JTable + update database

hey all!!!
i ve been searching the internet for a while but i don't seem to be able to find any solution to my problem. well, what i want to do is this...
i have mysql db connected to my applets. i select from table and show the result in JTable on the interface. it all good and well but i am wondering whether it possible to update the table and then, let's say press button, and also update the databse or not?? what i mean is whether i have to press the button get values in the corresponding row, load the values into JTextFields and then press another button and update the database or whether i can just change the JTable and then press only one button and everything that's in the JTable will get, magically, updated in the database without having to use the middle JTextField step??

are you a soldier??No, but I served in the Navy for 5 years.
thanks that's exactelly what i needed.... will give
it a read
v.v.You're welcome; happy reading.

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  • Update database from Jtable

    Hi all,
    I am trying to update database from Jtable. I added Jtable to scrollpane .
    My question is..
    after updating the Jtable..I want to save the details to database..when I click save button on my screen...how to do that? Please help me out! Thanks in advance..
    Here is the code that I wrote...
    public class VasuTest extends JFrame {
    private boolean DEBUG = true;
    Vector column_list = new Vector();
    Vector rows = new Vector();
    public VasuTest() {
         JToolBar toolBar = new JToolBar();
    JButton button = null;
    button = new JButton("Send Email");
    button.setToolTipText("This is the Exit button");
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         System.out.println("Send Email");
    button = new JButton("Save");
    button.setToolTipText("This is the Save button");
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    button = new JButton("Exit");
    button.setToolTipText("This is the Exit button");
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         JPanel ContentPane = new JPanel();
    ImageIcon i1 = new ImageIcon("Dongle.gif");
    JLabel j1 = new JLabel( i1, JLabel.CENTER);
         JDBCT myModel = new JDBCT();
    String q = "select a.email_no,a.email_ln_no,b.cust_no,null customer_name,null cdate,a.batch_no,b.purch_ord_no,a.user_part_no,null part_desc,a.user_upgraded_part_no,null prod_id,a.qty,a.price,a.encrypted_sum_id,a.decrypted_sum_id,a.approval_key,a.status_cd,decode(a.status_cd,'APPROVED','true','ERROR','false','PROCESSED','true') approved,null end_cust,null sales_ord,null so_line,null sales_ord_cust,null shipment ,null sales_end_cust_name ,null shipment_line,a.note,null fromcust from upgrade_req_key_s3 a,upgrade_req_s3 b where a.email_no = b.email_no order by a.email_no,a.email_ln_no";
    final Font f = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 10);
    JTable table = new JTable(myModel);
    // Container ContentPane = getContentPane();
         int v = ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS;
         int h = ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS;
         JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table,JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS,JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
         scrollPane.setPreferredSize ( new Dimension ( 770, 400 ) );
    //Add the scroll pane to this window.
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    public class JDBCT extends AbstractTableModel {
    Vector cache; // will hold String[] objects...
    int colCount;
    int rowHeight;
    String [] headers;
    Connection db;
    Connection conn;
    Statement statement;
    String currentURL;
    // public QueryTableModel() {
    // cache = new Vector();
    // new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver();
    try {
    catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    String url = "jdbc:odbc:c3-erp,s3,s3";
    public String getColumnName(int i) {
         if (i == 0)      {  return      "Email No"                     ;     } else
    if (i == 1)      {  return      "Email Line No.";} else
         if (i == 2)      {  return      "Customer";} else
         if (i == 3)      {  return      "Customer Name";} else
         if (i == 4)      {  return      "Date";} else
         if (i == 5)      {  return      "Batch No";} else
         if (i == 6)      {  return      "Customer PO";} else
         if (i == 7)      {  return      "Upgrade From Part";} else
         if (i == 8)      {  return      "Part Description";} else
         if (i == 9)      {  return      "Upgrade To Part";} else
         if (i == 10)      {  return      "Product Id";} else
         if (i == 11)      {  return      "Quantity";} else
         if (i == 12)      {  return      "Price";} else
         if (i == 13)      {  return      "Encypted Sum ID";} else
         if (i == 14)      {  return      "Decrypted Serial No";} else
         if (i == 15)      {  return      "Key";} else
         if (i == 16)      {  return      "Status";} else
         if (i == 17)      {  return      "Approved";} else
         if (i == 18)      {  return      "End Customer";} else
         if (i == 19)      {  return      "Sales Order";} else
         if (i == 20)      {  return      "SO Line";} else
         if (i == 21)      {  return      "Sales Order End Customer";} else
         if (i == 22)      {  return      "Sales Order End Customer Name";} else
         if (i == 23)      {  return      "Shipment";} else
         if (i == 24)      {  return      "Shipment Line";} else
         if (i == 25)      {  return      "Errors";} else
         if (i == 26)      { return       "From"; }
         else {return headers[i-1] ;}
    public int getColumnCount() { return colCount; }
    public int getRowCount() { return cache.size(); }
    //public Class getColumnClass(int c) {
    // return getValueAt(0, c).getClass();
    // overloaded isCellEditable method so that it returns true
    // in reference to a cell being editable.
    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) { return true; }
    // overloaded setValyeAt which updates the data Vector and
    // calls the fireTableRowsUpdated() to notify any listeners
    // that data has changed and they need to redraw.
    public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) {
    ((String[])cache.elementAt(row))[col] = (String)value;     
    public void getInfo () {
    System.out.println("Row Count is : " + cache.size());
         System.out.println("Value at 0,0 is : " + getValueAt(0,0));
    //     boolean res = isCellEditable(0,0);
    //     System.out.println("The value of the Boolean result is : " + res);
    public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
    return ((String[])cache.elementAt(row))[col];
    // All the real work happens here!
    // In a real application, we'd probably perform the query in a separate thread.
    public void setQuery() {
    cache = new Vector();
    try {
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:odbc:c3-erp","s3","s3");
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select a.email_no,a.email_ln_no,b.cust_no,null customer_name,null cdate,a.batch_no,b.purch_ord_no,a.user_part_no,null part_desc,a.user_upgraded_part_no,null prod_id,a.qty,a.price,a.encrypted_sum_id,a.decrypted_sum_id,a.approval_key,a.status_cd,decode(a.status_cd,'APPROVED','true','ERROR','false','PROCESSED','true') approved,null end_cust,null sales_ord,null so_line,null sales_ord_cust,null shipment ,null sales_end_cust_name ,null shipment_line,a.note,null fromcust from upgrade_req_key_s3 a,upgrade_req_s3 b where a.email_no = b.email_no order by a.email_no,a.email_ln_no");
    ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();
    colCount = meta.getColumnCount();
    String[] record = new String[27];      
    // Now we must rebuild the headers array with the new column name
    headers = new String[27];
    for (int h=0; h < 27; h++) {
    // headers[h-1] = meta.getColumnName(h);
         headers[h] = getColumnName(h);
    // and file the cache with the record from our query. This would
    // be practical if we were expecting a few million records to our
    // response query, but we are not so we can do this.
    while(rs.next()) {
         for (int i=0; i < colCount; i++) {
         record[i] = rs.getString(i + 1);
         // Get the FIRST column of the table tableView
    // TableColumn column0 = table.getColumn(cache.elementAt(0));
    // Set the cell editor as non editable.
    // column0.setCellEditor(new EditableCellEditor(new JComboBox(), true));
    fireTableChanged(null); // notify everyone the we had a new table.
    catch (Exception e) {
    cache = new Vector(); // blank it out and keep going.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    VasuTest frame = new VasuTest();

