JLabel in Rules class won't display

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import Graphics.DrawFrame;
public class Caller { //driver class
     public static void main(String[] args) { //main method
          int width = 350; //sets width to 350 pixels
          int height = 150; //sets height to 150 pixels
          Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); //creates a Toolkit object
          Dimension dim = toolkit.getScreenSize(); //creates a Dimension object and stores the screen size
          do {
               //DrawFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); //decorates the look and feel
               DrawFrame frame = new DrawFrame((dim.width-width)/2, (dim.height-height)/2, width, height, "How to Play"); //creates an instance of DrawFrame and sets it in the center of the screen with a height of 300 and a width of 300
               JButton rules = new JButton("Play"); //creates a newJButton with the text "play"
               JLabel label = new JLabel("<html>Press ENTER to call a new number.<br>Press R to reset game.<br> The game resets if all 75 numbers have been called.<br> Press H to see this screen again.<br> Click the button or press ENTER to start.", SwingConstants.CENTER); //creates a JLabel that explains the game and centers it in the frame
               frame.panel.add(label); //adds the label to the frame
               label.setOpaque(true); //sets the label as opaque
               label.setVisible(true); //makes the label visible
               frame.panel.add(rules); //adds the button to the frame
               rules.setOpaque(true); //sets the button to opaque
               rules.setVisible(true); //makes the button visible
               ButtonListener button = new ButtonListener(); //creates instance of ButtonListener class
               rules.addActionListener(button); //adds an Action Listener to the button
               frame.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(rules); //sets button as default button (clicks button when user hits ENTER
               while (button.source != rules) {//loops if the source of the ActionEvent wasn't the button
                    label.repaint(); //repaints the label
                    rules.repaint(); //repaints the button
               frame.dispose(); //deletes the frame when the button is clicked
               Bingo.bingoCaller(); //calls the method in the bingo class
          } while(true); //loops indefinitely
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
public class ButtonListener implements ActionListener { //class implements ActionListener interface
          public Object source; //creates an object of type Object
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //actionPerformed method that has an ActionEvent ofject as an argument
               source = e.getSource(); //sets the source of the ActionEvent to source
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import Graphics.*;
public class Bingo {
     static Ball balls[][] = new Ball[5][15]; //creates a 2D 5 by 15 array
     public static void bingoCaller() {
          //DrawFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); //decorates the look and feel
          int width = 1250; //sets width to 1250 pixels
          int height = 500; //sets height to 500 pixels
          Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); //creates a Toolkit object
          Dimension dim = toolkit.getScreenSize(); //creates a Dimension object and sets the it as the screen size
          DrawFrame frame = new DrawFrame((dim.width-width)/2, (dim.height-height)/2, width, height, "Automated BINGO Caller"); //creates instance of DrawFrame that is 1250 pixel wide and 500 pixels high at the center of the screen
          Graphics g = frame.getGraphicsEnvironment(); //calls the getGraphicsEnvironment method in the DrawFrame class
          Keys key = new Keys(); //creates instance of the Keys class
          frame.addKeyListener(key); //adds a KeyListener called Key
          for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { //fills rows
               for (int y = 0; y < 15; y++) { //fills columns
                    balls[x][y] = new Ball(x, y+1); //fills array
          frame.pack(); //adjusts the size of the frame so everything fits
          g.setColor(Color.black); //sets the font color of the letters to black
          g.setFont(new Font("MonoSpace", Font.BOLD, 50)); //creates new font
          for(int y=0;y<balls.length;y++){ //draws all possible balls
               g.drawString(balls[y][0].s, 0, y*100+50); //draws numbers
               for(int x=0;x<balls[y].length;x++){ //draws all possible balls
                    g.drawString(Integer.toString(balls[y][x].i), (x+1)*75, y*100+50); //draws letters
          frame.repaint(); //repaints numbers
          do {
               int x, y; //sets variables x and y as integers
               int count = 0; //sets a count for the number of balls called
               boolean exit; //sets a boolean to the exit variable
               do {
                    exit = false; //exit is set to false
                    x = (int)(Math.random() * 5); //picks a random number between 0 and 4 and stores it as x
                    y = (int)(Math.random() * 15); //picks a random number between 0 and 14 stores it as y
                    if (!balls[x][y].called) { //checks to see if a value is called
                         exit = true; //changes exit to true if it wasn't called
                         balls[x][y].called = true; //sets called in the Ball class to true if it wasn't called
