Jsp:declaration and request

Can we use request in jsp:declaration?
In my program request cannot be recognised unless it
is inside of <jsp:scriptlet>
So what do we set inside of jsp:declaration?

The code that you put inside the jsp:scriptlet is inside a method called _jspService(request, response).  The request method is local to the service method.
To get it into the declared method you have to pass it as a parameter to the method:
  String getName(HttpServletRequest request) {
    String str = (String)request.getAttribute("name");
    return str;
  }and then call it like:
  String name = getName(request); That being said, you should do whatever you can to remove the whole method declarations from the JSP you can. You can do what you have above by using JSTL and EL:
    ${request.name}No method declarations, no passing request around, nice clean code. Look up JSTL and EL (Expression Language).

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    <%@ page language="java"%>
    Date date = new Date();
    List al new ArrayList();
    public List getList(){
    return al;
    The List is-> <%= getList()%>
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    weblogic includes certain import statements in the JSP page when it is compiled.
    That is why u r not getting an error some times!!
    Check your weblogic documentation to find more details abt that
    But it is better to include the import statements , so the code will work in any server.

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              static public class localBean {
                   private String value;
                   public String getValue() {
                        return value;
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                        this.value = value;
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    I have added scope="application". It still show "null" indicating that the bean is not initialized with the properties. I would like a quicker way to initialize a bean property than invoking the setProperty tag for each property.
    Here is a simple example that demonstrates the problem:
    <%@ page language="java" %>
    <%@ page import="com.tests.*" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="monBean" class="com.tests.MonBean" scope="application"/>
    MonBean mb = new MonBean();
    monBean= mb;
    <title>Lomboz JSP</title>
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    <jsp:getProperty name="monBean" property="name"/>
    </html>And the bean
    package com.tests;
    public class MonBean {
    private String name;
    public String getName() {
         return name;
    public void setName(String name) {
         this.name = name;
    }This show "null".
    Any other idea why this is not working?

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           int numberOfRows = 10;
           int numberOfCols = 10;
    %>when I use those variables in my jsp declarations
         public int get()
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRows; i++)
                    // do something
    %>I've got errors. Anyway I can access the variables? Thanks.

    for example:
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    The difference really is: in what format do you want your inclusions? If your environment has many Java developers and only a few designers that focus mainly on, say, Flash, that might push you more towards the server-side include() directive. Or, if you have a large set of pages that receive dynamic content that is displayed in a consistent fashion (such as a workflow header area on a page).
    If, on the other hand, you have more web designers, there may be a greater desire to deal in markup rather than Java code. Java developers themselves might prefer to view markup (JSP) that more resembles the eventual output than something occuring in Java code.
    Finally, there are considerations of tiering. While it is totally possible to (and I have previously) implement 'view classes' that render markup or generate layout templates, JSP's offer, IMO, a subtle, psychological advantage. By forcing a developer to work in a different format, markup versus Java source, the separation on view from controller and model becomes a bit easier. It is still possible to make mistakes, but if a developer at some point notices, "Wait, I'm in a JSP, should I be importing a java.sql class?", then the choice to use JSP includes has paid off in spades.
    - Saish

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    I posted this in another thread.
    Here's some code that reads using a URL. This doesn't work with JSPs as the server executes JSP when it connects but it's useful for other file types. Note that the filename is a URI</h1>This is <code>show.jsp</code></h1>
    <%! String file = null; %>
    <%! java.io.InputStream is = null; %>
    file = request.getParameterValues("filename")[0];
    try {
       is = (new java.net.URL(file)).openStream();
    } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) { out.write(file + " not found!<br>"); }
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    <jsp:include page="anotherPage.jsp">
            <jsp:param name="testing" value="sdfasdfsd"/>
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    <log:dump scope="request"/>
    <log:dump scope="session"/>
    <log:dump scope="page"/>
    <log:dump scope="application"/>
    Test: <%= request.getParameter("testing") %>
    </h3>Not only does this output:
    Test: null
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    Any assistance would be most appreciated!

