Joining Tracks Amplified for No reason

Not sure what I'm missing, but I'm trying to join two tracks, which I can do, however, the end result is the new single track is adjusted. It seems like it's amplified. I don't know what is forcing this amplification, what adjustment needs to be made?

What else do you want to see? VM and Real memory are not the same thing.
Real is the amount of RAM that process is currently using. VSIZE is the maximum size of virtual memory that process can get access to. That's why my total VSIZE is in excess of my total hard drive capacity. The system should be managing the active process and governing its VM access at that time. The entire VM space should not always be used or in Real memory, for performance reasons.
Add up all the Real numbers, and they don't come close to 900MB. They add up to, at most, half of that.
I just restarted my laptop. kernel_task at 61MB, iCal at 20MB, Quicksilver at 19MB, WindowServer at 17MB, and the remainder under 10MB. There are roughly the same number of processes.
My current Active memory usage? 88.76MB, with 1.22GB free.
I opened up Thunderbird, iTunes, and Safari. Now I'm at 126.12MB used.
That's my problem. I'm not out of RAM. I rarely use more than 600MB of RAM at any time. It's paging a bit, as it should. The problem is my system freezes when it gets a memory leak and pages like crazy because all of my RAM is used up by.... nothing.
I'd just like some ideas on what the likely candidates could be, and if there are perhaps some preferences I should be trashing, or other possible avenues to isolate which program or process is causing the problem.
I've steadily loaded every program I've been using since this problem started. I've been going over the tasks I normally do, but right now the problem is not occurring. There's no real way to tell when it will happen. It just does.

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    Per Harm's comment, you can look at the Audio Track Header for the little "speaker" icons for each Track: one speaker = mono, two speakers = stereo, and "5.1" = a 5.1 Audio Track.
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    Good luck,

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    Did you delete the files completely by moving them to the recycle bin, then emptying it?
    Also just have a read of this. Need to check whether you've seen it or not.

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    NeoOffice (similar to Open Office.)
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    Did my response to your other post help?

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    Thanks for listening,

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    You can use the bootstrap tar.gz files that are found in the same directory as the iso on every mirror.  If you go to the download page, select the mirror of your choice, you will see a file called "archlinux-bootstrap-2013.10.01-x86_64.tar.gz" (one for i686 also).  That is what you need.
    Unpack it whereever you think is appropriate, if you have enough RAM you can use /tmp.  Then after setting up the partitions in the host (Kali/Debian, or whatever), you can arch-chroot to that unpacked directory.  There you will find all the tools necessary to install (pacman and the arch-install-scripts).
    This method has one issue though, and that is that the arch-chroot script (and maybe others) requires some pretty new versions of various things.  In particular, I think that a pretty new version of bash is required.  So I am not sure about the viability of this solution on anything debian, as their stable repos tend to be pretty conservative.  It also means that you need to have a pretty good understanding of the install process, as you will still mostly follow the beginners guide, but it will require a few changes in the procedure.
    Good luck.

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    Does the Store > Check For Available Downloads menu option find it ? If not, then depending upon what country that you are in (music can't be re-downloaded in all countries), does it show under the Purchased link under Quicklinks on the right-hand side of the iTunes store home page on your computer's iTunes for downloading (if there is an complete download of the track listed in the Music part of your library then you will need to delete it from there before it will get the cloud symbol in Purchased for redownloading) ?
    If you can't download it via either of the above then try the 'report a problem' page to contact iTunes Support :
    If the 'report a problem' link doesn't work then you can try contacting iTunes support via this page : click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

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    ROOTCA certificate installed in the store and showing trusted (Uses a SHA2 signature and PKCS #1 SHA-256 With RSA Encryption algorithm)
    ISSUINGCA certificate installed in the store and showing "Could not trust for unknown reasons" also has SHA2 signature with RSASSA-PSS algorithm
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    I've completely de-installed and re-installed Firefox. Removed and re-added the ROOT and SUBCA certs. Note: No issues when using same certs in Internet Explorer 8, 9 or 10 on the same system. Lync client also using same certificates, no issues. Only when accessing the Lync Web Services from Firefox.
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    HI khetheri,
    In order to better test the certificate may we request the certificate without the private keys? I have some backup from the security team if this is possible.
    There is a temporary work around as well but I don't recommend turning on all certificates to make sure it is not a compatibility error(ish)
    It is possible to check if it is being detected as a bad certificate in Firefox itself to eliminate compatibility issues.
    # In the [[Location bar autocomplete|Location bar]], type '''about:config''' and press '''Enter'''. The about:config "''This might void your warranty!''" warning page may appear.
    # Click '''I'll be careful, I promise!''', to continue to the about:config page.
    # Search for '''browser.xul.error_pages.expert_bad_cert ''' and set it to true to try the certificate normally.
    Looking forward to your reply!

  • Where has the Join Tracks command moved to in iTunes 11?

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    Are thre tracks listed in the correct order? If you select a different sort order to the track number (i.e. songs title alphabetical order, by clicking on the top of the name column), then you cannot join tracks.
    In the screenshot below (that I took for another post, earlier today);
    notice the arrow at the top of the number column. That tells me that the tracks are in track order. If the arrow is pointing the other way, or it's at the top of one of the other columns, you cannot use Join Tracks. In that case, simply click on the top of the number column until the arrow is pointing upwards.

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