               } while (!exit&&count<5*15); //if exit is false, and count is less than 75returns to top of loop
               for(int z=0;z<balls.length;z++){ //looks at balls
                    g.setColor(Color.black); //displays in black
                    g.drawString(balls[z][0].s, 0, z*100+50); //draws balls as a string
                    for(int a=0;a<balls[z].length;a++){ //looks at all balls
                         if (balls[z][a].called){ //if a ball is called
                              g.setColor(Color.red); //change color to red
                              count++; //increments count
                         } else {
                              g.setColor(Color.white); //if it isn't called stay white
                         g.drawString(Integer.toString(balls[z][a].i), (a+1)*75, z*100+50); //draws balls as string
               boolean next=false; //initiates boolean value next and sets it to false
               frame.repaint(); //repaints the balls when one is called
               while(!next) {
                    try {
                         Thread.sleep(100); //pauses the thread for 0.1 seconds so it can register the key pressed
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                         e.printStackTrace(); //if it is interrupted it throws an exception and it is caught and the stack trace is printed
                    if(key.keyPressed==KeyEvent.VK_ENTER){ //if Enter is pressed
                         next=true; //next is set to true
                         key.keyPressed=0; //keypressed value is reset to 0
                    }else if (key.keyPressed == KeyEvent.VK_H) {
                         new Rules();
                         key.keyPressed = 0;
                    } else if (key.keyPressed == KeyEvent.VK_R) { //if R is pressed
                         key.keyPressed=0; //keypressed is reset to 0
                         next=true; //next is set to true
                         count=5*15; //changes count to 5*15
                         for(int z=0;z<balls.length;z++){ //recreates rows
                              g.setColor(Color.white); //sets color to white
                              g.drawString(balls[z][0].s, 0, z*100+50); //redraws rows
                              for(int a=0;a<balls[z].length;a++){ //recreates columns
                                   balls[z][a] = new Ball(z, a+1); //fills array
                                   g.drawString(Integer.toString(balls[z][a].i), (a+1)*75, z*100+50); //redraws columns
               if (count==5*15) { //if count = 5*15
                    for(int z=0;z<balls.length;z++){ //recreates rows
                         g.setColor(Color.white); //sets color to white
                         g.drawString(balls[z][0].s, 0, z*100+50); //redraws rows
                         for(int a=0;a<balls[z].length;a++){ //recreates columns
                              balls[z][a] = new Ball(z, a+1); //fills array
                              g.drawString(Integer.toString(balls[z][a].i), (a+1)*75, z*100+50); //redraws columns
          } while (true); //infinite loop only terminates program when the close button is clicked
package Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class DrawFrame extends JFrame{
     public Panel panel; //creates a variable called panel of type Panel
     public DrawFrame(int width, int height, String s) { //constructor for size and title
          super(s); //gets s from class that calls it
          this.setBounds(0, 0, width, height); //sets size of component
          initial(); //calls method initial
     public DrawFrame(int x, int y, int width, int height, String s) { //second constructor for size, title, and where on the screen it appears
          super(s); //gets title from the class that calls it
          this.setBounds(x, y, width, height);     //sets size of component     
          initial(); //calls method initial
     void initial() {
          this.setResizable(false); //disables resizing of window
          this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //terminates program if close button is pressed
          this.setPreferredSize(getSize()); //gets the size and set the preferred size
          panel = this.getPanel(); //gets the an instance of the Panel class and store the reference in panel
          this.getContentPane().add(panel); //adds panel to the frame
          this.setVisible(true); //makes the frame visible
          panel.init(); //calls the init method form the Panel class
     public Graphics getGraphicsEnvironment(){ //return type of Panel for method getGraphicsEnvironment
          return panel.getGraphicsEnvironment(); //returns the GraphicsEnvironment from class Panel
     Panel getPanel(){ //method getPanel with return type of Panel
          return new Panel(); //returns a new instance of the Panel class
package Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class DrawFrame2 extends JFrame{
     public Panel panel; //creates a variable called panel of type Panel
     public DrawFrame2(int width, int height, String s) { //constructor for size and title
          super(s); //gets s from class that calls it
          this.setBounds(0, 0, width, height); //sets size of component
          initial(); //calls method initial
     public DrawFrame2(int x, int y, int width, int height, String s) { //second constructor for size, title, and where on the screen it appears
          super(s); //gets title from the class that calls it
          this.setBounds(x, y, width, height);     //sets size of component     
          initial(); //calls method initial
     void initial() {
