JNI linking error

I'm trying to write a c++ program with msvc 6.0
and j2sdk 1.4.2 that uses the JNI invocation interface to
load the Java VM.
On the release project settings I set the additional library
path to point to <jre>\bin\client with jvm.dll as the additional
library name. The linker complains with an error message of
LNK1136:invalid or corrupt dll.
Anyone run into this problem before?

I think you are trying to link statically to jvm.dll, you can't do that. If you wish to link statically, you need to link to jvm.lib. If you want to link dynamically, use LoadLibrary in your code.
If you continue to have problems, please post the C/C++ source for people to help you.

Similar Messages

  • JNI Unsatisfied Link Error

    Hello All:
    I have some java code that calls a C function in a dll. I have succesfully used the javah utility to generate the header file for my jni native implementation code and have build both the client java code as well as the dll using g++3.0 using Bloodshed Dev C++ (an open source IDE). When I go to execute the java code I get an unsatisfied link error saying my function is not recognized by the jvm. Does anyone have any suggestions on this issue?? I am using Win2k and jdk 1.4.1
    Here is what I've already tried:
    1) Have added the directory where the java class file as well as the dll to my PATH variable, I have even put the dll files in the jdk bin directory
    2) My dll loads three other dll's and calls a function in one of those dll's, I am using the loadLibrary function to load these dll's and am using function pointers to reference the actual function in the dll
    I was wondering if its a problem if I use g++ to build my dll, does the virtual machine assume by default that gcc is used, please let me know.
    Any help is much appreciated

