K-modes algorithm working example

can any give me a worked out example to find the class lable attribute using k-modes algorithm, or please tell me where can i find it.
thanking everyone.

You can use k-means algorithm and change the distance computation into mode (frequency). I found code for k means in http://people.revoledu.com/kardi/tutorial/kMean/download.htm

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    Any ideas?
    Go to Solution.

    Hello -
    This is actually a known issue in CVI 2010 (ID 258827).  I will be making a more official announcement regarding this issue on this forum soon.  In the meantime, you can download and install the CVI 2010 Run-Time engine found here, which contains the fix.
    Let me know if you have any questions -
    National Instruments

  • How to get Motion Tracking Mode to work?

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    Here is my check list for you to review regarding using Motion Tracking Mode in Premiere Elements 10 on Windows 7 64 bit.
    1. You need a video and with enough motion in the object in it to track it. Color contrast between the object and its background can be important to success.
    I created a DV AVI 4:3 in which I have a circle moving, and I have used a butterfly Clip Art from Premiere Elements 10 to track to track the circle as it moves in the video. In this example, you see the object only at 0 time.
    2. Select/highlight the clip on the Timeline. And then click on the Motion Tracking Mode icon above the Timeline.
    You should next see the following Motion Tracking dialog asking for a Yes or No to the question "Run
    Auto-Analyzer to track moving objects?" Click No.
    3. At this point, you will see a bounding box on screen. That bounding box should be placed using the mouse cursor on the object
    that is going to be tracked, in this case, the circle. Resize and position the bounding box accordingly.
    4. Once you have the bounding box on the object and resized, click on Track Object at the top right of the monitor.
    The screenshot below shows only the before clicking Track Object at the top right of the monitor.
    When that action is finished the bound box edges will be an orange yellow color. I have skipped over a screenshot
    for the latter.
    5. With the orangel yellow bounding box in place, next drag the Clip Art (in this case, Butterfly 02) from the Clip Art display area toward and into the orange yellow bounding box frame. The orange yellow bounding box frame will turn blue. That is the first sign of success.
    Hit the Enter key of the computer main keyboard and watch the results. The Butterfly should track the circle's
    movement in the clip. The duration of the clip and the continuity of the object's motion in the clip can be  other factors.
    If you do not succeed, try again with a different video clip (one with more movement and color contrast.
    The above is a best case scenario. If it is speech bubbles that you are having problems with as well, we will deal with them next.
    Right now it seems like you are having problems getting started rather than having a problem with a specific Clip Art that you are
    using to track the object in your video.
    We will be watching for your results.

  • MQ + OpenLdap: Any working example of LDAP configuration?

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    I've unsuccessfuly tryed to add a Topic Factory!
    Running the command
         imqobjmgr -i add_ldap_topic_factory.poperties
    I get such an exception:
         [LDAP: error code 53 - no global superior knowledge];
         remaining name 'cn=myTopicConnectionFactory'
    This is the test configuration adopted using rootdn user to write to LDAP repository:
    include /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
    database     bdb
    suffix          "dc=imq,dc=com"
    rootdn          "cn=Manager,dc=imq,dc=com"
    rootpw          secret
    directory     /usr/local/etc/openldap/var/openldap-data
    index     objectClass     eq
    dn: dc=imq,dc=com
    objectClass: dcObject
    objectClass: organization
    dc: imq
    o: imq
    Thanks for any suggestion,

