JVM in IE6

I need to get Javascript to work in IE6 on XP as if the machine was IE5 on NT. Is there a patch or backwards compatibilty program I can run? Suggestions?

Which JVM are you using?

Similar Messages

  • JVM in IE6.0

    I have IE6.0. Everytime i have to view an applet in it I get a message box saying to download the JVM and install it. I download it and it automatically shows the message of installing components as soon as the download is complete.I don't know whether it is installed or not as i get the same message to download the JVM when i try for an applet again.I have almost downloaded and installed it more than 10 times now. What am i supposed to do with this?

    try this
    1) open your IE(6.0) . on the menu click on the tools --> internet options .
    2)click on advanced tab (scroll down till you see java (sun) option )
    3) check the java (version ) for applet if it is unchecked . click apply .
    4) close all browser windows and then open IE and try to open the web page with applet .
    let me know if it works . hth .

  • Webutil with IE=native, can't get it up and running

    I'm impressed on the WebUtil functionality. Got it up and running smoothly using JInitiator. Great Stuff!
    My problem appears with a customer that wants me to deploy this functionality through native JVM of IE6.0.
    Did anyone of you manage to get Webutil up and running not using JInitiator but the native IE JVM??
    (When will webutilbase.htm be included in WebUtil?)
    Any help would be appreciated!!
    Kind Regards, Marc Vahsen
    I managed to:
    - create cab files for webutil.jar and jacob.jar, resulting in webutil.cab and jacob.cab
    When I try to invoke the first form that uses the webutil object group, I get errors:
    - FRM-92100 (connection to server lost)
    - Details: FRM-92040 Java class not found, javax.swing.JLabel
    Trying to analyze this with my restricted java knowledge, I see that this class is present in rt.jar, which is added to my (server) classpath in default.env.
    Should I make a cab file for this one also??
    Further analysis shows that the webutiljini.htm contains an extra "section" that calls oracle.forms.webutil.common.RegisterWebUtil.
    As the file 'webutilbase.htm' is missing in webutil_102.zip, I tried to create this htm file myself, with extra section:
    <!-- Registration applet definition (start) -->
    <APPLET CODEBASE="%codebase%"
    <PARAM NAME="cabbase" VALUE="webutil.cab,jacob.cab">
    <PARAM NAME="serverURL" VALUE="%serverURL%">
    <PARAM NAME="networkRetries" VALUE="%networkRetries%">
    <!-- Registration applet definition (end) -->
    This however does not work, and reduced my left options to 1: post a topic on OTN!

    Extra information:
    The code section that is unreadable in the topic description above (without the less than / greater than signs reads:
    APPLET CODEBASE="%codebase%"
    PARAM NAME="cabbase" VALUE="webutil.cab,jacob.cab"
    PARAM NAME="serverURL" VALUE="%serverURL%"
    PARAM NAME="networkRetries" VALUE="%networkRetries%"

  • Why can't I invoke a ejb in Tomcat?

    Hi everyone:
    I invoke a ejb in Tomcat(the ejb is in the weblogic in the same computer with tomcat).The jsp code is:
    /////////////////first method//////////////////////
    Context ctx=new InitialContext();
    Object obj=ctx.lookup("ejb/Hello");
    Hellohome home=(Hellohome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj,Hellohome.class);
    Hello hello=home.create();
    ///////////////second method//////////////////
    Hashtable ht=new Hashtable();
    Context ctx=null;
    ht.put(ctx.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://" ); // t3://
    ht.put(ctx.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory");
    ctx = new InitialContext();
    Hellohome home= (Hellohome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow (ctx.lookup ("HelloEJB"),Hellohome.class);
    Hello hello=home.create();
    Is there any different?If I want to invoke the EJB which is in the weblogic.The Tomcat says:
    Name HelloEJB is not bound in this Context
    But I bound it in the weblogic and I add the "
    in the ejb-jar.xml. And I copy the j2ee.jar,wlclient.jar,Hello.jar to Tomcat/....web-inf/lib
    How to setting the web.xml in the Tomcat?