    When you click on the save button, you need to go through the model and retrieve the values getValueAt().
    Convert to whatever type you want since getValueAt() returns type Object and update the DB.

  • Please help in storing JTable in database

    hai Abrami,
    I saw in JDK\bin\demo\jfc\Tableexample. but it contans example only for populating the Table with the values from database which I finished alraedy. But I treid of storing the Table values in database using VArray. but it contradicts with the several operations such as retireving Single field from database Updating the database when value single populated table changes.
    So please help me in this.This isthe final part of project.

    Did you try doing an Internet search? I did one for the terms "jtable" and "database". Here are my results:
    And if you just want someone to do your work for you, then try HotDispatch or Rent-A-Coder (or similar -- there are lots of others like these two).
    Good Luck,

  • JTable and Databases

    Hi all,
    I have two files excerpts from my Java application. I feel that in order for me to get understood so well, with regards to a problem that challenged me, I had to post these two files as you can see below. They are called ResultSetTableModel.java and DisplayQueryResults.java [which gets displayed in an internal frame].
    I have this code from ResultSetTableModel
    // ResultSetTableModel.java
    // A TableModel that supplies ResultSet data to a JTable.
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
    // ResultSet rows and columns are counted from 1 and JTable
    // rows and columns are counted from 0. When processing
    // ResultSet rows or columns for use in a JTable, it is
    // necessary to add 1 to the row or column number to manipulate
    // the appropriate ResultSet column (i.e., JTable column 0 is
    // ResultSet column 1 and JTable row 0 is ResultSet row 1).
    public class ResultSetTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
       private Connection connection;
       private Statement statement;
       private ResultSet resultSet;
       private ResultSetMetaData metaData;
       private int numberOfRows;
       // keep track of database connection status
       private boolean connectedToDatabase = false;
       // constructor initializes resultSet and obtains its meta data object;
       // determines number of rows
       public ResultSetTableModel(String driver, String url,
          String username, String password, String query)
          throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {        
          // load database driver class
          // connect to database
          connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
          // create Statement to query database
          statement = connection.createStatement(
          // update database connection status
          connectedToDatabase = true;
          // set query and execute it
       } // end constructor ResultSetTableModel
       // get class that represents column type
       public Class getColumnClass(int column) throws IllegalStateException {
          // ensure database connection is available
          if (!connectedToDatabase)
             throw new IllegalStateException("Not Connected to Database");
          // determine Java class of column
          try {
             String className = metaData.getColumnClassName(column + 1);
             // return Class object that represents className
             return Class.forName(className);
          } // end try
          catch (Exception exception) {
          } // end catch
          //return Object.class; // if problems occur above, assume type Object
          return getValueAt(0, column).getClass(); // added January 25, 2008 in stead of the one above
       } // end method getColumnClass
       // get number of columns in ResultSet
       public int getColumnCount() throws IllegalStateException {  
          // ensure database connection is available
          if (!connectedToDatabase)
             throw new IllegalStateException("Not Connected to Database");
          // determine number of columns
          try  {
             return metaData.getColumnCount();
          } // end try
          catch (SQLException sqlException) {
          } // end catch
          return 0; // if problems occur above, return 0 for number of columns
       } // end method getColumnCount
       // get name of a particular column in ResultSet
       public String getColumnName(int column) throws IllegalStateException {   
          // ensure database connection is available
          if (!connectedToDatabase)
             throw new IllegalStateException("Not Connected to Database");
          // determine column name
          try {
             return metaData.getColumnName(column + 1); 
          } // end try
          catch (SQLException sqlException) {
          } // end catch
          return ""; // if problems, return empty string for column name
       } // end method getColumnName
       // return number of rows in ResultSet
       public int getRowCount() throws IllegalStateException {     
          // ensure database connection is available
          if (!connectedToDatabase)
             throw new IllegalStateException("Not Connected to Database");
          return numberOfRows;
       } // end method getRowCount
       // obtain value in particular row and column
       public Object getValueAt(int row, int column)
          throws IllegalStateException {
          // ensure database connection is available
          if (!connectedToDatabase)
             throw new IllegalStateException("Not Connected to Database");
          // obtain a value at specified ResultSet row and column
          try {
             resultSet.absolute(row + 1);
             return resultSet.getObject(column + 1);
          } // end try
          catch ( SQLException sqlException ) {
          } // end catch
          return ""; // if problems, return empty string object
       } // end method getValueAt
        * Don't need to implement this method unless your table's
        * editable.
      public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) { // Added on January 25, 2008 6:51 A.M.
         //Note that the data/cell address is constant,
         //no matter where the cell appears onscreen.
         if (column < 2) {
            return false;
         } else {
            return true;
       // set new database query string
       public void setQuery(String query)
          throws SQLException, IllegalStateException {
          // ensure database connection is available
          if (!connectedToDatabase)
             throw new IllegalStateException("Not Connected to Database");
          // specify query and execute it
          resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query);
          // obtain meta data for ResultSet
          metaData = resultSet.getMetaData();
          // determine number of rows in ResultSet
          resultSet.last();                   // move to last row
          numberOfRows = resultSet.getRow();  // get row number    
          // notify JTable that model has changed
       } // end method setQuery
       // close Statement and Connection              
       public void disconnectFromDatabase() {             
          if (!connectedToDatabase)                 
          // close Statement and Connection           
          try {                                           