    Depends on the server version you are using. If you are using a JSP 2.0 server like Tomcat 5, then you should be able to do that, as long as you set up the container correctly (to use servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 specs rather than 2.3 and 1.2...)
    Is you are using a JSP 1.2 container (less then TC5) then you will not be able to use EL anyware except in JSTL tags. The fix is to use the JSTL tags to do the include:
    <c:import url="thepage.jsp">
      <c:param name="param1" value="${attr}"/>

  • Retrieving an ArrayList object in a JSP page and loop it

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    request.getRequestDispatcher("/searchStaff.jsp").forward(request, response);
    return;the searchResults is the ArrayList object.
    i would very much like to know how i can retrieve this object in a JSP page and iterate through this ArrayList using JSTL. I know i will need to use the <c:forEach> tag but i don't know what i should include in the body of this tag.
    thanks a lot~~~~~

    <c:forEach var="columnName" items="${requestScope.searchResults}">

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    Hi all
    I have a problem to export my SQL query is resulty into an XML file I had fixed my servlet and JSP so that i can display all the records into my database and that the goal .Now I want to get the result set into JSP so that i can create an XML file from that result set from the jsp code.
    thisis my servlet which will call the jsp page and the jsp just behind it.
    //this is the servlet
    import java.io.*;
    import java.lang.reflect.Array;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import javax.naming.*;
    import javax.sql.*;
    public *class *Campaign *extends *HttpServlet
    *private* *final* *static* Logger +log+ = Logger.+getLogger+(Campaign.*class*.getName());
    *private* *final* *static* String +DATASOURCE_NAME+ = "jdbc/SampleDB";
    *private* DataSource _dataSource;
    *public* *void* setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
    _dataSource = dataSource;
    *public* DataSource getDataSource()
    *return* _dataSource;
    *public* *void* init()
    *throws* ServletException
    *if* (_dataSource == *null*) {
    *try* {
    Context env = (Context) *new* InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env");
    _dataSource = (DataSource) env.lookup(+DATASOURCE_NAME+);
    *if* (_dataSource == *null*)
    *throw* *new* ServletException("`" + +DATASOURCE_NAME+ + "' is an unknown DataSource");
    } *catch* (NamingException e) {
    *throw* *new* ServletException(e);
    protected *void *doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws IOException, ServletException
    Connection conn = *null*;
    *try* {
    conn = getDataSource().getConnection();
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select post_id,comments,postname from app.posts");
    // out.println("Le r&eacute;sultat :<br>");
    ArrayList <String> Lescomments= *new* ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList <String> Lesidentifiant = *new* ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList <String> Lesnoms = *new* ArrayList <String>();
    *while* (rs.next()) {
    *catch* (SQLException e) {
    *finally* {
    *try* {
    *if* (conn != *null*)
    *catch* (SQLException e) {
    // les param&egrave;tres sont corrects - on envoie la page r&eacute;ponse
    }///end of servlet
    }///this is the jsp page called
    <%@ page import="java.util.ArrayList" %>
    // on r&eacute;cup&egrave;re les donn&eacute;es
    ArrayList nom=(ArrayList)request.getAttribute("nom");
    ArrayList id=(ArrayList)request.getAttribute("id");
    ArrayList comments=(ArrayList) request.getAttribute("comments");
    Liste des campagnes here i will create the xml file the problem is to display all rows
    for( int i=0;i<comments.size();i++){
    out.print("<li>" + (String) comments.get(i) + "</li>\n");
    for( int i=0;i<nom.size();i++){
    out.print("<li>" + (String) nom.get(i) + "</li>\n");
    for( int i=0;i<id.size();i++){
    out.print("<li>" + (String) id.get(i) + "</li>\n");
    This is how i used to create an XML file in a JSP page only without JSP/SERVLET concept:
    <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
    <%@ page import="java.io.*" %>
    // Identify a carriage return character for each output line
    int iLf = 10;
    char cLf = (*char*)iLf;
    // Create a new empty binary file, which will content XML output
    File outputFile = *new* File("C:\\Users\\user\\workspace1\\demo\\WebContent\\YourFileName.xml");
    FileWriter outfile = *new* FileWriter(outputFile);
    // the header for XML file
    outfile.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>"+cLf);
    try {
    // Define connection string and make a connection to database
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/SAMPLE","app","app");
    Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
    // Create a recordset
    ResultSet rset = stat.executeQuery("Select * From posts");
    // Expecting at least one record
    *if*( !rset.next() ) {
    *throw* *new* IllegalArgumentException("No data found for the posts table");
    // Parse our recordset
    // Parse our recordset
    *while*(rset.next()) {
    outfile.write("<postname>" + rset.getString("postname") +"</postname>"+cLf);
    outfile.write("<comments>" + rset.getString("comments") +"</comments>"+cLf);
    // Everything must be closed
    catch( Exception er ) {

