Using Oracle Text to find attribute values in a XML document

Can anybody help me? I created a index on a URIType column,
create index my_index on uri_tab(docurl) indextype is ctxsys.context parameters ('SECTION GROUP my_sections').
Before index creation I executed these two functions, which prepare Oracle on text search in attribute sections: ctx_ddl.create_section_group('my_sections','XML_SECTION_GROUP') and exec ctx_ddl.add_attr_section('my_sections','machinetype','MachineType@text')
After index build I looking for an attribute value.
SELECT e.docName FROM uri_tab e WHERE CONTAINS(e.docurl,'SM_52 WITHIN machinetype') > 0;

An advise to read Oracle documentation is great but I have done it already and didn't find a way to check a syntax of an attribute retrived from LDAP server.
I haven't find anything new in $ORACLE_HOME/RDBMS/admin/dbmsldap.sql as well.
Let's take an example. I have taken some attribute from LDAP server by dbms_ldap.first_attribute and would like to know if the values of this attribute are strings or some binary staff.
How can I do it?

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  • Using Oracle Text to search through WORD, EXCEL and PDF documents

    Hello again,
    What I would like to know is if I have a WORD or PDF document stored in a table. Is it possible to use Oracle Text to search through the actual WORD or PDF document?

    Yes you can do context sensitive searches on both PDF and Word docs. With the PDF you need to make sure they are text and not images. Some scanners will create PDFs that are nothing more than images of document.
    Below is code sample that I made some time back to demonstrate the searching capabilities of Oracle Text. Note that the example makes use of the inso_filter that is no longer shipped with Oracle begging with Patch set See metalink note 298017.1 for the changes. See the following link for more information on developing with Oracle Text.
    begin example.
    -- The following needs to be executed
    -- as sys.
    DROP DIRECTORY docs_dir;
    AS 'C:\sql\oracle_text\documents';
    GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY docs_dir TO text;
    -- End sys ran SQL
    CREATE TABLE db_docs (
    id NUMBER,
    format VARCHAR2(10),
    location VARCHAR2(50),
    document BLOB,
    CONSTRAINT i_db_docs_p PRIMARY KEY(id)
    -- Several notes need to be made about this anonymous block.
    -- First the 'DOCS_DIR' parameter is a directory object name.
    -- This directory object name must be in upper case.
    f_lob BFILE;
    b_lob BLOB;
    document_name VARCHAR2(50);
    document_name := 'externaltables.doc';
    INSERT INTO db_docs
    VALUES (1, 'binary', 'C:\sql\oracle_text\documents\externaltables.doc', empty_blob())
    RETURN document INTO b_lob;
    f_lob := BFILENAME('DOCS_DIR', document_name);
    -- build the index
    -- Note that this index differs than the file system stored file
    -- in that paramter datastore is ctxsys.defautl_datastore and not
    -- ctxsys.file_datastore. FILE_DATASTORE is for documents that
    -- exist on the file system. DEFAULT_DATASTORE is for documents
    -- that are stored in the column.
    create index db_docs_ctx on db_docs(document)
    indextype is ctxsys.context
    parameters (
    'datastore ctxsys.default_datastore
    filter ctxsys.inso_filter
    format column format');
    --search for something that is known to not be in the document.
    SELECT SCORE(1), id, location
    FROM db_docs
    WHERE CONTAINS(document, 'Jenkinson', 1) > 0;
    --search for something that is known to be in the document.  
    SELECT SCORE(1), id, location
    FROM db_docs
    WHERE CONTAINS(document, 'Albright', 1) > 0;

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    Any thoughts and points will be appreciated.
    - Charles

    1. If you're using 12c, you can use ctx_doc.policy_languages. (
    2. If you want multiple stoplists based on each document's language, you have to use the multi-lexer. For world_lexer, there is one stoplist; since the stoplists are somewhat dynamic (you can add but not remove them), the most accurate way to fetch the list is using ctx_report.describe_index or ctx_report.create_index_script and parse the report.