    I've looked through the various postings on this issue and have tried some or all of the suggestions that were made relevant to my problem but I still keep getting this error. As a result I am attaching some code here:
    Listed below is my java code
    public class DecoderAdapter
    //instance vars
    private static DecoderAdapter decoderAdapObj;
    private String serNum="43543534654";
    private Hashtable decodeInfo;
    private final int DEC_SNTYPE_UNKNOWN=0;
    private final int DEC_SNTYPE_ADOBE_1A=10;
    private final int DEC_SNTYPE_ADOBE_1B=20;
    private final int DEC_SNTYPE_ADOBE_2A=30;
    private final int DEC_SNTYPE_ADOBE_2B=40;
    private int serNumType;
    public DecoderAdapter() throws UnsatisfiedLinkError
    /** accessor for decodeInfo
    public Hashtable getDecodeInfoHash()
         return decodeInfo;
    /** mutator for decodeInfo
    public void setDecodeInfoHash()
    /** accessor for serial number type
    public int getSerNumType()
         return serNumType;
    /** mutator for serial number type
    public void setSerNumType(int serNumberType)
         serNumType = serNumberType;
    /** accessor for serial number
    public String getSerNum()
         return serNum;
    /** mutator for serial number type
    public void setSerNum(String serNumber)
         serNum = serNumber;
    public static void main(String[] args)
    //local vars
    decoderAdapObj = new DecoderAdapter();
    int snType=decoderAdapObj.DEC_SNTYPE_UNKNOWN;
    String serialNum=decoderAdapObj.getSerNum();
    Hashtable myHash = decoderAdapObj.getDecodeInfoHash();     
         int responseCode=decodeSerNum(snType,serialNum,myHash);
         System.out.println("The response from decoding the serial number is "+responseCode);
         System.out.println("About to call the hashtable retrieval function");
         System.out.println("The media code returned="+decoderAdapObj.decodeInfo.get("mediaCode"));
         catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError un)
         System.out.println("Caught an unsatisfied link exception with the message="+un.getMessage());
         System.out.println("The stack trace of this error is="+un.getStackTrace());
    /** This method is used
         to fill up the contents
         of the hashtable
    public void initializeHash()
         decodeInfo = new Hashtable();
         decodeInfo.put("errorCode",new Integer(0));
         decodeInfo.put("mediaCode",new String("temp"));
    //declaration of native method
    private static native int decodeSerNum(int snType,
    String serialNumberStr,
    Hashtable decodeInfoHash);
    The following is what gets generated by the javah utility:
    /* Header for class DecoderAdapter */
    #ifndef IncludedDecoderAdapter
    #define IncludedDecoderAdapter
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
    /* Inaccessible static: decoderAdapObj */
    * Class: DecoderAdapter
    * Method: decodeSerNum
    * Signature: (ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Hashtable;)I
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_DecoderAdapter_decodeSerNum
    (JNIEnv *, jobject, jint, jstring, jobject);
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    And finally the following is my C implementation file:
    Date: 07/11/02 11:56
    #include <jni.h>
    #include "Decoder.h"
    #include "DecoderAdapter.h"
    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    typedef int (WINAPI*cfunc)(int,char *,DecodeInfo *);
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_DecoderAdapter_decodeSerNum
    (JNIEnv * env, jclass currentObj, jint serialNumberType, jstring serialNumber, jobject decodeInfoHash)
    HINSTANCE hLib=LoadLibrary("WCDSNDecoder.DLL");
    //HINSTANCE hLib1=LoadLibrary("Kernel32.DLL");
    //HINSTANCE hLib2=LoadLibrary("msvcrt.DLL");
    if(hLib==NULL) {
    cout << "Unable to load library!" << endl;
    return 0;
    //load the dll at run time
    cfunc decodeSerialNumberPtr=(cfunc)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)hLib, "decodeSerialNumber");
    DecodeInfo result;
    //call decode serial number here
    //and pass in the serial number type
    //the serial number and the empty
    //struct containing the serial number info
    char * actualSerialNumber = const_cast<char *> (env->GetStringUTFChars(serialNumber,0));
    int serType = serialNumberType;
    int finalResult=decodeSerialNumberPtr(serType,actualSerialNumber,&result);
    //set the results from the Decode Info struct
    //int decodeSerialNumber(int serialNumberType,
    // char *serialNumberFrmtd,
    // DecodeInfo *serialNumInformation);
    //first return the Java class object that is the type of the
    //java object
    jclass decoder_class = env->GetObjectClass(currentObj);
    jclass decoder_hash_class = env->GetObjectClass(decodeInfoHash);
    //call the put method from the native code
    //on the hashtable object and pass it the necessary
    jmethodID putMethod = env->GetMethodID(decoder_hash_class,"put","(S,O)V");
    jstring key = env->NewStringUTF("mediaCode");
    jstring value = env->NewStringUTF(result.mediaCode);
    //now do the actual call to the method
    //release memory here
    return finalResult;
    The exact error is shown below:
    Caught an unsatisfied link exception with the message=decodeSerNum
    My path variable's contents is shown below:
    PATH=C:\XEmacs\XEmacs-21.4.8\i586-pc-win32;C:\oracle\ora81\bin;C:\oracle\ora81\Apache\Perl\5.00503\bin\mswin32-x86;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.7\bin;C:\Perl\bin\;C:\WINNT\system32;C:\WINNT;C:\WINNT\System32\Wbem;C:\Perforce;C:\JRE\1.1\bin;c:\webObjectsCode\dev\LocalDeveloper\Executables;C:\djdev\bin;C:\emacs-20.7\bin;C:\jakarta-ant-1.4.1\bin;C:\J2SDK1~1.1\bin;C:\Apple\Library\Executables;C:\Apple\bin;C:\Apple\Library\JDK\bin;C:\j2sdk1.4.1\include;C:\j2sdk1.4.1\include\winnt;C:\webObjectsCode\devWO5\sn_decoder\javaWrapperWork;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VSA\7.0\VsaEnv
    Please note that I am successfully able to build a dll file.
    Any help would be appreciated...

