JTable help - trying to copy/paste a row in a JTable

Geez, JTable is such a pain..... I am trying copy a range of rows within a JTable using an Abstract Table Model). I need to use this Abstract model as I have a custom String Tokenizing routine which accesses a flat text file which is my "table" so-to-speak.....
The sequence of events are:
1. Highlight the selected rows via the Mouse
2. Select "Copy" from a menu pull down which then runs
my copy method which resides in my abstract table model,which properly figures out which cells I need to copy (see below code), and opens up new rows at the bottom
of the JTable.
I am trying to automatically take those selected cells and then paste them into the opened up rows at the end of the table when choosing "Paste" from the menu.
Here is the copy method, and the code that calls it from my main application. I am having a bit of trouble trying to figure out the Paste routine which is where I need help.
Sorry if this is a bit redundant, but I've been struggling with it...... I know that the System Clipboard is available, but I just cant get that to work for me...
Does 1.4.1 have an "easy" way to do this so I don't have to re-invent the wheel ????
Thanks in advance
From my main app:
private void updateTheFiles(String updateType)
// Determine which model we are working with //
currmodel = (DataFileTableModel)vec.elementAt(tabnum) ;
System.out.println("File = " + fileNameArray[tabnum] );
if (updateType == "Save") {     
System.out.println("updateType = " + updateType );
Object tfs = new TextFileSaver(currmodel,fileNameArray[tabnum],"Pipe",true) ;}
if (updateType == "Insert") {
System.out.println("updateType = " + updateType );
int a = currmodel.getColumnCount() ;
Object [] aRow = new Object [a];
currmodel.addRow(aRow); }
if (updateType == "Delete") {
System.out.println("updateType = " + updateType );
currmodel.deleteRows(startRowToBeDeleted, endRowToBeDeleted); }
if (updateType == "Copy") {
System.out.println("updateType = " + updateType );
----> currmodel.copyRows(startRowToBeDeleted, endRowToBeDeleted);
// if (updateType == "Paste") {
// System.out.println("updateType = " + updateType );
// TablePaste tp = new TablePaste(userTable) ;
// if (updateType == "Find") {
// System.out.println("updateType = " + updateType );
// Object fnd = new FindReplace() ; }
// currmodel.copyRows(startRowToBeDeleted, endRowToBeDeleted); }
Table Model:
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.io.* ;
import java.util.* ;
import java.lang.* ;
public class DataFileTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {
//public class DataFileTableModel extends DefaultTableModel {
protected Vector data;
protected Vector columnNames ;
protected Vector copyVec ;
protected String datafile;
public DataFileTableModel(String f){
datafile = f;
public void initVectors() {
String aLine ;
data = new Vector();
columnNames = new Vector();
try {
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(datafile);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fin));
// extract column names
StringTokenizer st1 =
new StringTokenizer(br.readLine(), "|");
// extract data
while ((aLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
StringTokenizer st2 =
new StringTokenizer(aLine, "|");
catch (Exception e) {
public int getRowCount() {
return data.size() / getColumnCount();
public int getColumnCount(){
return columnNames.size();
public String getColumnName(int columnIndex) {
String colName = "";
if (columnIndex <= getColumnCount())
colName = (String)columnNames.elementAt(columnIndex);
return colName;
public Class getColumnClass(int columnIndex){
return String.class;
public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
return true;
public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
return (String)data.elementAt( (rowIndex * getColumnCount()) + columnIndex);
public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
data.setElementAt(aValue, (rowIndex * getColumnCount())+columnIndex) ;
fireTableCellUpdated(rowIndex, columnIndex);
public void addRow(Object[] aRow) {
for (int i=0; i < aRow.length; i++)
int size = getRowCount();
public void deleteRows(int startRow, int endRow)
int tempRow = 0;
int actualRows = 0;
if (endRow < startRow)
tempRow = endRow ;
endRow = startRow ;
startRow = tempRow ; }
     if (startRow < 0 || endRow > getRowCount())
     actualRows = (endRow - startRow) + 1 ;
     // determine the starting point (cell) to start deleting at //
     int colCount = getColumnCount() ;
     int cell = startRow * colCount ;
     // determine the total number of cells to delete //
     int totColCount = (getColumnCount() * actualRows) ;
     for (int d = 0; d < totColCount; d++)
     data.remove(cell) ;
fireTableRowsDeleted(startRow,endRow) ;
public void copyRows(int cStartRow, int cEndRow)
System.out.println("Startrow = " + cStartRow) ;
System.out.println("Endrow = " + cEndRow) ;
int cTempRow = 0;
int cActualRows = 0;
if (cEndRow < cStartRow)
cTempRow = cEndRow ;
cEndRow = cStartRow ;
cStartRow = cTempRow ; }
     if (cStartRow < 0 || cEndRow > getRowCount())
     cActualRows = (cEndRow - cStartRow) + 1 ;
     // determine the starting (cell) to start copying from //
     int cStartCell = cStartRow * getColumnCount() ;
     // determine the total number of cells to copy //
     int cTotCells = (getColumnCount() * cActualRows) ;
     // determine the ending cell //
     int cEndCell = (cStartCell + cTotCells) - 1 ;
     System.out.println("Start Cell = " + cStartCell) ;
     System.out.println("End Cell = " + cEndCell) ;
     System.out.println("Total Cells = " + cTotCells) ;     
     // Now we have to load the empty rows with the copied data //
     System.out.println("getrowcount = " + getRowCount()) ;
     // Open up empty rows where the copied data will reside //
     for (int ci = 0 ; ci < cActualRows ; ci++ )
     Object [] cRow = new Object [getColumnCount()] ;
     addRow(cRow) ;
     int newRowStart = (getRowCount() - cActualRows) ;
     int newRowEnd = getRowCount() - 1 ;
     System.out.println("new row start = " + newRowStart) ;
     System.out.println("new row end = " + newRowEnd ) ;

