JRE for IE6

I'm an XP user. When will Sun release a version of JRE for IE6?
A JVM is not bundled with XP's IE6 version. It is supposed
to be installed "on demand", but it doesn't seem to work.
Anyone got any answers,
Regards, Sandeep Rajkumar.

Searching the forums for 'IE6' produced 50 hits so you might want to check those. I looked at the first couple - none seemed promising.

Similar Messages

  • Dynamically adding JRE for IE, Java Security Warnings, & Next Gen Plugin.

    I wrote an portal application to control the environment for a third party application, the portal uses a JRE version that I supply with it, this was to ensure that users are using the same JRE so any issues can be limited to one version of Java. The only piece of the application that I could not specify the JRE version and path was for Internet Explorer. Please keep in mind that I do not control when the system JRE is updated or not, this is pushed to our systems and the latest JRE would be enabled automatically. I wanted to be able to dynamically add and enable the version of the JRE that Microsoft Internet Explorer uses for applets. So I was digging around recently and if I have the next-generation plugin enabled I could programmatically update the deployment.properties file prior to launching Internet Explorer(assuming I have closed all prior instances of IE that were running) to add and enable a version of the JRE which I choose to use. When I launch IE and run an applet I see that it is using the JRE I had dynamically supplied. However everytime I run the applet a Java security warning comes up saying "The application requires an earlier version of Java", I wanted to suppress this message but after research I tried adding 'deployment.security.mixcode=HIDE_RUN' to the deployment.properties, that did not work. I tried disabling the Next Generation Plugin, that worked to suppress the message however internet explorer was no longer using my dynamically supplied JRE for applets in IE, so that was not going to work for my purposes. My questions are:
    1. Is there a reliable way(not using ssvagent) to programmatically enable and disable Java's Next Generation Plugin option? (I want to make sure it is enabled when launching third party application from the portal)
    2. Is there a programmatic way to suppress the Java Security Warning "The application requires an earlier version of Java", without disabling Java's Next Generation Plugin option?
    deployment.properties entries after addition of my jre entry:
    #Fri Sep 28 14:09:24 PDT 2012
    deployment.browser.path=C\:\\Program Files (x86)\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe
    #Java Deployment jre's
    #Fri Sep 28 14:09:24 PDT 2012
    deployment.javaws.jre.0.path=C\:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre6\\bin\\javaw.exe
    Note: The reason not to use most recent version of Java is the necessity to test the third party application prior to deployment of a new Java version and since I do not control when a new version of Java is deployed and enabled to our machines, I am required to find an transparent solution. I understand the security issues by doing so, but the time between testing and acceptance of a new Java version for our application is within an acceptable timeframe. On exiting the application, I would restore the JRE settings and restore previous settings, to minimize the exposure of a potential security risk. Also any manual configurations are trying to be avoided as to maintain transparency to the user.

    I'm having a similar problem and I think it is related with this.
    If, after a Java--->Javascript call, a Javascript--->Java call isn't made soon after the first, it works. But, if the Java--->Javascript call triggers a Javascript--->Java call, any Java--->Javascript call that is made after that doesn't reach Javascript :/
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    System.out.println("Calling Javascript...");
    JSObject win = JSObject.getWindow(this);
    win.call(jsEventHandler, new Object[] { json.toString() });
    System.out.println("Done.");I further found out that, after looking at the Java debug console in the scenario where a Java--->Javascript call triggers a Javascript--->Java call, only after this last method returns is the "Done" message printed, even though the respective Javascript call was already invoked.
    Could you explain in more detail the queue based solution you found? Any other ideas?
    André Tavares.

  • Open letter to SUN to produce a  JRE for Pocket PC

    To any SUN Employee dealing with Personal Java.
    We realise you are currently under resourced in the development of J2ME but we implore you to release a commercially viable JRE for ARM Pocket PC - even just that age old Personal Java 2001 variant in a finalized commerical build.
    We cannot use your Personal Java beta implementation in a commericial environment (so says your license) and the it is serverely stunting the growth of Java in this area.
    Due to lack of adequate Java support for ARM Pocket PC a large number of developers are losing faith in this technology on this platform and moving to rival technologies. Do you really want this to happen and for an already monopolistic rival to get a good foot hold in an area in which Java should flurish?
    Anybody who reads this and feels as strongly about the lack of JRE please sign this and add a comment - maybe we can get the SUN to sit up and take notice.

