Job ab Ende November gesucht...

Auch ohne Hoch- oder Fachschulabschluß sind Spitzenleistungen drin!
Suche nach Abschluß meiner Ausbildung zur IT-Managerin/Neue Medien interessanten Job.
- HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Photoshop, Premiere, Illustrator, SoundForge, Flash4, Dreamweaver, HomeSite.
- WebDesign, Programmierung.
[email protected]

Hier Javascript:
Könnten Sie helfen, wie man ein Postmail-CGI richtig installiert ? Mein Hoster hat mir vor Vertragsabschluß versprochen, mir beim Installieren eines Postmail-CGI zu helfen - und daß dies kein Problem wäre. Nun allerdings scheint er damit auch Probleme zu haben. Das CGI läuft offenbar, denn nach Absenden bringt es im Browser die Rückmeldung "ihre Eingaben waren korrekt... etc." allerdings kommt im Emailpostfach keiene Email an.
Könnten Sie helfen ? Offenbar fehlt nur ein richtiger Eintrag im CGI, der die Mail in das Postfach leitet.
Das Problem: vermutlich die richtigen urls im CGI anzugeben. Es handelt sich um einen
Apache Server. Das CGI befindet sich im Verzeichnis der Website im cgi-bin. Das CGI heißt
af.cgi. Zur besseren Orientierung dasselbe nachfolgend:
# AlienForm2 - Released 23 May, 1998.
# Copyright 1997, 1998 Jon Hedley - [email protected]
# All Rights Reserved.
# Do not discribute this script without my express, written permission!
# Remember to upload in ASCII mode!
# Work hard, and be good to your mother.
# Deutsche Übersetzung:
# mail: [email protected]
# Beachte, daß das Script im ASCII Modus upgeloadet wird !
# Installationhilfen können gegeben werden, bitte Kontakt per eMail oder AIM
# Wir freuen uns auf jeden Link auf unsere Homepage, machen es aber nicht zur
# Bedingung
# Setzt den benötigten MIME-Type. Normalerweise sollte hier nichts geändert werden.
$content_type = "Content-Type: text/htmlnn";
# Hier den Unix-Pfad zu den Forumularen angeben. Dieser Pfad wird den angegebenen
# Formularen vorangestellt. Das Verzeichnis sollte dort sein, wo sich auch die HTML-Dateien
# befinden, nicht aber im CGI-BIN Verzeichnis, bzw. in dortigen Unterverzeichnissen!
$base_path = \'/vserv/i/interne2/htdocs/formulare/\';
# Befehl zum laden des Mailers, welcher unbedingt den STDIN-Standard unterstützen sollte!
$mail_cmd = \'/usr/sbin/sendmail -t\';
# Hier kann festgeelgt werden, welcher Server, oder welche Seiten auf dieses
# Script zugreifen darf. Dabei können ganze URL\'s angegeben werden oder auch
# global ganze Server (ist meist das sinnvollste). Es ist sinnvoll die Angaben
# mit UND ohne vorangestelltem www zu machen. Es sei denn, der Server ist sowieso
# nicht erreichbar ohne www. vorweg.
# Alternativ kann hier auch eine IP angegeben werden. Alle Einträge sind in \' Hochkommas \'
# zu setzen, und werden in einer Liste mit Kommas getrennt.
@Referers = (\'\');
##Hier habe ich den richtigen Domainnahmen angegeben.
$error_loop = 0;
$browser_out = 0;
if ($ENV{\'REQUEST_METHOD\'} eq \'GET\' and not $ENV{\'QUERY_STRING\'})
$ENV{\'OUT_TITLE\'} = "AlienForm2 deutsch Releas 9/98";
$ENV{\'OUT_MSG\'} = qq|Die letzte deutsche Version ist erhaeltlich bei <a href="">|;
@msg = (<DATA>);
@msg = ParseText(@msg);
if (@missing_values or @bad_emails or @only_digits or @only_words) { Error(\'evil values\') }
foreach $key (keys %FORM)
if ($key =~ /^_send_email/)
@lines = ReadFile(\'Email Template\',$FORM{$key});
@lines = ParseText(@lines);
elsif ($key =~ /^_out_file/)
@lines = ReadFile(\'Log File\',$FORM{$key});
@lines = ParseText(@lines);
LogFile(\'LogFile Template\',@lines);
elsif ($key =~ /^_browser_out/ and $browser_out < 2)
@lines = ReadFile(\'Browser Template\',$FORM{$key});
@lines = ParseText(@lines);
elsif ($key =~ /^_redirect/ and $browser_out < 2)
print "Location: $FORM{$key}nn";
unless ($browser_out)
@msg = (<DATA>);
$ENV{\'OUT_TITLE\'} = "Übertragung erfolgreich";
$ENV{\'OUT_MSG\'} = "Deine eingaben waren erfolgreich, vielen Dank";
@msg = ParseText(@msg);
sub BrowserOut
{ print "$content_type@_n" }
sub CheckRef
my ($valid_referer, @terms);
if ((@Referers) and ($ENV{\'HTTP_REFERER\'}))
foreach $referer (@Referers)
if ($ENV{\'HTTP_REFERER\'} =~ m|http.*?://$referer|i)
else {$valid_referer++;}
unless ($valid_referer)
@terms = split(///,$ENV{\'HTTP_REFERER\'});
\'Falscher Server\',
"\'$ENV{\'HTTP_REFERER\'}\' ist nicht autorisiert zur Verwendung des Scripts. Wenn du eine Erlaubnis geben möchtest,
trage bitte \'$terms[2]\' in die reffer-liste am Anfang des Scripts."
sub Error
my $title = shift @_;
my $msg = shift @_;
my @error;
if ($title eq \'evil values\')
my $val;
if (@missing_values)
$msg = qq|<p>Die nachfolgenden Felder müssen eingegeben werden:</p>n<ol type="i">n|;
foreach $val (@missing_values) { $msg .= "<li>$valn" }
$msg .= "</ol>n";
if (@bad_emails)
$msg .= qq|<p>Die nachfolgenden Felder müssen eine gültige eMail-Adresse beinhalten:</p>n<ol type="i">n|;
foreach $val (@bad_emails) { $msg .= "<li>$valn" }
$msg .= "</ol>n";
if (@only_digits)
$msg .= qq|<p>Die nachfolgenden Felder dürfen nur Zahlen von (0-9) enthalten:</p>n<ol type="i">n|;
foreach $val (@only_digits) { $msg .= "<li>$valn" }
$msg .= "</ol>n";
if (@only_words)
$msg .= qq|<p>Die nachfolgenden Felder dürfen keine Sonderzeichen enthalten, nur A-Z und 0-9:</p>n<ol type="i">n|;