    Please state your problem that you are having more clearly so we can help.
    I looked at your code I here are a few things you might consider:
    It looks like you are putting freely typed-in comments from end-users into an xml document.
    The problem with this is that the user may enter characters in his text that have special meaning
    to xml and will have to be escaped correctly. Some of these characters are less than character, greater than character and ampersand character.
    You may also have a similiar problem displaying them on your JSP page since there may be special characters that JSP has.
    You will have to read up on how to deal with these special characters (I dont remember what the rules are). I seem to recall
    if you use CDATA in your xml, you dont have to deal with those characters (I may be wrong).
    When you finish writing your code, test it by entering all keyboard characters to make sure they are processed, stored in the database,
    and re-displayed correctly.
    Also, it looks like you are putting business logic in your JSP page (creating an xml file).
    The JSP page is for displaying data ONLY and submitting back to a servlet. Put all your business logic in the servlet. Putting business logic in JSP is considered bad coding and will cause you many hours of headache trying to debug it. Also note: java scriptlets in a JSP page are only run when the JSP page is compiled into a servlet by java. It does not run after its compiled and therefore you cant call java functions after the JSP page is displayed to the client.

  • JSP declaration Tag

    Dear All,
    Is it ok to use JSP declaration tag? I have heard if we use the declaration tag then this variable name will be shared by all threads and the particular variable will be overridden. Is it true? please advise me on this? can we use this tag in our Jsp files.
    Thanking you in advance.

    Yes, it is true that the scope of variable in decalaration tag becomes global. It is as good as declaring a public variable in core java context.
    In my opinion one should avoid using the declaration tag.
    As there should be less and less public variable in core java class. Every variable should be private to the class and accessing the variable should be only through the instance of the class.

  • Include a JSP file and pass the parameter

    I don't know how to get the parameter value by <jsp:include .../> tag.
    My program "main.jsp" like this :
    <jsp:include page="head.jsp" flush="true">
    <jsp:param name="pageLanguage" value="gb" />
    <jsp:param name="frmProcess" value="head.jsp" />
    <jsp:param name="extTitle" value="Test Including" />
    please tell me how to access the parameters in my head.jsp page

    I don't know how to get the parameter value by
    <jsp:include .../> tag.
    My program "main.jsp" like this :
    <jsp:include page="head.jsp" flush="true">
    <jsp:param name="pageLanguage" value="gb" />
    <jsp:param name="frmProcess" value="head.jsp" />
    <jsp:param name="extTitle" value="Test Including"
    ng" />
    please tell me how to access the parameters in my
    head.jsp pageIn the head.jsp page , code
    request.getParameter("pageLanguage") and the value returned will be the value "gb" ...similarly for the other name=value pairs being passed to head.jsp from main.jsp

  • The content type for office excel 2007 in jsp page and the mime-type in  we

    In my system MS Office 2007 is installed. I am trying to generating excel sheets from JSP page by setting the content type "application/vnd.ms-excel" in jsp page and as well as in web.xml file. I am getting the below message
    The file you are trying to open, 'xxxxxxxx.xls', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?
    Then finally the excel file is opening and displaying properly. If in my system MS Office 2003 is installed , then the above message is not coming.
    I have changed the content type according to Excel 2007 <%@ page contentType= "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" %> and in web.xml file the mime type to
    even the content type is changed according to office excel 2007 , i am getting the same above message.
    My client is asking not to display the above message. So how to prevent that message ?
    It's very great if any body reply me as soon as possible.

