JTree Selection Behavior with Custom TreeCellEditor

I've recently had the need to build a custom TreeCellEditor with a JTree that allows single path selection. I've toyed around with it but don't understand it. When a node is clicked, the editor takes over rendering/handling the cell, and a TreeSelectionEvent is fired from the tree, but the isSelected boolean value passed to the TreeCellEditor is initially false. Then on a second click of the same path in the tree, no TreeSelectionEvent is fired, but the isSelected boolean value is true. It's as if the tree selection is occuring after the editor renders the cell. I would like the cell to appear selected on the first click. Can anyone shed some light on why this is happening and how I can fix it?
I included some code to demonstrate the problem below (though no actual editing takes place; the test code is only to demonstrate how the cells only appear selected with a yellow background after the second click of the same cell; note also that the valueChanged only executes on the first click). This test was run on Windows with Java 1.5.
public class TestTreeCellEditor extends JLabel implements TreeCellEditor {
     private String st;
     public TestTreeCellEditor() {
     public Component getTreeCellEditorComponent(JTree tree, Object value,
               boolean isSelected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row) {
          this.st = value.toString();
          setBackground(isSelected? Color.YELLOW : Color.WHITE);
          return this;
     public void addCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener l) {
          // not important for test
     public void cancelCellEditing() {
          this.st = null;
     public Object getCellEditorValue() {
          return st;
     public boolean isCellEditable(EventObject anEvent) {
          return true;
     public void removeCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener l) {
          // not important for test
     public boolean shouldSelectCell(EventObject anEvent) {
          return true;
     public boolean stopCellEditing() {
          return true;
public class TestTreeCellEditorFrame extends JFrame implements TreeSelectionListener {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
          SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
               public void run() {
     private static void launchGUI() {
          TestTreeCellEditorFrame frame = new TestTreeCellEditorFrame();
          JPanel treePanel = new JPanel();
          DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Root node");
          DefaultMutableTreeNode childNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Child 1");
          childNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Child 2");
          JTree testTree = new JTree(rootNode);
          testTree.setCellEditor(new TestTreeCellEditor());
     public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent event) {
          TreePath path = event.getNewLeadSelectionPath();
          if (path != null) {
               DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) path.getLastPathComponent();
               System.out.println("TreeSelectionEvent on " + node.getUserObject().toString());

Since my last post, I decided that I do want to be able to edit a cell that is not selected. In particular, when using a tree with checkboxes. What I'm doing for the time being, which works well enough, is to highlight the cell based on the isSelected value in combination with calling tree.stopEditing() in a TreeSelectionListener valueChanged method. This is somewhat of a hack solution, and has the side effect of a cell not appearing selected until the mouseReleased event. I'm still looking for a better solution, but for now it works well enough.

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  • Selection on single-click with custom TreeCellEditor

    In a JTree with a custom treecell editor (contains checkbox, label with icon) that overrides abstractcelleditor, selection of nodes does not highlight the selection on a single click. The selection is highlighted on a double click. clicking on the checkbox works fine. any ideas? the treecellrenderer works fine. So if i remove the custom editor and only have the renderer (for checkbox, label and icon) selections are highlighted properly.