foreach $val (@only_words) { $msg .= "<li>$valn" }
$msg .= "</ol>n";
$title = \'Fehler - Fehlerhafte Zahlen\';
$msg .= qq|<p>Gehe zurück und wiederhole die Eingabe.</p>n|;
if ($FORM{\'_error_url\'}) { print "Location: $FORM{\'_error_url\'}nn" }
elsif ($FORM{\'_error_path\'} and $error_loop < 2)
$ENV{\'OUT_TITLE\'} = $title;
$ENV{\'OUT_MSG\'} = $msg;
@error = ReadFile(\'Error Template\',$FORM{\'_error_path\'});
@error = ParseText(@error);
@error = (<DATA>);
$ENV{\'OUT_TITLE\'} = $title;
$ENV{\'OUT_MSG\'} = $msg;
@error = ParseText(@error);
sub LogFile
my $msg = shift @_;
my $file = shift @_;
$file = $base_path . $file;
open(FILE,">>$file") or Error(\'Datei Zugriffs Fehler\',"Ein Fehler tritt auf, beim anhängen an die Log-Datei $msg ($file): $!");
flock(FILE,2) or Error(\'Datei Sperr Fehler\',"Ein Fehler tritt bei der Dateispere auf: $msg ($file): $!.");
print FILE @_;
close(FILE) or Error(\'Datei schlißen Fehler\',"Ein Fehler tritt beim Schliessen der Datei auf: $msg ($file): $!.");
sub ReadFile
my $msg = shift @_;
my $file = shift @_;
my @lines;
$file = $base_path . $file;
open(FILE, "$file") or Error(\'Datei Zugriffs Fehler\',"Ein Fehler tritt beim Zugriff auf: $msg ($file): $!.");
flock(FILE,2) or Error(\'Datei Lock Fehler\',"Ein Fehler tritt beim sperren auf: $msg ($file): $!.");
@lines = (<FILE>);
close(FILE) or Error(\'Datei Schliessen Fehler\',"Ein Fehler tritt beim Schliessen der Datei auf: $msg ($file): $!.");
return @lines;
sub ParseForm
my ($key, $prefs, $buffer);
if ($ENV{\'REQUEST_METHOD\'} eq \'GET\')
{ @pairs = split(/&/, $ENV{\'QUERY_STRING\'}) }
elsif ($ENV{\'REQUEST_METHOD\'} eq \'POST\')
read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{\'CONTENT_LENGTH\'});
@pairs = split(/&/, $buffer)
else {Error(\'Bad or Unbekannte Request-Methode\',
"Das Formular muß mit REQUEST=POST oder REQUEST=GET übertragen werden, Fehler in HTML-Datei prüfen!.")}
foreach $pair (@pairs)
local($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$name =~ tr/+/ /;
$name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ s/<!--(.)*?-->//mg;
$FORM{$name} = $value;
if ($name =~ /_/ and $name !~ /^_/)
($prefs, $key) = split /_/, $name, 2;
if ($prefs =~ /r/i and not $value) { push @missing_values, $key }
if ($prefs =~ /e/i and $value and
(($value =~ /(@.*@)|(..)|(@.)|(.@)|(^.)/) or
($value !~ /^.+@([?)[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(]?)$/)))
{ push @bad_emails, $key }
if ($prefs =~ /d/i and $value and $value =~ /D/) { push @only_digits, $key }
if ($prefs =~ /w/i and $value and $value =~ /W/) { push @only_words, $key }
if ($prefs =~ /s/i and $value) { $value =~ s/^(s)*//;
$value =~ s/(s)*$//;
$FORM{$name} = $value; }
sub ParseText
my ($line, $key, $value, $sub);
foreach $line (@_)
while (($key => $value) = each %FORM)
{ $line =~ s/[$key]/$value/ig }
while (($key => $value) = each %ENV)
{ $line =~ s/[%$key]/$value/ig }
$line =~ s/[[^<](.)*?[^>]]//g;
foreach $line (@_)
while ($line =~ /[<((.)*?)>]/)
$sub = $1;
$sub =~ s/[^d+*/-%.x<>()]//g;
$sub = eval $sub;
$line =~ s/[<(.)*?>]/$sub/
return @_;
sub SendMail
open(MAIL,"|$mail_cmd") or Error(\'Fehler - Mailer öffnen\',"Ein Fehler tritt auf beim Starten des Mailers ($mail_cmd): $!.");
print MAIL @_;
close(MAIL) or Error(\'Mail Send Error\',"Ein Fehler tritt beim Senden der eMail auf: $?. Please check the email\'s headers.");
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#800080" alink="#FF0000">
<div align="center"><center>
<table border="2" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFD26B" bordercolor="#699A69"
<td><h2 align="center">[%OUT_TITLE]</h2>
<p align="center">[%OUT_MSG]</p></td>
<table border="2" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFD26B" bordercolor="#699A69"
<td><h2 align="center"><a href="">AlienForm<sup>2</sup></a></h2>
<p align="center">Copyright 1997 - 1998 <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Jon Hedley</a>.<br>
All Rights Reserved.<br><br>Deutsche Übersetzung: <a href=></a><br>
eMail <a href=mailto:[email protected]>[email protected]</a></b><br></td>
Im HTML-Text ist folgende Zeile eingetragen:
<form name="FormName#5" action="cgi-bin/af.cgi" method="post">
welche vielleicht noch nicht richtig ist.
Zunächst habe ich mir mit folgender Zeile beholfen:
<form name="Formular 1" action="mailto:[email protected]" method="post" enctype="text/plain" target="_self">
Diese bedient das Formular ohne CGI-Funktion, soll aber nicht mit allen Browsern bzw. Servern funktionierne - und vor allem, es fehlt die Rückmeldung.
Die im CGI verzeichnete Firma Schiffmann meldet sich auch nicht auf eine Anfrage, obwohl Sie Hilfe beim Installieren versprochen hat, es kommt lediglich eine automatische mailantwort mit Angeboten.
Verschiedene Anbieter im internet machen ebenfalls Angebote, ihren Mailserver gegen Entgeld zu benutzen (was ja nicht verwerflich ist).
Die NCSA HTTPd ( cgi-src directory) bietet Beispiel CGI, die ich im Moment leider nicht entpacken kann, da ich erst Stuffit-Deluxe kaufen müßte
Wenn ich hoffentlich bald mehr Kunden habe, könnte ich Partner und Mitarbeiter gebrauchen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Hamisch

