Jdeveloper very slow - too many files?

We're getting increasingly poor performance in Jdeveloper. Expanding a project for the first time in a session takes a long time, opening some files causes the CPU to spike to 100% for around 20 seconds, and even changing a property in the JSF editor takes about 10 seconds.
Our application is quite large - approximately 20MB in the workspace folder. Also, I've noticed that my system folder has grown very large - 94MB, with .history accounting for 43MB.
Is anyone else having similar problems? Can anyone suggest something to improve performance?
Other factors - CPU: P4 2.4MHz, Memory: 1GB, using CVSNT, but same performance when Versioning is disabled.

I mentioned the version numbers above - do you need anything else?
It takes approx 15 seconds to open with no open workspace.
Here's a stack dump taken when opening the ViewController project for the first time:
"Image Fetcher 0" daemon prio=8 tid=0x2d6d6528 nid=0x924 in Object.wait() [0x2dc
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x0584d7f0> (a java.util.Vector)
at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.nextImage(ImageFetcher.java:114)
- locked <0x0584d7f0> (a java.util.Vector)
at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.fetchloop(ImageFetcher.java:167)
at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.run(ImageFetcher.java:136)
"BufferDomModel background parse thread" daemon prio=2 tid=0x2e4341f0 nid=0xc98
in Object.wait() [0x3817f000..0x3817fce8]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x06952c58> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:474)
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:483)
- locked <0x06952c58> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:462)
"JavaProjectIndex1" prio=2 tid=0x2ee1d0c8 nid=0x84c in Object.wait() [0x37e7f000
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x06564748> (a oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock)
at oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock.writeLock(ReadWriteLock.java:62
- locked <0x06564748> (a oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock)
at oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock.writeLock(ReadWriteLock.java:50
at oracle.ide.model.Node.runWhileSynchronized(Node.java:806)
at oracle.ide.model.DataContainer.getSharedPropertiesOnly(DataContainer.
at oracle.ide.model.Project.getPropertiesImpl(Project.java:1097)
at oracle.ide.model.Project.getProperties(Project.java:323)
at oracle.javatools.data.HashStructureAdapter.findOrCreate(HashStructure
at oracle.jdeveloper.model.JProjectLibraries.getInstance(JProjectLibrari
at oracle.jdeveloper.java.locator.ProjectClassLocator.getJDKFor(ProjectC
at oracle.jdeveloper.java.locator.ProjectClassLocator.<init>(ProjectClas
at oracle.jdeveloper.java.locator.ClassLocatorFactory.getProjectLocator(
at oracle.jdevimpl.java.JavaProjectIndexer$LocatorTask.buildIndex(JavaPr
at oracle.jdevimpl.java.JavaProjectIndexer$IndexTask.runImpl(JavaProject
at oracle.javatools.parser.util.AsyncTask.run(AsyncTask.java:169)
at oracle.javatools.parser.util.AsyncScheduler$TRunner.run(AsyncSchedule
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
"Native Directory Watcher" prio=2 tid=0x2f076830 nid=0x57c runnable [0x37d7f000.
at oracle.ide.natives.NativeHandler.enterWatcherThread(Native Method)
at oracle.ide.natives.NativeHandler$1.run(NativeHandler.java:244)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
"WeakDataReference polling" prio=2 tid=0x2def9d40 nid=0x520 in Object.wait() [0x
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x06679a50> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:116)
- locked <0x06679a50> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:132)
at oracle.ide.util.WeakDataReference$Cleaner.run(WeakDataReference.java:
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
"IconOverlayTracker Timer" prio=5 tid=0x2ef5fd88 nid=0xf80 in Object.wait() [0x3
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x06564748> (a oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock)
at oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock.writeLock(ReadWriteLock.java:62
- locked <0x06564748> (a oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock)
at oracle.javatools.buffer.ReadWriteLock.writeLock(ReadWriteLock.java:50
at oracle.ide.model.Node.runWhileSynchronized(Node.java:806)
at oracle.ide.model.DataContainer.getSharedPropertiesOnly(DataContainer.
at oracle.ide.model.Project.getPropertiesImpl(Project.java:1097)