    Ok, came up with a solution - it makes keyboard navigation and mouse-based multiple selection work. Here's the fixed code:
    creating the tree :
    JTree tree = new JTree( root  );
    tree.setUI( new MyTreeUI() );
    tree.setCellRenderer( new OverlayTreeCellRenderer() );
    tree.setCellEditor( new OverlayTreeCellRenderer() );
    tree.setInvokesStopCellEditing( true );
    scrollPane.setViewportView( tree );
    add( scrollPane );the renderer / editor:
      protected static class OverlayTreeCellRenderer extends JPanel implements TreeCellRenderer, TreeCellEditor
        protected Color selBdrColor = UIManager.getColor( "Tree.selectionBorderColor" );
        protected Color selFG = UIManager.getColor( "Tree.selectionForeground" );
        protected Color selBG = UIManager.getColor( "Tree.selectionBackground" );
        protected Color txtFG = UIManager.getColor( "Tree.textForeground" );
        protected Color txtBG = UIManager.getColor( "Tree.textBackground" );
        protected JCheckBox visibleCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
        protected JLabel overlayName = new JLabel();
        protected JCheckBox showLabelCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
        protected LinkedList<CellEditorListener> listeners = new LinkedList<CellEditorListener>();
        protected final ActionListener checkBoxListener = new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent ae )
            if ( stopCellEditing() )
        protected final MouseListener labelListener = new MouseAdapter() {       
          public void mouseReleased ( MouseEvent e )
            if ( stopCellEditing() )
         * Constructor.
        public OverlayTreeCellRenderer ()
          setLayout( new BoxLayout( this, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS ) );
          visibleCheckBox.setOpaque( false );
          showLabelCheckBox.setOpaque( false );
          add( visibleCheckBox );
          add( overlayName );
          add( showLabelCheckBox );
          setBackground( txtBG );
          setForeground( txtFG );     
          visibleCheckBox.addActionListener( checkBoxListener );
          showLabelCheckBox.addActionListener( checkBoxListener );
          overlayName.addMouseListener( labelListener );
         * Returns the renderer
        public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent ( JTree tree, Object value,
            boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row,
            boolean hasFocus )
          DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) value;           
          OverlayDescriptor data = (OverlayDescriptor) node.getUserObject();
          overlayName.setText( data.overlayName );
          visibleCheckBox.setSelected( data.visible );
          showLabelCheckBox.setSelected( data.label );   
          if ( selected )
            setBackground( selBG );
            setForeground( selFG );
            setBackground( txtBG );
            setForeground( txtFG );
          return this;
        // ------------------------------------------------- Cell Editor
        // Returns the editor
        public Component getTreeCellEditorComponent ( JTree tree, Object value,
            boolean isSelected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row )
          return getTreeCellRendererComponent( tree, value, true, expanded, leaf, row, true );
        // Implement the CellEditor methods.
        public void cancelCellEditing ()
        // Stop editing only if the user entered a valid value.
        public boolean stopCellEditing ()
          return true;
        // This method is called when editing is completed.
        // It must return the new value to be stored in the cell.
        public Object getCellEditorValue ()
          return new OverlayDescriptor( overlayName.getText(), showLabelCheckBox.isSelected(), visibleCheckBox.isSelected() );
        // Start editing when the mouse button is clicked.
        public boolean isCellEditable ( EventObject eo )
          return true;
        public boolean shouldSelectCell ( EventObject eo )
          return true;
        // Add support for listeners.
        public void addCellEditorListener ( CellEditorListener cel )
          listeners.add( cel );
        public void removeCellEditorListener ( CellEditorListener cel )
          listeners.remove( cel );
        protected void fireEditingStopped ()
          if ( listeners.size() > 0 )
            ChangeEvent ce = new ChangeEvent( this );
            for ( CellEditorListener l : listeners )
              l.editingStopped( ce );
      }subclass of BasicTreeUI:
       * Fix multiple-selection handling in BasicTreeUI which doesn't appear to work
       * when the tree has a custom editor.
      protected static class MyTreeUI extends BasicTreeUI {   
        protected boolean startEditing ( TreePath path, MouseEvent event )
           * BasicTreeUI startEditing(..) method doesn't handle multiple selection
           * well. This circumvents that for when Ctrl or Shift is held down by
           * first saving the current selection, and then restoring it after calling
           * super.startEditing(..).
          ArrayList<TreePath> selectedPaths = null;
          if ( tree.getSelectionCount() > 0 && event.isControlDown() )
            selectedPaths = new ArrayList<TreePath>( tree.getSelectionCount() + 1 );
            for ( TreePath p : tree.getSelectionPaths() )
              selectedPaths.add( p );
            if ( !tree.isPathSelected( path ) )
              selectedPaths.add( path );
              selectedPaths.remove( path );
          else if ( tree.getSelectionCount() > 0 && event.isShiftDown() )
            int endRow = tree.getRowForPath( path );
            int startRow = tree.getAnchorSelectionPath() == null ? endRow : tree
                .getRowForPath( tree.getAnchorSelectionPath() );
            if ( startRow > endRow )
              int temp = endRow;
              endRow = startRow;
              startRow = temp;
            selectedPaths = new ArrayList<TreePath>( endRow - startRow + 1 );
            for ( int row = startRow; row <= endRow; row++ )
              selectedPaths.add( tree.getPathForRow( row ) );
          boolean val = super.startEditing( path, event );
          if ( selectedPaths != null )
            tree.setSelectionPaths( selectedPaths.toArray( new TreePath[0] ) );
          return val;