    I've been wanting to test the steps and write a tech article on this
    and post it to somewhere on sunsolve.sun.com but have not had
    time yet.
    In any case, the instructions Ken-shi gave are below including
    the 3 files (etang.ldif objectstore.properties slapd.conf). Not sure
    how messy this posting can get due to size of files.
    I'd much rather point you to a sunsolve article but don't want
    to make you wait. When I do post the sunsolve article, this thread
    will be updated with a ptr to it.
    ===Begin instructions===
    Attached please see my working configuation files.
    1.Modify your OpenLdap configuration. (see slapd.conf)
    start OpenLdap: ./slapd
    2.Modify you initial data.( see etang.ldif)
    load initial data: ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=etang,dc=com" -W -f
    3.ObjectStore properties ( see objectstore.properties )
    create your object store with "Administration" GUI on windows;
    while creating destinations or connection factories, be sure that the
    lookup names start with "cn=".
    ===End instructions===
    ===Begin etang.ldif===
    dn: dc=etang,dc=com
    objectClass: dcObject
    objectClass: organization
    dc: etang
    o: Etang Corporation
    description: The etang corporation
    dn: cn=Manager,dc=etang,dc=com
    objectClass: organizationalRole
    cn: Manager
    description: Directory Manager
    dn: o=IMQ,dc=etang,dc=com
    objectClass: organization
    o: IMQ
    dn: ou=imqusers,o=IMQ,dc=etang,dc=com
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
    ou: imqusers
    dn: cn=admin,ou=imqusers,o=IMQ,dc=etang,dc=com
    objectClass: person
    cn: admin
    sn: admin
    userPassword: admin
    dn: cn=guest,ou=imqusers,o=IMQ,dc=etang,dc=com
    objectClass: person
    cn: guest
    sn: guest
    userPassword: guest
    ===End etang.ldif===
    ===Begin objectstore.properties===
    java.naming.provider.url ldap://,dc=etang,dc=com
    java.naming.factory.initial com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
    java.naming.security.principal cn=admin,ou=imqusers,o=IMQ,dc=etang,dc=com
    java.naming.security.authentication simple
    java.naming.security.credentials admin
    ===End objectstore.properties===
    ===Begin slapd.conf===
    # See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options.
    # This file should NOT be world readable.
    include          /usr/local/openldap/etc/schema/core.schema
    include /usr/local/openldap/etc/schema/cosine.schema
    include /usr/local/openldap/etc/schema/inetorgperson.schema
    include /usr/local/openldap/etc/schema/dyngroup.schema
    include /usr/local/openldap/etc/schema/java.schema
    include /usr/local/openldap/etc/schema/nis.schema
    include /usr/local/openldap/etc/schema/misc.schema
    # Define global ACLs to disable default read access.
    # Do not enable referrals until AFTER you have a working directory
    # service AND an understanding of referrals.
    #referral     ldap://root.openldap.org
    pidfile          /usr/local/openldap/var/run/slapd.pid
    argsfile     /usr/local/openldap/var/run/slapd.args
    # Load dynamic backend modules:
    # modulepath     /usr/local/openldap/libexec
    # moduleload     back_bdb.la
    # moduleload     back_ldap.la
    # moduleload     back_ldbm.la
    # moduleload     back_passwd.la
    # moduleload     back_shell.la
    # Sample security restrictions
    #     Require integrity protection (prevent hijacking)
    #     Require 112-bit (3DES or better) encryption for updates
    #     Require 63-bit encryption for simple bind
    # security ssf=1 update_ssf=112 simple_bind=64
    # Sample access control policy:
    #     Root DSE: allow anyone to read it
    #     Subschema (sub)entry DSE: allow anyone to read it
    #     Other DSEs:
    #          Allow self write access
    #          Allow authenticated users read access
    #          Allow anonymous users to authenticate
    #     Directives needed to implement policy:
    # access to dn.base="" by * read
    # access to dn.base="cn=Subschema" by * read
    # access to *
    #     by self write
    #     by users read
    #     by anonymous auth
    # if no access controls are present, the default policy
    # allows anyone and everyone to read anything but restricts
    # updates to rootdn. (e.g., "access to * by * read")
    # rootdn can always read and write EVERYTHING!
    access to * by * write
    # ldbm database definitions
    database     bdb
    suffix          "dc=etang,dc=com"
    rootdn          "cn=Manager,dc=etang,dc=com"
    # Cleartext passwords, especially for the rootdn, should
    # be avoid. See slappasswd(8) and slapd.conf(5) for details.
    # Use of strong authentication encouraged.
    rootpw          secret
    # The database directory MUST exist prior to running slapd AND
    # should only be accessible by the slapd and slap tools.
    # Mode 700 recommended.
    directory     /usr/local/openldap/var/openldap-data
    # Indices to maintain
    index     objectClass     eq
    ===End slapd.conf===