  • JNI Unsatified Link Error

    Hello All:
    I have some java code that calls a C function in a dll. I have succesfully used the javah utility to generate the header file for my jni native implementation code and have build both the client java code as well as the dll using g++3.0 using Bloodshed Dev C++ (an open source IDE). When I go to execute the java code I get an unsatisfied link error saying my function is not recognized by the jvm. Does anyone have any suggestions on this issue?? I am using Win2k and jdk 1.4.1
    Here is what I've already tried:
    1) Have added the directory where the java class file as well as the dll to my PATH variable
    2) My dll loads three other dll's and calls a function in one of those dll's, I am using the loadLibrary function to load these dll's and am using function pointers to reference the actual function in the dll
    Any help is much appreciated

    When I go to execute the java code I get an unsatisfied link error
    saying my function is not recognized by the jvm.Presumably this means that you loaded the dlls successfully.
    Which means that the shared lib path, at least for those dlls, does not matter. The path only matters when the dll fails to load.
    So you are getting this when the native method is actually called.
    The reason is because the signatures do no match. Java is calling a JNI method and that exact method is not in the dlls that you have loaded.
    Possible reasons:
    -You didn't use javah correctly (has to do with packages.)
    -You added a package and didn't rerun javah to get the new signature.
    -You changed the package and didn't rerun javah to get the new signature.
    -You manually modified the signature so it no longer matches the one generated by javah.
    -You are using an unusual set of compiler options which causes the compiler to modify the signature.
    -You are loading the wrong dll.

  • Jni - unsatisfied link errors in packages

    I am trying to run a test Java program that uses JNI in Win2k. I only have two classes, so I am experimenting with putting them in a package. When I do that I get unsatisfied link errors at runtime that I don't get when they are not in a package.
    I don't get exceptions on the loadLibrary call, for some reason, only when I make a call to the native code.
    Any ideas??? Speculations? Do I need to set some sort of path env variable, other than "path" to find the library (like Unix)? I'm new at this windows stuff.
    Thanks in advance ...

    I got it! I needed to put the package name in front of the class name in the C file.

  • Linking error - JNI code

    I am new to JNI.
    I am getting linking error as below:
    --------------------Configuration: InvokeJava - Win32 Debug--------------------
    invoke.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__JNI_CreateJavaVM@12
    invoke.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
    Error executing cl.exe.
    InvokeJava.exe - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)
    Please help me.
    Code is pasted below:
    #include <jni.h>
    #define PATH_SEPARATOR ';' /* define it to be ':' on Solaris */
    #define USER_CLASSPATH "." /* where Prog.class is */
    main() {
         JNIEnv *env;
         JavaVM *jvm;
         jint res;
         jclass cls;
         jmethodID mid;
         jstring jstr;
         jclass stringClass;
         jobjectArray args;
    #ifdef JNI_VERSION_1_2
         JavaVMInitArgs vm_args;
         JavaVMOption options[1];
         options[0].optionString =
              "-Djava.class.path=" USER_CLASSPATH;
         vm_args.version = 0x00010002;
         vm_args.options = options;
         vm_args.nOptions = 1;
         vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_TRUE;
         /* Create the Java VM */
         res = JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, (void**)&env, &vm_args);
         JDK1_1InitArgs vm_args;
         char classpath[1024];
         vm_args.version = 0x00010001;
         /* Append USER_CLASSPATH to the default system class path */
         sprintf(classpath, "%s%c%s",
              vm_args.classpath, PATH_SEPARATOR, USER_CLASSPATH);
         vm_args.classpath = classpath;
         /* Create the Java VM */
         res = JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, &env, &vm_args);
    #endif /* JNI_VERSION_1_2 */
         if (res < 0) {
              fprintf(stderr, "Can't create Java VM\n");
         cls = (*env)->FindClass(env, "Prog");
         if (cls == NULL) {
              goto destroy;
         mid = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, cls, "main",
         if (mid == NULL) {
              goto destroy;
         jstr = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, " from C!");
         if (jstr == NULL) {
              goto destroy;
         stringClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/String");
         args = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, 1, stringClass, jstr);
         if (args == NULL) {
              goto destroy;
         (*env)->CallStaticVoidMethod(env, cls, mid, args);
         if ((*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env)) {

    you have to link jni.lib with your code. This lib is contained in the lib subdirectory of your JDK. Add jni.lib to the list of libraries and don't forget to add the directory where jni.lib is located to the library search path.