    Hi Akash,
    I am not using the POI. I am generating the excel sheet using the below code.
    <jsp:directive.page import="java.util.Map" />
    <jsp:directive.page import="lehman.ra.Report.ReportDefinition" />
    <jsp:directive.page import="lehman.ra.RAUtilBean" />
    <jsp:directive.page import="java.util.ArrayList" />
    <jsp:directive.page import="lehman.util.GeneralUtil" />
    <jsp:directive.page import="lehman.admin.report.AdminHtmlReportFormatter"/>
    <jsp:directive.page import="lehman.helper.irprod.IRProdHelper"/>
    <%@ page contentType= "application/vnd.ms-excel" %>
    <jsp:directive.page import="java.util.Iterator"/>
    <jsp:directive.page import="java.util.HashMap"/>
         String strTradeDate = (String) session.getAttribute("TradingDate");
         String sContextPath = request.getContextPath();
         IRProdHelper irHelper     = new IRProdHelper();
         String  sReportFormat  = "E2E";     
         String subtab1 = request.getParameter("subtab1");
         if (subtab1 == null)
              subtab1 ="";     
         Map report_Ids    = (Map) session.getAttribute("ADMIN_E2E_REPORTS");
         AdminHtmlReportFormatter formatter = new AdminHtmlReportFormatter();
         ArrayList contentData = new ArrayList();
         ArrayList headerData  = new ArrayList();
         ArrayList metaData    = new ArrayList();
         Map resultMap            = null;
         String headerString       = "";
         String contentString  = "";
         String reportId            = "";
         int titleSpan         = 5;     
         if( report_Ids!=null && report_Ids.size() > 0){
              Object oReportObj      = null;
              Iterator rowIter = report_Ids.keySet().iterator();
              RAUtilBean raUtilBean = new RAUtilBean();
              ReportDefinition rdef = new ReportDefinition();
              while ( rowIter.hasNext() ){          
                   oReportObj = rowIter.next();     
                   reportId = oReportObj.toString();
                   resultMap  =  (HashMap) report_Ids.get(oReportObj);
                   if(resultMap == null )
                   if(resultMap.size() > 0 ) {
                        contentData          = (ArrayList)resultMap.get(GeneralUtil.CONTENT_DATA);
                        headerData          = (ArrayList)resultMap.get(GeneralUtil.COL_METADATA);
                        metaData          = (ArrayList)resultMap.get(GeneralUtil.METADATA);
                        rdef = new ReportDefinition();                    
                        raUtilBean.setReportAttributes(rdef, headerData, metaData,reportId, sReportFormat);
                        titleSpan = raUtilBean.findMaxCol(contentData, rdef.getDisplayCols());
                                  boolean hideETA = ((Boolean)resultMap.get("HIDE_ETA")).booleanValue();                              
                                       titleSpan = titleSpan-1;
                        headerString = formatter.constructHeadingForE2E(rdef, headerData);
                        contentString = formatter.constructContentForE2E(rdef, contentData, strTradeDate, sReportFormat);
    <html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
         <meta name="ProgId" content="Excel.Sheet"/>
         <meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Excel 9"/>
         <link rel="File-List" href="./Test33_files/filelist.xml"/>
         <link rel="Edit-Time-Data" href="./Test33_files/editdata.mso"/>
         <link rel="OLE-Object-Data" href="./Test33_files/oledata.mso"/>
         <link href="<%=sContextPath %>/llehman.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
         <link href="<%=sContextPath %>/llcontent.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
              mso-protection:locked visible;
         font-family:Arial, sans-serif;
         border-top:.5pt solid silver;
         border-right:.5pt solid silver;
         border-bottom:.5pt solid silver;
         font-family:Arial, sans-serif;
         border-right:.5 pt solid silver;
         border-bottom:.5pt  silver;
         mso-pattern:auto none;
         mso-pattern:auto none;
         font-family:Arial, sans-serif;
         border-right:.5pt solid silver;
         border-bottom:.5pt solid silver;
         mso-number-format:"yyyy\\-mm\\-dd\\ h\\:mm\\ AM\/PM";
    <body text="#000000" style="margin-left:5px;margin-top:5px">
          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
                       <table  border='0' cellpadding="0"  cellspacing='0' width="100%">
                             <tr class="xl21">
                                  <td align="left" nowrap style='font-size:11px;' colspan="<%=titleSpan%>"><b><%=subtab1%></b> -  COB  <%=irHelper.formatDate(strTradeDate)%>  </td>
                     <td> </td>
    <!-- Report Processing -->
                   }//end of if
              }//end of while
         }//end of if report_Ids     

  • Re:Event declaration and handling in portals

    I am new to portal and I got struck in how to access events and to declare events as well .
    Please guide me in this issue
                                         Thank You,
                                         D.Durga Rao