          } // end try                                
          catch (SQLException sqlException) {                                           
          } // end catch                              
          finally { // update database connection status                                          
             connectedToDatabase = false;             
          } // end finally                            
       } // end method disconnectFromDatabase         
    }  // end class ResultSetTableModelThe DisplayQueryResults code follows:
    // DisplayQueryResults.java
    // Display the contents of the Authors table in the
    // Books database.
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.Box;
    import javax.swing.JInternalFrame;
    import java.util.*; // for the Bundle
    import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameListener;
    import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
    import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
    import javax.swing.event.*; // step 1
    import javax.swing.table.TableModel; // step 1
    public class DisplayQueryResults extends JInternalFrame implements TableModelListener { // step 2
       // JDBC driver, database URL, username and password
       ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Accounting");
       String JDBC_DRIVER = bundle.getString("Driver");
       String DATABASE_URL = bundle.getString("URL");
       String USERNAME = bundle.getString("User");
       String PASSWORD = bundle.getString("Password");
       String DEFAULT_QUERY = bundle.getString("Query");
       private ResultSetTableModel tableModel;
       private JTextArea queryArea;
       static final int xOffset = 0, yOffset = 200;
       // create ResultSetTableModel and GUI
       public DisplayQueryResults() {  
          super("Sales of the Day",
                  true, //resizable
                  true, //closable
                  true, //maximizable
          //...Create the GUI and put it in the window...
          //Set the window's location.
          setLocation(xOffset, yOffset);
          // create ResultSetTableModel and display database table
          try {
             // create TableModel for results of query SELECT * FROM authors
             tableModel = new ResultSetTableModel(JDBC_DRIVER, DATABASE_URL,
             // set up JTextArea in which user types queries
             queryArea = new JTextArea(DEFAULT_QUERY, 1, 100);
             JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(queryArea,
             // set up JButton for submitting queries
             JButton submitButton = new JButton("Submit Query");
             // create Box to manage placement of queryArea and
             // submitButton in GUI
             Box box = Box.createHorizontalBox();
             // create JTable delegate for tableModel
             final JTable resultTable = new JTable(tableModel);
             resultTable.setFillsViewportHeight(true); // Makes the empty space heights white
             resultTable.getModel().addTableModelListener(this); // step 3
             // place GUI components on content pane
             add(box, BorderLayout.NORTH);
             add(new JScrollPane(resultTable), BorderLayout.CENTER);
             // create event listener for submitButton
                new ActionListener()
                   // pass query to table model
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                      // perform a new query
                      } // end try
                      catch ( SQLException sqlException)
                            sqlException.getMessage(), "Database error",
                         // try to recover from invalid user query
                         // by executing default query
                         try {
                         } // end try
                         catch (SQLException sqlException2) {
                               sqlException2.getMessage(), "Database error",
                            // ensure database connection is closed
                            System.exit(1); // terminate application
                         } // end inner catch                  
                      } // end outer catch
                   } // end actionPerformed
                }  // end ActionListener inner class         
             ); // end call to addActionListener
             //...Then set the window size or call pack...
             setVisible(true); // display window 
          } // end try
          catch (ClassNotFoundException classNotFound) {
                "MySQL driver not found", "Driver not found",
             System.exit(1); // terminate application
          } // end catch
          catch (SQLException sqlException) {
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, sqlException.getMessage(),
                "Database error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
             // ensure database connection is closed
             System.exit(1);   // terminate application
          } // end catch
          // dispose of window when user quits application (this overrides
          // the default of HIDE_ON_CLOSE)
          // ensure database connection is closed when user quits application
             new InternalFrameAdapter() {
                // disconnect from database and exit when window has closed
                public void windowClosed(WindowEvent event) {
                } // end method windowClosed
             } // end WindowAdapter inner class
          ); // end call to addWindowListener
       } // end DisplayQueryResults constructor
       public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) { // step 4
            int row = e.getFirstRow();
            int column = e.getColumn();
            TableModel model = (TableModel)e.getSource();
            String columnName = model.getColumnName(column);
            Object tableModel = model.getValueAt(row, column);
            // Do something with the data...
       // execute application
       public static void main(String args[]) {
          new DisplayQueryResults();    
       } // end main
    } // end class DisplayQueryResultsMy problem:
    is in these lines:
    public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) { // step 4
            int row = e.getFirstRow();
            int column = e.getColumn();
            TableModel model = (TableModel)e.getSource();
            String columnName = model.getColumnName(column);
            Object tableModel = model.getValueAt(row, column);
            // Do something with the data...
            System.out.println("data"); // should output in the console
        }How do we notify java that a cell on a row has changed so that we can reflect the changes to the database. The current application shows that the data in cells are editable, but when we edit a cell and hit enter, data changes back to the previous data in that particular cell. And the data as well does not change its state: for example, if a data in the table has a value of boolean value false [checkbox unchecked], I can not modify the checkbox state to checked state. The tableChanged method does not get executed, and therefore, this is a serious error that I cant figure out.
    My question:
    What code should I write so that I will be able to notify java of the changed cell and how do we write the code that will reflect the changed values in a cell into the database?
    Edited by: Oliverbob on Jan 26, 2008 8:40 PM