  • C-Linker Error - can't find JNI Methods

    I'm trying to exchange data from Java to C via Byte-Arrays. The
    .c-file compiles fine but I get an error while linking:
    Link Error : Undefined symbol: _GetByteArrayRegion in
    Link Error : Undefined symbol: _SetByteArrayRegion in
    I'm using the SetByte..- method the following way:
    SetByteArrayRegion(env, encodedArr, 0, 26, Line);
    Data types used here are: JNIEnv *env, jbyteArray encodedArr; char Line[26] ;
    thank you for your suggestions.

    issue resolved already! thx anyway

  • Unsatisfied Link error.

    Hello ,
    I am new to JNI.
    I am getting an Unsatified link error.
    My code is
    public class DisplayMessage {
         static {
               Runtime.getRuntime().loadLibrary("MessaageHandler") ;
                         public static void main(String args[]) {
                                     printMessage() ;
                      public static native void printMessage() ;
    }I have checked the path of my dll. there dont seem to be problem in that. It seems as if the system is not able to find method printMessag() present in the dll.
    Here is the error that I am getting.
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: printMessage
         at DisplayMessage.printMessage(Native Method)
         at DisplayMessage.main(DisplayMessage.java:11)Please point me out, what mistake i am doing.

    Hi Oven,
    Thanks for your reply.
    But I have already tried what you had suggested.
    I tried runing my program with the -D option. I have also tried including my dll in the system path.
    I tried running the program after copying my dll at all places like the current directory, Systems directory, The JRE directory, the lib/ext directory and severel other possibl;e places. But still I get the same error.
    I was getting a different error initially which said.
    "No main found in MessageHandler"
    This I suppose I was getting because the path of the Dll was not set properly.
    But now the error is related to the method defined in the dll "printMessage()".
    I have also checked the signature of the method. Everything seems to be fine.
    Please anybody suggest me a way.
    Also If anyone can tell me how I can call a win32 API through java. I hope the way to call a win32 API is the same as calling printMessage() .
    For example I want to call a API InitiateSystemShutDown() in a dll. advapi32.dll.

  • Linking Errors

    I'm getting some confusing messages when linking. Below, I've listed the commands and parameters and the error messages. Have spent a long time on this, and a lot of other people have looked at it, and we just can't find a solution. Any help would be great. Thanks.
    CC +w -compat=5 -instances=extern -D_REENTRANT -mt -DBA_SUN -vdelx -DRW_NAMESPACE_REQUIRED -library=rwtools7_std -DRW_NO_IOSTD -g -xildoff -o /gt/home/gt_upgrade/ghost/bin/stubqa /gt/home/gt_upgrade/ghost/src/stubs/stubqa.o -L/gt/home/gt_upgrade/ghost/lib -lbdec -lbabslink -lquote -lqaif -lstubs -lutils -ldatabase -lexppnr -lgtini -lqfilter -lgttux -lutils -R/opt/ba/solib -L/opt/ba/solib -lbaconv_mt -lbatcpip_mt -lbasocket_mt -lnsl -lsocket -lBaTpfAccess  -lclntsh -lxa -lsql -lsqlnet -lncr -lsqlnet -lclient -lcommon -lgeneric -lsqlnet -lncr -lsqlnet -lclient -lcommon -lgeneric   -lepc -lnlsrtl3 -lc3v6 -lcore3 -lnlsrtl3 -lcore3 -lnlsrtl3     `cat /opt/oracle/7.3.4/rdbms/lib/sysliblist`    -lm -lthread -L/opt/tux65/lib  -lwsc -lbuft -lnws -lnwi -lfml -lfml32 -lgp -lnsl -lsocket
    ld: fatal: symbol `const GTTpfAccess::EConnectionStatus GTTpfAccess::GetTpfAccessStatus()const' is multiply-defined:
    (file /gt/home/gt_upgrade/ghost/src/stubs/stubqa.o and file /gt/home/gt_upgrade/ghost/lib/libbdec.a(gtbdecis.o));
    ld: fatal: symbol `const GTYieldItem::eYieldItemType GTYieldItem::GetYieldItemType()const' is multiply-defined:
    (file /gt/home/gt_upgrade/ghost/src/stubs/stubqa.o and file /gt/home/gt_upgrade/ghost/lib/libbdec.a(gtbdecis.o));

    Is this a java question or a C++ question?
    JNI methods use a C linkage call so the methods that you have in your class will not be called by java.
    And you didn't indicate what you error is so it is rather hard to say. Although for starters you can get rid of that 'void' because that is not how C++ works.
    You do know what 'virtual' means right? Why do you think it would have anything to do with a link error?

