JQUERY on a Custom Element Form

I would like to know if it's possible to use the librairy jquery on a custom element form ( SSXA) . How to do a link to the jquery librairy stores in UCM ?
I want to create a date picker with jquery . anyone have already done it before ?
Thank you for your answer

Can you elaborate on what you're looking for?
UCM comes with a number of sample custom element forms. These forms are leveraged within a pretty strict context of the site studio contributor. The primary api is javascript based.
I don't believe you would be restricted on the types of custom element forms you can create if you're implementing into a jsp/x site. I believe the issue is mostly dependent on how you're calling the SS contributor.

Similar Messages

  • Error in Oracle Sample Custom Element Form FORM_LINK_URL

    Hi All,
    I've found the Oracle Sample Sites project very helpful in quickening the process of building new sites.
    However, the Element Definition ELDEF_CUSTOM_LINK (which calls the Custom Element Form FORM_LINK_URL) seems to have a problem with 11g which I've not yet worked out.
    When trying to use in Contribution Mode, the Custom Form locks the whole Contribution page and no elements are able to be accessed.
    There are no JavaScript errors and no resource loading errors (I've checked everything in Firebug).
    I suspect that possibly the API has changed since these were written... Has anyone a working version of this Custom Form, or can point me in the direction of a solution to resolve this as I am keen to look at and use the custom URL picker it enables.

    Hi Check these -
    1. Check these URL's are working
    2.If Webutil installed? Then do proper configuration for "WebutilArchive"
    3.If Jinitiator is used,check if all corresponding jar files are downloaded onto user machine.Because all required class as shown in the error are there in jinitiator jar files.Also check all jar files that you have mentioned in archive_jinit are downloaded onto user machine.
    DO like this if using webutil archive_jini=frmall_jinit.jar,colorpicker.jar,keyfilter.jar,my_icons.jar,frmwebutil.jar,jacob.jar
    4.Enable all activex settings of your browser and do a proxy bypass setting in the browser as well..
    5. Check if you have download rights for downloading JAR files mentioned in archive_jini
    Edited by: anandk on Jul 24, 2012 1:18 PM

  • IDOC script in custom element forms

    I am using Site Studio 10gr4.
    I was wondering if its possible to use IDOC script inside custom element forms. What I want to acheive is to display a combox box inside a custom element in a static list. The values inside the combobox are retreived from one of the views (created inside Configuration Manager in the content server).
    Your help will be appreciated.
    Many Thanks

    OK, I found the answer :).
    I checked in the custom element element form as an HTM. Chaning it to HCSP fixed the issue :).

  • WPC - Custom Web Form: DOMException: Root Element is already present

    Hi experts,
    I'm trying to create a custom web form for my companies portal and I'm facing the following problem:
    I can create create articles with my new webform and everything is fine, but when the XSL Transformation is happing (eg. for viewing the content) i got following exception:
    Cannot render container : com.sap.engine.lib.xml.util.NestedException: org.w3c.dom.DOMException: Root Element is already present, cannot be appended as a child. -> org.w3c.dom.DOMException: Root Element is already present, cannot be appended as a child.
    I don't understand of which root element the parser is talking. Unfortunately I can't find any additional info to this.
    This is my Editor Document:
    <documenttype id="wpc_informatics_article" description="wpc_informatics_article" showpreview="true" showelementlist="true">
        <property id="name" description="xml.xlbl.name" type="inputfield" size="25" isrequired="true" isfilename="true" />
        <property id="createdBy" description="xml.xlbl.created_by" type="peoplepicker" size="25" isrequired="true"/>
        <property id="includeInRSS" description="xml.xckl.include_in_rss" type="checkbox" defaultvalue="false" property="wpc_wcm_rss"/>
        <property id="displayNewIcon" description="xml.xckl.display_new_icon" type="checkbox" defaultvalue="false" property="wpc_wcm_new"/>
        <element id="heading1" description="xml.xlbl.heading1" type="inputfield" default="true" singleinstance="true" size="75" maxlength="75" nodelete="true"/>
        <element id="heading2" description="xml.xlbl.heading2" type="inputfield" size="50" default="true" />
        <element id="paragraph" description="xml.xlbl.paragraph" type="htmleditadvanced" default="true" />
        <element id="relatedLinks" description="xml.xlbl.related_links" type="wpclink" hastitle="true" />
    The created example content:
    <document document="wpc_informatics_article">
        <property type="name" prop_ns="http://sapportals.com/xmlns/cm" prop_name="displayname"/>
        <property type="createdBy">USER.R3_DATASOURCE.FAH</property>
        <property type="includeInRSS" prop_ns="wpc_wcm" prop_name="wpc_wcm_rss"/>
        <property type="displayNewIcon" prop_ns="wpc_wcm" prop_name="wpc_wcm_new"/>
        <element type="heading1">asdf</element>
        <element type="heading2">asdf</element>
        <element type="paragraph">adsfsadfsadfsadf</element>
    and the xsl
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE stylesheet [
    <!ENTITY apos  "'" ><!-- replace &apos; with html escape character for ' -->
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:wpc="com.sap.nw.wpc.km.service.editor.hslt.XsltHelperCore">
      <xsl:output method="html"/>
      <xsl:template match="/">
        <h1 id="informatics_h1"> <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="document/elements/element[@type='heading1']" /> </h1>
        <h2 id="informatics_h2"> <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="document/elements/element[@type='heading2']" /> </h2>
        <xsl:for-each select="document/elements/element">
          <xsl:if test="@type='paragraph'">
            <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="current()" />
          <xsl:if test="@type='relatedLinks'">
            <div id="informatics_related_links"> Siehe auch: <a>
              <xsl:attribute name="href"> <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="wpc:getAccessLink(string(@rid), string(/document/@locale))"/> </xsl:attribute>
              <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="@heading1"/> </a> </div>
    maybe someone of you can help me with this! thank you in advance!

