JRE 7 unattended can't disable updates

JRE 7u5
same issue as this thread, still no answer from oracle :
Deploying JRE across company network.
i cerated a transofrm file and properties are ignored, i don't want to fiddle with registry
disabling updates is mandatory for our business users
PS : sorry for double posting, but still no answer for almost a month now

Moderator Action:
You resurrection post of that old earlier thread has been removed.
still no answer from oracle :You need to realize that Oracle merely hosts these forums.
They are user-to-user forums, not an alternative to techsupport.
Your posts here are not a way to communicate to the company.
If you have an issue with one of their products and hope for the company to be notified, you must comtact Oracle directly.

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    Olliev wrote:
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    iTunes app on the iPhone is for purchasing music.
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    There are two files that ought to change when you set your preference:
    Try moving both of them out of the prefs folder. Then launch System Preferences and reset your preference to whatever you want (or uncheck the box altogether). See if that works. If it it does you will have to also reset your other System Prefs, since all will be returned to the default. If it doesn't do the trick, you can put the originals back and thus avoid the resetting.

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    If you mean the built-in functionality of Adobe Reader and Adobe Flash, it's different mechanism for both.
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    For flash, check this guide for example:
    After you've studied the above guides, you need to implement those to be used with ConfigMgr application deployment so that when you deploy Reader/Flash, you get the result you want = no automatic update functionality.

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    EnableJavaUpdate (Order: 1)hide
    Action Update
    PropertiesHive HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
    Key path SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy
    Value name EnableJavaUpdate
    Value type REG_DWORD
    Value data 0x0 (0)
    OptionsStop processing items on this extension if an error occurs on this item No
    Remove this item when it is no longer applied No
    Apply once and do not reapply No
    EnableJavaUpdate (Order: 2)hide
    Action Update
    PropertiesHive HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
    Key path SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy
    Value name EnableJavaUpdate
    Value type REG_DWORD
    Value data 0x0 (0)
    OptionsStop processing items on this extension if an error occurs on this item No
    Remove this item when it is no longer applied No
    Apply once and do not reapply No
    Item-level targeting: Environment VariableAttribute Value
    bool AND
    not 0
    variableName %Processor_Architecture%
    value AMD64

    981228 wrote:{quoteSimple question Oracle -You do realise that by posting here you are not talking to Oracle. This is a user-to-user forum and though some Oracle employees do look in you will only get an official Oracle response from a support contract or by raising a bug report.

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    MATDS wrote:
    My iphone 5s is automatically updating
    It's not.
    how can I disable it.
    You cannot.

  • Since updating Firefox as suggested, when I 'save as' a jpeg, it automatically finds the folder and it's always the wrong folder. How can I disable this feature and go back to the original mode where it remains in the folder I choose until I change it?

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    Current Firefox versions remember the download directory based upon the URL, so if the URL changes then the default folder may be chosen if there hasn't been selected a download folder before for that server.
    Bug 536503 - Last downloaded-to directory should be remembered on a site-by-site basis
    Firefox 11 will have a workaround by providing a pref (browser.download.lastDir.savePerSite) to disable this feature.

  • How to disable Updates for adobe bridge in photoshopCS6

    I was able to grey out the adobe photoshop updates in help menu. using the preferences file under
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AAMUpdaterInventory\1.0\
    But the adobe bridge which is present with in photoshop, "Help"->"update" option is not greyed out and thows error "unable to update, you do not have internet connection or you are not an system administrator". Same is the case with AAMEE configuration.
    But if I delete this preference file, then I can launch it. Here my requirement is to grey our the update option both in photoshop and bridge as this will be deployed enterprise wide. Help me out how I can do this?
    "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><Preferences><Suppressed>1</Suppressed></Preferences>
    OS: windows 7

    Hi Venkat,
    See if this helps (as taken from Adobe helpx http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/disable-update-manager-administrators-cs3.html. Looks like CS3 & CS4, I know. But worth giving a shot:
      On Windows XP or Windows Vista   
          Using Regedit.exe, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe  
          Create a new key in this folder named "Updater"  
          Create a new DWORD value within this key named "Enterprise with a value of "1"
    Also, try one or both of these:
    HKLM\Software\Adobe\Updater - Create a DWORD named 'Enterprise' with value '1'.
    HKCU\Software\Adobe\Updater - Create a DWORD named 'Enterprise' with value '1'.
    (I'm sure you're aware of this, but for other users who visit this thread for similar issue - this will help!)
    Let us know how it goes.

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