  • Issues using Oracle Text conditions

    Hi all,
    I'm facing an issue executing a query on a VIEW using Oracle Text Indexes.
    The DB version I'm using is "Enterprise".
    TEST_VIEW is an sql-view that has a query on several tables where one of them has two Oracle Text indexes, one on field FIELD2 and another on FIELD3
    executing this query I get 10 rows:
    select *
    from TEST_VIEW
    where FIELD1 = 1001 -- regular condition
    and (contains(FIELD2, 'Blitz') > 0 ) -- Oracle text condition
    But if I add another condition on an existent Oracle Text Index, I'll get only 1 row:
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    from TEST_VIEW
    where FIELD1 = 1001
    where (contains(FIELD2, 'Blitz') > 0 OR contains(FIELD3, 'Blitz') > 0)
    As you can see the third condition was added using a logical OR, so I should get at least 10 rows ...
    Can anyone help me ?
    ThaNks in advance.

    Without a full test case, it is hard to see if there is something wrong or not. I did the following, and all worked fine on my 10g instance. I had to assume some things, but I at least think I have the basic gist of your inquiry in this example. Run it/change it to match your situation, and post back when you can.
    FIELD1 VARCHAR2(30));
    VALUES ('FOX');
    VALUES ('FOX');
    FIELD2 VARCHAR2(30));
    VALUES ('OVER');
    VALUES ('LAZY');
    VALUES ('DOG');
    VALUES ('FOX');
    select *
    from TEST_VIEW
    where CONTAINS(FIELD1, 'FOX') > 0;
    14 rows
    select *
    from TEST_VIEW
    where (CONTAINS(FIELD1, 'FOX') > 0 OR CONTAINS(FIELD2, 'FOX') > 0);
    18 rows

  • Using oracle text on a non-materialized view

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    I would like to use oracle text to perform a "contains" on the view whenever someone signs up to see if any current users or historical entries contain the desired username.
    The following works fine:
    contains(user_history_view, 'bill')but when I reference anything in the contains clause, i get a "column is not indexed" error:
    contains(user_history_view, signup.user_name) --signup.username is 'bill'Here is a stripped-down demonstration (I am using version
    create table signup (
      signup_id   number(19,0) not null,
      signup_name varchar2(255),
      primary key (signup_id)
    create table users (
      user_id   number(19,0) not null,
      user_name varchar2(255),
      primary key (user_id)
    create table user_history (
      history_id number(19,0) not null,
      user_id    number(19,0) not null,
      user_name  varchar2(255),
      primary key (history_id),
      foreign key (user_id) references users on delete set null
    create index user_name_index on users(user_name)
    indextype is ctxsys.context parameters ('sync (on commit)');
    create index user_hist_name_index on user_history(user_name)
    indextype is ctxsys.context parameters ('sync (on commit)');
    create index signup_name_index on signup(signup_name)
    indextype is ctxsys.context parameters ('sync (on commit)');
    create or replace force view user_history_view
    (user_id, user_name, flag_history) as
    select user_id, user_name, 'N' from users
    union all
    select user_id, user_name, 'Y' from user_history;
    --user bill changed his name to bob, and there is a pending signup for another bill
    insert into users(user_id, user_name) values (1, 'bob');
    insert into user_history(history_id, user_id, user_name) values (1, 1, 'bill');
    insert into signup(signup_id, signup_name) values(1, 'bill');
    select * from user_history_view users, signup new_user
    where new_user.signup_id = 1
    and contains(users.user_name, 'bill')>0;
    select * from user_history_view users, signup new_user
    where new_user.signup_id = 1
    and contains(users.user_name, new_user.signup_name)>0;I could move everything into a materialized view, but querying against real-time data like this would be ideal. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    this is to my knowledge not possible. It is hard for Oracle to do, think about a table with many rows, every row with that column must be checked. So I think only a single varchar2 is possible. Maybe for you will a function work. It is possible to give a function as second parameter.
    function return_signup
    return varchar2
      l_signup_name signup.signup_name%type;
      select signup_name
      into l_signup_name
      from signup
      where signup_id = 1
      and rownum = 1
      return l_signup_name;
      when no_data_found
        l_signup_name := 'abracadabra'; -- hope does not exist
        return l_signup_name;
    end;Now you can use above function in the contains.
    select * from user_history_view users --, signup new_user
    --where new_user.signup_id = 1
    where contains(users.user_name, return_signup)>0;I didn't test the code! Maybe you have to adjust the function for your needs. But it is a idea how this can be done.
    Otherwise you must make the check by normaly check the columns by simple using a join:
    select * from user_history_view users, signup new_user
    where new_user.signup_id = 1
    and users.user_name = new_user.signup_name;Herald ten Dam

  • Problem with blob column index created using Oracle Text.