    I found a solution for this.
    It seems that all of the XSL Transformation has to be covered by a div tag with css classes featurebox clearfixleft.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE stylesheet [
    <!ENTITY apos  "'" ><!-- replace &apos; with html escape character for ' -->
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
        <xsl:output method="html"/>
        <xsl:template match="/">
         <div class="featurebox clearfixleft">
           <h2 id="informatics_h1">
                   <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="document/elements/element[@type='title']" />
         <xsl:for-each select="document/elements/element">
                 <xsl:if test="@type='heading1'">
                        <h2 id="informatics_h2">
                            <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="current()" />
                 <xsl:if test="@type='paragraph'">
                     <p><xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="current()" /></p>
    Edited by: Harald Falzberger on Mar 1, 2011 11:06 AM

  • Custom tabular form for multi-row not saving data

    Ok, before anyone asks, yes, I did read the how-to:-)
    I have a custom tabular form, which I did cause I need to use popups and the popups that you can use in the wizard tabular form does not display the text but rather the value underneath it.
    It returns data rather nicely and when I go and update values I can tell it is changing the fields underneath. I put a process in that will display the values in text fields on the form (for one row only) and I see them changing from what is already there and with the proper values.
    However, when I do that the data that is displayed then gets reverted back to what it was previous to the update but reports that the process was successful.
    I have also tried to insert but that is basically doing the same thing. Can anyone guide me.
    SQL to generate the tablular form...
    SELECT x.sak_release_db
    , x.sak_object
    , x.sak_release
    , x.sak_participant
    , x.sak_csr
    (SELECT htmldb_item.hidden(1,sak_release_db) sak_release_db
    , htmldb_item.popupkey_from_query(2, sak_object,
    'SELECT b.nam_schema||''.''||a.nam_technical as table_name , b.sak_object
    FROM system_object a
    , database_table b
    WHERE a.sak_object = b.sak_object') as sak_object
    , htmldb_item.hidden(4,sak_release) sak_release
    , htmldb_item.popupkey_from_query(5, sak_participant,
    'SELECT nam_first || '' '' || nam_last as name, sak_participant FROM co_participant') sak_participant
    , htmldb_item.popupkey_from_query(7, sak_csr,
    'SELECT external_id|| ''-''||id_split as co, sak_csr FROM co') sak_csr
    FROM release_db_xref
    SELECT htmldb_item.hidden(1,NULL) sak_release_db
    , htmldb_item.popupkey_from_query(2, NULL,
    'SELECT b.nam_schema||''.''||a.nam_technical as table_name , b.sak_object
    FROM system_object a
    , database_table b
    WHERE a.sak_object = b.sak_object') as sak_object
    , htmldb_item.hidden(4,NULL) sak_release
    , htmldb_item.popupkey_from_query(5, NULL,
    'SELECT nam_first || '' '' || nam_last as name, sak_participant FROM co_participant') sak_participant
    , htmldb_item.popupkey_from_query(7, NULL,
    'SELECT external_id|| ''-''||id_split as co, sak_csr FROM co') sak_csr
    FROM dual) x
    Process to verify that I have the correct global fields: (Type: PL/SQL anonymous block, Process Point: On Submit - After Computations and Validations)
    :P3_2 := replace(htmldb_application.g_f02(1),'%'||'null%',NULL);
    :P3_5 := replace(htmldb_application.g_f05(1),'%'||'null%',NULL);
    :P3_7 := replace(htmldb_application.g_f07(1),'%'||'null%',NULL);
    Process to do the insert/update. Note, I hardcoded the value in the where clause but I was originally using the global value for g_f01 (i also tried putting a commit in there for fun) (Type: PL/SQL anonymous block, Process Point: On Submit - After Computations and Validations):
    -- Update the RELEASE_DB_XREF table
    FOR i IN 1..htmldb_application.g_f01.count
    IF htmldb_application.g_f01(i) IS NOT NULL THEN
    UPDATE release_db_xref
    SET sak_object = replace(htmldb_application.g_f02(i),'%'||'null%',NULL)
    , sak_participant = replace(htmldb_application.g_f05(i),'%'||'null%',NULL)
    , sak_csr = replace(htmldb_application.g_f07(i),'%'||'null%',NULL)
    WHERE sak_release_db = 22;
    IF htmldb_application.g_f02(i) IS NOT NULL THEN
    INSERT INTO release_db_xref
    END IF;
    END IF;