Hi Veeru,
I like to copy and paste in Excel too, so just do it!
This forum is intended to help on specific problems. As you only told us what you like we can offer no help.
But you may search the forum for all those other Excel related threads to find hints/examples/thoughts on this...
Message Edited by GerdW on 01-12-2010 01:06 PM
Best regards,
CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
Kudos are welcome

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    I found the code out my project.  I last looked at this back in 2011.
    This is a custom control inheriting from datagrid.
    I don't recall where I got this code from originally.
    public class CustomDataGrid : DataGrid
    static CustomDataGrid()
    new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.Paste,
    new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(OnExecutedPaste),
    new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(OnCanExecutePaste)));
    #region Clipboard Paste
    private static void OnCanExecutePaste(object target, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs args)
    /// <summary>
    /// This virtual method is called when ApplicationCommands.Paste command query its state.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="args"></param>
    protected virtual void OnCanExecutePaste(CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs args)
    args.CanExecute = CurrentCell != null;
    args.Handled = true;
    private static void OnExecutedPaste(object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args)
    /// <summary>
    /// This virtual method is called when ApplicationCommands.Paste command is executed.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="args"></param>
    protected virtual void OnExecutedPaste(ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args)
    // parse the clipboard data
    List<string[]> rowData = ClipboardHelper.ParseClipboardData();
    bool hasAddedNewRow = false;
    // call OnPastingCellClipboardContent for each cell
    int minRowIndex = Items.IndexOf(CurrentItem);
    int maxRowIndex = Items.Count - 1;
    int minColumnDisplayIndex = (SelectionUnit != DataGridSelectionUnit.FullRow) ? Columns.IndexOf(CurrentColumn) : 0;
    int maxColumnDisplayIndex = Columns.Count - 1;
    int rowDataIndex = 0;
    for (int i = minRowIndex; i <= maxRowIndex && rowDataIndex < rowData.Count; i++, rowDataIndex++)
    if (CanUserPasteToNewRows && CanUserAddRows && i == maxRowIndex)
    // add a new row to be pasted to
    ICollectionView cv = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(Items);
    IEditableCollectionView iecv = cv as IEditableCollectionView;
    if (iecv != null)
    hasAddedNewRow = true;
    if (rowDataIndex + 1 < rowData.Count)
    // still has more items to paste, update the maxRowIndex
    maxRowIndex = Items.Count - 1;
    else if (i == maxRowIndex)
    int columnDataIndex = 0;
    for (int j = minColumnDisplayIndex; j <= maxColumnDisplayIndex && columnDataIndex < rowData[rowDataIndex].Length; j++, columnDataIndex++)
    DataGridColumn column = ColumnFromDisplayIndex(j);
    column.OnPastingCellClipboardContent(Items[i], rowData[rowDataIndex][columnDataIndex]);
    // update selection
    if (hasAddedNewRow)
    CurrentItem = Items[minRowIndex];
    if (SelectionUnit == DataGridSelectionUnit.FullRow)
    SelectedItem = Items[minRowIndex];
    else if (SelectionUnit == DataGridSelectionUnit.CellOrRowHeader ||
    SelectionUnit == DataGridSelectionUnit.Cell)
    SelectedCells.Add(new DataGridCellInfo(Items[minRowIndex], Columns[minColumnDisplayIndex]));
    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the end-user can add new rows to the ItemsSource.
    /// </summary>
    public bool CanUserPasteToNewRows
    get { return (bool)GetValue(CanUserPasteToNewRowsProperty); }
    set { SetValue(CanUserPasteToNewRowsProperty, value); }
    /// <summary>
    /// DependencyProperty for CanUserAddRows.
    /// </summary>
    public static readonly DependencyProperty CanUserPasteToNewRowsProperty =
    typeof(bool), typeof(CustomDataGrid),
    new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(true, null, null));
    #endregion Clipboard Paste
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    Looking at the thread again, they maybe Automator scripts. I can struggle my way through an Apple script, but still haven't figured out Automator.
    Here is an Apple link to Automator 101:
    When I typed automator in the support page search box there were several things listed.
    Good Luck.