    Hi duffymo:
    I install weblogic in windowsXP and weblogic run property in it.Any wrong?I install JVM in IE6 so the IE can display Applet.
    I can invoke the EJB in Tomcat.Let me say it carefully.
    The weblogic's port is 7001 and the Tomcat's port is 8080.I deploy a EJB in weblogic and I can see the JNDI name in weblogic console(The JNDI name is HelloEJB). I test the EJB in Tomcat.The dir is C:\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\ejb\invokeEJB.jsp and I write the code:
    Hashtable ht=new Hashtable();
    Context ctx=null;
    ht.put(ctx.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory");
    ht.put(ctx.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://" );
    ctx = new InitialContext(ht);
    Hellohome home= (Hellohome)ctx.lookup ("ejb.HelloEJB");
    Hello hello=home.create();
    /////////////////////////End code////////////////////////////////
    I test it using the URL:"http://localhost:8080/ejb/invokeEJB.jsp"
    It can display the content of the EJB property.I means that the Tomcat can invoke EJB.I copy the "j2ee.jar , wlclient.jar , HelloEJB.jar(My EJB Home and Remote interface)" to "Tomcat/.../share/lib" directory.
    I hope you will reply if you have any advice. :)

  • JVM does not run ie6

    I used to be able to play yahoo games on this same setup MS XP Home and IE6. Now i cant only play but open a lot of pages that need java script.
    I have down loaded JVM from this site and i get an error message as follows:
    Java Runtime Environment
    Install support file could not be installed
    Specified modules not found
    I have DL Opera browser and when it installs Java I get the same message above.
    On IE6 i have gone to options and enabled all the Java requirements, i have lowere security.
    Please help the web is next to useless with out JAVA!!

    Try installing the JVM off of the microsoft site. I
    think for XP they developed their own JVM, which you
    might have better luck with.well i do agree that windows develop their own JVM. but there is still a possibility that JVM can work with windows ie6.

  • JVM - Microsoft JScript.dll Memory Leak when using Java Web Start

    I have posted before a topic related to this matter, although now I have a lot more information about what is going on (although still no fix for it). This is the link to the earlier post, containing JVM HOTSPOT EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
    The issue is that after deploying on Windows XP a multi threaded, memory consuming (40 Mb) Java Swing application using Java Web Start, and the standard web page (IE6) reference to the jnlp file to launch the installation from Tomcat, each time this application gets executed by double clicking on the desktop icon (with no IE6 interaction at all), calls start being made between jvm.dll (sun) and jscript.dll (Microsoft IE), these interactions never release the memory they consume, so after a period of using the application it crashes unavoidably. If I execute exactly the same application launching it from command line (no Web Start nor IE6 browser involved), the application works nicely all the time, no problem at all.
    My question is: does anyone know why these calls to jscript.dll are even being made during web start application execution? As said, it's a desktop Swing app, it does not need the browser at all, and jscript.dll is a IE dll. Anyone can advice on how these interactions can be eliminated?
    I've worked with Microsoft support for two weeks on this issue and all they have said is that it is a Sun problem and they can not help further.

    Microsoft suggested (among others) two test.
    1- Install IE7 and run the application
    2-Install Firefox and run the application
    Results were:
    For 1: The application does not crash, apparently IE7 has a newer version of Jscript.dll that, in Microsoft words, handles better 'bad software', refering to 'bad software' to the java virtual machine I guess. Looking at the performance manager you can see memory goes down as with IE6, but at some point memory is released and the app. does not crash. Anyway is still is uncertain to me why Jscript.dll is getting involved at all. Although this solves the problem is not a viable solution for us, because I work in a corporation where changes such as upgrading the IE version on a large number of desktop can not be justified just because one app. is crashing, and it would take a long validation time anyway before the upgrade can proceed.
    For 2: I did install Firefox in a machine and the application still crashed, but it is true I did not uninstall IE6, so the conflictive Jscript.dll was still sitting at system32. Quite possibly the crash would not happen if that dll wasn't there at all.

