f]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x14619  [0x1061ef619]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! :   1 malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 44  [0x7fff914311a4]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! :     1 malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff914303c8]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! :       1 szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 60  [0x7fff913fabef]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 4 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16171  [0x1061f1171]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 4 _readdir_unlocked$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff913fee57]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! :   4 __getdirentries64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc6ca]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16049  [0x1061f1049]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 1 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 51  [0x7fff913eb033]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! :   1 __open_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dcafa]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1618b  [0x1061f118b]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 1 __close_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc556]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15ec6  [0x1061f0ec6]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 40 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16171  [0x1061f1171]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 40 _readdir_unlocked$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff913fee57]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + !   40 __getdirentries64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc6ca]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 8 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15efc  [0x1061f0efc]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 8 stat$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dde9e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 5 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16049  [0x1061f1049]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 3 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 51  [0x7fff913eb033]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 3 __open_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dcafa]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 2 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 254  [0x7fff913eb0fe]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + !   2 fstatfs$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dd58e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15ecb  [0x1061f0ecb]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1426d  [0x1061ef26d]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1689b  [0x1061f189b]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! :   1 malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 39  [0x7fff9143119f]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x14370  [0x1061ef370]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + !   1 strcpy  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 104  [0x7fff91424708]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16098  [0x1061f1098]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x14619  [0x1061ef619]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 1 malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 44  [0x7fff914311a4]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! :   1 malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff914303c8]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! :     1 szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 217  [0x7fff913fac8c]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1465e  [0x1061ef65e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + !   1 strcpy  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 104  [0x7fff91424708]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1618b  [0x1061f118b]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 2 __close_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc556]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1610e  [0x1061f110e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | +   1 malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 44  [0x7fff914311a4]
                  + ! : | + ! : | +     1 malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff914303c8]
                  + ! : | + ! : | +       1 szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 87  [0x7fff913fac0a]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 112 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15efc  [0x1061f0efc]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 112 stat$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dde9e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 22 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16171  [0x1061f1171]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 22 _readdir_unlocked$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff913fee57]
                  + ! : | + ! : | +   22 __getdirentries64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc6ca]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 11 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15ecb  [0x1061f0ecb]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 5 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1426d  [0x1061ef26d]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 3 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1689b  [0x1061f189b]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 3 malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 44  [0x7fff914311a4]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! :   2 malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff914303c8]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! :   | 1 szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1115  [0x7fff913fb00e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! :   | + 1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff913fa2fb]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! :   | 1 szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 4680  [0x7fff913fbdfb]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! :   1 malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 70  [0x7fff914303c1]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1680b  [0x1061f180b]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 1 strncmp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 4  [0x7fff914323f4]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16892  [0x1061f1892]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + !   1 strlen  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 75  [0x7fff9143252b]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x14370  [0x1061ef370]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 2 strcpy  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 104  [0x7fff91424708]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1433c  [0x1061ef33c]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16251  [0x1061f1251]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + !   1 malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 44  [0x7fff914311a4]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + !     1 malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff914303c8]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + !       1 szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1203  [0x7fff913fb066]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x14359  [0x1061ef359]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 44  [0x7fff914311a4]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + !   1 malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff914303c8]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + !     1 szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1115  [0x7fff913fb00e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + !       1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1190  [0x7fff913fa7a1]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x14619  [0x1061ef619]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 44  [0x7fff914311a4]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + !   1 malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff914303c8]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + !     1 szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1115  [0x7fff913fb00e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + !       1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 997  [0x7fff913fa6e0]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1425b  [0x1061ef25b]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16049  [0x1061f1049]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 2 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 51  [0x7fff913eb033]
                  + ! : | + ! : | +   2 __open_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dcafa]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16098  [0x1061f1098]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x14359  [0x1061ef359]
                  + ! : | + ! : | +   1 malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 44  [0x7fff914311a4]
                  + ! : | + ! : | +     1 malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff914303c8]
                  + ! : | + ! : | +       1 szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1115  [0x7fff913fb00e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | +         1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1134  [0x7fff913fa769]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16133  [0x1061f1133]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 1 __strcat_chk  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 8  [0x7fff913a3729]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16169  [0x1061f1169]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 1 free  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 71  [0x7fff9143070e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | +   1 szone_size  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff913f1d58]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1618b  [0x1061f118b]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 1 __close_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc556]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613f  [0x1061f113f]
                  + ! : | + ! : 154 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15efc  [0x1061f0efc]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 154 stat$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dde9e]
                  + ! : | + ! : 43 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16171  [0x1061f1171]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 42 _readdir_unlocked$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff913fee57]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 42 __getdirentries64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc6ca]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 1 _readdir_unlocked$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 11  [0x7fff913fee15]
                  + ! : | + ! : 5 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16049  [0x1061f1049]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 2 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 51  [0x7fff913eb033]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 2 __open_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dcafa]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 2 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 254  [0x7fff913eb0fe]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 2 fstatfs$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dd58e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 1 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 89  [0x7fff913eb059]
                  + ! : | + ! : |   1 fcntl$NOCANCEL  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 231  [0x7fff909dc057]
                  + ! : | + ! : |     1 __fcntl_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc61e]
                  + ! : | + ! : 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16169  [0x1061f1169]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 1 free  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 71  [0x7fff9143070e]
                  + ! : | + ! : | + 1 szone_size  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 295  [0x7fff913f1e7f]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 1 free  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 97  [0x7fff91430728]
                  + ! : | + ! : 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1618b  [0x1061f118b]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 2 __close_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc556]
                  + ! : | + ! : 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16133  [0x1061f1133]
                  + ! : | + ! :   1 __strcat_chk  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 32  [0x7fff913a3741]
                  + ! : | + ! 180 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15efc  [0x1061f0efc]
                  + ! : | + ! : 180 stat$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dde9e]
                  + ! : | + ! 9 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16049  [0x1061f1049]
                  + ! : | + ! : 5 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 51  [0x7fff913eb033]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 5 __open_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dcafa]
                  + ! : | + ! : 1 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 150  [0x7fff913eb096]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 1 malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 44  [0x7fff914311a4]
                  + ! : | + ! : |   1 malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff914303c8]
                  + ! : | + ! : |     1 szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1115  [0x7fff913fb00e]