  • JCheckBox as nodes in JTree having problems with custom renderer and editor

    Ok, let me give some background. I have an XML document that I am parsing and reading in as a JTree. Works fine.
    Next, I have overwritten the DefaultTreeCellEditor to return a JCheckBox and in this implementation of the getTreeCellEditorComponent(), I actually tell the node that he is selected. Works great.
    Next, I have overwritten the DefaultTreeCellRenderer to return a JCheckBox and in the implementation of the getTreeCellEditorComponenet, I actually check to see if the Node is selected in the tree based upon the isSelected state of the actual Tree Node set in the tree cell editor, and if so, I set the JCheckBox to selected(true).Works Great.
    Now, here is the issue. If a node in the tree is selected that contains children, then I want all of the children of that node to also be selected. However, when I select a node with children only the selected node is changed, and then a few moments later, the system repaints the entire tree and ALL nodes int the tree are set to a selected state. Strange? Yes. Any ideas?? WONDERFUL!! :)
    Here is the TreeCellEditor code:
    public Component getTreeCellEditorComponent(JTree tree,
    Object value,
    boolean isSelected,
    boolean expanded,
    boolean leaf,
    int row)
    elementCheckBox_ = new JCheckBox();
    Component result = null;
    System.out.println("isSelected? Editor = " + isSelected);
    TreePath newPath = tree.getPathForRow(row);
    System.out.println("value = " + value.getClass().toString());
    if(value instanceof IMarketTreeNodeElement)
    return elementCheckBox_;
    Here is the TreeCellRenderer code:
    public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree,
    Object value,
    boolean selected,
    boolean expanded,
    boolean leaf,
    int row,
    boolean hasFocus)
    Color colSelBorderCol = UIManager.getColor
    selBorder_ = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(colSelBorderCol, 1);
    normBorder_ = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(1,1,1,1);
    if (hasFocus)
    return elementCheckBox_;
    Here is the Node Code setting all child nodes to selected:
    public void setSelected(boolean selected)
    isSelected_ = selected;
    if((this.getTagName() == "MARKET") ||
    (this.getTagName() == "TIER") &&
    (this.getChildCount() != 0))
    if((this.getTagName() == "MARKET") ||
    (this.getTagName() == "TIER") &&
    (this.getChildCount() != 0))
    public boolean isSelected()
    return isSelected_;
    public void selectChildren(boolean selected)
    int children = getChildCount();
    for(int i = 0; i < children; i++)
    IMarketTreeNodeElement elem = (IMarketTreeNodeElement)
    isSelected_ = selected;
    Thanks for any help! :-)

    I tried to run your sample code and it won't compile. The header files:
    do not exist on my install of MeasurementStudio. I am a bit suspicous that I don't have the latest and greatest (loading the dialong resouce gave version warnings). Here is one of my header file headers:
    // Title : NiAxes3d.h
    // Copyright : National Instruments 1999. All Rights Reserved.
    // Purpose : Defines the CNiAxes3D class.
    looked on your updates site and don't really see an update that applies to ComponentWorks or MeasurementStudio. My version per the MAX program for 3DControls is 3.5.549.
    Do I need a newer version? What do I have to do to get the updated version? What does it cost?

  • Select Option on Selection Screen with custom description

    Hi experts,
    I have used select options and some parameters on selection screen. But is displaying the only the field names i want to display the description instead of field name. Here is the screen
    Like instead S_ANSDT is Acquisition Value and instead of P_CPI is should be CPI and instead of P_TEST it will be like PROCESS.
    The code is like
       s_ansdt  FOR equi-ansdt.                                                     
                 p_test AS CHECKBOX DEFAULT 'X'.
    If any body have any idea please share it with me.

    You can give a description to your parameters and select options from menu Goto / Text elements / Selection texts.