  • How to remove unsatified linking error (dll linking)

    I am having a problem while using Jbuilder4.0 that when i include a dll file and the java file that calls it. I get an error (Unsatisfied link error). please help URGENT have to submit a project! in 5 hours GOOD ENUFF! maybe i am not including a dll
    this is the java side code of the JNI which i am including in the package.
    package talkinghands;
    class DGlove
         public static float[] values = new float[7];
         public static boolean status = false;
         public static native void getValNative();
         public static native void connectDG();
         public static native void disconnectDG();
         public static native boolean getStatus();
         public static native float getSensor0();
         public static native float getSensor1();
         public static native float getSensor2();
         public static native float getSensor3();
         public static native float getSensor4();
         public static native float getSensor5();
         public static native float getSensor6();
         public static void getValues()
              values[0] = getSensor0();
              values[1] = getSensor1();
              values[2] = getSensor2();
              values[3] = getSensor3();
              values[4] = getSensor4();
              values[5] = getSensor5();
              values[6] = getSensor6();
         public static void main (String[] args)
    /*          connectDG();
              status = getStatus();
              for (int i =0; i<=6;i++)
              for (int i =0; i<=6;i++)

    You didn't say anything about the dll. Did you compile it to use C linkages (not C++)?

  • Linker Error during compiling ODBC WinCE C++_Sample Project

    I am devloping a ODBC application for PocketPC2003 using OLite 10g Release before that i am understanding the sample application provided with Olite.
    I followed all the instructions provided in ReadMe.txt file available before using VC++ sample. After making all the settings and compiling i am getting following linker errors as mentioned below.
    Any solution for this problem at the earliest will be appreciated, i have tried link all the libraries provided with WinCE armv4.
    Linker Error Messages:
    Error     1     error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SQLExecDirect referenced in function "public: virtual __cdecl CSQLResult::~CSQLResult(void)" (??1CSQLResult@@UAA@XZ)     dbaccess.obj     
    Error     2     error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SQLFreeStmt referenced in function "public: virtual __cdecl CSQLResult::~CSQLResult(void)" (??1CSQLResult@@UAA@XZ)     dbaccess.obj     
    Error     3     error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SQLGetData referenced in function "public: class CRowObj const * __cdecl CSQLResult::Fetch(int)" (?Fetch@CSQLResult@@QAAPBVCRowObj@@H@Z)     dbaccess.obj     
    Error     4     error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SQLFetch referenced in function "public: class CRowObj const * __cdecl CSQLResult::Fetch(int)" (?Fetch@CSQLResult@@QAAPBVCRowObj@@H@Z)     dbaccess.obj     
    Error     5     error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SQLFreeEnv referenced in function "public: void __cdecl COLiteDB::Disconnect(void)" (?Disconnect@COLiteDB@@QAAXXZ)     dbaccess.obj     
    Error     6     error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SQLFreeConnect referenced in function "public: void __cdecl COLiteDB::Disconnect(void)" (?Disconnect@COLiteDB@@QAAXXZ)     dbaccess.obj     
    Error     7     error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SQLDisconnect referenced in function "public: void __cdecl COLiteDB::Disconnect(void)" (?Disconnect@COLiteDB@@QAAXXZ)     dbaccess.obj     
    Error     8     error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SQLConnect referenced in function "public: int __cdecl COLiteDB::Connect(void)" (?Connect@COLiteDB@@QAAHXZ)     dbaccess.obj     
    Error     9     error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SQLAllocConnect referenced in function "public: int __cdecl COLiteDB::Connect(void)" (?Connect@COLiteDB@@QAAHXZ)     dbaccess.obj     
    Error     10     error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SQLAllocEnv referenced in function "public: int __cdecl COLiteDB::Connect(void)" (?Connect@COLiteDB@@QAAHXZ)     dbaccess.obj     
    Error     11     error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SQLError referenced in function "public: class CSQLResult * __cdecl COLiteDB::Execute(wchar_t const *)" (?Execute@COLiteDB@@QAAPAVCSQLResult@@PB_W@Z)     dbaccess.obj     
    Error     12     error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SQLDescribeCol referenced in function "public: class CSQLResult * __cdecl COLiteDB::Execute(wchar_t const *)" (?Execute@COLiteDB@@QAAPAVCSQLResult@@PB_W@Z)     dbaccess.obj     
    Error     13     error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SQLNumResultCols referenced in function "public: class CSQLResult * __cdecl COLiteDB::Execute(wchar_t const *)" (?Execute@COLiteDB@@QAAPAVCSQLResult@@PB_W@Z)     dbaccess.obj     
    Error     14     error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SQLAllocStmt referenced in function "public: class CSQLResult * __cdecl COLiteDB::Execute(wchar_t const *)" (?Execute@COLiteDB@@QAAPAVCSQLResult@@PB_W@Z)     dbaccess.obj

