JTable - One Column Heading for Two Columns

Can you adjust the default JTable to have one column heading for two columns of data? Is there a simple span command? I've looked at the api for JTable and JTableHeader and didn't see anything, is there something I'm missing? Any help would be appreciated.

What i am trying to accomplish is have column 'E' span 2 columns.
This is my code thus far, however it give the error from my pryor message. I am pretty sure it is because I'm using and Object[][] and a String[] instead of Vectors. What corrections do I need to make in order for my goal of:
[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E  ][ F ][ G ]
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][5][6][ 7 ][ 8 ]
Object[][] data = new Object[ROWS][COLUMNS];
String[] columnNames = {"A","B","C","D","E","E","F","G"};
table = new JTable(data, columnNames);
DefaultTableCellRenderer d = new DefaultTableCellRenderer();
for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++){
TableColumn aColumn = header.getColumnModel().getColumn(i);
TableCellRenderer renderer = aColumn.getHeaderRenderer();
if (renderer == null) {
renderer = new DefaultTableCellRenderer(){
public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column){
JTableHeader header = table.getTableHeader();
if (header != null) {
setText((value == null) ? "" : value.toString());
return this;

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    Thanks in advance.
    Maqsood Ahmed Khan
    Saudia Arab
    [email protected]

    No! It's not possible, but you can try to create an your own heading in TOP-OF-PAGE to write the first heading line, the second one will be the std line .

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    ............................| CAT | SAP  | Differe| .. |  CAT   |  SAP  | Diff   | .. | CAT   |  SAP  | Diff  |
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    Thanks in Advance

    Hello Ramki,
    You have to use classical report using WRITE stmts for this.
    If your client does not want to lose ALV functionalities, then you can try something like.
    Unrestricted Stock-SAP | Unrestricted Stock-CRM | Unrestricted Stock-Diff. Stock ... and so on !!!
    Edited by: Suhas Saha on Jan 21, 2009 3:00 PM

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    Hi Kranthi,
    not that I know of - but then again that doesn't mean there isn't!
    however, you could force two lines by inserting your column in the table as a column inside a column group - you would get a line for the column group and a line for the column - effectively two lines. If this was the only column in the column group I can't see how it could cause any issue.
    Hope this helps,

