JMS XML filtering using JMS_BEA_SELECT

Can anyone provide some working examples of JMS_BEA_SELECT built-in. I cannot get any kind of filter to work. Is there any way to debug this ? Is there another way to filter jms messages which are weblogic.jms.extensions.XMLMessage ? If JMS_BEA_SELECT doesn't work then what's the point of the XMLMessage ?

Can anyone provide some working examples of JMS_BEA_SELECT built-in. I cannot get any kind of filter to work. Is there any way to debug this ? Is there another way to filter jms messages which are weblogic.jms.extensions.XMLMessage ? If JMS_BEA_SELECT doesn't work then what's the point of the XMLMessage ?

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    XML messages are text, so use a TextMessage. The JMS API Spec even notes that XML was a primary reason for having a TextMessage (They foresaw that XML "likely become popular").

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  • XML Signature using an XPath filter

    I want to sign an XML document, just based on the content of a particular element in the document. Based on the jwsdp docs it looked pretty simple, but I'm getting strange results. I'll get the same digest value in the SignedInfo for different Xpath filter strings.
    Anybody out there have good luck trying to sign XML documents using Xpath filters?
    I'm using JDK 1.5.05 and JWSDP 1.6.
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <myns:whole_doc xmlns:myns=""
    attr1="attr_one" attr2="attr_two" attr3="attr_three">
    <myns:part_one attr="attr_one">
    <myns:tag1>this is part_one tag_one</myns:tag1>
    <myns:tag2>this is part_one tag_two</myns:tag2>
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    <myns:tag2>this is part_two tag_two</myns:tag2>
    <myns:part_three attr="attr_three">
    <myns:tag1>this is part_three tag_one</myns:tag1>
    <myns:tag2>this is part_three tag_two</myns:tag2>
    When I use an XPath filter = "/myns:whole_doc/myns:part_one" I get the same digest as when I use "/myns:whole_doc/myns:part_two", which is the same digest when I don't use XPath filtering. See example output below
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <myns:whole_doc xmlns:myns="" attr1="attr_one" attr2="attr_two" attr3="attr_three">
    - <myns:part_one attr="attr_one">
    - <Signature xmlns="">
    - <SignedInfo>
    <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" />
    <SignatureMethod Algorithm="" />
    - <Reference URI="">
    - <Transforms>
    <Transform Algorithm="" />
    - <Transform Algorithm="">
    <DigestMethod Algorithm="" />

    It took me all day, but I did find the answer.
    When using XPath filters in references, you can't use XPath exactly the way you would use XPath to find nodes in a document. I can't exactly explain why, but it has to do with the fact that the XPath statement is acting as a filter.
    Anyway, to just include the part_one element from the following abbreviated XML
    <myns:whole_doc> .....
    <myns:part_one> ..... </myns:part_one>
    <myns:part_two> .... </myns:part_two>
    the XPath statement should be "ancestor-or-self::myns:part_one"
    to make sure that part_one was part of whole_doc you could use something like
    (ancestor-or-self::node() = /myns:whole_doc/myns:part_one)
    This allows me to sign a document, but still allow portions outside of whole_doc/part_one to change.

  • How to configure JMS-Server to use username and password

    Maybe this is a real stupid question, but please help me, I'm not very experienced using JMS:
    I'm using JMS (provided by OC4J / Application Server 10.1.3). I configured a ConnectionFactory (without username and password) and a Queue and there is also a application, which successfully opens the JMS-Connections.
    This works well as long as I do not provide a username und password in the ConnectionFactory (EnterpriseManager: OC4J/Admin/Services/JMS-provider...). If I do this, my application terminates with the following stacktrace:
    javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: JMSServer[aplora2:12602]: failed to authenticate "myuser/mypassword", no such user.
         at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSUtils.make(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSUtils.toJMSSecurityException(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSServer.getJMSServer(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.JMSServer.getJMSServer(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.InContainerProxy.getJMSServer(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindConnection.<init>(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnection.<init>(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnectionFactory.unprivileged_createQueueConnection(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnectionFactory.access$000(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnectionFactory$1.execute(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.InContainerProxy.doSecureOp(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(
         at com.evermind.server.jms.EvermindQueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(
         at sam.model.messages.MessageManager.<init>(
    where "myuser" and "mypassword" are the username and password I entered in the ConnectionFactory. (My Application certainly uses the same username and password)
    I expected, that by entering username and password here I would configure my Queue to be protected by them. But obviously there are some very basic things I didn't understand. Can anyone give me a hint, how I can protect the (OC4J-) JMS-Server or the Queue by username and password?
    Thanks for your help
    Frank Brandstetter