      Check this link for the tag for button. It shows onClientClick and onClick. onClientClick is client side validation (code written in javascript inside jsp itself) and onClick is server side validation.
    For server side: Use onClick:
    JSP DynPage: Declaration of the method that processes the event:
    public void myClick (Event event) { ..coding.. }
    public void onMyClick (Event event) { ..coding.. }
    Here myClick is like ProcessConfirm defined for button. It can be defined as
    public void ProcessConfirm (Event event) { ..coding.. }
    public void onProcessConfirm (Event event) { ..coding.. }
    Harini S

  • JSP, Servlet and RMI

    I have developed a simple interface to start and stop a java application.
    In practice I have a command panel (a JSP page) that communicates with a servlet that through RMI is able to start and stop my external java application.
    JSP and servlet are under Tomcat.
    Here are my codes:
    <%@ page language="java" session="true" autoFlush="true" isThreadSafe="true"
    contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" isErrorPage="false" %>
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <form action="controlpanel" method="get" name="pannello" id="pannello">
    <select name="op" size="1" id="op">
    <option value="start" selected>start</option>
    <option value="stop">stop</option>
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
    * Created on 03-Dec-2003
    * To change the template for this generated file go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments
    package servlet;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.PrintWriter;
    import java.rmi.Naming;
    import java.rmi.RMISecurityManager;
    import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import server.Mmce;
    * @author root
    * To change the template for this generated type comment go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments
    public class CommandPanel extends HttpServlet
         protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
                   HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
              String operation = request.getParameter("op");
              PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
              if (System.getSecurityManager() == null)
                   System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
                   Mmce comp=(Mmce)Naming.lookup("rmi://");               
                   if (operation.equalsIgnoreCase("start"))
              catch (Exception e)
                   StackTraceElement[] el = e.getStackTrace();
                   String errore = "";
                   for (int g = 0; g < el.length; g++)
                        errore += el[g].toString()+"\n";
                   log("Write html");
                   RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("/panel.jsp");
    // Follow part is commented
                   out.println("<title>Pannello di comando</title>");
                   out.println("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">");
                   out.println("<form action=\"controlpanel\" method=\"get\" name=\"pannello\" id=\"pannello\">");
                   out.println("<select name=\"op\" size=\"1\" id=\"op\">");
                   out.println("<option value=\"start\" selected>start</option>");
                   out.println("<option value=\"stop\">stop</option>");
                   out.println(" </select>");
                   out.println("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Submit\">\n</p>");     
    All works fine for two times in that I start and stop application. At the third time, when i start my application from jsp, I receive this Tomcat error:
    type Status report
    message /panel.jsp
    description The requested resource (/panel.jsp) is not available.
    like the jsp could not be reachble.
    If I try to stop and restart the application from Tomcat Manager panel and go to the url of JSP, I have this exception:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
         sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    root cause
         java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Tomcat logs.
    I need to restart Tomcat and then I have the same proble and then that my JSP works fine for two times and at the third time come unreachble.
    If I change the servlet's part in which I do the forward to the JSP and put the commented part, the application works fine.
    Anybody can tell me why my JSP come unreachble?
    Emanuele Pecorari

    I add this thing:
    if I add in java.policy this permission:
    permission java.security.AllPermission;
    all works fine.
    I want to know what exactly permission I must put in my file in order that the application works fine in the same handle.

  • Difference between jsp:include and %@ include

    what is the difference between <jsp:include> and <%@ include %>? which has better performance? When to use which? suppose i have a menu that should be included in every page, which should I use?
    Thank you

    <%-- some date this page was last updated with that particular version of JSP file --%>
    <% include file="relative URL" %>
    You use the include directive, as indicated, to include a file in the main JSP file at the time the file is translated into a servlet. This is done at translation time and therefore if the included JSP file changes, all the JSP files that use this included file will need tobe updated. If you use this include statement then i would suggest that you add a date descriptor of the last time it was modifed so that you can go back and tell if you have updated a particular JSP file or not.
    <jsp:include page="relative url" flush = "true" />
    When you use the JSP descriptor like this, you are getting the requested JSP file at REQUEST time and therefore you do not hae to worry about updating the calling JSP page.
    Hope this helps

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