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  • EM Patch Job never end

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    Anyone know what could be the reason?

    I searched for a way to stop the job because it's still on the Preparation now.
    But i did not find the job in ALL_SCHEDULER_JOBS and with EM i can only stop it friendly, not forcefully.
    Does anyone have a hint?

  • Generate New Database job never ends

    Hi all,
    We are trying to generate a new template in our DEV environment, the job remains active but never ends. On every attempt , the process stops in a different table or process.
    The log file (level 5) simply stops in a certain point and nothing else happens. The dbeng9 processes consumes almost 90% CPU but the process siebsh does not appear between the top processes.
    We already tried reset all the servers, gateway, reassign the remote component group, recreating diccache.dat, but nothing worked.
    We use siebel loyalty and oracle 11g 11.2 , on top of aix 5.3
    Meanwhile, the workaround was to generate new template in another siebel enterprise and copied the templates to the DEV environment and extracted the databases.
    Will be very thankful if anyone can help.
    Thanks in advance

    But the problem is that the process really stucked. The siebel.dbf , which should be created during the job , stop increasing the size around 30M while in the other environment, when the process finished , the file reached 80M.
    The log file also suddenly stopped to increase. It really seems that the process is waiting for something.
    We are not having resource problems like disk space , cpu or memory lacking.
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    Thanks in advance

  • Waiting Jobs to end

    Hi guys,
    I have a program that generates a file of +500.000 registers (with a lot of info ecah) to the server. I have splitted the program in multiple jobs to make it performant,and after that I managed the program continues to create one single file from a Z table (which is filled by the Jobs).
    The questions are:
    1 - Do I have to Lock the table when doing the insert command in each job?
    2 - The program needs to wait until all jobs are finished. How can I programm that?
    Here an example of the code implemented to create multiple jobs:
                 DC_OPTION  TYPE CHAR2 VALUE 'EQ'.
    Many thanks in advance!!!