    This maybe what you're looking for??

  • JTable and Database communication

    Hi all,
    I have two files excerpts from my Java application. I feel that in order for me to get understood so well, with regards to a problem that challenged me, I had to post these two files as you can see below. They are called ResultSetTableModel.java and DisplayQueryResults.java [which gets displayed in an internal frame].
    I have this code from ResultSetTableModel
    // ResultSetTableModel.java
    // A TableModel that supplies ResultSet data to a JTable.
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
    // ResultSet rows and columns are counted from 1 and JTable
    // rows and columns are counted from 0. When processing
    // ResultSet rows or columns for use in a JTable, it is
    // necessary to add 1 to the row or column number to manipulate
    // the appropriate ResultSet column (i.e., JTable column 0 is
    // ResultSet column 1 and JTable row 0 is ResultSet row 1).
    public class ResultSetTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
       private Connection connection;
       private Statement statement;
       private ResultSet resultSet;
       private ResultSetMetaData metaData;
       private int numberOfRows;
       // keep track of database connection status
       private boolean connectedToDatabase = false;
       // constructor initializes resultSet and obtains its meta data object;
       // determines number of rows
       public ResultSetTableModel(String driver, String url,
          String username, String password, String query)
          throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {        
          // load database driver class
          // connect to database
          connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
          // create Statement to query database
          statement = connection.createStatement(
          // update database connection status
          connectedToDatabase = true;
          // set query and execute it
       } // end constructor ResultSetTableModel
       // get class that represents column type
       public Class getColumnClass(int column) throws IllegalStateException {
          // ensure database connection is available
          if (!connectedToDatabase)
             throw new IllegalStateException("Not Connected to Database");
          // determine Java class of column
          try {
             String className = metaData.getColumnClassName(column + 1);
             // return Class object that represents className
             return Class.forName(className);
          } // end try
          catch (Exception exception) {
          } // end catch
          //return Object.class; // if problems occur above, assume type Object
          return getValueAt(0, column).getClass(); // added January 25, 2008 in stead of the one above
       } // end method getColumnClass
       // get number of columns in ResultSet
       public int getColumnCount() throws IllegalStateException {  
          // ensure database connection is available
          if (!connectedToDatabase)
             throw new IllegalStateException("Not Connected to Database");
          // determine number of columns
          try  {
             return metaData.getColumnCount();
          } // end try
          catch (SQLException sqlException) {
          } // end catch
          return 0; // if problems occur above, return 0 for number of columns
       } // end method getColumnCount
       // get name of a particular column in ResultSet
       public String getColumnName(int column) throws IllegalStateException {   
          // ensure database connection is available
          if (!connectedToDatabase)
             throw new IllegalStateException("Not Connected to Database");
          // determine column name
          try {
             return metaData.getColumnName(column + 1); 
          } // end try
          catch (SQLException sqlException) {
          } // end catch
          return ""; // if problems, return empty string for column name
       } // end method getColumnName
       // return number of rows in ResultSet
       public int getRowCount() throws IllegalStateException {     
          // ensure database connection is available
          if (!connectedToDatabase)
             throw new IllegalStateException("Not Connected to Database");
          return numberOfRows;
       } // end method getRowCount
       // obtain value in particular row and column
       public Object getValueAt(int row, int column)
          throws IllegalStateException {
          // ensure database connection is available
          if (!connectedToDatabase)
             throw new IllegalStateException("Not Connected to Database");
          // obtain a value at specified ResultSet row and column
          try {
             resultSet.absolute(row + 1);
             return resultSet.getObject(column + 1);
          } // end try
          catch ( SQLException sqlException ) {
          } // end catch
          return ""; // if problems, return empty string object
       } // end method getValueAt
        * Don't need to implement this method unless your table's
        * editable.
      public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) { // Added on January 25, 2008 6:51 A.M.
         //Note that the data/cell address is constant,
         //no matter where the cell appears onscreen.
         if (column < 2) {
            return false;
         } else {
            return true;
       // set new database query string
       public void setQuery(String query)
          throws SQLException, IllegalStateException {
          // ensure database connection is available
          if (!connectedToDatabase)
             throw new IllegalStateException("Not Connected to Database");
          // specify query and execute it
          resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query);
          // obtain meta data for ResultSet
          metaData = resultSet.getMetaData();
          // determine number of rows in ResultSet
          resultSet.last();                   // move to last row
          numberOfRows = resultSet.getRow();  // get row number    
          // notify JTable that model has changed
       } // end method setQuery
       // close Statement and Connection              
       public void disconnectFromDatabase() {             
          if (!connectedToDatabase)                 
          // close Statement and Connection           
          try {                                           
          } // end try                                
          catch (SQLException sqlException) {                                           
          } // end catch                              
          finally { // update database connection status                                          
             connectedToDatabase = false;             
          } // end finally                            
       } // end method disconnectFromDatabase         
