JMF getting data from tcp port

Hi there is any way that i can get data from tcp port uisng datasourece
mean i create a server port which accept the connection after established the connection then the client send audio data to the server, the server only will get that data in a buffer and using jmf datasource i should read that data and might send it to another machine using avtransmitter but i dont know how to wrape that data in rtp
private void Streamforward()
ServerSocket echoServer = null;
byte[] buffer=new byte[8192];
DataInputStream is;
PrintStream os;
Socket clientSocket = null;
// Try to open a server socket on port 4444
// Note that we can't choose a port less than 1023 if we are not
// privileged users (root)
try {
echoServer = new ServerSocket(4444);
catch (IOException e) {
// Create a socket object from the ServerSocket to listen and accept
// connections.
// Open input and output streams
try {
clientSocket = echoServer.accept();
Convert con=new Convert();
is = new DataInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());
os = new PrintStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
int start=0;
while (true)
int length=clientSocket.getReceiveBufferSize();
//here we should put that data into datasourece
catch (IOException e) {
it would be too help full i have to submitt my project soon and i dont know what to do:( with this data ....i am integratting skype with jmf

I've been looking around for the same solution for my client (who using Mettler Toledo's (MT) products). Anyone did this please kindly share your experience, thanks.
My initial approach was to write a Java middle-ware to read from the real-time system and upload into JDE from there.
I wonder if MT stored the weighing data somewhere in some database ...
Any other hardware vendor out there to make our life easier?
Just got a way that might work, use Java or JNI to read from Serial port (RS-232) or USB, then proceed from there (provided your hardware with that communication protocol).
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Edited by: user2367131 on Aug 18, 2009 6:34 AM