at oracle.ide.model.Project.getProperties(Project.java:323)
at oracle.ide.model.DataContainer.getProperty(DataContainer.java:161)
at oracle.jbo.dt.jdevx.JdvApplication.getFastProjectProperty(JdvApplicat
at oracle.jbo.dt.jdevx.JdvApplication.isJboProjectNoLoad(JdvApplication.
at oracle.jbo.dt.jdevx.ui.JdxJboAddin$3.getContainerFileURLs(JdxJboAddin
at oracle.ide.composite.DefaultCompositeFileElementProxy.getCompositeFil
at oracle.ide.composite.CompositeFileElementRegistry.getCompositeFileURL
at oracle.ide.composite.CompositeFileElementRegistry.getCompositeFileURL
at oracle.jdevimpl.webdav.nav.WebDAVIconOverlayTracker.getCompositeEleme
at oracle.jdevimpl.webdav.nav.WebDAVIconOverlayTracker.getOverlays(WebDA
at oracle.ide.explorer.IconOverlayTracker.processPendingNodes(IconOverla
at oracle.ide.explorer.IconOverlayTracker.mav$processPendingNodes(IconOv
at oracle.ide.explorer.IconOverlayTracker$2.run(IconOverlayTracker.java:
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:512)
at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:462)
"AuditExecutor-1" daemon prio=7 tid=0x2dfb8808 nid=0xf14 in Object.wait() [0x384
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x06360700> (a oracle.javatools.util.SynchronizedQueue)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:474)
at oracle.javatools.util.SynchronizedQueue.remove(SynchronizedQueue.java
- locked <0x06360700> (a oracle.javatools.util.SynchronizedQueue)
at oracle.jdevimpl.audit.util.SwingExecutor.run(SwingExecutor.java:467)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
"WaitCursorTimer" daemon prio=5 tid=0x2ebbac90 nid=0x3c0 in Object.wait() [0x380
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x06033c38> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:474)
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:483)
- locked <0x06033c38> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:462)
"IconOverlayTracker Timer" prio=5 tid=0x2e04b258 nid=0xf54 in Object.wait() [0x3
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x05f8def0> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:474)
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:483)
- locked <0x05f8def0> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:462)
"TimerQueue" daemon prio=5 tid=0x2d70db60 nid=0xb4c in Object.wait() [0x2dedf000
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x058613e8> (a javax.swing.TimerQueue)
at javax.swing.TimerQueue.run(TimerQueue.java:233)
- locked <0x058613e8> (a javax.swing.TimerQueue)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
"AWT-EventQueue-0" prio=7 tid=0x2d6fadc0 nid=0xe64 waiting on condition [0x2dd6e
at oracle.ide.util.PatternFilter.matchesImpl(PatternFilter.java:301)
at oracle.ide.util.PatternFilter.matches(PatternFilter.java:126)
at oracle.ide.util.PatternFilters.findMatchingFilter(PatternFilters.java
at oracle.ide.util.PatternFilters.isIncluded(PatternFilters.java:158)
at oracle.ide.util.IntersectedFilters.isIncluded(IntersectedFilters.java
at oracle.ide.model.ContentLevel$Impl.maybeGetFilesAndDirectories(Conten
at oracle.ide.model.ContentLevel$Impl.getDirectoriesImpl(ContentLevel.ja
at oracle.ide.model.ContentLevel.getDirectories(ContentLevel.java:569)
at oracle.ide.model.ContentLevel$Group.getDirectoriesImpl(ContentLevel.j
at oracle.ide.model.ContentLevel.getDirectories(ContentLevel.java:569)
at oracle.ide.model.ContentSet$2Itr.ensurePrepared(ContentSet.java:701)
at oracle.ide.model.ContentSet$2Itr.hasNext(ContentSet.java:682)
at oracle.ide.model.ContentSet$1Itr.hasNext(ContentSet.java:781)
at oracle.ide.model.NodeFactory.findInFolder(NodeFactory.java:220)
at oracle.adfdt.controller.jsf.util.Utils.getFacesConfigNode(Utils.java:
at oracle.adfdt.controller.jsf.util.Utils.getAllFacesConfigNodes(Utils.j
at oracle.adfdt.controller.jsf.addin.JSFProjectObserver.handleObjectOpen
at oracle.adfdt.controller.util.ProjectObserver.update(ProjectObserver.j
at oracle.ide.model.IdeSubject.notifyObservers(IdeSubject.java:94)
at oracle.ide.model.Node.notifyObservers(Node.java:458)
at oracle.ide.model.UpdateMessage.fireObjectOpened(UpdateMessage.java:68
at oracle.ide.model.Node$1$4.run(Node.java:1527)
at oracle.ide.model.Node$1.invokeLaterIfNeeded(Node.java:1587)
at oracle.ide.model.Node$1.nodeOpened(Node.java:1520)
at oracle.ide.model.Node.fireNodeOpened(Node.java:1139)
at oracle.ide.model.Node.open(Node.java:573)
at oracle.ide.model.Node.ensureOpen(Node.java:976)
at oracle.ide.model.DataContainer$2.run(DataContainer.java:147)
at oracle.ide.model.Node.runWhileSynchronized(Node.java:809)