    }  // end class ResultSetTableModelThe DisplayQueryResults code follows:
    // DisplayQueryResults.java
    // Display the contents of the Authors table in the
    // Books database.
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.Box;
    import javax.swing.JInternalFrame;
    import java.util.*; // for the Bundle
    import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameListener;
    import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
    import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
    import javax.swing.event.*; // step 1
    import javax.swing.table.TableModel; // step 1
    public class DisplayQueryResults extends JInternalFrame implements TableModelListener { // step 2
       // JDBC driver, database URL, username and password
       ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Accounting");
       String JDBC_DRIVER = bundle.getString("Driver");
       String DATABASE_URL = bundle.getString("URL");
       String USERNAME = bundle.getString("User");
       String PASSWORD = bundle.getString("Password");
       String DEFAULT_QUERY = bundle.getString("Query");
       private ResultSetTableModel tableModel;
       private JTextArea queryArea;
       static final int xOffset = 0, yOffset = 200;
       // create ResultSetTableModel and GUI
       public DisplayQueryResults() {  
          super("Sales of the Day",
                  true, //resizable
                  true, //closable
                  true, //maximizable
          //...Create the GUI and put it in the window...
          //Set the window's location.
          setLocation(xOffset, yOffset);
          // create ResultSetTableModel and display database table
          try {
             // create TableModel for results of query SELECT * FROM authors
             tableModel = new ResultSetTableModel(JDBC_DRIVER, DATABASE_URL,
             // set up JTextArea in which user types queries
             queryArea = new JTextArea(DEFAULT_QUERY, 1, 100);
             JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(queryArea,
             // set up JButton for submitting queries
             JButton submitButton = new JButton("Submit Query");
             // create Box to manage placement of queryArea and
             // submitButton in GUI
             Box box = Box.createHorizontalBox();
             // create JTable delegate for tableModel
             final JTable resultTable = new JTable(tableModel);
             resultTable.setFillsViewportHeight(true); // Makes the empty space heights white
             resultTable.getModel().addTableModelListener(this); // step 3
             // place GUI components on content pane
             add(box, BorderLayout.NORTH);
             add(new JScrollPane(resultTable), BorderLayout.CENTER);
             // create event listener for submitButton
                new ActionListener()
                   // pass query to table model
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                      // perform a new query
                      } // end try
                      catch ( SQLException sqlException)
                            sqlException.getMessage(), "Database error",
                         // try to recover from invalid user query
                         // by executing default query
                         try {
                         } // end try
                         catch (SQLException sqlException2) {
                               sqlException2.getMessage(), "Database error",
                            // ensure database connection is closed
                            System.exit(1); // terminate application
                         } // end inner catch                  
                      } // end outer catch
                   } // end actionPerformed
                }  // end ActionListener inner class         
             ); // end call to addActionListener
             //...Then set the window size or call pack...
             setVisible(true); // display window 
          } // end try
          catch (ClassNotFoundException classNotFound) {
                "MySQL driver not found", "Driver not found",
             System.exit(1); // terminate application
          } // end catch
          catch (SQLException sqlException) {
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, sqlException.getMessage(),
                "Database error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
             // ensure database connection is closed
             System.exit(1);   // terminate application
          } // end catch
          // dispose of window when user quits application (this overrides
          // the default of HIDE_ON_CLOSE)
          // ensure database connection is closed when user quits application
             new InternalFrameAdapter() {
                // disconnect from database and exit when window has closed
                public void windowClosed(WindowEvent event) {
                } // end method windowClosed
             } // end WindowAdapter inner class
          ); // end call to addWindowListener
       } // end DisplayQueryResults constructor
       public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) { // step 4
            int row = e.getFirstRow();
            int column = e.getColumn();
            TableModel model = (TableModel)e.getSource();
            String columnName = model.getColumnName(column);
            Object tableModel = model.getValueAt(row, column);
            // Do something with the data...
       // execute application
       public static void main(String args[]) {
          new DisplayQueryResults();    
       } // end main
    } // end class DisplayQueryResultsMy problem:
    is in these lines:
    public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) { // step 4
            int row = e.getFirstRow();
            int column = e.getColumn();
            TableModel model = (TableModel)e.getSource();
            String columnName = model.getColumnName(column);
            Object tableModel = model.getValueAt(row, column);
            // Do something with the data...
            System.out.println("data"); // should output in the console
        }How do we notify java that a cell on a row has changed so that we can reflect the changes to the database. The current application shows that the data in cells are editable, but when we edit a cell and hit enter, data changes back to the previous data in that particular cell. And the data as well does not change its state: for example, if a data in the table has a value of boolean value false [checkbox unchecked], I can not modify the checkbox state to checked state. The tableChanged method does not get executed, and therefore, this is a serious error that I cant figure out.
    My question:
    What code should I write so that I will be able to notify java of the changed cell and how do we write the code that will reflect the changed values in a cell into the database?
    Edited by: Oliverbob on Jan 26, 2008 9:54 PM