  • MicroC-OS-II running on Microblaze with UARTLITE in interrupt mode not working

    I am trying to write and application that uses the MicroBlaze which runs the MicroC-OS-II. I am also trying to use the UARTLITE in interrupt mode. 
    Currently I can use the UARTLITE in interrrupt mode if I run a standalone package that is without MicroC-OS-II.m
    I read the documentation attached see page 22 (Handling Interrupts). On how the OS handles interrupts but I am little confused on how to setup the UARTLITE in interrrupt mode to work with the OS.
    I know that OS_CPU_ISR() handles the interrupt but how do I make it so that it handles the uartlite interrupt. 
    I am really confused how I should modify the UARTLITE interrupt code below to work with MICROC/OS. As really confused I MEAN I JUST DON"T understand. 
    * (c) Copyright 2002-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
    * This file contains confidential and proprietary information of Xilinx, Inc.
    * and is protected under U.S. and international copyright and other
    * intellectual property laws.
    * This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any rights to the
    * materials distributed herewith. Except as otherwise provided in a valid
    * license issued to you by Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by
    * and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, including
    * negligence, or under any other theory of liability) for any loss or damage
    * of any kind or nature related to, arising under or in connection with these
    * materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, special, incidental,
    * or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, goodwill,
    * or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought by
    * a third party) even if such damage or loss was reasonably foreseeable or
    * Xilinx had been advised of the possibility of the same.
    * Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail-safe, or for use in
    * any application requiring fail-safe performance, such as life-support or
    * safety devices or systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities,
    * applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any other applications
    * that could lead to death, personal injury, or severe property or
    * environmental damage (individually and collectively, "Critical
    * Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and liability of any use of
    * Xilinx products in Critical Applications, subject only to applicable laws
    * and regulations governing limitations on product liability.
    * @file xuartlite_intr_example.c
    * This file contains a design example using the UartLite driver (XUartLite) and
    * hardware device using the interrupt mode.
    * @note
    * The user must provide a physical loopback such that data which is
    * transmitted will be received.
    * <pre>
    * Ver Who Date Changes
    * 1.00a jhl 02/13/02 First release
    * 1.00b rpm 10/01/03 Made XIntc declaration global
    * 1.00b sv 06/09/05 Minor changes to comply to Doxygen and coding guidelines
    * 2.00a ktn 10/20/09 Updated to use HAL Processor APIs and minor changes
    * for coding guidelnes.
    * </pre>
    /***************************** Include Files *********************************/
    #include "xparameters.h"
    #include "xuartlite.h"
    #include "xintc.h"
    #include "xil_exception.h"
    /************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/
    * The following constants map to the XPAR parameters created in the
    * xparameters.h file. They are defined here such that a user can easily
    * change all the needed parameters in one place.
    * The following constant controls the length of the buffers to be sent
    * and received with the UartLite device.
    #define TEST_BUFFER_SIZE 100
    /**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/
    /***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/
    /************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/
    int UartLiteIntrExample(u16 DeviceId);
    int SetupInterruptSystem(XUartLite *UartLitePtr);
    void SendHandler(void *CallBackRef, unsigned int EventData);
    void RecvHandler(void *CallBackRef, unsigned int EventData);
    /************************** Variable Definitions *****************************/
    XUartLite UartLite; /* The instance of the UartLite Device */
    XIntc InterruptController; /* The instance of the Interrupt Controller */
    * The following variables are shared between non-interrupt processing and
    * interrupt processing such that they must be global.
    * The following buffers are used in this example to send and receive data
    * with the UartLite.
    u8 SendBuffer[TEST_BUFFER_SIZE];
    u8 ReceiveBuffer[TEST_BUFFER_SIZE];
    * The following counters are used to determine when the entire buffer has
    * been sent and received.
    static volatile int TotalReceivedCount;
    static volatile int TotalSentCount;
    * Main function to call the UartLite interrupt example.
    * @param None
    * @return XST_SUCCESS if successful, XST_FAILURE if unsuccessful
    * @note None
    int main(void)
    int Status;
    * Run the UartLite Interrupt example, specify the Device ID that is
    * generated in xparameters.h.
    Status = UartLiteIntrExample(UARTLITE_DEVICE_ID);
    if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
    return XST_FAILURE;
    return XST_SUCCESS;
    * This function does a minimal test on the UartLite device and driver as a
    * design example. The purpose of this function is to illustrate
    * how to use the XUartLite component.
    * This function sends data and expects to receive the same data through the
    * UartLite. The user must provide a physical loopback such that data which is
    * transmitted will be received.
    * This function uses interrupt driver mode of the UartLite device. The calls
    * to the UartLite driver in the handlers should only use the non-blocking
    * calls.
    * @param DeviceId is the Device ID of the UartLite Device and is the
    * XPAR_<uartlite_instance>_DEVICE_ID value from xparameters.h.
