K430 Graphics running AutoCAD?

I recently bought a K430 primarily for CAD modeling. I had thought the graphics (AMD 7750) card would easily handle at least 2D modeling, but have had it fail, then recover, about a dozen times in the last two days while running AutoCAD 2013 Architecture.
As 2D modeling does not seem particularly stressfull for it, I am thinking there might be something I'm missing, rather than it's simply not powerful enough.
So far as the Catalyst AMD software says, all the drivers are up to date. Any ideas???

Hi and welcome to Discussions,
Microsoft has pledged to support Windows XP till the year 2014 !
So no need worrying.
I also would suggest XP over Vista since it is not as 'resource-hungry' than Vista.
Have Fun

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    Yes, but I am inclined to agree with user Templeton Peck - I prefer Boot Camp.  Otherwise I was MAX OUT the ram upgrade.  And isn't it FRUSTRATING how expensive the new AutoCAD by Autodesk for MAC is?!?!  It's twice the price of a new MAC!  NUTS!  I did give the free trail a go & have to say that I like it....but not when I've already paid for a PC copy!  Frustrating, just frustrating...
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    In my opinion LabVIEW would be up to the task. However on important thing to note is that you can write inefficient code in any language. I would venture to guess that if you wrote the C++ code (sounds like you don't have much experience in that arena) there would be more risk of writing inefficient code than in a language you have experience with. In addition, LabVIEW makes it easy to support parallel processing which can improve your performance. Parallel programming in C++ is non-trivial. LabVIEW is a fully compiled language and doesn't suffer from performance hits you get from interpretive script languages.
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    You may want to look at some of the videos of the demos from this year's NI Week. There were some extremely powerful applications that very doing some very heavy duty number cruntching and data acquision.
    Mark Yedinak
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    It looks like Apple Hardware Test is not on the hard drive, so you need the original DVDs that came with your Mac. If you have not got them, call Apple to get these discs > http://support.apple.com/kb/HE57
    After getting them, follow these steps to run Apple Hardware Test > http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1509
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    I'm thinking of this one with more RAM - http://store.apple.com/us/buy-mac/macbook-pro?product=ME865LL/A&step=config
    Game specs are on steam:  http://store.steampowered.com/app/20920/   http://store.steampowered.com/app/204100/?snr=1_7_15__13    http://store.steampowered.com/app/8870/?snr=1_7_15__13
    What's the concensus?

    On low settings, yes.
    Although I do not recommend getting any MacBook pro's with Retina. They are known to have a lot of bugs and issues, software and hardware wise. For gaming, just go purchase a PC, or just a laptop for the same price, and it would run the games fine.
    Sony Vaio Pro 13 I believe would be a perfect choice.

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    I purchased the new Ideacentre K430 i7 3770. My unit has a HD Radeon 7750 Graphic card. My probloem and question is:
    the graphic card has only a HDMI and a VGA ports. I desperately need Dual Link DVI. Of couse I thought that it would have DVI because I believed that all new Graphic cards had DVI or Displayport. I was shocked when I got it home and ther was only HDMI and an old VGA port. 
    I have the RZ30W high end "30 monitor  from HP and it only has Dual link DVI and Displayport. Any tips, I can't seem to find an adaptor from HDMI to Dual Link DVI? I have tried 2 and both were single link and did not work. 
    Can I have Lenovo trade out the Graphic card for the same one but with the ports I need???
    Oddly, I am unable to find the HD Radeon 7750 with my port configuration--- they always seem top come with the ports I need. That is why I bought it !!!!!
    Help !!!
    Thanks for any response in advance.

    Hey There, what it seems like to me, is you need to download your video drivers from the website. Just go to the Support & Drivers page, put in your product, and download/install the video driver. And That should take care of your issue.

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    --robert (RAB)

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    Please kindly help me, this might be my first switch to Apple.

    No, the iPad is an iOS device, running a lightweight operating system.  It does not run MacOS (which is what you want to run Microsoft Office and AutoCAD) like an iMac, Mac Pro, Mac Mini, MacBook, MacBook Air or MacBook Pro.
    Please see the Autodesk System Requirements of AutoCAD for Mac.
    I suggest you visit an Apple Store to get your hands on the products for yourselves. The staff is very knowledgeable and will help you find the right solution for your needs.
    Edit: Color me surprised, a mobile version! I would check with the Engineering department and see if using the mobile version is suitable or not as it has a limited tool set. I would lean towards a laptop like the other poster above.

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