at oracle.ide.model.DataContainer.getSharedPropertiesOnly(DataContainer.
at oracle.ide.model.Project.getPropertiesImpl(Project.java:1097)
at oracle.ide.model.Project.getProperties(Project.java:323)
at oracle.jdeveloper.model.PathsConfiguration.getInstance(PathsConfigura
at oracle.jdeveloper.model.PathsConfiguration.getInstance(PathsConfigura
at oracle.jdeveloper.library.ProjectLibrary.getSourcePath(ProjectLibrary
at oracle.jdeveloper.model.PathsConfiguration.getSourcePath(PathsConfigu
at oracle.jdeveloper.model.JavaProject$5.getValue(JavaProject.java:593)
at oracle.jdeveloper.model.JavaProject$CachingProjectChangeListener.proj
at oracle.ide.model.Project$StorageListener.fireProjectOpened(Project.ja
at oracle.ide.model.Project$StorageListener.mav$fireProjectOpened(Projec
at oracle.ide.model.Project$NL.nodeOpened(Project.java:1127)
at oracle.ide.model.Node.fireNodeOpened(Node.java:1139)
at oracle.ide.model.Node.open(Node.java:573)
at oracle.ide.model.Node.ensureOpen(Node.java:976)
at oracle.ide.model.DataContainer$2.run(DataContainer.java:147)
at oracle.ide.model.Node.runWhileSynchronized(Node.java:809)
at oracle.ide.model.DataContainer.getSharedPropertiesOnly(DataContainer.
at oracle.ide.model.Project.getPropertiesImpl(Project.java:1097)
at oracle.ide.model.Project.getProperties(Project.java:323)
at oracle.ide.model.ProjectContent.getInstance(ProjectContent.java:122)
at oracle.ide.model.ContentLevel.initChildren(ContentLevel.java:86)
at oracle.ide.model.ContentSetFilter.initChildren(ContentSetFilter.java:
at oracle.ide.model.ContentFilter.getChildrenImpl(ContentFilter.java:123
at oracle.ide.model.ContentFilter.getChildren(ContentFilter.java:66)
- locked <0x06588550> (a java.lang.Object)
at oracle.ideimpl.explorer.BaseTreeExplorer.addChildren(BaseTreeExplorer
at oracle.ideimpl.explorer.BaseTreeExplorer.open(BaseTreeExplorer.java:8
at oracle.ideimpl.explorer.BaseTreeExplorer$2.run(BaseTreeExplorer.java:
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:209)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:461)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(EventDispatchTh
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThre
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:157)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:149)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:110)
"Java2D Disposer" daemon prio=5 tid=0x2d6f5c70 nid=0xe44 in Object.wait() [0x2db
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x05848028> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:116)
- locked <0x05848028> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:132)
at sun.java2d.Disposer.run(Disposer.java:107)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
"AWT-Windows" daemon prio=7 tid=0x2d6ee820 nid=0xee8 runnable [0x2da6f000..0x2da
at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.eventLoop(Native Method)
at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.run(WToolkit.java:269)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
"AWT-Shutdown" prio=5 tid=0x2d678cf8 nid=0xec4 in Object.wait() [0x2d96f000..0x2
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x05848110> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:474)
at sun.awt.AWTAutoShutdown.run(AWTAutoShutdown.java:259)
- locked <0x05848110> (a java.lang.Object)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
"Low Memory Detector" daemon prio=5 tid=0x00cb96f0 nid=0x9c8 runnable [0x0000000
"CompilerThread0" daemon prio=5 tid=0x00cb8468 nid=0xcd4 waiting on condition [0
"Signal Dispatcher" daemon prio=5 tid=0x00c991d8 nid=0xcdc waiting on condition
"Finalizer" daemon prio=8 tid=0x00c8ac20 nid=0xea0 in Object.wait() [0x2d26f000.
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x057eb820> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:116)
- locked <0x057eb820> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:132)
at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.java:159)
"Reference Handler" daemon prio=5 tid=0x00c8a170 nid=0xef0 in Object.wait() [0x2
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x057eb8a0> (a java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:474)
at java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler.run(Reference.java:116)
- locked <0x057eb8a0> (a java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock)
"main" prio=5 tid=0x0084a200 nid=0xeb4 waiting on condition [0x00000000..0x0012f
"VM Thread" prio=5 tid=0x00c877b8 nid=0xe28 runnable
"VM Periodic Task Thread" prio=5 tid=0x2d578158 nid=0xf68 waiting on condition