    Checkboxes are different from other HTML form items. When you have a text box for example, there's always a value send to the server when submitting. Even if that value is NULL. When you have a checkbox however, you only get the value if the checkbox is checked. It's not posted to the server when it is not checked. That's the general behavior of HTML forms and not specific to Oracle HTML DB.
    When working with tabular forms in HTML DB, you can access your form values using the htmldb_application.g_f0x arrays. Now if you have for example 10 rows in your form, then you'll get ten elements in your array for text boxes, select lists, etc. For checkboxes however you'll only get as many elements as you have rows checked. If I read your update and insert code correctly, you're trying to use the checkbox arrays the same way you use the arrays based on other item types. My recommendation would be to use Yes/No select lists instead of checkboxes or at least use select lists initially to get it working and then work on properly processing the checkboxes.
    Some general information about working with checkboxes in tabuar forms can be found here:
    Hope this helps,

  • How to add .js link in custom list form through sharepoint designer 2013

    hi friends
    so far i was adding jquery code to script editor webpart in custom list form.
    but i need to know how to add .js link in custom list form through sharepoint designer 2013
    please help me.

    We can add the "JS Link Property" in the “WebPart” node in the custom list form page through SharePoint designer 2013.
    Here is an example for your reference:
    <JSLink xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2/ListForm">~site/Style Library/js/custom.js</JSLink>
    Noticed that, we should not lose the 'xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2/ListForm' attribute.
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Insert a text module in my custom ISR form

    Dear All,
    I am facing an issue when trying to insert a text module in my custom ISR form .
    I have created a custom text module, and inserted the same in the context of my form. This form is linked to my ISR scenario.
    On running this scenario via portal, the textmodule does not show any value .
    Has anyone faced this issue before ? If so, can you pls help me out.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Aditi,
    You can create text elements insteadin the intialization method of the BADI implementation.Please follow the below steps:
    1)we create a characterstic'TEXT' OF TYPE STEXT.THIS IS 40 CHARCTER LONG.
    2)Now in the initialize method write:
      data ls_special_data type qisrsspecial_param.
      READ TABLE special_data INTO ls_special_data
            WITH KEY fieldname = 'TEXT'.
      ls_special_data-fieldvalue = 'Test Text'.
      MODIFY special_data FROM ls_special_data INDEX sy-tabix.
    3)Double click on the 'Jai Hanuman' will ask u to create a text element .Say yes and this will create a text element exactly the same way we do for the any report.
    This will work and also provide the option of multilingual capability.
    Amita Gupta

