K7T Turbo2 Not Detecting on IDE scan.

Antex 300w.,MSI K7T Turbo 2,AMD AthlonXP 2000+,300mb SDRAM, Maxtor40G (7200rpm ATA/133),NVidiaGeForceMX/MX-400,52xCD/R-RW,16XDVD ROM,Ultra ATA/133 High Speed Dual Channel Controller,WinXP. When I boot this machine it detects on first screen, IDE Detect, as it should. When it gets to IDE scan screen it shows 0 thru 3 "not detected","press esc to continue or ....... to enter setup. then it shows what I call Scan Disk, white/black  bar line that goes all white to show progress. It then take alot of time to open XP to desktop. BIOS is set at Optimized selection. What am I missing?? Bad Board? Bad Builder (me)???  

Think that line is not showing progress of scandisk, but ending time to make a selection of entering setup or select a bootable device...

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    I just got this board in yesterday from Newegg.com. Floppy drive, fans, etc work fine. But it will not intiate any IDE devices. Hard drive, cdrom, or zip drive. All cables have been checked, hard drive works great, cdrom/s are fine. All bios settings look correct.
    Bios does not detect the cdrom or hard drive. All jumpers set correctly. Stand alone for the WD HD on IDE1, and master for the Cdrom on IDE2.
    Have tried the HD on IDE2 also. Nothing works.
    Is it a bios problem or a bad MB?
    Thanks for any Ideas.

    You try setting the HDD to Master instead of cable select? Make sure you didn't install the IDE cables backwards. Blue header in mobo.

  • K7T TURBO2 not detecting either HD (both WD)

    Here's my problem...
    I start my computer and it will not load Windows because it does not detect a bootable drive.
    My motherboard detects both CDROM drives but does not detect either hard drive.  I have the jumper settings on the HD's correct (Master - end of IDE cable, Slave - middle of IDE cable), plugged into IDE Slot 1 (using IDE cable).  I've tried the following:
    Setting all available jumper settings (Master/Slave)
    Using only 1 HD at a time set to Master (removed other HD off cable)
    Remove IDE2 (attached to CDROM drives) cable... MB detected no drives(!)
    Using a different IDE cable (in case other one was bad).
    The BIOS displays the correct CPU speed, RAM and CDROM drives, but it will not detect either HD.  I am almost positive that I have everything setup correctly, I've successfully built my own system half a dozen times.  It just seems that there is a setting or jumper somewhere that I'm missing (I removed the J17 jumper).
    Could the problem lie elsewhere and the result is what I'm seeing with no detection of my HD's?  It doesn't seem like my RAM would be the problem, as the system boots up fine, detects all attached RAM, but doesn't detect a bootable drive.
    Here's my system...
    MB: K7T TURBO2
    HD#1: WD Caviar AC310200 (10GB) UATA/66
    HD#2: WD Caviar WB300BB (30GB) UATA/100
    CDROM#1: Samsung 52x
    CDROM#2: TDK 48/24/48 CDR/W
    FLOPPY: Generic 1.44 3.5'''
    CPU: Athlon XP 1500 (Good heatsink/fan)
    RAM: 256 PC133 (Generic)/128 PC133 (Crucial)/128 PC133 (Crucial) = 512 PC133 Total
    VIDEO: Hercules 3D Prophet 4000XT
    SOUND: None (using built-in on MB)
    NIC: D-Link 10/100
    PSU: 400W COMPUSA Brand
    One last note...
    I used all of this hardware (MINUS THE K7T MB) in a previous system and everything worked fine together.  My previous MB was a K7S5A and the reason I replaced it with the K7T TURBO2 is because I wanted a better board with more features.
    I hope I've given enough details to my problem.  I appreciate any help given, thank you and if you have any questions for me, I'll be checking this post often so ask away!  THANKS AGAIN!!
    - Aaron

    I'm very close to buying another board,  but the problem is, there are no other boards at my computer store that I can use.  If there were I'd try one of them in a heartbeat.  
    I guess I could buy another board online, but my job is dependant upon my computer working, I can't wait a week while a new motherboard is shipped to me.
    I know the problem is not with my board because this is the second K7T I've tried and both gave me the same error.  The problem must be with a setting/jumper/other hardware component.
    I've tried every Jumper combination possible, still no detection.
    The exact error when my BIOS attempts to find a bootable drive (a HD to load Windows) is:

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    Hi all,
       When I'm trying to program my xc7k325t_0 on my Kintex 705 evaluation board, I get this error message:
    [Labtools 27-3123] The debug hub core was not detected at User Scan Chain 1 or 3. You must manually launch hw_server
    with -e "set xsdb-user-bscan <C_USER_SCAN_CHAIN scan_chain_number>" to detect the debug hub at User Scan Chain of 2 or 4.
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    INFO: [Labtools 27-1434] Device xc7k325t (JTAG device index = 0) is programmed with a design that has no supported debug core(s) in it.
      I have tried finding solutions to this, and that this error is because of the following:
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    the debug hub User Scan Chain setting is 2 or 4 (It is a 1 by default)
      It seems that there are no debug cores in my design. What should I do now? I am still a beginner, so any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    From which port are you taking the clock? Can you try using System Clock and let us know the results?
    set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD11 [get_ports SYSCLK_N]
    set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS [get_ports SYSCLK_N]
    set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD12 [get_ports SYSCLK_P]
    set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS [get_ports SYSCLK_P]
    Refer below link for more details:
    Search for documents/answer records related to your device and tool before posting query on forums.
    Search related forums and make sure your query is not repeated.
    Please mark the post as an answer "Accept as solution" in case it helps to resolve your query.
    Helpful answer -> Give Kudos

  • K8N Neo4 Platinum not detecting hard drive

    what may cause a K8N Neo4 Platinum to not detect an IDE hard drive? no matter what i try the mobo never sees the hard drive.

    welcome to the forum
    1) What Hard drive - size & make
    2) How connected - By itself as Master or slave.
    3) What other ide devices.
    it's a lot easier when u post some specs & we can quit the guessing games.