    Why don't you check out the link shown below:
    and just follow the white rabbit!

  • Error: 1013231 Unable to update database while in readonly mode for backup

    Hi all,
    Wen im deleting the members for dimendsion , its giving error (hyperion 11.1 aso)
    Error: 1013231 Unable to update database while in readonly mode for backup , how can i solve this problem ,plz can any one help on this

    Has somebody set the database ready for archiving, maybe some maxl has been run and the db has not been returned from read only mode.
    Try running the following Maxl (change app.db to match your app/db)
    alter database app.db end archive;

  • Unable to Update Database.

    Hi All,
    I was trying to load data thru load files and got the following message.
    Unable to update database while in readonly mode for backup
    Unexpected Essbase error 1013231I tried looking at Information Help Menu.
    I could not find the error number.
    Could anyone help.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Atul,
    Thanks for the help.
    The Readonly error got resolved.
    But still the following error is displayed when I am loading data thru load rule.
    To Brief you up, I had done a database corrupt check using validate command because of the following error. The information map asks you to do the same since the other parameters are in the affirmative ie sufficient disk space, not using addsin, File is present.
    *Unable to Read Information From [C:\Hyperion\essbase\app\SMC\PL\PL-BS-LD.rul]*
    Unexpected Essbase error 1019003
    I used the VALIDATE <error.txt> command and found that the database is not corrupt.
    I also used the export command to see if everything goes well. That also works well.
    Note: I do not have any data in the Cube. I had cleared all data.
    Can you please help ?
    Edited by: user11091956 on Apr 12, 2010 11:26 PM

  • Update database table

    I have 1 million records in application server and I want to update database table from that.
    Is UPDATE statement the best technique to do it.
    Just wanted to know if there is any other better tehcniques.
    Also i want to write the errors to job log. How can we do that?

    If they are all new records or all changes, it would be best to use INSERT or UPDATE. You will also want to do mass inserts/changes using an internal table. Since you have so many records, you will probably have to do this in chunks in order to avoid dumping on the rollback area.

  • Resolution to error - Unable to update Database Statistics

    OK, If there's one thing i hate most about SAP, its the dreaded installation, I am always so paranoid, as to something will definitely go wrong,
    Lately i realized that it aint my mind , but the damn installation itself is pretty damn stupid. Why cant SAP leave the installation packaging to professionals like installshield...
    Unfortunately SAP doesnt think of it as a better idea, so until then lets try to resolve as many errors as possible thru these forums..
    Here's one error resolution ,i am pretty sure, many are checking for..
    Use the following procedure to resolve error
    <b>Warning - "loading of sql client library oci.dll failed"
    Error - Unable to update Database Statistics, Check BRCONNECT.log</b>
    The problem seems to be with the SAP Patch Collection InstallMaster disc Material No.(<b>51032143_13</b>).
    To resolve the problem, here's what needs to be done,
    1)Install DB Instance as usual.Then after the installation errors out due to loading of sql
    client library oci.dll ..
    2)I unsar the downloaded DBATOOLS.sar (Thanks for the Link Andreaz!!!)
    log into sapnet (eg. service.sap.com) with your user-id/pwd:
    -> downloads -> support packages and patches -> entry by application group -> additional
    components -> sap kernel -> now chose either 32 or 64 bit; either unicode or non-unicode ->
    sap kernel 6.40 -> windows server -> oracle -> download the package DBATOOLS Package for
    Oracle 9.2.x ... brconnect is part of that package...
    3)Copy the files in the Unsar'd package, as follows
         overwrite br*.exe to S:\usr\sap\R31\SYS\exe\run
         overwrite initSID.sap to S:\usr\sap\R31\SYS\exe\run & 
         overwrite libsbt.dll to S:\usr\sap\R31\SYS\exe\run &
         overwrite sapdba_role.sql to S:\usr\sap\R31\SYS\exe\run &
    4) Retry the installation again & Guess what!! it works....
    Warning-: I initially tried a shortcut by replacing DBATOOLS.sar on the installmaster disc, rather than following above steps, but that doesnt seem to work, the installation fails as as soon as Tablespace creation starts. So the shortcut aint a good one..

    Well, it looks like you resolved your problem yourself.
    you can send feedback to SAP directly instead of posting this here in a forum.