    Hey Frank -
    Assuming you've set up users in the "Security Manager" for your application, you can specify what JNDI resources they can "read" (and thus also connect to) via the orion-application.xml file. Look at the following snippet from the orion-application.xml file:
    <namespace-resource root="jms/firstQueue">
    <security-role-mapping impliesAll="false" name="jmsSecurity">
    <user name="scooter"/>
    <namespace-resource root="delme">
    <security-role-mapping impliesAll="false" name="jmsSecurity">
    <group name="messagingUsers"/>
    This would say that only the user "scooter" that you've set up would have access to the Queue whose JNDI name begins with jms/firstQueue. Anyone you've set up and added to a messagingUsers group would have access to any Queues whose JNDI name begins with "delme". (I'm honestly not sure what exactly this line does: <security-role-mapping impliesAll="false" name="jmsSecurity">)
    This is the only way I've found to limit access to a particular Queue.

  • I have one requirement .which is JMS XML file should convert to Flat file

    HI Gurus,
    My Scenario is
    sender SAP ---> receiver  MF( Mainframe) ..
    I have one requirement i will get IDOC from SAP sender pass throw PI to Mainframe...  which is recevier's JMS XML file should convert to Flat file...
    plz guide me any related suggestion and related links .... how to achieve..
    Thanks in advance..

    > My Scenario is
    > sender SAP ---> receiver  MF( Mainframe) ..
    > I have one requirement i will get IDOC from SAP sender pass throw PI to Mainframe...  which is recevier's JMS XML file should convert to Flat file...
    Where is MQ coming in to picture here, You receiving data from SAP and sending Main Frame system,as per your post.
    so we can SAP->PI-->MAINFRAMES.most of the times we sent data to main frame system in the form of test files,so you can use receiver adapter file and use file content conversion.
    thats it.

  • OC4J : configuring queues programmatically than in jms.xml file.

    Hi All,
    I'm using MDB-Queues and OC4J Scheduler in my application deployed in OC4J I need to get rid of the dependency of "jms.xml" (under "<OC4J>\j2ee\home\config") where the queues are defined for the OC4J Scheduler. This is because, I cant always expect my client to add these entries into their app server setting. Can anyone please let me how this can be achieved..?
    Rajasekaran Iyanu

    You can enter jms information in jms-server.xml which can be deploy with application and you dont need to configure AS .

  • Error while loading an XML document using a structured application

    I try to load an XML document using a structured application defined in the default
    My code is shown down, extracted from the FDK API code sample.
    Problem, I always have the same message :
    "Cannot find the file named e:\xml\AdobeFrameMaker10\file. Make sure that the file exists. "
    Where "e:\xml\AdobeFrameMaker10\" is my install directory.
    So I assume that frame try to find the file but does not find it.
    What else can it be ?
    Does anyone knowns how to achieve this simple task using extendScript ?
    Thanks for any comments, Pierre
    function openXMLFile(myLastFile) {
        var filename = myLastFile.openDlg("Choose XML file ...", "*.xml", false);
        if (filename != null) {
            /* Get default open properties. Return if it can’t be allocated. */
            var params = GetOpenDefaultParams();
            /* Set properties to open an XML document*/
            /*Specify XML as file type to open*/
            var i = GetPropIndex(params, Constants.FS_OpenAsType)
            params[i].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_TYPE_XML;
            /* Specify the XML application to be used when opening the document.*/
            i = GetPropIndex(params, Constants.FS_StructuredOpenApplication)
            params[i].propVal.sval = "myApp";
            i = GetPropIndex(params, Constants.FS_FileIsOldVersion)
            params[i].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoOK
            i = GetPropIndex(params, Constants.FS_FontNotFoundInDoc)
            params[i].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoOK
            i = GetPropIndex(params, Constants.FS_FileIsInUse)
            params[i].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoCancel
            i = GetPropIndex(params, Constants.FS_AlertUserAboutFailure)
            params[i].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoCancel
            /*The file containing the specified application must have
            already been read. The default file is read when FrameMaker is
            opened so this shouldn't be a problem if the application to be used is
            listed in the file.*/
            var retParm = new PropVals()
            var fileObj = Open(filename, params, retParm);
            return fileObj
        } else {
            return null;