    Well its on Slashdot now and in a newsgroup. If anyone has suggestions how we can get the attention of the people that make the decisions please tell me!
    This is an email I sent to the personaljava support email ([email protected]):
    Please see this post - its going to get bigger now this article is on it (Slashdot):
    The forum itself:
    Its also in comp.lang.java.programmer
    Slashdot and a new JRE for PocketPC
    We need a free finalised J2ME or PersonalJava JRE for PocketPC - Microsoft has the ability to runaway on an expanding market with no competition - posts here should prove that developers are already moving in droves to .NET. Isn't this Java's forte, mobile devices?
    If you have any sway with the higher ups in Sun who can dedicate resources (or indeed yourself) please pass on this email. This is one market where Java really should get a good hold - inheriting by design.
    Thank you,
    Benjamin (brownb2, Ben)

  • Hack for IE6 and below needed

    my website is http://mysafety.be and although the site displays perfect in Firefox and IE7 and IE8, there is a problem with the display in IE6. The layout has a header, a left column (for a flyout menu) and a main content body to the right of the left column.
    The pages are deisgned with fluid design; I use some specific rules for IE7 and IE6 to get the dropdown and flyout menus work. The dropdownmenu is formatted "menu" and the flyout menu is formatted "menu1". The dropdown and flyout menus have each specific rules for IE6.
    What happens in IE6 is that the main content body drops to below the left column.
    Following style rules are applied:
    1. the main body style:
    width: 90%
    margin right: 5%
    margin left: 5%
    max-width: 1200px
    min-width: 900px
    2. the left column (menu1) style:
    float: left
    height: 920px
    width: 200px
    3. the main content style:
    height: 900px
    overflow: auto
    padding: 10px
    4. in the main body style (main.css) I also have following specific IE hacks:
    * html #body {margin-top:0px}
    *:first-child+html {margin-top:27px}
    5. the IE6 only style for the left menu specifies no dimensions other then this:
    display: block
    left: 105px
    position: absolute
    top: 0
    width: 105px
    There are no IE6 only stylings for the main content, which is why I am puzzled that in IE6 the main content drops below the left column.
    Any clues please?
    Thank you!

    yes, it is fixed; sorry I did not give an update yet. I will now.
    I discovered several things wrong.
    1. I used a styling for the flyout menu that was not correct; this is the page I got my flyout from: http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/flyout_4level.html and I discovered that I used two stylings (one regular, and one for IE), while the styling included with this menu had the IE instructions included. Conflicts.
    2. I found another error in the positioning of the picture below the ol in the page; IE would read the styling in such a way that the "maincontent" was wider then allowed.
    3. I had two hack lines that assigned values for IE7 on one line, and on the other values for IE6, this last one was incorrect.
    So, solved now. Thanks for the follow up, Murray.
    Kind regards,

  • How to fix site display for IE6

    I posted this last week, but the issue is not yet resolved,
    so I'm hoping someone else might be able to assist me. Basically, I
    am troubleshooting a site that was created by someone else that
    uses Javascript includes and 2 CSS files for the navigation and
    All but the Home Page does not display correctly in IE6 on
    Windows XP, that is, the main content of the page wraps
    left-justified and below the left-side navigation.
    I've included the html code below because when you visit the
    page "live", the html is different. The CSS on the sub main pages
    are generated from "includes", and the correct CSS are supposedly
    linked, but for some reason the tag does not display when viewing
    the source code in a browser window.
    The test site is: Home -
    Sub Pages:
    Degree Programs -
    Prospective Students -
    Current Students -
    Alumni & Friends -
    Below is the HTML from the index.html files for the various
    sections (Degree Programs, Prospective Students, Current Students,
    ------ code below ---------
    <html lang="en">
    <title>USM School of Business</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    <!--DO *NOT* DELETE-->
    <!--#include virtual="/includes/default_hf.htm"-->
    <BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" leftmargin="0"
    topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" ID="inside">
    <!--DO *NOT* DELETE OR ALTER: code for page header-->
    <!--#include virtual="/includes/header_hf.htm"-->
    <!--end code for page header-->
    <!--Enter page content here-->
    <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> @import
    url("../css/usmbiz_styles.css"); </STYLE>
    <!-- ActiveX fix for IE7 -->
    <script src="../js/AC_RunActiveContent.js"
    <script src="../js/random_horizontal.js"
    <script src="../js/random_vert.js"
    startList = function() {
    if (document.all&&document.getElementById) {
    navRoot = document.getElementById("horizontal");
    for (i=0; i<navRoot.childNodes.length; i++) {
    node = navRoot.childNodes;
    if (node.nodeName=="LI") {
    node.onmouseover=function() {
    this.className+=" over";
    node.onmouseout=function() {
    this.className=this.className.replace(" over", "");
    <div align="center">
    <!-- wrapper -->
    <div id="wrapper"><a name="top"></a>
    <!-- header -->
    <div id="header">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','
    http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0','widt h','775','height','155','id','banner_home','align','middle','src','../banner_home','wmode' ,'transparent','quality','high','flashvars','scale','noscale','pluginspage','http://www.ma cromedia.com/go/getflashplayer','movie','banner_home'
    ); //end AC code
    <!-- ******** MANDATORY NOSCRIPT FOR IE6 WIN ************
    classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="
    width="775" height="155" id="banner_home" align="middle">
    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
    <param name="movie" value="banner_home.swf" />
    <param name="quality" value="high" />
    <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
    <embed src="../banner_home.swf" quality="high" width="775"
    height="155" name="banner_home" align="middle"
    allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
    <!-- end header -->
    ------ end code -----------------------
    If anyone has additional thoughts/advice, I am most
    appreciative. Thanks so much for your help!!