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    Originally posted by Dmayner Anyway when I was setting up my new board yesterday the first time I tried to start it up it would not initialize the primary IDE. Not knowing what else to do I switched cables. This seems to have fixed it and thus far I have not had any other problems
    More than likely a bad cable, damaged during the mobo swap.  They're more delicate than they look/feel.  The Turbo-2 is a very nice board, no vices to speak of.

  • K7T Turbo2 IDE woes

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    Source: DISK
    The driver disable the write cache on device \Device\Harddisk0\DR0
    (repeated FOUR TIMES) Source: ATAPI
    The Device \Device\IDE\IDEPort0 did not respond within the timeout period.
    Source: ATAPI
    The driver detected a controller error on \Device\IDE\IDEPort0
    This is a Maxtor 40g hard drive but was  previously using a Western Digital that returned the same errors.
    K7t Turbo2
    512meg RAM
    Maxtor 40g Master
    52x CD-ROM Slave
    950mhz Athlon TBird
    Linksys Network Card

    NO, I didn't reformat the hard drive and my mistake, this is a 20g Maxtor.  The power supply is a Codegen 300w

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    My system has two hard disks, and two cd/dvd type drives. The hard disks are jumpered as master/slave on one channel, and the cd/dvd as master/slave on the other channel. I can plug either cable into the primary IDE and the bios recognises whatever is on there (either the two hard disks, or the dvd/cd). Whatever I plug into the secondary IDE does not get recognised. This suggests to me that the cables are fine, and since the jumper arrangement worked fine with my last pc and remains unchanged, I'm pretty sure it can only be the IDE2 socket or something I'm not doing right in the BIOS. That said, both IDE channels are DEFINITELY set to ENABLED in the BIOS, and yet I cannot select the secondary master/slave devices to be anything other than 'none'.
    I've read the manual cover to cover and am at a loss for what to do next. Please help.  ?(

    :D  :D  :D  :D  :D
    All sorted now. My own stupid fault - the board was being short-circuited by bits of the case (whatever it's called where the board is mounted). Took them off and all is good.

  • K7T Turbo2 MOBO not supporting processor

    Hey all,
    Just bought a bunch of new hardware here:
    Athlon XP 2100+
    MSI K7T Turbo2 MOBO
    (plus other stuff that doesn't matter right now...)
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    Anyone have ANY ideas as to what's goin on?  Hopefully the MOBO isn't pooched and there's something we can do about this...

    But it's not even the jumper that's causing the problem - I upped the FSB to 132 MHz (the highest it would allow with J17 still on), and left the multiplier at default (whatever that may be), and the processor is now being recognized as an Athlon XP 2100+.  However, when I change the multiplier to 13, which should be the correct setting for a 2100+, the computer refuses to boot, whether the jumper's on or off.  In fact, if I set the multiplier to ANY number, the computer refuses to boot.  It's only when I leave it on Default that it will boot.
    Also, after I removed the jumper and did the above fix, my sound started working...  but only for a few minutes.  Then the computer crashed and it refuses to work again.
    Any other suggestions?

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    One clue - In the device manager there is a DMA checkbox in Properties>Settings>Options for the CD ROM. DMA was something I checked when the 4in1 installer was installing.
    (Hint: I do not know what DMA is.)
    I have tried removing the CD ROM via device manager but upon restarting I did not see the OS detect it and add it again.
    Anything else I should be looking for?

    hey, thanks Wonkanoby. Worked like a charm. May the force be with you.
    Next question!
    The graphics card details on the k7t turbo2 page say:
    AGP Specification Compliant
    Supports AGP 2.o 1x/2x/4x
    I would like to maximize my graphics card power but I dont want to pay for more than I can use. Does anyone have suggestions as to which card will do this for me or where a good place to ask is?

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    First of all, write what hardware other than mobo you have: cpu, power supply, graphics, memory, etc.
    also, read troubleshooting guide:
    Take care

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    Actually, this camcorder is an AVCHD cam, so it would attach via USB. Then the camcorder must be set to playback/USB mode.
    You would then use Add Media/From Flip or Camera to open the Video Importer and set the Source drop-down to your camcorder.
    Is this what you've done? Please be specific about the steps you're taking.

  • K7T Turbo2 Will Not Boot

    I just purchased a K7T Turbo2 w/ an Athlon 1Ghz CPU for a client. The system will not POST. I just get a Red-Green-Green-Red LED Readout.
    According to the manual, this means that the processor is not initializing.
    I have tried different RAM, a different Video Card, taken the board out of the case, and everything else I can think of.
    I don't have another processor to test with, so before I borrow one, I was wondering if it would be the processor, or if it would be the MB.
    Thanks in advance.

    I had the same problem with a KT3 Ultra2. I took it back, got another, and SAME THING! This is whats happenin'.
    One power supply would not turn anything on, plain and simple. The other power supply I had would power the board, but the power would come on after flipping the back black switch. No POST, no front panel buttons working, no g4mx440 bios, no speaker beeps at all. The LED pattern I had (at powerup) was R-R-G-G : init. hard drive controller. Doesn't make sense to me.
    I'm stumped. I'm using a Duron 1gHz and a Samsung DDR 128MB stick.  (the CPU and AGP card's fans also come on with the power.) X( Help would be great.

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