JS CS3 script form word styles to indesign styles

I have search over the forums and can find a script the can change WORD styles (with a diskette sign) to Indesign paragraph styles (without the sign). Can any one help me on this?

Here I translated the script from Russian into English for you. BTW, it is based on a script written by Dave Saunders (thanks Dave for it) — I totally reworked it to my needs. You should replace paragraph style names, font names, find-search strings, etc. with your own stuff.
// Description: Script for InDesign CS3
// Version 4
// Removes local formatting of the text after importing it from Word transforming it into characters styles
// Removes non CMYK colors
// Removes imported styles
// Adds non-breaking space before some abbreviations in text. For example: В, У, гг., млрд.
// Removes superfluous. Finds-replaces some sequences of characters:  For example:"--" to "—"
// Removes hyperlinks
// Copyright © 2008 Kasyan Servetsky
#target indesign
if (app.documents.length == 0) {
     alert("Open a document and try again.", "Error", true);
else {
     var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
     if (myDoc.selection.length == 1) {
          if (myDoc.selection[0].constructor.name ==  "TextFrame") {
          var myTextFrame = myDoc.selection[0];
          else {
               alert("Select a TEXT BOX.", "Error", true);
     else {
          alert("Select a single text block.", "Error", true);
     if (!myDoc.saved) {
          alert("This document has never been saved. Save it and try again.", "Error", true);
//--------------------------------- Progressbar ---------------------------------
     var stop = 11;
     var w = new Window ( 'window', 'Preparing the file', undefined, {closeButton:false, maximizeButton:false, minimizeButton:false} );
     var pb = w.add ('progressbar', [0, 0, 350, 20], 0, stop);
     var txt = w.add('statictext', undefined, 'Starting the process');
     txt.alignment = "fill";
     pb.value = 1;
     var myTxtReplace;
     var myGrpReplace;
     txt.text = "Finding-replacing text";
     myProblems = 0;
     pb.value = 2;
     txt.text = "Removing non CMYK colors";
     if (app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles.item("Body Text") == null) {
          pb.value = 3;
          txt.text = "Creating paragraph style \"Body Text\"";
          var paraStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.add( {     basedOn:"[No Paragraph Style]",
                                                                                                    name:"Body Text",
                                                                                                    fillColor:"Black"} );
     else {
          var paraStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("Body Text");
          pb.value = 3;
     pb.value = 4;
     txt.text = "Removing imported styles";
     pb.value = 5;
     txt.text = "Saving local formatting";
     myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().applyParagraphStyle(paraStyle, true);
     pb.value = 6;
     txt.text = "Applying paragraph style \"Body Text\"";
     pb.value = 7;
     txt.text = "Processing tables";
     myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().clearOverrides(OverrideType.all); // ***
     pb.value = 8;
     txt.text = "Removing local formatting";
     pb.value = 9;
     txt.text = "Replacing text";
     pb.value = 10;
     pb.value = 11;
     txt.text = "Removing hyperlinks";
     if (myProblems == 0) {
          alert ("No problems were found.", "All done");
     else {
          alert ("Problems were found and corrected.", "All done");
//************************************** Functions *******************************************************
function protectLocalStyling() {
    var myStyles = ["Italic","Bold", "Bold Italic"];
    var myPosns = ["superscript","subscript"];
    var myPosnEnums = [Position.superscript, Position.subscript];
     var noCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles[0];
    for (var j = myStyles.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
      var myCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.item(myStyles[j]);
      if (myCharStyle == null) {
        var myCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.add({name:myStyles[j], fontStyle:myStyles[j]});
          app.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
          app.findTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = noCharStyle;
          app.findTextPreferences.fontStyle = myStyles[j];
          app.changeTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = myStyles[j];
    for (var j = myPosns.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
      var myPosCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.item(myPosns[j]);
      if (myPosCharStyle == null) {
        var myPosCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.add({name:myPosns[j], position:myPosnEnums[j]});
          app.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
          app.findTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = noCharStyle;
          app.findTextPreferences.position = Position[myPosns[j]];
          app.changeTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = myPosns[j];
     app.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
//  Removing non CMYK colors
function myReplaceNonCMYK(){
     for(var myCounter = myDoc.colors.length; myCounter > 0; myCounter--){
          if (myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Registration" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Paper" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Cyan" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Magenta" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Yellow" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Black") {
               if ((myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].space != ColorSpace.cmyk)  || (myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].model != ColorModel.process)){
                    myProblems = myProblems + 1;
                    myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].remove ("Black")
// Removing imported styles
function removeImportedStyles(){
     var paraStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("Body Text");
     var noneCharaStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.item("[None]");
     for(var myCounter = myDoc.paragraphStyles.length-1; myCounter >= 2; myCounter--){
          if (myDoc.paragraphStyles[myCounter].imported == true ) {
     for(var myCounter = myDoc.characterStyles.length-1; myCounter >= 2; myCounter--){
          if (myDoc.characterStyles[myCounter].imported == true) {
// Processing tables
function removeInTables(){
     if (myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().tables.length > 0) {
          if (myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("05. TABL_BODY") == null) {
               myTableStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.add({name:"05. TABL_BODY", appliedFont:"HeliosKas\tCondensed Regular", pointSize:8, leading:8});
          else {myTableStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("05. TABL_BODY")}
     myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().applyParagraphStyle(myTableStyle, true);
// Find-replace pairs
function myReplaceStuff() {
     myTxtReplace =     [ // TEXT
                                        [" А ", " А^S"],
                                        [" В ", " В^S"],
                                        [" С ", " С^S"],
                                        [" К ", " К^S"],
                                        [" О ", " О^S"],
                                        [" У ", " У^S"],
                                        [" На ", " На^S"],
                                        [" По ", " По^S"],
                                        [" Из ", " Из^S"],
                                        ["г-н ", "г-н^S"],
                                        ["г-на ", "г-на^S"],
                                        ["г-ну ", "г-ну^S"],
                                        [" т", " ^Sт"],
                                        [" г.", " ^Sг."],
                                        [" гг.", " ^Sгг."],
                                        [" грн.", " ^Sгрн."],
                                        [" коп.", " ^Sкоп."],
                                        [" тыс", " ^Sтыс"],
                                        [" млн", " ^Sмлн"],
                                        [" млрд", " ^Sмлрд"],
                                        [" т.п.", " ^Sт.п."],
                                        [" т.д.", " ^Sт.д."],
                                        [" др.", " ^Sдр."],
                                        [" км", " ^Sкм"],
                                        ["см. стр.", "см.^Sстр."],
                                        [" ^p", "^p"],
                                        [" —", "^S—"],
                                        [" —", "^S—"],
                                        ["№ ", "№"],
                                        ["$ ", "$"],
                                        ["EUR ", "EUR"],
     myGrpReplace =     [ // GREP
                                        ["[~m~>~f~|~S~s~<~/~.~3~4~% ]{2,}", " "], // Multiple Space to Single Space
                                        ["--", "~_"] // Dash Dash to Em-dash
                                        // ["~b~b+", "\\r"], Multiple Return to Single Return
function replaceTxt() {
     app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
     app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
     app.findChangeTextOptions.wholeWord = false;
     app.findChangeTextOptions.caseSensitive = true;
     app.findChangeTextOptions.includeMasterPages = false;
     for (i = 0; i <  myTxtReplace.length; i++) {
          var myCurArray = myTxtReplace[i];
          app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = myCurArray[0];
          app.changeTextPreferences.changeTo = myCurArray[1];
     app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
     app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
function replaceGrep() {
     app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
     app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
     for (i = 0; i <  myGrpReplace.length; i++) {
          var myCurArray = myGrpReplace[i];
          app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = myCurArray[0];
          app.changeGrepPreferences.changeTo = myCurArray[1];
     app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
     app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
function myRemoveHyperLinks(){
     if (myDoc.hyperlinks.length > 0){
          for(var myCounter = myDoc.hyperlinks.length; myCounter > 0 ; myCounter--){
               myDoc.hyperlinks[myCounter - 1].remove();