                  + ! : | + ! : |       1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 216  [0x7fff913fa3d3]
                  + ! : | + ! : 1 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 254  [0x7fff913eb0fe]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 1 fstatfs$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dd58e]
                  + ! : | + ! : 1 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1036  [0x7fff913eb40c]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 1 telldir$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 91  [0x7fff913eace5]
                  + ! : | + ! : |   1 malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 44  [0x7fff914311a4]
                  + ! : | + ! : |     1 malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff914303c8]
                  + ! : | + ! : |       1 szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 196  [0x7fff913fac77]
                  + ! : | + ! : 1 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1055  [0x7fff913eb41f]
                  + ! : | + ! 7 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1618b  [0x1061f118b]
                  + ! : | + ! : 5 __close_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc556]
                  + ! : | + ! : 2 closedir  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 71  [0x7fff913eb4cb]
                  + ! : | + ! :   2 _reclaim_telldir  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 36  [0x7fff913eadb5]
                  + ! : | + ! :     2 free  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 194  [0x7fff91430789]
                  + ! : | + ! :       2 szone_free_definite_size  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 587,795  [0x7fff913f70f7,0x7fff913f71c7]
                  + ! : | + ! 4 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15ecb  [0x1061f0ecb]
                  + ! : | + ! : 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1426d  [0x1061ef26d]
                  + ! : | + ! : | 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1689b  [0x1061f189b]
                  + ! : | + ! : |   2 malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 44  [0x7fff914311a4]
                  + ! : | + ! : |     2 malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff914303c8]
                  + ! : | + ! : |       2 szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1115  [0x7fff913fb00e]
                  + ! : | + ! : |         2 tiny_malloc_from_free_list  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 120,419  [0x7fff913fa373,0x7fff913fa49e]
                  + ! : | + ! : 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x14370  [0x1061ef370]
                  + ! : | + ! : 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x146b9  [0x1061ef6b9]
                  + ! : | + ! 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x160f9  [0x1061f10f9]
                  + ! : | + ! : 1 strlen  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 67  [0x7fff91432523]
                  + ! : | + ! 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16169  [0x1061f1169]
                  + ! : | + !   1 free  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 194  [0x7fff91430789]
                  + ! : | + !     1 szone_free_definite_size  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 184  [0x7fff913f6f64]
                  + ! : | + 525 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16171  [0x1061f1171]
                  + ! : | + ! 525 _readdir_unlocked$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff913fee57]
                  + ! : | + !   525 __getdirentries64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc6ca]
                  + ! : | + 103 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15efc  [0x1061f0efc]
                  + ! : | + ! 103 stat$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dde9e]
                  + ! : | + 3 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16049  [0x1061f1049]
                  + ! : | + ! 2 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 51  [0x7fff913eb033]
                  + ! : | + ! : 2 __open_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dcafa]
                  + ! : | + ! 1 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 210  [0x7fff913eb0d2]
                  + ! : | + !   1 getpagesize  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1  [0x7fff913eb426]
                  + ! : | + 2 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1618b  [0x1061f118b]
                  + ! : | + ! 1 __close_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc556]
                  + ! : | + ! 1 closedir  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 63  [0x7fff913eb4c3]
                  + ! : | + !   1 free  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 71  [0x7fff9143070e]
                  + ! : | + !     1 szone_size  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 124  [0x7fff913f1dd4]
                  + ! : | + 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15ecb  [0x1061f0ecb]
                  + ! : | + ! 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1465e  [0x1061ef65e]
                  + ! : | + !   1 strcpy  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 104  [0x7fff91424708]
                  + ! : | + 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16133  [0x1061f1133]
                  + ! : | + ! 1 __strcat_chk  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 20  [0x7fff913a3735]
                  + ! : | + 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15e94  [0x1061f0e94]
                  + ! : | 285 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16171  [0x1061f1171]
                  + ! : | + 285 _readdir_unlocked$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff913fee57]
                  + ! : | +   285 __getdirentries64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc6ca]
                  + ! : | 108 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15efc  [0x1061f0efc]
                  + ! : | + 108 stat$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dde9e]
                  + ! : | 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15ebb  [0x1061f0ebb]
                  + ! : | + 1 strcmp  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 135  [0x7fff914318a7]
                  + ! : | 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16049  [0x1061f1049]
                  + ! : | + 1 __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 254  [0x7fff913eb0fe]
                  + ! : | +   1 fstatfs$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dd58e]
                  + ! : | 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16098  [0x1061f1098]
                  + ! : | + 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x14359  [0x1061ef359]
                  + ! : | +   1 malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 44  [0x7fff914311a4]
                  + ! : | +     1 malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff914303c8]