    Hi Lucas,
    after that I managed the program continues to create one single file from a Z table (which is filled by the Jobs).
    Do you mean to say that each job will be updating a Z table with the actual data that will be later downloaded into a file?
    1 - Do I have to Lock the table when doing the insert command in each job?
    Depends how you build your Z table, i would suggest something like below,
    MANDT  - Key Field
    JOBNO  - Key Field
    followed by the fields that contain actual data
    Jobno will be a unique number for every "PERFORM F_EJECUTAR_JOB." call that you make and will be passed from your main program. This will make sure that duplicate entries are not overwritten and you don't have to worry about locking the table.
    2 - The program needs to wait until all jobs are finished. How can I programm that?
    Like i said in my previous post, you will have to use the "PERFORM ON END OF TASK" construct when you are calling the FM in parallel. Could you post the code inside "PERFORM F_EJECUTAR_JOB." so that you can get more inputs on how you could do this.
    Check the below links too fore more inputs on parallel processing

  • Jobs not ended

    In one of my transaction, there is a background job. I use parallel processing, using 5 process.
    I tried to kill the jobs from SM51. Cancel with Core & Cancel without Core, both didnt help me. It kills the job temporarly. But, later a new job is created. This process is contnuing, is this because of any short dump in the program?
    There is one short dump for the same background user. But if there is any short dump, this should not create any new process in the background job.
    The worst part is, I dont find any job in SM37. I tried with the name WF-BATCH, it didnt show any jobs, running, scheduled, cancelled.... nothing it shows.
    Can you help me how to cancel this job?.
    Your help would be much appreciated.
    Regards, Sathish R

    See the process ID of the job
    go to the task manager of the application server
    go to that process and choose End Task

  • Cisco Prime Infraestrutre 2.0 - JOB Not ends

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    Anyone kows ow can i clean this job, from the job list, and why this happens?

    i've alreay added the snmp-server command.
    With Job i still have problems, qhen i try do abort the job i've the follwing error:
    "Selected jobs were not aborted. FAILURE : Exception occured while aborting the job : Job with job id 2752679 does not have any running cancellable tasks.-JOBM_042"
    The cancel option isn't enable.


    On our BI Production server, in job overview there are 5 of these jobs running for almost a day now and they are taking all job spaces so no other process cant be completed. Our BC guy is on vacation so there is no one I can actually ask what to do, so please advise. Thanks

    Hi Mijodrag,
    If you have access to view the jobs in SM37 select them by clicking on the tick boxes on the left of the screen as per my attachment.
    Otherwise you will have to identify via SM66 on which server the job is running, then via SM51 go to that server then to SM50 select the relevant processes and "Cancel without core" as per below attachment.
    Once this is done someone will have to investigate why these jobs are running so long usually these jobs are not long running there might be some other problems on your system as well see SM21/ST22 perhaps as well.
    Kind Regards,

  • Job work end product

    Dear experts
    we received the raw materials as UNBW material for subcontract work. I have to send the final product to the vendor by sales route. For this I have to create material master to this final product  as either FERT or UNBW material?

    When you are doing a Job Work it ois a service need to have material code for this...if you have taken UNBW material against 501 movement type...while issuing the service sale invoice to 502 movement type to give effect to inventory.

  • To Check whether Background Job ran or no

    How can we programatically check in a program whether a background job ran or not for a particular output type of invoice ?? Pls help me out

      This will probably work.
    report zkiran_0001 .
    data: xtbtco type   tbtco .
    parameters: p_job type tbtco-jobname.
      clear xtbtco.
      select single  * from tbtco
              into xtbtco
                         where jobname = p_job
                           and status = 'R'.  " running
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        write:/ 'Job', p_job, ' is currently running'.
    Status of background job
    The following statuses are possible:
    <b>Scheduled:</b> Job defined, but not yet eligible to run even if the start condition has been fulfilled.
    <b>Released:</b> Job eligible to be started as soon as the start condition with which it was scheduled is fulfilled.
    <b>Ready:</b> Job waiting to start. The job has been released and the job's start condition has been fulfilled.
    <b>Active:</b> Job is currently running and can no longer be deleted or reset to scheduled.
    <b>Finished:</b> Job has been successfully completed. All job steps completed successfully.
    Note: the background processing system cannot always determine whether an external job step was successfully completed. In this case, the system assumes successful completion.
    <b>Terminated:</b> Job was ended abnormally either through user action or through an error in running a job step.
    Internal codes for these are as follows.
      btc_running       LIKE tbtco-status VALUE 'R',
      btc_ready         LIKE tbtco-status VALUE 'Y',
      btc_scheduled     LIKE tbtco-status VALUE 'P',
      btc_released      LIKE tbtco-status VALUE 'S',
      btc_aborted       LIKE tbtco-status VALUE 'A',
      btc_finished      LIKE tbtco-status VALUE 'F',
      btc_put_active    LIKE tbtco-status VALUE 'Z',
      btc_unknown_state LIKE tbtco-status VALUE 'X'.
    Message was edited by:
            Kiran Sure(skk)

