Jpg painting slow

i have a program that scales jpg images and then paints them to a jpanel. I have noticed that some of the jpg's take up to 15 seconds to paint. The jpg files that paint slowly are not more than 150kb with a resolution of 800 x 600. the slow painting only happens the first time the pictures are drawn. ie: once the program has made through the array and starts over the ones that painted slowly now paint quickly as the rest do.
Can anyone shed some light on the problem.
Happy Holidays

i did some adjustment of pic resolution sizes. it seems that anything above or below 800X600 paints as it should

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    First of all you should mix AWT components with Swing components. Use a JComponent of JPanel to hold you images.
    big JPanel With 12 canvas and I want to paint the first canvas,Use a [url]Card Layout to hold individual components
    Then use a [url]Swing Timer to change the component as required.

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    Do you see the new uploads showing up on any revel mobile application or on web?Is this number 711 remaining constant?
    If yes, please let us know if we can have a connect session with you which will be na online meeting where we can see the issue happening on your machine and would help us extract logs to investigate them further.

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    Does anyone know any documents that i can read about this stuff ? Does anyone have any suggestions ?
    you can download the C version of my visualization program at:
    you can download the java version of my visualization program(executable jar) at:
    you can view a brief explanation of the visualization program at:
    Note: the java version has few known bugs, however they dont affect the performance of the painting and i'm working on them.
    If you are brave enought and want to try analising the source code, ask me for it by emailing me at: [email protected]
    Thanks in advance,
    Julio Cesar de Andrade Vieira Lopes
    [email protected]

    i'm sorry .... the correct link to download the java program is:

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    From the error descriptions you have listed it sounds like you may have suffered some sort of disk corruption. Do you have backups or alternative copies of these files? Are you seeing similar issues with other file types?
    Can you copy these image files to another computer running Windows or another OS to open them?
    Jason Warren

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    Weyland Yutani

    Dear Weyland Utani,
    The following factors can affect performance in the portal layer:
    1. Overhead due to authentication mechanisms and the consequent delay in login
    2. Time taken to connect with a back end
    3. Resources consumed due to logging
    4. Time taken to load home page
    5. Design of Java iViews
    The following factors can affect performance in the operating system layer:
    1. Memory
    2. CPU consumption
    3. Network bandwidth
    4. Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
    5. The kernel
    In this first step, you can ask the following questions to help you understand the problem:
    a) Is the problem related to a single user?
    b) Does the problem occur during heavy load conditions?
    c) Does the problem occur during specific times of the day or all the time?
    d) Does the problem occur only during a specific activity such as accessing a backend
    system or a database?
    e) Is the problem reproducible?
    f) Is the problem simply poor performance or is it also accompanied by incorrect
    g) Does the problem occur only during logon?
    h) Does the problem occur only during the first use?
    i) When did this problem start?
    j) Did anything change in the system, operating system, patches, or the application
    before or after the problem occurred?
    Moreover, you might want to check the size of the log files The log file size should not increase more than 1MB
    under load. Also whether any error is being logged because of connectivity issues to any of the backend systems such as
    the content management server, database, or the SAP system. Check the Windows Event Log for clues.
    On the lighter side, in some cases, poor performance may be due to caching on the browser or improper proxy settings. Clearing the browser cache and accessing the portal again may be of help.
    Depending on the severity level set, the log files are created. Following are the different severity levels that can be set in increasing order:
    u2022 DEBUG
    u2022 PATH
    u2022 INFO
    u2022 WARNING
    u2022 ERROR
    u2022 FATAL
    For example, if the severity level is set at INFO, the log files include messages at the levels of DEBUG, PATH, and INFO. However, the messages at severity levels WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL are not created. The online log viewer is available in the Visual Administrator as a Log Viewer service.
    Muhammad Abdul Qawi

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    I'm aware I use an older browser; I simply prefer this over all the deletions that are constantly being made on upgrades. This only happened a few days ago. Thanks.
    Here is a jpg paint scan of it:

    Please update your Firefox to the latest as older versions are known for vulnerabilities that make it easier for your system and browser to be compromised.
    * To update: Help > About Firefox
    After updating, you can install the [ Classic Theme Restorer] to bring back the old design. Learn more here: [[How to make the new Firefox look like the old Firefox]]
    Check your extensions for anything suspicious:
    * Tools (or [[Image: New Fx Menu]]) > Add-ons > Extensions
    Check your list of install programs in Windows - Control Panel > Programs and Features. Usually malware comes bundled with other applications, so if you sort by date and see several applications installed at the same day, it may be easier to find suspicious applications that way.
    The [ Search Reset Tool] extension will also reset your home page, new tab page and search bar preferences back to the default settings, and the uninstall itself.