                  + ! : | +       1 szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1115  [0x7fff913fb00e]
                  + ! : | +         1 tiny_malloc_from_free_list  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1046  [0x7fff913fa711]
                  + ! : | +           1 tiny_free_list_add_ptr  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 368  [0x7fff913f0bfe]
                  + ! : | 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x160f9  [0x1061f10f9]
                  + ! : |   1 strlen  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 4  [0x7fff914324e4]
                  + ! : 238 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16171  [0x1061f1171]
                  + ! : | 238 _readdir_unlocked$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff913fee57]
                  + ! : |   238 __getdirentries64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc6ca]
                  + ! : 6 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15efc  [0x1061f0efc]
                  + ! :   6 stat$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dde9e]
                  + ! 72 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16171  [0x1061f1171]
                  + ! : 72 _readdir_unlocked$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff913fee57]
                  + ! :   72 __getdirentries64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc6ca]
                  + ! 1 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16005  [0x1061f1005]
                  + !   1 strlen  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff914324e0]
                  + 37 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16171  [0x1061f1171]
                  +   37 _readdir_unlocked$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff913fee57]
                  +     37 __getdirentries64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc6ca]
                  32 ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16171  [0x1061f1171]
                    32 _readdir_unlocked$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff913fee57]
                      32 __getdirentries64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10  [0x7fff909dc6ca]
    Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when >=5):
            15       ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1613d  [0x1061f113d]
            14       malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 44  [0x7fff914311a4]
            14       malloc_zone_malloc  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff914303c8]
            13       ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16171  [0x1061f1171]
            13       __getdirentries64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff909dc6c0]
            13       _readdir_unlocked$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 77  [0x7fff913fee57]
            10       ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15efc  [0x1061f0efc]
            10       stat$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff909dde94]
            10       strcpy  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff914246a0]
            9       ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x16049  [0x1061f1049]
            8       __open_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff909dcaf0]
            8       __opendir2$INODE64  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 51  [0x7fff913eb033]
            8       szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 1115  [0x7fff913fb00e]
            7       ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x15ecb  [0x1061f0ecb]
            7       ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1618b  [0x1061f118b]
            7       szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff913fabb3]
            7       tiny_malloc_from_free_list  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff913fa2fb]
            6       __close_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff909dc54c]
            5       ???  (in zip)  load address 0x1061db000 + 0x1426d  [0x1061ef26d]
            5       strlen  (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 0  [0x7fff914324e0]
    Sort by top of stack, same collapsed (when >= 5):
            __getdirentries64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib)        1945
            stat$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib)        704
            __open_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib)        17
            strcpy  (in libsystem_c.dylib)        17
            __close_nocancel  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib)        12
            tiny_malloc_from_free_list  (in libsystem_c.dylib)        8
            szone_malloc_should_clear  (in libsystem_c.dylib)        7
            fstatfs$INODE64  (in libsystem_kernel.dylib)        6
            strlen  (in libsystem_c.dylib)        5
    Binary Images:
           0x1061db000 -        0x1061ffff7 +zip (??? - ???) <5E6BACEE-0D1D-3366-9D6E-041E4EE64062> /usr/bin/zip
           0x106259000 -        0x10625afff  libent.dylib (??? - ???) <03134DBC-427F-C93A-969C-D7EF7CAF5CB1> /System/Library/Spotlight/libent.dylib
        0x7fff65ddb000 -     0x7fff65e0fac7  dyld (195.5 - ???) <4A6E2B28-C7A2-3528-ADB7-4076B9836041> /usr/lib/dyld
        0x7fff8edfc000 -     0x7fff8edfefff  libquarantine.dylib (36.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <4C3BFBC7-E592-3939-B376-1C2E2D7C5389> /usr/lib/system/libquarantine.dylib
        0x7fff908cf000 -     0x7fff908d4fff  libcompiler_rt.dylib (6.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <98ECD5F6-E85C-32A5-98CD-8911230CB66A> /usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt.dylib
        0x7fff908d5000 -     0x7fff908dfff7  liblaunch.dylib (392.18.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <39EF04F2-7F0C-3435-B785-BF283727FFBD> /usr/lib/system/liblaunch.dylib
        0x7fff908e0000 -     0x7fff908e6ff7  libunwind.dylib (30.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <1E9C6C8C-CBE8-3F4B-A5B5-E03E3AB53231> /usr/lib/system/libunwind.dylib
        0x7fff909c6000 -     0x7fff909e6fff  libsystem_kernel.dylib (1699.22.73 - compatibility 1.0.0) <69F2F501-72D8-3B3B-8357-F4418B3E1348> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
        0x7fff90cb7000 -     0x7fff90cc0fff  libnotify.dylib (80.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <BD08553D-8088-38A8-8007-CF5C0B8F0404> /usr/lib/system/libnotify.dylib
        0x7fff91390000 -     0x7fff9146dfef  libsystem_c.dylib (763.11.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <1D61CA57-3C6D-30F7-89CB-CC6F0787B1DC> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib

  • Navigation amongst class diagrams

    Does JDeveloper support the navigation amongst class diagrams? For example, I have many class diagrams and I am looking for a class diagram that contains a class. Most of the UML designers provide features to get a list of diagrams where a specific class appears on and you can select which diagram you want to work on. It seems that this feature is missing from JDeveloper. Am I right?

