JNI communiction using a Java and a C++ Thread

My purpose is to run a Java and a C++ thread parallel.
The C++ thread receives events from a hardware. Getting an event it should put this (for testing it is just a String ) to a Java method (there the events will be collected in a vector).
The Java thread should compute these vector step by step when it is scheduled.
Therefore I have a Java Thread that invokes a native method.
This C++ method
1. stores a refernece to the JavaVM in a global var (using env->getJavaVM ),
2. stores the object (given by JNICall) in a global var (reference to the calling java object),
3. creates an object dynamically (this implements a Runnable C++ Interface needed for my Thread structure)
4. and creates (dynamically) and starts a C++ Thread ( that uses the Win API ) giving it the former created object as parameter.
Following the C++ thread uses the former stored global JavaVM to get a JNIEnv. It also uses the global stored object.
After this I prepare for executing a callback to Java, e.g. AttachCurrentThread, GetObjectClass, GetMethodID and so on. Finally I sucessfully start some callbacks to Java (in the while loop of the thread).
Now here is my Problem:
The described way only works for a few calls and then raises an error. "java.exe hat ein Problem festgestellt und muss beendet werden." (german os) (In english it should be: "java.exe has detected a problem and has to be determined").
What is wrong with my idea. It is something with the scope of my dynammically created objects? If have no idea anymore.
Here the source code (C++ part):
#include <jni.h>
#include "benchmark.h"
#include "bench.h"
#include "canMessage.h"
JavaVM *jvm;
jobject javaObject;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Benchmark_startBench(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject obj2){
     javaObject = obj2;
     cout << "\n C++ Starting benchmark\n\n";
     Benchmark *bm = new Benchmark();
     Thread *thread = new Thread(bm);
     //thread->join(); //uncomment this there will be no error but also
                                     // no java thread doing it's job
Benchmark::Benchmark(): _continue(false) {
unsigned long Benchmark::run(){
     _continue = true;
     JNIEnv *jniEnv;
        jvm->AttachCurrentThread((void **)&jniEnv, NULL);
        jclass javaClass = jniEnv->GetObjectClass(javaObject);
     if(javaClass == NULL){
          cout << "--> Error: javaClass is null";
     jmethodID methodId = jniEnv->GetMethodID(javaClass, "addMessage", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
     if(methodId == NULL){
          cout << "--> Error: methodId is null";
     string str ("This is a test text.");
     const char *cStr = str.c_str();
     jstring javaString = jniEnv->NewStringUTF(cStr);
     jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(javaObject, methodId, javaString );
     int i_loopCount = 0;
          cout << i_loopCount << " C++ runing\n";
          jniEnv->CallVoidMethod(javaObject, methodId, javaString );
          canMessage = new CANMessage();
          delete canMessage;
          canMessage = NULL;
     return 0;
void Benchmark::stop(){
     _continue = false;
}Is there a better and more elegant way to solve my problem?

you will find examples how to implement Java Interface in JNI C++ without Java coding.
you can get pure JNI interface for DOTNET.

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    Edited by: killingdjef on Mar 25, 2009 6:52 AM
    Edited by: killingdjef on Mar 25, 2009 10:28 AM

    killingdjef wrote:
    10K can be perfect, however, when I run Supersmack and see that my database server can handle 8 times more queries per second on the exact same table with the exact same query,
    I'm beginning to wonder if im doing something incorrect or if i'm missing something crucial.
    I have no clue whats a reasonable amount of queries per second is for a dedicated innodb server
    but based on the benchmark test im thinking I can squeeze out more.
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    If you have enough "clients" running directly against that database to generate 10k queries a second then your architecture (and thus design and implementation) is very likely flawed.
    For example
    1. What happens to all of those clients when the database goes down either accidently or on purpose?
    2. Those clients are hitting the database direct, and I don't see how you are going to get enough clients like that without internet consumers. And you absolutely do not want to expose the database that way.
    3. Conversely say you have a call center with 2000 support people, which is a huge call center. There is no way that number could generate even close to 10k a second.
    4. A comparable txn business model is credit card processing and a sustained speed like that would be sufficient to handle all of the credit card transaction business in the US during the peak xmas season. With extra left over.
    Not to mention that you didn't address the network problem at all. Note that the numbers I outlines above doesn't allow any bandwidth for the data to get into the server in the first place.
    And inserts will take more time than queries.
    But as I already said, if you are using transaction then that will have an impact. Connections/threads will as well.