  • Job Scheduling in Solution Manager - Error creating Periodic Job

    Hi all,
    I am in the process of testing the Job Scheduling functionality using the Solution Manager.  I have setup the criteria manager, ec. in the satellite system, and done the config in Solman as well. 
    I am able to successfully setup up a 'on-time' job.
    it's only when I try to setup a periodic job, I end up getting following error
    Any thoughts?  Is there any piece of config that's missing?  All the SICF services needed for this functionality are running fine.
    Thanks for the help.
    500 Internal Server Error
    Error when processing your request
    What has happened?
    The URL was not called due to an error.
    The following error text was processed in the system PSM : Message was not created
    The error occurred on the application server fsspsmap01_PSM_00 and in the work process 1 .
    The termination type was: ERROR_MESSAGE_STATE
    The ABAP call stack was:
    Method: MSG_SUBMIT of program CL_DSMOP_BSP_NOTI_MODEL=======CP
    Method: AFTER_PROCESS_EVENT of program /1BCWDY/K54G9RCMK7J4Z427H49S==CP
    Method: CALL_UIBB_PROCESS_EVENT of program CL_FPM========================CP

    This is the basic Job Scheduling functionality and not the Redwood Job scheduling, correct?
    Have you performed the IMG Activiteis in SPRO?
    See the following Help link:
    Change a job
    You can change the scheduling of a job as long as it has not been completed. Proceed as follows:
    Make changes.
    When you change a periodic job, the system searches for the changeable successor and only changes this successor.
    If there is more than one changeable job with the same name, the system does not change any of these jobs.
    End of the note.
    Save your entries.
    To release the job in the target system, select Release.
    You go to the transaction SM37 in the target system.
    You just may want to ensure HTTP Services have been enabled. I realize you said the services workin SICF, but this needs to be verified as 500 Internal Server Error most often means the HTTP services are not activated.

  • Need help in creating job

    Hi Experts,
    I am trying to schedule a job using DBMS_SCHEDULER.
    The job has to start on SATURDAY 12:00 midnight and should run every on SATURDAY 12:00 midnight.
    Even if I create the job on MONDAY first it should start on coming SATURDAY and following SATURDAYs.
    But I am getting the below error.
    ORA-27452: BEGIN APPS_GLOBAL.POPULATE_TARGET144('APPS_XX','APPS_BE',5959); end; is an invalid name for a database object.
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 124
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 271
    ORA-06512: at line 2The Job script is
       DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job (
          job_name          => 'TEST_RAM',
          job_type          => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
          job_action        => 'BEGIN APPS_GLOBAL.POPULATE_TARGET144(''APPS_XX'',''APPS_BE'',5959); END;',
          start_date        => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
          repeat_interval   => 'FREQ=DAILY; BYDAY=SAT; BYHOUR=24;',
          comments          => 'Job scheduler'
    END;Please help me on logic and as we as on the error.
    Thanks in advance.

    I have written the following code and I am able to create the job.
       n1 VARCHAR2(20) :='APPS_XX';
       n2 VARCHAR2(20) :='APPS_BE';
       n3   NUMBER := 5959;
          job_action            => 'APPS_GLOBAL.POPULATE_TARGET144',
          number_of_arguments   => 3,
          start_date            => TRUNC(SYSTIMESTAMP),
          repeat_interval       => 'FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=SAT',
          enabled               => FALSE,
          comments          => 'POPULATE_TARGET144 procedure scheduler'
       DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUE (job_name            => 'TEST_RAM',
                                              argument_position   => 1,
                                              argument_value      => n1);
       DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUE (job_name            => 'TEST_RAM',
                                              argument_position   => 2,
                                              argument_value      => n2);
       DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUE (job_name            => 'TEST_RAM',
                                              argument_position   => 3,
                                              argument_value      => n3);                                         
    /After creating it should I do any thing?
    Is there any difference between creating a job using jot_type='PLSQL_BLOCK' and jot_type='STORED_PROCEDURE' ?
    Please help me thanks.