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    REPORT zpwtest .
    TYPE-POOLS slis .
    DATA : layout TYPE slis_layout_alv .
    CONSTANTS : c_len TYPE i VALUE 20 .
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_t100          ,
              sprsl TYPE t100-sprsl   ,
              arbgb TYPE t100-arbgb   ,
              msgnr TYPE t100-msgnr   ,
              text  TYPE t100-text    ,
              fline TYPE t100-text    ,
            END OF ty_t100            .
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_wrd   ,
             text TYPE char20 ,
            END OF ty_wrd     .
    DATA : it_t100     TYPE TABLE OF ty_t100 ,
           it_sentence TYPE TABLE OF ty_wrd  ,
           wa_t100     TYPE ty_t100          ,
           wa_word     TYPE ty_wrd           ,
           v_repid     TYPE syst-repid       ,
           v_tabix     TYPE syst-tabix       .
    DATA : it_fld TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv ,
           it_evt TYPE slis_t_event        ,
           wa_fld TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv   ,
           wa_evt TYPE slis_alv_event      .
      v_repid = sy-repid .
    * Get data
      SELECT *
        INTO TABLE it_t100
        FROM t100
       WHERE sprsl = 'EN'
         AND arbgb = '00' .
      LOOP AT it_t100 INTO wa_t100 .
        v_tabix = sy-tabix .
        CLEAR : it_sentence .
                  textline  = wa_t100-text
                  outputlen = c_len
                  out_lines = it_sentence.
        IF NOT it_sentence IS INITIAL .
          READ TABLE it_sentence INTO wa_word INDEX 1 .
          wa_t100-fline = wa_word-text .
          MODIFY it_t100 FROM wa_t100 INDEX v_tabix .
    * Prepare fieldcatelog
      CLEAR wa_fld .
      wa_fld-fieldname = 'SPRSL' .
      wa_fld-ref_tabname = 'T100' .
      wa_fld-ref_fieldname = 'SPRSL' .
      APPEND wa_fld TO it_fld .
      CLEAR wa_fld .
      wa_fld-fieldname = 'ARBGB' .
      wa_fld-ref_tabname = 'T100' .
      wa_fld-ref_fieldname = 'ARBGB' .
      APPEND wa_fld TO it_fld .
      CLEAR wa_fld .
      wa_fld-fieldname = 'MSGNR' .
      wa_fld-ref_tabname = 'T100' .
      wa_fld-ref_fieldname = 'MSGNR' .
      APPEND wa_fld TO it_fld .
      CLEAR wa_fld .
      wa_fld-fieldname = 'FLINE' .
      wa_fld-inttype      = 'CHAR' .
      wa_fld-outputlen = 20 .
      wa_fld-intlen    = 20.
      wa_fld-seltext_l = 'Text' .
      wa_fld-ddictxt = 'L' .
      APPEND wa_fld TO it_fld .
    * Get event.. we will handle BOFORE and AFTER line output
                et_events = it_evt.
      READ TABLE it_evt INTO wa_evt
      WITH KEY name = slis_ev_after_line_output .
      wa_evt-form = slis_ev_after_line_output .
      MODIFY it_evt FROM wa_evt INDEX sy-tabix .
      READ TABLE it_evt INTO wa_evt
      WITH KEY name = slis_ev_top_of_page .
      wa_evt-form = slis_ev_top_of_page .
      MODIFY it_evt FROM wa_evt INDEX sy-tabix .
      layout-no_colhead = 'X' .
                i_callback_program = v_repid
                it_fieldcat        = it_fld
                is_layout          = layout
                it_events          = it_evt
                t_outtab           = it_t100.
    *       FORM top_of_page                                              *
    FORM top_of_page .
        uline .
        WRITE: / sy-vline     ,
               10 sy-vline    ,
               11 'line1'     ,
               31 sy-vline    ,
               37 sy-vline    ,
               58 sy-vline    .
        WRITE: / sy-vline     ,
               10 sy-vline    ,
               11 'line2'     ,
               31 sy-vline    ,
               37 sy-vline    ,
               58 sy-vline    .
        WRITE: / sy-vline     ,
               10 sy-vline    ,
               11 'line3'     ,
               31 sy-vline    ,
               37 sy-vline    ,
               58 sy-vline    .
    *       FORM AFTER_LINE_OUTPUT                                        *
    FORM after_line_output   USING rs_lineinfo TYPE slis_lineinfo .
      CLEAR : it_sentence ,
              wa_t100     .
      READ TABLE it_t100 INTO wa_t100 INDEX rs_lineinfo-tabindex .
      CHECK sy-subrc = 0 .
                textline  = wa_t100-text
                outputlen = c_len
                out_lines = it_sentence.
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_sentence LINES v_tabix .
      CHECK v_tabix > 1 .
      LOOP AT it_sentence INTO wa_word FROM 2 .
        WRITE: / sy-vline     ,
               10 sy-vline    ,
               31 sy-vline    ,
               37 sy-vline    ,
               38 wa_word-text ,
               58 sy-vline .

  • Multiple column heading for sql that returns single column

    Hi All,
    I have just started using APEX and my apex version is
    We have a report that displays the output from a query similar to the below one. We are using borderless template and removed the "before each row" and "after each row" values to allow the output displayed in table format.
    Now we wanted to include heading for each column displayed in table. We wanted to include headings from a derived value, Example for column1 , heading need to display the sysdate and column2 heading should be sysdate-1 and so on.  But the column attribute tab is having only one column My_rep. Not sure how to se pl/sql type column heading in this case. Could someone please help me to achieve this?
    Please let me know if I have missed to provide any other details. Thanks in advance.
    select '<tr>
        <td>' || column1    || '</td>' ||
        <td>' || column2    || '</td>' ||
        <td>' || column3    || '</td>' ||
        <td>' || column4    || '</td>' ||
        || '</tr>' My_rep
    from mytable