    I'm sorry to say that, but currently it is not possible. The UML support has been dropped by NetBeans a few years ago (after 6.7 release)Al. Since than it has been taken over by community (led by Javier Ortiz <[email protected]>) about 2-3 years back and it is been developed as community plug-in. This group is very focused on Java support. Meanwhile Javier asked me about C++ APIs couple of years ago. You may try to sync up with him to figure out there they are with C++ support.
    In Studio you may try the Call Graph feature which is not a substitution to UML by any means, however it may serve you well depending on your needs.
    Also please note that Visual-Paradigm provides a commercial UML plug-in for NetBeans: http://www.visual-paradigm.com/support/documents/vpumluserguide/2381/2384/66569_overviewandi.html
    while the IDE integration is mentioned as a feature of free community edition as well. I know for sure that VP supports C++ UML, but I do not know if that support is enabled for NetBeans and Solaris Studio.

  • Urgent  help needed(java frames)

    I need urgent help for correcting a piece of code.
    I have written a piece of code for building a gui with some buttons, drawing some geometric shapes.The code consists of two files called Graph and Frame.
    The problem I suppose in the last part of the Graph file, which Rectangle and Circle are called together, the only shape that the program draws is rectangle.Here is the code:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Graph extends JPanel {
    LinkedList color;
    LinkedList figures;
    public Graph() {
    figures = new LinkedList();
    color = new LinkedList();
    int z;
    class Point {
    int x;
    int y;
    public Point(int x, int y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    public Point(Point p) {
    x = p.x;
    y = p.y;
    public String toString() {
    return "(" + x + ", " + y + ")";
    public void move(Point dist) {
    x += dist.x;
    y += dist.y;
    abstract class GeomFigur {
    public abstract void move(Point p);
    class Line extends GeomFigur {
    Point p1, p2;
    public Line(Point p1, Point p2) {
    this.p1 = new Point(p1);
    this.p2 = new Point(p2);
    public String toString() { return "Line from " + p1 + " to " + p2;  }
    public void move(Point dist) {
    class Rectangle extends Line {
    public Rectangle(Point p1, Point p2) {
    super(p1, p2);
    public String toString() { return "Rectangle from " + p1 + " to " + p2; }
    class Circle extends GeomFigur{
    Point centre;
    int radius;
    public Circle(Point centre, int radius) {
    this.centre = new Point(centre);
    this.radius = radius;
    public String toString() {
    return "Circle, centre " + centre + ", radius " + radius;
    public void move(Point dist) { centre.move(dist); }
    public void addRectangle(int x, int y, Color col) {
    Rectangle r =new Rectangle(new Point(x,y),new Point(x+20,y+20));
    public void addCircle(int x, int y, Color col) {
    Circle c =new Circle(new Point(x,y), 1 );
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    for (int i=0;i < figures.size();i++) {
    Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)figures.get(i);
    //Circle circ = (Circle)figures.get(i);
    // g.drawOval(circ.centre.x,circ.centre.y,20,20);
    // g.setColor((Color)color.get(i));
    // g.fillOval(circ.centre.x, circ.centre.y, 20, 20);
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class Frame extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
    JButton button1, button2, button3, button4, button5 ;
    Graph gr;
    JComboBox cbx;
    JComboBox cby;
    JComboBox col;
    JMenu filemenu;
    JMenuItem quit;
    JMenuBar menubar;
    int x=10;
    int y=10;
    Color color=Color.red;
    public Frame() {
    menubar = new JMenuBar();
    filemenu = new JMenu("File");
    quit = new JMenuItem("Quit");
    button1 = new JButton("Rectangle");
    button2 = new JButton("Circle");
    button4 = new JButton("Ellipse");
    button5 = new JButton("Triangle");
    button3 = new JButton("Reset");
    String[] elements_x= {"10","20","30","40","50","60","70"};
    cbx = new JComboBox(elements_x);
    String[] elements_y= {"10","20","30","40","50","60","70"};
    cby = new JComboBox(elements_y);
    String[] elements_color = {"Red","Blue","Green","Orange","Yellow" };