  • Inconsistent behavior with Custom Cell Renderer

    I have two questions:
    Questions # 1.
    I have created a custom cell renderer for my JTable that changes color if the text property changes and the text contains the letter 'S'. Like
    class SchedRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer{
    public SchedRenderer(){
    final Color c = scSelfCont.panelbg;
    this.addPropertyChangeListener("text",new PropertyChangeListener(){
    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e){
         boolean foundS=false;
         String text=e.getNewValue().toString();
         for(int i=0;i<text.length();i++)
    99% of the time it works just fine. But occasionally the cell will revert back to its original color, and then back to the correct color after clicking somewhere entirely different. I set some breakpoints in the property change handler and it gets called quite frquently even if no change has been made. At first I thought this was a JDK bug, but I am now convinced that there simply must be a better way to do this, any ideas?
    Question # 2:
    Is there a simple way to change the color of an entire row without selecting it? Currently I am using Custom Cell Renderers to change
    colors of cells, but it seems like such an obtuse method. Is there a better way?
    Thanks in advance.
    Adrian Calvin

    I have two questions:
    Questions # 1.
    I have created a custom cell renderer for my JTable that changes color if the text property changes and the text contains the letter 'S'. Like
    class SchedRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer{
      public SchedRenderer(){
        final Color c = scSelfCont.panelbg;
        this.addPropertyChangeListener("text",new PropertyChangeListener(){
           public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e){
         boolean foundS=false;
         String text=e.getNewValue().toString();
         for(int i=0;i<text.length();i++)
    99% of the time it works just fine.  But occasionally the cell will revert back to its original color, and then back to the correct color after clicking somewhere entirely different.  I set some breakpoints in the property change handler and it gets called quite frquently even if no change has been made.  At first I thought this was a JDK bug, but I am now convinced that there simply must be a better way to do this, any ideas? 
    Question # 2:
    Is there a simple way to change the color of an entire row without selecting it?  Currently I am using Custom Cell Renderers to change
    colors of cells, but it seems like such an obtuse method.  Is there a better way?
    Thanks in advance.
    Adrian Calvin

  • JTree selection problem when using custom renderer and editor

    I created a JTree with custom renderer and editor.
    The customization makes JCheckBox to be the component
    responsible for editing and rendering.
    The problem is that when I click on the node with the checkbox
    the JTree selection model does not get updated.
    Without customizations of the editor and renderer the MouseEvent would be fired and BasicTreeUI$MouseHandler.mousePressed() method would call
    the selectPathForEvent() method which would be responsible for updating
    the selection model. At the same time if I attach a mouse listener to the JTree (customized) I see the events when clicking on the nodes. It seems like the MouseEvent gets lost and somehow as a result of which the selection model does not get updated.
    Am I missing something?

    You probably forgot to call super.getTreeCellRendererComponent(...) at the beginning of your getTreeCellRendererComponent(...) method in your custom renderer.
    Or maybe in the getTreeCellEditorComponent(...) of the TreeCellEditor...

  • How do you turn off the auto select behavior when working with shape layers?

    How do you turn off the auto select behavior when working with shape layers?
    I am using either of the path selection tools to select only some of the paths on the layer. I have the proper layer targeted. I have the selection too auto select option turned off.
    If another layer has a path in that area, that layer becomes auto targeted and I get the wrong path. Turning off the layer is the only way to avoid this but then I have to  turn on the layer back on between making my selection and transforming to use the other layer as guide. Is there any way to stop this auto select? Locking the other layer does not stop the auto select, just prevents editing.

    As far as i know the move tool options don't have any effect on the path selection tools.
    You might try clicking on one of the path points or on the path itself with one of path selection tools and if you want to select multiple points
    you can shift click with the Direct Selection Tool or Alt click to select the entire path.
    more path shortcuts:
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/photoshop/cs/using/WSDA7A5830-33A2-4fde-AD86-AD9873DF9FB7a.htm l
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/photoshop/cs/using/WSfd1234e1c4b69f30ea53e41001031ab64-7391a.h tml

  • Problems with customizing select lists and popup LOVs

    I have 2 problems about select lists and popup LOVs.
    The first one is about a select list in a tabular form.
    It should be created with APEX_ITEM.SELECT_LIST_FROM_LOV or similar and take its values from a named LOV.
    This worked fine but now it should also have the possibility to enter a free value.
    I tried to accomplish that by creating a APEX_ITEM.POPUP_FROM_LOV, but there is a problem with the function that is called by the arrow icon right to the input field (for eg. genList_f11_5()).
    If the row is added by addRow, then it works fine, but if the row is is not empty
    then the function call is like genList_f11_$_row() and the input field gets no value, when a LOV option is selected.
    The other problem is about a select list which should have the possibility to enter a custom value and
    also there should be the possibility to select several values. I tried to implement this by a text area containing the selected values and a multiple select list, with an event handler in each option. The user could click options and they would be copied to the text area. The problem is that I couldn't make the event handler work in IE.
    I would appreciate any ideas about either of these problems.