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    From Serial Port.....
    Messages from base (always 5 bytes):
    0xAA, 0, 0, 0, 0xBB - IDLE Mode
    0xAA, 0, 0x80, 0x80, 0xBB - Question Mode
    messages from terminal (always 6 bytes):
    0xAA, a, b, c, chksum, 0xBB
    where chksum = a+b+c;
    a = address (0-250)
    the 2 MSB's of b represenet the answer:
    0 0 - A
    0 1 - B
    1 0 - C
    1 1 - D
    the 6LSB's of b and 8bits of c is the time for answer, in milliseconds.
    (0-16384 milliseconds)
    I have VB Code for that but I want the same thing in Java ...
    Can any one help me?
    Here's VB Code..
    VERSION 5.00
    Object = "{648A5603-2C6E-101B-82B6-000000000014}#1.1#0"; "MSCOMM32.OCX"
    Begin VB.Form Form1
       BorderStyle     =   1  'Fixed Single
       Caption         =   "Aakar GUI"
       ClientHeight    =   4665
       ClientLeft      =   60
       ClientTop       =   375
       ClientWidth     =   6105
       LinkTopic       =   "Form1"
       MaxButton       =   0   'False
       MinButton       =   0   'False
       ScaleHeight     =   311
       ScaleMode       =   3  'Pixel
       ScaleWidth      =   407
       StartUpPosition =   3  'Windows Default
       Begin VB.CommandButton cmdPort
          Caption         =   "Open Port"
          Height          =   375
          Left            =   120
          TabIndex        =   4
          Top             =   600
          Width           =   1455
       Begin VB.ComboBox cmbPort
          Height          =   315
          ItemData        =   "Form1.frx":0000
          Left            =   120
          List            =   "Form1.frx":0016
          Style           =   2  'Dropdown List
          TabIndex        =   3
          Top             =   120
          Width           =   2895
       Begin VB.CommandButton cmdEnd
          Caption         =   "End"
          Height          =   495
          Left            =   1560
          TabIndex        =   2
          Top             =   1320
          Width           =   1215
       Begin VB.CommandButton cmdStart
          Caption         =   "Start"
          Height          =   495
          Left            =   120
          TabIndex        =   1
          Top             =   1320
          Width           =   1215
       Begin VB.TextBox txtMessage
          Height          =   2040
          Left            =   119
          MultiLine       =   -1  'True
          ScrollBars      =   3  'Both
          TabIndex        =   0
          Top             =   2475
          Width           =   5848
       Begin VB.Timer tmrRead
          Enabled         =   0   'False
          Interval        =   1
          Left            =   2040
          Top             =   600
       Begin MSCommLib.MSComm MSComm1
          Left            =   3120
          Top             =   360
          _ExtentX        =   1164
          _ExtentY        =   1164
          _Version        =   393216
          DTREnable       =   0   'False
          ParityReplace   =   45
          SThreshold      =   1
       Begin VB.Label Label5
          Caption         =   "Result Data:"
          Height          =   375
          Left            =   120
          TabIndex        =   5
          Top             =   2115
          Width           =   1320
    Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
    Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
    Attribute VB_Creatable = False
    Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
    Attribute VB_Exposed = False
    Option Explicit
    Dim PortIsOpen As Boolean
    Dim Answers(4) As String
    Dim RejectKeystroke As Boolean
    Private Sub cmbPort_Change()
    Debug.Print cmbPort.ListIndex
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmbPort_Validate(Cancel As Boolean)
    'Cancel = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdEnd_Click()
    MSComm1.Output = "e"
    txtMessage.Text = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdPort_Click()
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    If cmbPort.ListIndex < 0 Then Exit Sub
    If PortIsOpen Then
        cmbPort.Enabled = True
        MSComm1.PortOpen = False
        PortIsOpen = False
        cmdPort.Caption = "Open Port"
        cmdStart.Enabled = False
        cmdEnd.Enabled = False
        MSComm1.CommPort = cmbPort.ListIndex + 1
        cmbPort.Enabled = False
        MSComm1.PortOpen = True
        PortIsOpen = True
        cmdPort.Caption = "Close Port"
        cmdStart.Enabled = True
        cmdEnd.Enabled = True
    End If
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print Err.Number
    Debug.Print Err.Description
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, "Error opening port"
    cmbPort.Enabled = True
    PortIsOpen = False
    cmdPort.Caption = "Open Port"
    cmdStart.Enabled = False
    cmdEnd.Enabled = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdStart_Click()
    MSComm1.Output = "s"
    txtMessage.Text = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Initialize()
    Dim tmp As Variant
    tmp = InitCommonControls
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Answers(0) = "A"
    Answers(1) = "B"
    Answers(2) = "C"
    Answers(3) = "D"
    'MSComm1.Settings = "9600,n,8,1"
    ''MSComm1.Settings = "115200,n,8,1"
    'MSComm1.PortOpen = True
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler1
    MSComm1.CommPort = 1                    ' comm port 1
    MSComm1.RThreshold = 1                  ' use 'on comm' event processing
    MSComm1.Settings = "9600,n,8,1"         ' baud, parity, data bits, stop bits
    MSComm1.SThreshold = 1                  ' allows us to track Tx LED