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    You need to make TableModel that does dynamic resizing od the underlying data 2d array. This one will resize for both rows and columns.
        private Vector dataNames= new Vector();
        private Vector dataData =new Vector();
            javax.swing.table.TableModel dataModel = new javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel()
                public int getColumnCount()
                    return dataNames.size();
                public int getRowCount()
                    return dataData.size();
                public Object getValueAt(int row, int col)
                        java.util.Vector v=(java.util.Vector)dataData.elementAt(row);
                        return v.elementAt(col);
                    catch(Exception e)
                        System.out.println("e :"+e.getMessage());
                        return null;
                public String getColumnName(int column)
                    return (String)dataNames.elementAt(column);
                public Class getColumnClass(int col)
                        return getValueAt(0,col).getClass();
                            return Integer.class;
                        else if(col==1 || col==2)
                            return Double.class;
                            return String.class;
                public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col)
                    if(col > 0 && col <4)
                        return mapTableEditable;
                        return false;
                public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int row, int column)
                            for(int i=0;i<row+1;i++)
                                dataData.addElement(new java.util.Vector());
                                java.util.Vector v2=(java.util.Vector)dataData.lastElement();
                            java.util.Vector v1=(java.util.Vector)dataData.lastElement();
                            int dataSize=row-dataData.size()+1;
                            for(int i=0;i<dataSize;i++)
                                dataData.addElement(new java.util.Vector());
                                java.util.Vector v2=(java.util.Vector)dataData.lastElement();
                    java.util.Vector v=(java.util.Vector)dataData.elementAt(0);
                        for(int i=0;i<dataData.size();i++)

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    Tried to find my Firefox profile directory using the start menu and was directed to hit enter to go to web. Feel like i am getting run around.

    Let's start with something very basic, and that is, you do not need to use the paste button on most websites. The button just reads what is on your clipboard and sticks it into the form. You can do that yourself using Ctrl+v or right-click>Paste.
    For your security, I suggest using those standard Windows keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+x cut, Ctrl+c copy, Ctrl+v paste) or the context menu.
    Occasionally you will find a paste button that runs a clean-up script or otherwise does something useful. That is where the (admittedly a bit complicated) instructions come in handy.
    To open your active profile folder, you can use:
    Help > Troubleshooting Information > "Show Folder" button
    Which help article are you using for the modifications?
    Finally, please be cautious in opening up your clipboard to sites. You may have stuff you copied from other pages or other programs that you do not want to share with most sites.