    If you download application you can see source.
    I have not write any instructions, sorry.
    If you are on Apex 4 you can just load jQuery UI autocomplete library and take ideas from my app.
    If you download my sample in zip there is uncompressed htmldbQuery library.
    You can see that and take only function htmldbAutocomplete.
    Then check jQuery UI document
    There is method search that you can use open list just by click of input.
    I hope this helps at start.

  • JTable loses selection with custom renderes

    I have a JXTreeTable with five columns, out of which I have custom rendered 3 columns. When I select a node is the tree, the corresponding columns are selected except the custom rendered columns. Any reason why it would be so?.
    I have set the row selection enabled to be true.
    I know I shouldnt be posting JXTreeTable questions here, but am hoping any JTable guru's might be able to help me out

    The general structure of the renderer code would be:
    class CustomRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer
         public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(
              JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column)
              super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
              if (! isSelected)
                   // add your custom code here to change background
              return this;

  • Link java class with custom taglib in Nitrox

    I am creating a set of Nitrox custom libraries for my company, and I need a tag with the following behavior:
    The tag insert window has to contain a select combo with information retrieved from a file or a database.
    So, my questions are:
    1) How can I call java classes from tlei or tagedit files?
    2) What does it mean the following tag?
    3) What does it mean this other tag?
    4) Do you have any online documentation about tagedit files and the related classes?
    I am using Eclipse 3.1 and Nitrox 3.0.0 M2
    Thanks in advance,

    The Workshop Java API for tag customization is not public for the time being, sorry for the inconvenience.

  • How to clear vendor open items with customer open items in APP?

    Hi Experts,
    Our vendor is our customer - in this scenario how to clear vedor open items against customer open items. I have defined vedor is customer means I have given customer number in vendor master record, selected chek box 'clear with customer'.  Still problem is not solved, hence I am requesting you to help me in this regard.
    Thank you very much,

    In FBCJ after payment you have clear manually vendor balance in F-44.
    If you want SPL GL in FBCJ then write a Substitution .
    1. step 001 - Special G/L Substitution
    2. Prerequisite - Transaction code = 'FBCJ'
    3. Substitution posting key -- Exit (need help from abap) exit name
                                              G/L Exit (need help from abap) exit name
                                              Special G/L Ind Exit (need help from abap) exit name
    you can't do this without ABAP help
    Best Of Luck

  • Line item report with Customer number

    Hi all,
    I am facing the following issue:
    I need a line item report to analyze an accrual account by customer.
    Since the customer is not captured on the accrual account itself, but on the recon. account (which is not defined as line item display), I did not find a way to present the customer and the accrual  on the same line.
    I can always go to BSEG and vlookup and match by document number the accrual account and the customers from the customer recon. account, but I thought maybe someone has a better idea.

    If the recon account line items have al lthe info needed I'd suggest using a query (SQ01).
    1. Create an Infoset in SQ02 with logical database "BRM". Choose the fields from BSEG that you need
    2. Create the Query in SQ01 using that Infoset.
    If you want to see individual line items, include the fields you want in the "basic list" of the query. If you want totals by customer, don't include anything in the basic list, but make a "statistics" with customer and amount.
    Selections would habe to be made for account no and period.

  • "resolving alias to" message using aliases on 10.6.8 plus slow text-selection behavior