    I'm running Oracle Database 10g standard edition one, on windows server 2003 R2 x64.
    I have a table with a blob column which contains pdf document.
    Then, I create an index using the following script so that I can do fulltext search using Oracle Text.
    However, the index is not searchable and I check the following tables created by database for my index and found them to be empty as well !!
    I wonder what's wrong with it.
    My user has been granted the ctx_app role and I have other tables that store plain text which I use Oracle Text are fine. I even output the blob column and save as pdf file and they are fine.
    However the database seems like not indexing my blob column although the index can be created without error.
    Please advise.
    Really appreciate anyone who can help.
    Thank you.

    The situation is I have already loaded a few pdf document into the table's blob column.
    After I create the Oracle text index on this blob column, I find the system generated index tables listed in my earlier posting are empty, except for the 4th table.
    Normally we'll see words inside the table where those are the words indexed by oracle text on my document.
    As a result, no matter how i search for the index using select statement with contains operator, it will not give me any result.
    I feel weird why the blob is not indexed. The content of the blob are actually valid because I tested this by export the content back to pdf and I can still view and search within the pdf.

  • Product Search Using Oracle Text or By Any Other Methods using PL/SQL

    Hi All,
    I have requirement for product search using the product table which has around 5 million products. I Need to show top 100 disitnct products searched  in the following order
    1. = ProductDescription
    2. ProductDescription_%
    3. %_ProductDescription_%
    4. %_ProductDescription
    5. ProductDescription%
    6. %ProductDescription
    Where '_' is space.  If first two/three/or any criteria itslef gives me 100 records then i need not search for another patterns
    Table Structure Is as follows
    Create Table Tbl_Product_Lookup
        Barcode_number                Varchar2(9),
        Product_Description Varchar2(200),
        Product_Start_Date Date,
        Product_End_Date Date,
        Product_Price Number(12,4)
    Could you please help me implementing this one ? SLA for the search result is 2 seconds