    Depending on the object "myLastFile", the method openDlg might not even exist (if the myLastFile object is not a File object, for instance). And I do not see any need for the myLastFile anyhow, as you are presenting a dialog to select a file to open. I recommend using the global ChooseFile( ) method instead. This will give you a filename as string in full path notation, or null when no file was selected in the dialog. I am not sure what your ExtendScript documentation states about the return value for ChooseFile, but if that differs from what I am telling you here, the documentation is wrong. So, if you replace the first lines of your code with the following it should work:
    function openXMLFile ( ) {
        var filename = ChooseFile ( "Choose XML file ...", "", "*.xml", Constants.FV_ChooseSelect );
    While writing this, I see that Russ has already given you the same advice. Use the symbolic constant value I indicated to use the ChooseFile dialog to select a single file (it can also be used to select a directory or open a file - but you want to control the opening process yourself). Note that this method allows you to set a start directory for the dialog (second parameter). The ESTK autocompletion also gives you a fifth parameter "helplink" which is undocumented and can safely be ignored.
    Good luck

  • Error while trying to update the XML template using XML Publisher Administrator

    Hello Folks,
    We are on R12.1.3
    I changed a condition in a report and trying to upload the new XML template using XML Publisher Administrator.
    when i click the Apply button, it is throwing an error 'Bad Request'
    Navigation : XML Publisher Administrator > Data Definitions > query the report
    Click on the name of the report > click 'Update file' besides Data Template > Choose file > Click Apply
    I am getting the below error
    Bad Request
    Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
    Now, i could not upload a new XML template.
    Am I doing anything wrong.

    user10163762 wrote:
    Thank you Eugen and Hussein.
    The problem is not with the template.
    It seems to be a problem in that particular instance.
    Uploaded it in a different instance.
    However once i run the program, i cannot view the output as the browser window flashes and disappears.
    My colleague says , it is to do with the trusted site to download something from the browser.
    Can you please guide me on how to fix this ?

  • Generate XML output using DBMS_XMLGEN.getxmltype and not from rdf

    I have a requirement to display output from a particular table in XL format. Out of all the known possible options, I am planning to use the XML publisher to generate XL output.
    For the data source, instead of using the conventional way of creating XML data using rdf,I am planning to use DBMS_XMLGEN.getxmltype pl/sql procedure to generate the XML output. And from the output, call the template to generate the required Excel output.
    Now, I am using the following code to generate XML output but am not sure how to proceed from here. I need to first print the XML data in the FND Output file after which I was planning to call the 'XML Report Publisher' (XDOREPPB) program and use the current request id to get the excel output but I am not able to find the way to print the XML data in the output file as:
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, l_xml_type); - is throwing an error as l_xml_type is an XML data output.
    PROCEDURE xml_main (
    errbuf OUT VARCHAR2
    ,retcode OUT VARCHAR2
    ,p_project_from IN VARCHAR2
    ,p_project_to IN VARCHAR2
    l_xml_type XMLTYPE;
    SELECT DBMS_XMLGEN.getxmltype
    ('SELECT fnd_global.conc_request_id
    ,TO_CHAR (segment1)
    ,to_char(xxmcc_project_details_pkg.cost_to_date (project_id),''999,999,990.90'')
    FROM pa_projects_all
    WHERE segment1 BETWEEN NVL (p_project_from, segment1)
    AND NVL (p_project_to, segment1)')
    INTO l_xml_type
         fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, l_xml_type);
    END xml_main;
    Can anyone point me as to how to publish XML output using a PL/SQL procedure (DBMS_XMLGEN.getxmltype)

    Pl see if the example included in this presentation helps
    Also, you do not need to explicitly call XDOREPPB in later versions of XML Publisher. If you set up everything correctly (as described in the presentation above and the link below) the Output Post Processor is called automatically after the XML file is generated successfully.
    Another excellent tutorial is at

  • XML page cannot be displayed cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet Please correct the error and then click the REfresh

    XML page cannot be displayed cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet Please correct the error and then click the REfresh

    Is the error message displayed in Firefox or in IE, or in a customized window that doesn't identify the browser?
    ''If it displays in Firefox:''
    It's possible that the Troubleshooter doesn't work correctly unless IE is your default browser. You could test that possibility by having IE make itself the default and testing the Troubleshooter again.
    ''If it displays in IE or embedded in another Microsoft application:''
    In a web search I found these suggestions:
    (1) Reset your Internet Explorer settings, according to
    (2) Try the System File Checker, according to
    Any luck?