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    - http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg15750.html
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    $ ulimit -a
    core file size          (blocks, -c) 0
    data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
    scheduling priority             (-e) 0
    file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
    pending signals                 (-i) 55296
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    cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
    max user processes              (-u) 1024
    virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited
    file locks                      (-x) unlimited

    tjacobs01 wrote:
    The unit tests actually work fine on Windows XP, which points me to either Java or Linux itself.OR another app on your linux machine that's got a lot of files open
    OR you installed java as yourself and not system and you don't have priveledges to open the files
    OR your code has a bug somewhere that doesn't effect running it on windows
    99.999% of the time, the problem is with you, not with Java or LinuxThis actually seems to be it. I rebooted the system into console mode to avoid X from loading. I then reset the JDK to be setup by root (I use the self-extracting, non-RPM version). When I ran the test suite via Ant here it did not show the problem. Therefore, I'm fairly convinced it is actually some other application eating up too many files.

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    Does the ext directory have the php_oci8.dll? In the original steps the PHP dir is renamed. In the given php.in the extension_dir looks like it has been updated correctly. Since PHP distributes php_oci8.dll by default I reckon there would be a very good chance that the problem was somewhere else. Since this is an old thread I don't think we'll get much value from speculation.
    -- cj

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    Having the same issue on the Mac!
    Worked on a file yesterday, fairly big, but nothing that I haven't handled before... Only difference was the 3DS file I imported has over 270 textures.
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    File specs:
    1 3D object replicated maybe 5 times (yes, I should have rasterized them, and will do that to 4 of them if I get the file open)
    Maybe 8 textures
    Not sure how many total layers.
    Is there anyway to get Photoshop to reopen this file?