    Recently after no particular change to my Mac Pro3,2 running 10.6.8 other than some routine software updates, whenever I open an alias on my desktop to standard folders or files, a message shows up "Resolving alias to" whatever the alias name and there's a 2-3 second delay before the folder/file opens. I've found discussion of this issue in some archived discussions but never found a comfirmed solution described, so I'm raising this again. As in others' encounter with this behavior, the slow opening of aliases happens (1) only in my own user account, not in a guest account I set up for test purposes [I have no other user accounts than these], and (2) only happens the FIRST time I open an alias. Subsequent uses of the alias work normally.
    Another strange but possibly related behavior that began at the same time as this alias delay is harder to describe but involves a problem when selecting text using mouse clicks or even highlighting with the mouse for editing. For example, to edit the name of a file or folder on my desktop, I would normally click on the file/folder name, pause a moment and click again: this puts me in edit mode with the current file/folder name highlighted/selected. Now when I attempt this procedure, the second time I click immediately opens the file/folder, as though I had double-clicked rather than clicked+paused+clicked. The only way I can select the name of the file/folder to edit it is to click+long pause (like 3 seconds)+click. Then the text is selected as desired. It's as though the clicks are being recognized (by whatever in the OS recognizes clicks) as much faster than actually made.  There is a similar problem in any program I use that permits text editing, whether Word (Office 2011 for Mac), TextEdit, etc. I have to consciously slow down my cursor/click behavior when selecting text. If not, my actions are misinterpreted as double clicks. This text selection behavior also disappears when using a "Guest" user account, only appearing in my own user account. I Using a different mouse has no effect.
    Steps taken so far. I've Repaired Disk Permissions and Verified Disk using Disk Utility, have Safe Booted, and have turned off all login items in my user account,and recently installed the 10.6.8 supplemental update, all to no avail. Any suggestions or has anyone had and solved this/these problems?

    I think my problem has been that in Sytem Preferences>Mouse, my "Double-Click Speed" was set to the SLOWEST setting. After some experimentation, I now have the that setting two notches from the "Fast" end of the scale. In case it's important, the "Primary mouse button" in my Preferences is set to "Left".
    This not only solves the text selection issues described, but also seems to eliminate the strange "resolving alias to" problem.
    [For the curious, I have a Logitech Performance MX wireless mouse which can be configured with "Logitech Control Center". But the LCC software doesn't control double-click speed; this setting can only be made in the Mouse System Preference pane.]

  • Business partner creation - Not in sync with customer numbers -

    Hi All
    I am trying to do the BP conversion in collections management.
    The customer number range for account group ZXXX  is (80000 to 89999) and the external number range flag is not selected.
    I have created created a number range Y2 through BUCF, with numbers from (80000 to 89999), I did not choose external flag, thinking it should be same as customer number range. I have created a BP group ZXXX and assigned this number range Y2.
    Later when I did the BP conversion through MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT, I observed that the BPs are not in sync with the customer numbers.
    So my question, should I have choosen external number range flag in BUCF, even though its not selected in the customer number range? Has this caused the issue?
    Please help me understand this and rectify this issue.
    thanks in advance.

    Hi Christobal,
    Thank you so much for you response. 
    As suggested, I have checked BP number range as external. Later when I ran MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT, I get the below messages
    Grouping ZXXX has external number assignment, enter a number
    Partner data processed with key PartnerGUID 4E1BD7375F080AE0E10080000A5B030E
    Grouping ZXXX has external number assignment, enter a number
    So is there any other setting which I might be missing?
    Please advise.

  • Business Partner Creation ( Master Tenant with Customer Account)

    Hello Experts
    Am trying to create a master tenant with a customer account, but as i save the business partner there is no corresponding creation of the master tenant with a customer account in the company code. The system only generates a business partner created. I have cheked the settings on business partner customer and have the correct FI custmer acount to the business partner, have also checked settings on the assignment of the reconciliation account to the BP and again it is compatible with the customer reconciliation account in Financials. I have also the synchronization data to see whether the synchronization object is activated, and it was not activated and i activated it, but still am not able to create a master tenant with customer account.
    Please Experts help me on this am very very  stranded
    David Mavi

    Hi David,
                  Following activities are to be done to create customer simultaneously while the creation of business partner.
    Business Partner Number Range: IMG>Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX)>Business Partner>Relevant Settings for Business Partner in RE Context>Number Range>Business Partner Number Range
    Define Grouping and number range: IMG>Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX)>Business Partner>Relevant Settings for Business Partner in RE Context>Number Range>Define Groupings and Assign Number Ranges
    Also make sure that the customer account group is created with a number range which should be external. The number range for the business partner should be internal.           
    Master Data syncronization: IMG>Cross Application Components>Master Data Synchronization>Customer/Vendor Integration>Business Partner Settings>Settings for Customer Integration>Field Assignment for Customer Integration>Assign Keys>Define Number Assignment for Direction of BP to Customer
    In the settings select the same number range only if the number ranges for the customer account group and BP groups are the same.
    If u have done all these things and still the customer is not getting created then there might be a problem of the mandatory fields. i.e may be in customer account group some fields are mandatory which are not getting copied from the BP. So make all the fields in the customer account group as optional. and try to create new BP again.
    Deepak M

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