    * @return XST_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise XST_FAILURE.
    * @note
    * This function contains an infinite loop such that if interrupts are not
    * working it may never return.
    int UartLiteIntrExample(u16 DeviceId)
    int Status;
    int Index;
    * Initialize the UartLite driver so that it's ready to use.
    Status = XUartLite_Initialize(&UartLite, DeviceId);
    if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
    return XST_FAILURE;
    * Perform a self-test to ensure that the hardware was built correctly.
    Status = XUartLite_SelfTest(&UartLite);
    if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
    return XST_FAILURE;
    * Connect the UartLite to the interrupt subsystem such that interrupts can
    * occur. This function is application specific.
    Status = SetupInterruptSystem(&UartLite);
    if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
    return XST_FAILURE;
    * Setup the handlers for the UartLite that will be called from the
    * interrupt context when data has been sent and received, specify a
    * pointer to the UartLite driver instance as the callback reference so
    * that the handlers are able to access the instance data.
    XUartLite_SetSendHandler(&UartLite, SendHandler, &UartLite);
    XUartLite_SetRecvHandler(&UartLite, RecvHandler, &UartLite);
    * Enable the interrupt of the UartLite so that interrupts will occur.
    * Initialize the send buffer bytes with a pattern to send and the
    * the receive buffer bytes to zero to allow the receive data to be
    * verified.
    for (Index = 0; Index < TEST_BUFFER_SIZE; Index++) {
    SendBuffer[Index] = Index;
    ReceiveBuffer[Index] = 0;
    * Start receiving data before sending it since there is a loopback.
    XUartLite_Recv(&UartLite, ReceiveBuffer, TEST_BUFFER_SIZE);
    * Send the buffer using the UartLite.
    XUartLite_Send(&UartLite, SendBuffer, TEST_BUFFER_SIZE);
    * Wait for the entire buffer to be received, letting the interrupt
    * processing work in the background, this function may get locked
    * up in this loop if the interrupts are not working correctly.
    while ((TotalReceivedCount != TEST_BUFFER_SIZE) ||
    (TotalSentCount != TEST_BUFFER_SIZE)) {
    for (Index = 0; Index < TEST_BUFFER_SIZE; Index++)
    * Verify the entire receive buffer was successfully received.
    for (Index = 0; Index < TEST_BUFFER_SIZE; Index++) {
    if (ReceiveBuffer[Index] != SendBuffer[Index]) {
    return XST_FAILURE;
    return XST_SUCCESS;
    * This function is the handler which performs processing to send data to the
    * UartLite. It is called from an interrupt context such that the amount of
    * processing performed should be minimized. It is called when the transmit
    * FIFO of the UartLite is empty and more data can be sent through the UartLite.
    * This handler provides an example of how to handle data for the UartLite,
    * but is application specific.
    * @param CallBackRef contains a callback reference from the driver.
    * In this case it is the instance pointer for the UartLite driver.
    * @param EventData contains the number of bytes sent or received for sent
    * and receive events.
    * @return None.
    * @note None.
    void SendHandler(void *CallBackRef, unsigned int EventData)
    TotalSentCount = EventData;
    * This function is the handler which performs processing to receive data from
    * the UartLite. It is called from an interrupt context such that the amount of
    * processing performed should be minimized. It is called data is present in
    * the receive FIFO of the UartLite such that the data can be retrieved from
    * the UartLite. The size of the data present in the FIFO is not known when
    * this function is called.
    * This handler provides an example of how to handle data for the UartLite,
    * but is application specific.
    * @param CallBackRef contains a callback reference from the driver, in
    * this case it is the instance pointer for the UartLite driver.
    * @param EventData contains the number of bytes sent or received for sent
    * and receive events.
    * @return None.
    * @note None.
    void RecvHandler(void *CallBackRef, unsigned int EventData)
    TotalReceivedCount = EventData;
    * This function setups the interrupt system such that interrupts can occur
    * for the UartLite device. This function is application specific since the
    * actual system may or may not have an interrupt controller. The UartLite
    * could be directly connected to a processor without an interrupt controller.
    * The user should modify this function to fit the application.
    * @param UartLitePtr contains a pointer to the instance of the UartLite
    * component which is going to be connected to the interrupt
    * controller.
    * @return XST_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise XST_FAILURE.
    * @note None.
    int SetupInterruptSystem(XUartLite *UartLitePtr)
    int Status;
    * Initialize the interrupt controller driver so that it is ready to
    * use.
    Status = XIntc_Initialize(&InterruptController, INTC_DEVICE_ID);
    if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
    return XST_FAILURE;
    * Connect a device driver handler that will be called when an interrupt
    * for the device occurs, the device driver handler performs the
    * specific interrupt processing for the device.
    Status = XIntc_Connect(&InterruptController, UARTLITE_INT_IRQ_ID,
    (void *)UartLitePtr);
    if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
    return XST_FAILURE;
    * Start the interrupt controller such that interrupts are enabled for
    * all devices that cause interrupts, specific real mode so that
    * the UartLite can cause interrupts through the interrupt controller.
    Status = XIntc_Start(&InterruptController, XIN_REAL_MODE);
    if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
    return XST_FAILURE;
    * Enable the interrupt for the UartLite device.
    XIntc_Enable(&InterruptController, UARTLITE_INT_IRQ_ID);
    * Initialize the exception table.
    * Register the interrupt controller handler with the exception table.
    * Enable exceptions.
    return XST_SUCCESS;