  • Missing functionality.Draw document wizard - delete/add rows and copy/paste

    My customer is using 2007 SP0 PL47 and would like the ability to change the sequence of the rows of the draw document wizard and delete/add multiple rows (i.e. when you create an AR Invoice copied from several deliveries).
    This customer requires the sequence of items on the AR invoice to be consistent with the sequence on the original sales order including text lines and subtotals. Currently we cannot achieve this when there are multiple deliveries.
    Steps to reproduce scenario:
    1.Create a Sales order with several items and use text lines, regular and subtotals.
    2.Create more than one delivery based on the sales order and deliver in a different sequence than appears on the sales order.
    3.Open an AR Invoice and u2018Copy fromu2019 > Deliveries. Choose multiple deliveries. Choose u2018Customizeu2019.
    4.Look at the sequence of items on the Invoice. How can the items and subtotals and headings be moved around so they appear in the same sequence as on the sales order?
    Current Behaviour:
    In SAP B1 itu2019s not possible to delete or add more than one row at a time on the AR Invoice or Draw Document Wizard.
    Itu2019s not possible to copy/paste a row on the AR Invoice or Draw Document Wizard.
    Itu2019s not possible to change the sequence of the rows using the Draw Document Wizard.
    Business Impact: This customer is currently spending a lot of time trying to organize the AR invoice into a presentable format. They have to go through the invoice and delete the inapplicable rows one by one (because SAP B1 does not have the ability to delete multiple lines at a time) and also has to manually delete re-add rows to make it follow the same sequence as the sales order.
    Enable users to delete or add more than one row at a time on the AR Invoice or Draw Document Wizard.
    Enable users to copy/paste rows on the AR Invoice or Draw Document Wizard.

    Hi Rahul,
    You said 'It is not at all concerned with Exchange rate during GRPO...' If that is the case how does the Use Row Exchange Rate from Base Document in the draw document wizard work? Does this mean 1 GRPO : 1 AP Invoice so I can use the base document rate?
    How should I go about with transactions like these? That is adding an AP Invoice from multiple GRPO's having different exchange rates. What I am trying to capture here is that in the AP Invoice, base document rates should be used in the row item level and not the current rate when adding the invoice.  

  • [AS] Copy/Paste graphics

    Just wondering if anyone can help... l'm trying to copy/paste graphics from one document to another.
    I've been doing this my getting the file path of item link of graphic 1 and then setting this value to the frame on the other document - then setting the offset etc to move it to the correct place - which works great. (see below code)
    The problem l've got it sometimes the original graphic file doesn't exists so it does not work - what l want to do is then copy the 'preview' image you see on the document and paste that in the box on the other document - just like a normal copy/paste
    Any ideas on a nice way of doing this?
    This is my current copy/paste methods l talked about:
    on copyItem(boxName)
         tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
              set myCopyDocument to active document
              set proceed to false
              tell myCopyDocument
                   set theSelection to graphic 1 of page item boxName
                   set theTarget to parent of theSelection
                   set FilePathOfImage to file path of item link of graphic 1 of theTarget
                   set {a, b, c, d} to geometric bounds of theSelection
                   set {w, x, y, z} to geometric bounds of theTarget
                   set xOff to a - w
                   set yOff to b - x
              end tell
              return {true, FilePathOfImage, xOff, yOff}
         end tell
         on error msg
              display dialog "Can not copy original image: " & msg
              return {false, "", 0, 0}
         end try
    end copyItem
    on pasteItem(boxName, FilePathOfImage, xOff, yOff)
         tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
              tell myPasteDocument
                   set myImage to place FilePathOfImage on page item boxName
                   set {a, b, c, d} to geometric bounds of myImage
                   set geometric bounds of myImage to {a + xOff, b + yOff, c + xOff, d + yOff}
              end tell   
         on error msg
              display dialog "Can not place original image: " & msg
         end try
         end tell
    end pasteItem
    Regards, Gary.

    Worked out a way of doing it with the following:
    property myDocuments : {}
    set boxName to "pic1"
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
        -- Source
        set MyRectangles to page item boxName of document 1
        set MyRectangle to item 1 of MyRectangles
        set thePage to parent of MyRectangle
        set thePageNumber to name of thePage
        -- Target
        set MyTargetRectangles to page item boxName of document 2
        set MyTargetRectangle to item 1 of MyTargetRectangles
        set theTargetPage to parent of MyTargetRectangle
        set theTargetPageNumber to name of theTargetPage
        set {y, x, l, h} to geometric bounds of MyTargetRectangle
        -- Duplicate onto document 2
        set MyTargetRectangleCopy to duplicate MyRectangle to page theTargetPageNumber of document 2
        -- Delete old target
        delete MyTargetRectangle
        -- Move new target to old targets place
        move MyTargetRectangleCopy to {x, y}
    end tell

  • IMovie Going Crazy-- Copy/Paste Problems

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    Any help is appreciated.