  • Parallel run of the same function from multiple jobs

    Hello, everyone!
    I have a function which accepts a date range, reads invoices from a partitioned by date table and writes output to a partitioned by invoice table. Each invoice can have records only with one date, so both tables may have one invoice only in one partition, i.e. partitions do not overlap. Function commits after processing each date. The whole process was running about 6 hrs with 46 million records in source table.
    We are expecting source table to grow over 150 million rows, so we decided to split it into 3 parallel jobs and each job will process 1/3 of dates, and, as a result, 1/3 of invoices.
    So, we call this function from 3 concurrent UNIX jobs and each job passes its own range of dates.
    What we noticed, is that even if we run 3 jobs concurrently, they do not run this way! When 1st job ends after 2 hrs of run, the number of commited rows in the target table is equal to the number of rows inserted by this job. When 2nd job ends after 4 hrs of run, the number of rows in the target table is equal the summary of two jobs. And the 3rd job ends only after 6 hrs.
    So, instead of improving a process by splitting it into 3 parallel jobs we ended up having 3 jobs instead of one with the same 6 hrs until target table is loaded.
    My question is - How to make it work? It looks like Oracle 11g is smart enough to recognize, that all 3 jobs are calling the same function and execute this function only once at the time. I.e. it looks like only one copy of the function is loaded into the memory at the same even if it called by 3 different sessions.
    The function itself has a very complicated logic, does a lot of verifications by joining to another tables and we do not want to maintain 3 copies of the same code under different names. And beside this, the plan is that if with 150 mln rows we will have a performance problem, then split it to more concurrent jobs, for example 6 or 8 jobs. Obviously we do not want to maintain so many copies of the same code by copying this function into another names.
    I was monitoring jobs by quering V$SESSION and V$SQLAREA ROWS_PROCESSED and EXECUTIONS and I can see, that each job has its own set of SID's (i.e. runs up to 8 parallel processes), but number of commited rows is always eqal to the number of rows from the 1st job, then 2nd+1st, etc. So, it looks like all processes of 2nd and 3rd jobs are waiting until 1st one is done.
    Any ideas?