    The OLITE forum (Database Mobile Server (inc. legacy Database Lite) would be a better place to post your issue. This forum deals with the ODBC driver that connects to a "normal" Oracle database.
    Hope it helps,
    Edited by: gdarling on Nov 12, 2008 8:31 AM

  • The broken link error

    Please help me with this broken link error in Office Excel 2010. Thank you.
    The problem is: a broken link cannot be removed from the file. The link was used in data validation, which refers to a list of values. After the path was corrected, it still shows there’s a broken link. Here are the details:
    I have 4 files named “000TVA_Test – 3”, “000TVA_Test – 4”, “000TVA_Test – 5”, and “000TVA_Test – 6”. The posterior files were developed based on the previous files.
    In Test-3, sheet “Template “, cell “L4”, “O4”, “R4”… were built as dropdown list using data validation. The list source is in the “Library” worksheet. There’s no problem so far.
    Test-4 was firstly copied from Test-3. In this file I renamed the worksheet from “Library” to “Setting” and the link was broken from here. I can also fix the broken link in this file. (While I didn’t realize there was a broken link.)
    In Test-5 I fixed the path, but every time when opening the file, the broken link still shows.
    In Test-6 I’ve removed the data validations. The broken link is still there.
    I tried to find solutions online. I tried common methods, cannot find anything in the files is still using links. I also tried the “findlink.xla” add-in, but it only worked for Test-4, and couldn’t find the link in other files.
    Please help. Thank you!
    I uploaded files here: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=1A97736E0ABBAA41!113&authkey=!AF5wAd9rwUPnYyE&ithint=folder%2cxlsm
    Thanks again!

    Based on my tested the files downloaded, I found that Test-5 & Test-6 included the "A defined name that refers to an external workbook", Test-4 had not. (Please click Formula Tab>Name Manage, you'll see them.)
    However, the Break Links command cannot break the following types of links:   
    A defined name that refers to an external workbook
    A ListBox control with an input range that refers to an external workbook.
    A DropDown control with an input range that refers to an external workbook.
    http://support2.microsoft.com/kb/291984/en-us (It also applies to Excel 2010)
    Thus, we'd better try the workaround: re-build the Test-5 & Test 6.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • I am getting an linker error LNK2001 : unresolved symbol _main while compiling Microsoft c code

    I am writng a simple application in C language for communicating with GPIB. when I compile the c file I am getting a linker error
    LIBC.lib(ctr0.obj): LNK2001 error: unresolved sysmbol _main
    I compile the application in the dos window using the command
    cl gpibApplication.c gpib-32.obj.
    Could anyone tell me how to remove this error

    It sounds like the main function is missing from the gpibApplication.c file. Be sure that the following function is somewhere in the code:
    int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    Also, note that this function is case sensitive, so be sure main is not capitalized.
    Randy Solomonson
    Application Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Link errors on HP Itanium and Oracle Developers Release

    We have pulled down the Oracle Developers release for HP-UX 11.22 and were not able to compile the Oracle code
    because of a link error. We are getting the following errors in the make.log file:
    (Bundled) cc: error 1913: `16M' does not exist or cannot be read
    (Bundled) cc: error 1913: `L' does not exist or cannot be read
    (Bundled) cc: error 1913: `1M' does not exist or cannot be read
    (Bundled) cc: error 1913: `1M' does not exist or cannot be read
    *** Error exit code 1
    Has anyone run into this issue and how was it resolved?

    does a
    select xmlelement("SQLX", 'Hello ,World!') from dual; work?
    SQL> select xmlelement("SQLX", 'Hello World!') from dual;
    <SQLX>Hello World!</SQLX>
    It works for me in 9.2
    SQL> select xmlelement("orderid", order_num) from orders;
    6 rows selected.