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    A couple of months back, I posted several questions regarding memory upgrade for my Mini 1.5 Core solo. I thought I would take a couple of minutes and report on the results.
    With memory prices dropping like they have, I decided to take the plunge and upgrade to 2G. Wow! This is now the computer I thought I bought. I run Mail, Firefox, Excel [PPC], Word [PPC] and Quicken [PPC] - plus Norton AV [PPC] - regularly, and Google Earth, iTunes, iPhoto occasionally. Plus an HP printer [PPC driver]. My Page Outs were running 30-40% of Page Ins for my typical use. I waited for program swapping as well as function swapping within a program.
    I now wait for virtually nothing! Page Outs are barely above 0%. Programs load faster, though actual processing appears just about the same [as expected].
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    As I watch Activity Monitor, it is likely that 1G would have accomplished most of the improvement that I see, but I am NOT sorry I went to 2G now when memory is cheap.
    Thanks to all who gave me their advice when I first posted.
    MacMini 1.5 Intel Core Solo   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    I just got the 2 GB Upgrade Kit from Crucial for $120 /w free shipping. Came to about $130 after tax.
    I purchased a 1.83 Mac Mini with 512 MB of ram and an 80 GB hard drive 3 months ago. I decided it was the best solution for a recent computer failure. Although quite fast especially for CPU intensive tasks the system would hang on particular tasks.
    1) Parallels was virtually unusable (even more so if I had anything else running)
    2) iTunes had problems displaying all of my album covers in the jukebox mode
    3) Protoshop / Painter slow to load
    4) Widgets were slow to load
    Having the correct tools for the job, installation of the 2 GB kit was rather simple. I didn’t seat the top SO DIMM correctly the first time around but I was smart to test the system before closing the case.
    Improvement was noticed almost immediately.
    1) Boot times increased
    2) The infrequent Beach Balls disappeared
    3) Parallels is not only usable it’s like having a 2nd computer
    4) iTunes has no hang ups
    5) Photoshop and painter can handle large images with many layers without slowing down. (Large brushes in painter kill the system, but that’s CPU related)
    6) Widgets launch faster but not as quick as I would have expected
    Over all the upgrade was completely worth it. It is like a whole new computer. Bottom line 512 MB is the bare minimum for OS X 10.4 assuming you do nothing more then Brows the internet, Chat on line or use it as a media device.
    I have a hard time justifying the upgrade through Apple’s site. It’s not worth the $120 premium when instillation should be simple for even an above average computer user. Either way I couldn’t recommend any one use a mini with 10.4 with anything less then 1 GB

  • Lightroom LR4 - Silly RAM usage!!

    Lightroom LR4 - Silly RAM usage!!
    Edit Subject
    Lightroom LR4 - Silly RAM usage!!
    Hi there
    I'm stunned at the amount of RAM usage by LIghtroom. I have 6Gb of RAM using LR4 in 64 bit win7.
    This is what happened when I opened lightroom to edit a shoot of jpgs, all of which were only about 3mb each ( I wasn't even editing 30Mb RAW files from my DSLRs )
    [i]figures from task manager/performance pane[/i]:
    No Lightroom
    0.99 GB
    Launch Lightroom and cat
    1.53 GB
    select next pic
    2.00 Gb
    select next pic (no editing yet )
    2.20 GB
    after editing two pics
    3.13 GB
    editing the 2nd pic in Nik Software Silver Efex pro 2 ( edit copy with lightroom adjustments ) and returning to lightroom
    2.85 GB
    but ....
    Very soon, after only a few pics, the RAM usage is up to 5.5GB
    This seems very disproportionate. Why for example would simply selecting another 3mb jpg eat up another 200Mb of RAM? And why after only a bit of editing on this 3mb pic in the develop module eat up another 900Mb of RAM?
    The other highly annoying issue is that once Lightroom has decided to eat up nearly all my available RAM after editing only a few 3mb JPGs, things slow down rapidly. selecting another pic means everything locks up while their is vicious disk activity ( presumably swapping to swap file because Lightroom needs another 200Mb of ram for just one 3mb JPG )
    it's not much fun having to quit LR every few images just to 'reset' thje amount of RAM.