  • WPC - Custom Web Form - Cannot render container

    I've created custom web form for WPC (wpc_utg_sitelink) and gone through customizing provided in
    It looks fine at designtime.
    In runtime i get following:
    Cannot render container : Could not load stylesheet.com.sap.engine.lib.xml.util.
    NestedException: Error parsing query. -> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    are there errors in my wpc_utg_sitelink.xsl file syntax?
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
    <xsl:output method="html"/>
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:if test="starts-with(document/elements/element[@type='image'],'/')"></xsl:if>
    <xsl:if test="string-length(document/elements/element[@type='itemlink']/@rid)!=0">
    <xsl:attribute name="href">
    <xsl:value-of select="wpc:getAccessLink(string(document/elements/element[@type='itemlink']/@rid))"/>
    <xsl:if test="document/elements/element[@type='itemlink']/@targetnew='true'">
    <xsl:attribute name="target"> new </xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:value-of select="document/elements/element[@type='title']" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
    <xsl:if test="document/properties/property[@type='isnew']/@value)='true'">
    <xsl:value-of select="document/elements/element[@type='text']" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
    Or may be some problems in customizing?
    Edited by: Ivan O. Ivanov on Sep 21, 2009 5:15 PM


  • How to REpublish Custom Task Forms (InfoPath) to SharePoint 2010 State Machine Workflows

    I am new to SharePoint. Sorry if answer to my question is obvious.
    I've create Custom Task Form in InfoPath and publish it (File/Publish/Network Location [Form Template Path and filename='MYPROJECT/Forms/ApprovalForm.xsn'; Form template name='ApprovalForm'], in the next window I've cleared Public URL according to the articlehttp://www.codeproject.com/Articles/195348/SharePoint-2010-State-Machine-Workflows-with-Custo).
    After it I've added module Forms, and added ApprovalForm.xsn from the existing items.
    My xml files: Elements.xml
    <Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
    Name="Order New Server"
    Description="My SharePoint Workflow"
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <Feature xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/" ReceiverAssembly="Microsoft.Office.Workflow.Feature, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" Receiverlass="Microsoft.Office.Workflow.Feature.WorkflowFeatureReceiver">
    <Property Key="GloballyAvailable" Value="true" />
    <Property Key="RegisterForms" Value="Forms\*.xsn"/>
    My form work fine, but when I make changes and republish it, it doesn't update (I see old form). What I tryed:
    Clear all cookies and cache in IE
    Retract solution, restart VS2010, reboot computer.
    Change assembly number, guid.
    I have no ideas, what can I try for republish my form with changes.
    Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
    PS: sorry for my writing. English is not my native language.
    PPS: when I save new Form to new location and add it to the project, it works.

    I've found how can I republish changes. But it seems more like crutch than solution, but it works:
    After republishing InfoPath form, I delete file from project (DEL on ApprovalForm.xsn in Solution explorer) and after it add it again. (Add/Existing Item). And then redeploy! Hurray!
    Is there any way to redeploy a Task Form directly on the server without importing it in Visual Studio again? I am using some data connections in my task form which are different for different environments (staging, dev. etc.). Seems like I've to create a separate
    Workflow WSP file for each envrionment. Any comments?

  • Pass details into Custom Element

    I've begun to create a Custom Element which I have based off of the Flash example that comes with the Ravenna Hosting example site.
    My Custom Element creates and passes back some HTML just as the Flash example but I need this HTML to be editable (i.e. I need to pass it back into the Custom Element when a user wants to make changes). As it stands at the moment (and as per the Flash example) the code already present is lost and the form simply replaces the HTML each time it is opened.
    I've searched the forum and the iDoc Reference Guide but am unable to find any functions or the like in order to achieve this - has anyone done this or can point me in the right direction please?

    Since a custom element (Passero, this is a SS Custom Element, described in the standard Site Studio Admin Guide) is just an hcsp, you can have that page do just about anything you want. Might I suggest overriding the JS command that sends the content back to the parent window? For example, make that JS open a final popup with the code you need to be able to edit before exiting.
    This is the first thought that came to mind so it may not be the best or most elegant. However, custom elements give you so much flexibility that you should be able to give your users the options they need with a little idoc and javascript. To some degree, I've built custom webapps using just the custom elements and it can work well (assuming that's what the use cases call for).

  • Designing Custom CI-Form

    I´m working on a custom CI-class with a custom form. Working with Authoring Tool designing the form is a nightmare. So my question is, can i design the layout of the form in any application and after that create bindings ect. in Authoring?