    You could use an Oracle Text context index with a wordlist to speed up substring searches and return all rows that match any of your criteria, combined with a case statement to provide a ranking that can be ordered by within an inner query, then use rownum to limit the rows in an outer query.  You could also use the first_rows(n) hint to speed up the return of limited rows.  Please see the demonstration below.  If you decide to use Oracle Text, you may want to ask further questions in the Oracle Text sub-forum on this forum or space or whatever they call it now.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> -- table:
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> Create Table Tbl_Product_Lookup
      2    (
      3       Barcode_number       Varchar2(9),
      4       Product_Description  Varchar2(200),
      5       Product_Start_Date   Date,
      6       Product_End_Date     Date,
      7       Product_Price          Number(12,4)
      8    )
      9  /
    Table created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> -- sample data:
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> insert all
      2  into tbl_product_lookup (product_description) values ('test product')
      3  into tbl_product_lookup (product_description) values ('test product and more')
      4  into tbl_product_lookup (product_description) values ('another test product and more')
      5  into tbl_product_lookup (product_description) values ('another test product')
      6  into tbl_product_lookup (product_description) values ('test products')
      7  into tbl_product_lookup (product_description) values ('selftest product')
      8  select * from dual
      9  /
    6 rows created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> insert into tbl_product_lookup (product_description) select object_name from all_objects
      2  /
    75046 rows created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> -- wordlist:
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> begin
      2    ctx_ddl.create_preference('mywordlist', 'BASIC_WORDLIST');
      3    ctx_ddl.set_attribute('mywordlist','PREFIX_INDEX','TRUE');
      4    ctx_ddl.set_attribute('mywordlist','PREFIX_MIN_LENGTH', '3');
      5    ctx_ddl.set_attribute('mywordlist','PREFIX_MAX_LENGTH', '4');
      6    ctx_ddl.set_attribute('mywordlist','SUBSTRING_INDEX', 'YES');
      7    ctx_ddl.set_attribute('mywordlist', 'wildcard_maxterms', 0) ;
      8  end;
      9  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> -- context index that uses wordlist:
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> create index prod_desc_text_idx
      2  on tbl_product_lookup (product_description)
      3  indextype is ctxsys.context
      4  parameters ('wordlist mywordlist')
      5  /
    Index created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> -- gather statistics:
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats (user, 'TBL_PRODUCT_LOOKUP')
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> -- query:
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> variable productdescription varchar2(100)
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> exec :productdescription := 'test product'
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> column product_description format a45
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> set autotrace on explain
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> set timing on
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> select /*+ FIRST_ROWS(100) */ *
      2  from   (select /*+ FIRST_ROWS(100) */ distinct
      3              case when product_description = :productdescription            then 1
      4               when product_description like :productdescription || ' %'       then 2
      5               when product_description like '% ' || :productdescription || ' %' then 3
      6               when product_description like '% ' || :productdescription       then 4
      7               when product_description like :productdescription || '%'       then 5
      8               when product_description like '%' || :productdescription       then 6
      9              end as ranking,
    10              product_description
    11           from   tbl_product_lookup
    12           where  contains (product_description, '%' || :productdescription || '%') > 0
    13           order  by ranking)
    14  where  rownum <= 100
    15  /
             1 test product
             2 test product and more
             3 another test product and more
             4 another test product
             5 test products
             6 selftest product
    6 rows selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.10
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 459057338
    | Id  | Operation                      | Name               | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT               |                    |    38 |  3990 |    13  (16)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  1 |  COUNT STOPKEY                 |                    |       |       |            |          |
    |   2 |   VIEW                         |                    |    38 |  3990 |    13  (16)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  3 |    SORT UNIQUE STOPKEY         |                    |    38 |   988 |    12   (9)| 00:00:01 |
    |   4 |     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TBL_PRODUCT_LOOKUP |    38 |   988 |    11   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  5 |      DOMAIN INDEX              | PROD_DESC_TEXT_IDX |       |       |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       1 - filter(ROWNUM<=100)
       3 - filter(ROWNUM<=100)

  • SMB Server using Oracle Text  Index

    Hi folks,
    I am looking into IFS and can't find any info
    on whether IFS is able to use the Oracle Text
    indexing, when accessed through SMB (directory mount).
    If I search for a file containing a given string
    is that search executed within IFS and only the
    resultset returned to the client, or is every
    file read from IFS delivered to the client,
    searched there and then thrown away if it doesn't
    contain the string (rendering the Text Index useless)?
    Does anybody have background info / experience with this?

    Hi folks,
    I am looking into IFS and can't find any info
    on whether IFS is able to use the Oracle Text
    indexing, when accessed through SMB (directory mount).
    If I search for a file containing a given string
    is that search executed within IFS and only the
    resultset returned to the client, or is every
    file read from IFS delivered to the client,
    searched there and then thrown away if it doesn't
    contain the string (rendering the Text Index useless)?
    Does anybody have background info / experience with this?
    Jan-Peter To answer your question, it would help to have a little more context (pardon the pun). Are you trying to (1) understand how the 9iFS Windows UI uses Oracle Text, or (2) are you trying to write a client application that somehow uses the Text index on 9iFS content?

  • Security when using oracle text

    We would like to use Oracle text functionality on Oracle 10 but the System Admin told us that Oracle is accessing the filesystem with the user account who launched the oracle instance.
    He told us that this is a security problem : giving oracle password gives access to the file system.
    Is that true and is there a solution to make oracle connect to the filesystem with another linux user account ?
    Thanks a lot !

    raford wrote:
    This only applies when you use the FILE_DATASTORE to index documents on disk, rather than in the file system.
    You can restrict access to this feature by only allowing users having a specific role to use it - see
    (NB. this is in the 11g documentation - I can't find it in the 10g manual but the functionality is the same).
    It's the database process itself which accesses the files, so it will always access them as the owner of the database process, there's no way to change that.What do you mean when you said " FILE_DATASTORE to index documents on disk, rather than in the file system" ?