    No, more VRAM is useless. I had the same thought as you so I tried with a friend's computer with 3GB of VRAM for 8GB RAM (mine has 1GB VRAM for 16GB RAM). Still got the same error message. Sorry guys but our files are lost until Adobe fix the error in Photoshop code. I hope in the future they will find a way to either fix this error or give a clear limitation, it is really a shame such a dangerous problem exists and persists for more than 3 photoshop gen.
    Still you may be able to have at least a flat image of your latest file by trying to open the file as smart object. I started my work over by doing that. Not a lot but better than nothing.
    However for my new file I am trying something different : Each time I think a 3D file is final, I do not rasterize it but make it into a smart object and save the new smart object into a single separated .psd file. If any change is needed I can still edit all of my 3D objects by opening them separately. So far it works, the global file is lighter with few to no 3D objects inside but I will not say it is a 100% no-risk method yet.
    Last advice I can give everyone : Before closing the file you are working on, save it as a copy (File / Save as... and check 'As copy' in the options below) then with your main file still open, try to open the copy. You may need a lot of memory if your file is heavy but still if the dreaded error message appears when you try to open the copy then remove or rasterize some 3D objects in your main one. Save again as copy and try to open the copy until you do not get the message anymore.

  • Aperture 3.1.3 Very slow importing raw files

    Aperture 3.1.3 Very slow importing raw files please help
    Pro Photographer. I have a Mac Pro Quad core 1 yr old with 12GB Ram. I import via 2 Firewire 800 card readers - A Lexar & a UDMR Reader.Only using them singly. System has 4 1TB hard drives 1. Applications, 2. Aperture Library, 3. Aperture Vault, 4 Time Machine
    On a photo shoot, first CF card may download and complete in less than a minute but the next card with a similar number of images may take 10 minutes.
    Sometimes if I swap card readers, this can speed up download but then everything slowly grinds to a halt.
    I have closed down all other programmes, switched off Faces and Enable Gestures - switched off  Look up places.
    Situation driving me nuts as we shoot and view images with customers immediately after the session and download time effecting the amount of time we have to do this. Nothing seems logical as such a high spec machine should theoretically fly through this.

    Have you upgraded your OS ans all your Apps to the latest Versions and also rebooted the system?
    Turn on the Activity Viewer (Windows ->Show Activity) while importing, to see how Aperture is spending its time.
    Also launch some tools from the Application -> Utilities folder:
    launch the Console window, to check for diagnostics /error messages
    launch the Activity Viewer, to see how much RAM and CPU time Aperture and other processes are using.
    How much space is free on your system drive? And on the drive you are importing to?
    If you find in the Activity Viewer, that Aperture is slow, but de facto using not much CPU time, then the problem may be a corrupted Aperture Library or corrupted preference files.
    Try to import into a new, empty Aperture library and see if the problem persists.
    If you have no problems with a new Library, try the Aperture 3: Troubleshooting Basics:
    Start with repairing permissions and repairing the library.
    If none of the measures outlined there, or you need further help, please report back.

  • Sync fails in iTunes 9.0 & 9.01: "too many files open" and error -6999

    I've been trying to synch my iPod (Touch, g1) for the last couple weeks but have been getting errors ever since going to iTunes 9.0.
    First it blew my library and now says "Previous iTunes Libraries" at the top. Can live with that (after going through and reloading about 2/3s of the album artwork).
    But now am getting two errors every time I try to sync. One is, "Attempting to copy to the disk '[my iPod's name]' failed. There are too many files open currently."
    Elsewhere I saw it suggested for this error that I turn off sharing, but, alas, sharing isn't turned on.
    The second error message is, "The iPod '[my iPod's name]' cannot be synced. An unknown error occurred (-6999)." and I can't find any mention by Apple about what to do about this.
    HELP. Please.

    There has been some advice to turn off "sharing" to stop getting the "too many files open" error message, but, as noted in my question, sharing was already turned off in the iTunes Preferences.
    But, it turns out, of course, that there is another kind of sharing in the 9.x iTunes -- the one for sharing libraries on your local network. Don't know why they are different because the function seems the same, but I noticed that there was still an icon for "home sharing" or "house sharing" (little picture of a house) on the library/playlist list in iTunes.
    I right clicked on the house icon and found another checkbox switch there. I turned that one off too (Why Apple?) and, voila, the "too many files" error has (apparently) gone away.
    Hope this helps some others out there.
    Apparently you have to turn off sharing in two different places. (Again; why is that, Apple?)