    col = new JComboBox(elements_color);
    gr = new Graph();
    JPanel top = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    JPanel inputs = new JPanel(new GridLayout(6,1));
    getContentPane().add(BorderLayout.CENTER, top);
    setSize(500,300);//set window size
    //take care of actions
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    String command = e.getActionCommand();
    if (command.equals("Quit")){
    System.exit(0);//terminate program
    else if (command.equals("Rectangle")){
    //add Rectangle to graph at
    //position x,y and with certain color
    else if (command.equals("Circle")){
    else if (command.equals("Reset")){
    else if (command.equals("Triangle")){
    else if (command.equals("Ellipse")){
    else if (command.equals("cbx")){
    else if (command.equals("cby")){
    else if (command.equals("col")){
    String temp=(String)((JComboBox)e.getSource()).getSelectedItem();
    if (temp=="Red") color=Color.red;
    else if (temp=="Blue") color=Color.blue;
    else if (temp=="Green") color=Color.green;
    else if (temp=="pink") color=Color.pink;
    else if (temp=="lightGray") color=Color.lightGray;
    //main program
    public static void main(String [] args) {
    Frame appl = new Frame();
    Thanks in advance

    You are very lucky that I'm currently boored. You should never tag a question as urgent. It might be urgent to you, but not to us who answer. And you should also use code formatting when you post code (see the formatting tips, or use the code-button).
    I made some changes to your Graph class. The most important thing is the abstract draw method that I added to the GeomFigur class.
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Graph extends JPanel {
        LinkedList figures;
        public Graph() {
            figures = new LinkedList();
        int z;
        abstract class GeomFigur {
            protected Color color;
            public GeomFigur(Color color) {
                this.color = color;
            public abstract void move(Point p);
            public abstract void draw(Graphics g);
        abstract class Line extends GeomFigur {
            Point p1, p2;
            public Line(Color c, Point p1, Point p2) {
                this.p1 = new Point(p1);
                this.p2 = new Point(p2);
            public String toString() {
                return "Line from " + p1 + " to " + p2;
            public void move(Point dist) {
                p1.move(dist.x, dist.y);
                p2.move(dist.x, dist.y);
        class Rectangle extends Line {
            public Rectangle(Color c, Point p1, Point p2) {
                super(c, p1, p2);
            public String toString() {
                return "Rectangle from " + p1 + " to " + p2;
            public void draw(Graphics g) {
                System.out.println("Draw rectangle at " + p1 + " with color " + color);
                g.drawRect(p1.x, p1.y, 20, 20);
                g.fillRect(p1.x, p1.y, 20, 20);
        class Circle extends GeomFigur {
            Point centre;
            int radius;
            public Circle(Color c, Point centre, int radius) {
                this.centre = new Point(centre);
                this.radius = radius;
            public String toString() {
                return "Circle, centre " + centre + ", radius " + radius;
            public void move(Point dist) {
                centre.move(dist.x, dist.y);
            public void draw(Graphics g) {
                System.out.println("Draw circle at " + centre + " with color " + color);
                g.drawOval(centre.x, centre.y, 20, 20);
                g.fillOval(centre.x, centre.y, 20, 20);
        public void addRectangle(int x, int y, Color col) {
            System.out.println("x,y,col " + x + ":" + y + ":" + col);
            Rectangle r = new Rectangle(col, new Point(x, y), new Point(x + 20, y + 20));
        public void addCircle(int x, int y, Color col) {
            System.out.println("x,y,col" + x + ":" + y + ":" + col);
            Circle c = new Circle(col, new Point(x, y), 1);
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            for (int i = 0; i < figures.size(); i++) {
                GeomFigur drawable = (GeomFigur)figures.get(i);

  • Application Sudo listed in Activity Monitor - Is this a default app that should be running?