  • JVM crashed when applet is loaded in browser

    when applet is loaded in browser after some time JVM crashedwith hs error log.
    i am using
    JRE 1.6.0_10,
    1GB RAM,
    XP SP3,
    Error log
    # An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
    # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6d02bd1d, pid=6032, tid=4772
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (11.0-b15 mixed mode windows-x86)
    # Problematic frame:
    # C [awt.dll+0x2bd1d]
    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    # http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
    # The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
    # See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

    It appears from the following statement that a native code process failed when called by the jvm.
    The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.Not much more can be said. The cause does not appear to Java code.

  • Please help - JVM

    I need help please! When I open pages with a java applet the Install on Demand prompt comes ("You need to install Java Virtual Machine"). If I press Download the Microsoft site comes ("No Java installed"), but then the applet loads perfectly well!!
    I know I have installed the Java Runtime Environment from Sun - the problem is particular sites don't let me even open such pages at all saying that I don't have Java. And I have an important job application that needs java for tomorrow... What could I do to make the browser/pc realise I really have it? I have played a lot with the browser settings & java console and also tried with different browsers but no success. Can you suggest anything in particular please? (the application form doesn't support Mozilla/Netscape 7 - I am working with XP+IE6) Thanks.

    I'm having the same problem, I install the lastest verison of JVM and I know it's installed because I can see the little coffe cup logo in my system tray but when I use the test app from Java websit nothing happens and like you I'm having problems with several websites. I have installed/uninstall about 6 times now and the same thing keeps happing. So I hope you can some help because I need it too. Running 98SE+IE6

  • Wine-Metastock, dotnet, IE6, and MSJVM

    I need windows for a software called metastock and iE6 with MSJVM. To install that, i got wine. Actualy, metastock depends on dotnet and dotnet depends on IE6. So, i first started with ie6 and tried installing it with "wine ie6setup.exe" and then using winetools. In both cases, I end up with a white screen after starting IE6 which asks for gecko to be installed. Even after installing gecko, it does not work. Finally, I got IE6 with ies4linux, but that is not recognized by wine and hence, dotnet and metastock cannot be installed. Also, ies4linux does not recognize MSJVM which i installed with wine. I went through a post http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?versionId=469 but could not make out what shall I do. Any help guys.
    My needs are:
    1. Metastock.
    2. IE6 with Microsoft JVM.
    Here is the output which I get when starting IE6 along with white screen.
    [shantanu@bluehead Internet Explorer]$ wine IEXPLORE.EXE
    fixme:shell:StopWatchMode () stub!
    fixme:shdocvw:IEWinMain "" 10
    fixme:ole:CoResumeClassObjects stub
    err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {4955dd33-b159-11d0-8fcf-00aa006bcc59} not regist ered
    err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {4955dd33-b159-11d0-8fcf-00aa006bcc59} could be created for context 0x1
    fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_QueryStatus (0x17fd74)->((null) 1 0x33fb1c (nil ))
    fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x17fd74)->((null) 25 2 0x33fb30 (nil))
    fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x17fd74)->((null) 26 2 0x33fb30 (nil))
    fixme:shdocvw:ClDispatch_Invoke (0x17fd74)->(-709 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000 0000000} 2048 0002 0x33fa74 0x33fac0 (nil) 0x33fa84)
    fixme:shdocvw:ClDispatch_Invoke (0x17fd74)->(-5512 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000 00000000} 2048 0002 0x33fa34 0x33fa80 (nil) 0x33fa44)
    fixme:shdocvw:ClDispatch_Invoke (0x17fd74)->(-5501 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000 00000000} 2048 0002 0x33fa74 0x33fac0 (nil) 0x33fa84)
    fixme:shdocvw:ClDispatch_Invoke (0x17fd74)->(-5512 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000 00000000} 2048 0002 0x33fa34 0x33fa80 (nil) 0x33fa44)
    fixme:shdocvw:ClDispatch_Invoke (0x17fd74)->(-5502 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000 00000000} 2048 0002 0x33fa74 0x33fac0 (nil) 0x33fa84)
    fixme:shdocvw:ClDispatch_Invoke (0x17fd74)->(-5513 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000 00000000} 2048 0002 0x33fa74 0x33fac0 (nil) 0x33fa84)
    fixme:shdocvw:ClDispatch_Invoke (0x17fd74)->(-726 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000 0000000} 2048 0002 0x33fa74 0x33fac0 (nil) 0x33fa84)
    fixme:shdocvw:ClientSite_GetContainer (0x17fd74)->(0x33fb5c)
    fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x17fd74)->({000214d1-0000-0000-c000-0000 00000046} 37 0 0x33fc80 (nil))
    fixme:shdocvw:ClDispatch_Invoke (0x17fd74)->(-5502 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000 00000000} 2048 0002 0x33fb44 0x33fc70 (nil) 0x33fb54)
    fixme:shdocvw:ClDispatch_Invoke (0x17fd74)->(-5501 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000 00000000} 2048 0002 0x33fb44 0x33fc60 (nil) 0x33fb54)
    fixme:shdocvw:HttpNegotiate_BeginningTransaction (0x180bc8)->(L"" L"" 0 0x33fc94 )
    fixme:shdocvw:BindStatusCallback_GetBindInfo (0x180bc8)->(0x33fc98 0x33fbbc)
    err:urlmon:URLMonikerImpl_BindToStorage InternetCrackUrl failed: 87
    fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x17fd74)->((null) 29 2 0x33fcc0 (nil))
    fixme:shdocvw:DocHostUIHandler_GetDropTarget (0x17fd74)
    [shantanu@bluehead Internet Explorer]$
    Is there an issue with wine? Since many other applications are not working too.
    for example, yahoo mesenger in wine gives me this:
    [shantanu@bluehead Messenger]$ wine Ypager.exe
    err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {24f3ead6-8b87-4c1a-97da-71c126bda08f} could be created for context 0x7
    same is the case for many other applications, e.g, real player, winamp, etc., either they dont install or dont work. Also whatever i get in IE6, the display is very bad at the top.
    Any easy solution guys for noobs like me....
    Last edited by ravisghosh (2007-01-28 03:09:48)