  • Address Matching Using Oracle Text

    I am a newbie to Oracle Text. Hence please pardon my ignorance if this is a "RTFM" Query.
    We would like to clash our customer addresses against a table (GEO) that has addresses and geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude etc). The customer address data are in four VARCHAR2 columns (address1, address2, address3 & address4) and need not be in the same order as the address data in the GEO table.
    Has anybody used Oracle Text to do similar work to score addresses?
    Any links & pointers will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards

    When you use a multi_column_datastore, even though the index is only created using one column name and only that column name is used in the contains clause, it searches all columns named in the multi_column_datastore. It may be clearer if you use a dummy column with a name that has more meaning; I have used addresses in the revised example below.
    Queries run faster if you put everything in one contains clause instead of using multiple contains clauses.
    If you add a section group and field sections, then you can search within those sections and apply weights. In the following example I have doubled the score for results in address1 and address2 and halved the score for results in address3 and address4.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> CREATE TABLE customers
      2    (id       NUMBER,
      3       address1  VARCHAR2(30),
      4       address2  VARCHAR2(30),
      5       address3  VARCHAR2(30),
      6       address4  VARCHAR2(30),
      7       addresses VARCHAR2(1))
      8  /
    Table created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> INSERT INTO customers VALUES
      2    (1, '123 Somewhere, Someplace', 'nowhere', 'nowhere', 'nowhere', null)
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> INSERT INTO customers VALUES
      2    (2, 'nowhere', 'nowhere', 'nowhere', '123 Somewhere, Someplace', null)
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> INSERT INTO customers VALUES
      2    (3, 'nowhere', '500 Oracle Pkwy', 'nowhere', 'nowhere', null)
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> INSERT INTO customers VALUES
      2    (4, 'nowhere', 'nowhere', '500 Oracle Pkwy', 'nowhere', null)
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> BEGIN
      3        ('cust_datastore',
      4         'MULTI_COLUMN_DATASTORE');
      6        ('cust_datastore',
      7         'COLUMNS',
      8         'address1, address2, address3, address4');
    10        ('cust_sg', 'BASIC_SECTION_GROUP');
    11    CTX_DDL.ADD_FIELD_SECTION ('cust_sg', 'address1', 'address1', true);
    12    CTX_DDL.ADD_FIELD_SECTION ('cust_sg', 'address2', 'address2', true);
    13    CTX_DDL.ADD_FIELD_SECTION ('cust_sg', 'address3', 'address3', true);
    14    CTX_DDL.ADD_FIELD_SECTION ('cust_sg', 'address4', 'address4', true);
    15  END;
    16  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> CREATE INDEX customers_idx
      2  ON customers (addresses)
      5    ('DATASTORE     cust_datastore
      6        SECTION GROUP cust_sg')
      7  /
    Index created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> CREATE TABLE geo
      2    (address      VARCHAR2(40),
      3       coordinates  VARCHAR2(30))
      4  /
    Table created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> INSERT INTO geo VALUES
      2    ('500 Oracle Pkwy, Redwood City, CA 94065',
      3       '37° 31'' N / 122° 15'' W')
      4  /
    1 row created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> INSERT INTO geo VALUES
      2    ('123 Somewhere Street, Someplace City, CA',
      3       NULL)
      4  /
    1 row created.
    SCOTT@orcl_11gR2> SELECT SCORE(1), c.*, g.address, g.coordinates
      2  FROM   customers c,
      3           (SELECT address,
      4                '(' || REPLACE (REPLACE (address, ' ', ','), ',,', ',') || ')' addr,
      5                coordinates
      6            FROM   geo) g
      8             (c.addresses,
      9              '((' || g.addr || ' WITHIN address1 OR ' ||
    10                   g.addr || ' WITHIN address2) * 2) OR ' ||
    11              '((' || g.addr || ' WITHIN address3 OR ' ||
    12                   g.addr || ' WITHIN address4) * 0.5)',
    13              1) > 0
    15  /
      SCORE(1)         ID ADDRESS1
    ADDRESS2                       ADDRESS3
    ADDRESS4                       A ADDRESS
            68          1 123 Somewhere, Someplace
    nowhere                        nowhere
    nowhere                          123 Somewhere Street, Someplace City, CA
            59          3 nowhere
    500 Oracle Pkwy                nowhere
    nowhere                          500 Oracle Pkwy, Redwood City, CA 94065
    37° 31' N / 122° 15' W
            17          2 nowhere
    nowhere                        nowhere
    123 Somewhere, Someplace         123 Somewhere Street, Someplace City, CA
            15          4 nowhere
    nowhere                        500 Oracle Pkwy
    nowhere                          500 Oracle Pkwy, Redwood City, CA 94065
    37° 31' N / 122° 15' W
    4 rows selected.