  • Potential Windows Update database error detected 0x80070490

    This is the response I get when I run the Windows update troubleshooter from the Windows 8.1 Action Center.  If I click next it reports the errors have been fixed.  However if I run it again it reports exactly the same errors.
    After searching the Internet I have found that several users have reported having this issue.  As result of the aforementioned search I have tried the following:
    1) Run the Fixit tool for Windows 8.1 located at:
    2) Run the System Update Readiness commands: DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth and DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth located at:
    3) Saved contents of C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 to a temp folder and then deleted contents of C:\Windows\System32\catroot2.
    4)Renamed C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution.old
    5) Restarted Windows 8.1.
    6) Verified that C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 and that C:Windows\SoftwareDistribution folders had been rebuilt.
    7) I then ran the Windows update troubleshooter from the Window 8.1 Action Center again and got the same response as listed above. The errors still exist and are not fixed.
    8) Finally, I downloaded Windows 8.1 Enterprise Evaluation and I did a completely new clean install of Windows 8.1 and without installing anything else (no updates, no software, no antivirus) the above errors appeared within minutes after connecting
    to the internet.  I checked using the Windows update troubleshooter several times before connecting to the Internet and each time no problems were found, but shortly after I connected the above errors are shown to exists.
    Any suggestions that will help fix this issue will be of great help.

    Did anyone ever find an actual fix for this problem?  I have a very similar problem.  I have gone through the same steps for fixing my issues with getting a message of problems found every time I run the Windows Update troubleshooter.  It
    continually finds what it says are Potential Windows Update Database error detected 0x800700D and says they are fixed, along with another message saying Windows Update components must be repaired and it says they are fixed as well.  However, each time
    I run the troubleshooter it finds the same issues.  I have no problems running Windows Update under Windows 8.1 and them all installing without issue, yet I can't download or update ANY apps within the MS store and like the problem above, when it looks
    for my apps it says it's having problems finding them and to try later.  If I try to download even a free app, I get an error message that something happened and your purchase can't be completed. Error code: 0x80096004.
    I have dug through everything I can find on this error message and tried changing my sign in on my laptop to a local account, created a new MS account to access the store and continue to get the same error message.  I have tried it with my Kaspersky
    Internet Security 2015 turned completely off.  I've also ran SFC scannow and there are no errors and have ran DISM which found a problem but says it was fixed.  After running it again, there were no errors.  I have no other problems with anything
    else (that I know of on my machine).  It is an Asus Q400A and came with Windows 8.0.  I ran all the updates and then upgraded to 8.1 through the MS store without issue.  I have installed all updates since upgrading to 8.1 and have absolutely
    no problem running ANY updates, but can't seem to access the store no matter what I try.
    If anyone has found a solution to this I'd appreciate your input.  Hard to believe MS would put out a product that has such a basic problem that has affected so many users and can't seem to come up with some resolution that doesn't require registry
    editing, running commands from elevated command prompts, and a CS degree to resolve--there are soooo many issues online regarding this kind of error and others related to running SFC and DISM...most ending up in their ultimate default answer....renew or reinstall
    Windows and all the updates....which still doesn't resolve the problem for many!  I've always been a PC guy, but I'm starting to like the MacBook Pro I picked for work related reasons with great hesitation.  I've wasted more time chasing this issue
    down than I all the time I've spent actually using the Mac without even a hitch!
    Thx in advance for any feedback....please no MAC blasting....at this point, it would be not well received!!

  • Error when update Database

    I want to install PeopleSoft HRCS database and the database type is system. The version of peopletools is 8.49 and the HRCS is 9.0. After I create the database and import the data, I do the task of Updating Database to Latest PeopleTools Release. I do it step by step, when I do task7B-4-8, I can’t open data mover by PS. The error is the user PS has no create session privilege. So I grant the privilege to PS, it can open data mover. However before I do the task of update database, I can open the data mover by PS, I don’t know which step makes the mistake. When I do task7B-4-9, the error is :
    D:\pt\bin\client\winx86>psae.exe -CD PSDB -CT ORACLE -CO PS -CP PS -R INSTALL -A
    LoadLibraryA() in pscompat.dll failed for 'PSORA.dll': reason=126
    Message Set Number: 200
    Message Number: 0
    Message Reason: Missing or invalid version of SQL library PSORA (200,0)
    Message Set Number: 0
    Message Number: 0
    Message Reason: Invalid User ID and password for signon. (0,0)
    Error in sign on
    How can I resolve it? Does anybody have the more detail document about this task? I have installed PeopleSoft HRCS demo database before install PeopleSoft HRCS system database. I didn’t get these errors.
    Edited by: hzg on Jun 28, 2009 9:12 AM

    hzg wrote:
    ...I can’t open data mover by PS. The error is the user PS has no create session privilege. So I grant the privilege to PS...PS, as a database user should not have any right to open a session, is is designed like that. In no case you should modify it.
    The task 7B-4-8 requires a bootstrap mode connection, you should connect to DataMover with the database owner of the Peoplesoft objects (i.e. SYSADM) :
    To update PeopleTools system data:
    +1. Invoke Data Mover by running <PS_HOME>\bin\client\winx86\psdmt.exe.+
    The PeopleSoft Logon window appears.
    +2. Log on using the access ID you specified when you created your Data Mover scripts with the Database Setup program.+
    +This will start Data Mover in bootstrap mode.+
    Furthermore, before launching psae, you should be sure the user people has all the necessary grant by running grant.sql script, and check the Configuration Manager settings.

  • Function in SQL: PRAGMA used, but '..does not guarantee not to update database'- WHY?