    OK, seem to be getting somewhere now
    As stated in the OP I work in 64 bit Win 7. I have a win 7 32 bitpartition on the same machine I use for various things and also for testing Lightroom updates without upsetting my main LR work partition.
    Earlier tonight I isntalled 4.1RC2 on my win 7 32 bit partition and ahve been working on a shoot. Interestingly the RAN usage seems much better managed. Instead of progressviely creeping up to a point of ARRGHHH!!!, with RC2 memory is released when switching images. Great news!!   Now bearing mind I still need to stest this in my 64 bit martition and I will isntall RC2 once confident it wont' fall right over, but positive os far.
    ALSO, which I've just started testing is the negative cache disablement as described by Adfoibe Employee  Julie Kmoch here
    who said:
    Here's an update on what changed in RC2 relative to Develop performance.
    For starters, in RC1 we experimented with turning off sharpening while sliders were moving. We got a fair amount of negative feedback on that, and have reverted that behavior. Instead, we moved more of the rendering to a background thread, which keeps the sliders moving smoothly. One caveat with the behavior in RC2 is that those background renders can pile up if you're moving fast. The final 4.1 release will do a better job of trimming these when possible.
    I worked with a number of you who volunteered to try an experiment a couple weeks ago that turned off something we call negative caching. The results were mixed; a couple people said it was a clear improvement, others didn't see a benefit. But I'll offer it here in case it helps others who find performance starts out reasonably then suddenly, consistently goes south until a restart.
    What the following will do is turn off a cache which saves some of your most recent work done in Develop such that if you revisit a recently touched image, it loads faster. However, if our calculations are off, this cache can sometimes get too big and cause ACR to use virtual memory instead of RAM.
    To try it:
    1. Create a text file called “config.lua” and put the following line in it: AgNegativeCache.enabled = false
    2. Launch Lightroom, go to the Preferences dialog, Presets tab, and hit “Show Lightroom Presets Folder”.
    3. Close the Preferences dialog, quit Lightroom.
    4. Drop the attached config.lua file into the Lightroom folder that was opened in step 2 (do not put it in one of the preset subfolders). So the path to the file will look like this:
    Mac: /Users/[yourname]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/config.lua
    Win:  C:\Users\[yourname]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\config.lua
    You’ll know this switch to turn the cache off is working if you see the “Loading...” symbol even when you revisit the previously edited image in Develop. (When caching is on, you can often revisit a recently edited photo without the Loading warning showing.)
    I'll report back laters

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    I also notice that when I connect to the router wired and go into the web interface at first the web pages paing like they should but after a few minutes they start to paint slower and slower until they finally just timeout and fail to paint.
    Any help and suggestions would be appreciated.

    Regarding the Firmware Version : Your Hardware is v7 and you already have the latest firmware Ver 7.50.6, you checked the Firmware for the hardware v7.2, firmware version 7.2.06...Both these Firmware's are totally different do not use the v7.2 firmware version 7.2.06...
    You should try to hard reset your router for 30 seconds and then re-configure it...
    Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds...Release the reset button...Unplug the power cable from your router, wait for 30 seconds and re-connect the power cable...Now re-configure your router...
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    If your Internet Service Providor is DSL follow this link

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    I can learn to live with this increased exporting time. I'm curious as to whether anyone else is experiencing this.

    Yes.  For me, Canon G12 & 40D RAW files are taking twice as long to export under LR4 than under 3.6 - 16 secs vs 8 secs after the same processing.  But I am also seeing the same general latency problems identified in other threads here.  I've reverted back to 3.6 after trying every possible workaround posted so far - LR4 is unusable for me.

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