          this.setResizable(false); //disables resizing of window
          this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); //terminates program if close button is pressed
          this.setPreferredSize(getSize()); //gets the size and set the preferred size
          panel = this.getPanel(); //gets the an instance of the Panel class and store the reference in panel
          this.getContentPane().add(panel); //adds panel to the frame
          this.setVisible(true); //makes the frame visible
          panel.init(); //calls the init method form the Panel class
     public Graphics getGraphicsEnvironment(){ //return type of Panel for method getGraphicsEnvironment
          return panel.getGraphicsEnvironment(); //returns the GraphicsEnvironment from class Panel
     Panel getPanel(){ //method getPanel with return type of Panel
          return new Panel(); //returns a new instance of the Panel class
package Graphics;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
public class Panel extends JPanel{
     Graphics g; //initiates variable g as type Graphics
     Image image; //initiates variable image as type Image
     public void init() {
          image = this.createImage(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()); //creates the image with the specified height and stores it as image
          g = image.getGraphics(); //uses the getGraphics method from the Image class and stores it as g
          g.setColor(Color.white); //sets the color of g to white
          g.fillRect(0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()); //fills the rectangle
     Graphics getGraphicsEnvironment() { //method getGraphicsEnvironment with return type Graphics
          return g; //returns g
     public void paint(Graphics graph) { //overrides the paint method and passes the argument graph of type Graphics
          if (graph == null) //if there is nothing in graph
               return; //return
          if (image == null) { //if there is nothing in image
               return; //return
          graph.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this); //draws the image
package Graphics;
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
public class Keys extends KeyAdapter{
public int keyPressed; //creates a variable keyPressed that stores an integer
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { //creates a KeyEvent from a KeyListner
          keyPressed = e.getKeyCode(); //gets the key from the keyboard
public class Ball {
     String s; //initiates s that can store data type String
     int i; //initiates i that can store data as type integer
     boolean called = false; //initiates called as a boolean value and sets it to false
     public Ball(int x, int y) {
          i = (x * 15) + y; //stores number as i to be passed to be printed
          switch (x) { //based on x value chooses letter
          case 0: //if x is 0
               s = "B"; //sets s to B
               break; //breaks out of switch case
          case 1: //if x is 1
               s = "I"; //sets s to I
               break; //breaks out of switch case
          case 2: //if x is 2
               s = "N"; //sets s to N
               break; //breaks out of switch case
          case 3: //if x is 3
               s = "G"; //sets s to G
               break; //breaks out of switch case
          case 4: //if x is 4
               s = "O"; //sets s to O
     public String toString() { //overrides toString method, converts answer to String
          return s + " " + i; //returns to class bingo s and i
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import Graphics.DrawFrame2;
public class Rules {
     public Rules() {
     int width = 350;
     int height = 150;
     Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
     Dimension dim = toolkit.getScreenSize();
     DrawFrame2 frame = new DrawFrame2((dim.width-width)/2, (dim.height-height)/2, width, height, "How to Play");
     JLabel label = new JLabel("<html>Press ENTER to call a new number.<br> Press R to reset game.<br> The game resets if all 75 numbers have been called.<br> Press H to see this scrern again.", SwingConstants.CENTER);
I created this program to call bingo numbers. When you start the program a small frame appears that tells you how to use the program. When you click the button that frame is disposed and a new one appears that call the numbers. Both of these frames have code in them that will find the dimensions of your screen and put the frames in the center. When you press enter a new number is called by changing the number from white (same color as background) to red. Once all 75 numbers have been called it resets the game. If you press R at anytime during the game the game resets. I had wanted to create a new frame that would display how to play in the middle of the game. It had to be different than the one at the beginning where it doesn't have the button and it isn't in the driver class (class Caller). If you press H at anytime after it starts calling numbers the new frame will be displayed. I have a class (DrawFrame) that extends JFrame but that had the default close operation set to EXIT_ON_CLOSE and I didn't want the program to terminate when the user clicked the x in the how to play frame. I created DrawFrame2 to solve this problem where the only line of code that is different is that the default close operation is DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE. The name of the class I used for the new how to play frame is Rules. The code in this class should work but for some reason the JLabel isn't displaying. Can someone please help me out?