    I use function in SQL statement. It is a dynamicaly build SQL, therefore I need overload functions. These funcs defined in package. The package has PRAGMA Restrict_References (.., WNDS). So all functions should be restricted to update database.
    But Oracle returns an error:
    Function NVL_ does not guarantee not to update database
    This is my build SQL:
    ----- the execution string is: ---------------
    Arch.Init_Time );
    This is NV package:
    PRAGMA Restrict_References ( NV, WNDS );
    NULL_date DATE := TO_DATE ('01/01/1001', 'mm/dd/yyyy');
    NULL_numb NUMBER := 0;
    NULL_str VARCHAR2 (10)
    := '?';
    -- overloaded NULL_Val function returns NULL_<type> value (defined early)
    -- depend on received variable type
    FUNCTION NULL_Val ( val_in IN DATE )
    FUNCTION NULL_Val ( val_in IN NUMBER )
    FUNCTION NULL_Val ( val_in IN VARCHAR2 )
    -- PRAGMA Restrict_References ( NULL_Val, WNDS ); -- can be used in SQLs
    -- these pretends to cover hole of the SYS.NVL that do not have posibility
    -- to return default NULL value for every given type
    FUNCTION NVL_ ( val_in IN DATE )
    FUNCTION NVL_ ( val_in IN NUMBER )
    FUNCTION NVL_ ( val_in IN VARCHAR2 )
    -- PRAGMA Restrict_References ( NVL_, WNDS ); -- can be used in SQLs
    END NV;
    -- NULL_Val set of overloaded functions - returns appropriate NULL value
    FUNCTION NULL_Val ( val_in IN DATE )
    END NULL_Val; -- for date
    FUNCTION NULL_Val ( val_in IN NUMBER )
    END NULL_Val; -- for NUMBER
    FUNCTION NULL_Val ( val_in IN VARCHAR2 )
    END NULL_Val; -- for VARCHAR2
    -- set NVL_ function to return default NULL value if received variable
    -- is NULL or the received variable if it is not NULL
    FUNCTION NVL_ ( val_in IN DATE )
    BEGIN RETURN NVL( val_in, NULL_Val ( val_in )); END NVL_;
    FUNCTION NVL_ ( val_in IN NUMBER )
    BEGIN RETURN NVL( val_in, NULL_Val ( val_in )); END NVL_;
    FUNCTION NVL_ ( val_in IN VARCHAR2 )
    BEGIN RETURN NVL( val_in, NULL_Val ( val_in )); END NVL_;
    END NV;
    Can anybody help : where is a problem and what I can do in my case?
    I work in Oracle 7.3
    Thank you,

    Hi Alex,
    I've found that on the RDBS docs:
    If you specify DEFAULT instead of a function name, the pragma applies to all functions in the package spec or object type spec (including, in the latter case, the
    system-defined constructor). You can still declare the pragma for individual functions. Such pragmas override the default pragma.
    Try using that and let me know.
    The docs says also that the declaration of the pragma for an overloaded function applies to the nearest one. You may also try to insert several declaration, one after every function declaration.
    Bye Max

  • Installation error at Update database statistics

    During DB installation at Update database statistics Installation error.
    Error shows that
    MTU- 03010 Execution of the command "/sapmnt/QMS/exe/brconnect   '-u' '/' '-c' '-f' 'crsyn -o 'SAPQMS' finished with status TST_ERROR
    brconnect.log error
    /usr/lib/hpux/dld.so: Unable to to find library 'libclntsh.so.10.1
    Any help.
    - Kristene

    Hello kristene Jyo,
    Did you get any breakthrough in this issue. Because i am also facing the same issue while installling the NW04 with oracle but during "Update Statistice" step of Database instance installation it is giving me below error.
    "Unable to find library 'libclntsh.so.10.1"
    I already have 3 instance running fine on the same server of ECC 5.0 which i installed with oracle 9 same database.
    Please help me if you have any clue about the same my OS is HPUX-11.23.
    Thanks and Regards
    Dheeraj Thareja

  • Problem install EHP2 NW (DB2) "update database registry"

    Hi, I have problem install EHP2 NW Solaris and db2. in the phase "update database registry".
    the log is:
    Unable to access application /db2/db2epd/sqllib/adm/db2set. No such file or directory
    Failed action:  with parameters
    Error number 0 error type SPECIFIC_CODE
    In the directory /db2/db2epd
    server: ls
    only found this file. not such file sqllib.
    what happend??
    help please.

    What is your Operating system ?
    Please make sure that file system should not be created with cio option but with rw option.

  • ORA-06571: Function TEST_FUNC does not guarantee not to update database

    I have created a very simple C function in a .dll. Everything compiles OK, and I can create the lib, package, and procedure. But when I try to use it from sql*plus:
    SQL> select test_func(1) from dual;
    select test_func(1) from dual
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06571: Function TEST_FUNC does not guarantee not to update database
    Note, all the function should do is return arg+1.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Any Function called from SQL need to be defined Purety Level by using pragma restrict References
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tim McCracken ([email protected]):
    I have created a very simple C function in a .dll. Everything compiles OK, and I can create the lib, package, and procedure. But when I try to use it from sql*plus:
    SQL> select test_func(1) from dual;
    select test_func(1) from dual
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06571: Function TEST_FUNC does not guarantee not to update database
    Note, all the function should do is return arg+1.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Maybe you are looking for