    You might have to set up a minimal Windows install inside a qemu/vmware/thoseOtherEmulators environment. I've had good luck with qemu, though never tried for Windows.

  • How to run Applets on IE6.0 with jdk1.4.1 installation

    Hi All,
    I have IE6.0 on my machine. Without any jdk installations applets were working fine on IE6.0. Then I installed jdk1.4.1 on my machine and all the applets stopped working on IE6.0.
    I uninstalled jdk1.4.1 and then again installed jdk1.3.1 hoping that things will become normal.
    But nothing changed and now applets are not working on IE6.0 even with jdk1.3.1.
    I will really appreciate incase some could help me understand or tell me incase there is some MS JVM plug in which will make applets work on IE6.0.

    Just disable Sun's Java. In IE go to "Tools|Internet Options|Advanced" and uncheck the option that says something like "Sun Java 2".

  • How to hide system related info (J2EE Engine, JVM, OS) from View Source

    Hi Experts,
    We are developing an external facing webdynpro application for our customers. When i  right click on webdynpro application in browser and select View Source , it is showing all system specific information such as  DC names including model DC , JVM , System OS information (below is  exact details).
    I believe this  will give enough information for Hackers to know about system with out much efforts. Is there any we can avoid showing this information part of browser view source.
    Your comments are  highly appreciate.
    This page was created by SAP NetWeaver. All rights reserved.
    Web Dynpro client:
    HTML Client
    Web Dynpro client capabilities:
    User agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; MDDR; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2), client type: msie6, client type profile: ie6, ActiveX: enabled, Cookies: enabled, Frames: enabled, Java applets: enabled, JavaScript: enabled, Tables: enabled, VB Script: enabled
    Accessibility mode: false
    Web Dynpro runtime:
    Vendor: SAP, build ID: 7.0013.20080513102531.0000 (release=NW04S_13_REL, buildtime=2008-05-15:05:17:09[UTC], changelist=41322, host=pwdfm114), build date: Wed May 28 15:51:08 EDT 2008
    Web Dynpro code generators of DC companyname.us/projUI:
    SapDictionaryGenerationCore: 7.0014.20061002105236.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-11-10:15:49:06[UTC], changelist=419377, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapMetamodelWebDynpro: 7.0014.20070703112649.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-11-10:15:51:55[UTC], changelist=454024, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapMetamodelCore: 7.0014.20061002105432.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-11-10:15:37:23[UTC], changelist=419384, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapWebDynproGenerationTemplates: 7.0014.20071029095230.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-11-10:16:06:13[UTC], changelist=466194, host=pwdfm101)
    SapWebDynproGenerationCTemplates: 7.0014.20071029095230.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-11-10:16:06:13[UTC], changelist=466194, host=pwdfm101)
    SapGenerationFrameworkCore: 7.0014.20060719095755.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-11-10:15:36:46[UTC], changelist=411255, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapIdeWebDynproCheckLayer: 7.0014.20061002110128.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-11-10:15:55:29[UTC], changelist=419396, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapMetamodelDictionary: 7.0014.20060719095619.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-11-10:15:46:17[UTC], changelist=411251, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapMetamodelCommon: 7.0014.20061002105432.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-11-10:15:37:28[UTC], changelist=419384, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapWebDynproGenerationCore: 7.0014.20061002110128.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-11-10:15:55:37[UTC], changelist=419396, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapDictionaryGenerationTemplates: (unknown)
    Web Dynpro code generators of DC sap.com/tcwddispwda: No information available!
    Web Dynpro code generators of DC companyname.us/projECCModel:
    SapDictionaryGenerationCore: 7.0013.20061002105236.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:14:57:42[UTC], changelist=419377, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapMetamodelWebDynpro: 7.0013.20070703112649.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:15:00:50[UTC], changelist=454024, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapMetamodelCore: 7.0013.20061002105432.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:14:45:23[UTC], changelist=419384, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapWebDynproGenerationTemplates: 7.0013.20070717142021.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:15:15:27[UTC], changelist=455669, host=pwdfm101)
    SapWebDynproGenerationCTemplates: 7.0013.20070717142021.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:15:15:27[UTC], changelist=455669, host=pwdfm101)
    SapGenerationFrameworkCore: 7.0013.20060719095755.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:14:44:42[UTC], changelist=411255, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapIdeWebDynproCheckLayer: 7.0013.20061002110128.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:15:04:26[UTC], changelist=419396, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapMetamodelDictionary: 7.0013.20060719095619.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:14:54:53[UTC], changelist=411251, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapMetamodelCommon: 7.0013.20061002105432.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:14:45:30[UTC], changelist=419384, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapWebDynproGenerationCore: 7.0013.20061002110128.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:15:04:37[UTC], changelist=419396, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapDictionaryGenerationTemplates: 7.0013.20061002105236.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:14:57:50[UTC], changelist=419377, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    Web Dynpro code generators of DC sap.com/tcwdcorecomp: No information available!
    Web Dynpro code generators of DC companyname.us/projModel:
    SapDictionaryGenerationCore: 7.0013.20061002105236.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:14:57:42[UTC], changelist=419377, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapMetamodelWebDynpro: 7.0013.20070703112649.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:15:00:50[UTC], changelist=454024, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapMetamodelCore: 7.0013.20061002105432.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:14:45:23[UTC], changelist=419384, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapWebDynproGenerationTemplates: 7.0013.20070717142021.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:15:15:27[UTC], changelist=455669, host=pwdfm101)
    SapWebDynproGenerationCTemplates: 7.0013.20070717142021.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:15:15:27[UTC], changelist=455669, host=pwdfm101)
    SapGenerationFrameworkCore: 7.0013.20060719095755.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:14:44:42[UTC], changelist=411255, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapIdeWebDynproCheckLayer: 7.0013.20061002110128.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:15:04:26[UTC], changelist=419396, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapMetamodelDictionary: 7.0013.20060719095619.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:14:54:53[UTC], changelist=411251, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapMetamodelCommon: 7.0013.20061002105432.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:14:45:30[UTC], changelist=419384, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapWebDynproGenerationCore: 7.0013.20061002110128.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:15:04:37[UTC], changelist=419396, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    SapDictionaryGenerationTemplates: 7.0013.20061002105236.0000 (release=645_VAL_REL, buildtime=2007-08-11:14:57:50[UTC], changelist=419377, host=PWDFM101.wdf.sap.corp)
    J2EE Engine:
    7.00   patchlevel 34391.450
    Java VM:
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version: 1.4.2_13-b06, vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
    Operating system:
    Windows 2003, version: 5.2, architecture: amd64
    Edited by: Aravinda Boyapati on Nov 23, 2009 11:54 PM