I just copied the code from class Caller into Rules and reworked it a bit and it worked.

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    public void init(){
    Container c = getContentPane();
    c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
         hourPlus = new JButton("h+");
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    So, yeah, basically how do I display all the stuff in paint as soon as I open my applet?

    To get best help with any problem, I recommend posting an SSCCE rather than 'part of the code'.
    Also, when posting code, using a little indent and [src][src] elements around it (where you would change 'src' to 'code' to show any text between the two as formatted source code) makes it a lot more readable as well.
    But as a general comment on the code. It is not usually a good idea to override the paint() of a root level component, I would recommend a JComponent/JPanel instead.
    The JPanel(JComponent) can then be used in the JApplet, JFrame, JDialog, JOptionPane, JWindow.. as needed.

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    <a href="#" onClick="javascript:document.SaveAsText.submit();"><img src="images/ico_save.gif" border="0" alt="Save As Text File" align="absmiddle"></a>
    <font face="arial,verdana" size="1" color="gray"><a href="#" onClick="javascript:document.SaveAsText.submit();" style="color:gray">NOVMasterFinal.LIS</a></font>
    <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="75" height="1" align="absmiddle"><font face="arial,verdana" size="1"><a href="javascript:ts('body',1)">+Larger Font</a> | <a href="javascript:ts('body',-1)">-Smaller Font</a></font>
    <p class="pagestart"><pre style="font-family:lucida console,Courier New;font-size: 8.5pt">Run Date: 10/19/10 13:52 NOV 2010 Master Schedules for: <font color=red>ROA</font> DH8 FO CrewTrac Page 5
    |E# 70841||E# 2762||E# 14018||E# 14291||E# 14663||E# 14401||E# 15297||E# 14989||E# 261802||E# 17852|
    |Sen# 00183||Sen# 00054||Sen# 00238||Sen# 00248||Sen# 00256||Sen# 00251||Sen# 00271||Sen# 00264||Sen# 00321||Sen# 00282|
    |Commuter || || || ||Commuter || ||Commuter ||Commuter ||Commuter ||Commuter |
    |Airport:SYR||Airport: ||Airport: ||Airport: ||Airport:MKE||Airport: ||Airport:CLT||Airport:ROA||Airport:TPA||Airport:CLT|
    | || || || || || || || || || |
    |M01 R8374 ||M01 OFF ||M01 R8333 ||M01 OFF ||M01 OFF ||M01 OFF ||M01 R8210 ||M01 R8353 ||M01 SBD ||M01 R8170 |
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        private int y;
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            this.x = x; this.y = y;
        public int getX() {
            return x;
        public int getY() {
            return y;
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    This is because that the values which you are passing is considered as the X-co-ordinate and Y-Coordinate because of which when you provide
    (0,0) you are able to see the Button
    but when(0,1) is given button is created on the panel,instead you cant see it since it is exactly at the back of the (0,0) button.Kind of overlapping is taking place.
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    <!-- start #blogindex --> 
         <div id="blogindex">
            <div id="blog_image1"><img src="images/bloglovers.gif" alt="Blog Lovers" /></div>   
             <div id="blog_image2"><img src="images/gcblogheader350x70.jpg" alt="Gina Charles Blog" /></div>
          <div id="blogindex_text">
          <p class="blackbolditalic">Visit the blog for happenings, highlights and conversation! </p></div>
       <!-- end #blogindex -->
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    You mentioned that this was a project you migrated over to FB 4.6,
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    Choose Project > Properties > Flex Build Path >Library Path and then
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    Hi ke11ie,
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    I would like to take a moment and thank you for using the forum, it is a great place to find answers. For you to have the best experience in the HP forum, I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More.
    I understand that after upgrading to Windows 8.1 your external display(CobyTV) is not working.   Just to rule out the TV if you connect to a different display does it work?
    Here is a link to Connecting a Monitor, Projector or TV (Windows 8).
    Here is a link to Display Quality Issues, that may also be of aid.
    I hope this helps.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom right to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    re-sat the RAM,
    cleaned the RAM
    cleaned the inside
    removed all the HDDs except the main one
    and even used another Raedon 4850 in place of mine.
    It starts up in Target-Disk mode fine, I am using it with my iMac now but it is not the same (iMac is only dual core andhas half the RAM) I've tried several screens; DVI, VGA and HDMI all without luck. It's obviouslt out of warranty and I don't want to take it to a Apple store anyway as I ocassionally build & repair computers myself so am fine with trying anything out.
    Thanks in advance,
    Things I could do/ haven't done:
    Remove/ replace the Logic Board battery?
    test the power I/O?
    start in Safe Mode?