    MSComm1.InputMode = comInputModeText    'comInputModeBinary  ' binary mode, you can also use
                                            ' comInputModeText for text only use
    PortIsOpen = False
    cmbPort.ListIndex = 0
    ' open the port
    MSComm1.PortOpen = True
    cmbPort.Enabled = False
    PortIsOpen = True
    cmdPort.Caption = "Close Port"
    cmdStart.Enabled = True
    cmdEnd.Enabled = True
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print Err.Description
    PortIsOpen = False
    cmbPort.Enabled = True
    cmdPort.Caption = "Open Port"
    cmdStart.Enabled = False
    cmdEnd.Enabled = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
    If MSComm1.PortOpen Then MSComm1.PortOpen = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub lblOption_Click()
    End Sub
    Private Sub MSComm1_OnComm()
    ' Synopsis:     Handle incoming characters, 'On Comm' Event
    ' Description:  By setting MSComm1.RThreshold = 1, this event will fire for
    '               each character that arrives in the comm controls input buffer.
    '               Set MSComm1.RThreshold = 0 if you want to poll the control
    '               yourself, either via a TImer or within program execution loop.
    '               In most cases, OnComm Event processing shown here is the prefered
    '               method of processing incoming characters.
        Dim i As Long
        Dim sBuff    As String           ' buffer for holding incoming characters
        Const MTC       As String = vbCrLf  ' message terminator characters (ususally vbCrLf)
        Const LenMTC    As Long = 2         ' number of terminator characters, must match MTC
        Dim iPtr        As Long             ' pointer to terminatior character
        ' OnComm fires for multiple Events
        ' so get the Event ID & process
        Select Case MSComm1.CommEvent
            ' Received RThreshold # of chars, in our case 1.
            Case comEvReceive
                ' read all of the characters from the input buffer
                ' StrConv() is required when using MSComm in binary mode,
                ' if you set MSComm1.InputMode = comInputModeText, it's not required
                'sBuff = sBuff & StrConv(MSComm1.Input, vbUnicode)
                'If Len(txtMessage.Text) > 4096 Then txtMessage.Text = ""
                sBuff = MSComm1.Input
                Dim ch As String
                Dim PacketStart As Boolean
                Dim PacketLength As Integer
                Dim Packet() As String
                PacketStart = False
                PacketLength = 0
                While (Len(sBuff) > 0)
                    ch = Left(sBuff, 1)
                    If (ch = Chr(&HAA)) Then PacketStart = True
                    If (ch = Chr(&HBB)) Then PacketStart = False
                    If (ch <> Chr(&HAA) And ch <> Chr(&HBB)) Then
                        PacketLength = PacketLength + 1
                        ReDim Preserve Packet(PacketLength)
                        Packet(PacketLength) = ch
                    End If
                    'txtMessage.Text = txtMessage.Text + Format(Hex(Asc(ch)), " @@")
                    sBuff = Right(sBuff, Len(sBuff) - 1)
                If (PacketLength = 3) Then
                    Debug.Print "Command packet recieved"
                    'txtMessage.Text = txtMessage.Text + vbCrLf + "Address =" + Str(Asc(Packet(1)))
                    'txtMessage.Text = txtMessage.Text + vbCrLf + "Address =" + Str(Asc(Packet(2)))
                End If
                If (PacketLength = 4) Then
                    Debug.Print "Response packet recieved"
                    txtMessage.Text = txtMessage.Text + "Address =" + Str(Asc(Packet(1))) + _
                        " Answer = " + Answers((Asc(Packet(2)) And &HC0) / 64) + _
                        " Time =" + Str((Asc(Packet(2)) And &H3F) * 256 + (Asc(Packet(3)))) + "mS" + vbCrLf
                    'txtMessage.Text = txtMessage.Text + vbCrLf + "Address =" + Str(Asc(Packet(1)))
                    'txtMessage.Text = txtMessage.Text + vbCrLf + "Option =" + Str((Asc(Packet(2)) And &HC0) / 64)
                    'txtMessage.Text = txtMessage.Text + vbCrLf + "Time =" + Str((Asc(Packet(2)) And &H3F) * 256 + (Asc(Packet(3))))
                End If
                If (PacketLength <> 4 And PacketLength <> 3) Then Debug.Print "Unknown packet of length" + Str(PacketLength) + " recieved"
                txtMessage.Text = txtMessage.Text + vbCrLf
            ' An EOF charater was found in the input stream
            Case comEvEOF
            ' There are SThreshold number of characters in the transmit  buffer.
            Case comEvSend
            ' A Break was received.
            Case comEventBreak
            ' Framing Error
            Case comEventFrame
            ' Data Lost.
            Case comEventOverrun
            ' Receive buffer overflow.
            Case comEventRxOver
            ' Parity Error.
            Case comEventRxParity
            ' Transmit buffer full.
            Case comEventTxFull
            ' Unexpected error retrieving DCB]
            Case comEventDCB
        End Select
    End Sub
    Private Sub tmrRead_Timer()
    'MSComm1.Output = vbCrLf + vbCrLf
    'MSComm1.Output = Chr(128)
    End Sub
    Private Sub txtMessage_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
    If Shift = 2 Or Shift = 4 Then RejectKeystroke = False Else RejectKeystroke = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub txtMessage_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    If RejectKeystroke Then
        KeyAscii = 0
    End If
    End SubThanks in advance..