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    I have tried the following things with NO LUCK:
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    I am not familiar with InDesign Interchange, do you think this will help?
    That's why I suggested it. But you didn't answer my question: Is this happening with only one file? The reason I ask is because if one file is corrupted, saving to INX and back to INDD often clears out minor corruptions. If you're seeing this in many files it's unlikely they're all corrupt.
    1. Convert text using paragraph styles - I meant modified "placed" text using character styles
    Now I'm really confused. Your steps are:
    Place document from Word in to InDesign document
    Highlight table to be changed
    Modify placed text using character styles
    Are you really highlighting an entire table and applying a character style? While this will work to modify certain formatting aspects, it's not really the best approach. Character styles are for characters *within* a paragraph. Paragraph styles are for *entire* paragraphs. Each table cell contains at least one full paragraph, even if it's just a single number, a space, even if there's nothing there at all. If you want to format the contents of an entire cell or range of cells with the same formatting, use a paragraph style, not a character style. If you want to italicize one or two words in some text in a cell (the way I just did), then use a character style.
    I really feel that the issue either stems from fonts or from placing the document from Word.
    Could be. Cheap fonts are the cause of many problems in Indesign. Indesign is really picky about fonts. But let's try the easy fix first (INX). If you don't trust it, save the .inx to a new .indd filename (keep your old .indd file as a backup).