    OK, this is my SQL and results (some output columns are ommited as irrelevant)
            TRIM ( SESS.OSUSER )                                                        "OSUser"
          , TRIM ( SESS.USERNAME )                                                      "OraUser"
          , NVL(TRIM(SESS.SCHEMANAME),'------')                                         "Schema"
          , SESS.AUDSID                                                                 "AudSID"
          , SESS.SID                                                                    "SID"
          , TO_CHAR(SESS.LOGON_TIME,'HH24:MI:SS')                                       "Sess Strt"
          , SUBSTR(SQLAREA.FIRST_LOAD_TIME,12)                                          "Tran Strt"
          , NUMTODSINTERVAL((SYSDATE-TO_DATE(SQLAREA.FIRST_LOAD_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')),'DAY') "Tran Time"
          , SQLAREA.EXECUTIONS                                                          "Execs"
          , TO_CHAR(SQLAREA.ROWS_PROCESSED,'999,999,999')                               "Rows"
          , TO_CHAR(TRAN.USED_UREC,'999,999,999')                                       "Undo Rec"
          , TO_CHAR(TRAN.USED_UBLK,'999,999,999')                                       "Undo Blks"
          , SQLAREA.SORTS                                                               "Sorts"
          , SQLAREA.FETCHES                                                             "Fetches"
          , SQLAREA.LOADS                                                               "Loads"
          , SQLAREA.PARSE_CALLS                                                         "Parse Calls"
          , TRIM ( SESS.PROGRAM )                                                       "Program"
          , SESS.SERIAL#                                                                "Serial#"
          , TRAN.STATUS                                                                 "Status" 
          , SESS.STATE                                                                  "State"
          , SESS.EVENT                                                                  "Event"
          , SESS.P1TEXT||' '||SESS.P1                                                   "P1"
          , SESS.P2TEXT||' '||SESS.P2                                                   "P2"
          , SESS.P3TEXT||' '||SESS.P3                                                   "P3"
          , SESS.WAIT_CLASS                                                             "Wait Class"
          , NUMTODSINTERVAL(SESS.WAIT_TIME_MICRO/1000000,'SECOND')                      "Wait Time"
          , NUMTODSINTERVAL(SQLAREA.CONCURRENCY_WAIT_TIME/1000000,'SECOND')             "Wait Concurr"
          , NUMTODSINTERVAL(SQLAREA.CLUSTER_WAIT_TIME/1000000,'SECOND')                 "Wait Cluster"
          , NUMTODSINTERVAL(SQLAREA.USER_IO_WAIT_TIME/1000000,'SECOND')                 "Wait I/O"
          , SESS.ROW_WAIT_FILE#                                                         "Row Wait File"
          , SESS.ROW_WAIT_OBJ#                                                          "Row Wait Obj"
          , SESS.USER#                                                                  "User#"
          , SESS.OWNERID                                                                "OwnerID"
          , SESS.SCHEMA#                                                                "Schema#"
          , TRIM ( SESS.PROCESS )                                                       "Process"
          , NUMTODSINTERVAL(SQLAREA.CPU_TIME/1000000,'SECOND')                          "CPU Time"
          , NUMTODSINTERVAL(SQLAREA.ELAPSED_TIME/1000000,'SECOND')                      "Elapsed Time"
          , SQLAREA.DISK_READS                                                          "Disk Reads"
          , SQLAREA.DIRECT_WRITES                                                       "Direct Writes"
          , SQLAREA.BUFFER_GETS                                                         "Buffers"
          , SQLAREA.SHARABLE_MEM                                                        "Sharable Memory"
          , SQLAREA.PERSISTENT_MEM                                                      "Persistent Memory"
          , SQLAREA.RUNTIME_MEM                                                         "RunTime Memory"
          , TRIM ( SESS.MACHINE )                                                       "Machine"
          , TRIM ( SESS.TERMINAL )                                                      "Terminal"
          , TRIM ( SESS.TYPE )                                                          "Type"
          , SQLAREA.MODULE                                                              "Module"
          , SESS.SERVICE_NAME                                                           "Service name"
       ON  TRAN.ADDR         = SESS.TADDR
            ,NVL(SESS.SCHEMANAME,' ')
    AudSID     SID     Sess Strt     Tran Strt     Tran Time     Execs     Rows     Undo Rec     Undo Blks     Sorts     Fetches     Loads     Parse Calls     Status     State     Event     P1     P2     P3     Wait Class     Wait Time     Wait Concurr     Wait Cluster     Wait I/O     Row Wait File     Row Wait Obj     Process     CPU Time     Elapsed Time     Disk Reads     Direct Writes     Buffers     Sharable Memory     Persistent Memory     RunTime Memory
    409585     272     22:15:36     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITED SHORT TIME     PX Deq: Execute Reply     sleeptime/senderid 200     passes 2     0     Idle     0 0:0:0.436000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     7     21777     22739     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409585     203     22:30:01     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid 268566527     passes 1     qref 0     Idle     0 0:0:0.9674000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     25     124730     4180     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409585     210     22:30:01     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid 268566527     passes 1     qref 0     Idle     0 0:0:0.11714000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     24     124730     22854     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409585     231     22:30:01     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid 268566527     passes 1     qref 0     Idle     0 0:0:0.4623000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     46     21451     4178     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409585     243     22:30:01     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITED SHORT TIME     PX qref latch     function 154     sleeptime 13835058061074451432     qref 0     Other     0 0:0:0.4000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     35     21451     3550     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409585     252     22:30:01     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid 268566527     passes 1     qref 0     Idle     0 0:0:0.19815000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     49     21451     22860     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409585     273     22:30:01     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid 268566527     passes 1     qref 0     Idle     0 0:0:0.11621000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     22     124730     4182     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409585     277     22:30:01     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     db file parallel read     files 20     blocks 125     requests 125     User I/O     0 0:0:0.242651000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     39     21451     4184     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409585     283     22:30:01     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid 268566527     passes 1     qref 0     Idle     0 0:0:0.2781000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     42     21451     3552     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409585     295     22:30:01     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid 268566527     passes 1     qref 0     Idle     0 0:0:0.24424000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     40     21451     22862     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409585     311     22:30:01     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid 268566527     passes 1     qref 0     Idle     0 0:0:0.15788000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     31     21451     22856     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409586     242     22:15:36     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITED KNOWN TIME     PX Deq: Execute Reply     sleeptime/senderid 200     passes 1     0     Idle     0 0:0:0.522344000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     28     137723     22736     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409586     192     22:29:20     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid 268566527     passes 1     qref 0     Idle     0 0:0:0.14334000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     31     21462     4202     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409586     222     22:29:20     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid 268566527     passes 1     qref 0     Idle     0 0:0:0.16694000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     37     21462     4194     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409586     233     22:29:20     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid 268566527     passes 1     qref 0     Idle     0 0:0:0.7731000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     44     21462     4198     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409586     253     22:29:20     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     db file parallel read     files 21     blocks 125     requests 125     User I/O     0 0:0:0.792518000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     39     21462     4204     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409586     259     22:29:20     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid 268566527     passes 1     qref 0     Idle     0 0:0:0.2961000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     35     21462     4196     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409586     291     22:29:20     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq Credit: send blkd     sleeptime/senderid 268566527     passes 1     qref 0     Idle     0 0:0:0.9548000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     35     21462     4200     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409587     236     22:15:36     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq: Table Q Normal     sleeptime/senderid 200     passes 2     0     Idle     0 0:0:0.91548000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     25     124870     22831     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409587     207     22:30:30     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq: Execution Msg     sleeptime/senderid 268566527     passes 3     0     Idle     0 0:0:0.644662000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     43     21423     4208     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409587     241     22:30:30     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     PX Deq: Execution Msg     sleeptime/senderid 268566527     passes 3     0     Idle     0 0:0:0.644594000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     47     21423     4192     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448
    409587     297     22:30:30     22:15:36     0 0:14:52.999999999     302     383,521               305     0     1     3598          WAITING     db file parallel read     files 20     blocks 109     requests 109     User I/O     0 0:0:0.793261000     0 0:0:1.124995000     0 0:0:0.0     0 1:56:15.227863000     12     21316     4206     0 0:25:25.760000000     0 2:17:1.815044000     526959     0     25612732     277567     56344     55448Here I found one interesting query
    But it does not help me