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    As DrQuincy asks how is this of use over multiplying
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    observations here are a condemnation of the language; rather they
    are aspects that, when considered together, not conducive for
    building integrated java and CF frameworks that use a structured /
    OO programming practices. Further detail can be provided on
    CFC inheritance should be avoided - resolution of variable
    scope is expensive even if properly declared.
    Since CF creates a class per method under the covers call
    stacks become very large, especially if used in a loop. This is
    nominally exacerbated by CF calls necessary to set up for the
    method call (String.toUpper()).
    Nesting of loops and if statements should be kept to a
    minimum - the conditional for each lookup of logical operator like
    LT, GT are synchronized. Under load this results in thread waits.
    Jrun has as single thread pool - both http and web service
    requests use the same pool. Under load this leads to thread
    deadlock. There are work arounds, but they are painful.
    Recursion should be avoided - we had a few recursive routines
    and these had to be rewritten.
    Custom Tags - should be used sparingly - each custom tag
    makes a synchronized call to the license server - (This may be
    fixed in CF 8)
    In the end we got the performance to reasonable numbers, but
    we ended up moving some code to java (Custom Tags) and getting rid
    of 'good programming' practices (Inheritance, loops, etc), mandated
    proper variable scoping for those things left over. We prototyped a
    sans cold fusion implementation and had an order of magnitude
    improvement in performance and number of requests served per
    The lesson? Use Coldfusion in its sweet spot: make a query,
    iterate over the results and format for display. Extensive use of
    structure programming techniques or OO CFCs should be avoided: they
    will work but under load - but are better as a prototype. Building
    frameworks in CF? Think twice, no three times, and, if you must, be

    interesting aslbert123,
    Not that I doubt you, but could you answer some questions
    about your implementation that was so slow:
    1.) Did you put your CFCs in the application or server scope?
    2.) Were you initializing your CFCs, via CreateObject or
    <cfinvoke>, on every request?
    3.) Are you sure that you were properly Var'ing every
    variable in your methods? (people typically forget about query
    names and loop iterator variables)
    4.) Could you give examples of how your inheritence was set
    5.) For CustomTags, did you call them the old <cf_tag>
    way or the newer, better-performing <cfimport> way?
    6.) How did you connect CF to Java exactly?

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    PALETTE_LAYER of the JFrame's layered pane - which makes it appear
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    added to the JPanel allow moving and resizing of the JPanel. When the
    user types the ENTER key the JFrame is hidden and the new bounds of
    the JPanel are sent back to the Applescript over the socket connection
    which moves and resizes the front most window.
    Edited by: chitale on May 14, 2009 4:12 AM

    Copy the /Home/Documents/ folder to the NAS drive. That drive needs to support AFP or you may run into filename problems and/or other file related problems due to filesystem differences.
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    Hi Elizabeth,
    Do your Mac meet any of these requirements?
    From this it appears to be PC only!???
    http://sourceforge.net/projects/awebctcclient/files/Pancake%20%28it%20own%20proj ect%20now%29/Pancake%20Console%20V1.0.0/PancakeConsole-1.0.0-src.zip/download
    Can you provide any more info on which bersion or file you have?
    Can you tell us why you need this for your use?

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    can i know what is vss in java and how to use it and also can you tell me related vss like svs?
    and what are tools for configuration in real we will use?
    am i student i want to know these all?

    jduprez wrote:
    You do not need to know them all, but one for sure, since it is a must for multi-developer team.8o( ?????
    It is a must. Period.
    OK, let's tone down: it is a must for any job related to software production. Not only development.That begsl the question, What does it mean to "know" one of these systems? I would expect Product Management, Documentation, QA, and Support staff to be conversant with the fundamentals of such a tool--check in, check out, version/revision numbers--but not much more than that. Developers, on the other hand, I would generally expect "know" the system with a much higher level of expertise--query language, branching, merging, and so on.

  • When should I use static variable and when should not? Java essential

    When should I use static variable and when should not? Java essential

    Static => same value for all instances of the class.
    Non-static => each instance can have its own value.
    Which you need in which circumstances is completely up to you.

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    could you pls provide me the sample code for this.

    The IReport interface extends IViewingServerGroupInfo interface, that allows you to specify the server group. 
    The choice selection for that interface is as follows:  0 = first available, 1 = prefer the selected server group, and 2 =  only use the selected server group.
    The server group selection is by the SI_ID for that server group InfoObject.
    Ted Ueda - Developer Support

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    Plz response with details.

    1) Learn JDBC API [http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/jdbc/index.html].
    2) Create DAO class which contains JDBC code and do all SQL queries and returns or takes ID's or DTO objects.
    3) Learn Servlet API [http://java.sun.com/javaee/5/docs/tutorial/doc/].
    4) Create Servlet class which calls the DAO class, gets the list of DTO's as result, puts it as a request attribute and forwards the request to a JSP page.
    5) Learn JSP and JSTL [http://java.sun.com/javaee/5/docs/tutorial/doc/]. Also learn HTML if you even don't know it.
    6) Create JSP page which uses the JSTL c:forEach tag to access the list of DTO's and iterate over it and prints a HTML list out.
    You don't need Javascript for this.

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