    Hi Armin,
    I have the same behavior here. Prod is showing all this info. I assume this is some variable that we need to setup in Prod J2EE. Could you please tell me what is it?
    Also, would that change the stack trace? - Currently, we have WDP dumps in Prod, something that I would get rid off (and have just a 500 error page defined).

  • FATAL error when opening Java Console in IE6.0 ?!

    JDK 1.5.0_04 + JRE 1.5.0_04
    I am experiencing problems with the following issue.
    Java JDK/JRE 1.5.0_04 (the latest distribution)
    I installed Java JDK last night and after installation everything was OK, until my IE6.0 Browser crashed (I had to close all the browser windows)
    After this I wasn't able to load Java Console anymore but I got the following error message.
    The Java Runtime Environment cannot be loaded from <\bin\server\jvm.dll>
    (I also cannot run any Applets)
    The Java Console worked just fine right the installation.
    I do have two user accounts on the same computer and if I login to the other users account everything is OK; i.e. I am able to run Applets and Java Console I also can open without any problems.
    I have now done the following.
    1) I have reinstalled the JRE
    2) I have reinstalled the JDK
    3) I have reinstalled both again into different directories.
    If I just uninstall JRE then I can gain the previous version of the JRE back into use and then I am able to run Applets normally. ( version JDK 1.4.2_05+JRE 1.4.2_05)
    How could I overcome this problem ??

    As you did not give any other information other then the stack trace it's heard to help. Does this error show a dialog box which asks you if want to save your work and exit or save and continue?
    Where was the ER diagram created?
    Edited by: Timo Hahn on 20.05.2012 17:10

  • Java Plug-in occasionally lauches applets in separate JVMs

    I have a web page with an applet and I can add other applets to this page in runtime. These applets need to communicate with the first applet, so they all must be run in the same JVM instance. But since the last Java Plug-in update ( it became impossible. New applets occasionally start in new JVM. separate_jvm=false doesn't solve the problem.
    You can test it with this demo: http://demo.aurigma.com/ImageUploader7/MultipleDescriptionsDemo/Default.aspx. Just add some images; thumbnail applets started in new JVM cannot connect to uploader applet.
    Is there any way to launch all applets in the same JVM instance?

    The same problem happened to me. When upgrading from JRE 1.5.0_5 to JRE 1.5.0_6, suddenly no applets would load, and all I could see was the little red X.
    I tried to change proxysettings (I dont use a proxy, but it is told at http://www.java.com/en/download/help/redximage.xml that it is due to wrong proxy-settings). It didn't help.
    I tried to turn off zonealarm. It didn't help.
    I tried to clear the browsers cache. It didn't help.
    I have been using both Firefox 1.5, and IE6. None would load the java-applets.
    So I uninstalled all older JRE versions and installed JRE 1.4.1_02. It worked!
    I then tried to upgrade to JRE 1.5.0. It didn't work.
    Now I am back at JRE 1.4.1_02 without knowing why I had to downgrade through 6 versions that through the last year or so has been working fine on my machine.
    I have no idea why it suddenly wouldnt work with the newer versions.
    Any ideas?
    Thank you.

  • Signed applet to open local file problem with IE6 / Firefox

    I have a signed applet to open a local file, with this code :
       URL destination=null;
       File f=new File(adresse);
       AppletContext ac=applet.getAppletContext();
    catch (MalformedURLException e)
    ...It works perfectly with Netscape 7.01 and IE 5.5, but not with IE6.0 or Firefox 1.0...
    (using SUN JVM 1.4.2_04), and there is no trace/error message
    With a http link, it works for all browsers...
       URL destination=new URL("http://my.site/mypage.htm");
       AppletContext ac=applet.getAppletContext();
    catch (MalformedURLException e)
    ...Any idea ??