    Whoa there, sparky !!!
    Is there something you aren't mentioning?
    Since there has never been a Mac Pro 4850 and you have mentioned this number twice I would like to ask...what aren't you telling us?
    Did this computer work fine until one day it quit? Or did you buy/inherit/find it broken or in an unknown state?
    Any GPU used in a Mac Pro needs to have EFI on it to do this basic debugging stuff. While PC WIndows BIOS cards can be used if the system is A-OK and gets to desktop, it is basically impossible to use them on a system with issues.
    So, if the 4870 has a DVI and a MDP port it is real Apple one and SHOULD work.
    If that card died and you have tried replacing it with a WIndows/PC 4850, then you have broken the scientific rule about only changing one thing.
    Ideally you would have another Mac Pro to test your GPU in and another KNOWN GOOD GPU to test in your Mac Pro. The EFI thing greatly complicates things, unfortunately. Even a "Mac Pro" video card won't necessarily work if it is for "the other" series of Mac Pro. Ther have been in effect, 2 different Mac Pros as far as video cards go. EFI32 and EFI64. ATI/AMD cards have been largely unaffected by this but Nvidia cards MUST be for right series.

  • My iPhone 5 won't display smart text options.

    My iPhone 5 won't display smart text. It did when I initially downloaded the new OS, now those options don't appear at all. Did I click something to make them disappear?
    I went into Settings to see if there was a component of it within Messages. I don't see anything.
    Thoughts please.....
    Thanks much

    Awwww......that's it....the dash! I tapped it. Tried to drag it up/down and it didn't move. Now I swiped and it's back!
    So I need to remember to drag up/down and now swipe.....
    Thanks much!

  • ITunes won't display current voice memos from my iPhone 4S. How can I tranfer this data without loosing it?, iTunes won't display current voice memos from my iPhone 4S. How can I tranfer this data without loosing it?

    Please help! My iTunes won't display my voice memos from iPhone 4S when trying to sync data. Files are to large for emailing. I want to back up the files on to my computer.

    JustinV72 wrote:
    How do I get the audiobook onto my iphone without erasing anything?
    You transfer the purchases to the computer you use to sync the iPhone.  You can use a thumb drive or an external HD, etc.  Read this: iTunes for Mac - How to copy purchases between computers:  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1373

  • I updated to iOS 7 and now some of my apps won't display in landscape mode and they did before the update. Any ideas on how to fix it?

    I updated to iOS 7 and now some of my apps won't display in landscape mode and they did before the update. Any ideas on how to fix it?

    This could be from having restrictions enabled. Icons completely disappear when "restricted"

  • IMac 2.66 Radeon HD 2600 Pro: some Excel files won't display in ppt decks

    Running Leopard 10.5.8 and MS Office 2004
    Two iMac (8.1) 2.66 GHz with ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro video won't display some Excel files in PowerPoint decks, but iMac 1.83 GHz Core Duo will display o.k. as will MacBook Pro, MacBook, etc. Installing a trial version of Office 2008, both iMac 2.66 GHz display the PowerPoint files o.k.
    I could downgrade the users to Intel iMac 1.83 GHz, or buy two copies of Office 2008 and support them, neither of which is a great solution.
    Looking for a simple fix or workaround on what seems to be a video card issue. Don't seem to see this problem or a fix on the ATI site. I've googled this but haven't run into a similar issue.