    I want to replicate the entire VB program as Java Program.
    This has to be included in my project which i am doing in java.

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    Is there any package available in PL/SQL which reads data from the port on o/s side and after retriving data it can send some short message to that port giving confirmation about data read.

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    How to save a datas from serial port?

    I need some help about rs-232 communication. I want to make a vi witch can do this things:
    -read a txt file (to simulate a serial port like when the datas are coming)
    i will get 3 different data in serial port (like this: 121 213 135)
    i want to save in a txt file what datas get my vi
    -write in a txt file or draw in a diagram (or both)
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    if anybody can help pls HELP ME because im a beginner in this problem.
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  • Problem in reading data from serial port continuously- application hangs after sometimes

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    I have used small timeout and reading data in while loop continously . If my application is steady for sometime it gets hangs and afterwards it doesnt receive any data again. 
    Then I need to restart my application again to make it work.
    I am attaching VI. Let me know any issue.
    Kudos are always welcome if you got solution to some extent.
    I need my difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy my success.
    Attachments: ‏39 KB

    billko wrote:
    Ranjeet_Singh wrote:
    I need to read data from two COM port and order of data appearance from COM port is not fixed. 
    I have used small timeout and reading data in while loop continously . If my application is steady for sometime it gets hangs and afterwards it doesnt receive any data again. 
    Then I need to restart my application again to make it work.
    I am attaching VI. Let me know any issue.
    What do you mean, "not fixed?"  If there is no termination character, no start/stop character(s) or even a consistent data length, then how can you really be sure when the data starts and stops?
    I probably misunderstood you though.  Assuming the last case is not ture - there is a certain length to the data - then you should use the bytes at port, like in the otherwise disastrous serial port read example.  In this case, it's NOT disastrous.  You have to make sure that you read all the data that came through.  Right now you have no idea how much data you just read.  Also, if this is streaming data, you might want to break it out into a producer/consumer design pattern.
    Not fixed means order is not fixed, data from any com port can come anytime. lenght is fixed, one com port have 14 byte and other 8 byte fixed..
    Reading data is not an issue for me as it works nice but I have a query that why my application hangs after sometime and stops reading data from COM PORT.
    Kudos are always welcome if you got solution to some extent.
    I need my difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy my success.

  • Any helpful materials or sample on how to get data from lotus in SAP?

    I have some experience on get data from Biztalk (Microsoft Middleware). In that case, i could using "call FMxxxx DESTINATION rfc". the destination with type TCP/IP is created via SM59.
          and how about lotus ?

    I have some experience on get data from Biztalk (Microsoft Middleware). In that case, i could using "call FMxxxx DESTINATION rfc". the destination with type TCP/IP is created via SM59.
          and how about lotus ?

  • Without NI DAQ device- how to get data from MSP into labVIEW and process it

    I do not have an NI DAQ device. I have an MSP430 and my sensor is an ADXL335 Accelerometer. How do I get data from my MSP into labVIEW and process it?
    Just looking for a nudge in the right direction. I'm having a hard time finding resources on labVIEW that don't involve NI specific DAQs. 
    Thanks in advance,

    There are many ways to get data into LabVIEW that do not involve NI-DAQ devices.
    I think your easiest option would be to stream it via serial port if the data rate isn't too fast.
    CLDEach snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty. - Stanislaw J. Lec
    I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work - Thomas Edison
    Beware of the man who won't be bothered with details. - William Feather
    The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none. - Thomas Carlyle

  • To get data from an equipment to SAP

    Is there any ways to get data from an external equipment to the SAP (say)  to a  MIGO screen as we have some COM port programming..
    I am aware that SAP can get data from a telnet server (in case of BARCODES and RFID)
    Is there any way to obtain from a Equipment (electronic weigh Bridge) TO SAP..
    Thanx in Advance..

    have a look at this threads:
    Re: Interface with Weigh Bridge
    Re: how to interface the Weigh Bridge System with ABAP thru' RS232 PORT
    Another one:
    Best regards.
    Edited by: Pablo Casamayor on Aug 8, 2008 10:42 AM

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    Is it possible in iphone SDK? If yes, can somebody help me out?
    Thanks. wrote:
    manage to get data from other devices via the bluetooth ?
    You might want to look over the External Accessory framework, released with 3.0.
    ...keep in mind, however, that the only way to communicate with other BT devices via the EAF is if they are in the 'Made for iPod' accessory program.
    However again.... Even though they communicate through standard BT connections, accessories need special hardware in order to process the data stream coming from the iPhone / iPod touch. Unfortunately, this may mean that any idea of communicating with generic BT devices won't work on iPhone OS 3.x.
    If the devices you want to talk to are Bonjour-discoverable via WiFi, they don't need to be part of the MfI program. Does that sound like your case?
    Also you may want to keep in mind that 3rd. party devs in the future may release dongles that connect via the 30-pin dock port, providing access to existing BT devices. If said devs opened their communication protocols, that might enable the goal of communicating with said devices.

  • Problem while reading data from Serial Port

    Hi All,
    I am facing some problem while reading data from Serial Port.
    As per the requirement I am writing the data on Serial Port and waiting for response of that data.
    Notification for data availabilty is checked with method public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event) of javax.comm.SerialPortEventListener.
    When we are writing data on the port one thread i.e. "main" thread is generated and when data availability event occures another thread "Win32SerialPort Notification thread" is generated. This creates problem for me as we can't control thread processing.
    So can anybody pls explain me how to overcome this problem?