    Hello again
    There's something I don't undestand...
    java applet code
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.net.*;
    public class test extends Applet {
         public void init() {
              try {          
                   String path = "file:/C:/Temp/";
                   URL destination = new URL(new URL(path) ,"test.jpg");
                   System.out.println("URL is now: " + destination.getPath() );          
                   AppletContext ac = this.getAppletContext();
                   ac.showDocument(destination, "_blank");
              } catch (Exception e) {
    html code
    <applet CODE = "test.class" ARCHIVE = "sTest.jar" width=350 height=200></applet>
    javac -classpath ".;D:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04\lib\plugin.jar" test.java
    keytool -genkey -keystore mag -keyalg rsa -alias harm -validity 3600 -keypass password -storepass password
    jar cf0 test.jar *.class
    jarsigner -keystore mag -storepass password -keypass password -signedjar sTest.jar test.jar harm With a debug the signature looks good in the logs (translation by google, not sure of the correct words...)
    The checking of the certificate using the certificates CA root failed
    Piled up method
    Unstacked method
    Selected user: 0
    The user granted the rights of access to the code for this session only
    Addition of the certificate in the storage section of the certificates of session JPI
    Certificate added in the storage section of the certificates of session JPI
    Recording of the certificates in the storage section of the certificates of session JPI
    Certificates recorded in the storage section of the certificates of session JPI
    URL is now: /C:/Temp/test.jpg
    Javascript: Activated UniversalBrowserRead
    Javascript: Activated UniversalJavaPermission
    What are the 2 last line ?? (appears only in firefox, not in IE55...don't have another browser yet 'cause my graphic card and motherboard are out of order :-(
    Why in firefox, in the javascript console, there is a "message" (again translation by google...) but everything is alright in the java console ??
    Error of safety: the contents located at http://www.distantserver.com/Demo/test/test.html cannot charge of data or establish a bond towards file:///C:/Temp/test.jpg.
    Thanks in advance (and sorry if I only don't understand something from your link because of my english level...)

  • JVM hang on IOException

    I have had to write a new Java Applet that can be operated using the Microsoft JVM (version under IE6.0
    My problem is this...
    I have two machines both with Windows 2000 Professional. Both machines have IE6.0 SP1 and the same version of JVM (listed above). My applet works the first time on both systems but then when I relaunch it it works on one and the browser hangs on the other (finally after a while produces an error message). This is the error...
         at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpInputStream.connect
         at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpInputStream.<init>
         at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpURLConnection.createInputStream
         at com/ms/net/wininet/WininetURLConnection.getInputStream
         at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpPostBufferStream.close
         at java/io/OutputStreamWriter.close
         at com/wul/lms/client/APIAdapterApplet.HTTPRequest
         at com/wul/lms/client/APIAdapterApplet.GetParam
         at com/wul/lms/client/APIAdapterApplet.LMSInitialize
         at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpInputStream.connect
         at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpInputStream.<init>
         at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpURLConnection.createInputStream
         at com/ms/net/wininet/WininetURLConnection.getInputStream
         at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpPostBufferStream.close
         at java/io/OutputStreamWriter.close
         at com/wul/lms/client/APIAdapterApplet.HTTPRequest
         at com/wul/lms/client/APIAdapterApplet.GetParam
         at com/wul/lms/client/APIAdapterApplet.LMSInitialize
    Note that Sun's version of Java works everytime - however my client I am building the applet for can not use it because of old software they currently use that will not work on the latest build of Sun's Java. Makes you wish people would just use Sun's version which is up to version 1.4.x where the Microsoft version is based on 1.1.x
    I am new to Java so I am not up with all the versions and compatability issues.

    It is Guranteed NOT to work...since, the IE JVM is light years behind latest Sun JVM...and so many features/releases have come in the 1.1 - 1.4 period that it is impossible to expect such a Backward compatibility

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