  • Using Oracle Text in Oracle XML DB .

    Hi all ,
    The idea is simple ,i need to index all stored files in Oracle XML DB and the index should stay in Oracle DB . Using some 3 party index software is also possible but you need to write a mapping to move the index file in Oracle DB .
    So i thought of using Oracle Text but i am not sure about how to retrieve such a document from Oracle XML DB , let me say over ftp or http ? . And if these documents are password protected -> how can Oracle Text allow this ?

    [11gR2 XMLDB Developers Guide -- Full-Text Search over XML Data|] would be the first place to start.
    For document display, there a bunch of potential solutions, you can look at [XML DB Repository|], or the Text Application Developers Guide [Presenting Documents in Oracle Text|] .
    Password protected documents can't be indexed using the auto_filter.

  • Using oracle text in apex report search

    I am trying to use oracle text in apex, integrating it in an existing application. The idea is that it will allow to do a search in bigger textfields. Thats how I want it to get to work. In one of the oracle packaged applications oracle text is used as well, so I will have a look to that as well. I've addapted this search. I've added
    AND t. contains(oplossing, :P15_OPLOSSING)
    AND t.contains(sleutelwoorden, :P15_SLEUTELWOORDEN)
    That didn't work, so I changed those two to:
    AND t.oplossing = (t.contains(oplossing, :P15_OPLOSSING)>0)
    AND t.sleutelwoorden = (t.contains(sleutelwoorden, :P15_SLEUTELWOORDEN)>0)
    which didn't work either, which I expected to be the case. Clearly I'm not doing it correctly, I intend to look it up tonight in the packaged applications as I do want to findt it myself to.
    But does anyone can give a hint, on what I am doing wrong ?
    SELECT t.ticketid ticketnr, t.ticketid,
    g.voornaam||' '||g.naam aangemaaktdoor,
    t.credt, t.applicatiecd, t.titel,
    si.statusdefoms instat,
    NVL2(t.toegekend,'Y','N') toegekend,
    sleutelwoorden, klantprioriteitid, oplossing, s.htmlkleur, si.htmlkleur inthtmlkleur
    FROM ticket t,
    gebruiker g,
    status s,
    status si
    WHERE t.gebruikerid = g.gebruikerid
    AND t.statusid = s.statusid
    AND t.statusinternid = si.statusid (+)
    AND t.applicatiecd = NVL(:P0_APPLICATIECD, :F101_APPLICATIECD)
    AND (t.categorieid = :P15_CATEGORIEID OR NVL(:P15_CATEGORIEID, 0) = 0)
    AND (t.moduleid = :P15_MODULEID OR NVL(:P15_MODULEID, 0) = 0)
    AND (t.statusid = :P15_STATUSID OR NVL(:P15_STATUSID, 0) = 0)
    AND (t.statusinternid = :P15_INTSTATUSID OR NVL(:P15_INTSTATUSID, 0) = 0)
    AND (t.versieid = :P15_VERSIEID OR NVL(:P15_VERSIEID, 0) = 0)
    AND t.ticketid LIKE '%'||:P15_TICKETID||'%'
    AND t.gebruikerid = DECODE(NVL(:P15_GEBRUIKERID,0), 0, t.gebruikerid, :P15_GEBRUIKERID)
    AND t.credt BETWEEN NVL(:P15_DATUMVAN, To_Date('01-01-1900', 'DD-MM-YYYY')) AND NVL(To_Date(:P15_DATUMTOT, 'DD-MM-YYYY'), sysdate) +1
    AND t.titel LIKE '%'||:P15_TITEL||'%'
    AND t. contains(oplossing, :P15_OPLOSSING)
    AND t.contains(sleutelwoorden, :P15_SLEUTELWOORDEN)
    AND PCK$Ticket_Admin.getklantid(t.gebruikerid) = DECODE(Pck$Ticket_Admin.isklantadminroleN(:APP_USER,NVL(:P0_APPLICATIECD, :F101_APPLICATIECD)), 1, PCK$Ticket_Admin.getklantid(:APP103_GEBRUIKERID), PCK$Ticket_Admin.getklantid(t.gebruikerid))
    AND (:APP103_GEBRUIKERID IN (t.voor_gebruikerid, t.gebruikerid)
    OR Pck$Ticket_Admin.isintern(:APP_USER,:P0_APPLICATIECD) = 1)
    changed to:
    AND t.oplossing = (t.contains(oplossing, :P15_OPLOSSING)>0)
    AND t.sleutelwoorden = (t.contains(sleutelwoorden, :P15_SLEUTELWOORDEN)>0)