    My Problem is:-
    I am simoultaneouly wrting data on port & reading data from port.
    First I write data on port using outputStream.write() method. Now when target side sends me response back for the request on serial port DATA_AVAILABLE of SerialPortEventListner event occured,we are reading data from serial port.Now till the time we didn't get the response from target next command can't be written on the serial port. When we are writing data on port main thread is executed.Now my problem starts when DATA_AVAILABLE event occured.At this point another thread is created.Due to this my program writes data of next command without reading response of previous command.To solve this prob. I have used wait() & notify() methods as follows.But again due to this my pc hangs after execution of 2 commands. (PC hang in while loop in a code provided below.)
    From SOPs I could figure it out that after 2 commands we are not able to write data on serial port so DATA_AVAILABLE event doesn't occure n pro. goes in wait state.
    Can anybody help me to solve this issue.
    public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event)
              switch (event.getEventType())
                   case SerialPortEvent.BI:
                   case SerialPortEvent.OE:
                   case SerialPortEvent.FE:
                   case SerialPortEvent.PE:
                   case SerialPortEvent.CD:
                   case SerialPortEvent.CTS:
                   case SerialPortEvent.DSR:
                   case SerialPortEvent.RI:
                   case SerialPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY:
                   case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE:
                             dataThread = Thread.currentThread();
                             dataAvailable = true;
                                                                                    byte[] tempArray=new byte[availableBytes];
                                                                       catch (IOException io)
                             SOP(io, "Error in serialEvent callback call for event DATA_AVAILABLE");
    public void  writetoPort(byte[] data) throws IOException
                              while(finalTimeOut >= actualTime)
                            if( ! dataAvailable)
                                    actualTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
              synchronized (mainThread)
                   mainThread = Thread.currentThread();
    public  void sendDatatoUser(byte[] b) throws Exception, HWCCSystemFailure

  • Can we get data from business views  in CR 2008/XI?

    Hi All,
    Can we get data from business views  in CR 2008/XI?
    If its possible, pls let us know how to get connect with Business View in both of these versions and what is the tool that we have to use to create Business Views.
    Thank you,
    Krishna Pingali

    Hi Krishna,
    Crystal Reports/BusinessObjects Enterprise ( BOE ) Business Views can only be created using the BV build which comes with BOE and installed using the Work Station installer for BOE. for both XI and 2008.
    You cannot mix these two versions on the same PC not can one talk to the other, the BV designer must match the same version as BOE. XI ( version 11.0 ) is no longer available but if you mean XI R2 ( version 11.5 ) then it still is.
    It's not completely clear which Business View you are referring to? BOE has a Business View Designer so not sure if this is just a naming problem or not? If you are referring to the BOE Business View Designer then the above is true. If your reference is about some other BV designer or data source then you need to clarify.
    Contact our Sales department for pricing and availability.
    Thank you

  • Unable to capture data from Serial port using LVRT2010 in single core pentium 4 machine

    I am using application written in Labview using windows Labview
    Runtime environment 2010. Application creates a tunnel to intercept data from
    Serial port.
    My problem is, Currently, I am using single core Pentium
    processor. When I am trying to intercept the data between COM1 and COM7 (COM 7
    is a virtual port) it is not able to capture data.
    When I am running Labview RT environment using dual core
    processor machine it is running normally. I wonder whether it could be the compatibility issues with
    single core Pentium processor.

    Hi Magnetica
    Are both of the machines running the same runtime engine,
    drivers ect?
    Have you had RT applications running on this
    machine before?
    Is the development computer a 64bit machine?
    The processor is a supported model (See link below).
    National Instruments UK & Ireland

  • How to get data from hard drive in dead iMac?

    I have an old slot-loading iMac (350Mhz G3 blueberry) that just died, probably a dead power supply or something. Won't turn on at all. I don't care about restoring it, I just want to take the hard drive out and grab data from it. I've found instructions for removing the HD ... but any tips on the best/cheapest way to hook it up to get data from it? It's EIDE I believe from what I've read so far. Thanks for any help.