    You can try refreshing PPR programmatcly on that table.
    Bind that table with bean and when u displaying table using some button or you navigating to that page.call this method before navigation to that page.it will re refresh the table.
    Like this AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPartialTarget(this.getOrderLinesTableBinding());

  • Firefox 3.6 is using a conditional stylesheet that I created only for IE6. Is there any script available to fix this? Thanks

    I am creating a website and I create stylesheets for the look and feel of the website. Because of conflicting browser engines I have to create a separate stylesheet for versions of Internet Explorer.
    I have noticed that FF 3.6 is using the conditional stylesheet I created only for IE6. Please help, this is not happening in later versions of FF or any other browsers.

    There are solutions for those interface issues, but to address your question about keeping the old version, make sure your auto-update is set to ask you before updating you.
    Tools > Options > Advanced > Update mini-tab

  • Right JRE for forms 10gR2( on Windows 7 64bit

    Hi All,
    What is the right JRE for windows 7 64bit OS and our forms app server is Any one's help is much appreciated.

    Thanks Carlos,
    We are using some custom java beans and image jar files along with the frmall_jinit.jar,frmwebutil.jar,,jacob.jar,ojdbc14.jar. After using Java Plug-in 1.6.0_45. I am hitting this error
    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-2" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/bali/share/sort/StringComparator
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.bali.share.sort.StringComparator
    Do you suggest to apply the patch I have noticed few people still have some issues after applying this patch.
    Please suggest.

  • Hack for IE6 messed up IE7

    I need immediate help on this problem. I have tried every
    trick on the forums but the problem just changes. The hack code in
    v1.6 made my horizontal menu submenus jump up too high in both IE6
    & IE7. They also move to far to the right in IE7. You can view
    the problem at www.yearsley.us/bannock. Thanks for any help you can
    give me. Ann Yearsley

    yes, it is fixed; sorry I did not give an update yet. I will now.
    I discovered several things wrong.
    1. I used a styling for the flyout menu that was not correct; this is the page I got my flyout from: http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/flyout_4level.html and I discovered that I used two stylings (one regular, and one for IE), while the styling included with this menu had the IE instructions included. Conflicts.
    2. I found another error in the positioning of the picture below the ol in the page; IE would read the styling in such a way that the "maincontent" was wider then allowed.
    3. I had two hack lines that assigned values for IE7 on one line, and on the other values for IE6, this last one was incorrect.
    So, solved now. Thanks for the follow up, Murray.
    Kind regards,

  • Is there a JRE for windows mobile 6.1 ?

    Hi everyone,
    I need to install a Java Virtual Machine on my Intermec CK3 device which runs on Windows Mobile 6.1.
    Can anyone advice where to download the JRE ?
    Is there a JRE for windows mobile ?
    Thanks in advance,
    Best Regards

    I don't believe that that IS a legal download.
    This here is a more legal option:

  • Which JRE for Windows XP?