    Yes of sure !
    Try to check this :
    Extending UI
    SCSM 2012 use WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) for all UI elements. With
    SCSM 2012 you can extend UI by creating custom elements like:
    Controls (can be placed on existing forms)
    Console tasks
    The most common problem with UI componenta is what UI use the IDataItem
    interface and DataAdapters classes to communicate with SDK. So you can't use SDK
    in forms and console tasks directly.
    Overview of the Forms Infrastructure and the Generic Form
    Tasks – Part 1: Tasks Overview
    Open Source
    SCSM Incident SLA Management
    SCSM Send Email MP
    SCSM Perf Test Harness
    to Create Task Handlers
    Tasks Part 2 – Custom Console Tasks for Create, Edit, Delete
    Creating Custom Forms for Service Manager using Custom Controls:
    Service Request Example
    Create custom UserControl for SCSM 2010 SP1
     (you can use same approach for SCSM 2012)
    Creating a Custom Administration Setting
     (Class, Task, Form, Wizard)
    Service Manager 2012 – How to disable form controls for a Resolved
    or Closed Incident – Part 1
    Service Manager 2012 – How to disable form controls for a Resolved
    or Closed Incident – Part 2
    Insert CI property values into Microsoft Word Template and print
    directly from Service Manager Console
     (console task, Word automation)
    How to add a button to edit ListView item on a custom SCSM form
    Remy BOVI

  • Custom registration form

    Can anyone please help me with the following?
    I need to build a class registration form for my client.
    Classes broken-down on: private sessions and group sessions, so 2 different prices for each class.
    Group pricing starts at 3 people and more but up to 15 people per class.
    There is a discount for the person who brings his/her own board to the class. So let’s say there is a group of 3 people and 2 of them have a board then there is a $5.00 discount for each board, in this case equals $10.00 off.
    What is the best way to create such form?
    I saw http://css-tricks.com/examples/DynamicOrderForm as a possible solution, a great start but it doesn't have everything that I need. Also http://dabrook.org/examples/cdia/javascript/05/form.html had some help but if anyone has a more complete approaches for a jquery newbie would be greatly appreciated.
    Also, how to tie this custom registration form to the BC platform.
    Thank you.

    Thank you,
    using this method would the Capacity: ...(....% booked) change accordingly. Let's say someone booked 7 seats and the total available is 14 would it show for the next person 50% booked?

  • Help needed in custom element in SiteStudio template

    I want to create a custom element on my Site Studio where contributor can add links. I need to assign a custom element for from the Settings button while adding custom element. I like to give the form of Link Wizard provided by Site Studio but I am not getting any form of Link Wizard in Search Results. How could I achieve this.

    I know you're wanting to use a custom element, but what about using a "Static List" fragment for the same thing. You could have a static list with one element (Link). When users go into Contributor mode they will be shown the list and can add Links to the lists. An advantage to this is they can also sort them how they want displayed and if you defined the element as a link, they will get the Link Wizard when they add the link.
    Not the same as a custom element but might accomplish the same thing.

  • Bpel simple custom task   form jsp not run

    Hi i am try to run a bpel simple custom task form deploy in oas 10.1.3 , but i recive this error
    This put down in spanish is like "recive invalid element in getContext"
    at ...
    Error de elemento no válido en el servicio de verificación. Se ha recibido el elemento no válido en getContext
    Compruebe la excepción subyacente y corrija el error. Póngase en contacto con los Servicios de Soporte Oracle si no se puede corregir
    el error.
    at oracle.bpel.services.workflow.verification.impl.VerificationService.getContext(VerificationService.java:516)
    at oracle.bpel.services.workflow.query.impl.TaskQueryService.getWorkflowContext(TaskQueryService.java:150)
    at CompCli.jspService(_CompCli.java:93)
    Do you have any idea ??

    I guess you mean accessing the task details and the payload from the java API.
    Refer the below blog it will provide you the details
    Albin I
    Edited by: Albin on Sep 19, 2012 11:24 PM

  • Create Custom list form and validate fields using sharepoint designer 2010

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement to create a custom job application form which will be filled and submitted by anonymous users. I have a an option to create custom user control web part but I wanted to
    create it using custom list form using SharePoint designer. My requirement is below
    Date of birth (user age should be above 22yrs )
    Email Validation
    Phone validation
    Resume attachment (should attach only word documents or PDF)
    Qualification (If other is selected then show textbox else hide)
    Can above validations be done using SharePoint designer (JavaScript or validation controls)? Or do I have to create custom control web part?

    I think jquery/javascript can be used to put validations on those fields. Fortunately some of validation can be done via sharepoint itself like: email, phone, age. For Attachment and Qualification fields use jquery/JS.
    See below link for column validations:
    See this for attachment:
    For qualification:
    Hope it could help
    Hemendra:Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see<br/> Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

Maybe you are looking for