    Hey Richard.....Thanks for the reply to my question about my wife's dead iMac.....
    Her iMac had been acting up lately, mostly to do with her Outlook Express freezing up in OS9. I dunno if OS9 was freezing or if the application was failing. Regardless, I would have to quit OS9, restart Outlook which at the same time restarted OS9. All would be fine for a while, a day or two and then the scene would repeat itself. But I think that issue is separate from the iMac being "dead". Often we have power outages in the area, more than we should. I had the iMac plugged into a battery backup, some APS product I think it is. I believe it is only good for less than an hour as we have other devices drawing on it too. Most of our power outages are of short duration, just enough to be aggravating, sometimes having to reset clocks, etc...And a couple times, I would have to reset the time and date on the iMac so this told me that the PRAM battery was below minimum voltage. But the iMac would ALWAYS restart, even with the low battery. But the most recent outage, about one hour duration, did in the iMac, somehow or other. I do believe the battery backup basically fully discharged. So I removed the battery, could not find a new battery locally so I drove to the big city and paid the local Apple service dealer a visit. I got ripped big time price wise, embarrassed to say. So I get home, put the battery in the holder, depressed the CMU reset, the powerbutton illuminated as did a green LED by the memory modules for less than three seconds and then quit. I also heard the HD trying to spin up and a high voltage THUMP which I assume is the CRT trying to ignite. If I unplugged the iMac, removed the battery, plug in the power again and hit the power button, the iMac would repeat the same short on period and then quit. So it did not seem to make any difference if there was a battery in place. I read somewhere to pull the battery, pull the AC cord, hold down the power button to dump any current (?) and let the unit sit for 24hrs. After that length of time, I was supposed to replace the battery, depress the CMU reset, wait ten seconds and then feed it AC. Well, when I pressed the power button, I heard life for maybe five seconds, maybe a second longer, then a beep and then it shut down. I pulled the AC cord, pulled the battery, re-inserted the battery, depressed the CMU reset, waited a few seconds, plugged in the AC cord, depressed the power button and I am back at the under three seconds of "power-up" and then nothing, dead, no beep, nothing. I think maybe it is a waste of time trying to mess with this unit, looking for a newer iMac on eBay, the snowball series with the 17" LCD, might be time better spent. Hate throwing stuff away, that's why I am up to my ears in junk, maybe u know that scenario. The wife likes my 19" ACER LCD screen, hooked up to this old dual 800mhz, though she dislikes the noise and the tower. But we both agree the large LCD screen is much easier on our aging eyes than the old iMac CRT. Anyway, I appreciate your help, always GREAT to correspond with an Apple fan.....John Bauer

  • Funds management cube getting data from 4 ods, data not seen in cube

    Hello all,
    I am working on funds management cubes (0PU_C02 and 0PU_C03). These two cubes get data from like 7 or 8 ODS. Can someone tell me which are the ODS which feed to respective cubes. I have the mappings done but i am getting very confused.
    In the ods 0PU_O44 there is RLDNR for Ledger and I can see that data in ODS but when i run load to cube I dont see the ledger data (its direct mapping there are no routines or rules).
    Is there any sequence with wihic we have to load the data?
    Message was edited by: Raj M

    Hi Raj,
    I was going thru the forums who has knowledge in Public sector when i came accross ur forum.Can i get your email id..i have some questions to ask regarding student administration.

  • Powerpivot Error on Refresh -- "We couldn't get data from the data model..."

    I'm using Excel 2013 and Windows 8.1.  I have a spreadsheet I've been using for over a year, and I've just started getting this error message when I try to refresh the data.
    "We couldn't get data from the Data Model.  Here's the error message we got:
    The 'attributeRelationship' with 'AttributeID' - 'PuttDistCat9' doesn't exist in the collection"
    Any idea how I can fix this problem?  I haven't changed anything related to that particular attribute.  All the data is contained in separate sheets in the workbook, so there are no external sources of data.

    Thanks for all the suggestions.
    I found a slightly older version of the spreadsheet that still refreshes properly, so I don't think I have any issues with the version of Excel or Power Query.  (I've had this same error before, and I believe I applied the hotfix at that time.)
    I think this problem started after I updated a number of the date filters in the pivot tables.  I haven't made any changes to the data model, and the only updates I've made were to add data (which I do all the time), and to change the date filters on
    the pivot tables.
    As suggested, I added a new pivot table querying one table (the table with the attribute that shows up in the error message), and it worked fine.  I can also refresh this pivot table.
    Then I tried adding a pivot table which went against several tables in the data model (including the table in question).  The pivot table seemed to return that data properly.  However, when I tried to refresh it, I got the same error message ("we
    couldn't get data from the data model..."). 
    Dany also suggested running the queries one at a time to see which one is in error.  Without checking all the pivot tables, it appears that any which use the table "HolePlayedStrokes" generate the error (this is the table with the attribute
    mentioned in the error message).  Pivot Tables without that particular table seem to refresh OK.  Unfortunately, that is the main table in my data model, so most of the pivot tables use it.
    Any other suggestions?  I'd be happy to send a copy of the spreadsheet.
    Thanks for all the help.

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