    You can copy and paste video clips from project to project, but I don't think you can paste audio tracks or photos or titles.
    If you want to make another version of your project, I suggest that you go to the Project Library View and select your project. Then click FILE/DUPLICATE PROJECT and give the duplicate a new name.
    The Duplicate should by and exact copy. You can modify from there.

  • Copy/Paste Resources in Project Professional 2010

    I have a Project Server 2010 environment running SP2 and patched to April 2014. I use Project Professional 2010 patched up to same level. I am trying to copy/paste resources from one project to another, but the popup states that the resource is not found
    in the enterprise resource pool, do I want to add as a local resource.  The project from which I am copying the resources are in the enterprise pool.  Both projects are in the server.  Why can't I do this?

    Tom --
    The bigger question is why you are not adding resources to your enterprise projects using the Build Team dialog.  That is the approach I would recommend.  I believe that if you do the copy and paste of resources from one enterprise project to another,
    then the project in which you paste the resources treats the pasted resources as local resources until you first save the project.  Then the software should display a dialog indicating that a local resource has the same name as an enterprise resource,
    and ask you if you want to replace the local resource with the enterprise resource.  Is that the behavior you are seeing?  Either way, I would still recommend you use the Build Team dialog rather than copying and pasting enterprise resources.
    Hope this helps.
    Dale A. Howard [MVP]

  • JApplet copy/paste on Macintosh - java.policy?

    We've developed an entire application using Java applets which produces some HTML content in a JTextArea displayed in a new JFrame. The content of the JTextArea needs to be copy/pasted in another application for further processing. The application should work on a Windows and a Macintosh computer.
    When trying to copy/paste the content of the JTextArea on a Windows system, everything works fine on both Netscape and Internet Explorer browsers.
    When I try to copy/paste the same content on a Macintosh machine I got stuck. The applet works fine, produces the desired result but copy is disabled and none of the shortcuts work (both Netscape and Internet Explorer). The application has been tested on a Mac OS 8.6/9.0 & 10 system, all suffering from the same problem.
    I tried to solve this using the Clipboard object but that didn't help me much as it throws a SecurityException. This could be solved on a Windows system through the java.policy file but I can't find if this exists on the Macintosh.
    Any ideas or suggestions to work this issue out?
    Any help appreciated,

    If you sign the jar file this should fix your problems.
    Use keytool to generate keys
    Use jarsigner to sign the jar
    keytool -genkey -alias {MYALIAS_NAME} -keystore {MYSTORE_FILE}
    //then answer all the questions
    jarsigner -keystore {MYSTORE_FILE} -signedjar {MYSIGNEDJAR_FILE} {MYJAR_FILE} {MYALIAS_NAME}
    //again answer some questions

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  • Using Oracle Text to find attribute values in a XML document

    Can anybody help me? I created a index on a URIType column, create index my_index on uri_tab(docurl) indextype is ctxsys.context parameters ('SECTION GROUP my_sections'). Before index creation I executed these two functions, which prepare Oracle on t

  • Photo stream won't update after 1000 photos

    I have reached 1000 photos in my photo stream.  I took more photos on my phone, but it won't update with the latest photos, moving out the oldest.  Help! Thanks, Jim C

  • Transfer a message of high dimension from client to client

    What i must use to di it? Ftp? SocketChannel? Thanks.

  • Release Dates for JDK versions

    Gettting back into the tech world after a hiatus. Trying to figure out how much catching up I have to do. I'm trying to figure out the release dates for the various JDK's so I can pick up on where I left off - it was somewhere between 1.2 and 1.4 I'm

  • Double outer join on table

    Hi Let's say I have three tables ORDERS, PRODUCT and CLIENT. I want a query that will give me all PRODUCT and CLIENT combinations and the total sum of orders if it has one. If I try to do this: select P.NAME, C.NAME, SUM(O.AMOUNT) from PRODUCT P, CLI