    I have a KC705 board, with Microblaze on it. My software is Witten above the operating system of µC/OS-II.I am trying to write multi task ie. task1 and task2.  Application that uses the MicroBlaze which runs the MicroC-OS-II.
    I am using  the UARTLITE able to run hello world program successfully is with MicroC-OS-II.I read the documentations,  On how the OS handles multi task, but I am little confused on how to implement..(i am new to RTOS). Please suggest  me or share the any documents, any example codes.

  • When I switch my time capsule to 5.0ghz mode the range of my wireless network drops significantly.  Near the Time Capsule my Macbook Pro works fine, in my bedroom I have almost no signal.  In mixed mode it works fine.  Any ideas on how to get 5.0 working?

    When I switch my time capsule to 5.0ghz mode the range of my wireless network drops significantly.  Near the Time Capsule my Macbook Pro works fine, in my bedroom I have almost no signal.  In mixed mode it works fine both placed.  Any ideas on how to get 5.0 working?  I thought 5.0Ghz was supposed to have a wider range.  Do I need to change a setting on the Macbook Pro?
    Thanks, W

    I'm not sure if you understand that 5 GHz has some upsides, but also some very significant downsides.
    The upside is that the 5 GHz signal will allow faster speeds.
    The downside is that you must always give up something in order to gain something else.Unfortunately, the marketing hype about 5 GHz does not go into very many details about this.
    In the case of 5 GHz, the 5 GHz signals are much weaker than 2.4 GHz signals, so they do not travel as far or penetrate any obstructions like walls or ceilings nearly as well as 2.4 GHz signals. In many cases, in order to get good 5 Ghz performance, you literally have to have almost a line-of-sight relationship between your computer and the wireless router.
    If you have a new dual band router, which broadcasts both a 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz signal simutaneously, your Mac will connect to the best signal quality automatically depending on its location in relation to the router. In the same room, without any obstructions, it will connec to 5 GHz. But, take the laptop down the hall a few rooms and around the corner and the Mac will connect to the 2.4 GHz signal because at that location, the 2.4 GHz signal is not only stronger, it is also faster.