    First Question:        Do other MBP users have an application Sudo listed in Activity Monitor from start up of their mac or with typical use?
    Second Question:   If you have Sudo process listed in your Activity Monitor, do you also use an Huawei USB wireless modem?
    Third Question:       For those experienced in relevant coding domains and given the more technical details below - your thoughts?
    Using MBP Retina, mid 2012, OSX 10.8.4
    I understand sudo is a unix root level access command. 
    I have used Terminal and become familiar with some basic unix commands, including using the sudo command in very limited single action command circumstances.  I have not used Terminal for many weeks, and the sudo command probably twice several months ago. 
    Sudo showing in Activity Monitor as an active process is to my understanding an entirely different situation to it being used in Terminal.  It appears the sudo process is being activated by some other application or process not of my direct use or actions.
    I remain a little concerned about this in view of the purchase of this particular MBP. It has a story to it. I was told this MBP was available as new on discount as it had been purchased by a man for his wife, the wife then left him, and subsequently he returned it unused to the store.   I was aware that there was a slim risk the laptop had been used for some other activities, and returned so any come back comes back to the new owner.
    I noted later with use that the MBP lower keys were sticky as if something has been spilt on them, so I do wonder if the laptop was previously used, then wiped, in which case the story presented to the retailer is likely not true and a more concerning scenario becomes possible.  
    All the same, I felt a clean install should remove any risk.  The MBP arrived in standard ready to set up and go mode, so OS loaded but no activation.  So it seemed a clean install to me.   I did not wipe the HD and do a fresh OS install from scratch. A decision I now regret.
    Some months after using this new MBP, my concerns were raised when I had one day of inexplicable internet usage on a wireless internet connection.  Not only did the level of data upload and data load, about 4 GB out of 20 GB for the month not make sense with actual usage, but also the MBP system logs did not tally with the internet providers accounting of usage on that day.  There have been two or three other anomalies in usage since.  The internet service provider reimbursed me on my evidence of OSX system logs.  Not sure if the service provider has people joy riding other users accounts or something suss this end was going on. Never resolved. The ISP was not exactly forthcoming, and I had to press hard to get some collaboration on resolve the anomaly of unexplained data usage.
    On the less suspicious side, the existence of this sudo program tracked down as in part coming from the install software from a Huawei modem provided by my internet provider.  However, while widely used and therefore likely not a security risk, I still feel need for some better explanation and resolution of the persistent sudo process. 
    I have  inquired to Apple Support about this sudo app running, and it apparently was not seen as an issue of concern by the front line support staff.  I took up some further concerns with them but checks indicate no issues of concern with the MBP from their assessment. I trusted that as fairly likely a definitive view, and so left the questions and anomalies as unexplained but harmless. 
    It is now several months later and I still find the existence of sudo as a running application or process in Activity Monitor troubling, and decided to try and resolve once again how typical and for what reason it is active on my MBP. Which brings us to this post.