  • JspSmartUpload  uploading too many files

    Has anyone else had a problem with too many files being uploaded?
    My code is as follows:
    <FORM NAME="frmAddDoc" ACTION="process_add.jsp" METHOD="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
    <%@ include file="attachments.html"%>
    and attachments.html code specifies two files to be uploaded as follows:
    <TD CLASS="formFieldLabel">Source Document</TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="File" NAME="sourceDocFileName" SIZE="12" CLASS="fileField"></TD>
    <TD><IMG SRC="../shared/images/shim_trans.gif"></TD>
    <TD CLASS="formFieldLabel">Published Document</TD>
    <TD><INPUT TYPE="File" NAME="docFileName" SIZE="12" CLASS="fileField"></TD>
    <TD><IMG SRC="../shared/images/shim_trans.gif"></TD>
    In process_add.jsp there is a call to the UploadBean.upload method which is as follows:
    public UploadResult upload(PageContext pageContext, String CSVFileTypesAllowed)
    StringBuffer statusMsg = new StringBuffer();
    int uploadedFilesCount = 0;
    // Upload initialization
    uploadedFilesCount = uploadHelper.save(uploadTempDir, uploadHelper.SAVE_PHYSICAL);
    return uploadResult;
    This works most of the time but occasionally four files are uploaded instead of two (i.e. uploadedFilesCount and uploadedFiles.getCount() are both 4 when they should be 2).
    (UploadHelper = new SmartUpload)
    Has anybody any ideas what could be causing this?
    I having been chasing this "bug" for a week now and it has me beat
    Can anybody help?

    Try looking for the jspSmartUpload documentation, nobody here or atleast 98 % of the people do not use these third party tools. But rather develop them on their own. So it might be difficult for you to get an answer for your post.

  • Mailbfr - rsync issue too many files??

    hey so basically we have an imap server with around 350 mail accounts,
    we use mailbrf to backup the mail database and the users email but the mailbfr is not completing successfully the error i get in the log that gets email to me is this
    rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (8 bytes received so far) [sender]
    rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /SourceCache/rsync/rsync-24/rsync/io.c(359)
    mailbfr was aborted. The process was NOT completed successfully.
    im guessing that because we didn't have this issue a couple months ago that the mail store has grown too big, its around 190GB at the moment so perhaps too many files for rsync to backup correctly??
    any ideas on what we can use to back this much data up??
    Cheers for any help

    While I can't exclude the large number of files being the issue (I have seen rsync handle larger amounts, but that doesn't mean a particular combination of size/number couldn't break rsync), I somehow have the feeling it's a different issue.
    Calum, if you need to further investigate this, drop me an e-mail or catch me online.
    That said, with this amount of users, I'd consider splitting things over at least a couple of servers.

  • Too many files on 10.4 Desktop - Finder won't load

    2.66 DualCore Intel Xeon + OSX 10.4.10 + 2Gb DDR2 DIMM + 230Gb ST3250820AS + OPTIARC DVD RW AD-7170A
    Despite recurrent warnings, a relative kept leaving too many files on the Desktop, up to 300 files (JPGs, downloaded archives). Last week, after attempting to move/copy them to a folder, OSX crashed, and now Finder won't load; after password screen, menu bar and Dock appear, the 'MyDay' app (from Entourage) starts bouncing, and system freezes. Sometimes it goes back to password screen, and from there again to a frozen, empty finder with dead mouse pointer. Other times the spinning clock or wheel remain spinning forever.
    Tried DiskUtility, repaired disk and permissions, reset PRAM, no dice.
    Tried to boot off the 10.4.10 DVD, it doesn't allow to run OSX from the disc (I have a vague recollection of doing this once, but...)
    Started in SafeBoot mode, finder froze at same stage.
    Re-Installed OSX 10.4.10 in Archive and Install mode, same freeze at same stage.
    The only explanation for the crash, as no updates/new app installing happened, is that there are, again, too many loose files on the desktop and as it tries to load the Finder it crashes. I'm hauling the machine ASAP to try with my own Intel to try access his disk via FireWire target mode but worry the same thing will happen on my system, that it will balk at too many files.
    Is there a way to try to fix this without resorting to clean install (needless to say, last backup was months ago)? If I install Leopard on that disk (it comes out fine in Disk Utility) will the same thing happen as soon as it tries to load the Finder? Is there a way to boot 10.4 off a CD/DVD?
    Thanks for any info or tips!