  • My external hard drive won't mount and shows a 'sibling link error'. I've seached the forums but need a very dumbed down set of tips for the computer illiterate- help?

    The forums have suggestions on this topic but I don't understand the lingo used.

    Remember card catalogs in libraries?   The computer has its own card catalog that tells it where all the files are.  That's known as the directory.
    Sibling link error indicates something is wrong with one of the cards, making the computer lost.  Now the computer will put forth a bunch of gobbledy gook to fix this error, but you can do it. 
    Since the issue is with the external hard disk, you must select it with Disk Utility's First Aid selected.   There you will repair the disk.   If it can't repair the disk, you will need to use a more powerful tool.  The question is, is your data backed up elsewhere, or is it not?  If it is not, the same symptoms of a bad directory can also implicate a dying hard drive.  You'll want a data recovery tool if you aren't backed up.  If you are backed up, and there is nothing that can't be replaced on that external hard drive, get Alsoft Disk Warrior.  This should fix most bad sibling link errors repair disk can't.  When it can't, you can give up on the external hard disk.
    P.S. Permissions has NOTHING to do with the directory.  Do not worry about issues with permissions or attempting to repair it at this stage.

  • "Not an executable or is a link" errors when starting Messaging Server

    "Not an executable or is a link" errors when starting Messaging Server
    If Calendar Server 3.x has been installed to the same server root
    as Messaging server, it is possible that the command 'NscpMail start'
    to restart the server will return a string of errors:
    # /etc/NscpMail start
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (Account-Handler) is not a n executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (Account-Manager) is not a n executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (AutoReply-Handler) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (Configuration-Manager) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (Error-Handler) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (Mailbox-Deliver) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (Program-Deliver) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (SMTP-Deliver) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (SMTP-Router) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (UNIX-Deliver) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Network Module
    (Finger-Server) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Network Module
    (IMAP4-Server) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Network Module
    (POP3-Server) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Network Module
    (SMTP-Accept) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    Startup Problem:
    Module Error-Handler is required for proper operation.
    Netscape Messaging Server Exiting!
    The Calendar server 3.x installation may have changed the permissions
    on [server-root]/bin directory from 755 to 750. Simply issue the
    command (as root) 'chmod 755 [server-root]/bin' and then start
    the server with the 'NscpMail start' command, and it should start
    without a problem.

    "Not an executable or is a link" errors when starting Messaging Server
    If Calendar Server 3.x has been installed to the same server root
    as Messaging server, it is possible that the command 'NscpMail start'
    to restart the server will return a string of errors:
    # /etc/NscpMail start
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (Account-Handler) is not a n executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (Account-Manager) is not a n executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (AutoReply-Handler) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (Configuration-Manager) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (Error-Handler) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (Mailbox-Deliver) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (Program-Deliver) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (SMTP-Deliver) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (SMTP-Router) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Local Module
    (UNIX-Deliver) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Network Module
    (Finger-Server) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Network Module
    (IMAP4-Server) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Network Module
    (POP3-Server) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    19971207145610:Dispatch:Notification:Network Module
    (SMTP-Accept) is not an executable or is a link.
    Module not loaded.
    Startup Problem:
    Module Error-Handler is required for proper operation.
    Netscape Messaging Server Exiting!
    The Calendar server 3.x installation may have changed the permissions
    on [server-root]/bin directory from 755 to 750. Simply issue the
    command (as root) 'chmod 755 [server-root]/bin' and then start
    the server with the 'NscpMail start' command, and it should start
    without a problem.

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