    I have again spent a few hours searching on Google and Apple Support Forums.   All search results I find relate to the use of sudo as a unix command in Terminal to resolve a problem.  I can not find any indication of sudo as an app being open routinely in Activity Monitor with or without Terminal being opened or used.
    The only way I can think of to resolve if this is unusal or not is to get on this forum and ask the first two questions at the top of this post.
    More technical details follow.
    For some more technically minded the details may be of interest, hence below here I have added  details for further comment.   I am hoping some MBP users on this forum may also be coders, and hence have some idea of the internal mac coding environment. Enough to shed some light on this situation. 
    As mentioned, I think the sudo Activity Monitor may originate from the running of the Internet Providers USB Wireless Modem and software (Huawei E 169? modem).  The USB modem has the install software on it.  You install that software on your HD as an application. 
    On this USB Wireless Modem front I have done some checking.  
    Killing sudo in Activity Monitor does not stop an internet connection mid session. 
    When the USB modem is removed, the sudo process remains running and listed in Activity Monitor. 
    If I remove the Modem icon, unplug modem, close all apps, restart without the modem connected, the sudo process is still loaded and running in Activity Monitor.
    Months ago on a previous check if I deleted (uninstalled) the modem software, removed associated start up files installed by the modem installation, took out the USB Modem and did a restart, there was no return of the sudo process in Activity Monitor.  When the modem software was reinstalled or the start up files restored directly, the sudo process returns to Activity Monitor.  One of the software bits installed in start up files calls sudo (or so it appears having a peak in BBedit at the files.)
    This seems to fairly much establish the source of the sudo application. However it does not resolve why it needs to be open all the time, and if this is unique to this modem, my modem,  modems in general, or if permanent running sudo processes are fairly 'normal' in general.  Since sudo is a root level access process, I do feel a little concerned of the situation.   Let's say the sudo process is needed to initiate the modem under some justification.  Does the sudo process in remaining running permanently from there on, with or without the USB modem connected leave an open access way and vulnerability that can or is used later?   i do not know enough of the coding level architecture to form a view.   Still, seeing a permanent sudo process operating does niggle by sense of suspicion.    Hence, I continue to raise this issue and ask the questions I do.
    In Activity Monitor:
    sudo as a process when running is not very active.  
    Real Mem 8 KB, Virtual Mem 9.4 MB, Sent Msgs 75, Rcved Mesgs 26, Ports 25, Intel (64 bit).
    The sudo process:
    Using Sample Process in Activity Monitor:   sudo appears to be a running of the actual sudo command from within the unix command files.
    Path:            /usr/bin/sudo  (Master Library, not the one in the User files)
    Load Address:    (removed)
    Identifier:      sudo
    Version:         ??? (???)
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [1]
    Call graph
    2nd line is 2656  start  (in libdyld.dylib) + 1  [(removed)]
    Binary Images:
    Includes reference to lots of .dylib files. eg libcache.dylib, libquarantine.dylib, libremovefile.dylib, libcompiler_rt.dylib, libcorecrypto.dylib
    The parent process is launchd[1]
    Process:         launchd [1]
    Path:            /sbin/launchd
    Load Address:    (removed)
    Identifier:      launchd
    Version:         ??? (???)
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  ??? [Unknown]
    It seems all of the activity of launchd[1] is from the sudo process.
    Again reference to .dylib files as captured in call graph and Binary images.
    I hope the details are valued by someone with an interest to assist with resolving concerns.

    I usually use the OS connection option. So as you suggest, connect without the ISP connection software.  Doing so does not by-pass the sudo command being active in Activity Monitor however. 
    On reading my post I see my failure to link the concerns of the laptop purchase with the sudo and modem. My thought here is of an intersection of known vulnerability with this widely used modem/software (via permanent sudo process activated) and that vulnerability then being known and utilised by another party(s).
    I am pursuing the issue in part with consideration to a broader possible issue of vulnerability.
    Thanks again for your thoughts and suggestions. Valued.

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