    Welcome to the forums!
    Make your relative write this out 1000 times:
    Performance tip: Keep the Desktop clutter-free (empty, if possible)
    Mac OS X's Desktop is the de facto location for downloaded files, and for many users, in-progress works that will either be organized later or deleted altogether. The desktop can also be gluttonous, however, becoming a catch-all for files that linger indefinitely.
    Unfortunately - aside from the effect of disarray it creates - keeping dozens or hundreds of files on the Desktop can significantly degrade performance. Not necessarily because the system is sluggish with regard to rendering the icons on the desktop and storing them in memory persistently (which may be true in some cases), but more likely because keeping an excessive number of items on the Desktop can cause the windowserver process to generate reams of logfiles, which obviously draws resources away from other system tasks. Each of your icons on your desktop is stored as a window in the window server, not as an alias. The more you have stored, the more strain it puts on the window server. Check your desktop for unnecessary icons and clear them out.
    Keeping as few items as possible on the Desktop can prove a surprisingly effective performance boon. Even creating a single folder on your Desktop and placing all current and future clutter inside, then logging out and back in can provide an immediately noticeable speed boost, particularly for the Finder.
    And it is why Apple invented 'Stacks' for Leopard.

  • HT2506 Too many files in Preview

    I opened too many files in preview. 5 or so Powerpoints and 3 PDFs. They are all stuck in a pinwheel load page. Is there a way i can exit them? they don't respond at all but the application is not recognized as "not responding". Force quit only closes preview, when i open it back up it just starts again trying to open the windows.

    From the menu bar, select
     ▹ Force Quit...
    then select the frozen application from the list and press return. Relaunch it by holding down the shift key and clicking its icon in the Dock or in the Applications folder.

  • Word cannot complete the operation because too many files are open

    I'm working on a 60 pg. document, and when I hit 'save', I get this annoying msg.:
    "word cannot complete the operation because too many files are open." I have no other files open, and I am unable to continue to work, because I cannot save - can anyone help? Thanks!

    Hello Kristina,
    Have you been able to save the file at all?
    More than anything, it seems to be a bug when you're trying to save to a server. There's more on the problem here. So what you can also try is simply saving the file to your desktop, or somewhere on your Mac's hard drive. That way you're saving the file locally instead of to a server. If that works, you've at least saved the file and can continue on. Otherwise, read on.
    If you can't do it from Word, then at least save your changes from another application. Open TextEdit. You should get a blank file on the desktop. Make sure it's set as a rich text file. You'll know just be looking at it. If you see a ruler and other buttons at the top of the TextEdit document window, it's rich text. If not, make it rich text by pressing CommandShiftT.
    Copy and paste your entire Word text into the TextEdit window. Save the TextEdit document to the desktop. Now that you've at least gotten your work saved, you can try some other things.
    If you're not trying to work on the file from, or save it to a remote server, then don't worry about the first workaround. It doesn't apply. Number two was poorly worded by John. He seems to assume everyone knows what RH is. I had to look it up. It means Remote Home folder. So open the Word preferences and click on FIle Locations. Highlight the first choice, Documents, and click on the Modify button. Choose any location you want on your Mac's hard drive. Click "Choose" and close the preferences. Can you now save the document to the folder you defined as the default save location?
    Spotlight is that little magnifying glass in the upper right corner of your screen by the time/date. There are a few methods to disable Spotlight. What John is saying that if the Mac is spending a lot of time indexing your drives at the same time you're trying to save your Word document, the intense processing time to index may be keeping Word from saving.
    If you've managed to at least save your file as a rich text TextEdit document, then shut all of your applications down and restart your Mac. Launch Word and open the TextEdit file. You may lose some formating if you've done tables or other things TextEdit can't save in Word's original form.

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