  • How to read the attribute of the xml file using jaxb

    Buddy as i have a issue i have to read the xml file using jaxb and xml file contains this data and i have read the attribute like name , desc and action for a particular menu name pls tell the code how to do this it will be a great favour to me
    thanx in advance
    <menu name='Lead' >
    <menuitem name='newlead' desc='New Lead' action='/' />
    <menuitem name='editlead' desc='Edit Lead' action='' />
    <menuitem name='leadinfo' desc='Lead Information' action='' />
    <menu name='Cases' >
    <menuitem name='' desc='' action='' />
    <menuitem name='' desc='' action='' />
    <menuitem name='' desc='' action='' />
    <menu name='Contact' >
    <menuitem name='' desc='' action='' />
    <menuitem name='' desc='' action='' />
    <menuitem name='' desc='' action='' />

    What my program do is to get the encoding of XML files and convert them to UTF-8 encoding files, while I need this "encoding" information of the original XML document thus I can convert...
    After reading specifications and JDOM docs, the truth turns to be disappointed, no function is provided to get this information in JDOM level 2(the current released one), while it's promissed that this function will be provided in JDOM level API....
    Thanx all for your help and attention!!!

  • How to read the data from Excel file and Store in XML file using java

    Hi All,
    I got a problem with Excel file.
    My problem is how to read the data from Excel file and Store in XML file using java excel api.
    For getting the data from Excel file what are all the steps i need to follow to get the correct result.
    Any body can send me the code (with java code ,Excel sheet) to this mail id : [email protected]
    Thanks & Regards,
    [email protected],

    If you want someone to do your work, please have the courtesy to provide payment.

  • Get data from a JMS XML queue and save it in a file

    Here I come with my issue again.
    I'm trying to test a JMS XML implementation with ODI and my target is a single delimited file.
    I made simple things, my XML contains the following code :
    +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>+
    In the target file, I specified that I wanted a header line, the id and the value, separated by a tab.
    I send only one message, before executing the ODI interface or package. The queue is persistant. There's no problem from the queue, I manage to read JMS messages with a little program I made.
    The result is also simple : there's no data in the file (not even the header), though it's well created by ODI, and there's no error in the opertor, it's as everything went well.
    Here is the settings I did in ODI :
    Topology : JMS XML Queue config
    Name : JMSXML_TEST
    Technology : JMS XML Queue
    I've a user and password set.
    JNDI Auth : simple
    The user and password are the same as above.
    JNDI protocole : not defined
    JNDI Driver : org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory
    JNDI URL : jnp://localhost:1099/?re=test&d=<DTD_FILE>&s=JMSXML_TEST_SCH&JMS_DESTINATION=queue/TestQueue1
    The connection test is OK.
    The JMS XML model is reversed from the DTD.
    There is only one datastore named TEST with an ID and VALUE columns, and other columns usefull to ODI.
    The target is a file represented by a datastore also named TEST with ID and VALUE columns.
    I created an interface with the following configurations :
    - The staging area is the sunopsis engine,
    - The source datastore and target datastore are the two described above,
    - The LKM is JMS XML to SQL, the IKM is SQL to File Append
    - The JMS_COMMIT option is set to yes
    - The SYNCHRO_JMS_TO_XML is set to yes
    - I added manually a NEXTMESSAGETIMEOUT in the options list because it was missing
    - The IKM settings are all set to yes (INSERT, TRUNCATE, GENERATE_HEADER).
    I also created a package containing this interface.
    Everything is done in the global context.
    Everything is installed locally on my computer : the program sending the messages, the JMS provider and ODI.
    The problem is I don't know where the problem is and neither ODI.
    In the operator, there is 0 insert and the error code is 0.
    Thanks in advance for any insights.
    Edited by: Marie123456 on 21 août 2012 10:36

    Since I still have problems on this subject, I would like to share on how it progresses.
    Currently I have a problem of timeout in step "Truncate XML Schema" with the URL that I mentioned above.
    The exact error is the following : 7000 : null : com.sunopsis.sql.l: Oracle Data Integrator TimeOut : connection with URL [...]
    The connection test is still OK.
    I tried to increase the value in the user's pref but there's no change.

  • Problem inserting value in CLOB column from an XML file using XSU

    When I try to insert CLOB value into Oracle9i database from an XML document using XSU, I get an exception as below.
    09:37:32,392 ERROR [STDERR] oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: 'java.sql.SQLException: ORA-03237: Initial Extent of specified size cannot be allocated
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_LOB", line 395
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    ' encountered during processing ROW element 0. All prior XML row changes were rolled back. in the XML document.
    All Element tags in XML doc. is mapped to columns in the database. One of the table columns is CLOB. That is the one that gives the above exception. Here is the xml...
    ID - is autogenerated value.
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <ROW num="1">
    Can anyone identify what's the problem.. and suggest a solution for this..?
    Thanks in advance..

    Would you please specify the XDK verison and database version?

Maybe you are looking for