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        Fixing paragraph style combinations
        Version: 1.1
        Script by Thomas Silkjær
    var the_document = app.documents.item(0);
    // Create a list of paragraph styles
    var list_of_paragraph_styles = the_document.paragraphStyles.everyItem().name;
    // Make the dialog box for selecting the paragraph styles
    var the_dialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"Fix paragraph style pairs"});
            var find_first_paragraph = dropdowns.add({stringList:list_of_paragraph_styles, selectedIndex:0});
            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"followed by"});
            var find_second_paragraph = dropdowns.add({stringList:list_of_paragraph_styles, selectedIndex:0});
            var change_first_paragraph = dropdowns.add({stringList:list_of_paragraph_styles, selectedIndex:0});
            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"followed by"});
            var change_second_paragraph = dropdowns.add({stringList:list_of_paragraph_styles, selectedIndex:0});
    // Define paragraph styles
    var find_first_paragraph = the_document.paragraphStyles.item(find_first_paragraph.selectedIndex);
    var find_second_paragraph = the_document.paragraphStyles.item(find_second_paragraph.selectedIndex);
    var change_first_paragraph = the_document.paragraphStyles.item(change_first_paragraph.selectedIndex);
    var change_second_paragraph = the_document.paragraphStyles.item(change_second_paragraph.selectedIndex);
    // Set find grep preferences to find all paragraphs with the first selected paragraph style
    app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeFootnotes = false;
    app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeHiddenLayers = false;
    app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeLockedLayersForFind = false;
    app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeLockedStoriesForFind = false;
    app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeMasterPages = false;
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGrepPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = find_first_paragraph;
    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "^";
    //Search the current story
    var the_story = app.selection[0].parentStory;
    var found_paragraphs = the_story.findGrep();
    var change_first_list = [];
    var change_second_list = [];
    // Loop through the paragraphs and create a list of words and mark them as index words
    myCounter = 0;
    do {
        try {
            // Create an object reference to the found paragraph and the next
            var first_paragraph = found_paragraphs[myCounter].paragraphs.firstItem();
            var next_paragraph = first_paragraph.paragraphs[-1].insertionPoints[-1].paragraphs[0];
            // Check if the next paragraph is equal to the find_second_paragraph
            if(next_paragraph.appliedParagraphStyle == find_second_paragraph) {
        } catch(err) {}
    } while (myCounter < found_paragraphs.length);
    // Apply paragraph styles
    myCounter = 0;
    do {
        change_first_list[myCounter].appliedParagraphStyle = change_first_paragraph;
        change_second_list[myCounter].appliedParagraphStyle = change_second_paragraph;
    } while (myCounter < change_first_list.length);
    alert("Done fixing pairs!");

    CS2 didn't support grep searches so you're going to have to do some serious reworking of the script. It's not a flick of the wrists.

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    This is how I'd approach it - it captures a 'place' or 'paste' of a blob of text. It is not perfect - it will also 'fire' if you simply copy some text from one frame in the document to an empty frame, but I don't think that would be an issue in most cases.
    Create a page item on the pasteboard; use the Active Page Item Developer palette to set the List of Subjects to * (just an asterisk), and the Event Filter to subjectModified* ('subjectModified' with an asterisk appended). Set the attached ExtendScript to the script shown below.
    I've not tested this heavily - it's only a proof of concept...
      const kKeyForSavedTextLength = "com.rorohiko.savedTextLength";
        var theFrame = theItem.eventSource;
        if (! (theFrame instanceof TextFrame))
          // Not a text frame - bail out
        var previousTextLength =
        if (previousTextLength == null)
          previousTextLength = 0;
        if (previousTextLength > 0)
          // Already has text in it - bail out
        var curTextLength = theFrame.contents.length;
        if (curTextLength == 0)
          // No text in it - bail out
        alert("Pasted or placed a blob of text");
      while (false);

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    Wie kann ich dieses Sechs-Ecken-Objekt (Kontur 1 Pkt nach innen) mit Indesign-Script erstellen ? (InDesign CS3-Script / JavaScript)
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    oder mit
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    Oder... ????
    Freundliche Grüße,
    AndreasRoe aus Germany