    I have worked it further out now, and looked at the search of the packaged application. It turned out to be a pl/sql block . I used what I found in there to adapt the previous search. I added the following:
    OR (CONTAINS(t.oplossing, :P15_OPLOSSING)>0)
    OR (CONTAINS(t.sleutelwoorden, :P15_SLEUTELWOORDEN)>0)
         OR (CONTAINS(t.titel,:P15_SEARCH_T_O_S)>0 OR
         CONTAINS (t.oplossing, :P15_SEARCH_T_O_S)>0 OR
         CONTAINS(t.sleutelwoorden, :P15_SEARCH_T_O_S)>0 )
    OR (CONTAINS(t.titel,:P15_SEARCH_T_O_S)>0 AND
         CONTAINS (t.oplossing, :P15_SEARCH_T_O_S)>0 AND
         CONTAINS(t.sleutelwoorden, :P15_SEARCH_T_O_S)>0 )
    oplossing means solution
    sleutelwoorden means keywords
    titel means title
    Yet this doesn't work yet. It gives an error message:
    failed to parse SQL query:
    ORA-01719: outer join operator (+) not allowed in operand of OR or IN
    I've tried adding the addition in a different place, yet that gives the same error message. I'm not sure now.

  • Oracle iRecruitment: Keyword Search within Resumes using Oracle Text

    Dear All,
    As per my understanding (and Note: 247064.1) simple Keyword searches can be performed in iRecruitment if oracle Text is installed. However searching for Keywords within resumes is not possible using Oracle Text and is possible ONLY if Resume Parsing is enabled via a third party (non-oracle) service provider.
    Can you please let me know if my understanding is correct and if not provide further inputs on this.

    Got this confirmation from Oracle via SR:
    Resume searching is independent of resume parsing and not required to search resumes.
    Oracle Text is the text engine that allows you to search documents using content-based queries. Oracle Text allows you to upload documents, search documents, parse resumes, etc.
    Hence to conclude - Installation of Oracle Text will allow Keyword Searches on resumes.

  • Using oracle text

    I have some problem when trying a query text application using Oracle Text, as fallow.
    My database is 8.1.7, I have user 'DEMO' having DBA privilege and granted roles: RESOURCE, CONNECT, CTXAPP already.
    I connect with DEMO and create a table 'QUICK' as instructed:
    create table quick
    quick_id number
    constraint quick_pk primary key,
    text varchar(80)
    Now, I create the index:
    create index quick_text on quick ( text )
    indextype is ctxsys.context;
    But I receive the following errors and messages:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
    ORA-20000: interMedia Text error:
    DRG-50100: CORE LSF error: 4294967280
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 126
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.TEXTINDEXMETHODS", line 78
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Please tell me why and what I have to do now.

    Looks like a bad install to me. If this is purely a test database,
    I'd suggest reinstalling the whole thing from scratch. If it's not,
    then you need to contact Oracle Support to get this resolved.

  • Using Oracle Text to Data Mine

    Can someone provide me with an idea of how to Data Mine with just using Oracle Text and not the data mining option. I need to search a column of customer complaints and then put it in a category based on that. It would be best if the categories were auto generated. It has to be done in PL/SQL.

    You cannot have the categories created automatically without data mining. However, if you are willing to create the categories and queries that determine them, then you can do it with just Oracle Text. I posted an example on the 2nd page of the following thread:
    Re: New to Oracle Text search

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