  • Can't get 'clamshell' mode to work with Dell 2408

    I have been trying to get my Dell 2408 working in clamshell mode without any success. I have a USB keyboard, USB mouse, power adapter and monitor via DVI plugged in. I switch the display type to mirror, close the lid, wait for it to sleep, then wake it again by pressing a key on the keyboard.
    The computer wakes, the external monitor flashes but at the incorrect resolution (1200 X 800 instead of 1920 X 1200) then goes back to sleep. This will repeat over and over again until I open the lid of the macbook. I can occasionally get the macbook to wake and display on the eternal monitor but this is very rare, and when it does I get some wired artifacts.
    What's really puzzling is that the monitor works flawlessly in extended desktop mode, and works perfectly with other non mac computers. I took the macbook to the Genius Bar, hooked it up to the apple cinema displays and i didn't get the same problem! Grrr....
    So I just don't get it, both the computer and display seemingly work fine independently from one another, work fine in extended mode, yet in clamshell mode have some fairly major issues.
    Anyone have any ideas?

    My dell 2408 arrived today and I'm having exactly the same problem.I cant get it to go into clamshell mode. I lie, I got it to go into clamshell mode once. I don't know what I did. But it certainly isn't willing to go into clamshell mode again any time soon.

  • Layout Mode not working in T-Code SQVI for some GUI

    Dear Experts,
    It has been found that the Layout mode is not working in T-code SQVI in some of our users Systems . The Layout Mode is working perfectly fine in some system though. If we select Layout mode in some system it is showing screens the same as in Basis Mode.
    The GUI version is same in both the machines and both are having the same OS.
    GUI Version : 710
    OS : XP
    Kindly suggest if any settings needs to be done in System or GUI so that all the systems get the same interface of Layout Mode as required.
    - Jitesh

    Hi experts,
    Just wished to post the solution of the Issue raised by me...
    I just needed to update my GUI Patch level available at market Place.

  • HP Phoenix 8-core - how do I get XP Mode to work in Windows 7 64-bit?

    My Computer:  HP Phoenix 8-core, 12 GB Ram, over 1,000GB hard drive space, Win 7 SP1 with current updates.  Downloaded and installed the following:  Windows XP Mode with Windows Virtual PC, the hotfix MS provided for AMD multicore, and the MS Hardware-Assisted Virtualization Detection Tool which informed me that my computer does have hardware-assisted virtualization.  I have done EVERYTHING Microsoft has advised.
    How do I get XP Mode to work?

    Frank, thanks for the help.  That Microsoft article is the one I read yesterday morning.  I again just now went into the BIOS as follows:  Security, System Security-Data Execution Prevention AND Virtualization Technology were both enabled.  So I saved changes and exited.  My computer is running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit.
    This is my system information: 
    OS Name    Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
    Version    6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
    Other OS Description     Not Available
    OS Manufacturer    Microsoft Corporation
    System Name    HPPHOENIX
    System Manufacturer    Hewlett-Packard
    System Model    h9-1100z
    System Type    x64-based PC
    Processor    AMD FX(tm)-8150 Eight-Core Processor, 3600 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
    BIOS Version/Date    AMI Ang_716, 4/5/2012
    SMBIOS Version    2.7
    Windows Directory    C:\Windows
    System Directory    C:\Windows\system32
    Boot Device    \Device\HarddiskVolume1
    Locale    United States
    Hardware Abstraction Layer    Version = "6.1.7601.17514"
    User Name    HPPHOENIX\Debbie
    Time Zone    Eastern Daylight Time
    Installed Physical Memory (RAM)    12.0 GB
    Total Physical Memory    11.8 GB
    Available Physical Memory    10.2 GB
    Total Virtual Memory    23.6 GB
    Available Virtual Memory    21.7 GB
    Page File Space    11.8 GB
    Page File    C:\pagefile.sys
    I downloaded and installed the Windows XP Mode.  The
    I downloaded and installed the Windows Virtual PC. (not the 2007 version-tried that the first time and seen it did not work).
    I applied the "fix" for AMD motherboards.
    I just tried to install XP Mode again--I got almost to the end, the I got the following error message in a rectangle box:
    "Windows XP Mode-Windows Virtual PC
    Could not complete Setup.  Please try again."
    The has happened over 7 times.  Yesterday evening before I posted on this forum, I uninstalled, deleted everything, restarting the computer after doing each step, went to website yet again, redownloaded everything again, and tried to install once again.  Still the same message.  Any help or advice is certainly needed and appreciated.  Debbie