    22335813-cfb0-46c4-9bef-b61a46f0de67 wrote:
    Please update your forum profile with a real handle instead of "22335813-cfb0-46c4-9bef-b61a46f0de67"
    I have just started using APEX and my apex version is
    Upgrading from this unsupported version to the current 4.2 release is recommended.
    When you post a question, always include the following information in addition to the full APEX version number:
    Full database version, edition and host OS
    Web server architecture (EPG, OHS or APEX listener), server platform, and host OS
    Browser(s)/version(s) used
    Region type (making particular distinction as to whether a "report" is a standard report, an interactive report, or in fact an "updateable report" (i.e. a tabular form)
    With APEX we're also fortunate to have a great resource in apex.oracle.com where we can reproduce and share problems. Reproducing things there is the best way to troubleshoot most issues, especially those relating to layout and visual formatting. To get a detailed answer then it's appropriate for the questioner to take on a significant part of the effort by reproducing the problem on apex.oracle.com before asking for assistance with specific issues, which can then be seen at first hand in a real APEX environment.
    we wanted to get a report in Apex with the below format. and we wanted to change background color of each cell depends on the combination of code||status
    Heading        sysdate             sysdate-1              sysdate-2                              ...(sysdate-30
    ======        ======          ========               =======
    name         code||status                                   code||status
    name                                  code||status
    we are using the below query to get this table format. But heading is the issue we are facing now
    select '<tr>
        <td>' || name    || '</td>' ||
        '<td style=background-color:' || case when sysdate0='0C' then 'Green' when sysdate0='0I' then 'Red'     when (substr(sysdate0,1,1)!='0' and substr(sysdate0,1,1)='I') then 'Orange'  else 'Yellow' end || '>  &nbsp'  || sysdate0 || '  &nbsp</td>'  ||
        || '</tr>' repcolumn
            max(decode(trunc(a.ardate),trunc(sysdate), a.code||a.STATUS , '' ))   sysdate0,
            max(decode(trunc(a.ardate),trunc(sysdate-30), a.code||a.STATUS , '' )) sysdate30
            mytab a
    group by a.name)
    See Re: Matrix report for a custom report template-based solution to a similar problem, with dynamically generated column headings.

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    IE00         Initiator Plant                               244
    IE01         Initiator Plant NJ                          890
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    Hi Karen,
    I am not sure if this is possible, although Users can ask anything :).
    In Planning we used to predefine cell headings via Macros and creating dummy cells in between.  I am not sure if a similar scenario can work here.
    By default this is not possible in Reports.  In BEx workbooks, you could probably try with Macros.
    Another easy option is to bring the data in the Cube as another field or create a nav. attribute in the master for text and use it as a nav. attr. in the Cube and put it in your Query row alongside.

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    How To avoid column heading for only total line in ALV list Display.

    to change colunm header field catlog is built
    look at the example below
    Changing column text headers
    use this to change, hide, or alter the ALV columns
    CLEAR: gt_fcat.
    READ TABLE gt_fcat WITH KEY fieldname = 'TEXT1' " ***
    *TEXT1 is your field name
       ASSIGNING <gtfcat>.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
       <gtfcat>-coltext   = 'Date Type'.
       <gtfcat>-no_out    = ' '.
       <gtfcat>-tooltip   = 'Date Type Text from IT0019'.
       <gtfcat>-seltext   = 'IT0019'.
    keep seltext to '' if u want to hide

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    Go to Solution.
    saving for excel.vi ‏130 KB

    I would keep this in the original thread.

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    Message was edited by: Hunter3D


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    Read here:

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    No, an iTunes gift card can only be redeemed onto one account, and it can be used to buy content for that account (you can't, for example, redeem it on an account and then use some of it for gifting content to another account).

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    What security code?

    Probably the security code on your credit card

  • Is it ok to use one apple id for two devices ?

    is it ok to use one apple id for two devices ?

    Here's the deal: The SLA permits the "sharing" of content with up to 5 family members in the same household. Any other distribution of content is considered stealing...the SLA does not give you the right to distribute content in any way, shape or form. Its really that simple, and "friend" is NOT a family member living in the same household.

Maybe you are looking for