JVM for ColdFusion 8

I am running ColdFusion 8,0,1,196946 on Linux Susi.  I need to upgrade my JVM.  What is the most current version of JDK/SDK that will work with this version of CF?

According to reference - Upgrade Java for ColdFusion:
You can apply any Java minor version.
CF8.0.0 used 1.6.0_00 and CF8.0.1 used 1.6.0_04. I expect you could install current 1.6.0_37 tho I have not used CF8.0.1 beyond 1.6.0_31 (on Windows 32 bit).
Prompts the question what about Java 7 since Java 6 is EOL next month (I think Oracle may have pushed Java 6 EOL back to February 2013)? CF10 and CF9 are not supported Java 7 yet however I gather will be supported before EOL. Not aware of CF8 Java 7 support.
HTH, Carl.

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    http://www.carehart.org/blog/client/index.cfm/2008/7/16/beware_technotes_may_not_be_listed _elsewhere
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    page that I'd offered. The URL I gave (
    comes from the "permanent link" offered at the bottom of all Adobe
    technotes, which is just a nice shorter URL.

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    The versioning goes as follows:
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    @Adam @CarlV
    >what's the version number when you dump the server scope?
    ColdFusion Server - Evaluation 10,0,8,284032
    OK I see, the I button reports differently to Settings Summary.
    About ColdFusion »
    System Information 
    Server Details 
    Server Product  ColdFusion 
    Version  10,0,8,284032 
    Tomcat Version 
    Edition  Enterprise (Trial)   
    Serial Number    
    Operating System  Windows Server 2012   
    OS Version  6.2   
    Update Level  /D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/updates/chf10000008.jar   
    Server Settings > Settings Summary
    System Information 
    Server Details 
    Server Product  ColdFusion 
    Version  ColdFusion 10,284032 
    Edition  Enterprise (Trial)   
    Operating System  Windows Server 2012   
    OS Version  6.2   
    Update Level  /D:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/updates/chf10000008.jar   
    Adobe Driver Version  4.1 (Build 0001)   
    Regards Carl M.

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    - Zen -

    I have sort of the same problem
    [Identical applets in the same JVM, next generation plugin issue|http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5396118]
    I have submitted a Request for enhancement to SUN to allow forced grouping of applets in the same JVM.
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    [New Plugin command line args|https://jdk6.dev.java.net/plugin2/jnlp/#COMMAND_LINE_ARGS]
    When per-applet JVM command-line arguments are specified, it is likely that the new Java Plug-In will need to launch another JVM instance in order to satisfy them. In other words, it is unlikely that a preexisting JVM instance will have been started with the correct set of command-line arguments to satisfy the current applet's request. The rules for exactly when a new JVM instance is launched to start a given applet are deliberately left unspecified, as this functionality is brand new in the 6u10 release and may need to change in subsequent releases. Here is a rough set of guidelines for the sharing and creation of new JVM instances:
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    * If a JVM instance is launched for the "default" set of command-line arguments (i.e., those specified in the Java Control Panel, with no per-applet arguments specified), then this JVM instance will never be used to launch any applet that has even one per-applet command-line argument.
    * -Xmx is handled specially: if a preexisting JVM instance was started with for example -Xmx256m, and a new applet requests -Xmx128m, then new applet will very likely be run in the preexisting JVM instance. In other words, -Xmx specifications are matched with a greater-than-or-equal test.
    There is no way to "name" a JVM instance used to launch a particular applet and "force" subsequent applets into that JVM instance.
    See the section on the separate_jvm parameter to isolate a particular applet in its own JVM instance, separate from all other applets.

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    Sun actually has a VM for the ARM ... well, actually 2 VMs for the ARM. Depending on your needs, there's a solution for JavaME CLDC, JavaME CDC, or JavaSE. There's also the open source implementations for CLDC and CDC. Here's how to get more info:
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    CLDC open source project: phoneME Feature: https://phoneme.dev.java.net/content/phoneme_platforms.html#phonemefeature
    CDC open source project: phoneME Advanced: https://phoneme.dev.java.net/content/phoneme_platforms.html#phonemeadvanced
    Embedded SE: http://java.sun.com/j2se/embedded/offerings.html
    email inquiry to: [email protected]

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