  • Clamshell Mode Not Working With Acer V223W

    I recently got an Acer V223W 22" monitor to use at the office with my MBP. Using the DVI port, it works well, but I cannot get clamshell mode to work. I close the lid, and when I awaken the computer with a mouse click, I know it wakes up because I can hear the audio, but the Acer display does not light up.
    Any suggestions as to how to fix this are welcome!

    This may be relevant: 2011 MacBook Pro Repair Extension Program for Video Issues.

  • Cant get Security Mode to work on WRT54G

    I have everything set up fine.. internet working etc but I cannot get security mode to work.. I go to click on WEP, WPA.. whatever and it just autos back to DISABLED.. Anyone to fix this?

    how many computers do you have?
    try to use other computers in setting up the security. check also the firmware of your router.make sure you have the latest one.

  • Please Help:  A Problem With Oracle-Provided 'Working' Example

    A Problem With Oracle-Provided 'Working' Example Using htp.formcheckbox
    I followed the simple steps in the Oracle-provided example:
    Doc ID: Note:116534.1
    Subject: How to use checkbox in webdb for bulk update using webdb report
    However, when I select a checkbox and click on the Update button, I get a "ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number" error. Please advise. This was a very promising feature.
    Below are step-by-step instructions provided by Oracle to create this "working" example:
    How to use a checkbox in WEBDB 2.2 report for bulk update.
    This article shows how checkbox can used placed on WEBDB report
    and how to use it.
    The following example to guide through the steps to create a working
    example of this.
    In this example, the checkbox is used to select the records. On clicking
    the update button, the pl/sql procedure is called which will update col1 to
    the string 'OK'.
    After the update is done, the PL/SQL procedure calls the report again.
    Since the report only select records where col1 is null, the updated
    records will not be displayed when the report is called again.
    Step 1 - Create Table
    From Sqlplus, log in as scott/tiger and execute the following:
    drop table chkbox_example;
    create table chkbox_example
    (id varchar2(10) not null,
    comments varchar2(20),
    col1 varchar2(10));
    Step 2 - Insert Test Data
    From Sqlplus, still logged in as scott/tiger , execute the following:
    l_i number;
    for l_i in 1..50 loop
    insert into chkbox_example values (l_i, 'Comments ' || l_i , NULL);
    end loop;
    Step 3 -Create SQL Query based WEBDB report
    Logon to a WEBDB site which has access to the database the above tables are created.
    Create a SQL based Report.
    Name the report :RPT_CHKBOX
    The select statement for the report is :
    select c.id, c.comments, c.col1,
    htf.formcheckbox('p_qty',c.id) Tick
    from SCOTT.chkbox_example c
    where c.col1 is null
    In Advanced PL/SQL, (REPORT, Before displaying the form), put the following code
    Step 4 - Create a stored procedure in the database
    Log on to the database as scott/tiger and execute the following to create the
    Note: Replace WEBDB to the appropriate webdb user for your installation.
    In my database, I had installed webdb using WEBDB username, hence user webdb owns
    the packages.
    create or replace procedure chkbox_process
    ( p_request in varchar2 default null,
    p_qty in wwv_utl_api_types.vc_arr ,
    p_arg_names in wwv_utl_api_types.vc_arr ,
    p_arg_values in wwv_utl_api_types.vc_arr
    i number;
    for i in 1..p_qty.count loop
    if p_qty(i) is not null then
    update chkbox_example
    set col1 = 'OK'
    where chkbox_example.id = p_qty(i);
    end if;
    end loop;
    /* To Call Report again after updating */
    (p_request=>'Run Report',
    p_arg_names=>webdb.wwv_standard_util.string_to_table2(' '),
    p_arg_values=>webdb.wwv_standard_util.string_to_table2(' '));
    There are essentially 2 main modules, The WEBDB report and the pl/sql procedure (chkbox_process)
    A button is created via the advanced pl/sql coding which shows on top of the report. (The
    button cannot be placed at the bottom of the report due to the way WEBDB creates the procedure
    When any button is clicked on the report, it calls the pl/sql procedure chkbox_process.
    The procedure is called , WEBDB always passes the parameters p_request,p_arg_names and o_arg_values.
    p_qty is another parameter that we are passing additionally, This comes from the checkbox created
    using the htf.formcheckbox in the report select statement.
    The pl/sql procedure calls the report again after processing. This is done to
    show how to call the report.
    -The Next and Prev buttons on the report will not work.
    So it is important that the report can fit in 1 page only.
    (This may mean that you will not select(not ticked) 'Paginate' under
    'Display Option' in the WEBDB report. If you do this,
    then in Step 4, remove p_arg_names and p_arg_values as input parameters
    to the chkbox_process)