  • Dbms_scheduler job neither succeeds nor errors its just keep running for ever

    Hi All,
    I am trying to run a shell script from plsql using the dbms_scheduler, job is getting created and it keeps running for ever without success or error.
    Can some please help me where I am doing the mistake.
    DB Version:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    Plsql Script:
       DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job (
          job_name              => 'SFTP_PAYMENTECH_BATCHID1',
          job_type              => 'EXECUTABLE',
          job_action            => '/app07/ebdev/ebdevappl/xxtpc/bin/',
          number_of_arguments   => 1,
          enabled               => FALSE,
          auto_drop             => TRUE,
          comments              => 'SFTP Batch File to Paymentech');
       DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (
          'Job Created Successfully:' || 'SFTP PAYMENTECH BATCHID');
       fnd_file.put_line (
          'Job Created Successfully:' || 'SFTP PAYMENTECH BATCHID');
          job_name            => 'SFTP_PAYMENTECH_BATCHID1',
          argument_position   => 1,
          argument_value      => '66667'                        /*v_printer_name*/
          fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output,
                             'Error while creating the Job:' || SQLERRM);
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error while creating the Job:' || SQLERRM);
    Shell Script which I am calling:
    INST=`echo $TWO_TASK | sed 's/_BALANCE//'`
    echo INSTANCE: $INST
    echo File Name: $FILENAME
    echo $PMTHOST
    echo $PMTUSER
    echo Date: `date`
    echo File System User: `whoami`
    echo Instance: $TWO_TASK
    echo File_Path: $File_Path
    echo PMT SFTP
    # Fetch file using MBATCHID as File Name
    cd $File_Path
    echo -----------------------------------------------
    echo Current File          :$FILENAME
    l_date_time=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
    echo SFTP Remittance File
    # sftp $PMTUSER@$PMTHOST << EOF
    lftp -u $PMTUSER,$PMTPW sftp://$PMTHOST << EOF
    lcd $File_Path
    cd test/945299
    put $FILENAME
    #`sqlplus -s apps/tpcdev2013@EBDEV @try.sql $FILENAME`

    Have you tried running the script manually to confirm it isnt just hanging on input for the lftp ?
    You could add a -o <file> to the lftp command line which would output debug info into <file> so you could see.
    Creation of the job looks fine so as GregV said, what output do you have in ALL_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS and any ADDITIONAL_INFO in the ALL_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS or in $ORACLE_HOME/scheduler/log that might indicate what the problem is ?
    If this answer was helpful, please mark as helpful answer. 

  • LMS 3.2 (solaris 10); RME 4.3.1 - ArchivePurge Job continuously failing

    currently there are 2134 devices in DCR; the customer originally had problems with UT reports and the error message "ogs_server_urn not found"; During troubleshooting I noticed that there were around 30000 instances in the job history; cleaning up the majority of these entries a problem with ArchivePurge job is left over:
    this job always ends with a status of "Failed" and no files are purged; Around 20 - 30 mins after its start time a /opt/CSCOpx/java_pidxxxx.hprof file is generated but the job will stay in running state for the next 27 hours ... Then it ends with little information in the job log.
    I attached some info which I collected during troubleshooting - and if necessary I also have trussed the PID at the very end before writing to the ResultSummary.obj until the process finishes.
    Also the job was deleted and readded. The information collected is from this new job.
    Does this point to a memory leak or is this just be a problem with the value for the ConfigJobManager.heapsize=512 in
    /opt/CSCOpx/MDC/tomcat/webapps/rme/WEB-INF/classes/ ??

    finally changing the heap size did not resolved the issue, but investigating this a little further showed why...
    the archive files for around 2100 devices where never purged in the past and due to restore of the databases over a few LMS releases (i.e. years) there where about over 1.2 million files...
    finaly with a wrapper script that purged the archive for the devices one by one for a specific time range the amount of files where dramatically reduced              /opt/CSCOpx/bin/cwcli config delete -u admin -l doing$host.log  -device $host -date 01/01/2000 01/01/2010
    to get a feeling of the work that must be done: ...the script ran for 12 days ... (good, that this installation is running on solaris)
    but now it is solved!

  • Why do print jobs from Firefox create paper jam in my HP printer?

    Running v3.6.13 in Win7 64-bit OS on HP laptop. Printer is a wireless networked HP Photosmart C7280. Print jobs from web pages result in a paper jam every time. Print jobs of documents from other applications as well as web pages from Internet Explorer all print normally. Jobs sent from 2 Macs in same network print normally. I think I've narrowed this down to Firefox being the only app to cause this problem.
    The print jobs sent from the HP laptop send one blank page through the printer in front of each printed page. Printer properties, advanced, for the printer show a "separator page" for each print job which cannot be changed or disabled, AFAIK. The Firefox print jobs send the blank page correctly but the next page on which the job should be printed is the one that jams and stalls the printer. I remove the jammed paper, reset the printer and nothing more happens - the job is ended, nothing in the queue.

    Hi @annmade ,
    I will certainly do my best to help you remove the rest of the paper jam inside the printer.
    I have provided some documentation for removing paper jams.  Please go to page 69 of the manual.
    HP Color LaserJet CP1210 Series Printer.
    I would suggest to try running a plain piece of paper through, by running a cleaning page through the printer. It might help since you are unable to access the rest of the pieces of paper inside the printer. Resolving Print Quality Issues. Go to Solution six: Clean inside the product. I don't have any documents for disassembling the printer.
    If the issue continues, please call our technical support at 800-474-6836, to see if they have a replacement option for you or a trade in option. If you live outside the US/Canada Region, please click the link below to get the support number for your region.​t.html
    Have a nice day!
    Thank You.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

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