    Piece of cake.
    You can either create a default Rectangle or Polygon, and add and move the points around, or -- my preferred way -- add a GraphicLine and add the other points to that path, until you are nearly done. Then set the path type to "Closed", and you are really done.
    For starters, let's create a regular rectangle the hard way:
    var hoehe = 10;
    var breite = 20;
    newrect = app.activeDocument.graphicLines.add ();
    newrect.paths[0].pathPoints[0].anchor = [0,0];
    newrect.paths[0].pathPoints[1].anchor = [0, hoehe];
    newrect.paths[0].pathType = PathType.CLOSED_PATH;
    Run this and experiment with breite / höhe.
    If you look at your drawing, you can see you need an inset value for the chopped off corners. You can also see where to add the new points, when you start counting at top left. That results in this -- notice how breite / höhe are adjusted one by one:
    var hoehe = 50;
    var breite = 100;
    var inset = 4;
    newrect = app.activeDocument.graphicLines.add ();
    newrect.paths[0].pathPoints[0].anchor = [0,0];
    newrect.paths[0].pathPoints[1].anchor = [0, hoehe - inset];
    newrect.paths[0].pathType = PathType.CLOSED_PATH;

  • Can no longer import Word files into InDesign

    For many months I have been importing Word files into InDesign CS3 (Mac OSX 10.4.11) with no trouble, but I started having a problem yesterday.
    When importing a 17-page Word file with 16 footnotes, I got none of the text and only the footnote numbers. This is what I get in InDesign:
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    These are the things I've tried already: restarting, deleting preferences, changing the import options, using CS2, importing someone else's Word file, importing a Word file that I imported successfully a couple of months ago. None of this works.
    It has been suggested that I save the Word file as rtf, but since I have 200 files to import and I'm using Word's character styles for italics, bold, small caps, etc., I'd rather try to fix this problem.
    Can someone help?

    I am using indesign CS2 and i'm trying to import a Word document into a new chapter for a book i'm laying out. it's about 30 pages, but there are at least 80 foot notes. i'm able to get about 1/2 of the document with the footnotes to flow correctly, then EVERYTHING disappears. the only way i've been able to get the remaining text to appear is by adding characters to the text. i'll hit "vvvvvvvvvvvv" a bunch of times and "magically" a little chunk of text and it's footnotes appears. then the ole disappearing act happens. so i do it again. i'm able to get all the text to appear finally, but when i delete the "vvvvvvvvvv" from the places i inserted them, the text disappears again. i have no idea why this is happening or how to fix it. any ideas?
    thanks so much,

  • Create form elements directly in InDesign and publish them directly to PDF forms.

    It would be great to add form elements directly in InDesign (e.g. on a specific layer) and when publishing the document to PDF automatically exporting them.
    Now the work flow for adding one new field in am existing PDF form is quite complicated:
    Edit the InDesign document (layout and text) in InDesing -> publish the PDF out of InDesign -> add the existing form fields (copy from existing form into new) -> move the fields to the right place (acrobat does not support paste in place!) -> add the new field (name it, place it, etc.) -> save the PDF.
    For our company handling many different forms, with a lot of changes, this process is very error-prone.
    Enabling this process in one application would help a lot. We are currently using CS3. The feature overview of CS4 does not seem to implement this.
    Anyone else suffering here?
    Best regards,

    Just incase you don't Adobe make a Windows only app Lifecycle which is a full blown form design app. Real layout tools, real calculation tools, vastly better than Acrobat which is too tedious for forms. If you company does lots of forms I'ld give it a look.
    They have no intention to bring to Mac I gather, as Mac is a designers only domain according to one Adobe Evangelist I spoke to.

  • Automatic update from Word source into Indesign

    Hi I have followed all threats and cannot seem to find a solution to my query.
    I have to complete a 280page annual report within a very short period of time. Based on the client it seems that there will be multiple changes on content after layout is completed. Is it possible to import the Word docuement into Indesign and when the client makes changes in the original Word docuement the changes are affected directly in Indesign?
    I had a look at the XML options and discussions but being a lyout designer the explenations of tags etc mean zero.
    Obvioulsy I would re-edit stylesheets and layout styles in Indesign but would ideally then like to export the content / link the content to the original file so that the client can make changes in Word and I do not have to manually re-layout pages or make changes from proofs.
    Please can someone indicate whether this is at all possible and wether you have to have knowledge of scriptig etc should it be possible.