    If your not so sure you can use the instanceof
    Object o = evt.getSource();
    if (o instanceof Button) {
    Button source = (Button) o;
    I haven't thoroughly read the thread, but I use something like this:if (evt.getSource() == someObjRef) {
        // do that voodoo
    ]I haven't looked into why you'd be creating a new reference...

  • WORKING example of BlazeDS with Flex 3 and FlexBuilder

    Can someone point me to an actual working example with BlazeDS used with Flex 3 and Eclipse?
    The examples on livedocs are broken or imcomplete. Others work to varying degrees but fail at some point.
    What I'd like to see is the following:
    1. How to create a project using
         a. Flex 3.0
         b. BlazeDS
         c. Eclipse - FULL project creation and deployment instructions.
         d. An example where the project is NOT created within the BlazeDS webapp that comes with the BlazeDS/Tomcat combo.
         e. An example where the ENTIRE project can be compiled and deployed to Tomcat in one shot.
         f.  An example where a DB can he altered using standard CRUD methods with the display displaying updated records without and event being used to
             refresh the view of the records.
    This shouldn't be too much to ask if Flex is to be expected to be taken seriously in data-driven applications. I've looked all over the web for weeks for something likethis and have come up with nothing. I don't need Spring or Hibernate at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm working on a proof-of-concept at this time and the pressure is mounting to come up with something.

    here is some stuff I wrote while back(they both have recorded video you can watch);

  • Blend Modes not working in CS6

    My blend modes aren't working. If I try to apply a blend mode, no effect.

    Hi, Noel. I'm very new at this, so I'll try to give you as much information as I can. Using blend mode on the single merged layer was working for me several hours ago. My process was Gaussian bur on layer, blend mode set to multiply on layer, and then desaturate. When blend mode was working, desaturation looked kinda funny (something wasn't right). I'm following this tutorial: http://wegraphics.net/blog/tutorials/how-to-design-a-vintage-style-ski-poster-in-photoshop /
    I tried adding a new layer under the old layer, but still not working. How do I set new layer as a background? I have no intent to save it as a partially transparent PNG.

  • Mavericks clamshell mode stopped working

    I have a summer 2007 15 "MacBook Pro and since upgrading to mavericks clamshell mode doesn't work anymore. Now closing the lid doesn't do anything and the laptop screen stays on and the computer doesn't sleep. I saw a blog entry which gave a terminal code to boot with the internal screen disabled. This is not the ideal way and secondly the computer still thinks the screen in use and as a result still is producing the desktop associated with the internal display.
    I want to have not only the screen off, gets really hot otherwise, but also the os to only create one desktop such that my windows don't get scattered over desktops that aren't visible. I just really need clamshell mode to work again.
    Any thoughts?

    Finally found a fix, i reset my smc. This not only returned clamshell mode back, but returned the fan level to a more normal and less noisy level. I guess the moral of the story is never update your OS while in clamshell mode.

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