    I have to choose the JRE version which will installed as the default JRE on thousands of XP sp2 pc's. This JRE will also be the default JRE for Internet Explorer - the one called when the APPLET tag is used.
    Up until now we have used the Microsoft JVM as the default for Internet Explorer and a SUN JRE version 1.4.1_02 as the default JRE on our NT machines.
    Can anyone recommend a very stable, reliable JRE for Windows XP sp2? Once installed it will probably be used for years as the default JRE although other JRE's will be installed on the system also.

    Its a bad idea to use a platform like java for several years, I would at least upgrade every 1-2 years. Java provides a silent installation mode for this, so no interaction of the user is required at all.
    as I sugested I would use the latest 1.4.2_latest if you need something rock-solid or 1.5.0_latest if you want the latest features. However I know many people having problems with 1.5.0+applets, starting with crashing browsers to long load-times because sun's cup animation eats up the whole CPU which is needed for class-loading!
    lg Clemens

  • JRE for Different Operating Systems

    Will the installed JRE be different for each Operating System? or will it be same for every OS?
    Means Can i use the same installed binaries for every OS?(Windows , Mac.....)

    G'Day Raja,
    I have had to load different JREs for my Mac vs my PC. I assume they have different native code components.

  • Any one can show me where to find the JRE for MAC?

    I am trying to develop an application to run on PC and MAC. For PC, I can easily get the JRE to run it. But for MAC, what can I found is only MRJ 2.2.5. If I not wrong, I found that I can only run the applet(unable to support the SWING) but not the application. Anyone know where can I get the JRE for MAC which can run the application (same as the JRE1.3 for PC )
    There are a few MAC which has different OS. All of these MAC are too old to upgrade with latest OS so I cannot have the latest JAVA 2 technology support which is integrated in the latest OS. The MAC are running with OS 7 and OS 9 so anyone can tell me where to get the JRE that able to run the application that develop by using the JAVA 2?

    You probably already looked at
    It doesn't look like they have one for Java 2 unless youupgrade to Mac OS X.

  • Jre for solaris x86

    I know that there is a separate JRE for Solaris X86. But my problem is that i have Solaris x86 installed an amd 64 bit machine and also on an Intel 64 bit machine.
    I would like to know if it is possible to use the same jre for both the machines.
    Edited by: Diganth.A on Feb 4, 2009 11:16 AM

    Diganth.A wrote:
    I know that there is a separate JRE for Solaris X86. But my problem is that i have Solaris x86 installed an amd 64 bit machine and also on an Intel 64 bit machine.
    I would like to know if it is possible to use the same jre for both the machines.
    Edited by: Diganth.A on Feb 4, 2009 11:16 AMThis all depends on the operating system your are using and the type of 64 bit hardware architecture type.
    Can you please provide more specific details about the architecture and operating systems you are trying to install your JRE on?
    Typically you will want to download a pre-configured JRE for your OS platform and hardware architecture.

  • Default jre for applets?

    how can i set jre1.4.2 or jre1.5 as default jre for applets in my webbrowser(IE).
    i have jre 1.4.2, jre1.5 and jre1.6 installed.
    everytime when i start to run an applet jre 1.6 will be started.
    i'am working in an windows environment.
    can anybody give me a hint.
    best regards

    yos1 wrote:
    Though it seems odd, registry changes can be applied more easily ..So, given the choice
    change the HTML on the server, once for each applet, or
    change the Windows registry database on the client PCs, once for each client PC
    you would go for changing the Windows registry database on every client PC.
    What about client PCs that have a different operating system?
    Do you know which registry changes have to be applied ?I do not know for sure there is a way to do what you want,
    it would not be the option I would go for.
    I am not in the habit of advising people to make arbitrary changes to the Windows registry database,
    maybe you can find someone who will investigate this for you on a microsoft support forum
    or on rentacoder or some such site.

  • JRE for Safari?

    Hello all,
    I'm trying to find the JRE for Safari. Some of the webpages that I've visited require that a JRE
    be installed for them to work correctly. Any suggestions?
    My system is using Safari Version 5.0.2 (6533.18.5). And all recent updates have been installed.
    Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 2 version 1.0

    Well, I gave that a try, and it still complains.
    Unfortunately, I can't pass page address along. It belongs to a Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) from American Megatrends, that allows for remote access, that is located on an network, that is not connected to the Internet. And it's the Console Redirection pieces that's not working. I've verified that it does support OS X.
    the message that I'm getting is: "Please install Java Runtime Environment before you choose the view."

Maybe you are looking for