    In the Preferences, you can select to treat a placed Text document just like an image: you get a link in your Links palette, and if the original file is modified, you can "update" it just like an images.
    However: the text will re-import just like it did the very first time -- including the formatting of the text. If you formatted the text in InDesign, that will be lost. A very rigid workflow is the solution in that case: if your editor uses Word Styles, and he did so consequent and correct, you can automatically have them mapped to your styles in the InDesign document. You can actually help your editor getting the good styles by exporting your text to RTF, so he can work on it and then return the document.
    Try before you fly.

  • Long Word document into InDesign

    I understand how to place a Word doc into InDesign and even through InCopy and preserve all the styles etc, but what I am missing is how to get a 100 plus page document into InDesign without having to maually place each page.  I am sure there is something simple that I need to set/change to get multiple pages in there automatically.
    Thanks for any help!

    Drag in a new page after the last page, go back one page, click the out port (little red plus sign at the bottom right of the frame), take your loaded cursor to the next (last) page, shift click in the upper left margin corner. ID will create as many pages with frames as it needs to flow out all the text.
    You can also do this when you first Place the text. Just shift-click the loaded cursor instead of clicking (without shift).

  • Importing Graphics - Word 2008 to InDesign - Maintaining links?

    I have an issue where documents are prepared in MS Word 2008 (Mac OS 10.5.7) and then imported/placed into InDesign CS3. The word document has inline graphics which are placed into InDesign as embedded images, however I want them to remain unembedded and linked to the original graphic files when the word doc is imported into InDesign (I have all the graphics in a sub folder within the same folder as the word doc and the InDesign file).
    Under InDesign CS2 with Word 2004 I could import a word doc into Indesign and maintain links to graphics (rather than embedded graphics) as long as the graphics were inserted into MS Word via 'Insert > Picture > From File" and then I Ticked 'Link to File' and unticked 'Save with document'. I have done exactly the same thing with MS Word 2008 but I get embedded empty graphics frames in Indesign rather than links to the images.
    I then tested Word 2008 with Indesign CS2 and still had the same problem, so am now wondering if it is an issue with Word 2008 or the newer OS?
    Any suggestions would be much appreciated!!!

    Thanks Bob.
    This has made me realise that the documents are being supplied to me as .doc rather than .docx even though they are being created in MS Word 2008 (they have a compatibility setting so that they save as an earlier word version - I need to resolve this).
    Am I correct in assuming from what you have said that if I have got the images at the quality I want when they are linked into the Word document they will firstly not lose any quality in Word and secondly when they are embedded in the InDesign document there will be no loss of quality?
    I ask this question because basically I am regularly updating large online PDFs - starting with an MS Word master and then importing this into InDesign, making layout adjustments and then exporting to PDF. I therefore need to make the process as quick as possible (which I have done through a number of Applescripts) and one of the things I want to speed up is to have to manually go through and relink the images each time. So either I need some quick way of linking the images, OR (if I've understood you correctly) not worry about relinking the images because there is no loss of quality from when we link and embed the graphics in MS Word to when they become embedded in InDesign? This would mean the only time I would have to relink the images is when we do a printed version (which requires better quality images)???

  • Importing a 900 page MS-Word document to InDesign CS 6

    The Word document has course descriptions of all the classes offered at a community college. The need is to have two columns(textboxes of equal size)
    in each page of the InDesign document and then bring the information from the Word document to InDesign so that when it is printed, it can be like information in a telephone directory as
    Page 1
    Column 1 data Column 2 data
    Page 2
    Column 1 data Column 2 data
    and so on.
    The Word document is like
    Page 1
    Page 1 data
    Page 2
    Page 2 data
    I understand using the Place option in File menu, the Word document can be imported, but how can the information be
    brought over so that it flows in the two columns of each InDesign page. If I do an import now, the InDesign pages are like
    Page 1
    Page 1 data
    Page 2
    Page 2 data
    I selected the Import options while using the Place option in File menu and chose
    Use Indesign formatting in case of a conflict.
    1. Is there a way to bring the information from the Word document so that it flows in the two columns of each InDesign page without loss of formatting? The MS-Word document has bold text, headings, sub-headings etc.
    I would appreciate any suggestions.