    Well, Office 2008 is only $110 USD at http://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Office-2008-Home-Student/dp/B000X86ZAS/ref=sr11?ie=UTF8&s=software&qid=1251560959&sr=8-1
    That seems the least expensive solution to me.

  • ITunes won't play music and won't display some of my album art.

    iTunes won't play music and won't display some of my album art. I'll click play but the song wont play and some of my album art doesnt appear anymore. When I go on iTunes music store non of the pictures will appear it will just be black where a picture should be. What can i do to fix all of this?????

    I am having the exact same problem and have been trying to solve it for a couple of weeks. So far I havent found a soulution. But if you get one can you please let me know? Good Luck

  • Difficulty using a projector. I have a MBP 17" and am running 10.6.8. Often I need to make a Powerpoint or other presentation  at a client and I want to connect my computer to their projector. Either it won't display on the projector at all. HELP!

    Difficulty using a projector. I have a MBP 17" and am running 10.6.8. Often I need to make a Powerpoint or other presentation  at a client and I want to connect my computer to their projector. Either it won't display on the projector at all. Once it displayed but the presentation mode was on the big screen and the presentation I wanted to show was on my MBP screen. I have the adapter( white ones) to attached to the projector cables.  I am so frsutrated...it looks so silly not to have a computer work during a presentation..
    Another problem one the rare occasion that it shows on the screen is that the presentation does show just my desk top.  Any ideas?
    Thanks !

    You often have to turn off Mirroring to be able to set the second "screen"s resolution to something reasonable. When you do, the two screens become an "Exceeded Desktop" joined along one edge, and the Arrange pane in displays prefs can allow you to specify what edge. Initially, it will show a vacant extension of the built-in screen's desktop.
    The mouse moves freely across that shared edge, and can allow you to drag the presentation window across to the the projector screen and re-size it to fit.

  • Private Photos App - pictures not displaying This app was working fine, then suddenly it won`t display any of the photos.

    This app was working fine, then suddenly it won't display any of the photos. One day the photos were there, gone the next. It still shows how many photos are there but just shows a white screen. I can't export anything to the photo album. Adding photos to existing folders yields the same result, only white screen displayed. However, I can create new albums and add photos to those without issue. Does anybody know how to recover the "missing" photo"  I was going to try reinstalling the app but it's no longer available in the iTunes App Store. Thanks, Tracy

    1, you can't at the moment, though with iOS 5 in the Autumn, from http://www.apple.com/ios/ios5/features.html#photos :
    Even organize your photos in albums — right on your device
    2, by removing it from you synced from and re-syncing. Only photos taken with the iPad, copied to it via the camera connection kit, or saved from emails/websites etc can be deleted directly on the iPad (either via the trashcan icon in the top right corner if viewing the photo in full screen, or via the icon of the box with the arrow coming out of it in thumbnail view)
    3, the location of the photos that you synced to the iPad should be listed on the iPad's Photos tab when connected to your computer's iTunes.
    4, you can copy the photos from your iPad to your computer : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4083 . You should also be able to delete them from the iPad as part of the transfer process to your computer, and it's then your choice whether to add them to your sync photo list so as to copy them back to the iPad. Copying them to your computer would allow you to organise them into folders and therefore be able to sync them back into separate albums.
    5, I don't use Dropbox either. There are some third-party browser apps in the iTunes App Store that allow you to download pages so that you can view them when offline e.g. Atomic Web (the whole page is saved within Atomic Web, it doesn't place a photo into the Photos app)
    6, deleting content should help. If you remove an app from your iPad then you also remove the content that it's got on the iPad - so if you then decide to reinstall it back onto the iPad then you will need to manually add back any content that you want in it. None of the Apple built-in apps (including Photos) can be removed from the iPad

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