    Thanks Peter,
    I found it in Story Editor View, took the text(Cut) and tried pasting it in the next line, but did not work. I pasted the text to Notepad so that formatting is removed, then tried pasting it in InDesign, but it still did not paste.
    How can I find out what is causing it and how can it be fixed?
    The Word document has all the information in a table(with no borders). I cannot get ID to import it. I tried "Remove styles and formatting from text and tables" option in Show Import Options, "Remove styles and formatting from text and tables" option with Preserve Local overrides checked so that tables can be converted to unformatted tables or unformatted tabbed text, but it did not work.
    Thanks a lot for your prompt responses and time in this thread.

  • [CS4] Ann.: Wordalizer 1.25 "Create Word Clouds in InDesign"

    Marc Autret is way too modest -- he posted this announcement in the middle of a long thread in the Scripting forum, and I'm sure it deserves much more attention than that!
    -- a marvelous script that rips right through your text and creates a "Word Cloud" of the most (or least!) frequently used words in your document, book, clipboard text, or wherever! Supports 'common word' removal in six different languages (so you don't end up with a giant "The" in the center), and has lots of tuning options.
    The freely downloadable version already has enough options to get excited about, and the Pro version has even more advanced editing options.
    Wordalizer speaking about itself:

    WOW! What a praise! Thank you so much Theunis
    > Is there a way to include spaces between words or special characters  (like bullet)?
    Yes and no! With the exceptions of hyphens, the text parser ignores most of the ‘non-alphabetic’ characters [note: the alphabet depends on the selected language.] That's to say that bullets, spaces --including every non-breaking spaces, sorry!--, and any similar characters are regarded as word separators. The dialog box provides the option ‘Allow digits’ though:
    However the PRO version allows you to insert extra characters through the word list editor, which supersedes the parser restrictions. So you can create a word cloud with bullets, space separated words, or anything else, by entering something like this:
    • word1 • : 100
    word1 word2 : 50
    #)$^*% : 20
    Then you get:
    Finally there is a secret tip allowing the user to inject a weighted word list containing weird characters, even with the TRY version:
    1) Create a text frame in InDesign. (This tip also works with imported text file, or clipboard source.)
    2) Enter your entries using the weighted list format:
    entry1 : weight
    entry2 : weight
    3) Run the script and check "Active Text Frame" in the Source panel.
    4) Press OK. (Enjoy!)
    Last note: Wordalizer supports InDesign CS4 and InDesign CS5 ;-)
    Thanks again,

  • Trouble porting CS3 script to CS5

    I'm having difficulty porting some of my CS3 scripts over to CS5. It seems I'm having problems placing graphics in rectangles.
    On the following script:
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
    set newDoc to make document
    tell newDoc
    tell document preferences
    set page width to 8.5
    set page height to 11
    end tell
    make rectangle with properties {geometric bounds:{1.75, 1.5, 3.5, 4.375}, fill color:swatch "Black", fill tint:0, stroke weight:0.5, stroke color:swatch "Black", stroke tint:0, label:"ImageBox"}
    set tempPDF to "Macintosh HD:Users:someuser:Desktop:temp.pdf"
    tell rectangle "ImageBox"
    place tempPDF
    end tell
    end tell
    end tell
    it draws the rectangle but I get an error saying it doesn't understand the "place" message.
    Has something changed in how you load a graphic into a rectangle?

    Hi jon,
    Instead of setting the label property, set the name property. Then your script should work.

  • Import Word Hyperlinks in InDesign

    I have a Word document which contains hyperlinks but when I import Word document into InDesign all of my hyperlinks are missing.
    Can you please let me know how can I retain hyperlinks such that when I export to PDF I can able to retain it. Please advise.
    Application version: CS2
    OS: Windows XP

    > I have a Word document which contains hyperlinks but when I import Word document into InDesign all of my hyperlinks are missing.
    I don't think it's possible to remove hyperlinks when Placing. Do you
    see your hyperlinks in the Hyperlinks palette (I think Window >
    Interactive > Hyperlinks, but I'm looking at CS3 now)?
    Janet says hyperlinks are not active in ID but become active in PDF.
    This is not really true. You should be able to see each hyperlink in ID
    as text with a box around it. You can test a link in ID by pressing the
    right arrow in the palette (Go to hyperlink destination). In this
    respect they are active in ID, and you can keep them active by including
    hyperlinks when you export PDF.
    Acrobat interprets (poorly, IMO) certain text combinations as
    hyperlinks. So text that looks like a URL may be displayed in Acrobat as
    a link, even if it's not a valid link. You can turn this on or off in
    Acrobat with Preferences > General > Automatically detect URLs from
    text. This has nothing to do with ID hyperlinks.
    Kenneth Benson
    Pegasus Type, Inc.

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